Black bread with seeds recipe. Adding grains and seeds to bread. Wheat-rye bread with different seeds

It is simply impossible to recognize rye bread by its sour aroma alone. Because of the “brightness” of such baked goods, you also need to choose the right company for it. These should be products with a fairly strong taste, which will not drown out the taste of the “base”. It’s not for nothing that the image of sandwiches with caviar and black bread or herring appetizers has already developed...

The same can be said about making bread. For example, on sale you can find rye loaves with coriander or cumin - very aromatic spices. Or options without additives, with a “pure” bread taste. But if you want to bake homemade rye bread and make it original and unexpected, use this recipe.

The taste of the baked goods will not disappoint you, that’s for sure. The bread crumb is dense, but porous and soft thanks to the whey. And the aroma of dark malt is joined by the unique buttery smell of slightly toasted, crispy sunflower seeds. Sweet pepper also has a strong taste, so it will be a wonderful addition to rye bread dough, adding softness and a summer aroma to the taste. You can enhance this effect by adding some dried or smoked paprika.

In order for the bread not to be too dense, the dough for it will not be very steep, and therefore we will bake it in a mold.

Cooking time: about 4 hours/ Yield: 1 standard size brick


  • whey 210 grams
  • rye flour 235 grams
  • wheat flour 160 grams
  • dark malt 27-30 grams
  • boiling water 50 grams
  • fresh yeast 15 grams
  • sugar 2 teaspoons
  • salt teaspoon
  • sunflower seeds, peeled 100 grams
  • sweet pepper without skin (baked, pickled) 100 g


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    Heat the whey a little so that it is barely warm. Pour the liquid into the bread maker bowl and add the yeast to it. Stir them slightly to help them separate.

    Pour rye and wheat flour into the bowl.

    Pour boiling water over the malt, stir and leave for 10 minutes.

    Add the steamed malt to the bread machine bowl along with the sugar and salt.

    Select the yeast dough kneading mode or manual mode with the following parameters: 6 minutes for the first knead, 20 minutes for rest, 10 minutes for the second knead, 1 hour for fermentation.

    While the dough is first kneading and resting, cut the bell peppers into small pieces.

    Lightly brown the sunflower seeds in a dry frying pan and cool quickly.

    Before starting the second kneading of the dough, add pieces of pepper and seeds to it.

    At the end of the program, place the dough on a table sprinkled with white flour and roll it up, thus forming a loaf.

    Place the dough in a mold greased with vegetable oil and place in a warm place, covered with film. This will help prevent it from drying out during proofing.

    Leave the bread to rise for 1 hour. During this time, preheat the oven to 250 degrees.

    The bread will rise very well and at least double in size.

    Bake the rye bread for the first 15 minutes at 250 degrees, sprinkling it with water a couple of times during this time. Then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 25-30 minutes.

    After this time, carefully remove the bread from the pan and bake without it for another 10-15 minutes - this will help to get a crispier crust on all sides.

    Let the finished bread cool completely and only then cut it.

It is known that bread has been used as food since ancient times. This product unites all the cuisines of the world. In each of the culinary traditions, all kinds of additives are added to it for variety, which creates unusually tasty baking options. In Italy, bread products are enriched with olives and basil, in the Baltics with cumin, and in Mexico with corn. Among the dishes that the Slavs try to diversify their diet, bread with seeds occupies a large place. In this article we will present several interesting ways to prepare this pastry.

Bread with seeds: about the variety of recipes

To prepare this delicacy, use any seeds common in the region: sunflower, flax, sesame, pumpkin. The product is baked, as a rule, using a mixture of several different types of flour, most often wheat, rye, buckwheat or any other to taste.

Rye bread with seeds is preferred by those who care about their health, since its composition is rich in useful substances. The black product is used to make croutons, Italian bruschetta, and other dishes. Bread with pumpkin seeds is used in baby food, as it ensures the young body quickly absorbs many useful components from other dishes.

About the product properties

A recipe for bread with seeds usually involves the use of sourdough or sourdough. Milk and eggs are rarely added to this dough, so it is not particularly airy, but this is not the main thing in this baking. The main thing about it is the extraordinary taste and aroma of the baked bun. The calorie content of bread with seeds is generally 302 kcal per 100 g of finished product weight. This figure is quite high, but it is important to remember that it varies slightly depending on the types of flour used.

The composition of bread with seeds is rich in a variety of vitamins necessary for the body (H, A, E, PP, B-complex vitamins), minerals and trace elements (choline, beta-carotene, potassium, vanadium, boron, manganese, calcium, iron, fluorine, iodine , molybdenum and many others).

Rye bread with seeds: classic recipe

This version of baking on dough is easy to prepare at home. They work like this:

  • First, prepare the dough: mix 3 tbsp in a bowl. l. milk (warmed), 2 tsp. yeast (dry), 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 100 g flour (wheat). The mixture is then left to rise in a warm place.
  • To create the dough, sift 350 g of flour (wheat) together with rye (150 g), add salt (1.5 tsp) and peeled sunflower seeds (3 tbsp), heated water (2 cups) and sunflower oil (2 tbsp.) The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and combined with the finished dough. Now you can start kneading the dough.
  • The kneaded dough is left to rise for an hour. Then it is laid out on a work surface sprinkled with flour, kneaded several times, lightly sprinkled with water and sprinkled with seeds on top.
  • The loaf blank is placed in a mold and sent to the oven, where a container of water must first be placed. The bread is baked for 40 minutes.

Wheat-rye bread with different seeds

This completely unique bread with different seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and flax) is distinguished by the presence of a porous, elastic, slightly moist crumb, as well as a hard, crunchy crust. This delicacy looks so appetizing and smells so wonderful that you want to eat more of it at once. According to reviews, gourmets especially like the fact that it contains a lot of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, to which quite a bit of flax seed is added. Connoisseurs prefer this wonderful product to delicious buns or croissants for coffee. In addition to its excellent taste, homemade rye-wheat bread, rich in fiber, proteins, microelements, healthy fats, vitamins, is valuable because it is a 100% natural product, without a single dye or preservative, without any harmful substances. Experts call this bread the best thing that can be offered to children. It is also important that preparing this product is very simple.


To prepare this delicious and healthy bread you will need:

  • wholemeal flour (unbleached) - 3 cups;
  • rye flour - 1 cup;
  • instant yeast - 0.5 tsp;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • warm water - 2 glasses;
  • pumpkin seeds – 0.5 cups;
  • sunflower seeds – 0.5 cups;
  • flaxseeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk (for greasing) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mixture of seeds and nuts (for sprinkling) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Step-by-step preparation

They work like this:

  • Place the entire composition of dry ingredients into a spacious, wide bowl: flour (both types), yeast, salt and seeds. Add honey, and then, gradually stirring, pour in warm water. Stir by hand. Mix until the dough comes together.
  • Next, cover the bowl with a clean cloth and leave it in a warm corner of the kitchen for 3 hours. During this time, the dough should rise and double in volume.
  • After 3 hours, press the risen dough with your hands several times (to eliminate air bubbles), then cover the bowl again and leave the dough for another hour.
  • Then prepare a shape (round or rectangular). Grease the pan with oil and then lightly sprinkle with flour so that the finished product comes out of the tray easily.
  • Place the dough into the mold. The top is brushed with milk (using a brush) and sprinkled with a mixture of seeds and nuts. Cover and leave for another half hour.
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the tray in it for 40 minutes.
  • Cool the finished loaf in the pan for 10-15 minutes, then place it on a wire rack and cool.

The wheat-rye delicacy can be stored in a bread box for several days. You can even freeze it and serve it 2 months later by heating it in the oven. This delicacy is served with first courses, coffee or tea.

Bread with sunflower and pumpkin seeds (simple recipe)


  • 15 grams of yeast (fresh); sugar -1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 1 glass;
  • flour - 3 cups (0.5 kg);
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt (pinch);
  • seeds (sunflower and pumpkin) - little by little.

Description of technology

They work like this:

  • The dough for this recipe is prepared without margarine, eggs and butter. Baking from it turns out surprisingly airy and fluffy. Grind the yeast with sugar, dilute it with warm water, add salt and add flour (a little), stir so that the dough is thin and without lumps, and place in a water bath (warm).
  • After 15 minutes, add the remaining flour and vegetable oil, knead the dough, pour seeds into it and form bread of any shape: rectangular, round, oblong.
  • The workpiece is placed in a mold greased with oil (vegetable oil), and the oven is turned on. While the oven is heating up, place a pan with bread next to it so that it is somewhere nearby so that it fits.
  • Place the pan with bread in the preheated oven. Baking lasts about half an hour at 40 °C.

Check readiness using a wooden stick (you can carefully look into the oven from time to time 20-25 minutes after the start of the process). To ensure the top is properly browned, its surface can be greased with tea (sweet) or yolk, and at the end of baking, increase the heat.

Rye bread with pumpkin seeds (bio-sourdough recipe)

To bake bread with pumpkin seeds in the oven at home, use:

  • rye flour (from whole grains) - 750 g;
  • dry yeast - 2 packets;
  • bio-sourdough (cereal) - 100 g;
  • salt and cumin (1 tbsp each);
  • liquid honey - 2 tsp;
  • warm water - 600 ml;
  • peeled seeds (pumpkin) - 100 g.


How to make sourdough bread using this recipe? They work like this:

  • Flour is poured into a large container intended for kneading dough. Sourdough and yeast are added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • Then honey, salt, water and cumin are added to the mixture. The ingredients are mixed with a mixer for 5 minutes. At first use the minimum speed, gradually increase it. The end result should be a smooth dough. Then seeds are mixed into it.
  • The prepared dough is covered and placed in a warm place, where it should ripen for about half an hour. Then it is sprinkled with flour, lightly kneaded on a flat surface and formed into a long oval-shaped loaf.
  • The raw bread is placed on a greased baking sheet, covered and again sent to a warm place, where it should rise again for half an hour.
  • Then the dough is greased with water and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After 40 minutes, the temperature is increased to 250 degrees and baking continues for another ten minutes. The finished product is lubricated with water (warm) and left to cool in a hot oven.

We use a bread machine

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipe for a multi-grain product that is characterized by increased health benefits and rich taste. Delicious homemade bread with seeds in a bread machine is quite easy to prepare. Ingredients:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • homemade yogurt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • corn flakes - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • multigrain flakes - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • milk - 90 ml;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp. l.

We bake multigrain bread

Multigrain cereals typically contain rice, wheat, barley, oatmeal, corn and rye, which provide the future product with a host of healthy substances. How to cook bread? To prepare multigrain bread, you need to fill the bread maker mold first with water, then with other ingredients: sugar and salt, milk, corn and multigrain flakes, olive oil, mayonnaise and yogurt. Flour and yeast are poured on top, and the mold is placed in the bread machine. The mode of bran bread weighing 750 g is selected. Before the last kneading, which should be signaled by the bread machine signal, add 1 tbsp to the mold. l. sunflower seeds Upon completion, the product is sprinkled on top with another portion of seeds (similar). The finished product must cool completely before serving.

Cooking bread in a slow cooker (rye, with seeds, nuts and dried fruits)

This sweet bread with dried apricots, prunes, nuts and seeds is the best substitute for high-calorie pies and muffins. A slice of this pastry with tea can be considered a dessert; it is not only tasty, but also healthy. For preparation use:

  • rye flour – 350 grams;
  • white flour – 350 grams;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • yeast (dry) – 2 tsp;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • 2 tsp. malt
  • 70 grams of prunes;
  • dried apricots – 70 grams;
  • raisins – 50 grams;
  • nuts (crushed walnuts) – one third of a glass;
  • nuts (pine nuts) – 2 tsp;
  • sunflower seeds - one third of a glass.

Description of cooking method

This sweet bread is baked like this:

  • Mix vegetable oil with warm water (t=40 °C), salt and sugar. Then sift the flour and combine it with the liquid.
  • Add malt and yeast, pine nuts and walnuts, raisins and sunflower seeds.
  • Dried fruits are cut into pieces and also placed in the dough. Next, knead the dough and put it in a warm place for 1 hour. The dough can be prepared in the form of a multicooker, which should first be greased.
  • Once the proofing is complete, the bread begins to bake. To do this, use the “Bread” or “Baking” programs.” The temperature level should be between 180 and 200 °C. The process takes about one hour. Then turn it over and bake the crust for about 15 more minutes.

Bon appetit!


This bread has been the hit of my recent culinary months. I can’t imagine how it was possible not to bake homemade bread before? Some time ago we stopped buying bread in the store... And my magic began with this bread and not only with it. It’s so addictive... Imagine, it’s early in the morning, everyone is still sleeping, and there’s already a sacrament in my kitchen. This recipe is so quick that within just half an hour the divine smell of fresh bread comes out of the oven with a “loud sound”. The bread does not go stale for a very long time; if you want a crust, it is better to store it in a towel; if you like a slightly moist texture, then in a plastic bag. And, most importantly, it is incredibly healthy, because, in addition to bran, its recipe contains a wide variety of delicious seeds! I recommend it for daily use...

Cooking time: about an hour
Number of servings: brick bread in a muffin tin, 26 cm long

Required Products:

dry yeast - 7 g (packaging) or fresh 20 g
sugar - 1 tbsp.
warm water - 500 ml
wheat flour - 500 g
wheat bran - 4-5 tbsp.
salt - 1 tbsp.
flax seeds - 3 tbsp.
sunflower seeds - 3 tbsp.
pumpkin seeds - 1 tbsp.
sesame - 1.5 tbsp.
coarse sea salt, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds for sprinkling

So let's get started!

How to bake delicious bread with seeds and bran? Step-by-step photo recipe-instructions for baking bread.

Preheat the oven to 220C.

  • Place in a preheated oven, reduce the temperature to 210C and bake for about 40 minutes.

I would like to continue the topic and dwell in more detail on the question of how to properly add seeds and grain to bread. In general, you can diversify almost any bread with grains and seeds, but how can you do this so as not to worsen, but rather improve the structure and properties of the bread? You can, of course, just throw seeds like sesame, sunflower or flax into the dough, but this can lead to undesirable consequences in the finished bread: it can turn out to be smaller in volume, finely porous, with a torn crust and go stale faster. Few healthy bread lovers have thought that trying to make bread tastier and healthier by adding grains and seeds can make the bread worse. And all because seeds and grains can actively influence the structure and properties of both the dough and the finished bread. But if you do it wisely, everything will work out! I have collected several general rules that are relevant for almost any bread, whether wheat or rye, with this, of course, my dear Jeffrey Hamelman :)

Why is it necessary

Why shouldn’t you add unsoaked grains and seeds to the dough? As I already wrote above, dry additives begin to absorb moisture during kneading and, if the dough is not wet, but, say, of medium consistency, the seeds will take up quite a lot of moisture and make the dough tight. Tight dough is less extensible, especially since the seeds already interfere with the formation of gluten threads and films, tearing them, so such bread can be of smaller volume with coarse fine porosity, with tears in the crust. Undermining of the crust in this case can occur for the same reasons: at the beginning of baking, when under the influence of high temperature the dough begins its final and most active growth, the poorly extensible gluten cannot withstand it and begins to tear.

sponge made from sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds

In the finished bread, the process of drawing moisture does not stop; dry seeds and especially cereals can not only be too hard and feel like small pebbles when bitten, they continue to take moisture from the crumb. As a result, bread quickly loses its freshness and becomes stale, because the processes of staleness, if you remember, are directly related to the loss of moisture.

Grains and seeds that were soaked the day before do not absorb moisture while in the dough, therefore: firstly, they do not make the dough drier and rougher, and secondly, they do not interfere with the formation of gluten so much, because during the soaking process they became more soft, thirdly, they do not draw moisture from the crumb of ready-made bread and are tasty in themselves and will not break teeth.

Soaking cereals, salt.

It seems that we have decided that it is advisable to soak everything, but this is especially true for grain. Small and not too hard seeds such as flax, sesame, sunflower, if desired, can be added to the dough in dry form or even fried before adding, as in this recipe, they will absorb moisture from the dough, you may need to adjust the hydration, add a little water, it's not critical. But grain or cereals definitely need to be soaked, preferably in hot water, or even boiled. Cereals, such as wheat, rye or barley, have a fairly hard structure and cold water is not enough for good swelling; the grain remains hard, so bakers use hot water for soaking.

soaked wheat

In hot water, grain swells better, but this starts enzymatic processes in the grain or cereal, which are best avoided. By and large, the grain begins to germinate, various processes are activated in it, as a result of which the grain can acquire an unpleasant sour (sour) taste and smell, plus enzymes awaken in it, which then contribute to the destruction of starches and proteins and, consequently, the structure as a whole. In general, this also applies to soaked raw seeds; even in cold water they swell easily, and some already show sprouts by morning. To avoid this, it is customary to add salt to the lobe, and this can be all the salt required by the recipe.

soaked rye

Salt inhibits the development of fermentation processes and prevents germination, plus, if you know, it helps to neutralize phytic acid during the soaking process.

When to add to dough

As Hamelman writes in his book, there are two approaches. One involves adding any additives, even soaked ones, at the very end of the batch. First, the dough is kneaded until the gluten develops as required, and then the dough is introduced into it at a slow speed. On the one hand, this is logical, because grains and seeds have a dense structure and sharp edges that tear the gluten and thereby complicate and lengthen the process of its development. On the other hand, additional moisture gets into the dough along with the soaked grain, which may require adjusting the consistency of the dough by adding flour. And this is already at the end of the kneading, which in itself is not good: in addition to the fact that new flour gets into the dough, which means a new portion of undeveloped gluten, the entire recipe layout and percentage of ingredients changes. If you add dry grain, correction may also be required, because the grain will absorb moisture from the dough and it will change its consistency. Adding new water to already developed dough can be problematic; usually the water forms a sticky film on the surface of the dough and it simply begins to slide and roll into the bowl of the dough mixer.

Therefore, Hamelman is more inclined to an approach where all the ingredients, including the pulp and dry seeds, are added at the very beginning and kneading occurs exactly as much as necessary - until the desired development of the gluten of the dough. In this case, the adjustment of the dough consistency occurs in the first 2-4 minutes of kneading, which is convenient for both the baker and the dough to absorb new moisture. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that large additives such as nuts or dried fruits are still usually added at the very end of the kneading, because in the process, especially if kneading in a dough mixer or mixer, they can lose their structure. The nuts will begin to grind and release oil (for example, walnuts, and then because of this the crumb of the bread has a purple tint), and the dried fruits will smear and also color the dough.

And here is some bread with seeds and grains, different:

Spelled baguettes with flax dough according to this recipe, only without onions

Delicious bread and peaceful skies to you! See you again)

As a rule, they try to bake bread with seeds from a mixture of several types of flour. To make it, they often use, or any other to taste. Rye bread with seeds is preferred by those who care about their own health, since such baked goods are a source of many useful substances for the human body. Brown bread with seeds is used for croutons, making Italian bruschetta and many other dishes. Well, bread with pumpkin seeds is very useful for children, since it promotes the rapid absorption of useful components from other foods, which is important at a young age.

Properties of baking with seeds

The recipe for bread with seeds involves the use of sourdough or sourdough. Eggs are rarely added to such a product, which is why the dough does not come out too airy, but this is not the main thing in this product. The main thing is the smell and incredible taste of the resulting bun.

Cooking at home

The classic version of bread with seeds on sponge can be easily prepared at home. For this recipe, you must first prepare the dough itself, for which 3 tablespoons of heated milk, 2 teaspoons of dry milk, a tablespoon and 100 grams of wheat flour are mixed in a container. This mixture is placed in a warm place so that the dough begins to rise.

For the dough, you need to sift together 350 grams of wheat and 150 grams of rye flour, add 1.5 teaspoons, 3 large spoons of sunflower seeds, 2 cups heated and 2 tablespoons to the flour. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and combined with the suitable dough. After this you need to start kneading the dough. Once the dough is kneaded, leave it alone for an hour to rise.

After rising, the dough is placed on a floured work surface, kneaded several times, sprinkled with water and sprinkled with seeds. This prepared loaf is placed in a mold and baked in the oven, where there is already an additional container of water, for 40 minutes.

The recipe for rye bread with pumpkin seeds is slightly different from the one described. In general, homemade bread with seeds can be baked according to any tried and tested recipe.

If the product contains a lot of rich products, the seeds may cause the dough to be tough and unsuitable.

So, to prepare bread with seeds in the oven you will need the following components:

  • 750 grams of whole grain rye flour;
  • 2 packets of dry yeast;
  • 100 grams of bio-sourdough from grains;
  • 1 tablespoon each of salt and cumin;
  • 2 teaspoons liquid;
  • 600 milliliters of warm water;
  • 100 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds.

Sourdough bread with seeds is prepared quite quickly. First, you need to pour the flour into a large container where the dough will be prepared. Add yeast and starter to it and mix everything thoroughly. Then add salt, honey, water and cumin to the mixture.

The ingredients must be mixed with a mixer for 5 minutes. At first, the speed of rotation of the blades should be minimal, but gradually it should increase so that the final result is a smooth dough. When the dough reaches the required consistency, seeds should be mixed into it.

The prepared dough is covered and placed in a warm place for half an hour to mature. Then you need to sprinkle it with flour, knead it slightly on a flat surface, and form it into a long oval loaf. Place the raw bread on a greased baking sheet, cover and let it rise again in a warm place for 30 minutes.

After this, the dough is greased with water and sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After 40 minutes of baking, the temperature should be increased to 250 degrees and baking continued for 10 minutes.

Once prepared with pumpkin seeds, you need to grease it with warm water and leave it to stand in the turned off hot oven until it cools.

Delicious homemade bread with seeds in a bread machine is quite easy to prepare. It’s worth trying a recipe for a multi-grain version, which has an increased share of health benefits and unusual taste. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • a tablespoon of homemade;
  • tablespoon;
  • 2 tablespoons ;
  • 5 tablespoons of corn flakes;
  • 5 tablespoons multigrain cereal;
  • glass of water;
  • 90 milliliters of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds.

Homemade bread very rarely turns out tasteless, and this is mainly due to poor quality yeast or failure to comply with the recipe proportions. Yeast baked goods are not very healthy, which is why the multigrain base of this bread will help mitigate this issue. Multigrain cereals usually contain rice, wheat, barley, oatmeal, corn and rye, which provides the future bread with a lot of useful substances.

To prepare multigrain bread with seeds, you need to fill the bread maker mold first with water, then successively with salt and sugar, milk, multigrain and corn flakes, olive oil, yogurt and mayonnaise. Flour and yeast are poured on top of all the ingredients, and the mold is placed in a bread machine, where the dish is prepared in the bran bread mode with a mass of 750 grams.

Before the last kneading of the dough, which will be indicated by a signal from the bread machine, you need to add 1 tablespoon of seeds to the mold, and upon completion, the future bread is sprinkled on top with another spoonful of seeds.

Ready homemade bread with seeds must cool completely before serving.
