Mushroom caviar recipes are finger licking good. Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms - recipes for the winter. Recipe for mushroom caviar with assorted vegetables

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Healthy eating has become an integral part of most people. People refuse ready-made food in favor of homemade food, so as not to consume preservatives and harmful impurities in “foreign” food. It is fashionable to prepare sweet desserts yourself, which are guaranteed to consist only of the best and freshest products. Cupcake recipes will help you prepare a classic dessert; different variations of ingredients will diversify the delicacy. Get inspired and take note of the best cooking options.

Simple recipes for delicious homemade muffins

Cupcake is a universal dish; this sweet dessert is suitable for your next dinner or Christmas table. These homemade baked goods have always pleased us with their ease of preparation, and you can have a blast here: puff cake, marble cake, capital cake with raisins (recipe according to GOST), lemon cake, Easter cake, diet cake, shortbread cake, banana cake. Let's look at some recipes in more detail.

In silicone molds with nuts

Silicone molds can be a great choice. They are not dangerous when heated and can be used in any oven. In such molds, the bottom of the baked goods does not burn and there is no need to grease them with oil. To prepare you will need:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • oranges, crushed nuts.

  1. Turn eggs and sugar into a snow-white mass.
  2. Add flour and soda, stir.
  3. Add nuts and orange slices.
  4. Place the resulting “cocktail” in silicone molds in the oven for half an hour. As a result, you will have delicate nut muffins with an orange aroma. You can use cream for decoration.

Classic cottage cheese cake with raisins in a slow cooker

If you are short on time, but want to cook something tasty, then we will offer a simple way to prepare dessert. It’s made instantly, it turns out very tasty, this recipe will save time for mothers sitting with children, business women who want to surprise their family without wasting time in the kitchen. The dish is prepared simply and easily in the Moulinex multicooker.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 130 g butter (butter);
  • a pinch of soda;
  • a pack of cottage cheese (200 g);
  • 200 g flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. raisins

  1. Make a cream mixture from egg whites and sugar.
  2. Add butter, yolks and soda, which it is advisable to quench with lemon, beat again with a mixer, add new ingredients - cottage cheese and flour.
  3. Add raisins to the prepared mixture.
  4. Pour the mixture into the container, close the multicooker, press the “Bake” button. It will be ready in an hour. A bread maker is a good alternative to a multicooker.

Chocolate with kefir

Have you always dreamed of making a delicious, light dessert to amaze your loved ones and colleagues, but don’t know the recipes for making cupcakes? Try this recipe, your guests will be pleasantly surprised. Baked goods should be served with jam or condensed milk.

  • two eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • kefir (1 glass);
  • 100 g butter (butter);
  • 2 tsp. vanilla sugar, the same amount of baking powder.

  1. Grind butter with sugar.
  2. In a mixer, beat together with eggs, kefir and bulk ingredients.
  3. Bake in a cupcake maker for about half an hour.

In a mug in 5 minutes

Recipes for making muffins in the microwave in 5 minutes have approximately the same ingredients and are prepared in standard molds. This dish is distinguished by its originality, since it is prepared in an ordinary mug, and we will find out how below.

  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. "Nutella";
  • a pinch of slaked soda.

  1. Mix flour, cocoa powder, sugar with a pinch of soda.
  2. Add separately beaten egg, milk, butter, Nutella.
  3. Place the assorted dishes in a cup and microwave. Baking time: 5 minutes. It is worth considering that the dough will rise, so there should be only half a cup of the mixture.

Milk cake in the oven

This recipe is a classic. The dish is interesting because it allows housewives to experiment by adding cherries or bananas, cinnamon, raisins, lemon zest, apple or chocolate to the filling.

  • a pair of eggs;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 400 g milk;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 100 ml oil (vegetable);
  • 1 tbsp. l. rum or cognac;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vanillin.

  1. Beat flour with soda, salt and eggs.
  2. Add sugar and vanilla, beat again.
  3. Pour in the secret ingredients - milk, butter and alcohol, mix in the filling.
  4. If you decide to use chocolate, then you can make a zebra cake, for this you need to lay it out in layers - dough, then chocolate, then add dough again. Bake for 30 minutes. You can make an airy carrot cake by adding fresh juice from 3 carrots.

Muffins with cocoa

Cupcakes, in addition to the standard set of products - flour, eggs and butter, always have an appetizing shape. Let's try to prepare a version of this delicacy with cocoa.

  • 150 ml milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 175 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml margarine;
  • 10 g soda;
  • 45 g cocoa;
  • 2 g salt.

  1. Turn the egg into airy foam, add margarine, flour, soda, cocoa, sugar, milk. Beat in a mixer. The dough is ready.
  2. Cooking time - twenty-five minutes. Remember to use paper cups, this will make the cupcakes easier to remove.
  3. Chocolate muffins can be made without eggs if you need a meatless option or have allergies. Milk can be replaced with hot water.

Mini cupcakes

To properly prepare classic mini-cupcakes, you must follow the sequence of the recipe. The mini cupcakes are tender and edible.

  • 1 stick of butter (200 g);
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 g);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • powdered sugar for glaze.

  1. Pour sugar into the melted butter, beat until foamy, then add the eggs and stir again.
  2. Ingredients such as vanillin, baking powder and flour must be mixed in a separate container.
  3. After combining the ingredients, add milk. The dough should resemble the composition of rich sour cream.
  4. Bake mini cupcakes for about half an hour. You can decorate them by placing a cherry or crushed nut on top, this will be a nice alternative to traditional icing or fondant.

With liquid filling

The dessert is suitable for those with a sweet tooth and those who are not losing weight. Such a cake will always be distinguished by its originality - after all, you can use new jam for the filling each time. And don’t forget about the main condition of cooking - preparing a dish should bring pleasure.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 120 ml oil (vegetable);
  • 1 mug of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • baking powder;
  • jam.

Every caring housewife wants to treat her family and guests to a delicious dessert. The question often arises: What to serve with tea? And here the oven comes to our great rescue, in which not only sweet pies are excellent, but also pies and delicious muffins. In this article we will look at 5 wonderful simple recipes for oven-baked cakes.

Even a culinary amateur can make this cupcake. If desired, you can add raisins, dried apricots or chocolate.


  • butter – 240 gr.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.
  • flour – 250 gr. (1.5 cups)
  • sugar – 250 gr.
  • vanillin – 1.5 tea. spoons
  • baking powder - 1 tea. spoon
  • salt – 0.5 tea. spoons
  • oil for lubrication

Cooking method

Turn on the oven in advance to preheat to 180 degrees. Grease a cake pan (preferably rectangular) with butter. Melt butter on the stove. Meanwhile, add flour, salt and baking powder to a bowl and stir together.

Take a second large bowl and beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla in a blender. Pour in warm oil and continue whisking. Now add half a glass of the mixture from the first bowl and stir, add another half glass, continue stirring, and finally add the last third of a glass of flour and stir until smooth.

Now pour the dough into the prepared mold, place it in the oven and let it bake for 50 minutes. To find out if the cake is baked or not, pierce it with a toothpick. If you see any remaining batter on it, you should keep the cupcake in the oven.

Both the mixer and the blender were invented in America. The two words have the same meaning – “to mix”. The mixer was intended mainly for . Later, a blender appeared with new functions and an expanded list of products for grinding.

Recipe No. 2. Tender

Great simple cupcake recipe! Quick and easy to prepare.


  • butter – 100 gr.
  • sour cream – 200 gr.
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • flour – 300 gr.
  • sugar – 200 gr.
  • salt – 1 tea. spoon
  • soda - 1 tea. spoon
  • vanillin – 0.5 g.
  • a little powdered sugar
  • if you wish - some nuts and raisins

Cooking method

First, grind the sugar and butter. Break the eggs, add sour cream, vanillin and salt. Beat well with a mixer. After this, add soda and flour, continuing to stir. Now you can add nuts and raisins to make our cake “vitamin-rich.” The dough came out thick.

Pour the dough into a pre-greased pan. Many people like to eat small cupcakes that do not need to be cut, but served “as is.” Such housewives love to cook in small openwork molds. In any case, put our form in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes. Let's see how brown the cupcake is. If it is already brownish, check with a toothpick as described above.

The main thing is not to overcook, otherwise the cake will become dry. If you realize that the cake is baked, remove it from the “oven” and wait for it to cool in the mold. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Enjoy your tea!

Recipe No. 3. Not at all complicated

The easiest way to make a cupcake at home. Delicious, finger licking good!


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Margarine – 100 gr.
  • Sugar – ½ cup
  • Flour (sifted) – 1 cup
  • Baking powder - 1 tea. spoon
  • Powdered sugar to decorate cupcakes

Cooking method

Place in an empty container one by one: eggs, sugar, melted margarine, flour. Mix with a mixer. The dough will turn out like thick sour cream. Turn on the oven to reach 180 degrees.

Now pour the dough into cupcake molds (silicone molds and paper cups for the mold are available). Fill the molds halfway, because... the dough will rise considerably. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the muffins are lightly browned. Remove from the oven and be sure to wait until it cools down. Now sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

Many housewives are wondering: is baking soda any different from baking powder? Is different! Soda must be quenched in an acidic liquid (vinegar, lemon juice, kefir). And the baking powder already contains baking soda, acid and starch (flour). You just need to put it in the dough. Moreover, if the recipe contains baking powder, but you only have soda, then put it in half as much.

Recipe No. 4. Kefir

It's easy and quick to prepare any baked goods. Take note, prepare and see for yourself!


  • Kefir – 300 gr.
  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Sugar – 1.5 cups
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Margarine – 200 gr.
  • Vanillin – 0.5 g.
  • Soda - 1 tea. spoons.

Cooking method

Melt the margarine. Beat sugar and eggs until foamy. Pour margarine into it, then kefir. Add vanillin and soda. Now you need to carefully add the flour and beat everything with a mixer. The result will be a thin dough.

Fill the silicone molds only halfway. Place in the oven, hold for 20-25 minutes, setting the temperature to 180-200 degrees.

If you want to make your cupcakes more beautiful, pour frosting, which you can also make yourself, and sprinkle with colorful dragees. To prepare the glaze, take ½ cup of sugar and the same amount of cocoa. Add 80 gr. warm milk (4 tablespoons) and stir well.

Try your deliciousness!

Recipe No. 5. Chic

It's simple to prepare, but it turns out great!


  • Flour – 300 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 250 gr.
  • Butter – 150 gr.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 300 gr.
  • Soda - 1 tea. spoon.

Cooking method

Grind soft warm butter with sugar. Break the eggs and add cottage cheese. Now put out the soda and add flour. Use a mixer to mix.

Pour the future “chic” cupcake into a greased pan and put it in the oven. Set the oven to 180 degrees and cook for 1 hour.

We take it out, wait until it cools down, and try our amazing cupcake.

Such sweet, delicious cupcakes came to us from Ancient Rome. At first they were served only to the nobility. Then wholemeal flour was mixed with nuts, raisins, and pomegranate seeds. Honey was added for sweetness.

Dear housewives, now you have a basic list of delicious cupcakes. Delight yourself and your loved ones with your own unique baked goods!

Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time or look for exotic products to prepare delicious baked goods.

Currently, there are culinary recipes that will make muffins appear on your table very quickly.

Simple cupcakes, the shapes of which can be very diverse, can be kneaded in a matter of minutes, and not so many ingredients are needed for this.

At home, try to quickly and easily bake muffins without yeast.

I guarantee that in less than an hour you will have the pleasure of seeing the final result of your labors, and it promises to be amazing.

Delicious classic cupcake recipe

The composition of the dough is as follows: 0.250 kg of sugar; 0.3 l milk; 0.6 kg flour; 2 eggs; 1/3 cup raisins; a small spoon of soda; 0.180 kg sl. butter and ¼ teaspoon of vanillin.

A fluffy regular cake can simply be baked either in a slow cooker or in an oven. If you have a microwave oven, then use it.

For the “Simply Simple” cake, start by melting the butter. Bring it to a liquid state in a bowl and set it on the table to cool.

In the meantime:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk, adding granulated sugar to them. Then pour in slightly warmed milk and stir.
  2. Add cooled butter.
  3. Add the sifted flour, but not all at once, but in parts.
  4. Add prepared raisins (soaked in hot water and dried), slaked soda and vanillin at the end. If for some reason you don’t like raisins, replace them with dried fruits or dried apricots, but don’t forget to finely chop them before adding them to the dough (as in the photo).
  5. Cupcakes are usually baked in a special mold that resembles a car tire. It has a hole in the central part, thereby helping the baked goods bake better.
  6. If your mold is made of silicone, then you only need to lubricate it with oil before the first use. Fill it 2/3 full with dough and place it in the oven.
  7. The cake with the hole will be ready in half an hour, but to be sure, pierce it with a wooden skewer.
  8. If it remains dry, then place the pan with the cake on the table and wait for the baking to cool at room temperature. Only after this can the cake be removed and placed on the stand.

Dust a large cake with powdered sugar, sifting it through a sieve. Now serve the cupcakes to the table.

Look for baking recipes on the pages of the site, you will definitely choose something original for yourself and bake the most magnificent and original cupcake.

Quick chocolate muffins recipe

Small cupcakes are also called muffins, and they can be prepared deliciously and easily in the microwave.

This technique is good because the cake is baked in a matter of minutes, so you can even plan tea cupcakes for the whole family for breakfast when you have very little free time.

The dough for small cupcakes, designed for one serving, consists of:

a tablespoon of starch; 3.5 tbsp. spoons of flour; 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa; 90 ml milk; 45 ml refined olive oil; one egg and ½ teaspoon of soda.

In a large mug (as in the photo), quickly mix all the dry ingredients. Beat the egg, butter and milk with a mixer and pour the mixture into the mug.

After kneading the thin dough from which the cupcakes will be baked, place the improvised baking dish in the microwave and microwave for 5 minutes.

It is in such a short time that the most magnificent cupcake will be ready. All that remains is to slightly cool the cupcakes and decorate them with chocolate fudge.

Serve the cake for breakfast or as a dessert with cocoa, tea or milk. In short, choose a drink that is favorite in your family.

Look for other baking recipes that can be easily and deliciously prepared in a regular mug. They are on the pages of the site.

Sour cream cupcake recipe

Instead of milk, I suggest putting sour cream in the cake batter. This product helps increase the porosity of the dough, so the cake turns out more airy.

If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish and make the muffins less nutritious, choose any fermented milk product, such as yogurt or kefir.

Delicate cupcakes are prepared from:

one egg; one and a half cups of flour; 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream; 0.250 kg sugar; 0.130 kg sl. butter and ½ teaspoon baking powder.

You will spend about 50 minutes kneading the dough and baking the dish. Cupcakes will come in handy if there are four people gathered at the table; this is the number of servings this recipe is designed for.

How to make cupcake batter:

  1. Take a mixer and beat eggs with granulated sugar at high speed. Try to get a stable foam (as in the photo), thanks to it the cupcakes will be airy and tender.
  2. Pour baking powder and flour into the dough after adding softened butter and sour cream.
  3. Grease a metal mold with a hole in the middle with any fat (you don’t need to do this technique with a silicone mold).
  4. Load the dough into it and bake, literally after 40 minutes the cupcakes can be removed from the oven.

Choose the decoration method at your discretion. Fudge or powdered sugar will work either way, but one recipe will take a little more time. See my other recipes.

Simple recipe for cake with jam

Such sweets, which can be simply prepared in a hurry, will help out busy women. Imagine how beneficial it is to know tea baking recipes that help us save time.

Jam plays an important role in the composition of the dough; it gives the baked goods a dark, rich shade and gives it an original taste.

Well, in order not to test your patience, let's study the list of ingredients that are included in the composition:

0.6 kg flour; a glass of berry jam; 225 ml kefir; half a glass of granulated sugar; vanillin; soda and one egg.

You need to prepare according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour one and a half teaspoons of soda into warm kefir and wait until bubbles appear on the surface.
  2. Beat the egg with a whisk, add sugar and vanillin. Add the mixture to kefir, mix thoroughly.
  3. After sifting the flour, add it to the mixture in parts. It is important to obtain a mixture of the desired consistency, which will resemble low-fat sour cream.
  4. At the end of the kneading, pour in the berry jam. The dough will immediately acquire a rich color, which will be reflected in the final result.

Bake the cake in a slow cooker. To do this, pour the dough into the bowl, place it in the device and set the correct mode.

After 50 minutes, you can take out the mold with the finished dish and, after cooling, decorate the cupcake.

I also have recipes for tender and airy baked goods, and we will now study one of them.

Easy Lemon Cake Recipe

Ingredients from which you need to knead the dough for cupcakes:

2 eggs; pack of sl. oils; 0.2 kg flour; 75 ml milk; 0.175 kg sugar; baking powder; a couple of medium-sized lemons and 30 g of powdered sugar.

  1. Soften the butter so that it can be easily mixed with the egg and lemon zest, grated from one lemon.
  2. Add sifted flour, sugar and baking powder into the dough. Pour in warm milk, knead the dough from which you will bake a cupcake.
  3. Line a tall baking dish with oiled paper, transfer the dough there and place in the oven.
  4. In order for them to bake perfectly, it is important to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Watch the baking, and as soon as it browns, remove it from the oven.
  5. While the cupcakes are baking, make lemon syrup from powdered sugar and the juice of two lemons. You need to baste the cupcakes before they cool completely.
  6. Serve the cupcakes to the table no earlier than 30 minutes later, during which time it will be well saturated with syrup and acquire a rich citrus aroma.

A simple milk cake recipe

In order to knead the dough for cupcakes, you need to purchase the following products:

0.1 kg of semolina and the same amount of granulated sugar; 4 eggs; a glass of flour; a pinch of vanillin and salt; 45 ml refined lean oil; 5 ml lemon juice; 10 g baking powder.
The filling is quickly prepared from: 375 ml of milk and 125 g of white sugar.

Scheme for simply baking cupcakes:

  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add all the dry ingredients one at a time. The recipe recommends adding sugar, flour first, then baking powder, semolina, vanillin and salt.
    Knead a loose muffin dough.
  2. Fill the silicone mold with the prepared mixture and place in a hot oven.
  3. At a temperature of 180 degrees, the cake will bake for 25 minutes.
  4. While you have some free time, prepare the filling. To do this, dissolve sugar in hot boiled milk, cool immediately at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.
  5. Once the plain cake is baked, pour the cold filling directly into the pan and leave to rest for 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the cupcakes from the pan and divide into portions.

If you are interested, I suggest you study more recipes for simple and quick baking.

Simple recipe for raisin cake

Knead the dough from the following products, they are included in the baking:

0.180 kg sl. butter and exactly the same amount of brown sugar; one and a half cups of flour; three eggs; 1 packet of vanilla sugar; a pinch of salt; 10 g baking powder; a glass of dark raisins; dessert spoon of powdered sugar.

Quickly knead the dough as follows:

  1. Soften the butter and rub thoroughly with cane sugar.
  2. Beat eggs into the resulting fluffy mass, add salt and vanilla sugar.
  3. Add flour with baking powder and knead into a thick, homogeneous mass.
  4. Rinse the raisins, soak in boiling water for a couple of minutes and dry on a towel. After rolling the dry grapes in flour, add them to the dough and fill the rectangular form with it.
  5. Bake the cupcakes at 170 degrees for about one hour, after cooling, remove and decorate with powdered sugar.

Looking for recipes for tender and airy baked goods? Visit my website.

My video recipe

Simple cake batter

Now I will tell you a fabulous recipe. Why is that? But because the dough for a homemade cake is prepared exactly like in a fairy tale: they swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree - and now delicious homemade cakes are ready!

This dough recipe is the simplest, most economical and fastest. Moreover, the given recipe for cake dough is universal, so to speak basic. These are universal cupcakes: by adding various ingredients to the finished dough (cocoa, chocolate, berries, nuts, fruits, raisins), you can get a new version of the cupcake every time. There really is no limit to the variety!

Every housewife sometimes has a little old sour cream, a piece of butter or margarine left in the refrigerator - it’s scary to eat, but it’s a pity to throw it away! This is where a simple cupcake recipe that always succeeds will help you out.

If you are fasting, there is also a recipe for dough for Lenten cupcakes, which can be viewed at the link.


Their set can change each time - for example, today you have a little mayonnaise and sour cream, and next time - only sour cream. You can replace margarine with butter, and instead of 3 eggs, take 2 or 4. It will still be delicious.

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • an incomplete glass of sugar (about 3/4 - 150-125 g);
  • 2-4 tablespoons of sour cream and (or) mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon juice (0.5 tablespoon);
  • half a pack of margarine or butter (100 - 125g);
  • 1.5 cups flour (about 200 g, you may need a little less or more, depending on the consistency of the dough).

Soda can be replaced with 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.

How to make simple cake batter:

Beat the eggs and sugar - not with a mixer, but just with a spoon.

Add sour cream of any fat content. I haven’t used store-bought mayonnaise for a long time - only homemade.

Previously, I poured a spoonful of soda into sour cream, extinguished it with lemon juice or vinegar (not vinegar essence, but table or apple cider vinegar 9%) and quickly but very thoroughly mixed. Now I add baking soda to the flour and sift it into the dough. This is more correct and efficient, because the quenching reaction occurs directly in the test. It’s even more convenient to take baking powder (1.5 teaspoons) and sift into the dough along with flour. If you use baking powder, you don't need vinegar or lemon juice since baking powder contains citric acid.

Cut the butter into pieces and melt in the microwave at medium power for about 30-45 seconds or on the stove over low heat. I also don’t buy margarine - I even recommend using butter for baking. Pour the melted butter into the dough and mix.

Add flour, sifting it along with baking soda or baking powder, and mix well to form a dough without lumps, with a consistency thicker than pancakes - like thick sour cream.

Here's how to quickly and easily make cake batter for any kind of cake you want! By adding different ingredients each time you can surprise your family with new baked goods: a cupcake with currants or cherries. And if it’s winter, add raisins and nuts.

Cupcakes from this dough are baked for about 30-35 minutes at 180-200C, But! Everyone has their own oven, with an individual character, so look at the cake. Test it with a wooden stick at the highest point - when there is no dough left on the stick, it means the cake is baked. If it is damp and watery, does not rise and is pale, increase the baking temperature. If, on the contrary, the crust on top is cracking and the inside is raw, turn down the heat. In general, look at the situation. And happy cupcakes! 🙂
