What can be done with porcini mushrooms recipes. How to fry porcini mushrooms with onions, parsley and garlic. Baked beef with porcini mushrooms

Unfortunately, many modern housewives are completely unable to cook dishes using native Russian products. For example, most residents of large cities have no idea what to do with porcini mushrooms so that they become usable, not to mention harvesting for the winter. But they make a great soup, they can be added to roasts, salads and many other dishes. Even corny fried ones are good if they are cooked with onions and butter.

After a trip to the forest (or to the nearest market), before proceeding with processing, it is necessary to carefully examine the prey. It is better to get rid of wormy and other suspicious specimens immediately, even if they are very beautiful. The fact is that spoiled mushrooms can be bitter, and old ones accumulate various kinds of toxins from the surrounding air, soil, etc., which can cause poisoning. Therefore, no matter what will be done with porcini mushrooms in the future, they are sorted out and cleaned. You also need to make sure that all leaves, insects, worms and other living creatures that love to feast on forest delicacy are removed.

White mushrooms for the winter

Those who do not really like to mess with all sorts of blanks will surely like this unpretentious, but very effective storage method. So, also starts with sorting and cleaning. In no case should they be washed, otherwise you can spoil the look of the final product. So leaves, needles and other debris are removed manually. The procedure itself is best done in natural conditions. The process is accelerated by good sunny weather. Of course, everything can be done in a special dryer, as well as using a gas stove, but the most fragrant and healthy mushrooms will turn out if they hang in the country house under a canopy or on a ventilated balcony.

Those who have never encountered this harvesting method and do not know what to do with porcini mushrooms before drying should be advised to separate the caps from the legs. The former are cut into thin slices, the latter - across in circles. Then both of them are strung on a strong thread and hung out, or spread in one layer on a baking sheet. Under natural conditions, this will take about a week, and in the oven - several hours. The degree of readiness should be checked periodically. It is important not to try to rush things by raising the temperature (it should not be higher than 70 ° C), otherwise the mushrooms will be bitter in the future. Such a workpiece should be stored in a dry, dark place. A tightly sealed, opaque container is ideal.

In winter, it will make a great soup. Pre-soaked in water, they can also be fried, stewed, added to sauces, in general, do everything the same as with fresh ones.

Fried white mushrooms

This dish is ideal for those who have just returned from the forest with a full basket and do not yet know exactly what to do with their prey. Thinking about whether to dry or freeze mushrooms, some of them can be quickly fried. Moreover, the products will require a minimum and time too. For a pound of mushrooms, take an onion, 30 g of vegetable oil and 50 g of butter, salt, ground pepper and garlic to taste. First, they are sorted, cleaned and washed, then cut and sent to an empty hot frying pan. Soon a lot of juice will appear, which is poured into some kind of container (it will still be needed), and oil is added instead. Onions are peeled, cut into half rings and sent there, at the end there is finely chopped garlic. Next, the mushrooms should be fried to a crust, salt, pepper and pour the juice back. Then the fire is made to the maximum and stewed with the lid closed for another 5 minutes. They are served as an independent dish or with any side dish. This recipe is perfect for those who do not know what to do with porcini mushrooms, because it is very simple, and the result is great.

Hi all! Something we talk so much about mushrooms, but I have never mentioned the king of mushrooms - Borovik mushroom. And I didn’t mention it because the king of mushrooms in our family is autumn honey agaric. I cook porcini mushrooms exclusively according to one recipe - I fry them, and I also prepare flour for gravies from them, after drying them in an electric dryer. We don’t like the fact that mushrooms are too soft, so I always try to fry them as much as possible until golden brown and dense. I cook fried porcini mushrooms in a pan with onions. Before frying porcini mushrooms, they must first be boiled. More about everything in this recipe with photos.

Fried porcini mushrooms delicious recipe

First, clean the mushrooms. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that we must sort out the mushrooms and clean them dry, we indifferently throw out the wormy and old ones.

I repeat for those who have just become interested in quiet hunting - in this matter, you always need to be extremely careful and careful!

how to cook porcini mushrooms


  • White mushrooms,
  • onion,
  • salt,
  • spices,
  • allspice peas,
  • Bay leaf,
  • Dill seeds,
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking process:

Our mushrooms are cleaned of dry grass, foliage and dirt, now we cut them into pieces.

Soak for half an hour in cold water so that the dirt that could not be cleaned from dry mushrooms is behind. We change the water two or three times.

Before frying, wild mushrooms must be boiled. Fill the raw material with cold water and put on the stove. Mushrooms are usually boiled for 35 - 40 minutes. You can reduce this time a little, since we will still evaporate the liquid from them for a long time when frying and wait for a delicious golden crust.

Ready boiled porcini mushrooms are thrown into a colander and give them time to flow around.

By the way, the mushroom broth can be cooled and frozen, then cook a fragrant soup from it in winter. While the mushrooms are drying, we heat the pan, pour sunflower oil on it and start frying the onion, cut into small pieces.

As soon as the onion is fried a little, send the mushrooms to the pan and fry them over high heat until they are fried at least twice.

Do not forget to add spices and salt during frying. Our fried porcini mushrooms are ready. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Enjoy your meal! Ekaterina Apatonova told how to fry porcini mushrooms, recipe and photo of the author.

For any mushroom picker, the white mushroom is a welcome trophy. This is entirely justified. Rarely from which mushroom can you cook so many culinary masterpieces. It is not difficult to make the simplest and most affordable dishes with them, but cooking porcini mushrooms correctly, so as to preserve their unique aroma and taste, is an art.

Where to look for mushrooms

The easiest way to find porcini mushrooms in the market. But there is one danger lurking here. Mushrooms absorb radiation, heavy metals and harmful substances like a sponge. Therefore, it is impossible to collect them on the sides of the highway and in industrial zones. And the seller on the market is unlikely to tell under which power line he harvested his crop.

It is much more reliable to look for mushrooms in the forest on your own.. They grow in coniferous and mixed forests, in birch forests. Whites do not like strong shade, so it is unlikely to be found in a dense spruce forest. But on the sides of forest roads, on the edge of the field, in well-ventilated and illuminated areas of the forest - as much as you like. The collection of porcini mushrooms begins in July and ends with the first frost.

Primary processing

It is usually done immediately after collection. The hat is cleared of adhering debris. The remains of the earth and mycelium are cut from the legs. The legs are separated from the hats. If the cap or stem has a small wormhole, then it is set aside for drying. Old big mushrooms also go there. Young specimens without worm damage can be used for freezing for the winter, canning or frying.

To prepare the white mushroom for drying, its caps and legs are cut into thin plates. Then they are laid in a layer on a wire rack and placed to dry. For drying, you can use:

  • oven;
  • gas stove;
  • microwave;
  • open air.

In the oven, the mushrooms are dried with the door open and a temperature of about 50 degrees. Periodically they need to be stirred so that they do not stick to the grate. The whole process usually takes two days. The dried mushroom plate should be light and break at the fold.

You need to be very careful when using a gas stove for drying. For this method, the grate is installed above the stove at a distance of about a meter from the heating surface or gas burners. The stove is set to the weakest heat. Be sure to make sure that the mushrooms do not burn and stir them periodically. Drying in this way will take two days.

The microwave oven should only be used if no other drying options are available. Finely chopped mushrooms are placed inside and the heat is turned on for 20 minutes. After that, the microwave door is opened for 10 minutes in order to evaporate excess moisture. This process is repeated until completely dry.

Outdoor drying has been used since time immemorial. Who doesn't remember a garland of dried mushrooms on a string. Mushroom plates are strung on a nylon or harsh thread and hung in a warm, well-ventilated room.

Easy ways to cook saffron mushroom dishes

Freezing for the winter

This method is good because it retains all the properties of a fresh mushroom and requires almost no action. Young strong mushrooms are cleaned, coarsely cut and frozen in plastic bags. It is better to do it in portions, at one time. Mushrooms do not tolerate re-freezing.

Frozen mushrooms take up quite a lot of space. In addition, to store them in this state, you need a freezer.

White Mushroom Recipes

Cooking porcini mushrooms at home usually does not cause any difficulties for housewives. From them you can make, for example, such dishes:

Julienne is made from porcini mushrooms and sour cream sauce. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly rinse, peel and coarsely chop a pound of mushrooms. Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, then add the mushrooms. All this is stewed over medium heat for about 10 minutes. The resulting mushroom juice must be drained. No need to pour it down the sink, it will still come in handy. Then two small onions, cut into half rings, and a couple more tablespoons of oil are added to the mushrooms. For about fifteen minutes it all languishes over low heat.

In a separate bowl, mix the drained mushroom juice, 200 grams of sour cream and one tablespoon of flour. Shake everything thoroughly. The resulting sauce should be added to the pan with mushrooms and simmer, stirring, for 10 minutes.

From the inside, rub the kokotnitsa with garlic, put the stewed mushrooms in the sauce and pour grated cheese on top. Put in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

How long does it take to fry oyster mushrooms in a pan with onions

Mushroom caviar with melted cheese is the most delicate appetizer. In a frying pan, you need to fry finely chopped three cloves of garlic and a head of onion until golden brown with the addition of a small amount of butter and olive oil. Add chopped 300 grams of peeled porcini mushrooms and 50 grams of white table wine. Simmer, stirring, until moisture is completely evaporated, then cool. Add processed cheese, chopped on a grater, and finely chopped sprig of parsley, as well as salt and black pepper to taste. Beat everything with a whisk until creamy, then refrigerate to thicken.

Pickled white mushrooms, especially small ones, look very impressive on the festive table. Pickle them as follows. Two kilograms of small mushrooms must be thoroughly washed. Then put them in a saucepan, add water and bring it to a boil. After five minutes of boiling, the water is drained. This is necessary to wash off and remove all the dirt. Then the mushrooms are again poured with water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes in salted water. Then they can be thrown into a colander and let the water drain.

The marinade is prepared separately. A tablespoon of sugar and salt, a lavrushka leaf, a chopped clove of garlic and a few peas of black pepper are added per liter of water. All this is brought to a boil, after which a tablespoon of vinegar essence is added. Mushrooms from a colander are transferred to the marinade and let them boil for a minute. Then the pan is removed from the fire.

There are many delicacies in the world that, when boiled, fried and stewed, will have an amazing and unique taste.

In this article, we will look at how to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan, because they are absolutely deservedly one of the most famous delicacies. Frying is the easiest way to prepare them and the best, because the result is always excellent, as the product itself is very tasty and fragrant.

What to cook from porcini mushrooms

From porcini mushrooms you can cook a huge number of different dishes. This applies to both cold and hot appetizers, first courses, side dishes, as well as preparations for the winter. It should be noted that they are often used in dried form, without losing their taste at all.

However, the easiest and most common cooking method is to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan. This does not require special culinary skills, even a novice in the kitchen is able to cope with such an unpretentious ingredient in a dish that can receive the title of a culinary masterpiece.

Fried porcini mushrooms with potatoes: 2 cooking options


  • White mushrooms - 300 g + -
  • — 8 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Greens - to taste + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

How to properly and how many minutes to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan

Traditionally, onion and sour cream go well with this product. But you can add some originality to the recipe by preparing forest gifts, for example, with fried potatoes and herbs. How to make it tasty (fry porcini mushrooms in a pan with potatoes) - we will tell you below in the recipe.

Preparing mushrooms and vegetables for frying

  • Initially, you should clean the mushrooms from the top film and cut off the damaged areas.
  • Then we thoroughly wash them under running water to get rid of the remnants of the earth and other contaminants.
  • Now we can already cut them into slices, or into several parts. This is not so important, because the taste will not change.
  • After - boil the water and put the mushrooms there. Boil them for 10 minutes, and then drain the boiling water and rinse the boiled mushrooms under running water. You should not get rid of the broth itself, as it is great for making cereals and soups.
  • We clean and wash the potatoes, cut them into strips.
  • We clean the onion, cut it into half rings.

We have completed the basic process of preparing the ingredients. Now I want to tell you two options for preparing this set of products.

Recipe for frying porcini mushrooms: option number 1

Experienced chefs believe that it is best to cook each component of the dish separately, and then mix them. We will do it like this:

  • Saute the onion until transparent in a mixture of oils.
  • How long to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan? 15 minutes will be enough. Then we put them in another container.
  • After - fry the potatoes until fully cooked, and add onion, mushrooms, salt and pepper to it.
  • Cover it all with a lid and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

The dish is ready to serve, it remains only to put it on a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

How to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan: option number 2

According to another cooking variation, the ingredients of the dish are cooked together. Due to the fact that potatoes absorb mushroom juice when frying together with mushrooms, the taste of the finished dish will be excellent.

  • We heat the mixture of oils in a frying pan and place the main ingredient in it. In time, fry porcini mushrooms in a pan for the same amount as in the previous recipe.
  • Next, add potatoes, and bring it to half-cooked.
  • Then we spread the onion, add spices, and simmer until fully cooked.

To make the result even better, you can add mushrooms with sour cream. It is enough to pour 100 g of this fermented milk product a few minutes before the end of cooking to make the dish more satisfying with a pleasant creamy aroma. But you can also serve sour cream separately.

Porcini mushrooms in creamy wine sauce

According to this recipe, the prepared dish will turn out to be very refined. It is worthy of serving in the best restaurants, and cooked at home, all the more, will be perceived with a bang.


  • White mushroom - 0.5 kg;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Dry wine - 50 g;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Spices - to taste.

Stir-fried porcini mushrooms with cheese in wine sauce

  • Just like in the previous recipe, we clean and wash the mushrooms, but in this case, we cut them finely.
  • Fry chopped mushrooms in butter.
  • Add wine and increase the fire. Keep the mushrooms on fire for 3 minutes.
  • Then salt, pepper, add a mixture of sour cream and grated cheese on a fine grater.
  • Simmer the mass until a thick consistency is formed.

Serve hot in a deep bowl. If desired, you can cook toasts from a white loaf for it.

So we figured out how to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan in order to spend a minimum of effort, time and money. They should not be paired with many ingredients, as they don't like being around very much.

White mushroom is a decoration of any dish, which makes it exquisite and original. Please your loved ones with such a delicious delicacy.

Enjoy your meal!
