E 509 what kind of additive. Food additive E509. Food additive calcium chloride – use in food

Calcium dichloride (CaCl 2) is a calcium salt of hydrochloric acid, externally represented as a powder of white crystals, with a density of 2.15 g/cm³, with a melting point of –772 C, boiling point – 1960 C. It is a food additive labeled E-509, and serves as a hardener and is considered absolutely harmless. Food emulsifier is a by-product during soda production (ammonia recovery).

Additive E 509 is added in the following cases:

In the countries of the European Union and the Russian Federation, the emulsifier has no contraindications and is fully permitted for use in the food industry, however, it is strictly regulated. This is due to the fact that with increased amounts, the emulsifier can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes even to ulcers. The maximum daily dose of food emulsifier is 350 mg.

There are many positive properties when calcium chloride affects the body. It is directly used in cases where the body does not have enough calcium, necessary for impulse movements and muscle contraction. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, thickening and stopping external and internal bleeding. Due to the presence of calcium hydrochloride in the body, the progression of the inflammatory process is prevented and resistance to various infections increases.

Calcium dichloride acts as a kind of immunity for the body, which not only prevents inflammatory processes, but also increases the body's resistance, restores calcium, also gives a good taste to the finished product and is absolutely harmless. Therefore, when familiarizing yourself with the composition of a particular product, you should not forget about the benefits of the E-509 additive and, by mistake and ignorance, put it on a par with other dangerous and harmful additives labeled “E”.

Benefits of calcium chloride for children and adults

Doctors recommend calcium chloride to adults in the following cases:

  • Liver problems associated with toxic damage.
  • Serum sickness.
  • Hepatitis of various groups.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Psoriasis and eczema.
  • Endometritis.

Only a specialist can prescribe medications containing this additive. If used incorrectly or in violation of the dosage, there may be negative consequences:

  • The pulse slows down.
  • Heartburn appears.
  • May hurt in the pit of the stomach.
  • During a period of active growth.
  • During allergies.
  • During the period of illness with inflammatory processes.

Calcium chloride has a bitter taste, so children do not like it. At the same time, it helps fight allergies to:

  • Vaccinations.
  • Various products.
  • Flower pollen.
  • Apiary products.
  • Medicines.

All of the above applies to potassium chloride as a medicine. At the same time, the food additive (E 509) is also useful and does not contain harmful ingredients. E 509 is produced in the form of a white powder, which can be safely added to canned vegetables, fruits and berries.

Of course, calcium chloride in large quantities will not be beneficial. But as you know, everything should be in moderation, no matter what product it is.

Interesting to know! Calcium chloride is used not only in the food industry, but is also used:

  • Manufacturing of products from natural rubber.
  • Manufacturing of latex and rubber products.
  • Used as a de-icer.
  • It is a chemical reagent.
  • Added in the manufacture of some narcotic drugs.

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The topic of naturalness and safety of dairy products always remains relevant. There are many different opinions on this issue, sometimes completely opposite. However, even if you study GOST standards, according to which the presence of several milliliters of pus is allowed in a glass of milk, the question of the benefits and necessity of drinking milk becomes a rhetorical question. Another argument in favor of excluding dairy products from the diet is the presence of various food additives that transform dairy products into a certain combination of dangerous chemical elements. Just think about it: what chemical transformations need to be done with milk so that the shelf life indicated on the package is a month or more? Can a “live” product be stored for so long? And what are the revelations of dairy workers worth alone that sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt are, roughly speaking, powders diluted in water with the addition of various kinds of thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives and carcinogens. One of these food additives, which is actively used in the production of dairy products, is E 509.

What is E 509

Food additive E 509 is calcium chloride. Presented in the form of a coarse white powder, highly soluble in water. Calcium chloride is a by-product of soda production. Calcium chloride is widely used in the production of dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, milk powder, dairy desserts, etc. In these chemical processes, calcium chloride plays the role of a hardener - to give the heterogeneous and vague milk mass a beautiful solid stable shape. In order for the heterogeneous liquid milk mixture to harden and take the form of cheese, cottage cheese, etc., lime water, a concentrated solution of calcium hydroxide, is added to this mixture. Calcium ions bind milk proteins and create a good consistency for the liquid mass, which corresponds to the consistency of cottage cheese, cheese, and in general everything that is written on the product packaging.

In addition to dairy products, calcium chloride is often added to various confectionery pesticides: marmalade, jelly, etc. Calcium chloride is also used in the production of canned fruits and vegetables, which creates the desired consistency for the product, and most importantly, adds salt to the product. And as you know, the salty taste, firstly, is addictive, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite. Empirically, you can observe that if the food is salty, then you will eat twice as much as if the food was bland. Manufacturers are well aware of this property of salty taste and strive to salt any product, even those that are supposed to be sweet by their properties, in order to make the consumer want to consume more of it. And calcium chloride copes with this task perfectly.

Calcium chloride is also actively used in the confectionery industry, making it possible to give substances that are incompatible with each other in consistency a more or less marketable appearance and an attractive, uniform shape. The issue of harm to health, of course, is not considered by manufacturers, because business is built very poorly on healthy food. But on the harmful side - just right. Moreover, the production of junk food, as experience shows, is several times cheaper, and it sells much better. Therefore, studying the composition of purchased products and monitoring the absence of harmful food additives, such as calcium chloride, is, as they say, the work of the drowning people themselves.

Food additive E 509: effect on the body

Despite its toxicity, the food additive E 509 is approved in many countries around the world. However, due to its harmful effect on the human body, its consumption is still strictly regulated. Calcium chloride intake should not exceed 350 mg per day. Otherwise, intestinal upset or ulcer formation may occur. However, how can one control the restriction of the use of this poison if it is added to foods completely freely? It is not written anywhere on the products that, for example, such and such an amount of cottage cheese or cheese consumption will be dangerous to health due to exceeding the dosage of calcium chloride. And given that most people consume food in excessive quantities (especially confectionery and cheese, which, due to their narcotic effect on the brain, are consumed uncontrollably), the permissible dosage of calcium chloride is regularly exceeded.

Thus, regular consumption of dairy products and confectionery pesticides can lead to excess dosages of calcium chloride, which, in turn, is fraught with dire consequences for our gastrointestinal tract and health in general. It is not possible for most people to control the excess of this dosage, especially since most people do not even know about the presence of a harmful chemical compound in these foods - calcium chloride.

A unique element in our body, which is not absorbed in its pure form, but is very necessary for muscles and bones in general. Calcium needs to be supplemented with compounds so that it can benefit the body. The optimal combination was calcium chloride, which has recently begun to replace the vitamin complex for some people.

Calcium chloride - application

The use of calcium chloride is widespread in almost all medical and cosmetic fields. If there is a lack of calcium in the body, the doctor may prescribe it to replenish the deficiency of the substance. Fragile bones can be damaged under the slightest load, and this component also strengthens muscle fibers. It is considered an integral part in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Also used for:

  • Stop bleeding;
  • Stops allergic reactions;
  • Cough prevention;
  • Restoring the body after poisoning with magnesium and potassium salts;
  • Treatment of colds and inflammatory diseases.

It helps women with gynecological diseases - it increases labor, stimulates the uterine organs to expel the fetus. Often prescribed for pneumonia, hepatitis, it is a diuretic. By method of administration:

  • Intravenous;
  • Ingestion;
  • Intramuscular, via electrophoresis.

If a dropper is needed, the method of administration is determined - drip or jet.

Calcium chloride for allergies

For allergies, calcium chloride can be used as a neutralizer. Substance ions cause hypocalcemia throughout the body as a whole. As a result, vascular permeability increases and bleeding stops. If a person suffers from hypertension or allergic reactions to medications, he can be cured only with this solution without the use of strong antibiotics. This method of treatment is used in children's intensive care hospitals when a child suffers from intoxication after taking medications.

Oral doseAdults are prescribed 2-3 tsp. solution orally, for children 1-2 tsp. Also. The rehabilitation course lasts 3-4 days, depending on the degree of absorption of the substance.
Intravenously5 ml infusion over 5 minutes for adults. For children, 5-10 ml drips with the addition of a solution of 200 ml of 9% sodium chloride and 5% glucose. The mass of the substance is circulated in 6 drops for 1 minute.
Through electrophoresisThe required unlimited amount of substance can be administered intramuscularly using electrophoresis.
TherapyComplex therapy involves the use of calcium chloride together with antihistamines against allergic reactions. These include Zyrtec, Kestin, Telfast, etc.
Chronic illnessPersistent allergic reactions require constant intake of calcium solution. It is prescribed with the addition of hot or cold water, this prevents relapses.

When pure calcium chloride is injected under the skin, tissue necrosis may occur at the site where the puncture is made. To avoid this, you should not self-medicate; it is better to entrust the process to qualified doctors. To neutralize the effect of the substance, the following is injected into the injection site:

  • Sodium sulfate 25%;
  • 10 ml of sodium sulfate in the form of a drop solution;
  • Diphenhydramine solution 1% intramuscularly, 1 ml.

A reaction test should be done before using any antihistamine. If the injection site is red after administration of the substance, the person will be prescribed a similar solution that does not have synthetic bases.

Calcium chloride in cosmetology

Modern cosmetology has been using medications for a long time, and recently methods of correcting wrinkles using calcium have become popular. Correct use allows you to expand the spheres of influence of the substance:

  • Rejuvenation;
  • Cell nutrition;
  • Skin restoration.

The procedures have become in demand and popular among middle-aged women. This is how services for face and scalp care have recently appeared in beauty salons. Previously, calcium chloride was used in cosmetology to treat hair follicles on the head.

Calcium chloride for face

An inexpensive product for cleansing facial skin, it has a very effective and positive effect on the condition of the dermis. Pores and sebaceous glands are cleansed of fat, dust and dead cells. Advantages:

  • Repeated use of facial peeling;
  • Cleansing clogged pores without damaging the top layer of skin;
  • Lightening pigment spots;
  • Draining of ulcers;
  • Neutralization of purulent deposits;
  • Fast recovery after cleaning.

Since calcium chloride for the face is considered one of the aggressive components, it is used only in difficult situations when other simple and painless methods are ineffective.

Thus, women manage to get rid of scars and stretch marks on the skin, when no cosmetic correction device is able to cope with this task. Acne often leaves scars that can only be removed with this drug. But there is another side to the coin, which, in principle, does not force women to give up the sacrifice of beauty:

  • The upper layer of the dermis becomes thinner;
  • Dry skin becomes more tight;
  • The integrity of the epidermis is compromised.

But due to the strong post-peeling effect, women do not refuse to make such sacrifices. In addition, positive changes are noted - smooth skin, clean pores and a healthy complexion. At home, a solution of calcium chloride is mixed with water, wiping the skin with a cotton pad. Then a mask with a moisturizing effect is applied. Beauty salons use a laser device to clean the dermis, since getting to the middle layer of the skin can be difficult. We recommend doing chemical peeling no more than once a year, otherwise the top layer will simply disappear from frequent use. This will lead to unbearable pain when touching the skin.

Calcium chloride for bronchitis

Calcium chloride helps with bronchitis only in the case of dry cough. Direct prescription is only for Quincke (pulmonary edema and inability to breathe deeply), but this does not mean that it can be taken for acute respiratory viral infections or colds. Expectorants have a much better effect on sputum and alveoli. Calcium chloride may worsen a wet cough by preventing sputum production. Chronic bronchitis is not a reason to take the substance yourself, but the doctor will rather prescribe other medications over time.

Calcium chloride for cough for children

Calcium chloride for cough can be prescribed to children only during the period of growth - the transitional age of 10-14 years. As a child's body develops, it needs active nourishment - calcium and potassium in the body are quickly consumed, and simple vitamin tablets do not always have time to be absorbed. So, during illness or cold, children under 12 years of age are prescribed 1 ml of solution in combination with vitamin D.

In preventive areas, children are prescribed it before vaccinations to facilitate the reaction and tolerability of the administered substances. If the baby suffers from spring asthma during the flowering of plants, this is an indispensable component in the child’s body. Prevents suffocation, reduces spasms of the larynx and lungs. Children over 12 years of age are prescribed in the form of solutions.

Calcium chloride for bleeding

To stop bleeding, the most effective drug is calcium chloride. Compared to oxytocin and other drugs, it reacts quickly, localizes the affected area and contracts the walls of blood vessels. Main direction of action:

  • Stopping uterine bleeding;
  • Nasal;
  • Pulmonary;
  • Cardiovascular;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.

So the hemostatic agent, as a life-saving method for many women, began to be used in gynecology. During bleeding, calcium chloride saturates the walls of blood vessels and blood with ions, which cause inhibition of blood circulation. If on the way to a medical facility there is no chance of saving the woman, they inject a portion (6 ml) of the substance, which allows her to “reach” the emergency room.

In some cases, the drug thins the blood, as is the case with hemophilia. The bleeding does not stop, on the contrary, it intensifies. This is necessary for the reaction with the X chromosome. The patient is “cleansed” of infections and pathological processes, after which he prepares for a transfusion of blood components.

Is it possible to drink calcium chloride in ampoules?

You can take the substance orally only if you have a mild allergy. A single dose should not exceed the volume of 1.5 ml (tbsp. substance). If the medicine is intended for diluted injections, oral use in diluted form is allowed. Is it possible to drink calcium chloride in ampoules - yes, but only until numbness appears when your left arm is extended.

To prevent tightening of muscles and skin, moisten your fingers in a soapy solution and rub the affected area with massage movements. Reuse with your doctor's permission.

Who is calcium chloride contraindicated for?

Calcium chloride has a number of contraindications, and its compatibility with other medicinal substances should also be taken into account. The wrong dose and combination with any components can lead to an allergic reaction that cannot be eliminated with a simple injection. Pay special attention to compounds that contain phosphorus. These are incompatible substances, the intake of which leads to numbness, allergies, nausea and vomiting. Complete cleansing of the body - inpatient treatment for 5-6 weeks to prevent relapses.

Individual intolerance is expressed by:

  • The appearance of arrhythmia after taking the drug;
  • Frequent contraction of the ventricles of the heart;
  • Chills all over the body;
  • Slowing heart rate;
  • Heartburn;
  • Dizziness.

To whom calcium chloride is contraindicated - persons suffering from atherosclerosis. They have elevated levels of calcium in their blood. This leads to thrombosis.

Additive E509

Calcium chloride is also used in the food industry as an additive E509. The serial number of a substance determines the relationship of the component to emulsifiers. It is necessary for the production of fermented milk products. Acts as a natural thickener and is used instead of harmful preservatives and stabilizers. It is also widely used in the manufacture of:

  • Jam;
  • Dzhemov;
  • Preservation of fruits and vegetables.

In moderate doses, it is absolutely harmless for adults and children. However, many parents consider this supplement dangerous. Whether this is true or not, we will consider the question further.

E509: food additive – dangerous or not?

As an additive, the substance is a colorless crystal that retains moisture inside canned jars and packages. The substance should not be confused with stabilizers, which deliberately increase the shelf life of the product. If you have come across milk with a shelf life of 6-9 months, you should know that it contains dangerous substances.

E509: food additive – dangerous or not, as an integral component?

It is only needed to maintain consistency. CaCl 2 is a calcium ion that binds proteins, allowing them to be preserved in the form in which they were placed in the container. It is often added instead to marmalade so that the taste is pleasant without a hint of “bubblegum”. Jelly – do not have such additives. In his presence it is obligatory:

  1. When milk is pasteurized, some of the calcium is lost. To replenish it, natural ingredients are added.
  2. E is just a designation for groups of additives. It is stereotypical to think that they are all a hellish mixture of chemistry. It's just a convenient use of all the ingredients from the food production field.
  3. Chocolate can also contain calcium, which is why it is not given to children under 3 years of age, but is recommended for adults for the active functioning of brain cells.
  4. Sometimes calcium chloride is added when excess water needs to be removed in brewing. It absorbs moisture like other products. However, solid food hardens, and beer is not spoiled by excess moisture. The taste remains as it was intended before production.

In Russia, E509 is strictly regulated. In Europe it is considered safe and is sold in stores to be added to products. The daily dose should not exceed 340 g or ml in liquid form.

Another interesting thing is that calcium chloride is also useful in other areas of human activity:

  • Chemical laboratory - for cleaning bottles without the use of strong reagents;
  • In medical chemistry - a reagent for studying blood tests;
  • In production - for the production of rubber and rubber, natural latex;
  • For making PVA glue and hard pencils;
  • At the CNG filling station;
  • To shape metallic calcium;
  • In the manufacture of refrigeration chambers;
  • When extracting gas - a means for safe transportation;
  • When working in mines - to prevent the appearance of dust after cutting gravel roads;
  • In some drugs.

As you can see, calcium chloride is used in almost all areas where a person steps. This is a good natural component that, together with food, nourishes the body, treats coughs and eliminates allergic consequences without surgical interventions. It saves the lives of women, eliminates the causes of bleeding, and easily restores strength to patients. It is an important component in the formation of the skeleton in the womb, and without it, no person could survive the birth process without injury in the birth canal.

What food additive in regular food products, not related to fast food and sweets, do most people encounter most often? Of course, with calcium chloride, without which almost no cheese wheel can do today. Moreover, it can be seen in cottage cheese, pasteurized milk, and beer. There is no need to talk long about the benefits of calcium, but what about the food additive E 509? Is it harmful or beneficial to the body?

The food additive E 509 comes in several names: in addition to the mentioned “calcium chloride”, it can be indicated as “calcium chloride”, as well as “calcium hydrochloride”. The substance belongs to the category of stabilizers and emulsifiers; its chemical composition is a calcium salt of hydrochloric acid. In the food industry it is used as a thickener or gelling agent. It is produced from lime milk (an aqueous suspension of calcium hydroxide), and in some factories it is a by-product obtained from the manufacture of sodium carbonate (regular baking soda).

Food additive E 509 has a salty or bitter taste, a weak specific odor, and dissolves well in water.

The active use of calcium chloride in the food industry (it is noteworthy that it is also popular in pharmacology) is due to its versatility. It can adjust the taste of products, improve the structure, and also directly influence the production process. It is used for:

  • powdered milk and regular pasteurized milk - since it perfectly binds proteins, replaces milk calcium directly, improves coagulation;
  • cream - in order to have a positive effect on the pasteurization process, reducing the acidity of the working mass for subsequent beating into butter;
  • canning vegetables and fruits - to preserve the dense structure of products;
  • chocolate – keeps the bar soft;
  • cottage cheese - to improve the coagulation process.

It is noteworthy that calcium chloride is a medicinal substance on the basis of which intravenous injections are made for acute calcium deficiency, dehydration of the body, allergic reactions, hepatitis, severe blood loss (mainly uterine bleeding), gastrointestinal disorders. However, it cannot be said that this element is of complete benefit to a person.

Numerous studies have proven that calcium chloride takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis and is necessary for the immune system, the heart muscle, and the walls of blood vessels. In tandem with vitamin D, it must be constantly supplied to the body of elderly people and children, as well as athletes. However, it also has negative sides - excessive consumption of products containing the E 509 additive can provoke:

  • heartburn;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • heart rhythm disturbances

Otherwise, what is noteworthy is that calcium chloride is considered harmless if used in small doses. It does not contain toxic substances and is not carcinogenic. However, if it is absorbed well from food, since there is little of it there, then pharmaceutical forms (injection solutions) should not be used without a doctor’s advice.

They are everywhere! Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to at least understand the essence of the problem and learn to distinguish good from bad. If not, then you can spit on everything and continue to participate in these global experiments. Whatever it is, he who is forewarned is forearmed!

Having gone to the store to buy food, we try not to look at the labels, where after two understandable words there is a series of incomprehensible numbers, letters and names, as if straight from the pages of a chemistry textbook.

In fact, everything is not so complicated, because, in fact, any natural product can be decomposed into chemicals, and benzoic acid, despite its scary name, is found in large quantities in cranberries, grown even in an absolutely clean swamp from an environmental point of view .

Now there are up to two thousand such substances all over the world, and, naturally, the need arose to classify them. At the moment, the European Council on Food Additives has developed its own system of the most commonly used food additives in the industry - there are about three hundred of them.

They all have a word designation, such as sodium benzoate, and a code starting with the letter E (Europe) - in the case of benzoate, it is E-211.

For ease of use, all supplements are divided into target groups:

E-100 - E-182 - dyes;

E-200 and below - preservatives; E-300 and below - antioxidants; E-400 and below - consistency stabilizers; E-450 and below - emulsifiers; E-500 and below - acidity regulators, leavening agents; E-600 and further - taste and aroma enhancers; E-700 - E-800 - spare indices for other possible information;

In theory, having received this code, any additive receives absolution, that is, it is considered that its use is technologically justified and necessary, it has been tested for safety for humans and does not mislead the buyer about the product he is buying. This is in theory. In practice, it turns out that over time, new information about a particular additive appears.

For example, Coca-Cola was initially produced using cocaine, and no one considered it harmful. Since the advent of the E-Code, such incidents have become fewer, but to this day in America and Europe the lists of substances that are unconditionally permitted, substances whose use is undesirable, and those that are expressly prohibited continue to be updated.

In Russia, no less attention is paid to this problem than in other countries, but our situation is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that in 1994, when the main list of additives permitted and prohibited for use in the Russian Federation was compiled, some additives were either not imported to us, or there was not yet enough research on them.

So we have three lists: additives that are allowed, additives that are prohibited, and additives that are not directly prohibited, but also not allowed. We also cannot use the latter in production. At the same time, some of the additives already banned in our country are still used in industry by other countries, and the additives banned in their countries are still completely legal in our country.

How should a consumer behave in such a situation? Of course, the easiest way is to buy products without food additives at all, but not everyone can afford it, and besides, there are a number of people who find it difficult to live without additives, for example, diabetics are forced to either give up sweets altogether or use sugar substitutes.

Your best chance of buying a product with additives that are prohibited in our country is at wholesale markets, where consignments of goods often arrive without sanitary service certificates. Moreover, prohibited additives may well be contained in products from developed countries - the fact is that there is a very big difference between food produced for domestic use and produced for export.

So if you prefer food that is not only tasty, but also healthy, support domestic producers - after all, food produced in Russia is better checked by sanitary services, and the traditions of the domestic food industry still tend to be natural. So, when buying food, sparkling water , chewing gum and candy, pay attention to the label.

And if additives that are not permitted, but also not prohibited, are for the most part relatively harmless, then prohibited ones can lead to death.

As already mentioned, with the current state of the food industry, it is impossible to do without food additives completely.

However, the constant consumption of substances in food that were not provided for in our diet by Mother Nature, or were present, but not in such quantities, quite logically leads to a problem that doctors have been talking about for a long time. Food additives increase the risk of developing many serious diseases, which is only becoming clear now, after several decades of their use.

On the other hand, in fairness it should be noted that some supplements only benefit a person: many products are enriched with vitamins and microelements that modern people lack.

As you might guess, these countries are primarily concerned about this problem where the standard of living is quite high and the question is not how to fill the stomach, but how to fill it with health benefits.

So, what dangers await lovers of artificial food? These are primarily intestinal disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in general. For example, carbonated waters contain a lot of citric acid E-330. In principle, the same acid is found in citrus fruits, but in much smaller quantities.

Coupled with exposure to carbon dioxide, which causes water to hiss and bubble, and the stomach to secrete gastric juice, this is a direct road to gastritis. Some additives in large quantities can cause diseases of the liver and kidneys - organs that are very sensitive to toxic substances. Also people twenty First century people are very susceptible to allergies.

It is clear that, having several hundred additional substances on your menu, the likelihood of discovering an allergy to any of them increases sharply. The manifestations of this allergy can be very diverse - from skin rashes to sudden suffocation in asthmatics. A separate topic is the mysterious disease phenylketonuria, which scares us with every pack of chewing gum.

The fact is that one in twenty thousand babies is born with a hereditary deficiency of a specific enzyme; this is a serious disease, the exacerbation of which can be provoked by the sweetener aspartame (E-951), also known under the brand name Nutrasweet.

In general, in order not to return to this topic, it must be said that passions have been boiling over aspartame for several years now - its harmfulness has not been proven, but there are many complaints. But, of course, most of the fears are associated with the carcinogenic effect of some food additives, that is, their ability to cause malignant tumors. The situation around this problem is very difficult. On the one hand, since the beginning of the mass use of food additives, that is, since the mid-twentieth century, the number of cancers has actually increased. On the other hand, no one can guarantee that it is the food that is the problem, and not the poor environment or the influence of other factors. On the third hand, manufacturers sharply oppose all statements about the dangers of additives, since this jeopardizes the food industry. In the practice of developed European countries, there have recently been frequent cases when a food additive is banned, even if its harmfulness has not been conclusively proven. Despite the fact that there are only five banned additives in Russia, I think this is exactly the case when adopting Western experience will not hurt.

Causes and effects: Currently, more than 3.5 thousand different food additives are officially approved for use. The reason why they are needed at all is simple: the desire of transnational food companies to get greater profits. Food must be transported, often from afar, and stored until someone buys it, so preservatives are needed. Most of the food products sold in supermarkets are tasteless, so flavor enhancers and synthetic flavors are used, otherwise no one will buy. For the same reason - in order to sell more - they add countless dyes. Many European countries use amaranth dye (E123), although studies have shown that it may be carcinogenic. Potassium nitrate E252, sodium nitrate E251 and sodium nitrite E250 are added to sausages to give them a pleasant color. But according to doctors, if overdosed, nitrates can cause cancer. EU scientists, after lengthy research, came to the conclusion that benzoic acid (E216 and E217) is carcinogenic and can cause a malignant tumor. At the end of 2004, the University of Tokyo experimentally proved that the common flavor enhancer E621 (monosodium glutamate) causes blindness and ulcers. Flavor enhancers affect the taste buds on the tongue in such a way that even cotton wool will seem like a delicacy. The average person in developed countries eats about nine kilograms of dry weight of food additives every year. This is ten times more than 40 years ago. For those who frequently eat commercially prepared foods or eat frequently at fast food restaurants, this figure should be doubled or even tripled,” states the authoritative American scientific journal Food Allergies and Food Intolerance. . These nine kilograms are obtained if you add up all the microscopic additives that we eat along with food from stores.Flavor enhancers (E620 - E637)

E620 - Glutamic acid L - May cause allergies, not recommended for use in baby food

E621 - Monosodium glutamate - May cause allergies and is prohibited for use in baby food.
E622 - Monopotassium glutamate - May cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps.
E623 - Calcium glutamate - May cause lymphogranulomatosis (swelling of the lymph nodes).
E624 - Ammonium glutamate - May cause bone destruction.
E625 - Magnesium glutamate - May cause dysbiosis.
E627 - Sodium guanylate is prohibited for use in baby food.
E631 - Sodium inosinate is prohibited for use in baby food.
E635 - Sodium ribonucleotides - Banned in some countries.

E636 - Maltol - May cause increased cholesterol levels.
E637 - Ethyl maltol - May cause inflammation of the joints of the extremities (arthritis).

Disintegrants, substances that prevent caking and caking (E500 - E579)

E500 - Sodium carbonates - No known side effects for small amounts.

E501 - Potassium carbonates - No known side effects.
E503 - Ammonium carbonates - Irritates the mucous membrane.
E504 - Magnesium carbonates - Used for medical purposes as a laxative.
E507 - Hydrochloric acid - Safe in small quantities.
E508 - Calcium chloride - Large amounts may cause stomach ulcers.

E509 - Calcium chloride - May cause a decrease in the number of white blood cells.
E510 - Ammonium chloride - Should be avoided by people with liver or kidney disease. A typical component for flour products.
E511 - Magnesium chloride - No side effects found.

E513 - Sulfuric acid - Banned in some countries.
E514 - Sodium sulfates - May disrupt the body's water balance.
E515 - Potassium sulfates - May disrupt the body's salt balance.
E516 - Calcium sulfate - No known side effects.

E518 - Magnesium sulfates - Laxative.
E519 - Copper sulfate - May disrupt intercellular metabolism.
E524 - Sodium hydroxide - Banned in some countries.
E525 - Potassium hydroxide - Banned in some countries.

E526 - Calcium hydroxide - For small amounts, no known side effects.
E527 - Ammonium hydroxide - Banned in some countries.
E528 - Magnesium hydroxide - Banned in some countries.
E529 - Calcium oxide - Safe in small quantities.

E530 - Magnesium oxide - Banned in some countries.
E535 - Sodium ferrocyanide - No known side effects.
E536 - Potassium ferrocyanide - Low degree of toxicity.
E540 - Calcium duophosphate - Banned in some countries.

E541 — Sodium aluminum phosphate — Banned in some countries.
E542 - Calcium phosphate - No known side effects.
E551 - Silicon dioxide is amorphous - May cause a decrease in the number of white blood cells.
E552 - Calcium silicate - No known side effects.

E553(a) - Magnesium silicates - Banned in some countries.
E553(b) - Talc - The use of talc is associated with the risk of stomach cancer, typical products: polished rice, chocolate and other confectionery products.
E554 - Sodium aluminum silicate - Causes adrenal dysfunction.

E556 - Calcium aluminum silicate - May cause a decrease in hemoglobin levels.
E558 - Bentonite - No known side effects.
E559 - Aluminosilicate (kaolin) - No known side effects.
E570 - Fatty acids - No known side effects.

E572 - Magnesium stearate - May cause thyroid disease.
E575 - Glucono - delta lactone - Side effects unknown.
E576 - Sodium gluconate - Banned in some countries.
E577 - Potassium gluconate - No known side effects.
E578 - Calcium gluconate - No known side effects.
E579 - Ferrous gluconate - Safe in small quantities.
