Crispy sauerkraut - beneficial properties of the product. Useful properties of sauerkraut

When autumn comes, many homes begin to ferment cabbage.

Appetizing, crispy, with sourness... It is rare to meet a person who can pass by this traditional homemade dish indifferently.

And for women, sauerkraut has a special value. Read carefully!

It turns out that sauerkraut can be useful not only for a hangover, but also for weakness, colds, and diseases of the digestive tract. It is also effectively used in cosmetology and dietetics.

The wonderful properties of sauerkraut

This seemingly simple product contains almost all the vitamins necessary for your health: provitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, K, U. The latter, by the way, prevents the occurrence of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Sauerkraut also contains a lot of iodine. It also contains lactic acid, which can fight E. coli and other dangerous bacteria.

It has also been proven that consuming this miracle product lowers blood cholesterol levels and even reduces the risk of developing tumors.

Do you want to get rid of extra pounds? Cabbage brine, which has excellent weight-reducing and cleansing properties, will help you cope with this task. It contains a large amount of tartronic acid, which prevents fat deposits from accumulating. So you can evaluate the positive effect quite quickly.

Cabbage brine also helps expectant mothers effectively fight toxicosis.

Sauerkraut is also used in cosmetology, most often as face masks.

For example, for acne, apply it in a thick layer on a steamed face and keep it there for half an hour, covered with a napkin.

And if you are tired of freckles on your face, then try a cabbage brine mask. Soak a napkin in it and apply it to your face. When 10 minutes have passed, remove the napkin and wash with warm water.

Fresh and sauerkraut: which is healthier?

Although products that have undergone heat or other processing lose their valuable qualities, this does not apply to sauerkraut. Therefore, it is much more beneficial for the human body than fresh.

During the fermentation process, fresh cabbage is enriched with new valuable substances and vitamins, which are preserved for another 10 months after the preparation of this wonderful product.

By the way, When making sourdough, housewives do not necessarily need to finely chop the cabbage. The larger you cut it, the more useful vitamins and microelements it will retain.

Why is sauerkraut harmful?

For some diseases, sauerkraut can still be harmful due to its high content of organic acids. Thus, it is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland, hypertension, gallstones and renal failure.

If you suffer from acute gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, you should also use this product carefully.

In any case, if you really want to try sauerkraut, rinse it thoroughly before eating to remove any brine or initially ferment it with a minimum amount of salt.

So, The benefits of sauerkraut for women are obvious! With its help, we are treated and prevent diseases, lose weight and improve skin condition.

But the best part is that a little sauerkraut can add zest to almost any dish on our table.

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been the calling card of many nations, as soon as the name changes, while the dish itself remains unchanged.
Each fruit or vegetable has its own signature vitamin, and cabbage has methylmethionine. At the same time, sauerkraut is highly valued for its ability to retain the most important and necessary vitamin “C” for the body for a long time.

This longevity of vitamin C is due to the fact that it is not only found in cabbage in its pure form, but also in various chemical compounds. That is, it is not destroyed during storage; even slight heat treatment does not destroy vitamin C.

In addition to the main two components, this product, obtained by natural fermentation, contains the most valuable substances for the human body: phytoncides, enzymes, vitamins, micro and macroelements, fiber.

Sauerkraut is a healthy and tasty pickle that is prepared for the winter in almost any family. Did you know that during the process of ripening, cabbage becomes several times healthier than a fresh vegetable, since it not only retains all the existing vitamins and microelements, but also acquires new medicinal properties.

This feature was noticed by the peoples of Asia, and it was the Chinese and Koreans who were the first to learn how to ferment cabbage. There is even documentary evidence that this pickle was fed to the workers who built the Great Wall of China. So this dish cannot be called an original Russian product, since the Eastern Slavs adopted the recipe for preparing cabbage from other peoples.

Sauerkraut made it possible to preserve vitamins, so necessary in the long and cold Russian winter, and helped to resist vitamin deficiency. In the past, not a single feast in Rus' was complete without this beloved vegetable. They prepared cabbage for the winter in large quantities and fermented it in huge oak barrels. There was even a special holiday - Sergei Kapustnik. On this day, the whole family worked: chopped and fermented cabbage according to special family recipes.

This vegetable is no less popular in other countries. The Germans cannot imagine their table without their signature national dish - pork legs with stewed sauerkraut, and the Poles invented a mind-blowing thing - bigus, which is also prepared from a mixture of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage. In Asian countries, it is used to prepare savory snacks, and Romanians ferment whole heads of cabbage in barrels and then prepare stuffed dishes.

Useful microelements contained in sauerkraut

The vitamin range contained in sauerkraut is very wide: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, K, P, U. The latter belongs to the category of rather rare vitamins, it has an amazing property - warning
There is no appearance of ulcerative lesions on the walls of the stomach and duodenum. In addition to vitamin C, cabbage contains ascorbigen (a derivative of ascorbic acid), which is not destroyed even during long-term storage; moreover, with moderate heat treatment it turns into vitamin C and the amount of ascorbic acid per 100 g of sauerkraut increases.

Choline (it belongs to the group of B vitamins), contained in sauerkraut, has a beneficial effect on metabolism and normalizes lipid processes in the body. If we take into account the fact that 100 g of the product contains only 27 calories, then this is an ideal food product for those who are struggling with extra pounds.

The minerals contained in sauerkraut make it practically a record holder among similar products. It contains: iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, cobalt, fluorine, silicon, arsenic, boron, copper, zinc, sulfur, selenium, etc.

No less useful and valuable are the amino acids contained in sauerkraut: lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, methylmethionine. The flavonoids and probiotics contained in the product also have a beneficial effect.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

At the same time, despite the presence of all the listed beneficial properties, sauerkraut also has its disadvantages. They must be constantly taken into account, since consuming sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, due to the content of high levels of organic acids, the consumption of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

Researchers have found that when cabbage is fermented, tartronic acid is formed. This substance is the worst enemy of fat; it not only prevents its formation, but also successfully breaks down even old, perennial deposits. Moreover, fresh cabbage does not contain tartonic acid.

It is formed only as a result of fermentation processes and ripening of vegetables. It is this component that effectively reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the formation of plaques that clog blood vessels. Thus, sauerkraut not only helps you lose weight, but also heals the body as a whole.

Anyone who wants to have a beautiful figure needs to introduce sauerkraut into their diet, as it is a low-calorie vegetable that contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that this is one of the available methods of losing weight. Diets that include sauerkraut are usually the same.

Nutritionists warn that to combat obesity you cannot use a mono-diet, that is, eat only sauerkraut. It contains a lot of organic acids (lactic, acetic), which irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and, if consumed regularly on an empty stomach, can lead to diseases of the digestive tract.

The fiber contained in cabbage is quite coarse and can provoke fermentation processes in the stomach, bloating and increased gas formation. Therefore, you need to use pickles for weight loss correctly and follow a cabbage diet under the supervision of a specialist. And it can be prescribed only if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

With the right approach, you can lose up to 5 kg in a week of the cabbage diet. It is recommended to consume sauerkraut in small portions and combine this product with neutral side dishes and protein foods. The ideal option is boiled chicken breast and rice as a side dish.

Additionally, once a week you can drink 50 ml of cabbage brine before each meal, this will help speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the liver and remove toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the body. Sauerkraut enhances intestinal motility, helps get rid of constipation and has a positive effect on digestion processes.

When following a diet, one should not forget about increased drinking regimen. You need to drink at least 1.5 -2.5 liters of liquid per day. Moreover, this volume should not include tea, coffee, juices, compotes. This should only be clean drinking water.

Since pickled vegetables contain quite a lot of salt, this product can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, swelling. Therefore, a diet based on sauerkraut should not be followed by those who have heart pathologies and serious diseases of the digestive system. This option for losing weight is suitable only for those who do not have severe health problems and concomitant diseases in which the consumption of salted and fermented foods is contraindicated.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for women?

The benefits of sauerkraut for women are due to its high cosmetological properties; it is used to prepare masks and lotions for acne, age spots, freckles, and oily porous skin. Don't forget, when preparing sauerkraut, to make simple masks with it for facial care.

Sauerkraut face masks

  • The simplest mask is to squeeze out the sauerkraut, chop it finely and apply it to the skin of the face, covering it with a napkin on top. After 10 – 15 minutes, rinse and apply nourishing cream. This mask whitens the skin, cleanses, tightens, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  • You can use not the cabbage itself, but its brine, for which the cabbage is also chopped and squeezed well. Soak a napkin in the resulting brine and apply it to the face, having previously made holes for the eyes, nose and lips. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face with cool water. It is useful to do such lotions 2 times a week for acne.
  • For oily and porous skin, prepare the following mask: chop two tablespoons of sauerkraut, add beaten egg white and a spoonful of potato starch. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then wash.
  • For dry skin, you can also make an excellent mask from sauerkraut. Chop two tablespoons of cabbage, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Hair Mask

To strengthen hair, rub sauerkraut brine into the scalp once a week or prepare a mixture of cabbage juice and liquid honey, taken in equal quantities, which is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before washing your hair.

For women, the low calorie content of sauerkraut and the presence of organic acids in it, which prevent the accumulation of fat deposits, are important.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for men?

Is sauerkraut good for men? We can say with confidence that it is useful, its regular use increases physical and mental activity, low calorie content, high fiber and ascorbic acid content serve as a good prevention of obesity and hemorrhoids.

Benefits of sauerkraut juice

In addition to information about the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, you need to know the benefits of sauerkraut juice. It, like the vegetable itself, contains a large amount of lactic acid, which is so necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is very often prescribed to patients who have diabetes. In this case, the juice should be mixed with lemon and consumed three times a day.

Many people confuse the drink with cabbage brine. But the juice is contained inside the cabbage and is obtained by passing it through a juicer. It is much more concentrated than brine. The enormous value of juice lies in its mineral and vitamin composition.

Many people know the benefits of sauerkraut and how to use it. And the use of a drink from it as a remedy is much wider. The juice is prescribed by doctors to patients who have low acidity, as well as weakened intestinal motility and poor appetite.

Gargling with cabbage juice can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat and other diseases. Nectar can be consumed for poor digestion, which was caused by overeating, as well as alcohol abuse. With this treatment, the functioning of the stomach improves and the production of gastric juice improves.

Sauerkraut during pregnancy

Cabbage brine helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis. The beneficial properties that sauerkraut has allow men to avoid prostate diseases and maintain their potency at normal levels.

Cabbage brine will help with a hangover

Probably everyone knows the benefits of pickling sauerkraut after a good time with friends. Both cabbage itself and its brine help with a hangover. If you don’t forget about this dish during the feast, then the likelihood of waking up in a good mood is very high.

Another amazing property of brine is its ability to increase male strength. People have long noticed this feature and used it as an aphrodisiac that can keep a man in great shape for many years.

As for women, cabbage pickle helps maintain beauty and serves as an excellent remedy for strengthening hair, improving the condition of skin and nails. In addition, the healing drink speeds up metabolic processes, breaks down fat deposits and helps you lose extra pounds.

When diluted, cabbage brine can be used for rinsing. For sore throats, such procedures help relieve irritation, swelling and other unpleasant sensations. The antiseptic properties of cabbage juice prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and speed up recovery.

Concentrated brine can be taken as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis, lack of appetite, and low blood pressure. In this case, treatment begins with a minimum dose (1 tablespoon) and gradually increases the volume to 50 ml of brine per dose.

How to cook sauerkraut

This recipe eliminates the addition of sugar, spices and other ingredients. For 2 kg of white cabbage you should take 40 g of coarse salt (not iodized) and 1 kg of carrots. Vegetables are finely chopped or chopped in a wooden trough (whoever has such an opportunity). Next, the vegetable mass must be thoroughly ground with salt so that it releases the juice and compacted tightly into jars up to the hangers. Cover the top of the neck with a clean gauze cloth.

The cabbage should stand at room temperature for 4-5 days, during which time the fermentation process takes place and it must be pierced from time to time with a wooden stick to release the gas. The fermentation process is considered complete when foam stops appearing on the surface of the cabbage. After this, the jars are closed with lids and put in the refrigerator. The tasty, and most importantly, healthy pickle is ready, and you can safely use cabbage not only for culinary, but also for medicinal purposes.

Sauerkraut and folk beliefs

When it comes to traditional medicine, sauerkraut practically has magical beneficial properties. Traditional healers recommend cabbage and its juice for practical treatment.
all possible diseases. Starting from colds and ending with severe forms of illness (asthma, epilepsy). There is also some magical mention of cabbage in a dream.

Important: German scientists conducted a study that confirmed that if any person eats a serving of sauerkraut at least 2-3 times a week, he will significantly reduce the risk of intestinal cancer.

If you see cabbage in a dream, then some troubles are expected soon.

Well, there is a belief that if a young girl wants to increase her dignity (breasts), then she should constantly eat sauerkraut.

How does it affect the liver?

It is believed that sauerkraut helps cleanse the liver and enhances its ability to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances. For this purpose, it is recommended to make a special “health cocktail”. His recipe is extremely simple. You need to mix cabbage brine and tomato juice in equal proportions and drink this invigorating drink three times a day after meals.

At the same time, excessive consumption of sauerkraut can harm the liver due to excess salt and will not be beneficial for severe pathologies of the organ. In case of severe liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, sauerkraut should not be consumed. In other cases, you should consult your doctor about in what quantities and how often you can consume sauerkraut to improve your liver health.

Contraindications for taking sauerkraut

At the same time, despite the presence of all the listed beneficial properties, sauerkraut also has its own flaws. They must be constantly taken into account, since consuming sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, due to the content of high levels of organic acids, the consumption of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Pickles should not be consumed under the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • renal failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, gastroesophageal reflux;
  • dyspepsia, tendency to heartburn.

Sauerkraut is loved by many. It has long been an excellent addition to the diet. Appetizing, extremely healthy - sauerkraut is valued for its rich vitamin composition, taste and the ability to prepare it yourself, when familiar and no less healthy products can serve as additional components.

This dish is very simple, but so delicious! That is why it is extremely popular. Among cold appetizers, many people prefer sauerkraut. Its benefits as a hangover reliever are known to everyone. But what else does such a homemade delicacy bring to health?

A synonym for health is sauerkraut!

This is such a familiar and affordable product that many people don’t even think about what the health benefits and harms of sauerkraut are? Alternative medicine ascribes universal healing qualities to it and advises its use for any ailment. It is believed that such a product cures almost everything: from a common cold to such serious ailments as asthma and even epilepsy.

And all thanks to the unique chemical composition of cabbage. This is a real multivitamin. Just one spoon of cabbage will supply the body with a daily portion of vitamin K, and 150 g of such a product is enough to fill a person’s daily need for vitamin C. It also contains other vitamins - B, A, PP, E, H, U. All of them are extremely necessary for our health.

Sauerkraut contains nicotinic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, as well as potassium and iodine. It is rich in fiber, so it promotes the digestive process, improves intestinal microflora and can serve as a preventive measure for ulcers. During the fermentation process, cabbage is enriched with acids - acetic and lactic. The latter is capable of eliminating E. coli and other dangerous bacteria.

The juicy crispy snack has an excellent taste and at the same time charges the body with health, as it has a versatile effect on all organs and systems.

Important! The larger the cabbage for fermentation is cut, the more healing substances it will retain. Xia.

And this is not a complete list of the benefits of sauerkraut. Not only she, but also her juice is distinguished by its healing abilities. It eliminates dehydration. The most famous property of cabbage juice is that it helps eliminate hangover syndrome.

Brine contains many vitamins and healing elements. It is an excellent tonic, effective anthelmintic, choleretic agent and safe aphrodisiac. The healing drink contains antioxidants, so drinking it will help delay old age and prevent the development of malignant neoplasms. It helps with low blood pressure. It can be used as a gargle if your throat hurts.

Not only heals, but also slims!

Many weight loss diets include sauerkraut. What are its benefits and harms for those who are struggling with kilograms? This is a low-calorie product that has a bright taste and an abundance of vitamins. A 100-gram serving contains only 20 kcal, which means that even if you eat cabbage in large quantities, you won’t be able to gain weight. But if you add vegetable oil, the energy value of the product will double.

Although this product increases the desire to eat, it is recommended for those losing weight, as it creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, normalizes metabolic processes, and removes toxins from the body. This dish contains fiber, so it will take the body a lot of time and calories to digest it.

Important! You can only lose weight by eating sauerkraut. Marinated is not suitable for such purposes, as it contains sugar, acetic acid, spices, vegetable oil and other unnecessary additives!

Brine has the property of breaking down fat deposits, so it is also useful for those who have declared war on extra pounds.

When you have to say “no!” delicious snack?

The benefits of sauerkraut are very great, but there are also sins associated with this product. Not everyone can eat it.

Contraindications and restrictions for the use of sauerkraut:

  • increased acidity of gastric secretions;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • renal failure;
  • gallstones and the condition after removal of this organ;
  • ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation period (this snack can cause intestinal colic in a baby);
  • tendency to flatulence and heartburn (with such problems it is necessary to limit the use of the product).

The harmful properties of cabbage are due to the fact that it contains salt. So that it can be consumed by people suffering from the listed ailments, it is necessary to ferment cabbage according to recipes that do not include the use of such an ingredient. The taste, of course, will be somewhat different, but you don’t have to worry about adverse reactions. There is another option: if you really want to taste salted cabbage, then you must first rinse it thoroughly to remove the brine.

And healthy people should not overeat with such pickles and eat it on an empty stomach. Excessive consumption of sauerkraut may cause bloating.

Important! A special contraindication to the use of brine is severe heart disease. This drink leads to fluid retention, which can cause swelling.

Crispy sauerkraut - beneficial properties of the product

Outside the window, the sauerkraut season is in full swing, and every housewife strives to save for the winter, because, as you know, In fresh cabbage, all the beneficial substances are not stored for a long time, but in sauerkraut it’s a different matter.... In addition, in addition to its excellent taste, such crispy cabbage also has beneficial properties - anti-carcinogenic, bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, tonic... We decided to remember all these properties and consider which of the above is true and which is just a myth . We will also talk about Who is recommended to stop eating sauerkraut and for what reason?

Where did the recipe for sauerkraut come from?

As soon as our compatriots became aware of the recipe for fermenting cabbage (and this was a very long time ago), it immediately migrated to the category of the most beloved, because such cabbage in the end turned out not only tasty and appetizing, but was also quite cheap in terms of its cost. preparations, which, of course, could not but please our rational housewives, who were always looking for what was “cheap and cheerful.”

And, sauerkraut, like no other preparation option, met all these criteria. Hence the tradition that this recipe is a work of culinary art of Russian housewives, which can even be classified as a national treasure. But! If you look into the annals of history, then everything will not be so clear and simple. Before the inhabitants of Russia began to ferment cabbage, the inhabitants of China and Korea fermented it. Thus, in chronicles from the time of the construction of the Great Wall of China, there were references to a recipe and method for fermenting cabbage. Moreover, the Chinese fermented it not in anything but in white wine. So, the palm of discovery of the sauerkraut recipe still does not belong to us...

Healthful composition of sauerkraut

You will be surprised, but in relation to sauerkraut, the opinions of nutritionists converge on one point - this product is very useful for the human body due to its invaluable composition. So,

sauerkraut contains vitamin C (100 grams of the finished product contains up to 20 milligrams - this is the dose our body needs daily in order to strengthen the immune system, resist various viruses and diseases, and also successfully fight the processes of premature aging of tissues and cells ), vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin K - all these substances prevent the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers. Also, sauerkraut also contains iodine, so if yours is yours, instead of taking pills and pharmaceutical drugs, lean on sauerkraut. And, in its useful composition you can find potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, silicon, copper, boron and zinc...

I don’t know about you, but such a healthy and rich composition really impresses me!

Medicinal properties of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut has more benefits than fresh cabbage...

Based on the rich beneficial composition of this product, it can be assumed that sauerkraut really has medicinal properties. And this assumption is scientifically confirmed.

The land is famous for its abundance of healthy and tasty dishes. Everything grown in the soil has its own positive properties, and in some cases it simply has a life-giving effect on the body. Of course, fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins, minerals and other substances the body needs for a normal, healthy existence. Therefore, plant foods have always been considered an indispensable attribute of any table.

However, like everything in this life, any fruit, vegetable, berry, etc. may have contraindications for eating them. Some time ago, there were many cases where people were poisoned by plants and their fruits that were quite edible at first glance. One need only remember the potato riots. Of course, now civilization has moved forward significantly, and such cases practically never happen, but it’s still worth thinking about the dangers and benefits of this or that product, especially if you have any disease.

Sauerkraut, the benefits and harms of which are still controversial among nutritionists, is a product formed under the influence of lactic acid. During the process of salt fermentation, salt is released and ferments the shredded cabbage. Since ancient times, a dish with a simple name - sauerkraut - was popular on the tables of the Slavic peoples. Its benefits are undoubtedly undeniable. Russian boyars and princes considered this vegetable one of the main foodstuffs of their squad - second bread, because there were no traces of potatoes at that time. The source of incredible strength and health of the heroes was sauerkraut. Benefits and harms, how to understand the properties of this product?

So, sauerkraut is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the body such as C, A, PP, E, B, H (biotin). It also contains a large amount of microelements - phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and macroelements - iodine, zinc, iron, copper, molybdenum, fluorine and chromium. The brine in which the cabbage was fermented contains all the above vitamins and elements, and they can be stored for eight months. This product increases resistance to stress, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, enhances the stimulation of red blood cell production, regulates metabolism, and also has a positive effect on health. Scientists have proven that eating sauerkraut leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition, due to its low calorie content - only 40 kcal per 150 grams, sauerkraut ranks first among the most popular weight loss diets. According to the Polish diet, daily consumption of 150 grams of sauerkraut with black bread as an afternoon snack for two weeks leads to a noticeable weight loss, without any complications associated with the body. Cabbage is also popular in cosmetology. Due to its presence, it perfectly whitens the skin and helps get rid of excess pigmentation. can tighten skin pores.

But sauerkraut turned out to be not so simple - its benefits and harms go side by side. There are a number of contraindications to consuming sauerkraut that you should know. In limited quantities, it is indicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice and pancreatic diseases, with cholelithiasis, renal failure, as well as for patients with hypertension. A high salt content is typical for a product such as sauerkraut. Harm from overeating it can affect the functioning of the pancreas. Sauerkraut has a very high content of organic acids, which affects the functions of the digestive systems. It should also be used with caution by those who suffer from flatulence, because this product contains a large amount of mustard oils. But in small doses, sauerkraut restores the intestinal microflora. Brine is an excellent remedy for constipation and hemorrhoids.

Of course, this is not the entire list of properties and actions that are inherent in such a wonderful product as sauerkraut. The benefits and harms of any prepared dish undoubtedly depend on observing a sense of proportion. Therefore, look for a middle ground when consuming foods and be healthy!
