Is blue cheese safe? Poisoning with various types of cheese

Appearance white plaque on cheese stored in the refrigerator - a phenomenon not so rare. Therefore, the question is quite reasonable: is it possible to eat expired cheese? Especially for readers of Popular About Health, I will consider the features of this product during long-term storage.

As is known, in fresh this product has a lot of useful qualities, due to those present in it useful substances, one of which is calcium, which is so necessary for bone tissue. Of course, this product is useful to eat fresh, but is it possible to eat it in an expired form?

The appearance of a whitish crust on the surface of the cheese is a common phenomenon; this situation is familiar to almost all housewives. This product does not look very nice and does not cause appetite; it has an unpleasant appearance, and also it will taste significantly different from fresh product. As a rule, such formation appears as a result of improper storage or when the expiration date has passed.

Many believe that such a moldy crust is not dangerous, and it simply needs to be cut off with a sharp knife, and the remaining cheese can be used in culinary purposes. Unfortunately, such an opinion cannot always be true, because the mold that has formed on the cheese can penetrate into the product, which certainly will not be beneficial.

It should be remembered that microscopic mold particles can penetrate inside the cheese, but they cannot be visually identified; special equipment is required for this purpose. If it is a pity to throw away an expired product, then it is better to use such cheese after preliminary heat treatment. For example, you can add it to pizza, hot sandwiches, or any baked goods.

So, if the cheese has been lying in the refrigerator, then cut off its top part and then use the product, not forgetting to heat treat it. If plaque is present in a significant amount, then you should not try to clean it, since in this situation the entire piece will be affected, which will be extremely harmful to the body if used for nutrition.

So, mold may be present in expired cheese, and this is not the noble mold that is found in cheeses; therefore, if the product is severely contaminated, it is not recommended to use it, since it can provoke a foodborne illness, that is, poisoning. If such a situation happens, then it is worth flushing the person’s stomach, and you may have to call a doctor.


Of course, if the cheese is not very expired and contains minimal amount mold, you can remove it and use this product after preliminary heat treatment. If a piece of cheese is too old and has a lot of mold, it is recommended to simply get rid of it to prevent health problems.

Semi-finished poultry meat products (carcass, leg, fillet, hind quarter, tobacco and amateur chickens, thigh, drumstick, brisket) 48 Sets for jelly, stew, poultry soup 12 Boiled sausages: premium, first and second grade, third grade 72, 48 and 24 hours respectively Sausages and sausages of the highest, first and second grade 48 Packaged sausages, packed in polymer film under vacuum; boiled sausages, boiled pork, beef and lamb products 48 Fish and fish products all types of frozen 48 (at -2…0°С) Chilled fish of all types 24 (at -2…0°С) Crab sticks 48 Pasteurized milk, cream 36 Kefir 36 Sour cream 48 Cheese and curd products 36 Cheeses for no more than 30 days (at -4...0°C) Chebureks, belyashi, table pies, fried, baked, kulebyaki 24 Rasstegai (with meat, eggs, cottage cheese , cabbage, liver, etc.

Good to know. if you were sold a damaged or expired product

Hard Cheese Sometimes you just forget about a piece of cheese that got lost under other products in the drawer. If it is hard cheese, you can eat it even for a month after the expiration date. This is true even for packaging that has been opened for a long time.

Hard cheeses do not spoil for a very long time, so you can safely enjoy the taste. Mayonnaise You may be surprised, but mayonnaise can be stored for a very, very long time. It doesn't go bad for three to four months after it expires if you buy it in a store and store it at the right temperature.

If you did homemade mayonnaise from raw eggs, it should be eaten within a few days - otherwise it will be spoiled. Meat Fresh meat cannot be stored for more than a couple of days, but if it is frozen, it can be edible after a year. Just keep beef or chicken in the freezer if you bought a lot at a discount.

What should a buyer do if he has an expired product in his hands?

Photo: We present to you a new section - “Good to know”. In their weekly review, TUT.BY correspondents give accessible and concise answers to important everyday questions. Where to take expired goods? What purchases cannot be returned? How to calm down your neighbors? What vitamins are needed for spring? Where can an adult learn to swim? This section will help consumers navigate the market for goods and services, make conscious choice, protect your rights.
So, what should you do if you are sold an expired or spoiled product? According to the “Hygienic Requirements for Trading Facilities for the Trade of Food Raw Materials and Food Products,” the sale of goods that have expired (storage) dates, are rotten, spoiled, or have damaged the integrity of the peels of vegetables and fruits is prohibited.

What to do if you were sold expired products


The Rospotrebnadzor department is responsible only for objects of authorized trade. Unauthorized points are under the jurisdiction of the police as objects of illegal business activity. Residents should contact the police in such cases,” Natalia Lukyantseva, press secretary of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Sverdlovsk Region, clarified E1.RU.


The department reminds that buying any products at spontaneous markets is dangerous to health. Canned food and confectionery. – In such products, microbiology is obviously higher than normal. Even if the sales period has not expired, you still cannot buy, since the origin of the products cannot be confirmed, no one can bear responsibility, and compliance with storage conditions is also in question.

And there is also alcohol there, it is deadly,” added Lukyantseva.

Why is expired cheese dangerous?

If a trading company does not make concessions and refuses to resolve the issue, you can contact the Main Directorate consumer market Minsk City Executive Committee or to the administration of your district in the department of trade and services (there is one in every district of Minsk). They exercise control over trading enterprises. All appeals must be submitted in writing, because it is a written appeal with reliable, confirmed facts that is considered.

The shelf life of the product is set by the manufacturer. When purchasing a product, you need to look at its full labeling: not only the expiration date, but also temperature regime, in which the product should be sold. Sometimes you can determine on your own if, for example, the milk sold is not cold or the refrigerator is not working. Selling expired goods is a gross violation of the law.

Mom's club

You can also write a letter to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint about the store on the official website of the supervisory authority. By the way, it is worth taking photographs of the damaged goods and attaching these photographs to the letter. In addition, on " hotline» Rospotrebnadzor will tell you what to do in a specific situation, for example, if the consumer is not satisfied with the quality of the purchased product or the service provided.

The hotline number: 8-800-100-0004 is open every weekday from 10.00 to 17.00 (break from 12.00 to 12.45). The call is free from any location in Russia. Meatless sausages are a waste of money: the problem bad products in Moscow How to properly file a claim Claims regarding the quality of a purchased product that has expired can be submitted to the store in writing.

16 Foods You Can Eat Even After the Expiration Date

In this case, they will be preserved even after the expiration date. Eggs Eggs remain fresh for a month after the expiration date. If you're not sure, there's an easy way to check: Just put the egg in a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, you can eat it, but if it floats, it's better to throw it away; most likely, it has already started to spoil. Bread If you freeze bread, it can be preserved beyond the expiration date. This way it remains edible much longer than if you store it on the table. Frozen bread retains its texture once defrosted—no more throwing away stale slices! Recycled Cereals Dry cereals are processed, just like chips. They can be stored for six months after the expiration date, although the taste may change slightly. Just keep them wrapped as tightly as possible.

Sila expired cheese

In this case, you will not have to worry about your health. Pork If you cook the pork thoroughly, it can be eaten even several days after cooking. This is enough safe product, which is stored for a long time.

Potato Chips The chips are highly processed so they can be eaten for months after the expiration date. You should only throw away chips if they have a strange smell or bad taste. In other cases, there is no need to worry, especially if the pack was closed - the chips are probably in perfect order.

Canned Food Have you ever thought about the stock of canned food that some people have in their homes? Canned food does not spoil for years. Oxygen does not enter inside, so bacteria do not multiply. To ensure that canned goods last as long as possible, keep them in a dark and cool place.

It’s not customary here to bargain and look at the expiration date. “I’ve been buying food here for a year and a half now, and I’ve never been poisoned,” a customer wedges into the conversation. – I picked up two yoghurts from the store the other day. One is normal, the other is like mold. And here you can try it. Buyers agree and say that they have never been poisoned by local goods, which cannot be said about goods from the store.

Sellers refuse to talk about themselves. Larisa admits that everyone in the police already knows her. - Someone calls, the police are on their way. They are chasing us. They themselves tell us that there is no reason to come to us. But since they call, we have to come. We don’t force anyone to buy late, they go themselves.

In the store, the prices are crazy,” says Larisa. “Why did you point that thing at me?” the pensioner swears at the photographer.

I sold expired cheese, what should I do?

The expiration date is set by the food manufacturer, indicating storage conditions, and the trading company must control what product and under what conditions it sells. What should you do if you still bought an expired or spoiled product, Olga Timoshenko, a hygienist at the Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, told TUT.BY. 1. First of all, you need to contact the trading company where the goods were purchased. If there is a document confirming the purchase of this product (receipt), then the product can be exchanged or returned. By law (if you return) you must get your money back. Stores have merchandisers and department managers who must control under what conditions and what goods they sell. IN different situations just as a trading enterprise can violate storage conditions, so the manufacturer can violate the technology for preparing the product.

Every person who monitors their diet pays close attention to the expiration date when purchasing a product. And if you suddenly didn’t have time to eat cottage cheese or drink milk before the date indicated on the package, immediately throw it in the trash. However, there are products that can be consumed without danger to health even after the expiration date. Nutritionist Carla Griscti talked about this in an article for


The shelf life of bread is calculated taking into account the fact that you will store it on the table. When exposed sun rays mold forms on it. But bread can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator.


Canned food products, such as pickles, tomatoes and sauerkraut have gone through a salting process and are preserved in a very acidic solution that inhibits the growth of bacteria. Pickles can be consumed within two years after the expiration date.


You can safely eat yogurt within two weeks after the date indicated on the package. But only on the condition that it has not been opened or is in a sealed container.


If chocolate is stored in a dark place, there is no limit to its shelf life. Sometimes a white film begins to form on the chocolate, which is caused by the sugar crystallizing. But this film is absolutely safe.

Hard cheeses

Mold is only dangerous to soft cheeses, such as brie or cottage cheese. But in durum varieties she can't get in. If on the surface hard cheese, for example Parmesan or cheddar, mold has appeared, you can cut it off and safely consume the product.

Salad leaves and greens

Greens have no expiration date. As long as mold has not formed, it can be eaten. And cold water will help give freshness and remove lethargy.


Only whiskey that is stored in a barrel has an expiration date, but not in a bottle. Make sure that the whiskey is standing upright to avoid contact of alcohol with the cork, and at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees.


Milk remains harmless to health for about a week after the expiration date. If no specific smell appears, then you can drink it.


Best before date chicken eggs is 25 days. But even after this period, if the eggs were stored in the refrigerator, they can be eaten. It is very easy to check if an egg is missing. Put it in a bowl with cold water. If the egg sinks, it means it is not lost.


Whatever the expiration date for canned food is indicated, it can be eaten within four years from the date of manufacture. The main thing is to store the jars in a cool place and away from sunlight.

Cookies and chips

For several months after the expiration date, cookies and chips can be eaten without harm to health. The only negative is that they may lose their crunchy properties. You can warm them up in the microwave or preheated oven for 40 seconds.


As such, pasta actually does not have an expiration date. They can be eaten at any time.

Frozen vegetables

Sealed bags of frozen vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for years. Food may lose taste, but it will not cause harm to health.

Cheeses with noble mold, perhaps the most exquisite of all types of cheese, evoke conflicting emotions in people. For the first time, forcing yourself to try this moldy, wrinkled piece that smells of ammonia, rotten socks and worse is indeed very difficult, but courage is rewarded with the magnificent and indescribable taste of such cheeses. Once you try mold cheese, you will no longer remain indifferent and will probably become a fan of this amazing delicacy. Perhaps even learn how to make blue cheese with your own hands so that you can always have access to their fantastic taste without emptying your pockets (such cheeses in stores cost several times more than others)... and then you ask yourself - is it safe? Can blue cheeses cause harm to the body?

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial and harmful properties of blue cheeses for the human body in order to dispel all possible doubts and concerns regarding this product:

The benefits of blue cheeses

Improving the functioning of the digestive system. Mold cheeses contain many beneficial bacteria and amino acids for the intestines.

Beautiful hair, strong teeth and bones. The protein contained in cheese is easily soluble and is easily absorbed by the body. Cheese also contains calcium and phosphorus. This combination is very beneficial for bones, teeth and hair.

Defence from sunburn . Cheese mold contains substances that produce melanin, which can reduce the risk of sunburn.

Healthy sleep and strong nerves. Mold cheeses contain the amino acid tryptophan, which helps relieve stress and normalizes work nervous system, which helps improve sleep quality.

Good vision and youthful skin. Blue cheeses have high content vitamins A and E, which are considered vitamins of youth: they have a beneficial effect on the appearance, elasticity and health of the skin, and also improve vision.

The dangers of blue cheeses

Dysbacteriosis. Blue and white mold in cheeses these are fungi of the genus Penicillium (roqueforti and candidum, respectively). During their life, these fungi secrete antibiotics that help them prevent and suppress the development of all other bacteria nearby. As is known, antibiotics in large quantities can also disrupt the human intestinal microflora, which can lead to dysbacteriosis if moderation in the consumption of blue cheeses is not observed. However, 50 g of blue cheese per day will not harm your intestines in any way, but on the contrary, will improve its condition.

Allergy. Mold fungi contained in such cheeses are quite a strong allergen. Excessive consumption can lead to allergic rashes and hives.

The danger of listeriosis [indirectly]. Listeriosis - extremely rare for people, but very dangerous disease. In total, 40 cases of listeriosis are recorded in Russia annually (mainly due to the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products). At risk are people with weakened immune systems, children, pregnant and lactating women. Listeriosis bacilli may be contained in raw milk, however die when treated at temperatures above 62C for at least 35-40 minutes(pasteurization milk is carried out even with more high temperatures). Unfortunately, original cheeses with mold are often made from raw milk, which makes them a possible source of this disease. However, if you make your own cheese and from pasteurized milk, this danger can be completely eliminated(another argument in favor of making your own cheeses). The disease with listeriosis is not affected by the mold on the cheese itself, but by the use of raw, contaminated milk during its preparation.

the maximum amount of blue cheese safe for digestion for an adult is no more than 50 g per day

choose mold cheese made from pasteurized milk to avoid listeriosis infection

Do not eat mold cheeses daily, so as not to cause intestinal problems and dysbiosis

abstain or minimize consumption of blue cheeses during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if you have gastritis, hypertension or a weakened immune system

Blue cheese should not be given to children under two years of age.

Store blue cheeses tightly wrapped in wax paper in the refrigerator. Don't eat expired blue cheeses.

open cheese (with broken rind) should be consumed within a maximum of two weeks

on blue cheese, only the mold intended by the manufacturer should be present (white fluffy Penicillium candidum, blue or gray-green Penicillium roqueforti, or red surface mucus Brevibacterium linens (as on Limburger, Munster, Reblochon)). If you notice that cultivated mold has a wild neighbor, throw away such cheese, out of harm’s way.

Thus, blue cheeses are very beneficial for the body and will not harm you if you do not abuse them. If you eat a lot of tangerines New Year, you can become covered in spots of allergies, but we don’t start to be afraid of eating tangerines because of this?) As you know, even the most useful medicine It can become poisonous if you overdo it. In addition, do not forget that Europeans (the inventors and main consumers of blue cheeses) have been eating such cheeses for thousands of years and receive only health benefits from them. Europe has the lowest rate of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases in the world. So, eat your favorite mold cheeses a little at a time, and everything will be fine =) And even better if these cheeses are yours homemade- then you can be completely confident in their safety, and tasting them will bring you special pleasure!
