Where is fiber found in which foods? Which cereal has the most fiber? Fiber-rich foods, types of fiber

What foods contain fiber? Good question for those who are thinking about losing weight and proper nutrition, and so - who, for one reason or another, is forced to monitor normal operation digestive tract. Anyone who cares about their own health and body condition is simply obliged to include elements with a high fiber content in the menu. Such food can remove harmful substances and prevent heart and vascular diseases. Let's take a closer look at which foods contain a lot of fiber. First, let’s find out how the element in question is conventionally divided.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble varieties. Soluble predominates in fruits, vegetables and grains. The insoluble type is rich in legumes, grains and the peels of vegetables and fruits. What foods contain a lot of fiber? Nothing exotic - just what anyone can afford and what the table abounds with every day.

The list is quite large, let’s look at the main ones: this includes, first of all, stems, roots, tubers and leaves. Vegetables - carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes - are all familiar and ordinary, with a lot of fiber.

There is especially a lot of fiber in:

  • Other grains.

The most useful source of this element from the point of view of nutritional value and saturation is bread with bran.

Subtleties and nuances

It is worth understanding the fact that it is important to consume fiber with raw foods, because in the process of cooking them and processing them with steam, temperature, etc. – all beneficial properties are reduced or lost altogether. It is also important to know the following - meat products do not contain the element at all, although there is an opposite opinion among most people. Below is a list of foods rich in fiber (per 100 grams):

  • Beans and other legumes comprise about 15% of the substance;
  • and millet – 10%;
  • Oatmeal and barley – up to 10%;
  • Nuts – 15%;
  • Vegetables and fruits - green peas and broccoli with asparagus and carrots – about 5%;
  • Berry fruits, especially raspberries and blackberries, can contain about 20 g of plant fiber per 100 grams;
  • Fruits, especially citrus fruits – 10% fiber. Peaches and pears are especially rich in it.

More about food

Let's take a closer look at the products by group. In order to balance your diet, or if fiber is considered as a way to lose weight, you should pay special attention to the following food groups:

  • . Such a publicly accessible and very useful component of the hedgehog daily ration, the ability to combine it with any type of other products is universal, suitable for preparing the most exquisite and delicious dishes. Particular attention should be paid to vegetables - zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach and cucumbers, broccoli and salads with green peas– they are the richest in fiber;
  • . Plant fiber is present in abundance in pectin, which fruits are rich in. They are also rich in cellulose, which improves digestive processes. Raw, unprocessed fruits are especially beneficial. Dried fruits are no exception;
  • Berry fruits. Almost all varieties berry fruits enriched with fiber. Particular attention should be paid to strawberries and raspberries, their home or country varieties;
  • Nuts. The richest food product. Small amounts daily can cover the body’s entire fiber needs;
  • Cereals and cereal crops. They are not only rich in the element under discussion, but also have a beneficial effect on blood levels;
  • Legumes. The element is high in peas and beans. A small portion of them daily can satisfy the need for the element 100%.

You should pay attention to the fact that it is raw or quickly cooked foods that retain enough nutrients to meet daily needs. Prolonged cooking, frying or stewing have a detrimental effect on elements susceptible to temperature influences.

Prepared foods rich in fiber

We looked at individual food products. Now let's look at ready-to-eat dishes. Boiled pasta made from solid flour, per 100 grams contain 4 g of fiber. Buckwheat- the same quantity. – 6 grams. Rye bread – the same, 6 grams. Bran is the richest product in fiber - about 46 grams.

Bread made from whole grain flour– 8 grams. Steamed or boiled rice – 2 grams. Bun - ok. 10 grams of fiber. When consuming such products, metabolism improves - this has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

This diet can normalize blood sugar levels. Peristalsis is actively stimulated. Among other things, the element helps the body get rid of waste, toxins and other polluting and unfavorable elements and substances, and additionally cleanses lymphatic system and the total cholesterol content decreases. The considered batteries are extremely useful and must be consumed. Fiber for weight loss is an indispensable element, because it helps to accelerate the metabolism occurring in the body - this is the key to the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole.

The productivity of eating food is celebrated as a combination through tasty and healthy recipes– for example, when consuming vegetable or fruit salads.

The elements they contain are beneficial for the body. Varieties containing vegetables and nuts at the same time will also be universal. It is also worth remembering about the norm - having fulfilled the daily requirement, stop consuming it, because an excess will not be beneficial, but will do harm. The norm of consumption is considered to be an amount of 1.2 grams per kilogram of a person’s own weight. Be healthy and eat right!

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Fiber (or dietary fiber) is an integral component of food in the human diet, however, you need to know when to use it in moderation

How much fiber should you eat?

Excessive fiber intake may be harmful

Too much dietary fiber in food:

a) may cause increased gas formation and bloating. Products with high content fiber causes increased gas formation;

b) can bind and negatively affect intestinal absorption minerals: , and etc.;

c) can lead to diarrhea;

d) can lead to intestinal obstruction, which will require surgical intervention. This is most often observed in elderly and senile people, when intestinal motor function is reduced.

Foods that contain little or no fiber

White bread

Meat broth

Pastries, cakes

Fruit juice

Meat fish

Ice cream

Polished (white) rice

White flour


Fat (vegetable, ghee, butter)

Fiber-rich foods

Cereals: wheat (whole grain), oats, corn, barley, brown rice, millet.

Legumes and legumes: soybeans, beans, peas, sprouted legumes or legumes.

Vegetables: carrots, radishes, turnips, beets, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, potatoes (with skin), pumpkin.

Fruits: guava, apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, pears, dates, plums, strawberries, mango.

Ways to increase your fiber intake

1. Eat a serving of green salad mixed with sprouted legumes before each main meal.

6. Fruits should be eaten together with the peel, which contains greatest number fiber.

7. Potatoes should also be eaten with their skins on.

8. Limit the consumption of white bread and other bakery products and refined and prepared foods.

Lack of fiber in the diet

Meals with no big amount fiber or without it ultimately leads to the development of the following diseases:

Food-borne fiber, or water-soluble and water-insoluble fiber, is not affected by enzymes. gastrointestinal tract. They bind waste and help remove it from the body. Products rich in fiber cleanse the intestinal walls and are necessary for the digestive system, metabolic processes, prevention of hemorrhoids, colon tumors, myocardial infarction, and diabetes.

What is fiber

The cell walls of plants, with the exception of algae, are made of fiber. This is a fairly strong and tough substance.

At high magnification, it looks like a bundle of long fibers connected to each other. They are elastic and durable, resistant to the action of digestive enzymes.

Fiber provides little energy and is poorly absorbed. But dietary fiber is necessary for the functioning of the body and the prevention of various diseases.

There are six types dietary fiber: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, lignin, mucus, gums.

The walls of plant cells are made of cellulose. Hemicellulose, pectins and lignin are intercellular. Mucus is isolated from seaweed and seeds of some plants. Gums - from the stems and seeds of tropical flora.

Dietary fiber absorbs moisture well and doubles its volume. The shells of grains (bran) are able to absorb water five times their weight.

Flour products contain almost no fiber. It is completely absent from animal products.

Insoluble fiber

Water-insoluble fibers - cellulose, lignin - are found in cabbage, green peas, apples, carrots, and cucumber peels.

Cellulose is a carbohydrate, absorbs water well, gives waste volume and the necessary moisture, accelerates its passage and evacuation from the intestines.

Lignin is not a carbohydrate, binds bile acids well, and helps reduce blood levels. Reduces the risk of stone formation in gallbladder. During storage, its amount in vegetables increases.

Insoluble fiber normalizes. It is needed to prevent chronic constipation, which affects up to half of the adult population.

Every day, the body gets rid of a lot of waste that is formed after the breakdown of food. The increased volume of waste by insoluble fiber stimulates peristalsis - a wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls, making regular bowel movements necessary, and preventing constipation.

Eating foods containing insoluble fiber cleanses the intestinal walls. The fiber "washcloth" effectively captures and evacuates waste.

Supporting natural physiological processes in the intestines by consuming fiber increases the body's defenses and strengthens.

Waste that is not evacuated in a timely manner rots and ferments, and pathogenic microflora develops in the intestines.

In turn, it produces a lot of waste that destroys the mucous membrane, is absorbed into the blood, and contributes to the development of diseases of the digestive system and the formation of tumors.

Water-soluble fibers

Water-soluble fibers - pectins, resins (legumes), alginase (algae), hemicellulose (barley) - when absorbing water, do not swell like cellulose, but turn into a bulky jelly with astringent properties. They slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, give a quick feeling of fullness, and contain few calories.

After their use, it rises more slowly in the blood. The amount of insulin, which promotes fat deposition, decreases, and excess weight does not accumulate.

To the plant pectin substances necessary for the firmness and elasticity of tissues, to counteract drought. Pectins and resins contribute to long-term storage of the product.

In the large intestine, pectins are broken down by microflora, maintaining acid balance. In turn, the acidic environment helps to destroy pathogens.

Products rich in water-soluble fiber normalize the activity of internal microflora, help cope with flatulence, and reduce the content of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Standards for consuming fiber products

It is believed that during the day it is necessary to consume foods containing a total of up to 30 g of fiber.

Some researchers believe that the rate of dietary fiber consumption depends on age and recommend taking fiber:

  • up to 50 years: women – 25 g, men – 38 g;
  • after 50 years: women – 21 g, men – 30 g.

The beneficial effect of dietary fiber is enhanced if the products contain vitamins C and E and beta-carotene.

How to take fiber

The diet should remain varied and consist of various types greens, fruits, vegetables, cereals. It is preferable to consume the whole vegetable or fruit in fresh, do not puree or juice them.

Nutritionists suggest sticking to following rules fiber intake (in proportions of the daily diet):

  • vegetable salads, greens – 1/4;
  • fresh fruits – 1/4;
  • root vegetables subjected to heat treatment – ​​1/4;

The remaining 1/4 of the daily diet consists of:

You should gradually include fiber in your diet and reach the recommended level within a month or two. Otherwise, it may swell and the stool will be disturbed.

The benefits of fiber

Including dietary fiber products in your diet is especially important female body. Fiber accelerates the removal of excess sex hormones estrogen - a common cause of genital tumors in women.

Estrogens end up in the intestines with bile. Eating foods rich in dietary fiber removes hormones from the intestines, and their levels in the blood drop.

When estrogens are retained in the intestines for a day or longer, they are reabsorbed into the blood.

Thus, the more plant fiber in food, the lower the risk of developing tumors and heart diseases.

Raw foods that have not been heated or machining(mashed potatoes) contain more healthy fiber. There is a lot of it in porridges.

  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which envelops and relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Wheat porridge promotes the activity of the brain, heart, blood vessels, and organs of the digestive system.
  • Millet porridge improves intestinal motility, normalizes fat metabolism and blood glucose levels.
  • Barley porridge is especially useful for metabolic disorders, it creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, and has a mild laxative effect.

You can add berries, nuts, fruits, and raisins to porridge.

It is worth giving up cakes and buns. Eat bread with bran or wholemeal flour.

Fiber foods are good to eat throughout the day, not just for breakfast.

A low-fat, high-fiber diet is beneficial in treating diabetes.

Fiber and constipation

The cause of constipation - retention of stool for more than two days, difficulty in bowel movement - may be a lack of fiber in foods or taking certain medications.

When stool is retained, the colon mucosa comes into contact with feces for a long time and is gradually destroyed by carcinogens.

If you are prone to constipation, you should exclude or limit easily digestible foods - fish and meat soups, White bread, mashed potatoes and so on.

At the same time include foods rich in vegetable fiber. For example, nuts. They are high in calories, but contain a lot of dietary fiber. A table showing which foods contain fiber is presented below in this article.

On the other hand, including dietary fiber in the menu for general health can cause constipation if not consumed sufficient quantity liquids - up to 2 liters per day.

A certain indicator of sufficient fluid intake in the body is the color of urine. If it is light, there is enough water. A rich yellow tint indicates a lack of moisture.

You should not take liquid immediately after eating fruit (for example, apples) so as not to cause increased gas formation.

Popular recipes with fiber for constipation

Worth a try for constipation following recipes with foods containing fiber.

  1. Coarsely grate 100g carrots and 100g cucumbers, add 5g, 5g seeds. Eat at night.
  2. Grate 200g of fresh pumpkin with peel, add 100g of grated boiled pumpkin. Use in three doses.
  3. Coarsely grate 300g boiled beets, add 50g walnuts without shell, 150g prunes. Consume 100g of the mixture three times a day. Treat for two days.

List and table of foods containing fiber

Vegetables and fruits often contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. For example, the peel of apples contains insoluble fiber, and the pulp contains soluble fiber.

On the other hand, the peels of purchased vegetables and fruits may contain harmful substances. For example, cucumbers cleanse the entire body and have a diuretic effect. But their peel accumulates nitrates, so it is better to peel store-bought cucumbers before using them.

Below is a list various products containing dietary fiber:

Table of foods containing the most fiber
Product (100g)Fiber content (grams)
Green peas6,00
Beans (beans)3,70
Green onion2,10
Lettuce with dense leaves2,10
Parsley (greens)1,80
Celery (leaves)1,40
Green salad0,50
Wheat bran12,00
Unpeeled rice9,00
Puffed corn3,90
Boiled corn3,10
Oat flakes "Hercules"3,10
Bran bread2,20
Rye bread1,10
Wheat bread0,20
Millet groats2,70
Pearl barley2,00
Rice groats1,40
Barley groats1,40
Brussels sprouts3,00
Bulb onions3,00
Horseradish (root)2,80
White cabbage2,00
Sweet pepper1,10
Unpeeled apples4,10
Dried apricot3,50
Dried apricots3,20
Fresh apricot0,80
Dried figs5,30
Sea ​​buckthorn4,70
Rose hip4,00
Black currant3,00
Rowan chokeberry2,70
Red currants2,50

Proper use of bran

Bran is the product that is richest in fiber. Taking them facilitates bowel movements and normalizes metabolism.

Ground bran. Before use, brew the recommended daily dose. After half an hour, drain the water and squeeze out the bran a little. In this form, add to kefir, porridge, salads.

Fry store-bought bran on a baking sheet in the oven at 200C for 10 minutes. Store in a cloth bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Granulated bran. Immediately before use, add to kefir, milk, soup. They often include seaweed, vitamins that make the product healthier.

Bran is sold in pharmacies or supermarkets.

You should start taking bran gradually, brewing 1 teaspoon three times a day. Within two weeks, increase the daily dose to 3 tbsp. After two months, stop taking it and eat other foods rich in fiber.

Wheat bran has the softest plant fibers. Rye bran is easily digestible. Oat bran has the coarsest structure.

For health improvement and weight loss, it is better to start taking it with a wheat or rye variety.

Harm and contraindications

Some people include fiber-rich foods in their diet to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Despite the increase in complaints, they continue to take plant fibers, which are so beneficial to the body.

IN in this case should consume less healthy foods, which have passed mechanical and heat treatment Rather than being treated with coarse insoluble fiber, it will injure the weakened mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Long-term consumption of fiber in large quantities, and, as a result, long-term violation of the principles rational nutrition can lead to nutritional diseases - associated with improper or insufficient nutrition.

The intake of foods containing fiber should be limited when inflammatory diseases intestines, accelerated peristalsis.

Plant fibers should not be included in the diet of children under 5–6 months, as it can cause diarrhea and intestinal colic (paroxysmal pain). It is better to give clarified juices without pulp to little ones.

Eating foods rich in fiber can cause.

Elderly reception large quantity Plant fibers for constipation can lead to fecal incontinence.

You should not take products with plant fibers during an exacerbation of the duodenum. During periods of remission (weakening or complete disappearance of symptoms), administration is possible.

For diarrhea, plant fibers are contraindicated until stool consistency is completely restored.

Insoluble fiber is rough on the digestive tract and irritates the intestinal walls. The body receives an incentive to completely get rid of its contents as soon as possible.

With long-term use, the body thickens the mucous membrane, its sensitivity decreases. At the same time, its ability to absorb nutrients deteriorates.

At a certain point, you have to increase the dose, otherwise the proven method of getting rid of constipation stops working.

Decreased digestibility of food, spasms, as well as ulcerative colitis, sticking of intestinal walls, and other diseases of the digestive system may be a consequence of eating excessively rough food. soluble fiber. Or, conversely, insufficient intake of dietary fiber.

Modified: 02/11/2019

Anyone who monitors their health and strives to maintain a normal figure knows that food should be balanced. Every day, the human body needs carbohydrates, fats, protein, dietary fiber (fiber), acids, etc. While much is known about the benefits of dietary fiber, what properties dietary fiber has is not clear to everyone, because it is not digested by stomach enzymes.

Fiber is an organic fiber belonging to. Their peculiarity is that substances do not dissolve, but passing through digestive tract, absorb all toxins, waste and harmful substances, removing them from the body. It is important to understand which foods contain these organic fibers and what functions they perform.

Beneficial features

Fiber is found in plant foods - fruits, vegetables, cereals, plant leaves, etc. It is invaluable for the intestines; with its help, you can improve stool, cleanse the body, get rid of constipation, but its benefits are not limited to this. You can also highlight the following benefits of consuming this useful substance:

  • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood. Organic fibers help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and work of cardio-vascular system.
  • Sugar control. High fiber foods are essential for people with diabetes mellitus, because active substances slow down the rate of absorption of sugars into the blood.
  • Fight with overweight . When dieting, foods containing fiber should become the basis of the diet. Fiber helps dissolve and remove fat, which is extremely important for weight loss.
  • Regulation of intestinal microflora. By consuming foods that contain insoluble substances, you can eliminate problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as prevent complications of diseases such as hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and rectal cancer.

People between the ages of 15 and 55 need fiber the most. Then the need is reduced by 10 units. During pregnancy, the amount of foods high in organic fiber should increase as your food intake increases. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, intoxication, excess weight - all this is a reason to add more plant foods to your daily menu.

Norm, excess, deficiency

Based on numerous studies, it can be concluded that daily requirement the body's fiber content ranges from 20 to 40 grams. If your menu is incomplete, you need to include foods high in dietary fiber, such as rye bran, in your diet. 100 grams of product contains 44 g of fiber. You can also purchase ready-made mixtures based on it in pharmacies. If the body lacks organic substances, it will let you know, the main thing is to notice the signals in time. Signs of a lack of dietary fiber include:

  • unpleasant body odor, indicating that waste and toxins predominate in the body;
  • pressure changes and problems with blood vessels;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rapid weight gain.

Popular wisdom says that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, you should not abuse foods that contain a lot of fiber. An excess of this beneficial substance can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, impaired motility and intestinal microflora.

Diet problem modern man lies in nutritional imbalance. We eat a lot of sugar, which quickly turns into sugar in the body and settles as fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, sides and internal organs. To adjust the menu, you don’t need to buy pharmaceutical additives and dietary supplements, just increase your consumption of cereals and vegetables, add fiber-rich foods, the list of which can be found below.

What to include in your diet

When composing your daily menu, carefully consider each item, focusing on your own desires, taste preferences and body needs. Almost everyone who is trying to lose weight thinks about foods rich in fiber. You can find out what contains the most dietary fiber by studying this list of foods. Most of the options presented are affordable and are sold in your nearest store.

Fiber is the hollow fibers of plant foods that a person needs for normal life. It improves digestion and stimulates peristalsis. Its deficiency threatens the development of anemia, cholelithiasis, obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other equally dangerous diseases. It would be useful to review your diet and introduce plant foods with a lot of fiber.

Knowing which foods contain fiber will allow you to diversify your diet for health benefits. The list of these can be divided into subsections.


A lot of dietary fiber is found in cereals, such as wheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, rice and others.

It is important to eat porridge from whole grain. Cereals ground and processed in a special way instant cooking do not contain fiber. They, although convenient for cooking, do not have the same value as whole grains.


Bran is the residual raw material of flour milling, representing the hard shell of the grain, which consists of 75-80% dietary fiber. All fiber-containing foods are beneficial, but bran is the most potent.

Before use, it is recommended to steam the bran with boiling water. The mixture is consumed before meals with plenty of water. Bran is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1/2 tsp. and bringing, over several weeks, to 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

In departments healthy eating and pharmacies you can buy packaged bran different types: wheat, corn, barley, oat, rice. They are often enriched with fruit and vegetable additives.

Table: Fiber in cereals and bran

Product (100 grams) Fiber (g)
Wheat bran 42,8
Oat bran 15,4
Corn bran 85,5
Oatmeal "Hercules" 6,0
Buckwheat porridge 2,7
Pearl barley porridge 2,5
Barley porridge 3,8
White rice (boiled) 0,9
Brown rice (boiled) 1,8

Berries and fruits

Fruits (pears, apples, apricots, grapes, bananas), as well as berries (currants, raspberries, strawberries) provide the body with fiber. The diet should contain dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, dates.

A lot of fiber is contained in the peel, but it should be borne in mind that imported fruits, for the purpose of transportation and long-term storage, treated with special means. It is better to cut off the peels from overseas goods or wash them thoroughly under running water using a hard sponge.


Garden fruits are an excellent source of dietary fiber. It is useful to include potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, asparagus, spinach, as well as legumes - lentils, beans, peas in the menu.

At heat treatment hollow fibers are partially destroyed. Preference should be given to vegetables that can be eaten raw.


Walnuts and hazelnuts, cashew nuts, raw almonds, peanuts, and pistachios, lightly fried without oil or salt.

In addition to the above, it is recommended to eat flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. When buying flour products, it is better to choose pasta from durum varieties wheat and whole grain bread.

Soluble and insoluble fiber

It is customary to divide fiber into soluble and insoluble forms. The body needs both types of dietary fiber. The more varied the food on the table, the easier it is to maintain balance.

Table: Insoluble fiber content in fruits and vegetables

Products (100 g) Fiber (g) Products (100 g) Fiber (g)
Oranges 1,4 Lemons 1,3
Pineapples 0,4 Carrot 1,2
Apricots 0,8 cucumbers 0,7
Watermelons 0,5 Peaches 0,9
Bananas 0,8 Sweet pepper 1,4
Eggplant 1,3 Tomatoes 0,8
Cherry 0,5 Black currant 3,0
Grape 0,6 Red currants 2,5
Pear 0,6 Plums 0,5
Melon 0,8 Beet 0,9
Potato 1,2 Persimmon 0,5
White cabbage 1,4 Cherries 0,3
Bulb onions 0,7 Apples 0,6

Coarse plant fibers are not broken down. They adsorb water and increase the volume of feces. Passing through the intestines in transit, fibers rid it of old toxins.

Table: Soluble fiber in food (pectins)

Products (100 g) Pectins (g) Products (100 g) Pectins (g)
Watermelons 1 – 1,5 Peaches 5 – 8,9
Apricots 3,9 – 8,6 Sweet pepper 6 – 8,7
Quince 5,3 – 9,6 Tomatoes 2 – 4,1
Eggplant 5,2 – 8,7 Plums 3,6 – 5,3
Grape 0,8 –1,4 Black currant 5,9 – 10,6
Pears 3,5 – 4,2 Red currants 5,5 – 12,6
Strawberry 3,3 – 7,9 Beet 0,7 - 2
Raspberries 3,2 – 6,7 Pumpkin 2,6 – 9,3
Carrot 6 - 8 Cherries 1,7 – 3,9
cucumbers 5,9 – 9,4 Apples 4,4 – 7,5

Pectins predominate in the composition of soluble fiber. Their number varies depending on the variety, degree of ripening of the product and other factors. In addition to pectins, dietary fiber contains inulin, mucus, gums, and natural resins. These substances participate in blood purification processes, remove toxins and bile acids from tissues, and remove bad cholesterol.

Consumption rate

  • Up to 4 years - 19 g;
  • Up to 8 years - 25 g;
  • Boys under 13 years old - 31 g;
  • Teenagers and adult men - up to 38 g;
  • Girls and women - daily 25-30 g.

During pregnancy, the amount of fiber consumed remains the same. Plant fibers improve intestinal function and help to the expectant mother cope with constipation.

Features of fiber absorption

Many people know that there are foods with high and low glycemic index. The former very quickly release energy to the body, promote fat deposition and negatively affect sugar levels.

High fiber foods have a low GI and are digested slowly. Due to the fact that the process of digesting food occurs gradually, the load on the pancreas is reduced. For people prone to diabetes, fiber helps avoid spikes in blood glucose.

Tip: When eating, rich in fiber, you need to drink enough water - about 2.5 liters per day. Otherwise, food cellulose will lose its adsorbing function.

Contraindications and harm

Fiber consumption should be limited if you have colitis, stomach ulcers, or proctitis.

Consuming too much dietary fiber can have consequences such as increased gas, bloating, intestinal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

If you take into account contraindications and adhere to the norm, fiber will not cause harm. Eating food rich in plant fibers activates metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol, helps digestion, and therefore leads to healthy weight loss and prevents many diseases associated with the functioning of the intestines, heart and blood vessels.
