Yeast dough for delicious buns in a bread machine. Sweet buns with milk in a bread machine. Butter loaf in a bread machine: step-by-step recipe

I offer a recipe for sweet puff pastries made from homemade dough with milk. I will prepare the dough for this baking in a bread machine, and we will bake them in the oven so that we get a lot of little beauty.

Ingredients for sweet homemade buns in the photo.

Place in the bowl of the bread machine: yeast, flour, salt, sugar, butter and milk. Turn on the “dough” mode. Make sure that during kneading, a “bun” like this is formed (as in the photo).

If the dough spreads across the bottom and sticks, add a tablespoon of flour. If, on the contrary, it is difficult for the bread machine to knead and the bun crumbles or is very tight, then add a tablespoon of milk until the desired consistency is obtained. The ratio of flour and moisture can always be relative, due to the quality and condition of the flour.

After approximately 1.5 - 2 hours (depending on the bread machine model), the program will finish its work. We will get such a beautiful and airy dough.

Divide the dough into 12-14 equal parts. Roll each part into a circle, grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll the rolled out dough into a roll.

Fold the edges of the rolled dough toward the center.

Turn over and cut each piece with a knife, as in the photo. You can brush the top with yolk diluted with water or sweetened milk. We will bake the buns in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Sprinkle the finished buns with powdered sugar. So, the sweet milk buns are ready.

Enjoy your tea!

A rich loaf of bread in a bread machine is prepared easily and naturally, which makes the modern housewife very happy, because the principle of “throw it away and here comes the freshest baked goods” is liked by everyone without exception.

And a sweet, warm bun in the morning, spread with butter with coffee - it’s just some kind of song. So if you like this type of breakfast, then try baking it in a bread machine.

Another nice moment like this. You can add candied fruits, dried fruits in the form of prunes, raisins or dried apricots, poppy seeds and nuts to the butter dough. For aroma, you can add cinnamon, vanillin or cardamom either together or separately. And each time the taste of the bun will be different.

Butter loaf in a bread machine: step-by-step recipe


  • Milk – 170 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour – 600 g;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Dry yeast – 1-1.5 tsp;
  • Poppy poppy – 3.5-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 60 g;
  • Cinnamon – 1 pinch;
  • Salt.

How to make a bun with poppy seeds in a bread machine

The milk needs to be heated to 40 degrees; butter dough likes warm ingredients when kneading.

You don’t need to scramble the eggs separately; ideally, they should be at room temperature.

Pour heated milk into a bucket and add eggs.

The butter does not need to be melted, it should be soft, just chop it with a knife and add it to the milk and eggs in a bucket.

Add sugar to the remaining ingredients along with salt.

Now you need to add poppy seeds and a pinch of cinnamon.

All that remains is to add flour (it is necessary to sift, butter dough loves flour saturated with oxygen) and put yeast on the top of the flour mound.

All the ingredients are placed in a bucket, now you need to insert it into the bread maker, click the lock, and close the lid.

Set the appropriate mode, or the “Baking” program; if you don’t have it, you can also use “Basic”. These programs have the same kneading and proofing times; in fact, they are identical.

After starting, the products will be mixed and a rather tight bun will form.

Now do not open the lid, but, after waiting for the timer signal, remove the bucket, remove the bun and place it on a cooling rack on all sides.

Serve the pastry by cutting into thin pieces and brushing with butter. Jam will come in handy.

Making dough in a bread machine is a nice thing to do. All you have to do is add the ingredients in a certain order and proportions, following the recipe, press a button and wait for the result. There is no need to knead the dough, keep watch so that it does not “run away,” and most importantly, the dough will be risen and of the desired consistency.

Bread machine form, measuring cup (230 ml) and spoons (teaspoon - 5 g, tablespoon - 15 g)

I use an LG bread maker, which comes with a 230 ml measuring cup and spoon (see photo below). In recipes, the amount of ingredients is measured exactly in them. Therefore, in the bread machine dough recipes below, spoons/cups will appear, and next to it will be a translation in grams or milliliters. I will focus on the following data:

A 100 ml container contains:

  • 65 grams of flour,
  • 70 grams of sugar,
  • 90 grams of melted cream. oils

In one article spoon – 15 g.,

In one hour\. spoon – 5 gr.

Bread machine dough recipes

For each recipe, the initial course of action is the same:

  • remove the pan from the bakery,
  • install the dough mixer,
  • put the ingredients in order,
  • place the mold in the oven and close the lid,
  • select the DOUGH program.
  • Press START.
  • After the beep (after 1 hour 3 minutes), remove the dough and follow further instructions (see each recipe).

According to the instructions, after the end of the cycle the dough does not require further work and is immediately suitable for forming dumplings.

I don’t add salt to my dumpling dough, then it won’t tear. Once ready, I place the dough in the refrigerator, then it becomes more elastic and does not stick to my hands. In addition to dumplings and dumplings, this dough is well suited for pasties.

I put the finished dough in the refrigerator for half an hour

Once the cycle is complete, remove the dough and knead. Place the dough in a greased pizza pan, form a side, and prepare the pizza to your liking. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 220 degrees.

Yeast pizza dough

As in the first option with yeast-free dough, place it in a mold, forming sides. But do not immediately lay out the pizza ingredients; let the dough rise for another 20 minutes. Bake at the same temperature, but for 35-45 minutes.

Dough for crispy buns

For 9 servings you will need the following amount of ingredients:

Step 1. Leave the finished dough for 5 minutes.

Step 2: Then make the buns and place them on a baking sheet. Cover and let sit until doubled in size.

Step 3: Meanwhile, prepare the topping. To do this, mix all the ingredients except the cream. oils and sugar. powders.

Step 4. When the mixture is prepared, cut the butter into pieces and rub into the resulting mixture.

Step 5. Dip the prepared buns into the sprinkles and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

Step 6. When the golden crust appears (after about half an hour), the buns can be removed. Remove the crispy buns and let them cool. Before serving, sprinkle the buns with powdered sugar.

Roll “Babka”

For a roll weighing 700 grams you need the following ingredients:

Step 1. Place the finished dough and beat it, first greasing the cup with oil.Cover the dough and wait until it doubles in size.

Step 2. After rolling it out on a surface sprinkled with flour, cut into rectangles 1 cm thick.

Step 3. Then place the filling on the dough (+ another 2 cm). Roll into a roll or bagel. Place the roll in the form of a ring on a greased baking sheet. Let the dough rise again. Then make the top of the roll flat.

Step 4. Break the egg into a separate cup and brush the roll with it using a brush. Sprinkle topping ingredients on top.

Step 5. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Then remove the roll and cool on a wire rack.

Bread “Focation”

Ingredients for bread weighing 700 grams:

Step 1. Place the dough in a greased cup and beat.

Step 2. Cover with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Step 3. Roll out the dough into rectangles measuring 25x40 cm.

Step 4. Grease these layers with vegetable oil and leave for 20 minutes.

Step 5. Then sprinkle fresh herbs, peanuts and garlic onto the layers.

Step 6. Bake in a preheated oven for 35 minutes at 220 degrees.

Buttermilk buns

For 18 servings - ingredients:

Note: 2 tbsp. Leave spoons of butter to coat the top.

Step 1. Beat the finished dough and brush with oil. Cover with a towel and let rise.

Step 2. Divide the dough into 18 equal pieces. Form the pieces into balls.

Step 3. Place on a greased baking sheet and let rise (about 30 minutes).

Step 4. Now bake for 25 minutes at temp. 190 deg.

For 24 servings, use the following ingredients:

Step 1. Place the finished dough in a greased bowl and let it rise.

Step 2. Divide into 24 equal pieces and form them into balls or any other shape. Place the buns on a greased baking sheet and wait until the balls double in size.

Step 3. Bake for half an hour at temp. 190 deg.

Hello! I'm the kind of man who loves to make delicious simple recipes in the bread machine! Quite recently, interesting bread makers have appeared in the culinary world!

When I saw such a device for the first time, I didn’t take it very seriously, and besides, the price for them is usually not cheap!

Experienced chefs took a cunning route and began preparing recipes not in the oven, but in a convenient bread maker; it doesn’t take up much space, and in the kitchen it’s not as hot as an oven, and sweet pastries and bread are practically prepared in the bread maker itself!)

What is most important, she cooks no worse, and even better, than store-bought bread, and the sweet pastries in the bread maker are also unusual with a crispy crust! Agree that this is very practical and convenient! Let's explore our first recipes!

No. 1. Sweet pastries with raisins in a bread machine

Half a kg of premium flour, dry yeast 2 teaspoons. spoons, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 eggs, half a tbsp. milk, 100 grams of butter. Filling: You can put raisins, nuts, dried apricots, and even berries! A little bit of everything, improvise with the filling as you like, and 5-6 table. spoons of sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to rinse the raisins and dried apricots in water, pour boiling water over them to swell; if there is no swelling, then they will be hard in baking.
  2. While this whole thing is swelling, we will prepare the dough. Pour milk into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, salt, and mix or beat well until smooth, first keep the butter in the room until it becomes soft. Add it too and mix.
  3. I drain the water in the dried apricots, finely chop this whole mass and add it to our liquid.
  4. We sift the flour and knead the dough, but in theory, this kneading process can be done in a bread machine, but we can help her in this process!
  5. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the bread machine with oil, maybe butter, if not, then vegetable oil. We put our dough into it and set the desired function, for example, baking sweet pastries. If you don’t want to worry about kneading by hand, you can add everything to the bread machine and it will knead everything itself.

After cooking, the result is a very fragrant and airy loaf! These are baked goods for tea, they’re not bad at all! Let this pastry cool for 15-20 minutes, and invite your family to drink tea!

The baked goods are laid out on a board, cut into portions and beautifully served to the table. This baking recipe resembles a large cupcake.

By the way, you can put not only raisins and dried apricots there; ground nuts, berries and even chocolate pieces are great! Bon appetit everyone, let's explore the following recipes!

No. 2. Buns in a bread machine

This sweet baking in a bread machine is also very simple and elementary! It's a pleasure to cook in it! We need to buy the following set of products:

Half a glass of raisins, warm milk 80 ml, 150 grams of butter, 2 eggs, one and a half glasses of flour, 4 table. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of yeast.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to sort out the raisins, rinse and soak for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.
  2. There is a container in the bread maker, you need to pour milk into it, add soft butter, sugar in the corners, yeast, eggs, a pinch of salt and sifted flour in the center.
  3. Turn on the bread machine and set the dough kneading function.
  4. When the first stage of kneading the dough is completed, you can add raisins and continue kneading.
  5. You can complete the kneading at this point and turn on the baking function.

But I will advise you to make a fun shape that will be fun to eat!

In the bread machine, you need to take out the mold with the dough, divide the dough into two parts, roll each part into a sausage, wind these two parts together like a rope, grease it with yolk and place it in the oven in the form of a ring. Now you can bake for 15-20 minutes.

It will turn out very cool! Let's explore the following recipes!

No. 3. Poppy seed buns in the oven or bread machine

The results are very soft and tender buns that can be cooked in the oven or in a special bread maker.

To be honest, many people buy multicookers for home; if I were them, I would rather buy a bread maker, because... it's more useful. You can cook food on the stove too! In a bread machine, the sweetness comes out better, it is crispy and the kneading procedure is also done by itself! What products do we need to buy:

Dough: One glass of milk (250 ml, if there is no milk, then you can use water), 2 chickens. eggs, 400 grams of premium flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of yeast.
For filling: Half a pack of butter (100 g), 70 grams of sugar and the same amount of poppy seeds, but to be honest, you can put 2 times more poppy seeds.

Let's start cooking:

If you prepare the baked goods in the oven, then we will knead the dough by hand, and if in a bread maker, then it will do everything for you. Sometimes she still needs help, because... It happens that dough remains on the walls.

  1. Pour warm milk into the container, yeast, salt, sugar, eggs and flour, set the kneading function and after a while the dough will be ready.
  2. Let the dough rise and leave for about an hour and a half.
  3. After rising, the dough should be rolled out into a layer approximately 5 mm thick, greased with butter, sprinkled with sugar and poppy seeds.
  4. We roll everything into a roll.
  5. In the bread machine, take out the pan and carefully place the roll in it, or you can cut it into buns and place them in rolls.
  6. You can also bake in the oven, cut the roll into portioned buns, and bake for about 15-20 minutes (oven temperature should be 180 degrees)

You can use any filling for these buns. For example, you can put walnuts, but you need to grind them in advance, various berries, apples and much more.

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