Balish with meat and potatoes: step-by-step recipe with photos. Secrets of Tatar cuisine: large pie "Zur-Belish"

Zur belish - Tatar pie with potatoes and meat.

Zur belish - translated from Tatar " big pie", they can feed a large company tasty and satisfying. This tall pie, its filling can be beef, poultry (oh, goose - yummy!), offal in combination with potatoes, pumpkin, cereals, cabbage.
Usually zur belish is prepared on holidays for dear guests, or on weekends for family and friends.

Cooking time: 200 minutes
Servings: 12
You will need:

Unleavened dough:
Sour cream - 200 gr.,
Kefir (yogurt) - 150 gr.,
Egg - 1 pc.,
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.,
Butter - 150 gr.,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Tea soda - 1 tsp,
Flour - 700 gr.

For filling:
Meat with fat (beef+lamb+goose - perfect combination, but you can just take one type of meat, for example, beef) - 1.5 kg.,
Potatoes - 1.5 kg.,
Onions - 2 pcs. (large),
Salt - 0.5 tbsp,
Ground black pepper - to taste

*Broth for pouring into the pie (beef or chicken, if there is no broth - below in the recipe it is written in more detail what to do) - 1 cup

How to cook:

1. For the dough: In a cup, mix sour cream, kefir, egg, vegetable oil, melted butter room temperature, salt. Quench the tea soda with vinegar and add to the cup. Add flour, knead the dough. Cover the dough with a kitchen napkin and leave to rest while we prepare the filling.

2. For the filling: Cut the meat into small cubes, approximately 2 cm wide.
Cut the potatoes into cubes 1.5-2 cm wide, I cut them in a food processor.
Finely chop the onion
In a bowl, mix meat, onion, potatoes, salt and pepper to taste.

3. *About broth: if you have ready-made beef or chicken bouillon- good, but if not, it doesn’t matter either. Pour 300 ml into a small saucepan. water, add 50 gr. butter, 1/3 tsp. salt, bring everything to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes - and our broth for pouring is ready.

4. The preparations are all done, let’s assemble our pie.
Wrap a thick-walled frying pan, preferably cast iron, on the outside with a towel so that the edges of the dough do not tear.

5. Knead the dough with your hands again and divide in proportions 1 to 3.
Most of it will go to the bottom. From the smaller part we separate a small piece, the size of a pea, this will be our “navel” (tat. “kendek”), which will cover the hole for pouring in the broth. Divide the remaining piece into 2 parts - this will be the “lid” of the pie and the decoration, but you can do without the decoration and just make one lid.

Roll out most of the dough so that its edges hang 5-6 cm from the pan. Place the prepared filling in the pan on the rolled out dough.

Gather the edges of the dough towards the top and pinch as shown in the photo.
Roll out a piece of dough for the “lid”, cover the pie and pinch the side edges of the dough.

Roll out a piece of dough for decoration, the same size as the “lid”, make ray-shaped cuts, as shown in the photo, place it on the “lid”, pinch the edges, and pinch the cuts in pairs.

In the middle of the pie, make a hole the size of a coin and cover it with a “belly button”; we will then pour the broth into this hole.

Grease the pie with melted butter and bake in an already preheated oven to 200 degrees. for 2-2.5 hours.
An hour and a half after baking, we take out our pie, open the “navel” and pour 1 glass of broth into it (maybe a little less or more, it all depends on the presence of juice in the pie), close the “navel” and send it back to the oven.

If the top of the pie has already browned sufficiently, and before it fully cooked there is still a lot of time, you need to take baking paper, crumple it, wet it cold water, squeeze it a little so that it doesn’t drip, and cover the top of the pie. This method will save the cake from burning the dough.

How do you know if the pie is ready or not? Open the lid, taste the meat and potatoes for doneness, if ready, serve immediately, if not, bake further.

How to serve and how to cut? Serve immediately hot, in the same form in which it was baked. We cut the lid of the pie in a circle, and put a piece of dough and potatoes with meat on everyone’s plate, and then cut the pie together with the bottom, and serve the bottom crust of the dough (soaked in juices and broth) with the filling. It is so customary that each guest must try the lid, the filling, and the bottom of the pie.

Belesh is famous Tatar dish, very tasty and nutritious. No holiday meal is complete without it, try it and you will want to try it again!

The recipes for its preparation are very different, but traditional ingredients- potatoes, beef, onions. This National dish is a big closed pie, form it into a round shape and place it a large number of fillings.

To prepare we will need:

For filling:

  • Beef pulp 500 gr.
  • Potatoes 15-17 pcs.
  • Onions 7-8 pcs.
  • Cumin or dill seeds 1/3 tsp.
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste

For the test:

  • Rendered animal or vegetable fat 2-3 tbsp.
  • Water 200 gr.
  • Flour 2 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste


Pour water, salt, rendered animal or vegetable fat into a bowl (you can use regular sunflower oil) – stir thoroughly with a whisk. Add sifted flour and knead the dough. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, it is ready. Cover with a clean napkin or towel and leave to rest.

Let's start preparing the filling. Peel the onion, rinse cold water and chop finely. We wash the beef pulp and cut it into cubes.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, peel them and cut them into cubes. In a large bowl, combine the filling, add salt, pepper, cumin or dill seeds, and mix. The filling is ready.

Divide the dough into 4 parts - the first is slightly more than half, from the second we form a circle with a diameter of approximately 2 cm, and the rest is divided into 2 parts. Roll out the largest part with a rolling pin, if necessary, sprinkle with flour so that it does not stick to your hands and the board. The thickness should be approximately 2-3 mm. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place the rolled out dough there. Carefully add the filling and seal the edges.

We roll out two identical pieces in the same way, cut one part into segments, place it on the second circle and pinch the edges.

Then we connect the edges of the cut part. We cut a hole in the center and cover it with a circle approximately 2 mm in diameter.

Knead a dense, but not tight dough that will be pleasant and tender to the touch. Leave the dough, covered with film, for 30 minutes.

Cut the beef into small pieces into a bowl, add the peeled and chopped medium or small pieces onion.

Here, cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes, add salt and pepper, and mix the filling.

Grease a round baking dish with a diameter of about 20 cm with a little vegetable oil. Separate 1/3 of the dough, roll out the rest of the dough. Place the dough piece into the pan so that the edges hang down slightly. Lay out all the filling.

Roll out half of the remaining dough into a small flat cake and place it on top of the filling. Pinch the edges of both cakes at the top, moving slightly from the edges of the pan towards the center (as in the photo).

Cover the hole with a ball of dough; later you will need to remove it and pour the broth inside the pie through this hole.

Bake the Tatar pie "Zur Belish" in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes, then remove the ball-lid and pour a little broth into the hole of the pie, cover with a lid. Pour melted butter over the top of the pie and return it to the oven, reducing the temperature to 150-160 degrees for about another 1.5 hours. Ready pie Cool slightly, carefully remove from the pan or serve in the same pan.

A hearty, very tasty Tatar pie "Zur Belish" can be served by removing the top parts of the dough and laying out the filling. My pie was almost cooled down, so I just cut it into pieces.

Bon appetit!

Mix sour cream, kefir, 0.5 tsp. salt, add flour with baking powder, knead the dough, do not add all the flour at once, you may need more or less. The dough turns out soft, very pleasant to the touch, you don’t need to knead it for a long time, just so that it becomes elastic. Wrap the dough in film and leave it to “rest” for 30 minutes, and at this time prepare the filling

For the filling, cut the beef and potatoes into cubes, chop the onion finely, add salt and pepper, and mix well.

Separate a piece of 150-170 grams from the dough; it will be used for a “lid”, decoration and a small cork ball that will cover a small hole in the pie. Roll out the rest of the dough into a flat cake and place it in a greased pan so that the edges of the dough protrude slightly beyond the pan.

We put the filling in the mold with the dough, take 100 g from the rest of the dough, roll it into a circle, it is much smaller than the diameter of my mold, put it in the middle of the filling, fasten the dough in a circle, pinch it.

From the remaining dough we leave about 15-20 g for the cork ball, and from the rest we roll out a thin circle-decoration with approximately the diameter of our “lid”, make cuts in the dough with a roller or knife.

We place the dough in the center, fasten it with the seam that we made when pinching the pie and connect the cut notches together to create a pattern.

Make a hole in the center about 1.5-2 cm in diameter, close it with a cork ball and place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 g for 2.5 hours. After 40-50 minutes, open the “cork” and pour in a little broth. I didn't add broth since I already had enough of it in the pie. Whether or not to add broth will depend on the starchiness of the potatoes. Reduce temperature to 150 -160 degrees and finish baking the pie.

Remove the finished pie from the oven, grease with butter, cover with parchment and a towel, and let stand for 15-20 minutes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- 1 glass of milk,
- 0.5 cups sunflower oil,
- 3-4 glasses of flour,
- 1 kg of potatoes,
- 500 g beef,
- 3 pcs. onions,
- 150 g butter,
- vegetable oil,
- salt pepper.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. The dough is very easy to knead. Add vegetable oil to a glass of warm milk and stir the liquid. Add flour in small portions until you get a soft, elastic dough.

2. To prepare the filling, wash the potatoes well, peel and cut into small cubes. The finer the ingredients for the filling are chopped, the tastier the balish will be.

3. We also cut the beef into small pieces, finely chop the onion. Mix the onion and meat, leave for 10-15 minutes to form juice. Another secret of delicious balish is adding to the filling goose meat, my mother-in-law does exactly this.

4. Transfer the meat and onions to the potatoes and mix well. Don't forget to add sufficient quantity salt and black pepper.

5. Let's start rolling out the dough. Let's divide it into two parts, one of which should be slightly larger. Take the larger part and roll out the dough on a lightly floured board into a round layer 5-7 mm thick.

6. Immediately transfer the rolled out layer to the prepared frying pan. Important note: There is no need to grease the pan. When we distribute the layer, lubricate a small amount vegetable oil the dough itself.

7. Place all the filling on top. And then add a few pieces of butter.

8. Fold the edges of the dough towards the middle like a beautiful accordion.

9. Roll out a small layer from the second part of the dough and cover the middle of the balish with it.

10. Now you need to carefully and beautifully connect the edges of the two parts of the dough so that the pie is completely closed.

11. In principle, the balish is completely prepared and can be put into the oven. But I want to show how you can beautifully decorate a festive balish. To do this, you need to leave a small part of the dough and roll it out into a very thin round layer. Then use a knife to draw the layer into segments, as shown in the photo.

12. Carefully cover our balish with a layer.

13. Connect adjacent segment boundaries to get an intricate pattern.

14. We also decorate the edges of the top layer beautifully, pinching them with a pigtail so that they do not stick out or dangle.

15. Make a small hole in the middle of the balish and place a small, round piece of dough there. When the pie is ready, broth or melted butter is poured into it through the hole for juiciness. I suggest you look at this simple one.

16. Place the balish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees; it will cook for about two hours. After an hour, you can reduce the temperature and constantly monitor so that the balish does not burn. If you are not sure about your oven, then just in case, put a frying pan with water down.

17. When serving, the top layer of dough is traditionally removed from the finished balish and the filling is placed in portions on a plate.

18. You can cut balish and how regular pie, it is served with fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!
