Baked ranetki in the oven recipe. How to dry apples in an electric oven? Recipes for making sushi. Amber jam in a slow cooker

The appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck is not associated with age. They are very often formed due to trivial dehydration of the skin, as well as clogging with toxins, dead cells, insufficient nutrition and toning.

Glycerin can successfully help at all stages of skin care against wrinkles.

He is capable of:

  • exfoliate the skin, cleansing it of old impurities, dead cells and blackheads;
  • intensively moisturize without creating swelling;
  • tonify;
  • create a lifting effect, restoring the oval of the face;
  • protect by creating the thinnest film on the skin;
  • whiten, as it has the property of washing away excess melanin from the upper layers of the epidermis.

REFERENCE! Glycerin does not cause allergic reactions and goes well with all cosmetic ingredients, increasing their biological activity. The substance's properties are a stabilizer, which makes it indispensable when carrying out cosmetic procedures at home.

How to use it correctly?

Glycerin is a transparent, viscous, odorless liquid with a sweetish taste. In pharmacies it is also sold under the name “glycerol”.

Before use, it must be diluted with water to avoid the opposite effect, that is, dehydration of the skin.

There is one more subtlety: the substance in combination with clean water works as a humidifier only when the room humidity is above 65%. Therefore, when fighting wrinkles, it must be combined with toning, cleansing and nourishing ingredients. It is also advisable to install humidifiers in your living space or office, especially in winter.

Glycerin and cosmetics containing it should not be used in the sauna. This is fraught with additional wrinkles for the skin.

Let's consider all the stages of face and neck care to smooth out wrinkles using glycerol.


For this purpose, a lotion is made from a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • glycerin - 10 ml;
  • boiled or mineral water without gas - 20 ml;
  • parsley decoction - 20 ml.

For dry skin, you can take plantain or lemon balm instead of parsley.

Every morning and evening before washing, apply this lotion to the face with a sponge or cotton swab for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Result: pores become narrower, flaking disappears, the skin begins to brighten, become saturated with moisture, and smooth out.


This procedure for oily skin should be carried out twice a week, for normal skin - once, for dry skin - once every ten days.

REFERENCE! Wrinkles often form on skin that has clogged pores and is poorly hydrated. Glycerin with specially selected components will help cope with this problem.

The following scrub is suitable for exfoliating oily skin:

  1. oatmeal steamed with hot water - 10 g;
  2. glycerin - 5 ml;
  3. baking soda - 3 g.

Mix the components, massage the cleansed face along the massage lines for two minutes, rinse with cool water.

It is better to exfoliate normal skin using the following mask:

  • green cosmetic clay - 10 g;
  • some warm water;
  • glycerin - 5 ml;
  • fennel aromatic oil - 2 drops.

Preparation: dilute the clay with water to form a paste, add glycerin and aromatic oil, apply to a cleansed face for 10 minutes, rinse.

For dry, wrinkled skin, you can use this nut scrub recipe:

  1. almonds - 10 g;
  2. glycerin - 5 ml;
  3. milk or cream - 10 ml.

Preparation: finely grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, add warm milk or cream, glycerin.

Gently treat the cleansed face with a nut scrub, paying special attention to the nasolabial triangle and wrinkles on the forehead.

ATTENTION! Before exfoliating, you can steam your face using a steam bath.

Result: the skin begins to breathe, renew itself, become saturated with moisture and smooth out.


For toning to get rid of wrinkles You can use a spray based on aqueous herbal decoctions with glycerin.

The prepared solution should be poured into a spray bottle and freshen your face every time after washing and throughout the day.

For oily skin:

  • dry currant leaf - 10 g;
  • water 150 ml.

Brew in a thermos for 1 hour, strain, cool, add 10 ml of glycerol.
Similarly, you can prepare a mixture for normal and dry skin.
For normal skin, you can take yarrow, and for dry skin, rosehip flower petals or regular chamomile are perfect.

To give the sprays a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the glycerin, the smell of which is pleasant to you.
Result: the skin is intensively moisturized and tightened throughout the day.

Nourishing masks

For effective and sustainable smoothing of wrinkles, the skin must be well nourished.

This is very convenient to do using masks with glycerin, as it will ensure deep penetration of nutrients into the skin.

Anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin

Preparation: grate raw potatoes, squeeze lightly, add glycerin and retinol.

Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes.

Result: vitamin A penetrates deep into the skin with the help of glycerin, rejuvenating and moisturizing.

Raw potatoes create a lifting effect and normalize sebum secretion.

For normal skin

  1. Cottage cheese - 20 g;
  2. yolk - 1 pc.;
  3. glycerol - 10 ml.

Preparation: Grind natural cottage cheese with raw yolk, add glycerin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Result: lasting wrinkle smoothing effect. With long-term use twice a week, age spots and freckles lighten.

For dry skin

  • Apple - 100 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • glycerol - 10 ml.

Preparation: Peel the apple and boil in milk until transparent. Grind with glycerin.

Result: glycerol combines perfectly with lactic and fruit acids, as well as apple pectin, giving sagging, tired skin elasticity and freshness.

Around eyes

The area around the eyes is very sensitive and ages quickly.

Glycerin is an ideal treatment agent in this area.

To prepare an emulsion against wrinkles around the eyes you need to take:

  1. avocado oil -10 ml;
  2. glycerol - 10 ml;
  3. castor oil -5 ml.

Preparation: measure and mix all ingredients in a pharmaceutical bottle, close and shake several times.

ATTENTION! Apply the emulsion only to moisturized skin. After 30 min. blot with a napkin.

Result: the skin becomes denser, bags and bruises disappear.

4 nightly recipes

To enhance the smoothing effect and increase skin elasticity, glycerin can be used at night in combination with vitamins and cosmetic oils.

Apply the mixture only to a cleansed face, an hour before bedtime. After 30 min. You need to be sure to blot your face with a damp cloth so that you don’t wake up in the morning with swelling.

With vitamin E

The most famous and miraculous anti-wrinkle mixture is glycerol with tocopherol (vitamin E). When preparing, add 3 vitamin capsules to 10 ml of glycerin, after puncturing them.

With vitamin A

In a similar way, you can prepare an anti-wrinkle remedy with vitamin A or with two vitamins at once - retinol and tocopherol, adding 3 capsules of each to 10 ml of glycerin.

Water and glycerol

Mix 5 ml glycerol with 20 ml water.
Generously wipe cleansed face with this mixture.

Apply a layer of any cosmetic oil suitable for your skin type on top.

For oily skin, you can take grape seed oil and St. John's wort.

For normal - wheat germ, macadamia, and for dry - sesame, avocado.

All oils interact harmoniously with glycerol, absorbing into the skin, smoothing wrinkles and nourishing it.

With lemon juice

Mix 5 ml of glycerol with 15 ml of water and 5 ml of lemon juice in a medicine bottle, shake. Apply at night to skin lubricated with cosmetic oil.

This recipe is especially suitable for oily, porous skin with deep wrinkles.

Contraindications and precautions

Glycerin does not cause allergies, but allergies may occur to other ingredients that are used with it. Therefore, before using any recipe, you need to do an allergy test.

IMPORTANT! Glycerol should only be purchased at a pharmacy, strictly 100% concentration.

It is worth remembering that the substance in its pure form dries out the skin., but does not moisturize it. Before external use, it must be diluted with water or aqueous decoction.

For cosmetic use, it should not be mixed with silicone, paraffin and wax-like substances. Such mixtures can injure the skin.

Since the substance helps wash out the melanin pigment from the skin, you should not use glycerin or products containing it for those who want to tan (before visiting a solarium or going to a resort).

It is advisable to use products with glycerol an hour before going out into the sun to avoid the formation of age spots.

Glycerin is a cheap, affordable, but very effective means for quickly and permanently smoothing wrinkles. The main thing when using is to choose the right components for a harmonious and effective combination that suits your skin type.

Trihydric alcohol was first discovered by a Swedish chemist back in the 18th century. Glycerin for the face allows you to protect and moisturize by absorbing and transferring environmental moisture to cells. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form; high concentrations lead to dryness and a feeling of tightness of the skin. The ideal amount of glycerin in a cream, emulsion or milk is 5–7%.

Benefits of glycerin for skin

  1. Softening and elasticity;
  2. Penetration of nutrients into the lower layers of the epidermis;
  3. Accelerate cell renewal;
  4. Removing free radicals, toxins, oxidants;
  5. Smoothes and prevents the appearance of expression lines and photo wrinkles.

A viscous liquid consists of:

  • esters;
  • fats;
  • phospholipids.

Indications: dry, dehydrated, flabby, tired skin.

Contraindications – inflamed, sensitive, thin skin, individual intolerance, allergies, burns on the integument. It is not advisable to use it in combination with silicone or apply pure glycerin to the face. The harm from such procedures is exhaustion and loss of moisture, disruption of oxygen metabolism.

It is very easy to use glycerin at home, and this component is also found in all moisturizing and anti-aging products. Covering with a thin film, it prevents dehydration and vitamin deficiency. Widely used in creams, gels, emulsions to correct oval shape and soften the dermis. Glycerin is very useful for the eyelid area; it effectively removes signs of fatigue, swelling and bags under the eyes.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Cream with glycerin

Result: by implementing the homemade cream recipe you can easily take care of your face, reduce the number of wrinkles, and improve color. The natural product nourishes and nourishes, protects against temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • 15 drops lemon extract.

Preparation and method of application: heat the nutritious oil in hot water, add a viscous liquid, mix everything until smooth with a mixer. Lastly, add the citrus extract, pour the finished product into a jar. Store for two/three months on the side shelf of the refrigerator. Making the cream is quite simple, you can also further enrich it with your favorite ingredients.

Application: spread in a thin layer half an hour before applying decorative cosmetics, in the evening after cleansing, instead of a night product.

The best glycerin masks for facial skin

Homemade recipes soothe and moisturize, promote rapid tissue restoration. Comprehensive facial care with glycerin prevents the formation of wrinkles and protects from sun rays. It is worth using for facial skin in natural formulations created with your own hands.

Anti-wrinkle mask with glycerin

Result: natural recipes with glycerin for the face smooth out facial and static wrinkles. Turgor and elasticity are restored, the immune properties of the dermis are activated.


  • a teaspoon of glycerin;
  • Art. spoon kelp;

Preparation and method of application: after steaming the seaweed with warm tea, after half an hour, combine with the yolk and viscous liquid. After cleansing, apply with a brush. Wash off after forty minutes with strained dandelion infusion. Apply glycerin against wrinkles by adding it to night cream.

Video recipe: Glycerin mask for facial wrinkles at home

Acne mask with glycerin

Result: a therapeutic glycerin mask relieves inflammation and soothes the epidermis.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 10 gr. chamomile flowers;
  • 10 gr. tramps.

Preparation and method of application: grind dry grass, combine with blue algae and alcohol. Rub into fabric for seven minutes, then remove with a damp sponge.

Mask with glycerin for blackheads

Result: skin care recipes at home get rid of blackheads and comedones.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 10 gr. black/green clay.

Preparation and method of application: combine the components, steam the dermis, apply the black mass to the area of ​​the nose and chin. After twenty minutes, wash with cold broth.

Mask with glycerin and vitamin E

Result: a face mask with glycerin increases the protective properties of the dermis.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • tocopherol ampoule;
  • protein.

Preparation and method of application: beat the chilled egg whites with a mixer, add the vitamin and moisturizer. Distribute in a layer along the massage lines, rest for thirty-five minutes. Remove with cotton pads and yarrow decoction.

Mask with glycerin and vitamin A

Result: eliminates age-related changes, refreshes, removes swelling. Recipe with glycerin and aevit.


  • coffee spoon of glycerin;
  • 3 capsules of vitamins.

Preparation and method of application: combine aevit and glycerin, dilute with green tea. After peeling, spread with a brush over the entire surface. Rinse with lemon infusion.

Mask with glycerin and gelatin

Result: deeply nourishes and restores the contour of the oval with a product containing gelatin and glycerin.


  • 3 ml glycerin;
  • 15 gr. gelatin.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the granules in the serum, stirring and adding a moisturizer. Apply layer by layer after scrubbing, rest for about forty minutes. Remove the film mask from the edge to the center.

Mask with glycerin and honey

Result: to prevent rosacea and the appearance of blackheads, you should use an anti-aging recipe.


  • a teaspoon of glycerin;
  • Art. spoon of honey;
  • Art. spoon of rice oil.

Preparation and method of application: add liquid glycerin and light oil to the candied sweetness. Apply the composition with smoothing movements on the steamed epidermis. Enjoy the lifting effect for a quarter of an hour.

Mask with glycerin and aloe

Result: provides deep hydration of the face, softens, improves turgor.


  • 10 ml glycerin;
  • 15 ml aloe.

Preparation and method of application: place the cut shoot of the plant in the refrigerator for ten days, then squeeze out the juice and combine it with a pharmaceutical preparation. Cool the resulting mass, then distribute the composition with glycerin overnight. After sleep, wipe with micellar liquid.

Mask with glycerin and lemon

Result: it will not be difficult to whiten your face with glycerin, cleanse and tighten pores.


  • 10 ml glycerin;
  • 5 ml lemon/lime juice.

Preparation and method of application: add fresh citrus juice to the pharmaceutical solution, clean the surface with chickpea flour, and spread the composition with a brush. Wait fifteen/eighteen minutes, rinse with warm serum.

Mask with glycerin and vinegar

Result: home peeling competes with salon procedures.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 5 ml wine vinegar;
  • 3 berries.

Preparation and method of application: combine all components and mix until smooth. Apply with a sponge and leave for no more than seven/eight minutes. Wash and treat the dermis with a soothing emulsion.

Mask with glycerin and white clay

Result: comprehensive facial care is provided by homemade cosmetics that cleanse and whiten the skin. Natural sorbent allows you to free cells from toxins, prolonging the youth of the skin.


  • 1 teaspoon glycerin;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of clay.

Preparation and method of application: viscous solution, combined with kaolin, diluted with mineral water. Apply the paste onto the face, avoiding the eyelids and lip area. After resting for twelve minutes, wash with infused hibiscus.

Mask for oily skin

Result: stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the skin soft and elastic easily with a natural remedy. Redness disappears, the ducts narrow, and the secretion of external glands decreases.


  • 1 teaspoon glycerin;
  • 15 drops of white wine;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of peas.

Preparation and method of application: turn canned peas into puree, add pure glycerin and wine. Having steamed the tissue with a compress, spread the pulp with a spatula. The procedure works for a quarter of an hour, washing with a cold decoction of hibiscus.

Mask for dry skin

Result: restores membrane structures, stimulates elastin synthesis.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 15 gr. dark chocolate.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the dessert, add pharmaceutical liquid. Quickly apply glycerin to the chocolate mask with a flat stick before the mixture cools down. Remove hardened residues and treat with coconut oil.

Rejuvenating mask

Result: glycerin and vitamin E for the face have a pronounced lifting effect.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • tocopherol ampoule;
  • tomato.

Preparation and method of application: remove the tomato skin, grind the pulp in a blender, add the liquid ingredients. After washing, spread with a sponge and wait half an hour. Remove with cosmetic pads and soothe red areas with pantothenic acid cream.

Cleansing mask

Result: removes the layer of keratinized epidermis, removes toxins and oxidants. It is recommended to use two/three times a month so as not to dry out the skin.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 15 gr. tramps.

Preparation and method of application: mix algae powder with a pharmaceutical solution and spread on the epidermis. Leave for ten/twelve minutes, wash with cold infusion of grapefruit peels.

Moisturizing mask

Result: saturates cells with acids and minerals, helping to accelerate the renewal process.


  • Art. spoon of glycerin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of paraffin.

Preparation and method of application: melt the paraffin in a water bath and add a viscous solution. Quickly spread on face, cover with film on top. After half an hour, remove the application and treat with cocoa butter.

Whitening mask

Result: the care product will get rid of age spots and improve complexion. In summer, use before going to the beach for a beautiful, even tan.


  • 5 ml glycerin;
  • 3 gr. soda;
  • 10 gr. starch.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing the white powders, pour in the liquid solution. Wipe the face with thermal liquid, distribute the composition in a circular motion. At the end of twenty minutes, remove the residue with a damp swab.

Video: Glycerin face masks at home

Trihydric alcohol glycerin is widely used by most cosmetologists in the manufacture of face masks, peelings, creams and other cosmetics. In addition, glycerin is an indispensable component of cosmetics prepared at home. A viscous liquid with a slightly sweet taste can be purchased at a pharmacy. In our article we will try to figure out how to make masks based on glycerin, and what positive effect these cosmetics have.

Glycerin, which has unique physical and chemical properties, is widely used not only in medicine and pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology. This chemical reagent is an inexpensive cosmetic product, but despite the availability of the component, it has many invaluable benefits:

In addition, glycerin, which is part of many cosmetics, prevents them from drying out quickly.

Rules for using glycerin-based masks

In order for a face mask with glycerin, prepared at home, to bring the desired effect, you must completely adhere to the recipe. To prepare a mask based on glycerin yourself, it is recommended to follow the following simple rules:

  • Do not use trihydric alcohol in extremely cold or hot weather. If the air is too dry, glycerin from the deep layers of the dermis will begin to take over the dermis, which will lead to the opposite effect.
  • A glycerin face mask against wrinkles is more effective in the first half of the day. Since the cosmetic product is very oily, it is better not to use it after lunch, as this will cause swelling.
  • It is advisable to add additional components to glycerin-based creams and masks. Components should be selected based on your skin type. For example, for representatives of the fair sex with oily skin, you can add a decoction of calendula inflorescences or clay to the mask, for ladies with dry skin, a mask with honey and glycerin is suitable, and for women with normal skin, the pharmaceutical product can be diluted with yolk and water.
  • It is not recommended to perform cosmetic procedures in a room with the air conditioner or heater on. The household appliances described above reduce the humidity level in the room, so the procedure will not give the expected effect.
  • Under no circumstances should you apply undiluted glycerin to your face, as the chemical in its pure form will take all the moisture from the skin. Facial products should not contain more than ten percent glycerin.
  • Before applying the glycerin mixture to your face, thoroughly cleanse your skin. You can cleanse your face of dirt using a tonic or a special scrub.
  • The cosmetic product should be washed off with a decoction of herbs or water at room temperature. A cloth napkin or soft sponge will help remove the remnants of the mask.

It’s not difficult to prepare glycerin masks yourself: just follow the recipe exactly.

It is important to know the mask recipe

Let's look at the most popular recipes for face masks.

Glycerin face mask with vitamin E

A rejuvenating mask with glycerin and vitamin E has proven itself well, which you can prepare yourself without leaving home. It protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, saturates the layers of the dermis with moisture, and minimizes the aging process and oxidation in skin cells. To enhance the effect, in addition to vitamin E, retinol (vitamin A) is added to the mixture.

To prepare the medicinal mixture you need:

  • liquid vitamin A – 10 ml;
  • liquid vitamin E – 10 ml;
  • glycerin – 10 ml;
  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • infusion of chamomile (freshly brewed) – 40 ml.

First, let's prepare the chamomile infusion. Brew a bag of chamomile in a glass of boiling water, and then let it brew for half an hour.

We will need a ceramic or glass bowl into which we will pour about 40 ml of chamomile infusion. Then add retinol and vitamin E and trihydric alcohol in liquid form to the mixture. All components are taken in equal proportions.

Add chicken yolk to the rest of the ingredients. But you need to take the chicken egg out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is not cold.

Mix all the components of the mask thoroughly and apply it to the face, leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The anti-aging agent is removed using running warm water. Course – 10 daily procedures.

Glycerin mask with gelatin

It’s no secret that, thanks to its tightening effect, gelatin helps get rid of fine wrinkles and also tightens the skin of the face. Creams and masks with gelatin and glycerin are an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures.

Gelatin tightens facial skin

To achieve maximum effect, before using a mask with gelatin, you need to steam your face well.

To prepare a cosmetic product, mix an ampoule of glycerin with a tablespoon of gelatin powder. Add a spoonful of milk to the mixture, mix well and leave the gelatin to swell. After the gelatin has completely dissolved, apply the mixture to the skin and leave it for twenty minutes.

This gelatin mask is suitable for sensitive and dry skin, as it saves it from microcracks, chapping and flaking. In addition, the cosmetic mixture helps to soften rough areas of the skin: knees, elbows, fingertips.

In order for beneficial substances to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, it is recommended to pre-steam the face or rough areas of the skin.

Glycerin mask with honey and gelatin

This product is perfect for ladies with oily skin. Glycerin in combination with honey and gelatin has unique properties, simultaneously removing blackheads from the face, cleansing pores, smoothing and whitening the skin.

To prepare the product we will need:

  • honey – 15 milliliters;
  • gelatin – 5 grams;
  • aspirin – 1 tablet;
  • glycerin – 15 milliliters;
  • water – ½ cup.

First, pour the gelatin with water and leave to swell for twenty minutes. Grind the acetylsalicylic acid tablet into a powder. In a glass container, mix the swollen gelatin, glycerin and honey.

Bring the mixture in a glass jar to a boil in a water bath and, stirring constantly, simmer until all components of the cosmetic product are completely dissolved.

A mask with glycerin lasts 20 minutes

Let the finished mask cool slightly and apply it warm to the face for twenty minutes, and then rinse with running water.

The mixture can be stored for 30 days in a cool place and warmed slightly before application. If you apply gelatin, honey and glycerin to your face every 7 days, you can achieve effective lifting - an effect that is no worse than the results from procedures in beauty salons.

Baked apples in the microwave are a very healthy dish. If you want something tasty quickly, prepare this dessert recipe in the form of baked apples in the microwave with honey.

Apples are the most common fruit in our country, which are used in food not only fresh, but also after heat treatment. The taste and dietary usefulness of apples is determined by their fairly high content of sugars and mineral salts.

How great it is to get a winter apple in winter and crunch it with pleasure! But not every stomach can digest the harsh peel that characterizes winter apple varieties. Of course, you can cut it off, but I suggest another option - bake the apples in the microwave (here).

Cooking apples in the microwave

So, wash the apples of strong varieties (4 of them are enough for me), peel them from the tails and cut them into a cone from the side of the stalk in order to clean out the seeds inside.

You can pour a little sugar into this hole, but a teaspoon of honey is healthier. On top you can add a few raisins, dried apricots, and berries to taste. Place the prepared apples in a special bowl and place them in the microwave for about ten minutes on a medium level.

We take out the baked apples, let them cool and now you can decorate them with whipped cream if you wish!

If for some reason you cannot cook apples in the microwave, do not despair, they can be baked just as well in the oven. And another option is just in a frying pan over a small fire, only in this case you need to pour a little water into the frying pan so that the apples don’t burn.

You will feel all the vitamins, all the warmth and sunshine when you feast on this family dessert, many at this competition. Bon appetit!

A generous harvest of ranetki will allow you to prepare a beautiful and aromatic addition to tea, popular at any time of the year, but especially in winter.

There are several ways to prepare such a delicious dessert.

Preparation method No. 1: ranetki in syrup

  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • citric acid - optional.
  1. Wash the Ranetki and cut into slices.
  2. You can remove the skin.
  3. Place apple pieces in salted water.
  4. In case of high density of fruits, blanching apples for 3-5 minutes is permissible.
  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  6. Place the slices into boiling syrup, stir lightly, and set aside overnight.
  7. Repeat three times.
  8. Boil for the last time until tender, adding citric acid if desired.
  9. Roll up hot into prepared container. The canned jam will be transparent and very aromatic.

Read about how to prepare northern cloudberries for the winter here.

Transparent jam from whole ranetki in aromatic syrup

Whole little ranetkas with tails look appetizing in thick sugar syrup.

  • 3 kilograms of small firm apples;
  • 3 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 3 glasses of plain water.
  1. Rinse apples in plenty of water.
  2. Sort through, removing rotten or wormy ones.
  3. Pierce the peel with a toothpick or large needle in 2-3 places.
  4. Place in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove from water and place on a sieve.
  6. Pour water over sugar and put on fire.
  7. Cook until sugar dissolves.
  8. Pour hot syrup over blanched ranetki.
  9. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes.
  10. Remove from the stove and set aside.
  11. After 2 hours, roll into sterilized, dry jars.
  12. Store the twist in a dark and cool place.

Amber jam in a slow cooker

  • 1 kilogram of small-fruited apples;
  • half a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of clean cold water.

How to prepare this delicate delicacy that melts in your mouth:

  1. Wash and sort the fruits.
  2. Remove peel and seeds.
  3. Cut into pieces suitable for a meat grinder or food processor.
  4. Grind the prepared ranetki.
  5. Add sugar to fresh puree.
  6. Set aside for several hours to better dissolve the granulated sugar.
  7. Mix and place in a slow cooker.
  8. Before boiling, the unit must be turned on in the “Frying” mode.
  9. Then switch the multicooker to low pressure mode.
  10. After 20 minutes, release the steam and roll the ranetka jam into a dry, sterilized container.

Homemade apple marshmallow - recipe here.

Preparations from ranetki for the winter: jam in slices and whole, jam in a slow cooker

Recipes for preparing ranetki for the winter: jam from whole fruits and pieces (slices), as well as a version of amber jam for owners of a multicooker.

Ranetka jam for the winter

Ranetki are miniature apples, popularly called “paradise apples”. Although the size of the fruit is small, its high pectin content makes it an ideal product for jam, marmalade or marmalade. In their raw form, ranetki do not have a very attractive taste; they are quite tart and sour. But during heat treatment with the addition of sugar, only a sweet tint begins to prevail, and the viscosity disappears. That’s why ranetki jam is especially popular.

Sweet preparations from these fruits are prepared at the end of August - beginning of September, when the harvest is ripening en masse. For transparent, beautiful jam from whole fruits, you should choose the smallest apples, no more than 3 cm in volume. They should be ripe, completely red, without damage, dents or wormholes. Larger ones are suitable for other recipes.

Jam recipes

There are not as many options for preparing sweet preparations for the winter from heavenly apples as, for example, recipes for pear jam. I will share those that I use myself when the ranetki harvest is good.

Ranetka jam with lemon flavor

It was with this recipe that my acquaintance with sweets from paradise apples began.

For the first time I had the opportunity to try ranetka jam while visiting my cousin. I rarely visit her at home and therefore our meetings are equated to a holiday. She always sets the table wide. She treats her with a variety of goodies, and that time she also treated her to tea and jam. To tell the truth, I realized that the jam was made from ranetki, but its taste was so amazing that my hand reached out for more.

  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Type of dish: jam
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 1 l


  • Ranetki - 500 g
  • cinnamon –¼ tsp.
  • lemon juice – 50 g
  • granulated sugar – 500 g
  • water – 100 g.

How to cook:

Then I cut off all the tails and tear off the leaves so that only peeled apples can be used for jam.

I sprinkle the apples with granulated sugar. I'll leave it to soak overnight and let out the juice. I also add a little water there so that during the cooking process the jam does not stick to the walls of the dish.

I put it on the stove and boil the jam for 15 minutes with breaks to cool completely. This way I maintain maximum integrity of the fruit. I boil it 2 times first.

After boiling it three times, squeeze lemon juice into the jam. It will lighten the jam a little and make it more transparent. Also, citric acid will help the apples retain their shape and not fall apart.

I add a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon. I simmer the jam a couple more times for 15 minutes with breaks for complete cooling.

I put the hot, aromatic jam into jars. But glass jars, as for any preservation, are first washed and sterilized.

I close the lids tightly.

I leave the jars of jam to cool. Any blanket or blanket is suitable for this. I send them for storage either in the basement or in a dark pantry where light will not reach. In a dark, cool place, such a preparation retains its appearance, fresh taste and aroma for a long time.

A simple recipe for whole ranetki

The easiest way to prepare a delicious and impressive winter treat from whole mini-apples.

Required Products:

  • Ranetki - 3 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 0.5 l
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp.


  1. Remove the stalks, rinse the fruits and use a toothpick or needle to make several punctures in them.
  2. Boil water and pour several dozen apples into it for a few seconds. This will soften the tough skin.
  3. After scalding with boiling water, immediately place the fruits in ice water.
  4. Mix sugar with the amount of water specified in the recipe and heat the syrup.
  5. Boil it for about 3 minutes.
  6. Cool the syrup and pour it into the prepared ranetki.
  7. This workpiece should be left for several hours to soak
  8. After this, place the container with jam on the stove and cook for about 20 minutes. This should be done on low heat. Add cinnamon.
  9. Cool the jam and leave it for 6 hours.
  10. Boil and cool the dessert twice more according to the same scenario.
  11. Pour hot jam into jars.

Transparent from whole apples of paradise with tails

The jam looks very beautiful when not only the integrity of the fruit is preserved, but also the tails. This is suitable for decorating desserts and cocktails.


  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruits, but do not remove the stems. Make several punctures in the skin to prevent cracking. fruits
  2. Prepare syrup from sugar, water and citric acid.
  3. Dip the ranetki into hot syrup and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the container with the dessert from the heat and cool. The optimal “breathing time” is 4-5 hours.
  5. After this, boil the apples again for 20 minutes.
  6. Leave the apples for a day.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  8. Place the hot dessert into sterile jars.

Ranetka jam in slices

From large varieties of paradise apples you can prepare a delicious preparation with a citrus aroma.


  • ranetki - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • juice and zest of 1 orange
  • water - 400 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the apples in cold water and keep them there for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash and dry the fruits.
  3. Cut each ranetka in half and clean them of tails and seeds.
  4. Grind the pulp into small thin slices.
  5. Place the prepared fruit mass in a jam container and cover it with sugar.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the orange and grate the zest here.
  7. Infuse the preparation for several hours.
  8. Using a slotted spoon, remove the ranetki slices from the resulting juice.
  9. Place the syrup on the stove and add water to it.
  10. Stirring, bring this liquid to a boil.
  11. Place the previously removed ranetkas into the boiling syrup.
  12. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes. Mix everything very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the slices.
  13. Remove the container from the heat and let the jam stand overnight at room temperature.
  14. Place the pan on the heat again and cook for 30 minutes. During this time, the mass will have time to acquire the desired thickness and attractive caramel color.

If you use the tips described below when making ranetki jam, the dessert will turn out simply amazing:

  • For this type of jam you definitely need water, because “paradise apples” are dense and dry and don’t give much juice;
  • cut the ranetki quickly so that they do not have time to darken;
  • the taste of the dessert can be successfully complemented with vanilla, cinnamon and even cocoa;
  • to determine the readiness of the dessert, look at its droplet on a cold surface - if it does not spread, then you can finish cooking;
  • the transparency of the apples also indicates readiness;
  • Ranetka jam can be used to decorate desserts, cakes and ice cream;
  • Jam is perfectly stored in a cellar, a cool pantry or on a closed balcony.

By the way, few people know about the enormous benefits of this dessert for humans. Science has proven the ability of ranetki (and dishes made from them) to help the body fight heavy metal salts, remove radionuclides and kill pathogenic bacteria.

Ranetka jam for the winter - simple recipes with photos

Ranetki jam for the winter is very simple and tasty, regardless of whether it is made from whole apples or in slices.

What preparations for the winter can be made from ranetki - small apples?

What preparations for the winter can be made from ranetki - small apples?

Ranetki are incredibly tasty and aromatic apples. They are also called heavenly. You can make jam, jam and compote from ranetki. Here is an example recipe for jam: sort out the ranetkas and wash them under running water, place them in a colander and let the water drain. Next, place them in a volumetric container without cleaning or freeing them from the core. Pour in cold water and place on the stove. Cook until soft for about forty minutes. Then they should be rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree (for 3 kg of ranetki 2 kg of sugar) and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes until tender.

You can prepare various preparations for the winter from ranetki.

  1. The most popular is jam made from whole apples. To do this, you need to take apples of approximately the same size, without a wormhole. Wash the apples and prick each apple with a toothpick near the tail. For 1 kg of apples you need to add about 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water, and citric acid on the tip of a knife. First boil the syrup, then add the apples and simmer for a few minutes. Leave to infuse overnight and soak in syrup. Then cook again until done and put into jars while hot.
  2. You can bake the apples in the oven and, after cooling, rub them through a sieve. Add sugar to taste (about 1 liter of sugar per 1 liter of puree). boil for 5-10 minutes and roll up.
  3. Ranetki will make a delicious compote. You can also add pears, plums, and dogwoods to the apples. In a 3-liter jar, put (no more than 1/3 of the jar's volume) washed and cut into pieces fruits, add 1 cup of sugar, pour boiling water and immediately roll up. Turn the jars over and wrap her up for a couple of hours. Store the note in a cool place.

There are usually a lot of small ranetki apples, and therefore many different preparations can be prepared from them. They will make good jam. Or here’s a compote of these apples and plus black rowan. Although it is possible without the latter.

A beautiful and tasty preparation for the winter from ranetki can be made according to an already proven recipe, ranetka jam. It’s sweet, but on winter evenings the wonderful amber delicacy goes with the seagull.

All the beauty and charm is in the tails of the fruit, do not tear them off. Just wash the apples and preferably pierce each one with a toothpick along the entire length of the fruit. For a kilogram of wild ranetki, take one and a half kilograms of sugar. If desired, you can add citric acid.

You can immediately sprinkle the apples with sugar and set them to cook, only a saucepan or other vessel for cooking jam with thick walls. I always prepare sugar syrup first (a glass of water for 1.5 kg of sugar), boil it a little and spread the ranetki. Do not stir, the apples should remain whole. I just periodically go up and pour syrup over them, which I carefully take with a ladle along the edges of the pan. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

I remove it from the heat, now select a plate that matches the diameter of the pan and place it on the surface of the apples so that they are in the syrup all the time; you can even place a small press on top of the plate, for example a jar of water. We leave everything for a day.

The next day, I cook the ranetka jam for about ten minutes and put it hot into clean jars.

Ranetki are actually so small that fussing with them is not particularly worth praising, so it is best to cook them whole, without even tearing off the tails.

It is done something like this (proportion: 1 kg ranetki, 1 liter water, 1 kg sugar):

The ranetki need to be pierced in 4 places (it is best to use a wooden toothpick).

Combine sugar with water and boil until there is syrup.

After 12 hours, drain the syrup from the apples, bring to a boil and pour in the ranetki again.

Thus we repeat the procedure 3 times.

We do not drain the syrup 4 times, but boil it with the ranetki for about 10 minutes. Here, make sure that the skin does not burst, monitor the temperature.

Immediately after turning off the stove, roll it into jars.

Ranet jam. Sort the apples, wash them, and prepare them classically with the stem. Calculation for 1 kg ranet 800 g sugar, 100 g. water, lemon on the tip of a knife. It is better to select apples of the same size. Boil the syrup, prick the fruit with a needle and drop into the boiling syrup. Boil for 5 minutes. Let cool. The boiling procedure is repeated until the apples become transparent. Place in hot jars.

A compote of ranet with cherry plum is successfully obtained.

My mother says that now everyone is spoiled by an abundance of sweets, and in their childhood, jam from ranetki with tails was a favorite delicacy.

It was very convenient to take the ranetka by the tail and eat it, washing it down with tea or milk.

Ranetki jam differs from apple jam in its unusual dessert taste.

This jam is cooked like this:

1 kg of clean ranetki with tails poured over prepared hot syrup, boiled from 1 kg of sugar and a cup of water.

Let it brew overnight, and then boil for 5-10 minutes, that is, until the thickness you need, put it in clean jars. Store in the refrigerator.

From ranetki you can also cook jam in the form of a homogeneous mass and jam with whole apples.

For starters - jam. Unlike other recipes I have come across, here the body of the apple is not preserved, but rubbed through a sieve, so the apples are not pierced during the cooking process to release the juice, only individual fruits are checked for readiness (see screenshot):

Then sugar is added to the pureed mass (at a ratio of 2 to 1, usually 1 kg of ranetki - half a kilo of sugar). The mass is boiled over low heat until the desired consistency is reached. Then the resulting jam needs to be twisted and left to cool upside down.

Personally, I am confused by the abundance of sugar in this recipe. You can’t call this jam dietary. It’s a pity that the author does not indicate the specific amount of water or even the minimum time that will have to be spent to prepare the jam.

5 g citric acid

Please note the following points:

Ranetki belong to small-fruited varieties of apple trees.

Because of their taste, the fruits of apple trees of the Ranetka variety are suitable for preparing such preparations for the winter as: clear apple jam, jam, compote.

Since recipes for making jam and jam from Ranetka apples have already been described here, I will try to give a complete recipe for making a delicious compote from Ranetka apples.

To prepare the compote, we need to take Ranetki (apples), sugar (1 glass per 3-liter jar), and water.

Boil water. Place apples in sterilized jars (1/3 of the jar). Pour boiling water over the apples and leave for 10 minutes.

Pour the boiling water from the jars back into the container, add sugar (1 cup of sugar per 3-liter jar) and boil the syrup again.

Pour the boiled syrup over the ranetki apples and roll up the jars. Turn the jars over and wrap until cool. It is advisable to take the cooled jars to a cool place for storage.

Every year, the fragrant Ranetki apple trees bring a generous harvest of small apples, and at this time, from the apples of paradise, you can prepare a lot of canned products for the winter. Homemade jam made from early varieties of apples makes very tasty and aromatic jam. To prepare you will need:

Sprinkle clean, dry apples with sugar and leave overnight. The next day, add a lemon wedge to apples soaked in syrup and boil the sweet mass until tender, and pour the jam into steamed jars.

According to a similar recipe, apples of paradise can be prepared in slices for the winter. Cook the jam according to the previous recipe. The only difference is to cut the apples in half, otherwise the harvesting process is the same.

The sweet dessert will complement the taste of tea, in the preparation of filling for pastries and you can taste jam with bread.

What preparations for the winter can be made from ranetki - small apples? Useful information for everyone

What preparations for the winter can be made from ranetki - small apples? Ranetki are incredibly tasty and aromatic apples. They are also called heavenly. You can make jam, jam and compote from ranetki. Here

Options for preparing ranetki confiture for the winter

Confiture is a delicious preparation for the winter, which is a cross between jam and preserves. This is a very useful thing, since it is almost always prepared without adding water, or with small quantities of it.

Thus, fruits, berries and other valuable components included in the confiture retain more beneficial properties, since they are actually steamed in their own juice.

  • How to use jam?
  • Reviews and comments

How to use jam?

The only disadvantage of confiture recipes is the large amount of sugar that appears in it. However, you can adjust this point according to your own preference, since the finished dish does not necessarily have to be sweet.

Many people use it as sauces, marinades and dressings for savory meat and fish dishes. By the way, jam can also be successfully used as a preliminary marinade - it will soften the meat, make it juicy, soft and tender. Well, today we’ll talk about the technologies for preparing marmalade from ranetki.

There are many recipes for making confiture from ranetki, and they all have their own charm. Some leave the taste of the preparation virtually pristine, that is, sour, while others, on the contrary, prefer to sweeten it. Jam and ranetki jam for the winter is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Its aroma can conquer even small children, who usually treat “adult” dishes without much inspiration and enthusiasm. You can use this blank in any way you like.

Some people like to eat it with white bread for breakfast, others drink it with hot tea, and still others even season their meat with it to make it refined and piquant. One way or another, preparations from ranetki for the winter are nutritious and healthy, and you can’t argue with that. Let's start preparing this delicacy and choose its perfect recipe!

Classic recipe for making apple confiture

Any wild apple variety is suitable for this recipe. If you want, you can experiment with the ingredients and add something at your own discretion, since we offer you a traditional one-ingredient recipe. It is known that apples in all types are best combined with cinnamon, so it can be safely added to any version of jam or preserves, despite the original technology.

The resulting product will be guaranteed to be tasty and healthy. It will be the perfect addition to a winter tea party with family or friends.

To prepare standard ranetki confiture for the winter you will need:

  • Apples (wild ranetki) – 1 kg;
  • Sugar (white or brown) – 1.5 kg.

Cooking instructions:

  • The first step is to prepare the apples themselves. They must be thoroughly washed under running water using soap, and all twigs and leaves must be cut off;
  • You can leave the apple skins as they are very tender and are guaranteed to dissolve in the syrup when cooked. Neither you, nor your guests or household members will definitely feel the presence of apple peel in the preparation. The cores of the fruit can be cut out or left in place at the personal discretion of the hostess. Remember that apple seeds are sometimes healthier than their pulp;
  • Cut the apples in any way convenient for you (it’s better to chop them more thoroughly, but you still shouldn’t turn the fruits into puree);
  • Pour the prepared ranetki into a thick-walled fireproof container and gradually cover with an even layer of sugar;
  • Place the container on the fire. “Experienced” housewives claim that it is best to supplement the resulting apple-sugar mixture with ½ cup of boiling water. This way you get more syrup, and besides, you can be distracted and not constantly monitor the jam - it is almost guaranteed not to burn to the walls of the container;
  • If you took wild ranetki, and not garden ones, then you should cook them for at least 40 minutes, since they are quite hard compared to their “domesticated” counterparts. To prepare confiture from garden ranetki, half an hour will be enough;

  • Pour the cooled jam into a previously prepared sterilized container and roll up. Your confiture is ready, and now throughout the fierce winter you can enjoy real forest aromas!

Wild ranetki do not darken when cooked.

Thanks to this advantage, you can safely add sugar to the mixture if you find it not sweet enough, and you won’t have to worry about spoilage of the finished product.

And, as we already mentioned, you can diversify this basic recipe with spices and spices at your discretion. Cinnamon and cloves will fit most harmoniously here, as with any other apple preparations.

It should be noted that some housewives prefer not to cut apples at all. That is, leave the fruits whole, freeing them only from twigs and leaves. You can also use this cooking technology if you prefer whole fruits in jam.

Recipe for apple confiture with citric acid

In addition to sugar, this recipe will contain citric acid, which will help you make the confiture even more rich, “caramel” in taste.

So, you will need:

  • Ranetki – 1 kg;
  • Sugar (preferably white) -1.3 kg;
  • Citric acid – ¼ teaspoon;
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • This cooking recipe calls for the use of whole fruits approximately 1.5-3.5 cm in diameter. Moreover, it is desirable that apples of the same size appear in each batch of confiture;
  • So, rinse the wounds thoroughly with water and laundry soap. Go through them - make sure that there are no scratches or wormholes on the fruits, otherwise the finished jam will be hopelessly spoiled! Also cut off twigs and leaves from the fruit;
  • Once the apples are ready, pierce each along the axis with a toothpick;
  • Start making sweet caramel syrup from sugar, citric acid and water;
  • Without waiting for the syrup to thicken, immerse your prepared ranetki in it (this should be done at the beginning of its boiling);
  • Now you cannot stir the resulting mass, otherwise the apples may fall apart. Therefore, carefully scoop the syrup along the edges of the pan with a ladle and periodically pour them from above;
  • Next, you should find a dense plate, approximately equal in diameter to the pan. Place it on the surface of the apples and press it with a not too heavy press (a filled half-liter jar is ideal as a mini-weight). In this state, your jam should stand for 24 hours;
  • After 24 hours, remove the weight and plate, and boil the resulting clear jam again for 5-10 minutes over low heat;
  • To check if the dish is ready, remove the largest apple from the pan and cut it in half. If it cuts easily, and its internal structure resembles marmalade, then your confiture is ready. If the fruit is not completely saturated with syrup, put the jam under the press again and wait 5-6 hours. Then simmer the mixture again over low heat for 5-7 minutes;
  • Carefully pour the finished confiture into sterilized glass jars with screw caps. It's better to do it hot. And try not to damage the integrity of the apples. This delicious jam should be stored in a cool place. Ideal if you have a cellar in your house. But if you don't have one, place the jars in a dry, dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

Even your children will not refuse such tasty and healthy transparent jam with a golden-honey tint. Serve it with tea, toast, or use it as a pie filling. And of course, eat whole candied fruits in winter - it’s healthy and very filling.

If you are a fan of various preparations for the winter, be sure to treat yourself and your household to ranetki confiture. And of course, treat your dearest guests to it. This dish is guaranteed to please even the most sophisticated gourmets.

You can also make sauces and dressings for other dishes from it. And don’t be afraid of its “sweetness” - even spicy meat dishes turn out great with this sauce. Bon appetit!

Options for preparing ranetki confiture for the winter

Classic recipes for sweet preparations from ranetki for the winter: we make delicious confiture with a bright forest aroma! Only we have the right cooking technologies! / Based on materials from