Assorted globes in 5 liter jars. Pickled cucumbers for the winter “Globe. Recipe from the past

Many people prepare compotes in the summer from fresh berries and fruits to preserve them for the winter. Imagine how delicious it is when during the cold season you have the opportunity to drink something summery, fresh and so sweet!

We have prepared for you recipes for a wide variety of drinks, not only in appearance, but also in taste. You can choose the sweetness for yourself, which means the compote will be perfect!

General cooking principles

To prepare compote, you first need containers, and then lids. In order to close the compote, we recommend choosing three-liter jars. If you take less, believe our experience, it will not be enough.

After purchasing the container, you must sterilize it. First you need to wash them and then put them in the microwave for ten minutes at maximum power or in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for a quarter of an hour. You can also sterilize in a pan of boiling water for the same fifteen minutes.

Fruit compote “Assorted” without sterilization

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

We will prepare a drink from three types of fruits to make the taste even more special. It will be sweet and delicious!

How to cook:

Tip: You should not add as much sugar as the recipe calls for. Taste and adjust for yourself.

Recipe from the past

How much time - 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 63 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pears, peel them if desired, cut into slices;
  2. Be sure to core the fruit;
  3. Wash the peaches thoroughly to remove any “hairiness”;
  4. Cut in half, remove the pit and cut each fruit into slices;
  5. Rinse the plums, cut them into halves, remove the pits;
  6. You can cut each half in half more;
  7. Peel apples if desired and possible;
  8. Cut into slices, removing the cores with seeds;
  9. Distribute all the fruits into three 3-liter jars;
  10. Pour the indicated amount of water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  11. Pour boiled water into jars, cover them with lids and let steep for ten minutes;
  12. Once the time has passed, drain the water back into the saucepan or saucepan;
  13. Return to the stove and add sugar;
  14. Bring to a boil, stir and cook the syrup for five minutes;
  15. After this, pour it into jars, close the lids and put it in a warm place until it cools completely.

Tip: You can replace sugar with honey to get a new and unusual taste.

"Berry Delight"

What awaits you is not just compote, but a real assortment of berries. To be more precise, the drink will contain four different types of fruits.

How much time - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 34 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the raspberries and place them in a colander carefully so that the berries are not damaged;
  2. Fill a deep bowl with 2/3 of cool water;
  3. Dip the raspberries with a colander into the water several times. This way you can thoroughly wash the berries;
  4. After this, place the fruits on a dry towel;
  5. Sort the strawberries too, discarding spoiled and crushed berries;
  6. These fruits can be washed with running water, but under a weak stream, because berries are still a delicate product;
  7. Sort the currants, clean them of leaves, twigs and other debris;
  8. Place the berries in a colander and rinse them in the same way as raspberries;
  9. Sort the cherries, tear off all the stems;
  10. Rinse the fruits with running water, let them dry by pouring them onto a dry towel;
  11. Divide each type of berry into two parts and place in two 3-liter jars;
  12. Pour water into a six-liter saucepan or saucepan (if you don’t have such a large dish, boil the water in two batches);
  13. Place on the stove, turn on the heat and bring to a boil;
  14. Pour into jars, cover with lids and let sit for ten minutes;
  15. When time has passed, drain the water back into the saucepan or saucepan;
  16. Bring to a boil again, add sugar;
  17. Stirring, let it dissolve, boil for five minutes;
  18. After this, pour the syrup into jars, immediately close the lids and put them upside down under warm, prepared blankets.

Tip: you can replace or supplement the berries with others to suit your taste.

Compote assorted berries and fruits

This is a recipe for more than just berry or fruit compote. There will be fruits and berries here. Now imagine how delicious it will be when you add your favorite foods to it.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 41 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the cherries and cherries, remove the stems and rinse with running water;
  2. Wash the apricots thoroughly, divide into halves;
  3. Remove the seeds and set the fruit aside for a while;
  4. Wash the apples, peel them if desired, cut the fruits into slices;
  5. Cut out the centers along with the seeds;
  6. Sort through the currants, pick off all the branches and leaves and place the berries in a colander;
  7. Pour cool water into a bowl to fill 2/3 of the dish;
  8. Dip the berries into it several times to rinse them thoroughly;
  9. Next, put the currants, cherries and cherries in a jar;
  10. Send apples and apricots there;
  11. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove and turn on the heat;
  12. Let it boil, then pour into a jar;
  13. Cover with a lid and leave for twenty minutes;
  14. When time has passed, pour the water without berries and fruits back into the bowl;
  15. Return it to the fire, boil again, but with sugar;
  16. Stir the water until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  17. When the syrup is ready, it must be cooked for another five minutes;
  18. Pour into the jar and roll up the lid with a key. Ready!

Tip: For a subtle taste, add vanilla sugar or add a vanilla pod to the jar.

Instead of sugar, you can add honey to the compote, but then it should not be added to boiling water. You should first pour boiling water over the berries and fruits, wait a minute and only then add honey. Then immediately roll up the lids with keys.

To get a fragrant and slightly spicy drink, we recommend adding some special products to it, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods and so on.

Think about the cold winter in advance, prepare drinks that will definitely make you happy in 4-6 months. It's delicious, fresh and sweet. Not only you, but also your loved ones will like it, especially if there are kids in the family.

People of the Soviet era probably remember how jars of cucumbers produced in Bulgaria were bought in great demand. Small in size, beautiful olive color, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste... Probably everyone had a jar or two of these cucumbers in their house for a holiday or birthday, despite the fact that they were in terrible short supply in those days.

Of course, we also always pickled and preserved preparations, but no one knew or knew the recipe for just such a “Bulgarian” preparation. We tried to do something similar, but the result was always not the same as the original intended. Therefore, as soon as Bulgarian-style cucumbers were “thrown out” into the store, the rumor immediately spread from neighbor to neighbor, and after very little time there was a line in the store for the coveted jars.

Now it’s no longer a secret how to prepare such a preparation. Just as it is no secret how such a delicious dish was prepared in those days in Bulgaria itself. But it must be said that the process was not so simple. The fruits were sterilized in large vats over fires in a complex way, and in large quantities. We will not repeat that method.

And we will preserve them in an already adapted way, which is easy to reproduce in any kitchen. And we will get sweet and sour crispy cucumbers, just like those store-bought Bulgarian ones, which were considered a great success to buy.

Before I started writing this article today, I read publications on this topic on the Internet, and I was very surprised that there are many cooking options. Although the basis is the same everywhere. There are only slight differences in the composition of the ingredients and their quantities. Perhaps they all have a place, because each recipe has been tested in its own way and is probably good.

I admit honestly that I have always marinated in only one way, which will be discussed below. When I got this recipe and I tried to cook it for the first time, I was amazed by the taste of cucumbers. He was exactly the same as we remembered him from the times of the USSR.

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers - a recipe from USSR times

It is very convenient to prepare them in liter jars, especially when the fruits are small. But although I also prepared smaller fruits today, I will preserve them in three-liter jars. They're really delicious.

As a rule, I open such a jar for the holiday when guests arrive. And needless to say, it is eaten immediately. Therefore, it makes no sense for me to preserve in liter jars.

I will give a recipe for a liter and a three-liter jar, and you yourself choose which container you will use for preservation.

I would also like to note that this preservation can be sealed either with screw caps or with a special seaming machine. It stores well even at room temperature.

For a liter jar we need:

  • cucumbers - 700 g (approximately)
  • onion - 2 - 3 slices
  • parsley - 2 - 3 sprigs
  • black peppercorns - 2 - 3 pcs
  • cloves - 3 buds
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs

For a three-liter jar we need:

  • cucumbers - 2 kg (approximately), or 20 - 25 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc (small head)
  • parsley - 6 - 7 sprigs
  • black peppercorns - 6 - 7 peas
  • cloves - 6 - 7 buds
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs

We noticed a peculiarity: the ingredients contained neither dill, nor horseradish leaves, nor garlic, as we are usually used to adding when canning.

For brine (per liter of water):

  • salt - 1 tbsp. well heaped spoon
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml
  • bay leaf - 6 - 7 pcs

Use filtered or spring water to prepare the brine.

A three-liter jar takes a little more than a liter of brine, and a liter jar takes about 0.5 liters. Therefore, take this fact into account and approximately calculate the ratio of jars and the marinade needed for them. But, however, don’t do it back to back; it’s better to have some marinade left than not enough.

This is an approximate amount, since the volume of brine will also depend on how tightly we fill the jars with fruits.


1. About 2 - 3 hours before the start of cooking, you need to pour cold water over the fruits. It is better to do this in a bucket or basin so that the water covers the fruit thoroughly.

In general, for pickling you only need fruits that were collected immediately before starting this process. It is advisable that they should not be larger than 10 cm. It is also better to use pickling varieties. Salad varieties are not suitable for this method of preservation.

If you have your own vegetables, grown with your own hands, then this is beyond praise. In this case, you know exactly when they are collected. And if you bought them at the market or in a store, then eat one of them and try to determine how crunchy it is. If they are rather lethargic and have lost moisture, then you should soak them not for 2–3 hours, but for 5–6.

Initially crispy and fresh cucumbers will remain so during preservation. No marinade can make limp fruits crispy.

2. Wash the jars with soda or another cleaning agent and sterilize using one of the known methods. I sterilize by steam, since I will only have two jars. If there are a lot of jars, then it is faster to sterilize them in the oven or microwave.

The only thing is, if you choose the latter method, pour a little water into the jar so that it does not burst.

And probably everyone knows how to steam sterilize. And who doesn’t know, let me remind you.

Pour water into the pan, place a special device on it with a hole into which to insert the neck of the jar. If you do not have such a device, then you can use a colander for this purpose.

Place the sterilized jars on a towel upside down and leave them in this position for the time being.

3. Fill the lids with water and boil for 5 – 7 minutes. Then place on a towel.

4. When the fruits have stood for the required amount of time, they need to be thoroughly washed under running water, and then the ends should be cut off on both sides.

Try the fruit from the stem side. They shouldn't be bitter. In principle, if you use small fruits for harvesting, then they should not be bitter.

5. Prepare pepper and clove buds. Wash the parsley sprigs and bay leaves.

6. Peel the onion and cut into slices. I will put a small onion on a three-liter jar, although you can only put half. But I like it this way, and so I cut it all into rings.

7. Immediately prepare everything you need for the marinade. Check their contents against the list so as not to forget anything.

8. Place pepper, bay leaf and parsley at the very bottom of the jar. If you cook in liter jars, you can put all the necessary onions on the bottom.

9. If the jar is three-liter, then we place the first layer of cucumbers vertically, trying to do this quite tightly to each other. We choose fruits of the same size and height so that it is not only pleasant to eat, but also to look at.

10. Place a layer of onion rings on top of the first layer. Then continue laying out the cucumbers, trying to place them also vertically and tightly to each other. They must fill the jar completely.

If the fruits do not fit in the second layer, then they can be placed horizontally.

11. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour the required amount of water into the pan. It is very good if it is spring or filtered water. Place salt, sugar and bay leaf in it. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 2 - 3 minutes.

12. Pour in vinegar. The boiling will stop for a while, but we are waiting for it to resume. As soon as this happens, immediately remove the marinade from the heat and pour it hot into jars.

In this case, there is no need to add the bay leaf in the marinade. As we remember, it has already been added to the jars. And so that it doesn’t get in the way, you can catch it all out in advance.

13. Immediately cover the filled jars with lids.

14. Place a napkin in a large saucepan and pour some hot water, possibly from the tap.

Carefully place the jar in the pan. Open the lid and add brine so that it reaches the very edge, and so that when we close the jar with the lid again, a small amount of the marinade can even spill out.

Subsequently, the fruits will absorb a little brine, and some of it will pour out of the jar during sterilization. Therefore, you need to pour as much brine as possible.

15. Place the pan with the jar on the fire and bring the water to a boil. From this moment you need to time 30 minutes - this is the time needed to sterilize a 3 liter jar.

For a liter jar this time will be 10 minutes.

And for a two-liter bottle - 20 minutes.

During the entire sterilization process, do not open the lid. It is important!

16. After the time has passed, carefully remove the jar using special tongs. Do this very carefully, especially with three-liter jars. They are quite heavy, and before you take it out of the water, be sure to make sure you have a good grip on it.

To do this, first just slightly lift the jar from the bottom, and if you are sure that you are holding it tightly, carefully, without sudden movements, transfer it to the kitchen table. It is advisable to place it on a dry cloth. It will be more convenient to screw the jar on it, and you won’t scratch the table.

17. It can be seen that there are small air bubbles in the jar; they rise to the top. I try to get rid of them as much as possible. To do this, I grab the jar from both sides with a towel and rotate it from side to side with light movements.

Remember, the lid cannot be opened. From the moment the sterilization process begins until the moment you begin to twist it, it should not be removed from the jar.

If this happened by accident, for some reason, then you will have to again add hot brine to the very top, close the lid again and sterilize for at least 10 minutes (for a three-liter jar). No air should get into the jar, this is very important.

18. After screwing on the lid, turn the jar over and place it on a towel. Cover the top with another towel.

19. If we usually leave the jars under a towel until they cool completely, then this is not required here, and even unnecessary. We leave it under the towel for only 1 hour, then remove it. And leave them to cool at room temperature.

Our specimens are small, and if they remain hot for a long time, they may become soft. And we want them to be crispy.

20. The next day, turn the jars over again and put them in their usual position. After they have stood under observation for 5 days, they can be removed to a cool, dark place. In general, such a preparation is perfectly stored at room temperature, while its taste remains at the highest level.

Ready-made cucumbers have a sweet and sour taste, they have a pleasant olive color, have fairly dense flesh and have a pleasant crunch when tasting them.

I made extra brine, and I had a whole liter left over. Without hesitation, I added garlic and dill to the marinade. And then she put fresh cucumbers in it. We'll taste them tomorrow.

Already in the morning, lightly salted vegetables were ready. I asked my husband what flavor they reminded him of. And after thinking a little, he replied that they resemble the taste of Bulgarian cucumbers. Because only they have such a unique sweet and sour taste.

So everything worked out this time, even in the lightly salted version. By the way, below I will share links to other delicious lightly salted cucumbers. And also canned ones. Maybe someone will be interested.

Here’s another recipe, check it out, it differs from the one already proposed in terms of ingredients.

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers in liter jars

If in the previous version we used parsley, then in this recipe we use dill umbrellas, as well as hot capsicum and garlic.

Also in this version you can see how to preserve cucumbers in liter jars with screw caps. By the way, this is allowed in the first recipe too.

As you can see, the recipes are slightly different, which means the taste will be slightly different. But I’m sure it will be just as tasty and wonderful.

I think that in the recipes offered today you will be able to find the most interesting option for yourself. And in conclusion I would like to say that all the recipes are tested and reliable. Therefore, you can safely prepare lightly salted, canned, and pickled cucumbers using them.

Bon appetit!

I continue the conservative theme.

Pickled cucumbers from the Hungarian company Globus - legendary cucumbers from the times of the USSR. The sweet and sour taste of these cucumbers comes from my childhood. In the old days, when it was not easy to buy pickles in stores, everyone went crazy for these cucumbers. The glass jar had an unusually wide neck and an original tin lid. To open it, you had to bend the small tongue of the zip lock and remove the crimp hoop. And no bottle openers! I won’t say what volume these cans had, either 5 liters or 3 liters... I remember that the cans were big, like the trees =)) Some people of the same age managed to use them as an aquarium.
Now there are an indecently large number of Globuses, both local and foreign. But they are of no use - a completely different taste...

But there is a way out - we prepare cucumbers a la Globus ourselves. Yes, yes, exactly yourself, with your own hands =))

Original recipe:
Cans 800 gr. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 1-2 hours.
Pour 1.5 cm of vinegar 9% (50-70 ml, depending on your taste) into the bottom of the jar, put an umbrella of dill, 5 peppercorns, a clove of garlic and cucumbers. Fill with cold water from the tap (you can use water from a filter or purchased water in cans) to capacity, add 1 tsp. salt and 2-3 tsp. Sahara. Cover with lids and place to sterilize in a saucepan with cold water; as soon as the water in the saucepan boils, take out the jars and screw them on for 5 minutes.
Roll up and turn over until cool. You can store it in the cellar, in the refrigerator, and in the apartment.

P.S.: You can add a sprig of carrot tops and dry mustard beans.
P.S.2: 50-70 ml of 9% vinegar.
70 ml is if you pour it as per the recipe, that is, a 1.5 cm layer of vinegar, but it turns out quite vigorously, it’s not for everyone. 50 ml per 1 liter jar is enough for me and all my friends!! To determine, close two jars with different amounts of vinegar, they will be ready in 3-5 days and try.
P.S.3: The cucumbers are super! here in Bulgaria they close it just according to this recipe!
vinegar only 6% - 60 ml. for an 800 g jar. The taste is bomb!

My version of the recipe:
All calculations are for 1.5 liter cans. Well, sterilization using the indicated method did not inspire me.
- vinegar 9% - 75 ml
- salt - 19 g
- sugar - 38 g
- dill umbrella - 1-2 pcs
- peppercorns - 7-8 pcs.
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, using a washcloth and laundry soap. Let them dry.
Place dill umbrellas, peppercorns, garlic and mustard seeds in a jar. I didn’t have carrot tops at that time. We need to dry it for future use.
Carefully and as tightly as possible place the cucumbers in the jar, having first removed their butts and noses. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers and cover with a saucer. After 15 minutes, drain the water into the sink. Slowly so that the spices don’t escape. Pour boiling water a second time and again let it warm up for 15 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan and put it on the fire. While the water is boiling, pour salt, sugar and vinegar into the jar. Pour boiling water in for the third time and immediately cover with a sterilized lid. Then everything was as usual - turned it over, covered it and allowed it to cool without interfering with this process. Rinse the cooled jars under running water, wipe them and write “Globe” on the lid =))

What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter! Don't forget this.

PS I made a few jars a little differently:

- 6% apple cider vinegar - 100 ml
- salt - 19 g
- sugar - 38 g
- dill umbrella - 1-2 pcs
- peppercorns - 7-8 pcs.
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- pepper "Spark" - 1 pc.
- branch of carrot tops - 1 pc.
- currant leaf, cherry leaf, laurel leaf - 1 piece each
- part of a horseradish leaf
- small peeled onion - 1 pc.

Experimental canned food - "Globe 2.0"

At one time, Globus pickled cucumbers were very popular. I just want to offer you a recipe for the winter like in the USSR. There were huge queues in stores for these cucumbers. They were of excellent taste, strong, small, always crispy, and the marinade was also very tasty. Many tried to repeat it, but the recipe was kept secret, and despite all the efforts, the result was not exactly the same as the original. Queues are a thing of the past, and how the recipe became available is anyone's guess. Nowadays there are rows of jars of pickled cucumbers for every taste on store shelves, and Globus has long since gone from being a scarce commodity to being available. But still, homemade always turns out tastier, therefore, as before, almost every housewife prepares homemade ones.
The recipe for Globus cucumbers does not contain the usual set of herbs and a large number of spices. You only need dry or fresh dill, garlic, peppercorns, vinegar, salt and sugar. To ensure strong cucumbers, they need to be soaked in cold water for several hours before pickling. If the crop has just been harvested from the garden, you can immediately pickle it.

Ingredients for a 0.8 liter jar:

- cucumbers – as many as will fit (pack tightly);
- vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
- table salt – 1 teaspoon;
- sugar – 2 teaspoons;
- dill umbrellas – 1-2 pcs;
- peppercorns – 8-10 pcs;
- garlic – 2-3 cloves;
- water for pouring cucumbers.

We select cucumbers that are approximately the same size. Wash under running cold water, fill with clean tap water, and leave for several hours. If the kitchen is hot and the water heats up quickly, change it two or three times, otherwise the cucumbers may get steamy.

Before marinating, cut off the “butts” of the cucumbers on both sides, cutting off 1-2 cm.

Dill can be taken green, but mature, which already has umbrellas. Or use dried, umbels and stems. Wash the jars in a soda solution with a hard sponge, rinse with boiling water. We put dill on the bottom, sprinkle black and allspice peas, throw in cloves of garlic, cut in half.

We place the cucumbers vertically if they are large, or lay them at an angle, horizontally if they are small. Fill the jar as tightly as possible, but do not crush the cucumbers.

Pour boiling water from the kettle, cover with a lid, and leave for three minutes.

We drain the water through a special lid with holes. Place on high heat and boil. Pour salt and sugar into each jar.

Pour in vinegar, take regular table vinegar at 9% concentration. 50 ml is two and a half tablespoons.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers. Cover the lid loosely without twisting it.

Place a towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars on it, leaving the lids unscrewed, just covering the cucumbers. If you are preparing a lot of cans at once, it is more convenient to use a shallow, wide pan; it will hold 4 cans. Pour hot water up to the shoulders of the jars. Over high heat, bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, reduce the heat and sterilize for exactly five minutes.

We take it out and screw on the lids. Turn the jars on their sides or place them on the lid. Wrap it warmly in a blanket or blanket and leave it for a day. When they cool down, we take them to the pantry, where we store them until winter. Cucumbers do not develop flavor immediately, so you can try them no sooner than after a couple of weeks. This is how Globus pickled cucumbers are prepared for the winter. Good luck with your winter preparations!

Recipe for canned pickled cucumbers globe

Pickled cucumbers “like store-bought Bulgarian ones” - crispy, aromatic, beautiful!

Pickling cucumbers is a very labor-intensive process and every housewife knows how hard this work is, especially if the weather is hot. But we must remember that “what is born in the summer will be useful in the winter”! This summer I offer you a recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter without standing at the stove for a long time. The sweet and sour taste of these cucumbers is reminiscent of Globus pickled cucumbers. Previously, when pickles were difficult to get in stores, everyone went crazy for these cucumbers. Cucumbers can be stored in the apartment, the only thing is that it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator for several hours. The cucumbers are ready in 3 days, and if they are very small, the next day. So, pickled cucumbers are “like store-bought ones.”

Note: depending on the displacement, change the amount of vinegar and salt/sugar.
For a 600 g jar - 30 ml of vinegar 9% (15 ml of liquid in a tablespoon)
For an 800 g jar – 40 ml vinegar 9%
For 1 liter. jar – 50 ml vinegar 9% (or 1 tsp 70% acetic acid)
For 3 liters. jar – 150 ml vinegar 9% (or 3 tsp 70% acetic acid)

My ingredients are indicated for one liter jar.


Dill umbrella – 1 piece
Horseradish leaf – 1 small
Carrot tops – 1 sprig
Allspice peas – 5 pcs.
Garlic – 1 clove
Salt – 1 tsp. (7 g)
Granulated sugar – 2 tsp. (5 g)
Vinegar 9% – 50 ml

Recipe for canned cucumbers

Soak the cucumbers in water for 1-2 hours. Rinse jars and lids with baking soda and set aside. Prepare all the ingredients, wash the herbs, peel the garlic.

In each jar put a dill umbrella, a horseradish leaf, carrot tops, black peppercorns, and a clove of garlic. Add vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the butts, and place them in jars. Fill with water (not boiled, filtered or purchased from cans).

Add 1 teaspoon of salt to each jar.

2 teaspoons of sugar.

Place the jars in a pan (basin). Fill the container up to the hangers of the cans with water. (The water in the jars with cucumbers is cold, so we pour cold water into the pan). Put on fire. Bring the water in the pan to a boil and from the moment of boiling, sterilize the jars for 5-7 minutes (3-liter jars are sterilized for about 15-20 minutes). During sterilization, I cover the jars with lids, but do not close them tightly, because... the lid may break off.

After...roll up the jars, turn them over (without wrapping them!), and cool to room temperature. After cooling, it is advisable to put them in the refrigerator for several hours (I do this overnight). The cucumbers are crispy with a sweet and sour taste.
Summer stores, winter eats!
Have a nice winter!
