Quick pilaf with chicken. Pilaf with chicken breast. Delicious pilaf with chicken. Step by step recipe

This dish, beloved by many, came to us from the central part of Central Asia. It is there that the process of preparing pilaf is considered a real art, which, alas, not everyone can master. Traditionally, rice, fatty lamb and vegetables are used to prepare this dish, but today there are other variations, for example, lamb is often replaced with poultry. Then it turns out lighter and is suitable for people who watch their figure. Another important point is the choice of rice suitable for preparing crumbly pilaf with chicken. Usually special varieties are chosen: Devzira, Basmati or Chungara. Choosing the wrong type of cereal will cause all the grains to boil, turning into porridge.

Preparatory process

Before you start the cooking process, you need to prepare the necessary products and utensils.

Grocery list:

  • Rice chosen at your discretion, but it is better to use the varieties listed above;
  • Chicken or fillet;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Spices;
  • Pepper;
  • Carrot;
  • Water.

In addition, if you wish, you can add greens, raisins, and prunes to the food. Bright green grass will not only decorate chicken pilaf, but will also add an unforgettable smell to your culinary creation. Prunes and raisins go well with meat and give the dish an unusual flavor.

In addition to the listed ingredients, in order to prepare chicken pilaf, you need to prepare dishes. To work quickly and efficiently in the kitchen you will need:

  • Several deep plates (for rice, meat, chopped vegetables);
  • Cutting board;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Kazan or frying pan. I would like to dwell on this point in more detail. The fact is that crumbly pilaf with chicken can only be cooked in a cast iron container (duckpot or cauldron), and only in their absence is it permissible to use a frying pan. Many people use a multicooker for these purposes, well, you can cook in it too, but you’ll more likely end up with just crumbly rice with meat, rather than real pilaf. If you decide to cook in a regular pan, then be prepared that your idea is immediately doomed to failure. At the end you will get spoiled containers and a boiled mess that has nothing in common with real Central Asian pilaf.

When all the components are assembled, you can begin the preparatory process. Rinse long grain rice. Use only ice water for this. The cereal is washed about five times. The degree of its purity is determined by the transparency of the water. At first the liquid will be very cloudy, but after a few washes you will notice that the water becomes completely clear. Many cooks advise soaking the rice in ice water after washing; this will help make the pilaf with chicken in the cauldron more crumbly.

Leaving the cereal in the water, proceed to cutting the remaining ingredients. Cut the meat into small pieces. If desired, carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. Cut the onion into cubes or half rings, depending on the instructions in the selected recipe. You can also chop the garlic or add a whole clove for flavor. If you decide to add greens, finely chop them.

The simplest recipe

So, novice cooks will love the following recipe for pilaf with chicken in a cauldron. It does not require special skills, so even an amateur in the art of cooking can prepare it.


  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • Vegetables - 1 carrot, 1 clove of garlic, 1 onion;
  • 1.5 cups rice;
  • Sunflower oil - 80 grams;
  • Salt (to taste).

Cooking diagram:

  • Cut the fillet into equal cubes with a diameter of 5 cm;
  • Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips;
  • Heat the oil in a cauldron;
  • Add poultry meat to boiling oil, add salt and fry until golden brown. Do not overcook the meat, otherwise it will become very tough;
  • When the meat has acquired a characteristic shade of gold, add chopped vegetables, stir and leave to simmer over low heat. There is no need to cover the cauldron with a lid;
  • While the meat and vegetables are cooking, finely chop the garlic and add it to the cast iron container. Vegetables and meat must be stirred constantly;
  • When everything is ready, pour the rice that has been previously washed into the cauldron;
  • Pour water into the cauldron. For 1.5 cups of cereal, about 3 cups of cold water is enough. If you add too much, the rice may become boiled; if you add too little, the grains will be hard. To get a good chicken breast pilaf, make sure that there is a layer of water above the rice not exceeding 2 fingers placed in a horizontal position - this way you can determine the optimal amount of liquid in the container. Don't forget to salt the dish again;
  • The rice mixture should not be mixed with vegetables. Just cover the cauldron with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for about another half hour;
  • When the liquid on top of the pilaf has completely disappeared, you can open the lid and make holes in it so that excess moisture inside the dish evaporates;
  • Leave the dish for another 20 minutes, but check it periodically, as it is possible that the liquid will leave earlier and the pilaf with chicken breast will begin to burn;
  • When the rice grains have become soft and the water has completely evaporated, the fire can be extinguished. And only after all this can the rice be thoroughly mixed.

Now you know how to cook crumbly chicken pilaf easily and quickly.

Classic cooking method

This method is similar to the previous one, only the ingredients are taken in larger quantities. And to add an oriental touch, a little raisins are added to the dish. To cook chicken pilaf in a cauldron you should prepare:

  • Rice - 4 cups;
  • Fillet - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt;
  • Any spices of your choice;
  • Onions - 2 large heads;
  • Raisins - 70 grams;
  • Sunflower oil - 150 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  • Pour oil into the duck pot and heat it;
  • Cut the fillet into pieces. You will get quite a lot of meat, so you need to fry it in portions. Pour the first portion of poultry meat into hot oil, fry on all sides and remove from the cauldron. This procedure should be carried out one by one with all the meat;
  • When all the meat is ready, fry the vegetables (cut carrots and onions) in the same oil;
  • As soon as the vegetables are ready, return the meat to the cauldron, mix everything thoroughly and leave to simmer over low heat for 7 minutes;
  • Pour boiling water into the cast iron container so that the vegetable and meat mass is completely covered with water;
  • Add the selected spices, table salt, chopped garlic and washed raisins. If you want to add some spice to the pilaf, add a little cumin;
  • Bring the meat with vegetables and raisins to a boil and, stirring, keep it on the fire for another 10 minutes;
  • Pour clean rice into the cauldron, add salt and pour boiling water over the entire mass to the level of two fingers, as recommended in the recipe above;
  • Wait until all the liquid has boiled away; there is no need to stir the pilaf.

Advice: If all the water has evaporated, but the rice is still tough, make holes in it and add a little more water.

As you can see, this recipe for making chicken pilaf is also easy, and even a novice housewife with no experience in culinary affairs can prepare it.

A way to cook pilaf tasty and quickly

If you don’t know how to cook delicious chicken pilaf quickly, then this method is especially for you. By the way, it is suitable for cooking in a frying pan.

What you will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • Rice - 300 grams;
  • Table salt and spices;
  • Water - 450 grams;
  • Cubes for preparing broth with chicken flavor - 2 pcs.

Easy chicken pilaf in a frying pan, step-by-step recipe:

  • Fry the fillet in sunflower oil;
  • Pour the finished meat with water and dissolve the cubes there;
  • Add salt and spices. Pay attention to salt, since it is present in the cubes, try not to oversalt the dish, so add it in moderation;
  • While stirring the meat, bring the water to a boil;
  • Pour pre-washed rice into the container;
  • Cook until the pilaf is completely cooked and all the liquid has disappeared from it.

Exquisite recipe for real gourmets

If you want something unusual, then prepare pilaf according to the following recipe.


  • Fillet - 500 grams;
  • Soy sauce - 50 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves, onion - 1 head;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Rice - 400 grams;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Seasonings.

Cooking diagram:

  • Cut the meat into small pieces, place in a bowl, add garlic, soy sauce, honey and black pepper to the meat. Let the meat marinate for at least one hour or more;
  • Heat the cauldron over high heat and only then pour oil into it;
  • Fry the onion, cut into half rings, until transparent;
  • Add the marinated meat and fry the mixture, stirring constantly so that the crust lies evenly on each piece;
  • Add remaining garlic clove, paste, and water;
  • After a couple of minutes, pour the washed rice into the cauldron and add salt;
  • Without covering, bring the dish to a boil;
  • When almost all the water has gone and you see rice, add spices to the dish;
  • Now you can reduce the heat, cover the cauldron with a lid and cook the pilaf until tender, about 15 minutes.

Chicken pilaf in a frying pan- recipeinstant cooking

If you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to try delicious pilaf, then pay attention to this recipe.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet or minced chicken;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Table salt and seasonings;
  • Water.

Cooking diagram:

  • If you took minced chicken, place it in a heated frying pan, add salt and pepper. If using fillet, cut it as finely as possible;
  • When the meat is ready, add chopped onion and tomato paste to the pan. Tomato paste will give an orange color to the rice, since this express recipe does not use carrots;
  • After stewing the meat with onions, add washed rice to the frying pan and fill it with water;
  • After boiling, place garlic, spices and salt in a container;
  • Cook the pilaf over low heat until done;
  • When the rice is cooked, remove the pan from the heat and keep the pilaf under a tightly closed lid for several minutes so that the grains absorb the remaining moisture.

Now your express pilaf is ready to eat.

A suitable option for true connoisseurs

Speaking about possible ways to prepare this delicious dish, you cannot miss an interesting recipe for crumbly pilaf with chicken and prunes, which will not leave absolutely anyone indifferent.

Steamed rice pilaf with chicken - ingredients:

  • Fillet - 350 grams;
  • Steamed rice - 450 grams;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Onions - 2 large pieces;
  • Garlic to add flavor - 2 cloves;
  • Prunes - 15 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Spices, table salt.

Cooking chicken pilaf is a responsible process that requires precise execution of all recipe points, so carefully read the diagram below:

  • Rinse the rice and leave it to soak in ice water for 20 minutes;
  • Meanwhile, fry the pre-chopped poultry in hot oil;
  • When the meat is browned, place a layer of onions and carrots on top. Do not stir so that the layers do not join together;
  • Add water to the cauldron and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Do not pour too much water, just enough to cover the carrot layer by 1.5 cm;
  • Add spices and salt your preparation;
  • After the mass has been stewed at the right time, add steamed rice to it and fill two fingers with water;
  • Bring the dish to a boil and reduce heat;
  • When almost all the liquid has gone, add chopped garlic and washed prunes to the cauldron, cover the container with a lid and simmer for another 8 minutes.

Chicken pilaf, the recipe for which is presented, must be served correctly. To do this, without stirring the pilaf, turn it over onto a flat dish so that the rice with berries is at the bottom, and the meat and vegetables are at the top. Bon appetit!

How to choose the right rice for preparing delicious pilaf

So, having learned different options for how to cook pilaf with chicken in a cauldron and pilaf with chicken in a frying pan, it’s worth studying information about the correct selection of products for this. The most important ingredient of the dish is rice. It depends on its variety whether your pilaf will turn into porridge with meat.

The right cereal will create the desired texture of the finished dish, beautiful appearance and improve taste.

Criterias of choice:

  • Buy cereal of the correct shape; it is best to give preference to long-grain parboiled rice. It holds its shape well during heat treatment, absorbs water and spice aromas well, cooks quickly, and also has an affordable price;
  • The surface of the grains should be uneven;
  • Brown rice - perfect for any chicken pilaf recipe;
  • Consider using red rice for your pilaf. It well absorbs the juice released by vegetables, meat broth and the aroma of seasonings, making the dish especially tasty;
  • When choosing rice, pay attention to the integrity of the grains.

What seasonings to use

How to cook chicken pilaf so that it is aromatic and tasty? Of course, for this you need to use a variety of seasonings. You can add them at your discretion, but there is a classic set that is used to prepare real Central Asian pilaf:

  • Zira or cumin is a hot seasoning that adds piquancy to the dish;
  • Barberry - adds sourness and goes well with meat;
  • Saffron - provides the dish with a unique taste and color.

Europeans adapted the recipe for themselves and often use:

  • Black pepper - for spiciness;
  • Onions and garlic - for flavor;
  • Paprika - to add color, since, alas, not everyone can achieve a brown tint to rice.

Knowing how to make chicken pilaf, learn some tricks of its preparation so that your dish is perfect:

  • Rinse the rice thoroughly in ice water; you can soak it additionally;
  • When washing the grains, you can add a teaspoon of table salt to the water, this will help to better rinse the grains;
  • To prevent the rice from burning, the cauldron or frying pan used for cooking must be thoroughly washed;
  • Before cooking pilaf with chicken, heat the sunflower oil as much as possible;
  • You can mix vegetables and meat during cooking, but never stir the dish after rice has already been added;
  • To see if all the water has evaporated from the pilaf, make small holes, but under no circumstances try to move or stir the pilaf;
  • To improve the taste, instead of vegetable oil, you can use sesame or cottonseed oil;
  • If you want to make the pilaf fattier, then cook it in fat tail fat;
  • If you want to get real pilaf, then never grate carrots, cut them into bars;
  • Add spices either in the middle or towards the end of cooking the meat to make the dish more flavorful;
  • You should not immediately serve pilaf to the table; if possible, cover it with a lid, wrap it in a towel and let it stand for about half an hour;
  • Many cooks recommend adding a little salt to the meat and not salting the rice itself, as it will absorb excess salt during the cooking process.

There are many recipes on how to properly prepare chicken pilaf, and you can use any part of it - fillet, wings, legs. But don't forget about other types of meat. Try making it from pork, lamb or turkey, perhaps your household will like it too. The main thing to remember is that the cooking time depends on the type of meat.

Don't be afraid to try cooking pilaf. Maybe the first time it won’t turn out the way you would like - don’t be upset, just read the recipe more carefully and find out what you did wrong. Study the tips given in the article and you will learn how to cook chicken pilaf so that it is very tasty and crumbly.

Chicken pilaf is an easy and inexpensive dish that anyone, even those unfamiliar with cooking, can prepare. You just need to follow the simple rules that I will tell you about in this recipe.

To make pilaf, you only need 7 ingredients - meat, carrots, onions, rice, vegetable oil, water, salt. All! No spices are needed. That is, if you wish, you can of course add them, for example, saffron, barberry, cumin, but this is not at all necessary. Pilaf will be delicious without them.

For pilaf we use the most accessible and inexpensive meat - chicken, or rather chicken breast fillet. The rest of the products are also the most common - fresh carrots, onions, sunflower oil, any rice, plain water, table salt.

For 3-4 servings you will need:

1 chicken breast
1 carrot
1 onion
1 cup rice
50-70 g vegetable oil
2 glasses of water
1/3 teaspoon salt


We cut the chicken breast meat from the bones and cut into pieces about 2 cm in size. The skin can be removed or used, it depends entirely on your taste. Chop carrots and onions coarsely (~ 0.5 cm). All ingredients should be approximately equal in volume.

Pour the oil into a deep frying pan or metal (not enameled) pan. Heat well (until smoke appears) and fry the chicken pieces in it until lightly browned.

Add carrots to the meat and lightly fry.

Place the onion in the pan and sauté until lightly colored.

We carry out the entire frying process, constantly stirring the products. Sprinkle a glass of rice on top in a thin layer.

Salt. Fill with two glasses of water. This is a general rule when preparing any pilaf - 1 part rice to 2 parts water.

Close the lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for 20-30 minutes (until the liquid has completely evaporated). Remove from heat. Stir and keep for a couple of minutes until the excess liquid evaporates.

Pilaf for 4-5 servings

  • Rice (my husband likes crumbly pilaf, for him I take long-grain, and when I make it to my liking, then short-grain) 400 g;

  • Chicken chicken legs 5-6 pieces (small);
  • Medium carrots 3 pcs;

  • Onion 2 medium heads;

  • Garlic 5 small cloves;
  • Vegetable oil (I used corn oil);
  • Salt;
  • Ground pepper.

Let's start cooking chicken pilaf at home

  1. Take the rice and rinse it with water. I often use rice from bags for cooking, so I don’t rinse it, but simply pour hot boiled water over it and let it steep.
  2. Meanwhile, we cut the carrots into small slices, sometimes I grate them on a coarse grater (it also turns out delicious).

3. Cut the onion into small squares.

4. Rinse the chicken legs with water.

If you have a cast iron pan, then it will work just fine. If not, then it is better to choose a pan with thicker walls.
I use a cast iron pan:
— I pour in vegetable oil, after the oil is hot, I throw in the onions.
— I fry until golden brown, the main thing is not to burn, otherwise it will have a bitter taste.

— I add chicken legs and salt. Stir and fry for 10 minutes over high heat.
— I put the carrots on top, without stirring, I make the flame quieter, cover with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

I drain my rice and add it to the pan, adding two glasses of water. Stir, cover with a lid and leave to cook for 15-20 minutes. then open the lid, without stirring, insert the garlic cloves deeper into the rice, cover with the lid again, simmer for another 5-10 minutes

Distribute carrots evenly

Before serving, I remove all the legs from the pilaf so as not to damage them, mix them well, put them on a plate for everyone, and put chicken legs on top.
As you can see, preparing chicken pilaf at home is not at all difficult!

Enjoy your meal!

Pilaf- an ancient dish that came to us from eastern countries. There are thousands of recipes for preparing this dish and each one claims to be unique. We can talk for a long time about the classic preparation of pilaf, about its Central Asian or Iranian variants, however, let us remember that we are in a home kitchen, where we do not always have the necessary products and often have to cook from what is available. Therefore, let us use the knowledge that The common features of all pilafs in the world are the presence of rice, meat and vegetables, we’ll take out the spices that are lying around from the cabinet and prepare a delicious homemade pilaf from chicken bought at the market.

You will need:

  • chicken 1-1.5 kg (this is half a good homemade chicken)
  • rice 3 cups
  • onions 2-3 pcs
  • carrots 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice peas

Spices for pilaf

Currently, the choice of spices for pilaf is very wide. Both markets and supermarkets are replete with a variety of herbs and seasonings. You can buy a ready-made mixture of seasonings for pilaf in the store, or you can ask a seller at the market and he will put together a wonderful set of flavors for you. We will proceed from the minimum so that our dish still resembles pilaf and not porridge with meat. And the minimum is this: bay leaf, allspice, ground black pepper and cumin or in another way cumin. It’s just gorgeous if you have high-quality dry barberry,sage, paprika or saffron. The last two spices give the pilaf a bright color. Provençal or italian herbs will give your pilaf a European touch, so you can safely use them. But, I’ll tell you a secret, if you have salt and pepper in your kitchen, that’s already good, you have to start somewhere! The main thing is to cook with love and don’t doubt your success!

Rice for pilaf

There is no need to scour the Internet looking for information about the right rice for pilaf. Reading, of course, is not forbidden, but you shouldn’t bother your head with names like devzir, chungara, dastar-saryk... We go to a regular supermarket and buy quality rice basmati. Again, I’ll tell you a secret, my mother and grandmother cooked pilaf from ordinary Krasnodar rice - it was very tasty!

About domestic chicken

The chicken should be big and fatty. When you see it, the thought should arise in your brain: “This is not a chicken, this is a boar!” A domestic chicken is a domestic chicken. Nothing can replace it. Only fat-tailed lamb pilaf can be better. Pilaf loves fatty meat. Therefore, if you use a factory broiler, add more vegetable oil. And remember the main rule of home cooking - missing ingredients are compensated by love and the desire to bring joy to loved ones! This rule works 100%, and always and without exception, it has been tested empirically.

Step-by-step photo recipe:

When there is a good chicken in the house, about two or two and a half kilograms, I divide it into two parts. From one I cook for, and from the other a second dish, for example, pilaf. If you have a small chicken, then cook pilaf from a whole chicken, this will only make it tastier. In an ideal pilaf, the ratio of the main ingredients (meat, rice, vegetables) should be approximately the same.

I need chicken wash,dry paper towel and, if necessary, remove remaining pen.

Divide chicken into pieces,add some salt And pepper.

Prepare the vegetables: chop the onions and carrots. For this pilaf, I cut the carrots coarsely, using a curly knife, which I got from my mother and which has been around for many years. But you can, of course, cut it with an ordinary knife, you can grate it.

You will also need garlic - whole head, from which you need to remove the top layer of husk and wash it well.

Fry the chicken pieces

Remove the chicken from the pan and in the same oil fry the carrots 2 minutes.

Add to carrots onion10 minutes.

fried onions, carrots And vegetable oil.

Place on top and allspice peas.

Pour boiling water over everything 1-1.5 hours until the meat is softened.

For pilaf I usually use ground cumin,ground coriander, sage or Italian herb mixture, and barberry.

They can be added either along with rice or while stewing chicken.

Since chickens come in different maturity, 40 minutes after the start of stewing, take out a piece and try, if the meat is already tender, then you can throw in the rice, if it is still tough, then stew the chicken until soft.

While the chicken is stewing, sort it out, separate out any unnecessary impurities and rinse it several times. It is convenient to do this by putting the rice in a colander and placing it in a bowl of water. Rinse the rice under running water, stirring with your hands, lift the colander and drain the water from the bowl. Repeat everything several times, so not a single grain of rice will escape from you. After threshing and polishing, powder remains on the rice grains, so it needs to be washed off well.

Washed (3 cups) add to pan on top of chicken and vegetables. But before that, be sure. This is very important, it must be well salted, even oversalted, with the expectation that some of the salt will be absorbed by the rice.

Level it out Spoon the rice and press down lightly. No need to stir. There should be about 2-3 cm of liquid above the rice.

Cover the pan with a lid, let it simmer a little more (3-5 minutes), turn off the heat. We don’t eat pilaf right away, it must brew about 30 minutes until all the liquid is completely absorbed into the rice.

Pilaf should be juicy. It depends on the amount of fat, and on the amount of water, which together forms a juicy broth, and on the type of rice. The feeling of harmony comes with experience, so do not despair if at first your pilaf turns out dry - this often happens even with experienced cooks. As my friend says after yet another failed pies: “We need to bake more often!”
Cook pilaf more often and you will definitely end up with such beauty and deliciousness!

The rice is juicy and crumbly, the grain of rice separates from the grain of rice, the meat is tender, melts in your mouth, the sweetness of onions and carrots... And that unforgettable aroma of spices!

  • refined vegetable oil 100-150 ml
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice peas
  • sage, coriander, cumin, barberry
  • Chicken wash,dry paper towel and remove the remaining feather. Divide into pieces, salt and pepper.
    Chop the onions and carrots. Remove the outer peel from the garlic and wash well.
    Fry the chicken pieces in hot vegetable oil.
    Remove the chicken from the pan and in the same oil fry the carrots 2 minutes.
    Add to carrots onion, add salt and fry until the onion is ready approximately 10 minutes.
    Place the contents of the pan into a cast iron cauldron or thick-bottomed pan: fried onions, carrots And vegetable oil.
    Place on top pieces of fried chicken, a head of garlic, bay leaf And allspice peas, add the rest of the spices.
    Pour boiling water over everything(7 cups), bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered 1-1.5 hours until the meat is softened.
    Sort and wash
    When the chicken is cooked, add rice to the pan, but be sure to taste the broth (zirvak) for salt. This is very important, it must be well salted, even over-salted, with the expectation that some of the salt will be absorbed by the rice.
    Level it out rice with a spoon. No need to stir.
    Cook pilaf over low heat under the lid, leaving a hole for steam to escape. When the water is absorbed into the rice and bubbles appear on the surface, pierce the rice with a spoon and look at the liquid level, there should be no more than a quarter of the pan. Cover the pan with a lid, let it simmer a little more (3-5 minutes), turn off the heat. Pilaf should sit for at least 30 minutes.

    They prepare it for all occasions: anniversaries, weddings, tragic events. There are approximately 130 recipes for its preparation. This is a fairly filling dish, but not too heavy on the stomach. Traditional classic Uzbek pilaf is cooked with lamb in a cauldron over an open fire. But not everyone likes lamb, and pork meat is quite fatty, so the best option is pilaf with chicken. It is dietary, it can be eaten for various stomach diseases, and it is the most inexpensive in price. Therefore, everyone can afford to cook chicken pilaf.

    Pilaf with chicken. Classic Uzbek recipe

    In the modern world, it is not always possible to cook pilaf over a fire, but you should not refuse such a wonderful dish because of this. And on a regular stove, at home, it turns out very tasty if you follow the proportions correctly and know the intricacies of cooking. As you know, there is no such thing as too much pilaf, and if you don’t eat it all at once, then due to the fact that the dish sits in the refrigerator, it will not lose its taste, so you can safely cook it in large quantities. How to cook Uzbek pilaf with chicken? The recipe will be presented to your attention below. It serves 8-10 servings.


    The recipe for Uzbek pilaf with chicken is quite simple. For cooking we will need the following products:

    • Chicken meat - 1 kilogram (it is advisable to take fattier meat so that the pilaf does not turn out dry, legs are perfect, it is not recommended to use only chicken breasts).
    • Rice - half a kilogram (use exclusively hard varieties of long-grain rice; ideally, if it is the devzir variety, it can be purchased on the market without any problems).
    • Vegetable oil - at least half a glass.
    • Carrots - half a kilogram.
    • Onions - a little less than half a kilogram.
    • Garlic - 2 heads (it is not advisable to take young garlic).
    • Salt, pepper and spices for pilaf as desired.


    So, how is chicken pilaf prepared? According to (Uzbek recipe) technology, you must adhere to the following instructions:

    1. Peel the onion, cut it into two halves and leave it in a container with cold water. Meanwhile, wash and cut the meat into medium pieces of approximately the same size. Set the meat aside, take out the onion and cut it into very thin half rings. Then chop the carrots. In order to get real Uzbek pilaf, vegetables need to be cut into thin long strips, and not grated on a coarse grater. The color of the pilaf depends on the amount of carrots put in it. In Uzbekistan, there is a recipe without carrots, the pilaf turns out white, it is called wedding, and it is prepared exclusively for this celebration.
    2. Place an empty cooking container over medium heat and pour in vegetable oil. After it is warm enough, carefully throw the onion into it, stirring, bring it to medium-rare and add the meat to the pan. There is no need to bring it to full readiness, just lightly fry it, about 5-7 minutes. Then add carrots. No need to wait until all the ingredients are ready. The required readiness of carrots can be determined by their appearance: when stirred, they should bend well. Add salt, pepper and other spices. When the carrots are ready, you need to add boiling water so that the water covers all the ingredients. Simmer over low heat for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to taste for salt. The broth should be salty. The rice will absorb some of the salt during cooking. This broth is called zirvak. It can be prepared in advance so that the process does not drag on. There is a belief that the longer zirvak is stewed, the tastier the pilaf turns out.
    3. Add rice to the zirvak, after washing it well. Next, cook the pilaf until the rice has absorbed almost all the water.
    4. Wash the garlic, but do not cut it. Make a small depression in the almost finished rice and put garlic there. Close the lid tightly, reduce the heat to low and wait for 15 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat, wrap the pan with pilaf in a towel and let it brew for 20 minutes.
    5. The dish is ready. You can serve it to the table and delight your guests.

    Uzbek pilaf. Recipe in a slow cooker (with chicken)

    A multicooker is a very convenient invention that greatly simplifies the cooking process, and most importantly, saves precious time.

    In a slow cooker you can cook anything, from simple porridges to unsurpassed biscuits. You can also make real pilaf in it, which will be not much different from the famous national Uzbek dish.

    Multicookers come in different sizes, but in general they are not designed to cook a large volume of one dish, so the following recipe is not designed for a large number of servings. In addition, if when preparing pilaf in a saucepan or cauldron it is recommended to use fattier parts of the chicken, then in a slow cooker you can make an excellent dish with chicken fillet.

    Required Components

    So, to prepare Uzbek pilaf with chicken (recipe with photos in the article), you will need the following products:

    1. Two medium chicken breasts.
    2. Durum rice - 1 cup.
    3. Vegetable oil - about half a glass (you can also use butter).
    4. Onion - 1 pc.
    5. Carrots - 1 pc.
    6. Drinking water - approximately two and a half glasses.
    7. Salt, pepper, seasonings.

    Cooking instructions

    The recipe for Uzbek pilaf with chicken involves the following steps:

    1. Turn on the multicooker to fry mode, add oil. While it is heating, cut the meat into small pieces. When the oil is hot, add the meat and fry for 10 minutes.
    2. While the meat is fried, you need to cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into thin strips. Add to the slow cooker and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
    3. Add well-washed rice, spices and salt to the bowl of the device, fry for another 5 minutes on the same program. This is necessary so that the rice is saturated with oil and the pilaf is not dry.
    4. Add water to the multicooker and turn on the “Pilaf” or “Rice” program. The time is usually set automatically. After the end of the program, let it brew for 20 minutes, after which you can serve.

    Secrets of cooking Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron

    If you have the opportunity to go out into nature, on vacation, in addition to traditional barbecue, you can make real Uzbek pilaf over a fire and in a cauldron, as it should be. To prepare such a dish you will need the following products (all main ingredients must be taken on a one-to-one basis, except for onions, which are slightly smaller):

    • Durum rice.
    • Chicken meat.
    • Carrots (the same quantity as rice).
    • Garlic.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Salt, pepper, spices, barberry.

    How to cook?

    The recipe for Uzbek pilaf with chicken in a cauldron is quite simple. The following instructions must be followed:

    1. Cut the meat, onion into rings and carrots into strips. Rinse the rice and garlic well without peeling it.
    2. Heat the oil in a cauldron, fry the onion, add the meat, and a little later - carrots, salt and spices. After a short frying, add boiling water and simmer over low heat, the longer the better, as long as time allows, but not less than half an hour.
    3. When the zirvak is ready, you need to pour rice into it and add water if necessary. It is advisable to check for salt.
    4. Cook over low heat until fully cooked, then add whole heads of garlic and simmer for another 15 minutes, then remove the cauldron from the fire and let the pilaf brew.

    Now you know recipe for Uzbek pilaf with chicken, and more than one. Please your family and friends. Bon appetit!
