Flowers of Ivan tea. Get to know the medicinal plant called fireweed: photos, beneficial properties and contraindications

Often, while walking in the park or in nature, people do not pay attention to the thickets of bright scarlet flowers growing in every sunny meadow in the summer. However, even a hundred years ago, this plant was widely popular and had a huge role in the life of the average person: it was used to light a fire, stuffed pillows and blankets with it, its young shoots were fried, stewed, or simply eaten raw. But the most important thing is that a tasty and healthy drink was made from this plant, which is in vain forgotten in our time..

We are, of course, talking about Ivan tea. It was not for nothing that our ancestors made tea from it: its medicinal properties are difficult to overestimate.

It fills with energy, contains many vitamins - especially C and group B, and helps with acute respiratory viral infections and various inflammatory diseases. Few people know that to make tea from this plant you can use not only the leaves, but also its equally useful flowers.

Ivan tea is collected from the beginning of flowering until the moment when the flowers begin to “fluff” - that is, when achenes appear near the flowers, which are noticeable and fluffy in these plants. But if we are talking about flowers, then they need to be collected as early as possible.

Young plants contain more useful substances, and the tea is stronger and more aromatic. The ideal collection time is May and early June. Leaves are collected by running your hand along the trunk from top to bottom, and flowers are best picked or cut. The main thing is to do it carefully. Flowers are a very fragile part of the plant; they are easily crushed and damaged, and as a result they lose their medicinal properties.

There are two opinions: that the flowers should be dried and drunk together with the leaves, and that they should be brewed separately. If you are planning to do the so-called. Koporye tea is dried and dried leaves, rolled into tubes, giving a strong, highly fermented decoction; flowers can spoil the taste of the drink. But in regular fireweed they won’t do any harm at all.

Flowers can be brewed separately: you will get a weak drink with a pleasant floral aroma. An interesting solution would be to add them to regular black tea to add an original aroma.

It is important that flowers can be brewed raw, if you first rinse them thoroughly with water.

Beneficial features

The most obvious advantage of fireweed flowers is the delicate, fragrant aroma that fills the tea drink - this cannot be achieved by brewing only the leaves. In addition, it is recommended to use it for various medicinal purposes.

    1. The most famous property of willow tea, which people from all over the world pay attention to, is its anti-inflammatory effect. One of the substances that makes up fireweed, enotein b, was patented by a Canadian pharmaceutical company as an anti-inflammatory agent and is used in skin care products.

    Due to this property, it is also used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchopulmonary diseases, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and any other inflammation. Not only leaves, but also flowers have such properties.

    2. Leaves and flowers of willow tea, when consumed for a long time, help with various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the large amount of mucus contained in the leaves and flowers, it is advisable to use fireweed for various diseases and ailments, ranging from minor inflammations in the mouth to stomach ulcers, colitis or gastritis.

    It is especially recommended to drink this tea for chronic diarrhea: regular consumption of the drink relieves all unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, it can act as a mild laxative, slowing down the process of water reabsorption in the intestines. It is recommended to drink it to recover from food poisoning.

    3. According to ongoing research, the leaves and flowers help with nervous and mental disorders - especially depressive disorders - if you drink it every day. For modern people, who often live in a state of constant stress and heavy workload, this property of tea will be extremely useful.

    4. Another medicinal property of this drink was known at the beginning of the 19th century: it was one of the most effective remedies for bleeding that existed at that time. Documents have been preserved in which doctors of those times recommend it for mild but prolonged bleeding: for example, nasal bleeding caused by allergies or dry air, or pulmonary bleeding.

    5. Ivan tea is an excellent antioxidant: this means that it prevents the aging of the body and relieves intoxication. With prolonged use of tea, there is a noticeable improvement in overall well-being and mood, and a surge of energy is felt.

    6. It is an excellent antispasmodic, which means it helps with asthma, cough and abdominal cramps. This property is greatly appreciated by people suffering from migraines or chronic headaches. For the same reason, a decoction of leaves and flowers is recommended for painful and heavy menstruation: it is best to brew it with honey.

    7. Traditional medicine knows another medicinal property of the leaves and flowers of this plant: it is used to treat alcoholism. The patient is advised to drink as much tea as possible per day, after each meal and instead of any other drinks. They say that after a few weeks noticeable improvements can be observed, but traditional medicine does not comment on this technique.

And this is not all the beneficial properties of fireweed: it is known that it increases potency in men, strengthens the immune system and normalizes metabolism, relieves chills and fever, and is even used to prevent cancer. Research is being conducted on its use for the treatment of acne.

It must be remembered that herbal infusions and decoctions can only be used as auxiliary therapy and are usually inferior in effectiveness to modern medicines. Before using fireweed to treat a particular disease, it is important to consult a doctor.

However, this does not prevent you from using it to make delicious and fragrant tea that you can drink every day.

The medicinal herb angustifolia has long been known, from which a healing drink was made in Rus'. The more common name for this unique plant is fireweed. Angustifolia fireweed is found everywhere throughout Russia, including in the Arctic and subarctic regions. The popular names of this plant are plakun, mother plant, skrypnik, Koporsky tea, breadbox, and napkin.

The chemical composition of fireweed and its effect on the body

The foliage of the plant contains tannins, lectins, vitamin C, organic acids, and flavonoids. Among the trace elements found in Koporye tea, a special place is occupied by iron, copper, calcium, potassium, and manganese. Thanks to these unique substances, decoctions and infusions of fireweed have anti-inflammatory, astringent, diaphoretic, enveloping, sedative and antibacterial properties. Benefits of Ivan tea for humans:

  • has a tonic effect;
  • calms nerves, normalizes sleep;
  • alleviates the symptoms of epilepsy;
  • normalizes the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves flatulence, colitis;
  • treats headaches, migraines;

  • normalizes the oral mucosa;
  • prophylactic against periodontal disease, caries;
  • has an antipyretic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps improve metabolism;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits for women

For centuries, in folk medicine, fireweed tea has been used to treat women's diseases. The use of this plant is effective for the treatment of female infertility associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the prevention of cancer of the genitourinary system, and the normalization of the menstrual cycle. A decoction of angustifolia fireweed has a restorative effect on pregnant women and enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

For men

Ivan tea is an ancient remedy for the treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma. A decoction of this medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on potency, which is why it is often called a male herb. There is an opinion that excessive consumption of Koporye tea inhibits the sexual functions of the stronger sex. This feature is associated with the sedative properties of the plant.

How to brew Ivan tea correctly: recipes

Traditionally in Rus', a healing drink from angustifolia fireweed was prepared in a samovar. The dry grass was poured with spring, hot water, allowed to brew for about 10 minutes, after which people enjoyed the aromatic tea. In modern conditions, porcelain, ceramic or glass dishes are perfect for brewing a healing drink. Preparation and method of use:

  • For brewing a drink, it is not ordinary dry grass that is healthier, but fermented Ivan tea. It has a delightful floral and fruity aroma. For brewing you will need 2-3 tbsp. fermented Koporye tea.
  • To prepare a healing drink, use spring or purified water.
  • Boil 0.5 liters of water. Pour boiling water over the teapot, pour tea into the bottom, and fill 1/3 with water. Let the herb steep for 5 minutes, then add the remaining water. Do not wrap the container with the infusion; let the drink brew for 10 minutes.
  • After drinking freshly prepared Ivan tea, add boiling water to the remaining tea leaves up to 5 times. At the same time, the drink retains its healing properties.
  • Ready Ivan tea can be stored in a cool place for up to 4 days.

The healing drink is consumed not only in its pure form, but also honey, rose hips, and lemon zest are added. And traditional sea buckthorn, meadowsweet, and mint give tea an unsurpassed taste and aroma. Strawberry leaves, raspberries, and pieces of dried fruit are added to the drink made from angustifolia fireweed. Such ingredients enrich Ivan tea, enhancing the beneficial properties of the plant.

Contraindications for use

Despite all its beneficial properties, Ivan tea has restrictions on its use. First of all, this is individual intolerance. If you do not like the taste and smell of this healing infusion, or if you experience discomfort after using it, discard it. If you have chronic diseases, consult your doctor before taking Koporye tea. Contraindications:

  • The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is not recommended to be used in combination with antipyretics.
  • Ivan tea should not be taken with other sedatives as they cause drowsiness.
  • The healing drink has a laxative effect, so people with gastrointestinal diseases should use it with caution.
  • Koporye tea contains coumarin, which, when taken for a long time, accumulates in the body and has a harmful effect on the liver.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the healing infusion is taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  • It is not recommended to give a decoction of fireweed angustifolia to children under 6 years of age.

Video about preparing and fermenting fireweed tea

To enjoy a fragrant, healing drink all year round, you don't have to buy herbs. Although, you can buy Ivan tea in bags for a price of 60 rubles. per package or fermented - from 120 rubles. for 100 g. Using the video instructions below, you will prepare your own medicinal plant. This process consists of harvesting the tea, drying the herb, and fermenting the leaves. To ensure that a drink made from Koporye tea brings you maximum benefit, find an environmentally friendly place where it grows. Do not collect the plant near highways, railways, or industrial enterprises.

Photo: what the fireweed plant looks like

Angustifolia fireweed reaches a height of 200 cm and is a perennial herbaceous plant. The stem of fireweed is erect and densely leafy. The leaves of the plant are wedge-shaped, with short petioles, shiny, dark green above, glaucous, reddish or pale pink below. Small buds of Koporye tea are collected in the apical inflorescence of a pink, less often white, hue.

Meet: narrow-leaved fireweed, popularly known as fireweed. It was used to prepare a drink back in the days of Ancient Rus'. For a long time, tea from this plant was sold to Europe. How did the above-mentioned drink captivate the whimsical Europeans? Its healing abilities are described below. So, read on!

Ivan-tea: brief description

Since its inception, the above plant has acquired many different names. These are “angustifolia fireweed grass”, “willow grass”, “willow grass”, “willow grass” and others. People often call fireweed "fireman". It turns out that this plant populates fire sites very well. It is also sometimes called “dremukha” (due to its ability to act as a good sleeping pill).

Also in the literature you can see the following designations of fireweed: mulberry, Kuril tea, koporka, spring grass, rubella, boron potion, spruce, magpie eyes, hoof-grass, smolok-grass and many, many others. It seems that each region has its own name for the above plant.

The main features of angustifolia fireweed:

  • belongs to the fireweed family;
  • is a perennial plant;
  • has lanceolate leaves;
  • flowers of lilac, lilac-red or white color;
  • the rhizome is thick, with numerous shoots;
  • The flowering period is from mid-June to the second or third week of August.

The fireweed plant can be found near pine forests, in meadows and wastelands, on peat or dry sandy soils, near village roads, along the banks of lakes and rivers, and also as a weed in vegetable gardens or orchards.

A little history of fireweed

It should be noted that since the 12th century in Rus', tea, for the preparation of which they used angustifolia fireweed, was very popular. Ivan tea was collected by both ordinary peasants and representatives of rich noble Russian families.

Since the 13th century, the above plant began to be called “Koporie tea”. The fact is that Alexander Nevsky, on the site of the destroyed fortress, founded the small estate of Koporye (located in the region of the St. Petersburg province that emerged later). It was on these sand dunes that the fireweed plant took root very well. It was prepared by the monks.

Once English sailors visited Koporye. They tried this extremely tasty drink. They liked it so much that rich people from Europe (England, France, Prussia) began to order angustifolia fireweed.

Until the mid-19th century, Great Britain exclusively preferred this Russian Koporye tea. Even Indian and Ceylon drinks were not so popular.

At the end of the 19th century, angustifolia fireweed was forced out of the European market. This was facilitated by two world events: the rapidly growing power of the East India Company and the First World War.

Useful composition of the plant

The herb Ivan tea contains the following substances that bring extremely great benefits to the human body:

  • vitamin C (especially in the above-ground part of the plant);
  • carotenoids (provitamin A);
  • mucus (polysaccharides);
  • B vitamins;
  • chlorophyll;
  • pectins;
  • tannins (up to 20%);
  • organic acids;
  • phytosterols (especially a lot of beta-sitosterol);
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • macro- and microelements (copper, iron, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, titanium, nickel, boron).

The rhizome of the above plant does not contain tannins at all, but it contains a lot of starch, polysaccharides, easily digestible proteins, cobalt, calcium and phosphorus salts.

Ivan tea: medicinal properties, contraindications

The drink from the above plant has not only a very pleasant taste and amazing aroma, but also a wide range of health benefits: it perfectly tones the body, quenches thirst, gives strength, and relieves fatigue. Unlike coffee and black tea, a decoction of angustifolia fireweed does not contain purine bases, oxalic acid or caffeine that are harmful to human health.

With regular consumption of the drink, the basis of which is the herb fireweed, vitality increases and the immune system is remarkably strengthened:

  • The composition of the blood and hematopoietic function improves (the normal alkaline-acid balance of the blood is restored, the level of hemoglobin increases).
  • The increased excitability of the nerves and the system as a whole is reduced.
  • The symptoms of insomnia and the consequences of psycho-emotional stress are eliminated.
  • Normal blood pressure is restored.

In addition, fireweed tea, the medicinal properties of which are based on its healing composition, has the following effects on the body:

  • Helps improve lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Significantly increases the absorption of nutrients.
  • Has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the health of the prostate gland, as well as on the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.
  • Produces a diuretic effect.
  • Perfectly eliminates signs of constipation.
  • Promotes the healing of wounds of the mucous membranes in the stomach (that is, it acts as an effective antiulcer agent, has a good enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Restores the most optimal balance of microflora in the intestines.
  • Produces a choleretic effect.
  • Shows antiallergic activity.
  • Increases potency and prevents the development of symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
  • Activates the processes of epithelization and granulation of areas of the skin that have been damaged.
  • Produces a moderate analgesic effect.
  • Shows antiviral activity.
  • Enhances lactation and improves the quality of mother's milk.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and other impurities.
  • Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Prevents premature aging of the skin.
  • Improves skin condition, making it more elastic and firm.

No matter how good medicinal properties fireweed may have, there are still some contraindications to its use. This:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis.

If you drink the above drink for too long, you may experience some problems with your kidneys and liver. Experts do not recommend drinking fireweed tea for more than 1 month without a break. It can also interfere with the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Angustifolia fireweed: application

Ivan tea is actively used in alternative medicine and cosmetology. Russian healers note that, thanks to its soothing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, enveloping, diaphoretic, emollient effects, this plant has become the basis for many remedies against a wide variety of diseases.

Alternative medicine uses all parts of the fireweed (leaves, stems, flowers, roots). For example, the ground leaves of this plant promote rapid healing of even very deep wounds. A decoction of them quite effectively helps with scrofula, inflammation of the throat, ear, nose, and also acts as an excellent sleeping pill.

Tibetan alternative medicine uses the rhizome of the fireweed angustifolia to relieve the symptoms of such terrible and complex diseases as syphilis and gonorrhea. Mongolian healers use fireweed to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system. They believe that angustifolia fireweed tea is an excellent remedy against scrofula and headaches.

Russian healers note that fireweed branches go well with birch. Therefore, a broom from these two plants is excellent for a bath. Their unusual beneficial aroma is felt immediately, and besides, your well-being significantly improves and headaches go away.

Some cooks add fireweed sprouts to various salads. The roots of angustifolia fireweed can be ground into flour and enriched baked goods with them.

Ivan-tea: indications for use

The properties of fireweed angustifolia are highly valued by Russian healers, who believe that it has a high healing effect. It is recommended to use a drink from this plant for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • gastroduodenitis and stomach ulcers;
  • enterocolitis, colitis;
  • gallstone disease, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis, cholecystocholangitis, pancreatitis;
  • problems with the male genitourinary system (prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction);
  • male and female infertility;
  • high blood pressure, cardioneurosis;
  • problems with the respiratory system (chronic tonsillitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, ARVI, sinusitis;
  • spleen diseases;
  • allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, furunculosis;
  • herpes;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis, cystitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • alcohol and food poisoning;
  • dysentery;
  • diarrhea;
  • hysteria, neurosis-like states, alcoholic psychoses, depression;
  • hangover;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • C-vitaminosis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • uterine bleeding, menopause;
  • increased bleeding of gums;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Russian healers also recommend consuming drinks made from fireweed tea in case of serious psycho-emotional stress. This plant is also included in the treatment of alcoholism and neuroses of various etymologies.

Angustifolia fireweed has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Therefore, Russian healers recommend it for instillation for rhinitis, otitis, and sinusitis. It is also used for rinsing the mouth for diseases such as pharyngitis, sore throat, periodontitis, caries, gingivitis, and stomatitis.

Ivan-tea: recipes

There are many recipes for drinks that use fireweed. How to brew it?

You need to take 15 g of dry raw leaves and flowers (approximately two tablespoons), pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Bring the contents of the enamel pot to a boil and cook over low heat for no more than a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to strain the infusion. Before use, it must be diluted with boiling water. If desired, you can add sugar or honey to the drink.

It is interesting that such tea leaves can be safely used for a week; it does not lose its properties at all and does not deteriorate.

Another brewing method involves preparing such a drink from fresh fireweed leaves. They are placed in an enamel pan in a thin layer, poured with boiling water and brought to a boil over low heat. Then leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. You can drink tea either warm or cold. You can reheat it, but under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil again. After all, high temperature will only destroy the aroma of this drink.

There are also many recipes for medicines for which fireweed is used. How to brew it? Pour 10 g of dry raw material with 250 g of boiling water and cook over low heat for no more than a quarter of an hour. Then the broth needs to be filtered. Take a tablespoon every 6 hours.

You can cure gastroduodenitis and stomach ulcers with the following infusion: take the herb of fireweed, chamomile, linden blossom and fennel fruit in the following ratio: 2:1:2:1. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Then pour boiling water over them. Russian healers recommend drinking this drink two glasses before meals.

Ivan tea in cosmetology

Angustifolia fireweed began to be used for cosmetic purposes back in the days of Ancient Rus'. Nowadays, fashionable salons offer their clients a steam bath with a tincture of fireweed flowers before a massage. It must be done for at least 5 days for a quarter of an hour.

An anti-inflammatory mask based on angustifolia fireweed has proven itself to be excellent. To prepare it you will need 8 ml of tincture of the plant’s flowers, a pinch of “Extra” salt (on the tip of a knife) and oatmeal. Mix these ingredients thoroughly (to the consistency of liquid sour cream) and apply to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour. Next, it is recommended to wash off this mask with warm water. After this procedure, the skin will be cleared of red spots and will become softer, firmer and more elastic.

Methods for preparing fireweed tea

Depending on the use in recipes, there are several methods for preparing the above plant:

  • cutting off only the top part of fireweed during flowering (coarse stems are not taken);
  • separate preparation of leaves and flowers of fireweed angustifolia.

How to properly dry fireweed?

  • Dry the leaves overnight in a dark place;
  • roll the leaves in your palms until the juice comes out;
  • place these “cigars” on a baking sheet;
  • cover them with a wet cloth;
  • leave for 10 hours in the shade for the fermentation process to occur and a fruity smell to appear;
  • then unroll the leaves;
  • spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet;
  • place in the oven to dry at 100 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes;
  • Russian healers advise storing raw Koporye tea in a glass jar.

It should be noted that you can easily buy fireweed at the pharmacy. Its shelf life is usually no more than 3 years.

Ivan tea is an excellent healing plant that gives the body health and enriches it with useful substances. An aromatic drink based on angustifolia willowherb will win the hearts of even the most demanding tea connoisseurs. But before using it for medicinal purposes, you should still consult an experienced doctor.

Mother Nature has given people many plants that can maintain health and treat various ailments. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical medicines are so actively promoted and advertised that people often do not bother to take an interest and learn about those natural healers that grow right under their feet, do not contain any “chemicals” and do not require fabulous money to be able to use them. Meanwhile, there are a lot of such medicinal plants. One of them is fireweed, the properties, uses and contraindications of which are discussed in this article.


The plant is considered mysterious, about which there are legends. It is called differently, depending on the area where it grows. For example, the names “Kuril tea”, “Koporo tea” and, of course, the famous “Ivan tea” are known. Scientifically, it is angustifolia fireweed.

The origin of the name “Ivan-tea” has different versions. According to one of them, it was widely known among the peoples of the Far East, where it was used as a cure for male problems. That's why it got this name. Another version is more mercantile: according to it, traders mixed fireweed leaves into black tea, thus increasing their profits.

Let's consider what the herb Ivan tea is, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as recipes for its use.


This plant has been known to everyone since childhood. It stands out with pink flowers in the meadow. Some types of fireweed can be confused with each other (for example, hairy fireweed cannot be consumed), so it is important to know exactly what fireweed looks like. Its beneficial properties are contained in the entire plant. Even the roots can be used as medicine. But the flowers and leaves are the most valuable.

When dried, it acquires a taste. Therefore, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, it easily replaced expensive teas from China and India. It was drunk much more often than kvass, fruit drink, sbiten and vzvar. But for some reason, over time, they forgot about him.


This medicinal plant contains large amounts of tannins, especially in its leaves and roots. It also contains tannides (which are derivatives of tannin), pyragol (ten to twenty percent). It is known that crushed leaves are more beneficial than whole leaves. This is explained by the combined effect of plant mucilage, the percentage of which reaches fifteen, and tannids.

In addition, fireweed tea contains flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercetin, as well as organic acids, which contain vitamins P.

Where does it grow

The herb fireweed is found in almost all latitudes. The healing properties and contraindications are known to healers, no matter where they live. The main places where this grass grows are meadows, roadsides and forest edges, that is, it prefers sunny and open areas.

Its height reaches one and a half meters, turning the plant into pleasant bushes with pink flowers. Then you can start collecting it. In the middle zone, this time begins at the end of June and continues until the beginning of autumn, when fireweed and angustifolia fireweed are collected.

The beneficial properties of the plant, however, are not known to everyone. Sometimes, when it appears in the garden, they try to get rid of it as an ordinary weed, instead of using it as a medicine or just a drink.

Angustifolia fireweed is particularly hardy. For example, it may be the first to begin to grow after a fire. But it will not appear in damp and damp places, on acidic and loamy soils.

Collection and preparation

The encouraging aroma alone will cause a surge of strength and energy if fireweed grass is accidentally discovered somewhere on the edge of a forest or lawn! Its medicinal properties and contraindications, in addition to its pleasant smell, have long been known. Therefore, many decide to grow the plant purposefully. It is quite possible to implement the idea, since it is unpretentious, is not afraid of any drought, and will also remove weeds.

Its leaves and flowers are collected before the start of fluffing (which usually occurs from mid to late August), as otherwise they will become unusable. Preparing fireweed tea for medicinal purposes is not at all difficult. But if it is going to be used as tea, then the leaves, in addition to drying, must be fermented. Then the taste will improve significantly.

When collected, the flowers are simply torn from the inflorescences and placed in large bags, and the leaves are best used from the middle of the stem, without grabbing the lower and upper ones.

In an open room, the plant is dried in the shade or in the sun, spread evenly in a thin layer on paper or fabric. It is advisable to stir the raw materials by hand from time to time.

The prepared drug is stored in paper bags or fabric bags for up to two years.

The herb fireweed is also sometimes dried in the oven.

Medicinal properties

Both contraindications and indications must be known and taken into account when using it.

In fact, all ancient herbal teas contained this medicinal plant. It can be considered universal in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. The most well-known medicinal properties exhibited by fireweed are the following:

  • significantly affects the increase and strengthening of immunity;
  • useful for men (increases potency);
  • used for the treatment of adenoma;
  • heals the digestive system;
  • helps with illness and prevention of endocrine diseases;
  • effective for gastritis, colitis and ulcers;
  • increases hemoglobin and regulates its balance;
  • promotes abrasions and quickly stops bleeding;
  • used as an antipyretic;
  • relieves the child’s condition with chickenpox and measles;
  • heals nerves and helps stabilize the psyche;
  • increases performance, improves mood and invigorates;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • removes toxins and waste from the body

And this is not the entire list of beneficial effects that fireweed can have. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are confirmed by official medicine. In addition to them, the plant also has a lot of properties that have not been confirmed by professional healers. But we can definitely say that Kuril tea, or Ivan tea, or Koporye tea, has a beneficial effect on health.


Any medicinal plant, according to traditional medicine, has not only indications, but also contraindications. However, there is an exception to this rule. We are talking about a plant like fireweed. The only thing doctors warn about is that excessive consumption for more than two weeks can cause diarrhea. But this, according to many people who took it, is a rather controversial statement, since sometimes, on the contrary, fireweed is used to get rid of this problem.


Ivan tea, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are so disparate, is one of the few herbs that can be freely consumed during pregnancy.

If a cold is just beginning, then by drinking a decoction or tea from the plant, you can forget about the illness. However, in the acute phase it is unlikely to be sufficiently effective.

Ivan tea is often used as a sedative, although it will not act like a regular sleeping pill, as it has a mild effect. With constant use, it will help not only normalize sleep, but also strengthen the nervous system.

There are even cases where, when taking it, the development of cancer cells stopped. Therefore, it is also known as an antitumor agent, which is also used for the prevention of metastases.

The plant copes well with various diseases of the genitourinary system, not only in men, but also in women.


Alcohol tinctures and teas are usually made from the herb. To obtain a great taste, it is necessary to use the fermentation method when drying. Then you will get the famous Koporye tea. To do this, the freshly collected leaves are tightly compacted into a jar and closed with a lid. The container is exposed to the sun, and when the leaves in it change their color to dark brown (usually this takes several days), the fermentation process is complete. They are then cut and dried in the usual way. Koporye tea will be truly delicious. It is not for nothing that fireweed (fireweed) was exported in large quantities under Tsarist Russia. The properties and contraindications indicated above must be taken into account when consuming it as a drink.

Here are a few recipes that can be used for medicinal purposes.

  • For prostatitis, take one tablespoon of the herb and leave it in a glass of boiling water for two hours. Take a tablespoon of the product four times a day for a whole month. You can also mix it with regular tea and drink two to three glasses a day with the addition of honey. In this case, it is taken longer: from four to six months.
  • The first recipe described for combating prostatitis can also be used as an antitumor agent.
  • In addition to decoctions, teas and tinctures, you can make oil from the herb. To do this, pour a glass of fresh flowers into a glass of vegetable oil and leave it in the sun in a closed glass container for three weeks. The prepared product is used to heal wounds, ulcers, burns and cuts.
  • The healing properties of the herb Ivan tea are excellent and are so beneficial that healers advise even patients with diabetes to use it. It has long been used to treat leukemia, painful menstruation and bladder inflammation.
  • The herb is actively used for cosmetic purposes. It helps well with acne and other skin inflammations. You can use, for example, a decoction of it. To do this, pour three tablespoons of boiling water and leave until cool. From the resulting product, lotions are made daily for two hours, periodically moistening a napkin in it.
  • Ice from a decoction of fireweed tea, which should be used to wipe your face every day, will also be effective.
  • In addition to the skin, the plant will also help the hair. To do this, prepare a tincture and periodically moisten the hair roots with it.

Official medicine about fireweed tea

Medicine no longer so rarely begins to turn to traditional methods. This speaks to the common sense of today's doctors. After all, it is clear how much chemical drugs, while promoting health, on the one hand, can harm health with their numerous side effects. In addition, it would be illogical to refuse facts indicating the elimination of various diseases. Ivan tea, whose medicinal properties and contraindications were discussed, is increasingly recommended by doctors as an addition to traditional treatment. And among ordinary people it is becoming more and more popular.


Herb Ivan tea angustifolia or fireweed angustifolia is a perennial medicinal herb 1.5-2 m high from the fireweed family. The stem of the plant is unbranched, smooth, straight. The leaves are lanceolate, alternate, covered with bluish pubescence below, dark green above. The flowers form pink-crimson inflorescences in the form of a brush up to 0.45 m long. The fruit of the plant is a long capsule. Blooms in June - August.


Fireweed is distributed throughout Russia. It grows in clearings, forest clearings, roadsides, and forest edges.

Ivan tea - preparation.

The tops of the stems of angustifolia fireweed and the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The grass is stored during flowering.

Ivan tea - drying.

Dry in ventilated areas or outdoors in the shade, spread out in one layer. The shelf life of finished raw materials is 24 months.

Herb Ivan tea photo.

Chemical composition.

The leaves of the angustifolia fireweed plant contain organic acids, macro- and microelements, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, pectin, sugars, carotene, and vitamin C.

Pharmacological properties.

Preparations of fireweed angustifolia have a strong enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, which is explained by the mucus and tannins found in the plant. It also has antitumor and soothing properties.


An aqueous infusion of the herb Ivan tea helps with nervous disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. An infusion of the plant is used for stomach and gastritis.

An alcoholic or aqueous extract of fireweed angustifolia inhibits the inflammatory process and has a healing effect in chronic and acute diseases, chronic and inflammation of the ureters.

Use in nutrition.

Many dishes. You can use it to prepare salads, purees, flatbreads, porridges, as well as boil and fry. Have you tried it? Be sure to try it!

Ivan tea - preparation.

Infusion for adenoma.

Brew 2-3 teaspoons of angustifolia fireweed with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, drain the infusion through cheesecloth. Drink a glass in the evening 30 minutes before bedtime and in the morning on an empty stomach.

Infusion for chronic prostatitis.

Pour 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. spoon of angustifolia fireweed herb, leave for 2 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day 25 minutes before meals.

Infusion for gastrointestinal diseases.

Pour 10 g of fireweed herb with a glass of boiling water and leave
2 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon. When using the infusion as an enveloping agent, it is not filtered.

Infusion for fatigue, tiredness.

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 2 tbsp. spoons of angustifolia fireweed herb, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Leave for half an hour. Drink a third of a glass 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Infusion for external use.

Pour 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. spoon of fireweed herb, leave for an hour, drain through cheesecloth. Rinse your mouth if the oral mucosa becomes inflamed.

Decoction for atherosclerosis.

Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of angustifolia fireweed herb, boil for a quarter of an hour, cool, drain through cheesecloth. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Grind fresh fireweed leaves, apply the resulting mass to the wound, and bandage it.

Ivan tea - contraindications.

Individual intolerance. The angustifolia fireweed plant is not contraindicated during pregnancy.
