White rosehip petals in tea. Useful properties of rose hips in folk medicine. What determines the quality of fruits?

For many years, red tulips grew in my dacha, which were left over from the previous owners. They bloomed regularly, although I dug them up from time to time (when I had time). But then I retired and decided to plant beautiful modern varieties. And something doesn’t work out with them. Firstly, for some reason their flower stalks are short, and secondly, they bloom for one season and then disappear, producing only leaves. Maybe I'm growing them wrong? Or is there not enough food? Tell us, when do you need to feed tulips and why do you need to dig them up? Are daffodils grown the same way?

Tulips and other spring bulbous crops begin to germinate and bloom very early thanks to the nutrient reserves in the bulb. Sprouts rise above the ground among thawed patches when there is still a lot of snow in the garden. In fact, roots don't work in cold soil. Therefore, the quality of flowering largely depends on how large and healthy the bulb was.

The bulb itself, in turn, receives nutrition from the roots and leaves. The earlier fertilizing is given, the more nutrients the bulb can store before the dormant period.

The dormant period begins from the moment the leaves turn yellow: for tulips - in mid-late June, for daffodils - in July. Even if you don’t dig up the bulbs, their roots still die off and their nutrition stops. New roots grow only in September, at the time of planting.

Feeding and watering

The first time you can feed the bulbous plants while still in the snow. But this must be done carefully so that the granules do not get on the leaves, otherwise there will be a burn. The second feeding is given at the bud stage. This helps to obtain high-quality cuttings (high stem, large flower). The third feeding should be given after flowering to form the bulb. It is better to use mineral fertilizers, since manure and compost can cause fungal diseases. In dry weather, you need to feed only with watering, so as not to burn the roots.

In general, watering is of great importance for the development of tulips. The weather in May is often dry and hot. During this period, tulips definitely need watering. Unfortunately, this rule is not always followed. In gardens where centralized irrigation is organized, at the beginning of May the irrigation system has not yet been established. As a result, gardeners water only the beds where tender seedlings grow, which cannot do without water.

How does a bulb grow?

As already mentioned, the bulb feeds from roots and leaves. Therefore, when cutting tulips, leave as many leaves on the stem as possible. This is difficult to do when the stem is short, because it is customary to place tall flowers in a vase. It’s easier with daffodils: their peduncle is devoid of leaves, you can cut it right at the ground.

In tulips, the bulb is renewed annually, that is, one or two new and small “babies” grow to replace the old bulb. Naturally, this happens with the participation of leaves. This means that the presence of leaf apparatus is especially important for tulips for normal metabolism.

But if the stem was cut at the root, do not worry, the bulb did not die. By the time of flowering, tulips have already formed a small bulb. She gets some of the nutrients from the old bulb that the blooming tulip did not have time to use. But in this case, the new bulb will not bloom next year; usually it produces only one or two leaves.

Daffodils have perennial bulbs. As a rule, it gets enough nutrition from roots and leaves. The exception is perennial overgrown bushes, where the bulbs are very crowded. In the fall they just need to be planted.

The height of tulips and daffodils is determined primarily by the variety. Varieties with a height of at least 50 cm are suitable for cutting. This makes it possible to cut a flower with a long stem and leave a sufficient number of leaves on it. Low-growing varieties are used for decorative purposes in flowerbeds and borders. When purchasing bulbs, look at the description on the package. The height of the plants must be indicated there.

Why dig up bulbs?

Under natural conditions, tulips grow in a climate zone with very hot, dry summers. The above-ground part of the plant dies off completely, and the bulb quietly “sleeps” in warm, dry soil. In central Russia it rains in the summer, the soil is moist, and the temperature is much cooler.

We can only create a warm, dry dormant period artificially by digging up plants and storing them in a room with a suitable climate (for example, in the attic of a garden house).

If the bulbs are not dug up, the flower bud may not form. This is especially true for modern “pretentious” varieties (terry, fringed, parrot, etc.). This again leads to the fact that only leaves grow in tulips.

Many old varieties bloom without digging for 2-3 years, but then the flowering weakens and the bulb goes deep into the ground. There are several modern varieties of tulips that were bred specifically for the busy and “lazy”: their bulbs can also be dug up only once every 2-3 years. We will tell you about these varieties in August, closer to the tulip planting season.

When it comes to rest, narcissists are more patient. Many varieties can do without annual digging. But it is still advisable to reduce watering during the dormant period or eliminate it altogether (if there are no other plants nearby).

If tulips only grow leaves, they may be affected by a viral disease (pictured). Sick plants need to be destroyed.

Sometimes everything is simpler: the bulbs are deeply planted or have gone into the ground themselves because they have not been dug up for a long time. These tulips can bloom again if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. Water and feed them, and be sure to dig them up in the summer. These tulips bloom the next year or the year after.

M.B. Sharova, biologist

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Bed" 2011 No. 7.

Calorie content: 8.96 kcal.

Energy value of the product Rose hip petals: Proteins: 0.33 g.

Fat: 0.03 g.
Carbohydrates: 1.6 g.

Rosehip petals- this is part of the plant of the same name, which belongs to the rose family and has about four hundred species. Very often it is also called Russian or wild rose. In nature, rosehip is a small shrub, in some cases evergreen, ranging in height from 25 centimeters to 10 meters. Depending on climatic conditions and soil, these figures may vary.

The flowering period of the bush begins at the end of spring, around May, and ends at the beginning of summer, in June. The general time period for the appearance of flowers is 20 days, in some cases (depending on the type of rosehip) flowering can occur faster. The opening of the flower begins at dawn, and it is then recommended to go collecting petals.

The predominant place where rose hips grow is considered to be the European zone of Russia, or more precisely, its forest and forest-steppe part. Very often, wild roses are also grown in gardens.

An interesting fact is that Greece in ancient times became famous for a very curious custom: rosehip petals were strewn along the path of the newlyweds to the temple of Aphrodite. This is because, according to Greek beliefs, wild rose petals aroused passion, and this plant was also directly associated in their culture with the goddess of love and beauty.

It is also unusual and interesting that in the time of Ivan the Terrible, the price of rose hips was equivalent to the cost of precious stones and metals, as well as satin and velvet. Since at that time the fruits of this plant were considered one of the most valuable medicines, their collection was constantly monitored, and they were stored in the royal warehouses.

Externally, a rosehip flower is a small inflorescence with 6-8 petals, their color varies from pure white to a wide variety of shades of pink (see photo). The flowers may look like a small decorative rose, in which case the number of petals will be much larger. The petals are rich in organic acids, fatty oils, ascorbic acid, wax and other beneficial ingredients.

Thanks to the unusual properties and features, wild rose petals allow them to be used: in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking, but we will talk about this in more detail below.

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of rosehip and its petals are quite diverse due to their unique chemical composition. In terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, carotene, and other various microelements, rose hips are superior to many fruits and vegetables. Even if in smaller quantities, all useful microelements are also contained in the petals of this plant, which is why they are often used in various industries, like the fruits. The composition of rosehip petals is very rich in beneficial properties, which are very important for normal human activity. To easily awaken and saturate the body with vitamins, people use tinctures, teas, and decoctions.

Rosehip petals have the following medicinal qualities:

  • strengthen for stomach disorders or intestinal infections;
  • disinfect and cleanse the liver and stomach;
  • strengthen teeth and gums;
  • help normalize heart rhythm and cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Many different methods of treatment with rose hip petals exist in folk medicine. Thanks to them, you can strengthen your immune system, cure colds and various stomach diseases, eye diseases, lung diseases, and improve wound healing.

Rosehip petals are widely used in modern medicine, as well as in cosmetology. The uses of this plant are quite varied and beneficial for the human body, so do not neglect the collection of wild rose fruits and petals. More detailed information about the beneficial properties can be found in the video provided.

Despite all the beneficial properties of the shrub, the plant also has contraindications. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the use of rose hips is prohibited for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, and heart failure. There is no need to overuse rosehip infusions, as this can lead to bloating, increased pressure and destruction of tooth enamel.

When compared with the fruits of this plant, wild rose petals have virtually no contraindications. However, it is still worth paying attention during treatment to intolerance to some components, the presence of which should be consulted with a doctor.

Use of rose hips petals

The uses of rosehip petals are quite varied. Infusions, decoctions, teas, syrups, liqueurs, oils, and various cosmetics are made from them. The details of using the petals are described below.

In cooking

In cooking, dried rosehip petals are used to make rose syrup and vinegar, which are later used as additives for the preparation of various toppings and ketchup. There are many different recipes using rose petals. Here are some of them:


Cooking method

Classic jam

There are really many recipes for making jam from rose hips. In the simplest and most classic versions, collected and washed rose petals are mixed with approximately equal amounts of sugar in one deep container or these ingredients are alternated in layers. Then the workpiece is left to infuse for about 12 hours in the dark and cool. Next, the most standard syrup for all jams is prepared: one and a half kilograms of sugar are mixed with half a liter of water and boiled, the resulting liquid is poured into the infused petals. Well-cooked rosehip petals are rolled into jars for the winter along with syrup. No less often, you can also find recipes where various citrus fruits are added to the jam, for example, lemon or orange; in this case, mint would not be out of place.

You can make an unusually healthy and equally tasty syrup from rosehip petals. Its preparation is quite simple: you need to boil a liter of water, add 700 grams of sugar and a handful of petals, and boil for a few minutes. Afterwards, you need to let the syrup brew for a day, then strain and boil again. For long-term storage, hot syrup is poured into glass containers and covered with lids. This syrup will come in handy if you need to prepare original cocktails and sweets.

Homemade wine from rose hip petals has a unique taste, aroma and a whole range of useful qualities. To prepare the drink, you need to place 300 grams of petals in a large container, add two kilograms of sugar and a few teaspoons of citric acid or lemon juice and grind into a mushy mass. Pour the petals into a large container, pour in regular syrup and cover with gauze. The wine needs to brew in a warm place for 14 days. Then, after straining the wine from the petals and adding half a kilogram of sugar, they leave the wine to infuse for thirty days in the sun. Some winemakers use various additives in preparation; it depends on the gastronomic preferences of each person.

Rose hips are more widely used in cooking, from which jelly, puree, jelly and other various delicacies are prepared, but the petals are also no less popular in cooking.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, the use of rose hip petals is very diverse. They are used to prepare various decoctions, infusions, oils, honey and are used fresh. People suffering from anemia, cardiovascular diseases, vitamin deficiency, and bronchitis need to chew fresh petals. Oil prepared from the petals is smeared on teeth and gums to heal and strengthen them. The use of petals in folk medicine is quite varied and interesting. Preparing infusions, decoctions, oils, honey does not take much time and is a fairly simple process. Preparation details are described below.


A tincture prepared from rose petals has a fairly diverse effect: it helps improve metabolism, prevent colds and strengthen the immune system, heal wounds, and maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is quite simple to prepare: you need to mix a glass of dried petals with one liter of vodka or alcohol, mix and leave to infuse in a cool and dark place for thirty days.

In case of vitamin deficiencies and very frequent colds, it is recommended to prepare a very simple decoction from the petals. To create it at home, you need to pour a handful of fresh or dried petals with 1 liter of boiling water, and then leave them to steep overnight. The strained liquid should be consumed before each meal, approximately 3-4 tablespoons.

Oil is rarely prepared from rosehip petals; the fruits are mainly used. It is used in the treatment of bedsores, dermatitis, and sinusitis. To prepare the oil, you need to place 200 grams of petals in a dark vessel, fill it to the top with olive oil and leave to infuse for fourteen days.

Honey made from wild rose petals is a delicious and healthy treat. It is used to treat stomach colic, nausea, toothache, sore throat, and respiratory diseases. To prepare, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of petals and leave to brew, then separate the petals, add 150 grams of honey to the liquid and boil.

As you can see, traditional medicine is very rich in a variety of ways to use rosehip petals to treat various diseases.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, rose hip petals are used for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of skin problems and diseases, and also to strengthen hair. The petals have the property of toning and moisturizing.

Most often, wild rose petals are used to create:

  • lotions;
  • creams;
  • masks;
  • oils;
  • rose water.

If the skin is sensitive to the sun and has increased dryness, then you need to use rose water or an infusion of Russian rose petals. You can store this product in the form of ice cubes, which are very convenient for wiping your face.

Lotions using rose water relieve headaches.

With the help of the petals, you can remove the first wrinkles: you need to put a napkin soaked in the infusion on your face and hold it for half an hour.

An excellent makeup remover is essential oil made from rosehip petals. In addition to the fact that it will cleanse the skin of makeup without leaving a trace, the oil will moisturize and fill the skin with vitamins. Essential oils are made from fresh petals. In ancient times, the oil was believed to be a strong aphrodisiac.

Lotions occupy a significant place in the use of rose petals. They are very easy to prepare and quite beneficial for the skin. There are many ways to make lotions. Below is one of them.


  • pink water;
  • lemon juice;
  • alcohol.

In a deep bowl, mix about two hundred milliliters of rose water, twice as much alcohol, add a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and half a tablespoon of homemade honey. The lotion, which has been steeped for half an hour, now needs to be strained in any convenient way, this can be a sieve or gauze. It is recommended to apply the prepared liquid to the skin of the face in the afternoon. A toning and refreshing effect is guaranteed.

To tighten pores and even out your complexion, you can prepare a lotion, for which you will need:

  • dry rosehip petals;
  • vinegar;
  • water.

You need to mix four glasses of petals and half a liter of vinegar and let them brew for a month. Then the infusion must be filtered through a sieve and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. It is recommended to wipe your face with this lotion in the morning.

The most fragrant and effective mask is considered to be prepared by mixing one teaspoon each of linden, sage, rosehip petals, dill, chamomile, mint, pouring 1.5 liters of boiling water and letting it brew for 40 minutes. A cloth soaked in this decoction is applied to the face for half an hour. Constant use of this mask will make the skin more elastic and fine wrinkles will disappear.

A mask based on a decoction of petals perfectly vitaminizes and nourishes the hair. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. decoction with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, apply the resulting mixture to your hair half an hour before washing your hair.

The use of petals in cosmetology is quite diverse. In addition to the fact that the petals bring great benefits to the body, they are very beautiful and fragrant. Taking a bath with rosehip petals will not only bring benefits, but will also give you unforgettable aesthetic pleasure.

Required ingredients:

  • lavender oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • oat groats;
  • rose oil;
  • dried petals.

Additionally, fabric ropes and small pieces of a thin scarf are needed. First of all, mix 1 cup of oatmeal and 12 drops of prepared aromatic oils in a suitable container, add 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of dried petals to these ingredients. Place a tablespoon of the resulting mixture on pieces of cloth, tie it with a rope, lower it into a hot bath and let it brew. This bath can be complemented with lighted candles and relaxing music.

How to dry it properly at home?

How to properly dry petals at home? This question worries many rosehip connoisseurs. After all, improper drying of the petals can spoil the product in the future. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances. Collection of flowers should begin at dawn, since it is at this time that they are filled with juice and all vitamins. Then you need to tear off all the petals from the rosehip flowers and inspect them so that they are whole and undamaged. It is not recommended to wash them. The drying itself should be carried out in the fresh air away from sunlight. The petals are laid out in a thin layer on clean thick paper. Dry for two weeks. They must be turned over periodically so that the drying process occurs evenly. Then the dry petals are placed in glass containers, covered with a lid and stored in a cool, dark place. The storage period is two years.

There is another, faster way to dry the petals using an oven. It is necessary to spread the petals on a baking sheet and leave to dry in the oven for 3-7 hours at 30 degrees.

Dry petals are used to make tea, tinctures, decoctions, and for cosmetic purposes.

How to brew tea?

How to brew tea correctly? How many petals should I use to make tea? These are quite important questions, because if you brew tea incorrectly, you can lose all the beneficial properties of rosehip petals. There are many recipes and uses for tea with benefits for the body. Details of tea brewing and types of use are described below.


Brewing method

Classic tea

Tea made from rosehip petals is inferior in its usefulness to infusion of the fruit, but is still a fairly useful vitamin drink. Making this tea is very simple. You need to pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of petals and leave to steep. There are recipes for cooking with the addition of honey, lemon or petals of other flowers. Drinking this tea will fill the body with strength and vitamins.

For weight loss

Slimming tea made from rosehip petals is very popular. The effectiveness of losing weight when taking this drink is due to the fact that both fresh and dried wild rose petals help the stomach function, improve metabolism and have a diuretic property. To prepare tea, you need to pour half a glass of petals with a liter of boiling water and let it brew. This tea should be drunk throughout the day. Long-term consumption of tea will not only help you lose weight, but will also fill your body with vitamins and add energy, which can be spent to benefit your figure by playing sports.

Rosehip petals are used as an additive to regular teas; they fill them with a special aroma and vitamins. Teas prepared using the petals are brewed almost identically and are endowed with equal healing properties. But tea made from fruits is considered more healthy and rich in vitamins.

As a result of studying all the information, we can conclude that rosehip petals are useful almost as much as its fruits, and are fully used in many sectors of human life.

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Antibacterial and antiviral

Rosehip flowers are the ancestor of all ornamental rose crops. The most common use of rose fruits of the bush. The leaves, roots and petals of wild rose are also used in folk medicine. Rosehip flowers are collected in the spring, when the concentration of nutrients in them is highest. The characteristics of the plant describe it as a perennial shrub, unpretentious and widespread. Rosehip has about 200 species, among which there are dwarf plants and bushes reaching 10 m in height. Fruits, flowers and leaves, collected at a certain time, are dried and stored in a dark and dry place for about 2 years.

1 Healing properties of the plant

The medicinal properties of rosehip flowers are determined by a unique composition, including organic acids, essential and fatty oils, tannins, glycosides, pigments, sugars, minerals, flavonoids, waxes, anthocyanins. Contains a large amount of vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, retinol, tocopherol, vitamin K and P. Thanks to its rich composition, the plant has a lot of healing properties:

  • Look how, in retirement, I grow mushrooms at home for 55,000 rubles. every month! Take a 3 liter...
  • Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal.
  • Choleretic.
  • Immunostimulating, tonic.
  • Emollient.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antisclerotic.
  • Enzymatic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Hypotensive.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Astringent.
  • Regenerating.

The benefits of rosehip flowers are invaluable. It has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and stimulates myocardial activity.

Rosehip roots: medicinal properties, decoction recipes and indications for use

1.1 Indications for use

Wild rose flowers are indicated as part of a complex treatment for the following diseases.

  • Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, diarrhea, intestinal atony. Use in the acute stage is prohibited.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney stones and urolithiasis.
  • Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, obesity of varying severity and edema caused by excess weight.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies: circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocarditis, vascular fragility.
  • Failures of hematopoietic processes: anemia of various etiologies, malignant blood pathologies. To improve blood clotting during uterine, nasal, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Central nervous system disorders: stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous disorders, sleep disorders.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated thanks to the plant’s ability to remove salts from the body. It is successfully used for gout and rheumatism to relieve swelling and inflammation of the joints.
  • Traumatic injuries to bones and epidermis: wounds, burns, cuts, fractures, bruises, cracks, bedsores.
  • Hemorrhoidal fissures: as an antiseptic.
  • Dermatological diseases: dermatitis, eczema of various etiologies, psoriasis, erysipelas, trophic ulcers.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis.
  • Intoxication of the body: alcohol, food, radiation, chemical, due to increased body temperature. Rosehip removes toxins from the body and has an antioxidant effect.
  • Decreased immunity caused by vitamin deficiency.

It is important to know that in the form of decoction, compote and herbal tea, rosehip lowers blood pressure, therefore it can be used to treat patients with chronic hypertension. An alcoholic tincture of the bush is indicated only for people with persistent hypotension.

Rosehip decoction: healing properties, harm, contraindications, rules of administration

2 Contraindications for use

Before starting a therapeutic course with rosehip-based products, you must consult a specialist, as they have contraindications:

  • Thrombophlebitis. Rosehip is not used to treat such patients, as it increases blood clotting.
  • Diseases of the stomach with high acidity and in the acute stage of pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Allergic manifestations and individual intolerance to flowers and fruits of shrubs. In this case, rose hips can harm the body.
  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. In this case, it is not recommended to drink rosehip drink or you need to drink it through a special straw.
  • Calculous cholecystitis with large stones. In this case, consumption leads to blockage of the bile duct with a stone.

It is necessary to use rosehip products with caution during pregnancy. This especially applies to fetuses, since exceeding the recommended dosage provokes miscarriage.

Beneficial properties of rose hip syrup: use and contraindications

3 Brewing rules

When preparing medicines based on rosehip flowers, leaves, roots and fruits, you must follow some rules that will help you prepare an effective medicine:

  • It is allowed not to boil fruits and flowers, so as not to destroy all the beneficial substances.
  • The infusion usually needs to be infused for 2 hours to a day. If it is not boiled, leave for at least 12 hours.
  • When it is necessary to prepare a decoction, boiling lasts no more than 20 minutes, and infusion lasts from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Ascorbic acid can be preserved in fruits by peeling and grinding.
  • Fresh fruits can be infused even in cold water.
  • Decoctions and infusions should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

The body benefits from products that are not subject to boiling, since they retain all the vitamins and minerals of the plant.

4 Popular traditional medicine recipes

Simple home recipes help treat many pathological conditions:

  1. 1. An infusion for the treatment of colds is prepared from 2 parts of the fruits and flowers of the bush, 2 parts of mint and 1 part of coltsfoot and oregano. Mix the herbs, take 3 teaspoons of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours and take half a glass three times a day an hour before meals.
  2. 2. The antipyretic infusion consists of the fruits of wild rose and viburnum in equal parts. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the berries and leave for 1 hour. It is necessary to take 100 ml every 2 hours.
  3. 3. A teaspoon of chamomile added to a glass of hot rosehip infusion will help eliminate insomnia. After 3 hours, the solution is filtered and taken, drunk immediately before bed.
  4. 4. Angina is treated with rosehip infusion, to which a tablespoon of hawthorn is added. Infuse for 24 hours and consume 30 minutes before meals.
  5. 5. To relieve the symptoms of hypertension, prepare a mixture of crushed lemon, a tablespoon of hawthorn and rose hips. The ingredients are mixed with a glass of liquid honey and taken a tablespoon in the morning and evening.

In folk medicine, there are many more recipes based on rose hips. It is recommended to use them with the permission of a doctor.

5 Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, rosehip flowers are used in the form of decoctions and infusions. They heal the skin, restore its elasticity and firmness, relieve inflammation and smooth out fine wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise adding shrub flowers to the bath to get maximum benefit from the plant.

Rosehip oil is indicated for eliminating various dermatological imperfections: dryness, flaking, sagging skin, pigment spots, inflamed pimples, blackheads, blackheads, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes. The product is allowed to be used in its pure form, as part of cosmetics and home remedies.

Rosehip flowers and fruits are unique raw materials for the preparation of medicinal products that heal the body. Self-medication is dangerous to health, so before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Perennial plant of the wild rose family As a decorative flower it has no special value. However, the benefits of rosehip petals are undeniable and relieve many ailments. There is always a place for a rosehip flower bush in your garden plot.

Description of the beneficial properties of the plant

The value of rosehip is based on its rich vitamin C content. Compared to lemons, its content is 40 times higher.

The fruits, flowers, leaves and roots of rose hips are used for medicinal purposes. According to the description, they contain - organic acids, minerals, vitamins, carotene, phytoncide, sucrose and essential oils.

They are widely used in folk and modern medicine. The healing parts of rose hips have the following properties:

  • cleanse the circulatory system;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • strengthen weak immunity;
  • the body is enriched with vitamins;
  • used for anemia;
  • used for kidney and bladder diseases;
  • prescribed for liver problems;
  • used as a diuretic and tonic.

Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C, minerals, organic acids

The beneficial properties of flowers are very high. They are collected during the flowering period and dried in partial shade., or buy a ready-made pharmacy collection.

If the flowers are not collected, fruits will form after the rose hips bloom. The color of the fruit is red. They are collected in the fall, before the onset of cold weather.. At this point, the fruits dry out.

If you need roots, in the fall they dig up the bush and cut off the required amount. Pieces of roots, washed and dried.

It is important to know that the collected raw materials should be stored in a dry place, and the tincture in the refrigerator.

The plant is unpretentious in care and grows in any soil. They are planted using sprouts, roots and seeds that are found in the fruits. They are cared for as for ordinary roses, watered and pruned in autumn.

Traditional medicine has been paying attention to the benefits of rose hips for many decades. Calorie content of dry raw materials - 284 kcal, freshly harvested 51 kcal.

Phytotherapist Efimenko N.Yu about the medicinal properties of the plant and its use:

Harm and contraindications

Against the backdrop of beneficial properties, like any product, Rosehip bush raw material has its contraindications. In addition, it must be taken according to the recipe without exceeding the recommended proportions.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences, should be taken with caution by people:

  • with thrombophlebitis and with a tendency to form blood clots in the venous system;
  • Abuse is contraindicated in case of increased gastric acidity;
  • frequent use contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • for gastritis and peptic ulcers, take with caution;
  • If you have high blood pressure, you should not use alcohol-based tinctures;
  • consuming large quantities of decoctions and tinctures can cause jaundice of non-infectious origin;
  • a decoction based on the roots can slow down the secretion of bile from the bile ducts;
  • Rosehip flowers are not recommended to be consumed if a person suffers from constipation.

The plant has contraindications, daily dose: 7-8 berries, 1-3 tablespoons of flowers or dry roots

They also have contraindications for people who have dermatological problems. The high content of vitamin C contributes not only to healing from many ailments, but also may cause allergic reactions in the form of a rash.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before use. In everything you need to observe moderation, caution will avoid sad consequences.

Daily dose of rose hips: 7-8 berries, 1-3 spoons of flowers or dry roots. You should pay attention to the recommended doses; it is better not to exceed them.

Use of flowers in folk medicine

Rosehip is the most valuable medicinal plant in nature, freshly picked and dried flower petals are used for treatment. Decoctions, alcoholic tinctures and teas are prepared.

Herbalists and healers treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. Decoctions of wild rose flowers are recommended to drink for nephritis.

Petal tea is prescribed for colds, low hemoglobin and as a general tonic.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, a decoction of flowers can be consumed in small quantities.

If breastfeeding, consult your doctor first, as Rose hips can cause diathesis in a child.



Take 1.5 tablespoons of petals, place them in a 1-liter thermos and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 12 hours. It's better to do this at night.

Use 2 tablespoons per day for medicinal and preventive purposes. Recommended for colds and vitamin deficiency.

Alcohol infusion

Place 100 grams of petals in a glass jar, compact and fill with alcohol. Leave in a dark place for at least 3 weeks.

Keep refrigerated. Use strictly as directed, do not give to children.

Take orally with water or as compresses. Particularly effective for runny nose and toothache, inflammation of the gums, rapid heartbeat, nausea.

Avicenna used an alcohol infusion; he recommended taking it for noise in the head.

Folk signs associated with rose hips

Among the Slavs, rose hips have always been a symbol of good health, prosperity, love. Folk signs are associated with wild rose flowers.

In tsarist times, pharmacists' access to rose hips was supervised, and waste was punishable.

Ancestors celebrated the rosehip festival on June 6. On this day, it was customary to dance in circles, sing ritual songs and generously set the tables.

among the people You can set your watch by flowers, the petals bloom between 4 and 4.30 am.

Shamans drove out diseases by lashing sore spots with thorny rods from a rosehip bush. People considered flowers to be a talisman: as a remedy against evil spirits and witches.

Pharmacists prepare the drug Holosas and vitamin syrups from rosehip flowers.

In addition to traditional medicine, pharmacists prepare drugs from rosehip flowers - Holosas and vitamin syrups.

There is enough information about the benefits of rosehip flowers and fruits. After studying the material, you can compare the benefits and possible harm from use.

Growing rose hips in your garden is a very profitable and useful business.

Rosehip or Rōsa is a well-known plant from the Rosaceae family in our country. In official and folk medicine, not only are the fruits of this crop in demand, but the medicinal properties of rose hip flowers are also widely used.

Botanical description

Bisexual flowers with a diameter of 1.5-10 cm can be either single or collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Some species have bracts. The pedicels are short, 0.55-1.75 cm long. The hypanthium is ovoid, spherical, bottle-shaped or pitcher-shaped, with a narrowing at the throat. The corollas are large in size, with five petals, sometimes semi-double. The coloring may be red, yellow, creamy or white.

Sepals of the entire type may have an extended pointed tip. A pair of sepals have a bilateral dissection, and one has a unilateral dissection. Numerous and freely located stamens are complemented by two-lobed anthers. The pistils are most often sessile, attached to the receptacle, and arranged spirally at the bottom of the hypanthium. Ovaries with hairs, single-locular type, freely located. The ovules are single-covered.

The medicinal and healing properties of rosehip flowers are used very widely.

Beneficial features

The beneficial qualities of rosehip flowers are easily explained by their chemical composition:

  • essential and fatty oils that provide astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides and flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • wax;
  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Rosehip: harm and benefit (video)

The flowers of this ornamental crop are an excellent raw material for the production of rose oil, which is very actively used in aromatherapy. Based on rose oil, Bulgarian manufacturers launched the production of the famous drug “Rozanol”, used in the treatment of biliary tract diseases, liver diseases, and also to improve the condition of people suffering from urolithiasis. Ointments, gels and lotions with rose oil can cure long-term non-healing wounds.

Extracts from flowers are used to improve the taste and smell of medicines. Dried and crushed rosehip petals are a popular additive for herbal and soothing pillow fillers.

The benefits of rose petals also determine their presence in various herbal preparations used in folk medicine to increase immunity, strengthen strength during colds and flu, and in the treatment of neurasthenia. Products based on rosehip flowers have proven themselves to be effective in getting rid of conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids, and reducing the risk of allergic manifestations.

Medicines based on rosehip petals for internal use are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to treat diarrhea, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.


There are almost no pronounced contraindications for the use of rosehip flowers. You should limit the use of drugs based on rose petals if you are prone to allergies, and also be careful when taking such drugs in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and individual intolerance to the components.

Indications for use

Decoctions and infusions based on rose petals are used to prepare both external and internal remedies. External agents are in demand for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, skin ulcerations, burn surfaces, dermatitis and psoriasis, purulent dermatological infections, acne and furunculosis.

Medicines containing rosehip petals for oral administration are in demand in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, heart attacks and pre-infarction conditions, ischemia and hemorrhagic strokes. Such medications are recommended for reduced levels of pancreatic enzyme production and decreased appetite.

Infusions and decoctions of rose petals can cure:

  • cholecystitis with the formation of stones;
  • exacerbations with hepatic and renal colic;
  • disorders in the hematopoietic systems;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • conditions accompanied by vitamin deficiencies and insomnia.

A positive effect is observed in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.

Methods of application

Based on the petals of rosehip flowers, decoctions are prepared that have a pronounced therapeutic effect in the presence of erysipelas of the skin and eye diseases. To prepare the product, pour 0.1 kg of raw material into a glass of boiling water and boil for an hour. Then the broth must be cooled and strained. It is used as a lotion, which is applied to the affected areas.

How to prepare tincture of rosehip flowers (video)

Rosehip flowers are widely used in cosmetology in the form of compresses with decoctions or water infusions, which can rejuvenate the skin, restore its smoothness and elasticity, eliminate swelling and various defects, and help get rid of age spots and spider veins. Cosmetologists recommend taking baths with the addition of rosehip flowers: this procedure well moisturizes and effectively softens the skin, relieves skin irritation and inflammatory processes, and also helps get rid of cellulite and postpartum stretch marks.

All the flowers are gorgeous! Each flower is charming in its own way and keeps in
some secret to yourself. It may also have healing properties, beneficial
affecting the body and aromatic qualities that have their own
special magic that affects the emotional and psychological background

Rose and rose hip, which is very often popularly called
Bulgarian rose, just like each of the most wonderful gifts of nature -
contain extraordinary healing properties. More than one hundred years
Rose petals are added to tea precisely because of these properties,
which thanks to them has a truly enchanting aroma and beneficial
influencing physiological functions adds strength to a tired body,
slightly calming and intoxicating.

Rose hip flower drink
- this is a separate story, almost a legend. From time immemorial,
village healers advised people suffering from heart disease
make a drink from rose hips. Drink made from flowers brewed in boiling water
rosehip - rich in vitamin C, has a calming and relaxing effect
action. This drink is useful in general and for the whole body, but
can also be used for preventive purposes - for health and
longevity, strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems. On prescription
The healer had to brew dried rosehip flowers with boiling water and drink
such a healing drink after meals.

The rosehip itself -
this is just a treasure trove of nature, about which we know so little and so rarely
we use. Rosehip since time immemorial, even by our great-great-grandmothers
and was used by great-mothers as a means to improve exchange
substances in the body and even against bleeding gums (periodontal disease) and
anemia (anemia).

Today doctors recognize
the fact that rosehip is an excellent prophylactic against
many diseases. Doctors have proven that drugs manufactured
from rose hips have diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory,
antisclerotic and hemostatic effect.

roses have always been given great importance, thanks to their
a specific aroma, slightly intoxicating and intoxicating. Russia does not have
such vibrant customs and traditions as, for example, in the East, which
Rose flowers and intimate relationships between lovers are connected. Moroccan
customs, for example, include practices such as foot washing
beloved on the first wedding night with fragrant rose water, a bath with
rose petals, dance of a Moroccan beauty for her beloved with a rose on
heaving, pert chest.

Rose petals find their way
place both in love magic and in love games. The bed is strewn
rose petals, which came to us from the West, caresses in which lovers
can use not a feather, but a cool rose with its velvety
delicate petals.

Rose petals and rice at weddings
shower the newlyweds. A beautiful and solemn moment remains in the memory
not just by observing some norm or custom, but as one of the most
vivid memories.

From rose petals and rose hips even
making jam! Didn't you know? To make this dessert
fresh flowers are collected, after which they are laid in thin layers in
jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar and pressing tightly with a spoon. Then
put the jar in the refrigerator and after a while, when it forms
the syrup is poured into a separate glass container, and the petals are again
covered with sugar. The aromatic syrup thus obtained from
rose petals and rose hips, very useful for heart disease and anemia,
It is added to tea and as a stress reliever.

Here are a few recipes for making jam from rose hips petals (you can also make jam from tea roses):

1. Jam from rosehip petals (or roses).

To prepare you will need:

125 g petals

1 kg granulated sugar

1/2 liter of clean water

5-8 g citric acid

Dip the washed petals into pre-prepared syrup, brought to a boil. Cook in one batch. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour the prepared jam into jars.

2.Jam and petals.

Ingredients for cooking:

250 g petals

200 g granulated sugar

1 g citric acid

Sprinkle the peeled petals with a thin layer of sugar, add citric acid in parts and leave in a cool place for one day. Then mash the petals with a pestle until smooth. Place in pre-prepared jars. Sprinkle sugar on top. Store in the refrigerator.

3.Jam and petals.

0.5 kg petals

2 kg granulated sugar

juice of 2-3 fresh lemons

3 glasses of cold water

Peel the petals, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar and pour in lemon juice in parts, grind until smooth. Use the rest of the sand to prepare syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar, add the prepared mass of petals to the resulting mixture and simmer fire. The finished jam takes on a transparent color. The jam is ready.

Greetings to users of the site irekcomend!

In the summer I often go to my aunt and uncle’s dacha in Ramenskoye. We love to drink tea. And you can’t even imagine how good it is to drink in nature.

And the idea came to pick rosehip leaves and brew them into tea.

1. If you pick them, you need to wash them because there are spiders and small insects. When we put the leaves in the teapot, it turns from fuchsia to white.

2. In addition to the leaves, of course, we add tea leaves and goodies (rose hips, mint leaves, currants - whoever likes what).

3. Wait for it to brew and pour the tea.

Then we went into the forest and saw a whole clearing with rose hips. And they began to collect them in bags. I brought it home and washed the leaves in the bathroom. Then I decided to dry it in the oven. It looked like this. But this method did not work because they did not become dry, but were wet.

Then another method, I put the newspaper on the clothes dryer, table, floor, wherever possible. I washed all the leaves in the basin (there were a lot of them).

And she put it on the newspaper.

The aroma was strong. It's nice when you smell it a little bit, but not when you're in it all the time.

The process looks like this.

Why do they drink tea with rosehip leaves?

Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent;


Ascorbic acid;

Fixed oils;

Rosehip leaves are used:

For women's diseases;

For diarrhea and stomach pain;

For sore throat;

Strengthens the body's immune system;

Happiness is when you rarely go to the pharmacy, but you remember and read how our grandmothers were treated? Nowadays, many people think about their health and try to take pills and medications as little as possible.

I live in the Lesnoy town of the Odintsovo district - this is a city of contrasts, country houses and ordinary ones, in the future I will write a review and show it in pictures, there are rosehip bushes everywhere. And not only - sea buckthorn, hawthorn, Jerusalem artichoke, a lot of apples.

For the New Year, I packed the leaves into large candies and gave tea to everyone, you need to be able to save on gifts)

p.s. they can also be used for photo shoots and decorating the product when writing a review. In life you have to take what you can take for free!
