Homemade lollipops step by step. Delicious homemade lollipops. Video: how to make lollipops at home

Most children love sweets. Others love them. But what is the right thing to do for mothers who do not want to deprive their child of the joy of sweets and cakes but at the same time are worried about the health of the baby? The solution is not so difficult: you just need to learn how to cook sweets at home. Of course, lollipops, ice cream and sweets will never become 100% healthy food, but you can at least limit the amount of synthetic food additives in your child’s diet.

In this article, we will tell you how to make sugar lollipops at home and offer several recipes for lollipops that can be a worthy replacement for lollipops and other “miracles” of the chemical industry.

Basic homemade lollipop recipe

This recipe is the simplest method on how to make candy canes. In the future, you can modify it by adding ingredients to your taste (fruit juice, dyes, coffee, citrus zest, etc.), but the base of the candies is always the same. The basic recipe is the recipe for the famous cockerel lollipops, there is nothing superfluous in it. True, market “cockerels” are often painted in bright colors using food coloring.


  • granulated sugar – 10 tbsp;
  • water – 10 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. (preferably natural - apple or wine). It can be replaced with citric acid - 0.2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil (to grease the pan).


Water, vinegar and sugar are mixed in a fireproof container (preferably in an enamel pan) and heated thoroughly. When the mixture becomes hot and the sugar begins to dissolve, reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, cook the syrup until golden brown. The cooking time depends on the amount of mixture in the pan - the larger the portion, the more time it will take to cook. From time to time, drop the syrup into a cup of cold water. As soon as the drop begins to harden, the lollipops are ready; you can pour them into a pre-greased mold. Don’t forget to insert the prepared sticks so that the lollipops have “legs.” You can buy ready-made sticks, or you can use matches, bamboo skewers or toothpicks (of course, the sharp edges should be trimmed). Cool the candies to room temperature, open the mold and enjoy.

How to make colorful lollipops?

To make unusual colorful candies, you will need to slightly change the basic caramel recipe.


  • granulated sugar – 8 tbsp;
  • berry or fruit juice without pulp - 3 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • cooking sugar (optional)


Mix all ingredients and heat in a fireproof non-stick bowl, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and golden caramel forms. If you've added brightly colored juice, relying on the color of the caramel isn't very reliable - check for doneness by dripping the caramel into cold water. As soon as the drop begins to solidify and not dissolve, the lollipops are ready (this is called the “ball test”). Add sprinkles to the finished caramel and pour into molds. Because the sugar and syrup juices have turned into caramel, the topping will not dissolve.

If you have food coloring, you can add it, then you will be able to make green, blue, bright red candies. But keep in mind that the powder dye must be thoroughly mixed with water before heating so that the candies are evenly colored.

Flavorings for candies can include citrus zest, coffee, rose or orange water, or synthetic food flavorings.

How to make a lollipop mold?

Authentic, antique lollipop molds are not easy to find these days. If you are the happy owner of just such a heavy metal form, congratulations. If not, don’t worry, finding an alternative to the classic form is not so difficult. Of course, you won’t be able to get three-dimensional animal figures, but who said that lollipops have to be exactly like that?

If you pour the caramel mass onto a flat baking sheet in neat puddles and put a stick in each of them, you will get beautiful candy circles. By pouring caramel in puddles into a shaped silicone mold, you will get fancy candies of an original shape. Very often chocolate boxes (with molds) are used as a mold. Some people make candy by filling cookie sheets lined with caramel. As you can see, there are a lot of options. The main thing is not to forget to grease the mold so that the lollipops do not stick, and to ensure that the material of the mold is able to withstand the temperature of hot caramel without melting.

The biggest sweet tooth in the world is our beloved children. , ice cream - they all love it. However, it is not always possible to give purchased products to everyone. Many candies from the offered assortment are not safe for the child’s body, and children with allergies should not be fed such treats.

It’s another matter if you prepare delicious lollipops yourself at home. The same ones... from your childhood that your mother cooked.

I am sure that your kids will also like these cockerel candies, Santa Claus and Snow Maidens. In addition, the cooking process is also fascinating - it’s real magic, how real candies are made from simple sugar and water. And they are in no way inferior to modern lollipops.

To make homemade lollipops we need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar 10 tbsp.
  • Water 5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 2 tbsp.
  • Butter for greasing the pan
  • Candy mold (special or silicone for baking)
  • Candy sticks

Recipe for homemade sugar lollipops:

Pour sugar into a ladle, pour water and add vinegar. Vinegar plays a very important role in sweets; it prevents sugar from crystallizing. If you do not add it, the candies will turn out cloudy.

Bring the contents to a boil and reduce the heat.

Cook until thickened and color changes. The sweet mass will take on a reddish tint.

Prepare the mold in advance by greasing it with butter.
Pour the finished mixture into the holes in the mold and insert the sticks, I use bamboo skewers, cut into two equal parts.

If you don’t have a special form in your kitchen arsenal, it doesn’t matter. There is a way out of this situation - just take parchment paper, also grease it with butter and pour the syrup directly onto it. We embed the stick in it and wait until it hardens. Or pour the sugar mixture into small silicone baking or ice molds.

Only after the candies have cooled completely do we open the mold and take out our homemade candies from it.

Sugar lollipops can be given to children so they can enjoy the sweet taste.

My granddaughter is growing up, and, as usual, she has begun to show interest in candies, chocolates and other children’s delights. I was recently visiting and asked my grandfather: “Will you buy me Chupa Chups?”

I immediately saw before my eyes a little boy at a party with a huge candy cane and a blue-red tongue and lips... I don’t want such sweets for my granddaughter!

It’s difficult to refuse a child, but you can still regulate the process, and make the lollipops, beloved by all children for many centuries, yourself.

After rummaging in the far corners of the closet, I pulled out the mold that I bought back in the 80s of the last century and said that we would make it better than any Chupa Chups.

In general, lollipops are very simple!

Minimal ingredients: 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of any fruit or berry juice without pulp (you can freshly squeezed) or, if there is no juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, sugar for culinary products (optional). All!

Put it on gas and, stirring constantly, let the mixture boil, reduce the heat to moderate and continue stirring.

As soon as the sugar mass acquires a caramel color with a reddish tint, you can pour the mass into the mold. The degree of color change is very important, if the color is straw, then the mass may stick to the mold, if it is red-brown, it will taste bitter, it is the reddish-caramel color that is important to us, it will darken a little more when poured.

Our mold is pre-lubricated with a thin layer of oil and assembled. Pour the candy mixture into the holes and insert the sticks. As chopsticks, you can use toothpicks with sharp ends cut off, or you can also split a bamboo Chinese stick (they split well with a smooth cut without burrs).

When the mold has cooled (you can even hold it under cold water to speed it up), open it and take out the lollipops.

You can wrap the lollipops in plastic wrap and give them to the child whenever the parents deem it possible.

What to do if there is no form? Show creativity! We take a silicone mold or a frying pan with a non-stick coating and lightly grease it with oil. For beauty, you can sprinkle sugar decorations for cakes in the mold.

We make the candy mass in the same way. When it’s ready, pour a free-form puddle, put a stick in the “puddle,” submerge it, sprinkle some fine sugar on top and wait for the candy to harden. They are easily removed from the silicone mold.

Homemade candies are natural, and although sugar, of course, is not such a healthy product, at least you can protect your child from all sorts of harmful dyes and flavor enhancers.

When the candies were ready, the adults couldn't resist either, resulting in the whole family sitting around licking the lollipops.

Now the granddaughter no longer remembers Chupa Chups; she likes to watch the preparation of squirrels, fish and holiday trees, which she saw in puddles of candy.

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Lollipop is a wonderful sweet, the main composition of which includes sugar, water and a little citric acid and flavorings. The delicacy is easy to make at home. This candy has been known to us for more than five hundred years. The forms and taste qualities of sweets can be very diverse. Inside the candy there may be a tasty filling in the form of jelly, caramel or chewing gum. This unique and at the same time popular sweet is loved by adults and children. It lifts your spirits and gives you a feeling of celebration. You can prepare them for any holiday (for example, Valentine's Day).

This caramel will not put a dent in your wallet, since the ingredients included in it are quite affordable. How to make homemade lollipops without molds using them? There are certain subtleties in preparing the delicacy, which you will learn about in detail from the recipes below. There are various DIY options, for example, adding honey and even alcohol.

How to make lollipops at home without molds

How to make delicious candy for kids at home without much effort, making your day festive? To prepare the dessert you will need 200 grams of sugar, seven tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar, wooden sticks and spoons. The cooking process is simple:

  • Take a stainless steel saucepan and pour sugar into it.
  • Add seven tablespoons of water to the saucepan with sugar. There is one condition - the water should slightly cover the ingredients.
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Thanks to the acid, our delicacy will cook faster. If you wish, you can do without it.
  • Place the saucepan on low heat. Remember the condition - you need to stir the composition for five minutes. The sugar crystals should completely dissolve.
  • Has the mass turned brown? Great. Remove it from the heat. And let it sit for another five minutes. Pour into the shape you like (any) or into spoons and insert the sticks. You can use ice cube trays.

If everything is done correctly, your fragrant homemade candy will acquire a beautiful amber hue. Now you know how to make homemade candy without molds. By the way, by adding any juice (apple, grape, orange) instead of water, you will get a fruity taste, a colorful tint and a pleasant aroma. Anyone who prepares this sweet delicacy will be delighted.

How to make delicious lollipops

Delicious and healthy honey lollipops are an original, tasty homemade delicacy that will not only charge you with positive energy, but also help get rid of a cough. It's easy to do. We will need 300 grams of natural honey, half a teaspoon of ginger and a little sugar if desired. The recipe is as follows:

  • Pour honey into a saucepan. Add ground ginger to it. This composition must be simmered over low heat for two hours. Don't forget to stir from time to time.
  • After two hours we check readiness. Take a small drop of the resulting caramel and place it on a saucer. If the drop has frozen, then the product is ready. Pour it into silicone molds or any other. You can use small jars or bottle caps as a form. It will harden within a few hours in the refrigerator.

Homemade lollipops like before

If you want something new and unusual, then try making your own homemade cockerel from jam. We need 300 grams of any favorite jam (apple, apricot, pear), a pinch of chopped nuts and a little ground cloves, a mold. To prepare the candy, combine all the above ingredients. Cook the resulting mass until thickened (5-10 minutes). Place it in a special cockerel mold by inserting sticks. The dessert will harden in the refrigerator within a few minutes. We take it out of the mold and roll it in sugar, so it will look more impressive.

Sugar and honey lollipops

Lollipops made from sugar and honey are very useful. To prepare such a delicacy, mix 25 grams of honey with 400 grams of sugar, adding butter, 5 tablespoons of boiled water, and currant syrup to taste. Cook the resulting mass for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Pour the mixture into any form. Want a colorful dessert? Just add coloring.

Prepare yourself or your child delicious lollipops using one of the recipes in the article.

All the kids are absolutely delighted with the lollipops. There are a great many of them on sale now. Choose whatever taste, color, shape, size you want! The composition and benefits of these sweets remain a big question, because they usually contain a lot of chemical additives and cheap dyes. Another thing is homemade caramels made from sugar, such as our grandmothers’ deli. In the form of cockerels, fish and stars. What prevents us from making delicious and completely natural lollipops using one of the recipes from the article?

How to make homemade lollipops in molds?

A beautiful candy shape is half the success. Would a round one surprise children now? Therefore, it is necessary:

  • look through cabinets and pantries to find a USSR-era metal mold
  • go to the market, supermarket, search on the Internet for modern forms, also metal or silicone

Metal mold for lollipops.

IMPORTANT: You can order the original mold for caramel on a stick on the website of the Chinese trading platform Aliexpress in this section of the catalog. Depending on the number of cells, size, it will cost you 150-500 rubles. To save money, choose stores with free shipping.

Molds for lollipops in the form of cartoon characters from Aliexpress.

Molds for lollipops in the shape of flowers from Aliexpress.

Children's molds for lollipops from Aliexpress.

“Grandma’s” recipe for lollipops is very simple; it doesn’t require anything other than sugar, a couple of grains of citric acid and water. If you want to add additional ingredients to the candies, we will teach you how to do this later. Now take:

  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • citric acid - a couple of grains

Caramel - a cockerel on a stick - is every child's favorite treat.

  1. Increase the amount of ingredients proportionally depending on how many candies you want to get.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Take a small saucepan with a thin bottom, preferably enameled.
  3. Boil the thick syrup until it becomes clear. Whether to stir the syrup all the time or not is a moot point.
  4. The more you stir, the better the sugar dissolves. But when stirring, air bubbles form in the syrup, and your caramels will then be rough. But some people like just the kind that scratches the tongue.
  5. The syrup will be ready when a drop of it begins to instantly solidify in cold water.
  6. Add citric acid to the hot syrup.
  7. Grease the metal molds with a little oil. There is no need to do this with silicone ones.
  8. Pour the syrup into the molds.
  9. Insert sticks into the lollipops.
  10. Let the candies harden.

Lollipops in molds: step 1.

Lollipops in molds: step 2.

Lollipops in molds: step 3.

Lollipops in molds: step 4.

Lollipops in molds: step 5.

Lollipops in molds.

VIDEO: How to make lollipops at home?

How to make homemade lollipops without molds?

You can make lollipops using the same recipe, even if you don’t have molds for them.
You can pour in the boiled thick syrup:

  • in the box
  • in the cells of boxes of chocolates
  • in foil
  • in the form of droplets on a silicone mat or parchment

IMPORTANT: By the way, metal bases from tea candles can be used as molds for lollypops. You just need to cut a groove for the stick in them.

How many calories are in homemade candy?

The energy value of 100 g of caramel candy on a stick made from sugar and water is about 310 kcal. If you use additional ingredients, the calorie content of the treat increases.

Cough lozenges at home: recipe. Cough drops with ginger and honey

In the autumn-winter period, tablets, lozenges and cough lozenges are literally swept off the shelves of pharmacies, extinguishing the nasty symptom of a cold and soothing a sore throat. Many of them help doubtfully, but they contain 100% chemicals. To help yourself and your children, you can make cough drops yourself.

IMPORTANT: These lollipops contain natural ingredients, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for everyone. Honey, ginger, lemon juice, and mint are quite strong allergens. Before consuming them, you need to make sure that the body does not have a negative reaction.


  • 100 ml water (strong green tea or hibiscus tea, as some recipes recommend)
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups
  • juice of 0.5 lemon
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ginger root – 2 cm
  • ground turmeric, essential oils of eucalyptus and mint - optional in small quantities

  1. First of all, you need to pour boiling water or brewed tea over the grated ginger root, add herbs and spices, essential oils to it, and leave for half an hour.
  2. Next, cook the caramel by adding sugar to the strained infusion. Stir all the time so that the sugar does not burn.
  3. When the syrup is thick, transparent and homogeneous, it will instantly solidify under cold water, remove the saucepan from the heat. Carefully and quickly enough, before the syrup has cooled, add honey and lemon juice into it.
  4. Place a sheet of parchment paper on the table. Gently drop droplets of syrup with a teaspoon until they harden and turn into candy. For children, you can make cough drops on sticks.
  5. If you store sweets in a jar or vase, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, otherwise they will stick together.


Lollipops, like in childhood: recipe

To get caramel sticks with a berry or fruit flavor, cook them from jam or jam.
Take 300 g of homogeneous jam, add more sugar if necessary, and cook until it thickens. Make these sweets with or without molds.

IMPORTANT: Lollipops according to the recipe as in childhood can be cooked not with water, but with fruit juice. Just don't buy store bought!

Milk lollipops: recipe

Make a delicate milk caramel for the kids. Take:

  • granulated sugar – 200 g
  • milk – 100 ml
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

  1. As in the recipe above, cook the caramel by dissolving the sugar in the milk.
  2. Add vanillin to the prepared syrup before pouring it into molds.
  3. If you want to get something like toffee rather than caramels, add butter to the syrup.

Coffee lollipops: recipe

Cocoa powder or coffee added to caramels on a stick will make their taste less cloying. Take:

  • sugar – 1 glass
  • cocoa – 1 dessert spoon (or 1 teaspoon of instant coffee)
  • honey – 1 teaspoon
  • water – 75 ml

Boil the syrup from sugar, water, coffee or cocoa in the same way as in the classic candy recipe.

Honey lollipops: recipe

To make delicious honey candies, it is enough to add one more ingredient to the classic recipe - a beekeeping product in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons

There is also a more original recipe - chocolate caramel with honey.

  • granulated sugar – 100 g
  • honey – 100 g
  • confectionery chocolate, black or milk - 90 g (bar)

You need to mix chocolate melted in a water bath with sugar and honey, cook this mixture until it thickens. Lollipops that have not yet completely hardened can be rolled in nut crumbs.

Peppermint lollipops: recipe

To make mint candies, you need to purchase mint essence. When you boil the syrup according to the classic recipe, add 4-5 drops of this essence to it. Sweets on sticks will pleasantly cool your mouth and freshen your breath.

Fruit lollipops: recipe

To make caramels on a stick taste like fruit:

  • cook them in juice or jam
  • add fruit essence to syrup


Colored lollipops: recipe

Candies made from water and sugar have a pleasant amber color. You can replace it with additional ingredients:

  • natural dyes in the form of fruit and berry juice (blackberries, black currants, cranberries)
  • food colorings used for making confectionery products

Burnt sugar lollipops: recipe

Candies made from burnt sugar help with coughs due to acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and other diseases of the respiratory system. This tasty medicine is loved by children. Burnt sugar is obtained by caramelizing it.

IMPORTANT: Try not to overcook the caramel. The darker it gets, the more bitter it will taste.

Lollipops - New Year's caramel sticks: recipe

New Year's candies, two-color canes, are prepared in two ways - from caramel or mastic.

Lollipops - New Year's caramel sticks.

The first one is very difficult, you can use it only after mastering the technology of stretching caramel. In addition, it will need to be dyed and twisted into pigtails.
Mastic is much easier to manage. You can prepare the confectionery raw materials yourself or buy them ready-made in the store.

VIDEO: How to make “Cane” caramel candies at home?
