Homemade ice cream in a waffle cone. Waffle cones with homemade creamy ice cream How to fill a waffle cone with ice cream by weight

Ice cream cones of all sizes. 110, 120, 140, 160. The bulk of soft ice cream and Italian Gelato is offered to customers in waffle cones. The popularity of this format is explained by the fact that they give the dessert an additional pleasant taste, they are practical, convenient, protect your hands from freezing and, unlike plastic containers, they do not need to be thrown away, polluting the environment. In addition, this solution goes well with any taste of sweet content: fruit, chocolate, creamy.

To our country sugar cones for soft ice cream arrived relatively recently. For a long time in the USSR, frozen desserts were sold in waffle and paper cups, which were fragile and often leaked. However, since the middle of the last century they began to be produced here. Today in Russia there are a large number of manufacturers of this type of product.

There are two types of sugar ice cream cones: similar in composition and properties to classic cups and real, tasty and crispy waffles. The difference lies in the dough from which they are made. The first option uses fresh and tasteless dough. The second option uses dough or a special liquid mixture with sufficient sugar content to obtain an authentic crispy sugar wafer, which, after being cooked in a special oven while hot, is rolled into a cone. The share of sugar in such a batter reaches 38%.

Currently, the most commonly used standards are 110, 120, 140, 150, 175, 185. Cones come with a natural and smooth edge, weigh from 9 to 22 grams, and have a diameter from 47 to 80 mm. They are used for both soft and hard ice cream balls. For more expressive taste sensations during production, they are often dipped in classic or white chocolate, and various toppings are added in the form of confectionery crumbs, crushed nuts, colored dragees or coconut flakes.

We thoroughly studied many Russian manufacturers, personally tried the products of several factories, before our choice fell on one of the highest quality and delicious products that can be found. These products were also tested for durability during transportation and showed very high results. In addition, we can offer our clients buy ice cream cones at a fairly low price. And for regular wholesale buyers, several options for profitable cooperation have been developed.

By contacting the managers of our company or filling out an application through the website, you can buy any of the standards (sizes) of cones presented in the catalog. For customers from remote areas, we will deliver products to any point in the Russian Federation using rigid packaging that will keep each cone intact.

When it’s hot, you don’t want to turn on the oven, but you still want something tasty! But it's entirely possible to make a delicious summer dessert by letting the stove rest. An electric waffle iron and a refrigerator will help us, since we will be making ice cream cones! Yes, yes, the kind they sell in parks and cafes, only much tastier. Because they are homemade!

Do you remember the taste of “that same” ice cream from childhood? Real, with a delicate silky-creamy taste, almost not cold - because it is made from cream, and not from milk diluted with water! So, this wonderful taste can be obtained at home. Now I will tell you a recipe for homemade ice cream - a real creamy ice cream, surprisingly tasty, with a completely natural composition.

Everyone who has tried homemade ice cream unanimously declares that it is much tastier than store-bought. Of course, in a store-bought cool delicacy, you just read the ingredients and put the pack back: there are milk fat substitutes (palm oil), and flavorings-dyes instead of natural spices and berries... And homemade ice cream consists of cream, yolks and powdered sugar. This is exactly the classic recipe for creamy vanilla ice cream originating from France. If desired, the basic set of products can be supplemented with berry or fruit purees, cocoa, and nuts to get your favorite flavors. You can make your own chocolate, berry, fruit ice cream - for every taste and color!

You don’t need special equipment like an ice cream maker - just a spoon, a saucepan, a couple of bowls, a mixer, a sieve and the freezer of any model of refrigerator, old or modern (I tried freezing here and there - it turns out great, it’s just that the old refrigerator needs more time: not steam hours and night).

And to make it even more beautiful, original and tasty, we will fill waffle cones with ice cream. Makes a wonderful summer dessert for family and friends!


For waffle cones, 30 pieces:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sour cream (15%);
  • 150 g sugar (3/4 cup);
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 200 g flour (1.5 cups);
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

For ice cream:

  • 4 medium yolks;
  • 150 g powdered sugar (1 cup);
  • 200 ml cream 10% fat;
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • A pinch of vanillin.

How to bake:

The homemade ice cream recipe requires time for the ice cream to cool, so that's where we'll start. And only then, when the ice cream is in the freezer, we’ll bake waffle cones.

So, let's separate the yolks from the whites. Egg whites can be used for meringue or chiffon sponge cake, and yolks are needed for ice cream. It is more convenient to immediately place them in a small saucepan or cast iron cauldron - the dish in which you will brew the ice cream preparation.

Add powdered sugar and vanilla to the yolks and stir with a spoon until smooth.

Then pour 10% cream into the mashed mass in a thin stream, mixing thoroughly.

And put the dishes on the fire a little more than low, but less than medium.

Cook like custard - stirring constantly (so as not to burn and there are no lumps), for about 10 minutes (possibly less or more - from 8 to 12). The cream should thicken, but not boil! Don't let it boil, otherwise the yolks will curdle. If they did this, they will have to start over. If lumps just appear, remove from heat, beat the cream with a mixer and return to the stove again. When the spoon begins to leave marks that slowly disappear, that’s enough.

Remove the cream from the heat and strain through a sieve or fine-mesh colander, and then leave to cool to room temperature.

Place the cooled piece in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours, until half frozen.

After time has passed, beat the cooled 33% heavy cream with a mixer, about 2 minutes at low speed. Don't overbeat, or you'll end up with butter. As soon as you see that liquid cream has become like sour cream, that’s enough.

Take out the half-frozen cream and mix it with whipped cream. Beat everything together until smooth and put it in the freezer again for 1.5 hours.

Then we take it out and mix it - now there will be no ice crystals in the ice cream. And now is the time for a variety of tasty additions: put part of the white ice cream in another bowl and add a spoonful of cocoa powder - you will have chocolate ice cream. Or puree a handful of fresh or frozen berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) with a blender, rub through a sieve and mix with ice cream. There will be a beautiful pink, lilac berry ice cream! Or you can add grated apricots for an orange color; lemon or orange zest, mint... The scope for creativity is endless!

Place the ice cream back in the freezer until completely frozen or to the consistency you like. It is very tasty either melted or unfrozen.

While the ice cream is cooling, let's bake waffles! The recipe is the same as for crispy waffle rolls, only the rolling method is slightly different, which is why you get horns rather than rolls. And also, to reduce the fat content of the waffles, I replaced half the butter with sour cream. I also reduced the amount of sugar by 50 g.

Beat softened butter (100 g) with sugar (150 g) with a mixer at medium speed for about 30 seconds. Then add the eggs - one at a time or all together, beat again until smooth, cream-like. Sift the flour, add salt and knead the dough until it is as thick as sour cream. Add a spoonful of sunflower oil and mix. We also grease the internal surfaces of the waffle iron for thin waffles and turn it on to warm up.

Pour 1 tablespoon of batter, close the waffle iron and bake the waffle until golden brown. Baking time depends on your waffle iron and can range from 30 seconds to 1.5-2 minutes.

Place the waffle cones on a plate. That's how beautiful they are!

And here the ice cream is ready. Fill waffle cones with ice cream.

And enjoy an amazing delicious summer dessert!

When you are already tired of the taste of store-bought ice cream and want to please your family with a real homemade dessert, you can make ice cream like this.
- very heavy cream 30-40% - 450 g;
- sugar - 100 g;
- chocolate - 250 g;
- cocoa - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

- Pour some of the cream into a saucepan and heat. Add cocoa and sugar. Continue heating until completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Then add chocolate and bring the mixture to a boil. The main thing is to stir constantly.

- Whip the rest of the cream.

- Add to the now cooled chocolate mixture, pour into a container and place in the freezer.

- Now the most important thing: during freezing, you need to take out the ice cream every 30-40 minutes and stir thoroughly, kneading all the ice crystals. Then the finished product will be soft and creamy. Usually 2-3 hours are enough for complete thickening. During this time, you should remove and thoroughly stir the mass 5-6 times. Keep this in mind when you start making ice cream. Do not plan shopping or other activities outside the home during this time. And one more nuance: the freezing time will depend on the quality of your freezer. This time it took 5 hours (!) for the mass to turn into real ice cream. If your freezer is very cold, it will take much less time. But then you may have to take out the mass more often to break the ice crystals.
I make vanilla ice cream using the same recipe, but without chocolate and cocoa. And you will need more sugar. For 450 g of cream (I use homemade fresh liquid sour cream), 200 g of sugar and vanillin.

Let's also make an ice cream cone, but you'll need a waffle iron for it.
- butter - 100 g;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- milk - 150 ml;
- sugar - 50 g;
- flour - 150 g.

- Beat softened butter with all other ingredients.

- Heat the waffle iron and put half a tablespoon of batter there.

- Bake for two minutes. Although you need to focus on your waffle iron.

- Quickly place the hot waffle on a towel and use it to roll up the cone. An even cone can be rolled only if it is fully held and leveled with both hands, but it is difficult to hold a hot waffle with bare hands.

This amount of cone ingredients will yield many, much more than we need for our ice cream. The remaining cones can be eaten plain, or filled with fruit salad or custard.
Bon appetit!

Ice cream in waffle cones has been a favorite dessert since childhood. One cone can be filled with several scoops of ice cream at once: fruit, chocolate, ice cream... A real pleasure! You can prepare not only delicious ice cream at home, but also a fragrant, crispy cone for it. In this article, we will share proven recipes for waffle ice cream cones. And if you don’t want to cook, TM “Lasunka” offers an assortment of ice cream cones for every taste.

Ice cream cones: recipe for waffle iron

Waffle cups for this recipe are ideal for ice cream, as they do not turn sour when exposed to moisture.

Waffle cones in a waffle iron turn out evenly baked, very crispy, with a beautiful texture. You can use either an electric waffle iron or a stovetop baking device consisting of two plates.

Servings: 15

Cooking time: 40 min.

Calorie content: 441 kcal/100 g


1. Combine all dry ingredients in a deep bowl and mix. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix the ingredients by hand. You should end up with crumbly butter crumbs.

2. Now add water little by little and mix thoroughly. The mixture should become similar to thick pancake batter, only runny. It is important that the dough is not too liquid. You may have some water left, or vice versa, you will need to add a couple more tablespoons of liquid - it all depends on the quality of the flour used.

3. Preheat your waffle iron. Pour 1-1.5 tbsp onto the hot surface. spoons of dough and bake the waffle with the lid closed. The readiness time depends on the power of the electric waffle iron. Make sure that the waffle does not dry out or burn. Note the cooking time of one so that when baking the next one it will be more convenient to navigate the cooking time.

4. Ready-made waffles should be rolled immediately while they are still hot and soft. Once frozen, they harden and become crispy. The waffle cones can be folded into a food container and stored in the food container in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Or you can eat it right away by using butter for the filling.ice cream sundae .

Waffle cups in a frying pan

This recipe option helps if you don't have a waffle iron. The horns will turn out crispy, richer than in the previous recipe and smooth on both sides.

Servings: 12

Cooking time: 45 min.

Calorie content: 318 kcal/100 g


1. Combine eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Beat at high speed with a mixer until all sugar crystals have dissolved. The mass should become fluffy and increase 1.5 times in volume.

2. Melt butter in a frying pan or in the microwave. Cool - it should not be hot.

3. Beat the eggs. Pour in the cooled butter, add milk, salt and vanilla sugar. Beat for about 1 minute until all ingredients are well combined.

4. Sift the flour into the mixture and beat with a mixer on medium power until you get a smooth, homogeneous dough without lumps. The consistency should be like a runny pancake batter.

5. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. There is no need to grease with oil - the dough has enough fat content so as not to burn to the surface.

6. Pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of dough into the center of the frying pan and quickly spread it around the perimeter using a silicone spatula. You can adjust the thickness of the future waffle by pouring in less or more batter. Frying time depends on the thickness of the layer. On average, you need to fry for 2-3 minutes on one side, then turn the pancake over and keep on fire for another 1-2 minutes. It is important not to overdry the workpiece, otherwise it will become too fragile and it will be impossible to roll it into a cone.

7. Place the finished wafer on a clean, flat surface, immediately roll it into a cone and slightly flatten the tip. You won't be able to do this later - the waffle cools down in literally 30 seconds and becomes brittle. Once completely cooled, the waffle cones are ready for filling!

What to fill the cones with: homemade ice cream recipe

A delicate creamy ice cream goes perfectly with crispy, sweet waffle cones.

Cooking process:

1. Mix the yolks, milk, sugar and vanillin with a blender in a saucepan. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens - this is about 10 minutes. Afterwards, let the cream cool thoroughly.

2. At high power, whip the cream into an airy, fluffy mass. Careful to avoid breaking up any air bubbles, fold the custard into the whipped cream. - Stir 1 ripe banana into the puree.

How to serve dessert beautifully: 5 useful life hacks

1. To make the waffle cups look more impressive, melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the wide edge of the cone 1 cm into it. While the chocolate is not frozen, sprinkle with coconut flakes, confectionery sprinkles or nuts. Then dip the corner of the cone into the chocolate to “seal” it - the resulting “plug” will prevent melted ice cream from leaking out.

2. After freezing, let ice cream rest at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving. It will soften a little and be more pliable.

3. To make the ice cream balls perfectly even, form them with a special spoon, after dipping it in hot water.

4. To make the cone as full as possible, first put several small pieces of ice cream inside, and then place a large ball or several on top.

5. Pour your favorite topping on top, sprinkle with chocolate chips or nuts and enjoy a healthy homemade dessert!

Many ice cream lovers often choose this delicacy in a waffle cone. In such a tasty and crispy packaging, ice cream becomes more attractive and very tasty. That's why the horn is very popular.

The cone is a traditional wafer with smooth or jagged edges, rolled into a cone, like a paper bag. Manufacturers put a wide variety of ice cream in it.

How the waffle cone came to be

In 1904, the first waffle cone was born. His birthplace was the St. Louis Fair. According to historical data, this happened at the moment when the ice cream seller ran out of all the paper cups. Next to him was a waffle seller. He baked waffles right in front of customers.

Two resourceful sellers realized that they could make cones out of waffles. One baked the waffles and rolled them, while the other filled them with ice cream. That day, people were delighted by the appearance of a completely new delicacy. And so the ice cream ran out very quickly.

For a very long time, the horn was produced only by hand, until in 1921 a special machine was released and patented for its production. That's when the real era of the waffle cone began. Ice cream producers received new opportunities, and lovers of this delicacy began to more often purchase their favorite ice cream in a waffle cone.

Waffle cone today

Since then, the popularity of the waffle cone has only grown. Its taste is acquiring more and more new shades. You can enjoy a cone with the addition of different types of nuts, chocolate, poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

A real waffle cone is different from a traditional cone. Because the cup is neither crunchy nor sweet. And the cone we love has many advantages, among which it is worth noting its unique taste, such a pleasant crunch, and of course its perfect appearance.

In addition, the waffle cone can protect against ice cream leaking onto your clothes or hands. Which is an important quality, especially for outdoor tasting.

How to make a waffle cone

To achieve a unique crunch, manufacturers make the cone from a double layer of wafer. The first layer envelops the ice cream itself, and the second is designed to give the taster the pleasure of crunch. Another nice touch is the inner wall of the cone, which is often filled with chocolate.

The waffle cone is prepared according to a special recipe, in which the amount of sugar is 38% of the amount of flour. The waffle cone itself is a delicacy and can be consumed as a separate confectionery product.

Today, several different sizes of horns are produced. The diameter of the base, that is, the waffles, can range from 47 mm to 80 mm. Each of them is designed for different weights of ice cream. The horn is usually very light, having a maximum weight of 150 grams.

Ice cream in a waffle cone can always be found in any store or cafe. It is present in every fast food restaurant. This type of waffle product is very popular all over the world. Therefore, the popularity of the horn is only growing.

Waffle cone at home

Those who have a waffle iron at home for preparing thin waffles with a cone included for rolling the cones are very lucky (for example, models BRAND 33102, Smile WM 3602). After all, with its help you can prepare magnificent crispy waffle cones for ice cream. Typically, the dough requires sugar, milk, butter, flour and vanilla.

Many housewives are increasingly turning to culinary publications to prepare sweets at home. The reason for this is the authenticity of the freshness and healthiness of the ingredients from which this or that culinary masterpiece is prepared.

So, by preparing waffle cones according to your favorite recipe, you can please your loved ones with an exquisite crispy delicacy at any time.

Vasilisa 03/13/2015