Good quality products. Determination of the quality of food products. Methods for determining the quality of goods

can only be guaranteed if the operating system version of the device is iOS 3 or higher. If the iOS version is 2 or lower, then it is not safe to use the mail program preinstalled on it. We recommend updating your iOS version.

Configure via IMAP protocol

2. Select "Other".

3. Fill in the fields:

6. Go to "Settings" → "Accounts and passwords" and open the account you just connected.

7. Proceed to editing your account.

10. Fill in the fields:

11. Click Finish.

12. Return to the menu "Account. record" and go to the "Advanced" section.

993 .

Configure via POP3 protocol

1. Open the default Mail app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Select "Other".

3. Fill in the fields:

4. An error message will appear. Select Continue.

5. Go to the "POP" tab.

6. Change the data:

After connecting mail, you need to set additional settings.

8. Go to "Settings" → "Accounts and passwords" and open the account you just connected.

8. Tap "SMTP" under "Outgoing Mail Server".

9. Proceed to editing the primary server.

10. Fill in the fields:

11. Touch Done.

12. Return to the previous screen and go to the "Advanced" section.

13. Check that the "Use SSL" setting is enabled in the "Incoming Settings" section, and the server port is specified 995 .

Changing SSL Settings

1. Go to "Settings" → "Accounts and passwords" and open the account you connected.

2. Look at what you have indicated in the "Host Name" field in the "Incoming Mail Server" section.

The mail program is configured with the POP3 protocol

2. Proceed to editing the primary server.

3. Fill in the fields:

4. Touch Done.

5. Return to the previous screen and go to the "Advanced" section.

6. Install:

The mail program is configured with the IMAP protocol

1. Tap "SMTP" under "Outgoing Mail Server".

9. Proceed to editing the primary server.

10. Install:

11. Click Finish.

If your mail program already has the above settings, then you do not need to make any changes.

If you have problems setting up your mail program, please use our

  1. B) Carry out membrane digestion, absorption of hydrolysis products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. XII. Hygienic requirements for catering for patients in medical institutions
  3. Alimentary diseases associated with the consumption of milk and dairy products, their prevention.
  4. Arguments against genetically modified foods
  5. Bacteriological analysis of food residues and excretions of patients.
  6. Diseases associated with the nature of nutrition: diseases of nutritional deficiency, diseases of overnutrition

The good quality of food products is the unconditional harmlessness of it when eaten. Good quality is ensured either by rejecting unsuitable products, or by cleaning raw materials and semi-finished products from impurities. If, according to the results of laboratory tests, it is established that the raw materials or products contain harmful substances, such as toxic chemical compounds, pathogens, etc., then such raw materials or products are subject to rejection.

In any food production, a significant part of the technological operations is associated with the separation of useful substances of the processed medium from foreign impurities, such as inorganic soil particles, the remains of the skeletal structures of plants and animals. Products are recognized as suitable if the content of foreign impurities in it does not exceed the established norms.

During consumption, the food product affects the main external senses of a person: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and can also cause pain.

The aesthetics of food products is the beauty of the shape and color of products, as well as their artistic decoration. In the visual perception of liquid food products, special attention is paid to their color and transparency, and products in the form of solid bodies are characterized by geometric dimensions, shape, gloss, aesthetic appearance, etc.

The taste qualities of food products are determined by organoleptic properties: sweetness, freshness, smell, texture, etc. When consumed, a food product causes the following sensations in a person: softness and hardness, tenderness and strength, roughness and graininess, juiciness and crunch, etc. The complex of these sensations and determines the consumer's preference for this food product or rejection of it.

46. ​​Ensuring safety and providing first aid in case of accidents during a hike. Safety depends not so much on the complexity of the route, but on the preparation for the hike, on the discipline of its participants. First of all, you need to pay attention to the selection of participants in the weekend trip. It is desirable that in the same group there are people without a significant difference in age and physical fitness, with common interests.

During the hike throughout the route, everyone is obliged to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules, do everything necessary to prevent food poisoning, colds, and various kinds of injuries. If necessary, tourists provide first aid to the victim, using a first-aid kit and improvised means. Ensuring the safety of each participant is an obligatory and most important condition for holding any tourist event, since in this case we are talking about the health and even life of the participants in the trip. Causes of accidents can be objective and subjective: Objective causes include the negative and dangerous development of certain natural processes and phenomena (avalanches, mudflows, floods, landslides, lightning, etc.). Subjective reasons are expressed, as a rule, in the adoption of an incorrect, illiterate decision by the leader of the campaign in an extreme situation. It is the complex of subjective reasons that leads to the creation of an emergency situation, fraught with accidents with the participants. Among the requirements for the leader of a trip or excursion, compliance with safety requirements is the main one and includes: Clear ideas about the physiological characteristics of a person. Ability to freely navigate the terrain. Knowledge of dangerous natural processes; Ability to provide effective first aid. Availability of a first aid kit. Knowledge of human physiology allows you to correctly place the participants in the journey. The movement is carried out according to the traditional scheme: 45 minutes - movement, 15 minutes rest, etc., which allows avoiding overstrain, physical and nervous stress among participants. The same complex of knowledge includes the observance of the diet and drinking regime, which allow compensating for the inevitable costs of forces and energy in sufficient volume. During the journey, the leader must monitor the physical condition of the participants, while identifying the first signs of illness. If necessary, the leader reduces the pace of movement or orders a stop, a halt.

Section: Food culture. Physiology of nutrition.

Topic: Physiology of nutrition

Determining the quality of products.

D.z. Make a crossword puzzle on the topic of nutritional physiology

Physiology of nutrition

Physiology of nutrition is the science of the transformation of food in the human body. The food that enters the organism turns into energy and "bricks" for building the human body. The body's need for certain nutrients depends on many factors. This is gender, age, weight, height, the state of the endocrine system, nervous system, digestive organs and other internal organs. Nutrition should also correspond to the profession of a person, a verified and balanced nutrition system is needed, and not following fashionable principles. The normal functioning of the human body is ensured only if the nutrition is balanced. This means that there are sufficiently reasonable ratios between the numerous irreplaceable constituents of food, each of which plays only its own characteristic role in metabolism. The essential components of food are the main nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, water and mineral salts. Only when the calorie content, the chemical composition of the diet and the physico-chemical state of nutrients correspond to the characteristics of your unique metabolism, we can talk about the rationality of nutrition.

Our daily food supplies us with the substances necessary for life. It:

  • carbohydrates and fats as sources of energy;
  • proteins as a building material (although they can also be a source of energy);
  • mineral components for the correct course of life processes, as well as as building materials;
  • a special group is made up of microelements, which are necessary in very small quantities, but are important for the regulation of metabolism and for various vital functions;
  • vitamins for life processes;
  • a liquid that is equally necessary both as a building material (since it makes up about 65% of the body weight content) and as an environment in which life processes take place.

An important role in daily nutrition is also played by:

  • parts of food that are indigestible by the body (vegetable fiber, small remains of cereals and black bread), they are very important for stimulating bowel function;
  • various substances that give food taste: they excite the appetite, stimulate the secretion of digestive juice and facilitate digestion.

The energy value of foodstuffs is usually expressed in kilocalories. One kilocalorie is the amount of heat required to warm 1 kg of water by 1 °C. When burned in a calorimeter and oxidized in the body, 1 g of carbohydrates releases 4.0 kcal, 1 g of fat - 9.0 kcal. The energy value of 1 g of protein is 4.0 kcal. To express the energy value of food products in the International System of Units (SI), a conversion factor is used (1 kcal is equal to 4.184 kJ).

Fats and carbohydrates

carbohydrates nutrition plays an extremely important role. For humans, they are the main source of easily utilized energy. In addition, they are a plastic material, being part of a variety of body tissues. Carbohydrates perform a regulatory function, counteracting the accumulation of ketone bodies during fat oxidation. Carbohydrates tone the central nervous system, perform a number of specialized functions, and participate in the detoxification of harmful chemicals. In the chemical structure of these substances, oxygen atoms are combined with hydrogen atoms in the same proportions as in the composition of water. There are three groups of carbohydrates in food:

  1. monosaccharides (glucose, fructose);
  2. oligosaccharides, which include disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), trisaccharides;
  3. polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin).

The source of carbohydrates in the diet are plants, in which carbohydrates make up 80-90% of the dry mass. Fats(lipids) also belong to the main food substances and are an essential food component. Fats are a source of energy that surpasses the energy of all other nutrients. Being a structural part of cells, they participate in plastic processes. Fats are solvents for vitamins A, D, E and contribute to their absorption. A number of biologically active substances come with fats: phosphatides (lecithin), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), sterols, tocopherols. Fat improves the taste of food and increases its nutritional value. Dietary fats are esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids. Fatty acids are divided into two large groups: saturated (butyric, palmitic, stearic, caproic) and unsaturated (arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, etc.). The biological role of PUFAs is very important. Currently, the PUFA complex is considered as a factor F, the biological significance of which is equated to vitamins. An important biological role is also played by fat-like substances: phospholipids, sterols (phytosterols, cholesterol), fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, pigments (beta-carotene). Fats are widely distributed in nature. They are included in composition of tissues of animals and plants. Vegetative parts of plants accumulate no more than 5% lipids, seeds - up to 50% or more. Animal fat (lamb, beef) is a source of -saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are common in liquid vegetable fats (oils ) and seafood.


Squirrels- an indispensable component of nutrition, as they are a necessary condition for life. This is the main material of which the cells and tissues of a living organism are composed. Proteins carry out various functions in the human body: plastic, catalytic, reproduction, protective, antitoxic, transport, and others. Squirrels- complex nitrogenous polymers consisting of amino acids. Simple proteins consist only of amino acids and contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. Complex proteins, in addition to amino acids, contain nucleic acids, sugars, lipids, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc. Of the 80 known amino acids in food proteins, 22-25 amino acids are the most commonly found. Most of them can be synthesized in the human body (non-essential amino acids). Irreplaceable (essential) amino acids are not synthesized in the body, and therefore their intake with food is necessary. The essential amino acids include 8 amino acids: methionine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, valine. Then 2 more were added to them, which are not synthesized in the children's body - histidine and arginine. Cystine and tyrosine are also deficient amino acids. A protein is considered complete if all the necessary amino acids are balanced in it. These are usually proteins of animal origin (for example, milk protein). Plant proteins are less complete than animal proteins because they are often deficient in one or more essential amino acids. From vegetable products, more valuable proteins are found in buckwheat, soybeans, beans, potatoes, bran, rice and rye bread.


Minerals do not have energy value, like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but without them, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Mineral substances are involved in water-salt and acid-alkaline metabolic processes. They are involved in the construction of bone tissue, where minerals such as calcium and phosphorus predominate. What are the minerals in food. Minerals are usually divided into two groups, macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients. These are Ca, P, Mg, Cl. These minerals are found in foods in large quantities. Microelements. Fe, Zn, Cu, I, F - the concentration of these minerals in the products is very low.


Calcium- forms the basis of bone tissue. Participates in the processes occurring in the cardiovascular and neuromuscular system. Adults need about 800 milligrams of calcium per day. The greatest amount of calcium in milk and dairy products, a lot of it and in cheese. The body's need for calcium is usually met by 4/5 of dairy products. Some plant foods (spinach, sorrel, cereals) contain various acids that reduce calcium absorption. Usually absorbed 10 - 40% of the calcium supplied with food.


Meat. Fresh meat is red, fat is soft, often bright red. The bone marrow fills the entire tubular part of the bone, does not lag behind the edges. On the cut, the meat is dense, elastic; the fossa formed by pressing is quickly leveled. The smell of fresh meat is fragrant, meaty, characteristic of this type of animal.

Frozen meat has a flat surface covered with hoarfrost, on which a red stain remains when touched with a finger. The cut surface is pinkish-gray. The fat is white, in beef it can be light yellow. The tendons are dense, white, sometimes with a grayish-yellow tint.

Thawed meat has a very moist cut surface (not sticky), transparent red meat juice flows from the meat. The consistency is inelastic; the fossa formed by pressing is not leveled. The smell is characteristic of each type of meat. The quality of ice cream or chilled meat can be determined using a heated steel knife, which should be inserted into the thickness of the meat and then the nature of the smell of meat juice remaining on the knife should be determined.

The freshness of meat is also determined by test cooking - a small piece of meat is boiled in a saucepan under a lid and the smell of steam released during cooking is determined. In this case, the broth should be transparent, the spangles of fat should be light. If a sour or putrid odor is detected, the meat should not be used.

Sausages. Boiled sausages, frankfurters, wieners must have a clean, dry shell, without mold, tightly adjacent to the minced meat. The consistency on the cut is dense, juicy. Minced meat color is pink, uniform, fat color is white. The smell and taste of products are pleasant, specific for each variety, without foreign impurities.

Fish. In fresh fish, the scales are smooth, shiny, tightly attached to the body, the gills are bright red or pink, the eyes are bulging, transparent. The meat is dense, elastic, it is difficult to separate from the bones; when pressed with a finger, the fossa does not form, and if it does, it quickly disappears. A fish carcass thrown into the water quickly sinks. The smell of fresh fish is clean, specific, not putrid.

In frozen benign fish, the scales fit snugly to the body, smooth, the eyes are bulging or at the level of the orbits; the meat after thawing is dense, does not lag behind the bones, the smell is characteristic of this type of fish, without impurities.

Stale fish have cloudy, sunken eyes, scales without luster, covered with muddy sticky mucus, the stomach is often swollen, the anus is protruded, the gills are yellowish or dirty gray, dry or wet, with the release of a foul-smelling brown liquid. The meat is flabby and falls off the bones easily. Rusty spots often appear on the surface, resulting from the oxidation of fat by oxygen in the air. In the secondarily frozen fish, a dull surface, deeply sunken eyes, and a changed color of the meat on the cut are noted. Such fish is not allowed to be used for food.

To determine the good quality of fish, especially frozen, you can use a test with a knife (a knife heated in boiling water is inserted into the muscle behind the head and the nature of the smell is determined). Test cooking is also used (a piece of fish or gills taken out is boiled in a small amount of water and the nature of the smell is determined).

Milk and dairy products. Fresh milk has a white color with a slightly yellowish tint (skim milk is characterized by a white color with a slightly bluish tint), the smell and taste are pleasant, slightly sweet. Benign milk should not have sediment, impurities, unusual tastes and odors.

Cottage cheese has a white or slightly yellow color, uniform throughout the mass, a homogeneous delicate texture, the taste and smell are sour-milk, without foreign tastes and odors.

Sour cream should have a thick homogeneous consistency, without grains of protein and fat, the color is white or slightly yellow, the taste and smell of a fresh product, the acidity is low.

Butter has a white or light yellow color, uniform throughout the mass, a clean characteristic smell and taste, without foreign impurities. If there is a yellow layer on the surface of the oil, which is the products of fat oxidation, it should be cleaned off before using the oil. The peeled layer of oil is not suitable for food, even if it is heat-treated. Eggs. Only chicken eggs are allowed in the diet. The use of waterfowl eggs is prohibited, as they are often infected with intestinal pathogens.

The freshness of eggs is established by shining them through an ovoscope or viewing them in the light through a cardboard tube. You can also use a method such as immersing the egg in a salt solution (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). At the same time, fresh eggs in a salt solution sink, and dried, long-term stored ones float.

To maintain the high vital potential of the human body, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of high-quality food products.

Food quality- a set of properties that reflect the ability of the product to provide organoleptic characteristics, the body's need for nutrients, its safety for health, reliability during manufacture and storage.

Food products are complex multicomponent systems consisting of hundreds of chemical compounds, each of which can have a positive or negative effect on the human body and its health. All these compounds can be conditionally divided into three groups:

1.Compounds of nutritional value- These are the nutrients necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.

Proteins are vital substances. They have a plastic meaning: they serve as a material for building cells, tissues, organs, the formation of enzymes and most hormones, hemoglobin and other compounds. Proteins are an indispensable part of food, as they do not accumulate in reserve and are not formed from other nutrients. Protein deficiency leads to a deterioration in the functions of the digestive, endocrine, hematopoietic and other body systems, muscle atrophy. Efficiency is weakened, resistance to infections decreases, recovery from various diseases slows down. An excess of protein leads to an overload of the liver and kidneys with its decay products, an increase in putrefactive processes in the intestines, and an accumulation of nitrogen metabolism products in the body.

Fats - are part of cells and cellular structures, participate in metabolic processes. Excessive consumption of fats contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, obesity, cholelithiasis, etc. The lack of some essential fatty acids and lecithin also has a harmful effect on the body - the digestion process is disrupted, the transport of fats into the blood is disrupted, fat metabolism is disrupted, etc.

Carbohydrates - make up the bulk of the human diet and are necessary for the normal metabolism of proteins and fats. The lack of carbohydrates leads to a violation of the metabolism of fats and proteins, the consumption of food proteins and tissue proteins. Harmful products of incomplete oxidation of fatty acids and some amino acids accumulate in the blood. An excess of carbohydrates contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes, and impaired fat metabolism.

Vitamins are biologically active substances that regulate metabolism and affect the vital activity of the body in many ways. Vitamins act on metabolism independently as part of enzymes. Vitamins are not formed in the human body, so they are essential nutrients. With a lack of vitamins in the body, hypovitaminosis occurs (a decrease in the body's supply of one or more vitamins) and vitamin deficiency (complete depletion of vitamin reserves in the body).

Minerals - micro and macro elements. Macronutrients include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfur. Trace elements - iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, strontium, silicon, selenium. Minerals are involved in the construction of body tissues, especially bones.

2.Substances involved in the formation of taste, aroma, color.

3.Foreign, potentially dangerous compounds.

Important characteristics of food that also affect the quality are:

1. The nutritional value - a concept that reflects the fullness of the useful properties of a food product, including the degree to which a person's physiological needs for basic nutrients are met, energy and organoleptic qualities. It is characterized by the chemical composition of the food product, taking into account its consumption in generally accepted quantities.

2. biological value - an indicator of the quality of food protein, reflecting the degree to which its amino acid composition meets the body's needs for amino acids for protein synthesis.

3. The energy value - the amount of energy in kilocalories released from a food product in the human body to ensure its physiological functions.

The energy value of food products is characterized by a balance.

Negative energy balance - when the calorie content of the diet does not cover the energy costs produced by a person. At the same time, food (alimentary) dystrophy, insanity, etc. develop.

Positive energy balance - when the calorie content of the diet for a long time significantly exceeds the energy costs of the human body. At the same time, diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc. develop.

The human body uses the energy it receives from food in three ways:

1. BX- the minimum amount of energy needed by a person to ensure vital processes in a state of complete rest. It is customary to rely on the “standard” man (age 30, weight 65 kg) and woman (age 30, weight 55 kg) for the main exchange. In a standard man, the main metabolism averages 1600 kcal per day, in a woman - 1400 kcal. The basic metabolism significantly depends on age, individual characteristics of the organism, living conditions and labor activity. In people who constantly experience physical activity, the basal metabolic rate is 30% higher. The main metabolism is calculated per 1 kg of body weight, taking into account the fact that 1 kilocalorie is consumed in 1 hour.

2. Energy consumption for food recycling processes. For the breakdown of nutrients in the body, a certain amount of energy is spent in the form of ATP. Digestion of proteins increases basal metabolism by 30-40%, fats - by 4-14%, carbohydrates - by 4-7%.

3. Energy expenditure for muscle activity. With various types of physical activity, energy consumption is different: for people who do not have physical activity, it is 90-100 kcal/hour, while playing sports - 500-600 kcal/hour and more.

If we summarize these data, then the average daily energy consumption for mental workers will be: men - 2550-2800 kcal, women - 2200-2400, workers engaged in physical hard work - 3900-4300 kcal.

At the same time, both the deficiency and excess of food calories affect the health of people. If the daily calorie content of food exceeds energy consumption by 300 calories (1 bun 100 g), then the accumulation of reserve fat can increase by 15-30 g per day and amount to 5-10 kg per year.

In addition to the above characteristics of foodstuffs, care must be taken to ensure that foodstuffs are not contaminated with foreign substances.

The main ways of contamination of food and food raw materials can be varied, the main ones are:

1. Use of unauthorized dyes, preservatives, antioxidants, or their use in high doses.

2. The use of new non-traditional technologies for the production of food products or individual nutrients, including those obtained by chemical and microbiological synthesis.

3. Contamination of crops and livestock products with pesticides used to control plant and animal pests.

4. Violation of hygienic rules for the use of fertilizers, irrigation water, solid and liquid waste from industry and animal husbandry, municipal and other wastewater in crop production.

5. Use of unauthorized preparations in livestock and poultry farming.

6. Migration of toxic substances into food products from food equipment, utensils, inventory, containers, packaging, etc.

7. Formation of endogenous toxic compounds in food products during heat treatment.

8. Failure to comply with sanitary requirements for the technology of production and storage of food products, which leads to the formation of toxins.

9. Entry into food of toxic substances, including radionuclides from the environment.

With an even distribution of food products, their production would be sufficient to meet 94% of all energy needs of the world's population. This confirms that at the present level of development, the needs of mankind in food calories can be fully satisfied. The modern world is characterized by a discrepancy between the growth in the population of individual countries and the increase in their food production.

Estimating the number of people eating less than what they need is complicated by the lack of a unified view of how many calories a person needs. For example, people living in warm climates may need fewer calories. Even within the same region, calorie requirements seem to vary from person to person by up to 50%. Another problem is that nutrition estimates based on indicators for developed countries may be too high, since people in these countries are considered to be overeating. In addition, there is a tendency to count only those crops that pass through the market, such as cereals, or those animals that are easy to count, such as cattle. This method is likely to underestimate food intake, at least in rural areas where there are still other sources of food, such as private households.

According to another approach, food stocks in the region are divided by the number of people living there. This method does not take into account the fact that incomes are unevenly distributed among people, as a result of which the purchasing power of people is also different.

Signs of good quality products.

Fresh meat is red, fat is soft, often bright red. The bone marrow fills the entire tubular part of the bone, does not lag behind the edges. On the cut, the meat is dense, elastic, the fossa formed by pressing is quickly leveled. The smell of fresh meat is fragrant, meaty, characteristic of this type of animal.

Frozen meat has a flat surface covered with hoarfrost, on which a red stain remains when touched with a finger. The cut surface is pinkish-gray. The fat is white, in beef it can be light yellow. The tendons are dense, white, sometimes with a grayish-yellow tint.

Thawed meat is moist (not sticky), transparent red meat juice flows from it. The consistency is inelastic, the fossa formed by pressing is not leveled. The smell is characteristic of each type of meat. The quality of ice cream or chilled meat can be determined using a heated steel knife, which should be inserted into the thickness of the meat and then the nature of the smell of meat juice remaining on the knife should be determined.

The freshness of meat is also determined by test cooking - a small piece of meat is boiled in a saucepan under a lid and the smell of steam released during cooking is determined. If a sour or putrid odor is detected, the meat should not be used.


Boiled sausages, frankfurters, wieners must have a clean, dry shell, without mold, tightly adjacent to the minced meat. The consistency on the cut is dense, juicy. Minced meat color is pink, uniform, fat color is white. The smell and taste of products are pleasant, specific for each variety, without foreign impurities.

In fresh fish, the scales are smooth, shiny, tightly attached to the carcass, the gills are bright red or pink, the eyes are bulging, transparent. The meat is dense, elastic, it is difficult to separate from the bones. When pressed with fingers, the fossa does not form, and if it does, it quickly disappears. A fish carcass thrown into the water quickly sinks. The smell of fresh fish is clean, specific, not putrid.

In frozen benign fish, the scales fit snugly to the carcass, smooth, the eyes are bulging or at the level of the orbits. The meat after thawing is dense, does not lag behind the bones, the smell is characteristic of this type of fish, without impurities.

Stale fish have cloudy sunken eyes, scales without luster, covered with muddy, sticky mucus, the stomach is often swollen, the anus is protruded, the gills are yellowish or dirty gray, dry or wet, with the release of a foul-smelling brown liquid. The meat is flabby and falls off the bones easily. Rusty spots often appear on the surface, resulting from the oxidation of fat in air. In the secondarily frozen fish, a dull surface, deeply sunken eyes, and a changed color of the meat on the cut are noted.

Such fish should not be used for food. To determine the good quality of fish, especially frozen, you can use a test with a knife. A knife heated in boiling water is inserted into the muscle behind the head and the nature of the smell is determined. A test run is also used. A piece of fish or taken out gills is boiled in a small amount of water and the nature of the smell is determined.

Milk and dairy products.

Fresh milk has a white color with a slightly yellowish tinge (skimmed milk is characterized by a white color with a slightly bluish tint), the smell and taste are pleasant, slightly sweet. Benign milk should not have sediment, impurities, unusual tastes and odors.

Cottage cheese has a white or slightly yellow color, uniform throughout the mass, a homogeneous delicate texture, the taste and smell are sour-milk, without foreign tastes and odors. In children's institutions, the use of cottage cheese is allowed only after heat treatment. The exception is cottage cheese obtained from a dairy kitchen and a specialized baby food workshop at a dairy plant.

Sour cream should have a thick homogeneous consistency, without grains of protein and fat, white or slightly yellow color, taste and smell of a fresh product, low acidity. Sour cream in children's institutions is always used after heat treatment.

Butter has a white or light yellow color, uniform throughout the mass, a clean characteristic smell and taste, without foreign impurities. If there is a yellow layer on the surface of the oil, which is the products of fat oxidation, it should be cleaned off before using the oil. The peeled layer of oil is not suitable for food for children, even if it is melted.

The freshness of eggs is established by shining them through an ovoscope or viewing them in the light through a cardboard tube. You can also use a method such as immersing the egg in a salt solution (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). At the same time, fresh eggs in a salt solution sink, and dried, long-term stored ones float.
