Tsakharajyn (Ossetian pie with beet leaves and cheese)

Beets are often used in the kitchen - in borscht, salads. Not everyone knows that leaves can also be eaten. How to cook a pie with tops so that it turns out tasty and satisfying?


Yeast 45 grams Milk 120 milliliters Sugar 15 grams Kefir 220 milliliters Sour cream 50 milliliters egg 1 piece(s) Salt 1 tbsp Flour 30 tbsp beet tops 1 kg Bulb 1 head Cheese 700 grams spread 70 grams

  • Servings: 1
  • Time for preparing: 40 minutes

Pie with beet tops "Ossetian"


Live yeast - 45 g;

Milk - 120 ml;

Sugar - 15 g;

Kefir - 220 ml;

Sour cream - 50 ml;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Salt - 1/3 tbsp. l.;

Flour - 3.5 tbsp.;

Beet tops - 1 kg;

Bulb - 1 head;

Cheese - 700 g;

Spread - 70 g.


Heat milk to 35 degrees and mix with sugar and yeast. Put in heat for 20 minutes. Opara should come up twice. Separately combine kefir, salt, egg and sour cream. Pour the mixture into the bowl and stir.

Add flour and knead the dough until it becomes soft consistency. Set aside in a warm place and cover with a cloth. Wait until it doubles in size.

Cut the onion into pieces and fry with the addition of a spread. Add beet leaves, cut them. Fry and salt and pepper at the end. Grate cheese and stir in.

Cut the dough into 3 similar pieces, each of which is rolled out. Put one layer on a baking sheet and stuffing on top, pinch the edges. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Repeat with each rolled piece. top lubricate butter(for the softness of the dough).

Use beetroot pie need it warm. Thanks to the oil, it will become tender and soft. Serve with tea.

Beetroot pie with cheese


Any milk product- 200 ml;

Water - 150 ml;

Sunflower oil - 75 ml;

Spread - 50 g;

Flour - 2 tbsp.;

Sugar, salt, yeast - 0.5 tbsp. l.;

Curd mass and cheese - 300 g;

Beet tops - 1 bunch.


First of all, you need to prepare the dough - combine water and sugar, add yeast. After 15 minutes, add kefir, salt and 2 types of oil. Sift flour and knead the dough. Set aside in heat for 60 minutes.

Wash the tops and cut into pieces, combine with cheese and cottage cheese. Optionally, you can add herbs and peppers. This will serve as the filling.

Cut the dough into 3 pieces and roll out each. Put the filling in the middle of the pancake and pinch the ends of the dough. Bake in the oven for 15 min. at 250°.

Do the same with the remaining cakes. Brush with spread after baking. You can also add a spread to the middle of the tortilla to make the filling more delicious.

Recipes for beetroot pie attract with their simplicity. It is easy to prepare and the taste is unforgettable. The filling has a sour taste - this is the highlight of the pie.

Ossetian pies are classified as traditional, ritual baking. They are prepared for the holidays, as a gift and for a commemoration, while giving a long-established shape and putting a certain filling inside. Such pies are very tasty, thanks to the successful combination of dough and filling. By the way, there is a wide variety of fillings from this and the name of the pie changes. Today we will learn how to cook Tsaharajin - a pie with beet leaves and cheese.

Ingredients for cooking the dish "Ossetian pie with beet leaves":

for the test:

Milk 1 glass;

Salt 1 tsp;

Flour 360 - 450 g;

Egg 1 pc;

Yeast 40 g;

For filling:

Beetroot leaves 350 g;

Salted cheese (brynza, suluguni, Ossetian cheese) 300 g;

Vegetable oil 1 tsp;

Butter for greasing the finished pie 30-40 g.

The recipe for Ossetian pie with beet leaves:

Prepare everything necessary ingredients to make it convenient to work with. Pour warm milk into a large bowl, add yeast, and leave for a few minutes. Milk can be taken both fresh and slightly sour. Heat the latter carefully so that it does not curl.

Beat the egg until smooth and a little foam appears. Add the egg to the yeast mixture, put salt here and mix well.

Start introducing flour, but not all at once. Pour in small portions, mix with a spoon. Knead the dough with a spoon as long as possible, continuing to add flour. You should get soft tender dough, slightly sticky to the hands, but different in density from the one needed for pies.

To remove stickiness, add about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and continue kneading, this action will greatly simplify the kneading. Cover the dough with a towel or cling film and leave in a warm place to suit.

Start preparing the filling. Rub the cheese on fine grater. It is important to take salty cheese, as the taste depends on it. Wash the beet leaves, dry them slightly and cut them finely.

Mix the cheese and leaves in one large bowl. Add a little vegetable oil, salt, pepper, giving more spice to the filling.

When the dough will do, punch it down. Now you can start forming the pie itself. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. The thinner the better.

Put the filling in the middle.

Start collecting the edges of the dough into a "bag" by going around the circle. Press well so that the dough sticks together.

Turn the cake over with the seam down, and pressing with your hands, begin to give it flat shape spreading the filling inside by pressing. In the end, you should get a flat cake.

Make a small hole in the center for steam to escape and send to bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 C.

Lubricate the finished, toasted pie with plenty of melted butter. When the pie has cooled, it can be served at the table, as a separate treat, or as an addition to others, such as first courses.

Ossetian pie with potatoes

Having once tasted an Ossetian pie, a person will definitely want to taste it again. The secret of pies lies in the harmony of taste. United in Ossetian pies great dough and delicious toppings.

The history of pies began long before the advent of yeast dough. The first pies were made from thin unleavened dough With large quantity fillings. Pies served as both bread and a full meal, which was very practical in the conditions of the nomadic life of the Ossetian ancestors, Sarmatians and Alans.

Ossetians consider pies with thin dough and a lot of stuffing, which is neatly hidden inside. If the cake is thick or the filling has leaked out, it means that the cake was made by a young housewife who still needs to hone her culinary skills.

Cooking an Ossetian pie is an interesting process, but not complicated. When it's possible good dough, everything goes like clockwork, and thin flatbread rolls around and the cake bakes well. Ossetian pie looks a bit like a big potato pie.

The names of Ossetian pies differ depending on the filling. In this Ossetian pie recipe, we will look at the preparation of kartofjin, a pie stuffed with potatoes and soft cheese. In this master class, you can learn how to cook an Ossetian pie.

Ingredients for cooking Ossetian pies:

5-7 potatoes;

500 g of soft cheese or fatty cottage cheese;

Salt, pepper to taste.


850 ml of water;

1-1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast;

1 teaspoon of salt;

1 st. a spoonful of sugar;

Flour premium(as needed);

Vegetable oil;

50g butter for soaking pies.

Recipe for Ossetian pie with potatoes:

Make dough and knead the dough.

To make a dough, the yeast is stirred with sugar in a warm, but not hot water(100 ml) and leave for 15-30 minutes to increase in volume.

On the basis of the dough, the dough is kneaded: first add 750 ml of water, then salt and flour. The dough should be as thick as pancakes. The dough is smeared vegetable oil, cover with a towel and leave in a warm, quiet place for 2 hours. The result is a tall, slightly wet, airy dough.

The dough is kneaded by adding a little flour.

Boil the peeled potatoes until soft. Then knead with a crush with the addition of butter. AT mashed potatoes add homemade cheese or cottage cheese. The stuffing is rubbed with a fork.

The dough is divided into three parts and the cakes are rolled out.

Ossetian pies remain fresh the next day. If the pies are not finished, which is almost impossible, do not worry, they will be fresh the next day. In the summer, so that the filling does not deteriorate, it is better to store the pies in the refrigerator.

wheat flour - 450 gr.
dry yeast - 7 gr.
kefir - 400 gr.
salt - 0.5 tsp
vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
butter for lubrication

For filling:
beet leaves ~ 25 pcs.
Ossetian cheese - 300 gr.
Green onions, parsley, dill - 3 sprigs each (optional)
Salt to taste

All products must be room temperature.

300 grams of flour sifted. I poured kefir into the depression I made in the middle, added salt and yeast. She kneaded the dough, which stuck to her hands. I covered the bowl with a clean towel and put it in a warm place to proof for about an hour.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling.
I washed the beet leaves, cut off the stems and cut into small strips.
Added finely chopped herbs. Of course, only beet leaves and cheese are put in the classic tsakharajin.

The leaves shook a little. Then you need to salt, but I did not put salt, because the cheese was very salty.
Reference: salt contributes big allotment juice, so you need to salt the minced meat before wrapping it in the dough.
Added grated cheese. Unfortunately, I don’t have Ossetian cheese, there was only suluguni. But I think it would be tastier if there were 2/3 in the filling Adyghe cheese and 1/3 suluguni.
The filling was divided into three parts.

Ready dough also divided into three parts and laid directly on the table, sprinkled with flour. After all, I don’t have an arynga. This is a traditional Ossetian wooden trough for dough.

She crushed each cake with her fingers.
Put the stuffing in the middle.

I lifted the ends of the cake and connected ...

I turned it over, sprinkled it with flour, carefully kneaded the cake with my fingers from the middle to the edges, turned it over, sprinkled it with flour and kneaded it again ... We do everything with our hands, not with a rolling pin.

I carefully transferred the dough to the pan with both hands and again kneaded the cake with my finger to the shape I needed.
How thinner pie, the more skillful the hostess in Ossetia
The rolled out cake should be about 1.5 - 2 cm thick.
I made a hole in the middle of the pie for steam to escape.

Baked in an oven preheated to 220C for 15-20 minutes until beautiful golden color. It all depends on your oven, of course. Ready pies brushed generously with butter.
I always cover my cakes with a towel.

Enjoy your meal!

Pies are always baked in Ossetia by women. For a man, it is believed that “putting your hands in the dough” is a great humiliation. The pie will be successful if the dough is thin, and plentiful and juicy stuffing won't fall out.

  • Beetroot leaves 250 gr
  • Ossetian cheese or Suluguni cheese 200 gr
  • Yeast dough 500 gr
  • Butter 50 gr

You can cook Ossetian pie with cheese and beet tops like this:

Rinse the beetroot leaves cold water and coarsely cut into strips. Add grated Ossetian cheese, salt and mix.

Prepared yeast dough roll out into a layer 0.5 cm thick. Place the filling in the middle, lift the edges of the dough up and collect into a large "dumpling". The filling must be completely in the dough. Gently flatten the dough, distributing the filling evenly inside.

Put the cake in a mold or on a baking sheet greased with oil. Poke a hole in the center with a fork to release steam. Bake the product in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Grease the hot cake with butter.

Ossetian pies are ritual dish. In the center of the table are three pies, which symbolize the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Not a single feast in Ossetia can do without this pastry. Prayers are read over the set table and pies are eaten first.

Ossetian pie with chicken and beet leaves

For cooking you will need:


  • Minced chicken minced 1 kg
  • Onion 2-3 medium pieces
  • cilantro greens 6-8 sprigs
  • Beetroot leaves 200 gr
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Butter 50 gr
  • Salt and pepper


  • Live yeast 1.5 gr
  • Water 850 ml
  • Flour 300 gr
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar 1.5 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml

You can cook a pie with beet leaves and chicken like this:

Dilute the yeast with half the sugar in 100 ml of warm water. Wait for the formation of foam.

Separately, dilute 750 ml of water with salt and the remaining sugar. Add diluted yeast, flour and salt. Knead the dough. Then stir in vegetable oil. Cover with foil and put in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours.

Minced minced meat (very finely chopped chicken meat) mix with chopped onion. Rinse beetroot leaves in running water and pat dry. Cut into small strips. Add chopped cilantro to the minced meat, salt and pepper.

Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out each into a pancake, half a centimeter thick.

Put on one cake minced chicken, spread beet leaves on top. Brush the edges with egg and carefully cover with the second tortilla. Pinch the edges gently and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Take out the cake and brush it with butter. Put back and bake for another 5 minutes.

Cool the finished cake a little, and cut into several parts. Put on plates and serve.

Tasty ideas:

Serve sauces with such a pie: tkemali, ajvar or adjika. These recipes can be found on the website. Love experiments? Cook Ossetian pie in a slow cooker. The recipe is not difficult, and the pies are just as tasty!

Those who were lucky enough to visit Ossetia had the opportunity not only to appreciate the fabulous beauty of nature, but also to try a real Ossetian pie. Such a pie always has the shape of a circle, outwardly resembling the sun. Pastries are prepared with a variety of fillings, but almost always a special Ossetian pickled cheese is used for cooking.

The most popular Ossetian dish

The arsenal has a large number of varied and delicious meals. But one of the most popular and favorite is the Ossetian pie with beet tops. Having tried it once, you will definitely never forget its wonderful taste. Any festive table in Ossetia it is always decorated with three pies. Why are there three, you ask? Everything is very simple. They symbolize the earth, sky and sun. That is why they are laid out in such quantities.

In our article, we want to tell you how to bake a real Ossetian pie with beet tops. Having detailed recipe, even cope with cooking inexperienced hostess. Having prepared pastries once, you will certainly fall in love with this wonderful dish and you will be able to cook it yourself using a variety of fillings. In big cities, you can now order such pies, but they do not always correspond to what they should actually be. Who ever tried real pie in Ossetia, will never forget its amazing taste.

To appreciate the taste of Ossetian pastries, we suggest preparing a beetroot pie with young leaves. They have that sourness that is needed for the filling.

Ingredients for a Real Pie

In order to cook Ossetian tops we need the following products:

For steam:

  1. Three tablespoons of sugar.
  2. 200 ml warm water.
  3. Three tablespoons of flour.
  4. A bag of dry yeast or 60 grams of live.

For test:

  1. kilogram of flour.
  2. Water or whey - 0.5 l.
  3. Margarine.
  4. One egg.
  5. A pinch of salt.
  6. Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For filling:

  1. Young beet tops - 0.6 kg.
  2. Dill - 100 g.
  3. Green onions - 100 g.
  4. Pickled cheese (Ossetian) - 0.6-0.8 kg. If you don’t have just such cheese, then you can replace it with suluguni, Adyghe or simple cheese.
  5. Homemade sour cream.
  6. Salt.
  7. Melted butter - 50 g.

Ossetian pie with beet tops: recipe

We start the preparation of the pie by preparing the dough from the above components. Let it stand and increase in volume. Next, sift the flour into a large bowl (you need to take only very high-quality flour) with a slide and make a recess in it, pour a little salt into it, break the egg, add vegetable oil and melted margarine. We also add half a liter of warm whey and knead a soft dough.

There are no special secrets in the preparation of Ossetian pies, just the dough must be gently kneaded, then the pastries will be airy. You can also use regular yeast dough for cooking. When it is already mixed, put it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a towel and let it come up several times. If the dough has been properly prepared, then it will certainly try to escape from the bowl.

In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. Beet tops for the pie must certainly be young. It must be washed, dried, stems removed and finely chopped. Next, add chopped dill and green onion. We rub and put it in a mixture of greens, adding sour cream and butter. Gently mix the resulting filling, salt and pepper. In the dishes you will certainly have excess liquid from the cheese. It must be drained by tilting the basin. The filling will already be incredibly juicy, so all the excess can be drained so that the cake does not drip.

The finished mixture of greens and cheese must be divided into three equal parts and each rolled into a ball. The same should be done with ready dough. Each ball of dough should have a slightly larger volume than the filling. Now you can begin to form the pie itself. To do this, we press each part of the dough a little with our hands from above, and then put the prepared mass into the recess. Next, pull the dough up, forming a bag, and pinch it. The filling should be completely inside. The more it is, the tastier the Ossetian pies with tops are. Next, they need to be turned upside down and let it brew for another ten minutes. After the lapse of time, the baking must be turned over again and begin to carefully distribute the filling to the edges. Gradually, the cake will increase in diameter. After that, it can be transferred to a greased baking sheet. Ossetian pie with beet tops (photos are given in the article) has a very wet filling, so it can leak during the baking process, but there is nothing to worry about.

A baking sheet with pastries is placed only in a preheated oven. Shake the pan after 7-8 minutes. This is done so that the cake does not burn. The cake is cooked until golden brown. Ready baked goods transfer to a flat plate and generously grease with melted butter, then cover with a basin and give the opportunity to thoroughly soak. Here the Ossetian pie with beet tops and cheese is ready.

For cooking good pies you need to remember some nuances:

  1. Pies need to be molded quickly enough and immediately sent to the oven, as they tend to leak.
  2. Manifestation the highest skill such pastries are considered, the dough of which is very thin, and there are a lot of fillings inside. Getting such a cake is not so difficult when you have some skills in making it.
  3. Ready-made pastries are perfectly stored in the refrigerator (up to a week or more). In this case, it is better to cover the cake with a towel.
  4. Baking can be reheated in a pan, oven or microwave. If you are doing this on the stove, then sprinkle the cake lightly with water and cover with a lid, and then heat over low heat. Such simple way will keep the baked goods soft.

Ossetian pie with beet tops and cottage cheese

Ossetian pies in the form of flat cakes became popular with us not so long ago, but housewives immediately fell in love with them. There are a lot of recipes for such a wonderful dish. And there are even more options for using the most different fillings. One of the most popular options is Ossetian pastries with tops and cottage cheese. For cooking, we need the following components:

  1. Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  2. Water (warm) - 200 ml.
  3. Flour - 0.5 kg.
  4. A pack of yeast (quick-acting dry).
  5. Cottage cheese - 260 g.
  6. A teaspoon of salt.
  7. beet tops

with cottage cheese and tops

For cooking let's take flour good quality sift it, mixing it with instant yeast. Mix the resulting mixture well. Using this recipe you can not make sourdough, because fast acting yeast and react on their own.

Make a well in the mixture and pour in warm water and add a pinch of salt. And then knead the dough, which should not stick to your hands. To do this, it must be thoroughly kneaded, the process will take at least ten minutes. Properly made dough is a 100% success

Put the resulting bun in a saucepan and cover with a linen towel. The dough should stand in a warm place, but without drafts, and rise. Its volume should more than double. Then we again carefully knead it and again send it to come up (for thirty minutes).

Preparing the pie filling

While the dough is rising, you can start preparing the filling. For her, you need to stock up on fresh homemade cottage cheese. It is better to take coarse-grained rather than pasty, because during cooking the cake may leak from the presence of excess liquid. Beet tops are first thoroughly washed under water, then dried and finely chopped. Next, mix greens with cottage cheese. You can also add others fragrant herbs, parsley and onion. The filling can be lightly salted and pepper added.

Assembling the pie

The prepared dough must be divided into two equal parts and each rolled into a layer, the thickness of which should be no more than half a centimeter. Put the filling in the middle of the crust. Next, we tighten the dough to the middle of the pie, leaving a small hole on top. It is necessary to release air during the baking process.

Then we transfer the resulting cake to parchment and knead it very gently. Next, using a rolling pin, you can flatten the cake to a uniform thickness. The dough must be handled very carefully so that it does not tear. Of course, if you are preparing a dish for the first time, then the task will seem quite difficult to you, but gradually you will have certain skills that will allow you to cook an Ossetian pie with beet tops, which has a lot of toppings and very little dough. Such pastries are considered the best. The pie is sent to a well-heated oven and baked for 20 minutes.

As soon as the cake is browned, it can be taken out. Ready pies are smeared with butter so that they are well soaked. A dish is served on the table, consisting of three cakes, which are stacked one on top of the other.

Features of the pie assembly technology

Cooking such a traditional Ossetian dish from tops as a pie requires some skills and abilities from the housewives. It is not for nothing that in Ossetia a woman who knows how to bake wonderful pies is considered a good housewife. It is for this reason that girls from childhood begin to learn the intricacies of making good pastries.

To get a nice and little knead a good dough and make delicious stuffing You still need to know how to assemble it correctly. And this is not at all a simple matter. It takes practice and knowledge of some nuances.

To get a real cake, you need to carefully knead the dough, then divide it into equal parts, from which to form balls. Of course, every housewife makes pastries of such sizes as she likes. But for the preparation of the Ossetian pie, it is optimal to take as much dough as it fits in two female palms. It is easy to work with such an amount, and the cakes will turn out to be of a normal size.

The prepared dough balls are laid out on the table and each of them is stretched with your hands, but you can also use a rolling pin. The result should be a kind of circle. In the center of each spreads more toppings. Real Ossetian pies contain a lot of toppings and very little dough. Cook this cooking masterpiece not so easy. The dough from all sides must be collected into a ball, gluing the edges in the center, but leaving a small hole. The pinch should not be rough, but at the same time it should hold well.

Further, a recess is made in the center of each pie, from which the filling is gradually stretched to the edges. After that, the resulting pancake must be very carefully shifted seam down onto a baking sheet with parchment and once again level its surface. Ossetian housewives do it all very carefully with their fingers, not with a rolling pin. The pride of every woman is such a cake, the thickness of which is the same on all sides. At the same time, you need to try not to tear the pancake and at the same time not to spoil its shape, which must always remain round. This is due to the fact that Ossetian pies are filled with a certain symbolism and centuries-old traditions of baking just such pastries.

Another important point is the ability to stretch the dough so that the cake has the same thickness over the entire surface. The ideal cake is the one in which the ratio of filling and dough is exactly the same in all places. It is especially difficult to make such a pie with a filling of beet tops, it is very juicy, and therefore there is always a risk of soaking the product. Of course, making such a cake is not easy, but real Ossetian housewives can do such magic.

There is one more small nuance in the preparation of the pie. On its surface there must certainly be a hole that will not allow pastries to break through during cooking. Through the hole, steam can safely come to the surface without damaging the integrity of the pancake. Cook pies at 200 degrees for fifteen or twenty minutes. After that, their surfaces are very abundantly lubricated with butter. As a rule, three pancakes are served on the table, stacked on top of each other and cut into sectors, like a cake.

Instead of an afterword

In our article, we have given recipes for making traditional Ossetian pies with tops. We hope that our advice will help the housewives understand the nuances of preparing this wonderful dish and please their relatives with amazingly tasty and fragrant food.
