What can be made from lightly salted salmon. Salmon dishes - simple recipes. Salmon shish kebab

If you need to serve something tasty, sophisticated, and at the same time not too banal for the holiday table, then the favorite “royal” fish of the Russian tsars - salmon - will help you out.
The content of the article:

Salmon needs no introduction. Many people know and love her for her exquisite taste. Well, the comprehensive benefits of fish have long been scientifically proven. Thanks to a huge number of microelements, it can strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure, improve memory, the condition of the liver and digestive system. And recent studies have proven that regular consumption of salmon is an excellent prevention of cancer and thrombophlebitis.

In addition, salmon is rich in vitamin B6, which during PMS, menopause and pregnancy, significantly improves the condition of the internal female organs, preventing the risk of developing gynecological cancer. For men, this vitamin is also useful, especially in solving infertility problems. Vitamin D found in fish strengthens muscle and bone tissue, E is an excellent antioxidant, B 12 improves blood condition.

How to choose salmon?

The healthiest salmon, according to experts, is wild salmon caught in water bodies. But in the modern world we are more often faced with artificially grown individuals. How exactly they are grown remains a mystery to us, so we have to trust the conscience of the producers.

For eating salmon to truly benefit our health, it is advisable to buy fresh fish. It should not contain a pronounced fishy aroma. If there is one, then it is better to refuse the purchase. And since salmon must be stored under certain conditions, preference should be given to those stores that have a certificate for storing such products.

A fresh carcass should have a bright silver color on its sides and belly, and an iridescent black on its back. The salmon is black with colored spots and says it was caught during the spawning period. The meat of such an individual is tasteless and has practically no beneficial properties.

It would seem, well, what could be easier than cooking salmon steak? I took it, put it on the grill, frying pan or oven - and all the love. However, even such a seemingly elementary matter turns out to have nuances.
  1. It is advisable to marinate salmon, fillets or steaks before cooking. The marinade will make it more tender and give it a special taste.
  2. For the marinade, use fresh lemon juice, vegetable or olive oil, aromatic herbs (thyme, rosemary, cilantro), salt and pepper. They perfectly complement the taste of salmon. But here it is important not to overdo it with spices, so that they do not overpower the taste of the fish and spoil the dish.
  3. Only 15–20 minutes will be enough to marinate the fish. If you overcook it, it may fall apart during cooking. Since the acid of lemon juice, when frying fish, destroys the protein in its cells, which makes the meat softer and begins to disintegrate.
  4. The cooking temperature is determined “by touch” - it will be difficult to hold your palm over the frying pan or grill. In the oven, the temperature is usually set at 180 °C.
  5. The degree of frying of the fish is determined by pressing its flesh with your finger, which should spring back. You can also pierce the surface of the finished fish; if the protein comes out, it means it is ready.
  6. To prevent the fish from sticking to the frying pan or grill, they should be heated well, and the oven tray should be lightly greased with oil.

How long should I bake a salmon steak?

Thanks to the simple and quick method of preparing salmon, it is often called food that cannot be spoiled. This fish is salted, fried, dried, marinated and baked. But the most popular recipe is tender baked steaks. However, not everyone knows how long to cook them so that they remain soft, juicy, tender and not overdried.

Basically, the cooking time for salmon depends on the size of the piece. Most often, for steaks 2.5 cm thick, 5 (for medium-frying) to 10 minutes is enough. If the fish is baked whole, it will take 25–30 minutes.

5 baked salmon recipes

Healthy and tasty salmon is gradually becoming a favorite among all types of fish. Today, it is sold in any supermarket at an affordable price, which allows you to buy it more often and eat nutritious lunches or dinners. Of the many ways to prepare salmon, one of the most common is baking it. But this type of heat treatment can be varied. For example, salmon is baked in the oven whole, in fillets, steaks, in a sleeve or foil, simply on a baking sheet, in marinades, with vegetables, etc. All we have to do is choose the appropriate option from such a variety. To do this, we have selected several interesting recipes that we hope you will like.

1. Cooking salmon steak in a frying pan

Among the huge options, you can’t help but stop at a simple and proven recipe for cooking salmon in a frying pan. This is a win-win option that can be prepared at home no worse than in famous restaurants.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 242 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Fresh frozen salmon steak - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste

Preparing salmon steak:

  1. Wash the steak pieces, dry with a cotton towel or napkins, wipe with salt, black pepper and sprinkle with fresh lemon juice.

  • Pour olive oil into a deep container and dip the fish slices in it on both sides.
  • Heat a frying pan with olive oil and add the fish to fry.
  • Fry the fish on one side for about 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Then turn over and fry for the same amount of time.
  • When the crust on the second side is almost ready, reduce the heat by half, close the pan with a lid and keep the fish on the stove for 3-5 minutes.
  • Place the finished salmon steak on plates and gather your family for dinner. Don't forget to drink a glass of fresh water 30 minutes before meals, this will significantly improve your digestion.
  • 2. Cooking in the oven

    Baked salmon in the oven is a delicious dish that suits absolutely everyone, including... and those who are on a diet or on a diet. Such an easy-to-prepare dish at home once again proves that food can be not only tasty, but also very healthy.


    • Salmon steaks - 750 g
    • Provençal herbs - 2 tbsp.
    • Juice of one lemon
    • Salt - to taste
    Cooking salmon in the oven:
    1. Wash the steaks and dry with a paper towel.
    2. Mix salt with Provencal herbs and rub the fish with this mixture.
    3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour it over the steaks and leave them to marinate for 15–20 minutes.
    4. After the allotted time, wrap each piece separately from each other tightly in foil so that there are no holes and place on a dry baking sheet.
    5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the salmon for 20 minutes. Then unwrap the foil and leave it in the oven for another 5 minutes.
    6. Serve the fish on a platter and sprinkle with lemon juice.

    3. Steamed recipe

    Many people know that steamed food is the healthiest. This method of heat treatment allows you to preserve all the vitamins, valuable and nutrients in the product. Steamed salmon steak is a good idea to get not only a tasty and juicy dish, but also much healthier than other home-cooked options.


    • Salmon steaks - 2 pcs.
    • Mixture of any dried herbs to taste - 1 tbsp.
    • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Ground black pepper - to taste
    Steaming salmon:
    1. Wash the salmon steaks, dry and wipe with dried herbs, for example, Provençal.
    2. Then season the fish with salt and ground pepper. Well, since we have a recipe for healthy food, it is better to use sea salt.
    3. Sprinkle the salmon with olive oil and rub it in well so that the oil penetrates the fibers of the fish.
    4. If you have a double boiler, then use it, following the cooking instructions that came with the device. Well, if such equipment is not available, fill a pan with water and place it on the stove. Place the fish steaks in a colander and cover with a lid. When the water in the pan boils, place a colander with fish on it, but the boiling water should not touch the surface of the container with salmon.
    5. Cook the fish in this manner for about 10 minutes. Then serve it with a light vegetable side dish, and, if desired, complement the meal with white wine and your favorite sauce.

    4. Recipe for cooking salmon in foil

    As mentioned above, salmon is one of the best fish in cooking. It is difficult to spoil it or prepare it incorrectly. It will always be tasty and juicy, especially if it is baked in foil, and even with vegetables and cheese.


    • Salmon steaks - 700 g
    • Tomato - 1 pc.
    • Dill greens - 20 g
    • Parmesan cheese - 50 g
    • Mayonnaise - 40 ml
    • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
    • Vegetable oil - 1–2 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Ground black pepper - to taste
    Cooking salmon in foil:
    1. Wash the steaks with cool water and dry with a paper towel. Salt each piece on both sides, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave the fish to marinate for 15 minutes.
    2. Wash the tomatoes, dry and thinly cut into rings.
    3. Wash the dill and chop finely.
    4. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
    5. When all the ingredients are prepared, start assembling the fish dish. Cut the foil to the required size and place the salmon steak on it. Sprinkle the fish with chopped dill. Place tomato slices on top, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with oil and cover with a small strip of mayonnaise.
    6. Wrap the fish in foil and place it in the oven to bake for 30–40 minutes at 180 degrees. You can bake salmon in a similar way over coals.

    5. How to quickly fry salmon steak at home

    What kind of meat should a perfectly cooked salmon taste like? Rosy, appetizing on the outside and gently heavenly on the inside. To achieve this effect, there is a simple way to prepare salmon at home, spending no more than 7 minutes of time.


    • Salmon steak - 1 pc.
    • Seasoning for fish - 0.5 tsp.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Ground black pepper - to taste
    • Dry white wine - 50 ml.
    • Refined vegetable oil - for frying
    Cooking fish steak at home:
    1. Wash the salmon fillet, dry with a paper towel and wipe with fish seasoning. This will give the salmon a more pronounced flavor.
    2. Also rub the fish with salt and pepper.
    3. Place the frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat very well over high heat.
    4. Place the fish in a frying pan and fry it on one side for 1 minute over the same high heat. Afterwards, turn it over and fry it on the reverse side for about 45 seconds until lightly browned. The fish should acquire an appetizing appearance, without the formation of a hard, fried crust.
    5. Then pour 50 ml of dry white wine. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan tightly with a lid and cook the fish for another 5 minutes. After this treatment, the salmon steaks will be incredibly tender, and at the same time deliciously browned.
    6. Place the fishy splendor on a dish and serve immediately. But if you want to get 100% done, then let the fish stand in the frying pan with the stove turned off for 5 minutes; this will not affect its taste and tenderness.
    And here is a video recipe on how to cook trout/salmon and tips from chef Ilya Lazerson:

    Or the salmon family

    Fish belonging to the salmon family are distinguished by very tender and tasty meat. They live both in the seas and oceans, and in rivers of the Northern Hemisphere. The most famous and noble species of salmon fish are salmon and trout. Chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, etc. are also very popular. But salmon is the “queen” of salmon. Its meat is lean, very tasty and healthy. Salmon feeds on small fish and shrimp, so its meat has a bright pink-red color. The content of Omega-3 acids in it is several times higher than in other varieties of fish. Thanks to this, eating this fish helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and helps the brain function. Salmon dishes are recommended by doctors for heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. It is easily digestible and provides twice as many calories as other fish. This is, in fact, a delicacy, and salmon dishes turn out to be excellent in taste. Let's get acquainted with the simplest recipes for its preparation.

    Lightly salted salmon

    You will need fish, salt and pepper. Clean the fish from scales and entrails, cut off the head, and rinse well. Cut along the ridge, remove large bones. Place the prepared fish fillet on cling film generously sprinkled with salt, always skin side down. Season generously with salt on top. Wrap in film and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After this, the salmon must be rinsed from salt and can be served, cut into pieces.

    Salmon main courses

    To preserve the taste, it is better to bake the fish in the oven. It’s very good to take salmon steak for this. You will need: food foil, salmon, salt, pepper.


    For steak you need the middle of the fish carcass. Sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper and lightly moisten with vegetable oil. It is very good to use ready-made spices for fish. If you don't have anything on hand, dill will do. You can cut the onion into rings and place it on top of the fish. Wrap the salmon in foil and place in the oven for half an hour. To get a crust on the surface of the salmon steak, tear the foil 10 minutes before the end of cooking. You will get a very tasty crust if you sprinkle the steak with a little grated cheese. You can fry the same steak in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. For the salmon dish, prepare the sauce. Take yogurt or cream, add lemon juice, a little olive or vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Chop the dill very finely and add to the sauce. You can also add a little white table wine. Mix everything thoroughly and serve.

    Salmon shish kebab

    This is a very tasty, elegant and uncomplicated dish. It can be prepared at home in a frying pan. You will need salmon, bell peppers, olive oil, salt and ground pepper. Products for marinade: grain mustard, lemon juice, honey. Having prepared the marinade, place pieces of salmon in it for half an hour. Cut the bell pepper into pieces. Pieces of fish should be strung on wooden skewers, alternating with pieces of bell pepper, sprinkled with salt and ground pepper. Place the kebab in a preheated frying pan with olive oil and fry on each side for 3 minutes. Serve the finished kebab with lettuce leaves and lemon slices. You can prepare these delicious dishes from salmon and trout, since the meat of these fish is very similar in taste and appearance.

    How to cook salmon: 10 delicious cooking recipes with photos from the magazine website

    Salmon is considered a real delicacy. Thanks to its tenderness and juiciness, recipes for dishes with salmon are amazingly refined. Once having discovered this type of fish, every housewife can easily prepare aromatic fish soup, a spectacular salad, bake salmon or pickle it at home. The bright taste characteristics of the prepared dish with salmon will not leave anyone indifferent. Such dishes will become frequent guests on the festive and everyday table, because they are incredibly tasty and healthy delicacies for the whole family.

    Recipe 1.

    Ingredients: 170 g lightly salted salmon, 160 g grapefruit, 110 g spinach, 190 g cucumbers, 90 g cherry tomatoes, 80 g lemon, 34 ml olive oil, 45 g basil, salt, pepper.

    Wash and peel the grapefruit. Remove the film from each slice and cut into medium-sized pieces. Wash vegetables, spinach, basil. Cut the cucumbers into quarters lengthwise, and then cut each crosswise into small pieces. Cut the salmon into medium cubes, cut the tomatoes in half. Place all chopped ingredients in a bowl. Wash the lemon, leave one slice for decoration, and squeeze the juice from the rest into the salad. Season with oil, pepper and salt. Tear the basil, add it to the other ingredients, and mix gently. Place spinach in portioned plates and top with salmon salad. Decorate with a slice of lemon and basil leaves.

    Recipe 2.

    Ingredients: 260 g lightly salted salmon, 120 g rice, 1 avocado, 90 g cucumbers, 4 eggs, 70 g carrots, 45 g green onions, 26 g dill, 8 ml lemon juice, 190 g mayonnaise, 6 g sugar, 90 g red onion, 17 ml white wine vinegar, salt.

    Pour the rice into a bowl and rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear. Pour the rice into a sieve and leave for half an hour to drain all the liquid. Then put the rice in a saucepan and add a glass of water. Cook until it is completely cooked. Place vinegar, sugar in a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt. Mix. Combine this mixture with boiled rice. Boil the eggs hard. Wash the carrots and cook until tender. Grate cooled and peeled eggs and carrots into two different containers. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut into small cubes, and pour in lemon juice. Rinse the greens and cucumber. Peel the onion and chop finely. Chop green onions and dill. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. On a large dish, lay out the layers in the following order, spreading each with mayonnaise: rice - salmon with dill and red onion - cucumber - avocado - eggs with green onions - carrots. The salad can be decorated in the shape of a fish, garnished with onion half rings, which will imitate scales, and herbs.

    Recipe 3.

    Ingredients: 280 g smoked salmon, 180 g cream cheese, 190 g lemon, 38 g horseradish, 90 g rye bread, 60 g lettuce, ground white pepper.

    We peel the salmon and cut it into thin layers. Place the cheese in a bowl and squeeze the juice from half a large lemon into it. Add horseradish and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Place layers of smoked salmon on parchment paper, spread each piece of fish with the cheese mixture. Roll up the salmon from the narrow end to the wide end. Wrap in parchment and refrigerate for half an hour. Then cut each roll crosswise into portioned pieces, 5 cm long. Cut the bread into squares, first removing the crust. On a dish we place lettuce leaves, pieces of bread, on which we place salmon rolls. Cut the remaining lemon into slices and decorate the finished snack with them.

    Recipe 4.

    Ingredients: 320 g fresh salmon, 480 ml cream 15 percent fat, 480 g potatoes, 285 g tomatoes, 90 g onions, 120 g carrots, 34 g vegetable oil, 55 g parsley, salt, mixture of white, black, red pepper .

    We clean and wash the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots. Cut the potatoes into cubes, 3x3 cm in size. Wash the salmon and remove inedible parts. Cut the prepared fish fillet into small pieces. Rinse the parsley and chop it. Place the tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Then remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Fry the onion in hot oil for 6-7 minutes, add the carrots. Leave, stirring, for 7 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes. Fry for another 8 minutes. Transfer the fried vegetables to a saucepan and add 1.1 liters of water. After boiling, add potatoes and cook for 7 minutes. Add salmon. Let it boil, add salt and add cream. Add parsley and a mixture of peppers. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

    Recipe 5.

    Ingredients: 1 kg salmon (head, tail), 360 g potatoes, 1 onion, 90 g rice, 3 bay leaves, 100 g cognac, 2 carrots, 35 g dill, 35 g parsley, 6 peppercorns, salt.

    Wash the salmon thoroughly, remove the gills, and remove the eyes. Rinse and fill with water. Let's boil. Peel onions and carrots. Add a bay leaf, an onion, one whole carrot, and pepper to the salmon. Cook for about half an hour. We take out the boiled salmon, remove the bones and all other inedible parts. Rinse the greens. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut into cubes. Chop the second carrots and greens with a knife. We wash the rice. Strain the fish broth. Let's boil. Add potatoes, carrots, rice. Cook for 15 minutes. Pour in the cognac, add the salmon fillet, removed from the head and tail. Bring to a boil. Turn off the fire. Let it sit for half an hour. Pour the fish soup into bowls, sprinkling with chopped herbs before serving.

    Recipe 6.

    Ingredients: 1 kg salmon in the form of steaks, 170 g Edam cheese, 120 g lemon, 400 g tomatoes, 45 g mayonnaise, 70 g dill, 16 ml olive oil, salt, foil.

    We wash the salmon, tomatoes, and herbs. Let this ingredient dry. Rub the salmon steaks with salt. Squeeze the juice from the lemon onto the fish. We cut the tomatoes into circles. We clear the dill from the hard sticks at its base. Grate the cheese. From foil, folded in half, we form portion forms for each steak so that it completely covers the fish. Grease the foil with oil. Place salmon pieces into the molds. Place dill on top, divided into sprigs. Then we form a layer of tomatoes. On top we distribute an equal amount of grated cheese onto each of the salmon steaks. Apply mayonnaise, leveling it with a fork over the cheese layer. Cover the fish with foil, bringing the edges together tightly. Bake for half an hour at 185 degrees. 8 minutes before the end of baking, open the foil to allow the dish to brown.

    Recipe 7. Grilled salmon in spices

    Ingredients: 2 large salmon steaks, 46 ml soy sauce, 2 cloves garlic, 48 g French mustard beans, 20 g honey, a mixture of white and black pepper, 90 ml olive oil, lettuce, fresh vegetables.

    Pour 80 ml of oil into the container. Add soy sauce. Mix. Peel the garlic and squeeze into the resulting mixture. Add white and black pepper and mustard. Add honey, stir thoroughly, whisking lightly. Wash the salmon steaks and place in a deep bowl. Pour half of the prepared marinade over the fish. Leave for 25 minutes. Grease the grill grate with the remaining oil. Remove the fish from the marinade. Fry for 7-12 minutes on each side. We take the finished salmon onto a plate and pour the second part of the marinade over it. Serve with vegetables and lettuce.

    Recipe 8.

    Ingredients: 480 g salmon fillet, 55 g salt, 14 g sugar, 5 pcs. bay leaf, 6 allspice peas.

    We wash the salmon, removing any remaining bones and skin if possible. Place clean fish fillets on paper and let dry, blotting slightly. Combine salt and sugar in a separate plate and mix. Rub the fish with the resulting mixture of sugar and salt. Place the salmon in a deep container, evenly distributing the bay leaf and peppercorns over its surface. Cover the container with the fish with a tight-fitting lid. We send it to the refrigerator. Leave to pickle for four days. Cut the finished salmon into thin pieces. It is ideal for sandwiches, other snacks and salads.

    Recipe 9.

    Ingredients: 420 g salmon fillet, 420 spaghetti, 360 ml low-fat cream, 3 cloves garlic, 35 g butter, 20 g parsley, 20 g basil, 17 ml olive oil, salt.

    Place the spaghetti in boiling, pre-salted water. Cook for about 8 minutes according to instructions. Then drain the water. Add olive oil to pasta and stir. We wash the salmon and remove the skin. Cut into cubes measuring 15x15 mm. Place butter in a saucepan and fry the salmon for about 7 minutes. Then pour cream over the fish. After boiling, leave on very low heat. Wash parsley and basil and chop with a knife. Mix the greens with squeezed garlic. Season the fish with the mixture and add salt. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 4 minutes. Add spaghetti to the salmon, after 2-3 minutes turn off the heat.

    Recipe 10.

    Ingredients: 320 g salmon, 360 g flour, 105 g butter, 70 g lemon zest, 260 ml milk, 55 ml water, 45 g arugula, 45 g green onion, 5 g ground black pepper, 3 eggs, 5 g salt, 110 g Parmesan cheese.

    Place 95 g of butter at room temperature in sifted flour. Add lemon zest and black pepper. Knead all the ingredients. Add water and knead the dough. Wrap the finished dough in film and cool it for half an hour. Coat a mold approximately 24 cm in diameter with the remaining oil. Stir the dough inside and carefully level it over the entire surface, forming sides. Make holes with a fork and bake at 190 degrees for 12 minutes. We wash the salmon and remove the skin. Cut into small pieces. Wash the onion and arugula, let it dry, and chop it with a knife. Place the fish in the baked crust. Sprinkle onions and arugula on top. Grate the cheese. Beat the eggs into a separate container, pour in the milk, salt, and add cheese. Beat and pour the mixture over the fish and herbs. Bake for 35 minutes at 190 degrees.

    Salmon is a tender, delicate fish, so in order to cook it correctly, you need to know some culinary subtleties. This kind of fish does not like a lot of spices - they will only interrupt its royal taste and aroma. Even for the marinade, you should use only ingredients that do not have an overly strong smell: lemon, pepper, honey. Also, you should not subject salmon to long-term heat treatment. This fish cooks quickly, which preserves not only its taste characteristics, but also all the beneficial substances included in its composition.

    Using the recommendations for preparing salmon, every housewife is sure to get wonderful dishes that can conquer true gourmets with their taste. Simple recipes with salmon will be a real gift for novice cooks. Even the most ordinary dish, which includes salmon, automatically turns into an amazing aromatic delicacy with an exquisite taste.

    Salmon is a red fish, one of the most famous types of salmon. All peoples of the world consider Russia to be the birthplace of red fish. But we don’t know everything about its beneficial properties.

    Scientists are convinced that salmon is one of the most important sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to them, the metabolic process in our body is stabilized, the nervous system is strengthened, the brain is activated, the blood vessels become strong and elastic.

    Doctors advise eating salmon every week. And another pleasant argument for women is that salmon helps keep skin, hair and nails healthy.

    You can eat salmon just like that, it is quite self-sufficient, but if you want something more extravagant to surprise your guests, we present you salmon recipes.

    Salmon balls

    You will need:

    • Lightly salted salmon;
    • mozzarella cheese;
    • lettuce leaves.


    1. Take a lettuce leaf and place a piece of salmon spread with cheese in the middle.
    2. Carefully wrap the lettuce leaf into a ball and secure with a skewer or toothpick.

    Here is such a simple recipe with salmon! =)

    Salmon baked in foil

    Doctors advise eating salmon raw or baking it, as it retains more nutrients, vitamins and microelements than boiled or fried salmon.

    For our salmon recipe you will need:

    • 1 kg. salmon (loin),
    • butter,
    • pepper,
    • lemon,
    • greenery,
    • garlic,
    • barbecue or tomato sauce,
    • salt,
    • and oven. =)

    So, let's start cooking:

    1. Take 4 sheets of foil and grease them with butter.
    2. Cut the fillet into transverse pieces approximately 2.5 cm thick and place them on foil. Season the salmon with pepper, lemon and salt.
    3. Then finely chop the greens (any kind will suit your taste) and sprinkle the pieces with it. Wrap them in foil and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes.
    4. As an addition, you can prepare toast with vegetable oil. And when they are fried, grease them with garlic.
    5. Serve your salmon with sauce and toast. With such a wonderful recipe, you will surprise your family or guests.

    Salad with salmon and vegetables

    You will need:

    • baked, raw or fried diced salmon (to your taste),
    • lettuce half a leaf,
    • pumped lettuce half a leaf,
    • 100 gr. boiled rice,
    • carrot,
    • red pepper,
    • cucumber,
    • apple,
    • 2 oranges,
    • 3 tbsp. l basil,
    • extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed.


    1. To start, we prepare a vegetable salad. For the ego, cut into cubes: lettuce, pumpkin lettuce, carrots, red pepper, cucumber and apple. Add rice there.
    2. To dress the salad, prepare the following sauce: In a blender, blend the orange pulp, basil and olive oil. Pour the sauce over the salad and stir.
    3. Place the vegetable salad on a plate and place pieces of salmon on top. Stir lightly until the salmon is visible.

    Salmon salad is ready! This is such an unusual recipe! =)

    Salmon with unusual sauce

    To prepare this dish you need:

    • salmon fillet (half kg),
    • fresh mint (2 tbsp chopped),
    • red wine vinegar (2 tbsp.),
    • black pepper,
    • sea ​​salt,
    • 4 tbsp. natural yogurt,
    • cucumber,
    • dill,
    • lemon pieces.


    1. Place the salmon fillet on foil, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped dill, and arrange beautifully with lemon slices.
    2. Place in a preheated room at 200 degrees. oven and bake for 25 minutes.
    3. While your fish is baking, prepare the sauce. To do this, you will need to mix finely chopped mint with yogurt, vinegar, pepper and salt.

    When you remove the fish from the oven, season it with sauce and garnish with fresh herbs. You can serve it to the table!

    Lightly salted salmon, recipe with sugar and salt

    What I like about red fish in general is that it is very easy to dry salt it. The dry method does not require the preparation of a marinade - just know, rub the fish on all sides with the suggested ingredients, and wait until it reaches the desired condition. Another good thing about fish is that it will not take in more salt than it should. Another thing is that its “norm” may not suit your taste, and the fillet may seem quite over-salted to you.

    To prepare salmon you will need to take the following products:

    • Fresh salmon – one piece per half kilogram;
    • Ground pepper (it is better to grind it immediately before salting);
    • Coarse salt;
    • Sugar.


    1. Most likely, you will be able to buy fish that has been frozen. If so, then first defrost the fillet - but under no circumstances speed up the process. One friend of mine managed to turn salmon into an amazing disgusting thing only because she decided to defrost the fish in the microwave. Yes, even if you have such a button that says that your equipment is smart and can cope with defrosting fish, but this may be suitable for canned fish or soup, but not for salting. So don't rush, be patient.
    2. Let the salmon slowly thaw in the refrigerator in a plate or saucepan.
    3. After this, place several paper napkins or a towel next to you, rinse the fish, and then dry it to remove excess moisture. Now you can clean the fillet from the bones, there is no need to remove the skin, just remove the backbone and ribs.
    4. Next, you need to take an enamel saucepan or glass container in which the salmon will be kept during salting, and place a piece of fish there, skin side down.
    5. Now you need to take salt, sugar and pepper. Salt - 2 level tablespoons, sugar - one, and pepper - a teaspoon. All this is mixed together, and then placed in a saucepan for two days. Just be sure to salt in the refrigerator and under a very tight lid.
    6. By the way, you can salt salmon trimmings in exactly the same way - we did this when we were students, and it turned out quite inexpensively, quickly and tasty.

    Delicious lightly salted salmon, recipe without spices

    Not everyone likes pepper, so you can do without it if you wish. To prepare lightly salted salmon without pepper you will need to take:

    • Granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon;
    • Coarse salt - 3 teaspoons;
    • Bay leaf – 4 large leaves;
    • Salmon – 400 grams.


    1. To cook fish, you must first defrost it, remove the bones without removing the skin, then wash and dry it.
    2. Now you need to mix salt and sugar and grate the salmon. If the pieces are not very large, then you can spread them out and place them one on top of the other - skin side down.
    3. Place two bay leaves between the pieces. You can break them a little, but lay them out whole.
    4. After this, you need to close the salmon either in a container or in a saucepan and leave it in the refrigerator for 36 hours.
    5. After this, the fish is cut into pieces. While removing the bay leaf.

    Lightly salted salmon cooked with onions and herbs

    To prepare such a dish you will not need any complex ingredients, and the fish will turn out very tasty. take these products:

    • White onions - 3 fairly large heads;
    • Salt – 2 tablespoons;
    • Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon;
    • Lemon is half of a fruit that is not the largest;
    • Parsley - a small bunch.


    1. First, take care of the fish - defrost, if necessary, then wash. If you want to salt the salmon in slices - you can do that too - then it is best to cut it while it is still slightly frozen.
    2. For this recipe, you not only need to remove the bones, but also cut off the skin with a sharp knife with a thin blade.
    3. Now you need to transfer the salmon into a ceramic or glass bowl - this is the best container for salting.
    4. After this, you need to take salt and pepper, pour it onto the pieces of fish and rub everything evenly with your hands as soon as this is done. You can squeeze lemon juice in there and stir again.
    5. You need to cut the onion into rings, not too thin, wash the parsley and tear off the leaves.
    6. All this is mixed into the fish, after which you can close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
    7. After this time, the fragrant, tender salmon is ready and can be served.

    Incredibly simple recipe for lightly salted salmon in vegetable oil

    To prepare fish according to this recipe you need to take the following products:

    • Salmon – half a kilogram;
    • Salt – 2 teaspoons;
    • Vegetable oil – 80 grams.


    1. The frozen salmon should be cut into small pieces, and then carefully salt it with all the amount of salt indicated in the recipe.
    2. After this, you need to take the fish and place it in a cold but sterilized glass container, pouring vegetable oil over it.
    3. After this, the salmon in the jar is sealed, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days - and then you can eat it.

    As you can see, lightly salted salmon - no matter what recipe you choose - is very simple to prepare, but it turns out incredibly tasty!

    Enjoy your meal!
