Instructions for use for kidney tea. Kidney tea - benefits, harm and contraindications. Decoction for hypertension, heart disease, edema

Healing bud collection is the basis of the drink, which is made from an evergreen subshrub called orthosiphon staminate. Another popular name for the plant is cat's whisker. The subshrub does not grow in Russia, but it is cultivated in the southern regions of the country for medicinal purposes.

Kidney tea - instructions for use

Herbal collection for the kidneys is used in the preparation of medicinal teas, decoctions or tinctures. There are many recipes using which you can brew the product in several versions. The instructions for using kidney tea warn that self-prescription of the drug by the patient in some cases will negatively affect human health.

Kidney tea - application

The use of kidney tea depends on the therapeutic results sought by the patient. There are three most popular recipes using cat whiskers. Basic:

  1. Place 2 tablespoons of Orthosiphon stamen in a thermos and fill the contents with 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let the broth brew for ten hours, then strain.
  3. The duration of treatment is three weeks, during which the patient takes the tincture twenty minutes before meals three times a day.

The herbal collection is effective for the following diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gout;
  • cystitis;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling.

Another oriental recipe is perfect for ailments such as urethritis, coronary heart disease or high blood pressure. How to cook:

  1. It is necessary to grind 5 g of the plant and pour in 260 ml of boiling water.
  2. After this, brew the mixture for 7 minutes.
  3. The broth should be left for three hours, then strained and drunk half an hour before dinner.

To prepare a folk remedy according to the following recipe, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of crushed leaves or shoots of Orthosiphon staminate. Procedure:

  1. The dried raw materials are poured into a glass or enamel container and 250 ml of boiling water is poured.
  2. The infusion is kept for 20 minutes in a water bath, covered with a lid. As soon as the broth has cooled, it is filtered and placed in a cool place for two days.
  3. You can drink the product like regular green tea, half a glass three times a day.

Kidney tea - composition

All medicinal mixtures must contain diuretic herbs and inflorescences. The composition of kidney tea includes different types of medicinal plants - such as St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, sage, tansy and others. The combination of medicinal herbs helps to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Indications for use are diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic and acute inflammation of the kidneys;
  • swelling in pregnant women;
  • hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • urethritis;
  • flushes the urinary tract;
  • diabetes;
  • edema of various etiologies;
  • cystitis.

In addition, orthosiphon has the following properties:

  1. accelerates the release of fluid from the body;
  2. flushes the kidneys;
  3. improves the functioning of the tubules;
  4. alkalinizes urine;
  5. normalizes urodynamics;
  6. promotes the removal of excess salts;
  7. improves the process of glomerular filtration.

Due to its diuretic properties, tea is used by some women to lose weight or change their weight to an optimal value. Urological drugs are used with equal success in therapy and preventive treatment. The chemical composition of the kidney collection can be completely different, but it necessarily contains substances such as:

  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • cobalt;
  • fatty acid;
  • selenium;

Kidney tea - contraindications

The main contraindications of kidney tea include many points, although it has a natural composition that includes safe ingredients. It is prohibited to take preparations based on cat's whiskers if the patient has such ailments as allergies, tubular necrosis, or urinary retention. In addition, women during pregnancy or lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age, should not use this drug without special indications.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

Kidney tea is especially interesting for pregnant women: although it is an undesirable component of therapy, it is often prescribed for edema. Sometimes doctors prescribe diuretic decoctions to expectant mothers to improve kidney function. An infusion of natural ingredients has a gentler effect on the body than chemicals. Herbal tea for the kidneys does not pose a threat to a woman’s health during pregnancy, therefore it is considered relatively harmless.

In order for the course of treatment to bring only benefit, it is important to follow the dosage written in the instructions. While carrying a child, the patient is prescribed a month of therapy, during which she takes the drug in small portions 3-4 times a day. Decoction:

  • provides prevention of nephropathy;
  • reduces general swelling;
  • promotes rapid removal of excess uric acid from the body.

Kidney tea for pyelonephritis

Kidney teas for pyelonephritis are used to provide anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic and antibacterial effects on the body. Since there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic with further complications, renal herbal teas are one of the mandatory components of the treatment of pyelonephritis.

Kidney tea for cystitis

For inflammation of the bladder, not only traditional medications are used, but also medicinal herbal infusions. Kidney tea for cystitis helps prevent further development of harmful microorganisms and wash them out of the bladder. It will be complemented by antiseptic decoctions based on lingonberries and bearberry, which are indispensable in eliminating stagnation of urine.

I would like to again touch on the topic of edema during pregnancy. I have already left a review about Canephron tablets, which did not help me.

Now I’ll tell you about kidney tea, or more precisely about Orthosiphon stamen.

In the 7th month of this interesting situation, my legs began to swell, the doctor sounded the alarm and immediately prescribed kidney tea.

Directly about tea:

  • price: I got it for 60 rubles
  • 20 filter bags in a box
  • the smell is weak, almost not noticeable
  • taste bitter, slightly astringent
  • inside the filter bag there are crushed leaves, not “road dust”

After using it for a month, I can already draw some conclusions. Kidney tea did not help me with swelling, although it acts as a diuretic. I give it a thumbs up only because the product is completely natural.

Neutral reviews

In the last trimester of pregnancy, I encountered such an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon as edema. Although I ate very little and did not consume any harmful foods, my weight was rapidly increasing, fluid was retained in the body, my legs, face and arms were very swollen. I looked like a kind of pot-bellied hamster and couldn’t fit into any of my shoes.

Usually, pregnant women with edema are prescribed diuretics and other drugs, the condition of the fetus is carefully monitored, and if anything happens, they are even admitted to the hospital. I had a doctor who absolutely did not care about all my complaints and too rapid weight gain (sometimes 2 kg per week). She just looked at the fact that there was no protein in the tests and that’s it, go for a walk, the problems are supposedly due to the fact that I don’t follow a diet. They say that saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. I had to look for an effective and safe remedy against edema myself.

On the Internet, on forums for expectant mothers, I read that many girls are prescribed kidney tea by doctors; it is safe during pregnancy. So I decided to try it, because I no longer had the strength to endure such swelling. The kidney tea turned out to taste very good, I brewed it in a thermos and drank it slowly throughout the day. On the first day, I began to go to the toilet more often than usual (apparently the tea had an effect). My swelling did not go away; it remained as it was until the day of birth. However, I stopped feeling even more bloated.

Good day everyone!

I also want to write a review about this “miracle tea”. Let's talk about the cost right away. The price is reasonable, varies from 55 to 70 rubles. For me, swelling is a constant companion in life. One kidney is prolapsed, and chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis only aggravate the situation. A friend recommended this tea to me, saying it helps a lot.

It’s not a problem to buy it in pharmacies; in our city they sell it everywhere. It tastes bitter, so I added a little sugar, and later, when I realized that it didn’t really have an effect, I drank it like regular tea. Lemon + sugar. There are 20 sachets in a package. I drink it in the morning, but not on an empty stomach, but after a glass of water. It has a slight diuretic effect, but not immediately, it has a cumulative effect! I took it for three weeks, unfortunately it does not help against severe swelling, only if you are slightly swollen (although in this case you can get by with green tea).

Therefore, I personally did not notice the effect; as I got up in the morning as a Chinese beekeeper, I still get up. Only fluid restriction helps (mostly I try to drink only water and a little coffee). The only advantage is that it is natural (for this I give it a C). So I will look for a more effective remedy for my problem.

I learned about orthosiphon stamen during pregnancy, when swelling of the legs and hands began to appear in the last trimester. In order to remove excess fluid from the body, the gynecologist managing the pregnancy sent me to a day hospital for treatment. I was already taking Canephron then. In addition to droppers with magnesium (flap.rf/Medicine/Magnesium_sulfate_(Magnesia)/Reviews/7454203), the doctor at the hospital prescribed diuretic tea, the name of which I learned then. No, I really haven’t heard about such a plant as orthosiphon, much less about its effect.

In general, the doctor prescribed 3 filter bags per day. Of course, we brew each bag once. The brewing method is trivial: pour boiling water into a glass with a bag and wait at least 15 minutes. I like tea at moderate temperature, so I took the decoction after 30-40 minutes. She brewed the daily dose in the evening, and in the morning, without getting out of bed, first thing she drank the decoction.

The taste of kidney tea is quite tolerable. Maybe not for everyone, but I like it. I love herbal teas, especially those without a sweet element like licorice root (brrrrr!). Enjoy drinking. Three glasses during the day, I remember, added their charm to my regulated drinking regime.

About the most important thing - the effect. From my personal experience, orthosiphon stamen cannot be called a panacea for edema, especially large-scale ones. In complex treatment together with Canephron and a strict drinking regimen, it works harmoniously: there is a urge to urinate, but there is no need to endlessly “rush to the toilet,” as was the case with magnesia. Everything is quite moderate. The swelling subsided, but this was mainly due to the magnesium sulfate droppers. After being discharged from the day hospital, I continued to drink kidney tea for some time. I drank two packs for sure. Then I should have stopped, since it is not recommended to abuse this tea for more than 3 weeks. Kidney tea supported the course of treatment with magnesia for some time: swelling was minimal.

Then I drank kidney tea several times during an exacerbation of cystitis. A good, solid, pleasant drink, which, it seemed to me, eased my suffering. But as an independent remedy in my cases, tea is still rather weak.

A package of staminate orthosiphon cost about 50 rubles - not at all expensive. If a specialist recommends such a decoction, listen to the recommendation. She obviously won’t be superfluous.

Since childhood I have suffered from kidney problems. During the period of exacerbation of pyelonephritis, the kidneys hurt so much that you want to climb the wall. Over the years, I already have my own proven methods that are perfect for my body and help me cope with exacerbation of the disease. These include Urolesan and Kidney Tea tablets.

I always buy “Kidney Tea” from the manufacturer of medicinal plants Lektrava of Ukraine. The weed is always of very high quality, made from environmentally friendly raw materials and securely packed in a cardboard box.

In the box you can find a method of preparing tea and doses appropriate to the patient’s age. I drink this tea twice a day, half a glass, about half an hour before meals, for the best effect.
But you should remember that medicinal herbs can cause allergic reactions, so you should not self-medicate. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For example, this tea suits me. In complex treatment, the symptoms of exacerbation of pyelonephritis go away faster, but each organism is individual, and there are a huge number of kidney diseases. Only an experienced urologist can prescribe adequate treatment for you.

The last time I bought “Kidney Tea” at the pharmacy at a price of 12.85 hryvnia, but now the prices have increased a little. It should be remembered that the drug should not be given to children under three years of age. The shelf life of the drug is four years. The weight of such a box is 50g.

Be healthy!

Positive reviews

This kidney tea helps me out when I carelessly drink too much liquid at night. In the morning this manifests itself in swelling of the eyelids - such a slight but unpleasant swelling. It is clear that this does not add attractiveness, it is difficult to apply makeup on such skin - in such cases, kidney tea comes to my aid, which contains only one herb - orthosiphon stamen.

Orthosiphon stamen is a useful herb that has a diuretic, disinfectant and antispasmodic effect. The peculiarity of orthosiphon is that, together with urine, it removes a lot of harmful and toxic substances from the body. In addition, orthosiphon is a fairly harmless herb and can be taken even by pregnant women, so these teas are recommended both during pregnancy to relieve swelling and improve the condition, and during feeding to improve milk production.

I usually brew one sachet, let it sit for half an hour and drink, dividing the volume in half.

It is advisable to take the decoction before meals, it takes effect in about 40 minutes - there is no trace of swelling left. The taste is somewhat specific, but not unpleasant. It is possible to take it for quite a long time - up to six months. Harmless and effective tea - I recommend it.

I really don't like any kind of decoction. For me, boiling them in a steam bath, then cooling and infusing them is a very tedious process. Not only is it not very pleasant to drink all this, but it also takes at least half an hour to prepare. That’s why it’s easier for me to buy something more expensive, but it comes in sachets that can be brewed in 3 minutes, or I can eat a tablet. But my mother, on the contrary, saves every penny, so when there is swelling, she brews Kidney tea “Lectraves of Ukraine”.

It costs a penny, about 10 hryvnia, and the effect is the same as, for example, from an expensive (40 hryvnia) nephrophyte, I’ll write about it a little later.

It is very effective, swelling decreases on the first day.
How to brew - everything is in the instructions. I recommend it to those who suffer from swelling and time travel).

When I was young, I caught a cold in my kidneys. After that, I have been suffering from kidney ailments for decades. Sand is often found in my kidneys. When other remedies did not help me, I began to drink kidney tea. I placed kidney tea leaves in a glass of boiling water and brought it to a boil. Then, he filtered the tea and, after cooling, consumed half a glass orally three times. I re-prepared the tea each time to ensure it was effective. I note that the greatest effectiveness of tea appears after prolonged (up to six months) use.

But, although real tea is called kidney tea, it is also used for heart ailments with swelling of the limbs. In such cases, use a collection consisting of this tea, birch buds, lingonberries, bearberry and other ingredients of plant origin. This remedy is also prescribed for diabetes, gout, cystitis, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Chaipochal is also called by another name - orthosiphon, cat's whisker. It not only relieves pain, but also increases appetite, gastric juice, reducing mucus and leukocytes in bile, and normalizes metabolic processes. The tea does not have an unpleasant, repulsive odor. Considering its natural origin, I consider kidney tea a safe remedy. I recommend.

Good day to all! When I turned thirty, my body seemed to begin to live in a new mode, not very pleasant for me - tennis, aerobics, climbing the stairs to the fifth floor - for some reason all this became difficult. Maybe there really was some kind of restructuring in the body? In addition to this incomprehensible fatigue, kidney problems began. I don’t drink a lot of fluids, but in the morning my eyelids, arms and legs are often swollen. They didn’t tell me anything at the ultrasound, but I still decided to clean my kidneys a little.

I looked among the drugs for something effective, but even if something helps someone, it is very expensive. So I bought the most common herbal remedy for the kidneys. I brewed it once every three days, so it turned out twice a week. And immediately after taking this tea, I began to lose this extra water. In a month of drinking tea like this, I lost two kilograms! That's how much excess fluid was in me. I don’t see the point in drinking every day; twice a week is enough for me. The tea tastes normal, so I can confidently recommend it to you. Moreover, having gotten rid of this excess water, my body’s condition has improved significantly, at least - I’m running up the stairs to the fifth floor :-)

Many people have had to deal with kidney problems and diseases, but not everyone has found a panacea for themselves and still buys expensive medications.

How many different medications - herbs, drops, tablets - did I take before I found my remedy, which now always helps me with renal colic. And this remedy turned out to be the most ordinary kidney tea. Or rather, how to say ordinary, it’s not that simple. There is a large assortment of kidney teas in the pharmacy, but what really worked for me was kidney tea, the main and only component of which is the herb orthosiphon. I take Lectrava tea, the packaging can sometimes be different, this is what I have this time
, last time it was white and green. I’ll post all the photos right away so you can read the indications for use and contraindications, as well as the method of use

This is what the tea looks like inside the box - the most common ground herb
When brewed, the decoction turns out to be a pleasant brown color, the aroma is ordinary herbal, I would even say the taste is pleasant, slightly bitter. I love herbal teas, so I like the taste and aroma of this tea. I brew it according to all the rules, as indicated on the pack, but I drink it in my own way. As soon as I feel that the kidneys are starting to rebel, they start to hurt, I feel an aching and nagging pain, I immediately brew some tea and drink it for the first day as indicated on the package, and then as soon as I feel that the pain is intensifying, I take a couple of sips and the pain and heaviness very quickly recede. And after a couple of days I no longer feel pain and heaviness at all.

The tea costs mere pennies, but its effect is like that of a mega-expensive medicine. Try it, maybe it will help you. I just ask you to pay attention once again - ask for Orthosiphon kidney tea at the pharmacy, it is this herb that has a miraculous effect on diseased kidneys.

I have already written more than once about various herbs, which I often use in various preparations either to treat a disease or to prevent exacerbations.

Today I want to talk about the kidney tea "Lectraves of Ukraine". To be honest, I don’t remember why this tea ended up in my medicine cabinet. Most likely, I bought it as an additional herb for some collection, because the indications say that it is used to treat acute and chronic kidney disease, swelling and cholecystitis. But this packaging stood with me for some time untouched. The shelf life is long - 4 years.

And a month ago I began to notice that I was waking up and seeing a not very pleasant picture in the mirror: bags under my eyes, and everything and my face was a little swollen. The first couple of days I thought it was just fatigue (there were a lot of things to do in those days), so I decided to give myself a day off. But, unfortunately, the rest didn’t help much; in the morning the mirror showed the same picture. That's when I remembered kidney tea.

I brewed it as it was written on the package and literally after a few days there was no more swelling.

I decided to write about this tea after my husband complained of pain in the kidney area last week. He said that it was tolerable, but he walked around gritting his teeth and clutching his back. Persuading your husband to go to see a doctor is a thankless task; the negative result is known in advance. After several hours of “grinding his teeth,” he agreed to drink the infusion first. And as you understand, I took this kidney tea out of the medicine cabinet. Naturally, there was no immediate result, but, according to my husband, by the evening he felt better, and in the end there was no need to go to the doctor. Everything worked out fine and after a few days my husband stopped drinking the infusion.

This is how this herb helped us out twice this year.

The kidney tea is packaged in the usual green packaging for this manufacturer.

On one side the composition is indicated. I thought it was a collection, but it turned out that the kidney tea contains only one plant - orthosiphon stamen leaves. I’ve been familiar with herbs for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve heard this name.

The packaging also contains directions for use and dosage.
Once again we were convinced that nature gives us everything we need for health. You just need to know how to use these gifts correctly. In addition, they are not at all expensive in price.

Today, kidney diseases are common and generally require long-term treatment. Kidney tea comes to the aid of patients with kidney pathologies, which does not contain chemical elements and does not have many side effects. This herbal tea has many benefits, which include the ability to use it during pregnancy. But do not forget that, like any medicine, herbal tea has contraindications and dosage, which must be adhered to throughout the treatment.

Real kidney tea is called “Orthosiphon stamen”, and it is used to treat various ailments of the urinary system. This healing drink has the ability to relieve inflammatory processes and have antiseptic and diuretic effects, all thanks to the plants in its composition. Orthosiphon is a small perennial plant. The leaves of the plant and its shoots are used as medicinal raw materials. Orthosiphon stamen renal is approved for use by pregnant women and during the lactation period.

What does it contain?

The drink is used to treat various ailments of the urinary system.

What is the composition of kidney tea that makes it so popular in the treatment of liver diseases? The described herbal tea contains a storehouse of useful substances:

  • aglycone;
  • tannins;
  • tannin;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • sitosterol;
  • essential oils;
  • phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • magnesium;
  • lipids;
  • strontium;
  • organic acids;
  • barium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • mesoinositol;
  • cobalt;
  • nickel;
  • iridium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc.

Benefits for the kidneys

The main property of orthosiphon is its diuretic effect, due to which the plant has found its use in medicine for the treatment of various kidney pathologies accompanied by swelling, inflammatory processes, protein excretion in the urine, as well as for the treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and urethra. The beneficial properties of this healing herb allow you to remove acids, urea and chlorides from the body. It has been observed that kidney teas can suppress the pain that accompanies kidney disease.

Medicinal recipes for kidney tea

How to take for cystitis and kidney stones?

Representatives of alternative medicine recommend taking decoctions containing orthosiphon stamen kidney tea leaves for kidney stones and bladder inflammation, prepared as follows:

  1. Grind 3 g of orthosiphon herb and pour 200 ml of boiled water into it.
  2. Leave the product to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain.
  3. Add boiled warm water to the original volume.
  4. Take 100 ml of healing decoction before meals twice a day, preferably morning and evening.

How to drink with pyelonephritis?

The beneficial properties of orthosiphon, namely its diuretic and antiseptic effects, make it possible to take it for kidney disease of an infectious-inflammatory nature. This renal pathology in medicine is called “pyelonephritis”. To prepare kidney tea for therapy and maintaining kidney health, you need to finely chop the leaves and shoots of the herb, pour the resulting mass into 200 ml of boiled water and let it boil. After 5 minutes, remove the herbal tea from the heat and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Strain the broth and drink 100 ml twice a day before meals. Those who took Orthosiphon for pyelonephritis got rid of pain and improved their kidney function.

For glomerulonephritis

The herb orthosiphon is used to treat kidney pathology.

The herb orthosiphon in folk medicine is used to treat kidney pathology, which damages the glomeruli. To prepare kidney tea, you need to grind 2 large spoons of leaves and shoots of the plant, pour the resulting mass into a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the broth to infuse overnight, then strain and take 150 ml three times a day before meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that liver tea is the best folk herbal remedy for the treatment of kidney diseases, it is not suitable for everyone. "Orthosiphon" can be harmful to health if taken if you are hypersensitive to the biologically active components of the plant. Another contraindication is age - children under 3 years old should not drink the kidney drink. Otherwise, children may experience rashes and itching on the skin. You can take herbal tea during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor.


For the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, doctors prescribe a good herbal tea called “Urophyton”. It consists of the following plant components: birch leaves, marigold inflorescences, horsetail grass, licorice rhizomes, bearberry leaves and plantain. "Urophyton" has the following effects on the body:

  • reduces swelling;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • acts as a diuretic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial agent.

Prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis and urethra. The instructions state that it is not recommended to use Urophyton for pregnant women and during lactation, as well as for those with individual intolerance to the components of tea and for children under 12 years of age. To maintain kidney health and their therapy, tea should be drunk strictly according to the instructions, which indicate the following dosage: 2 times a day, 100-200 ml during meals.

The drug has moderate diuretic , antispasmodic And choleretic properties. It helps to increase secretory activity gastric mucosa. Diuretic the action is accompanied by the release of chlorides, uric acid and urea along with the urine.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea) is popularly called cat's whisker. This is an evergreen branched subshrub. Young shoots and leaves that make up tea include triterpene saponins, the glycoside orthosiphonine, alkaloids, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, potassium salts, tannins and some organic acids.

This remedy is characterized by a pronounced diuretic action. It helps remove chlorides, uric acid and urea from the body through urine. When using tea, urine becomes alkalized. In addition, the drug has an effect on smooth muscle organs such as antispastic remedy, it increases bile secretion and activates secretory activity stomach. Tea also has a calming effect.

It has been established that the drug helps to increase renal blood flow , normalizes work tubules and increases glomerular filtration . It facilitates the removal of sand and stones from the organs of the excretory system.

Sometimes this drug is used to speed up the removal of lead from the body.

Particularly favorable results in the case of cardiovascular diseases are observed when combining kidney tea with cardiac glycosides .

Contraindications for kidney tea

The following are known contraindications for kidney tea:

  • negative reaction to the components of the drug;
  • The patient's age is up to 12 years.

This remedy is also undesirable for use when hypotension , hyperacid gastritis , with high acidity.

Side effects

Orthosiphon stamen (bud tea) leaves can cause individual intolerance.

Instructions for use of kidney tea bags (Method and dosage)

The instructions for kidney tea in bags indicate that one filter bag should be placed in an enamel or glass container, pour boiling water (about half a glass), cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour, pressing the bag with a spoon from time to time. After 15 minutes, squeeze out the bag. The resulting infusion is diluted with clean water to 100 ml.

The medicine is drunk warm. It is advisable to shake it a little before doing this. Take half a glass 2 times a day approximately 20-30 minutes before meals. Duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks. You can repeat the treatment after consultation with a specialist.


Orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea) leaves in overdose can cause pain in the liver, stomach and kidneys. Taking this medication in excess is not recommended.


It is undesirable to combine the drug with alcohol.

Terms of sale

The product is approved for over-the-counter release.

Storage conditions

Tea bags should be kept in a dry and dark place and should be kept out of the reach of small children.

Best before date

The maximum shelf life of the drug is 4 years. It cannot be used after this time.

Orthosiphon stamen during pregnancy and lactation

Kidney tea is used in case of cystitis , urolithiasis etc. For many years he was recommended to his patients obstetricians-gynecologists . This is an effective remedy for pregnant women, which allows you to cope with swelling of the legs, bags under the eyes and improve your general condition before childbirth. But recently, an opinion has emerged that kidney tea pregnancy and is contraindicated. And all because under this name they began to sell a variety of mixtures of herbs, many of which were actually prohibited during this period. However, Orthosiphon itself is staminate when pregnancy And breastfeeding It only brings benefits if you use it according to the instructions. The main thing is when purchasing it, make sure that you are not purchasing any other product, which is also referred to as “kidney tea”.

Latin name: Orthosiphon aristatus
ATX code: G04BX
Active substance: Kidney tea leaves
Manufacturer: ZAO Zdorovye, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

It so happens that when treating many diseases, along with medications, most people resort to herbal preparations, including using various types of teas. One of these is kidney tea (orthosiphon stamen), the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times. Depending on the disease and its course, tea can be both the main medicine and an additional remedy for complex treatment. Moreover, orthosiphon stamen can be used during pregnancy and also given to older children.


Kidney tea is a completely herbal preparation with beneficial properties that are widely used for many bladder and kidney diseases. As a rule, this tea is called a collection consisting of some diuretic herbs. However, orthosiphon staminate is considered a real kidney tea - it is a plant diuretic belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Dried shoot tips of plants with several leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. The tea has a faint odor, bitter and astringent taste.

The packaging may include 20 or 10 filter bags, 1.5 grams each, or the raw material may be in crumbly form. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years. Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Tea composition

Orthosiphon staminate leaves contain triterpene saponins and the glycoside orthosiphon. In addition, the plant contains various kinds of organic acids, tannins, fatty and essential oils, potassium salts and some other useful elements.

Medicinal properties

Orthosiphon infusion has many beneficial properties, the main ones are:

  • Diuretic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic
  • Choleretic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Increased secretory activity of the gastric mucosa.

Indications for use

Orthosiphon stamen is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis
  • Cystitis
  • Gallstone disease
  • Cholecystitis
  • Gout
  • Urethritis.

In addition, the collection can be drunk for swelling. It also helps remove urea from the body and has a beneficial effect on gastritis and certain liver pathologies.

If you have kidney stones, experts differ on whether you can drink kidney tea. Therefore, in case of urolithiasis, before starting treatment with orthosiphon, you must consult a specialist!

Average price from 60 to 120 rubles.

Mode of application

As a rule, tea is produced in special bags. In order to prepare it, you need to place 2 packets in a cup and pour 200 grams of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The infusion should be taken warm. Shake it well before drinking.

Kidney tea is used 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup for adults and children over 14 years of age. Children aged 12 to 14 years should drink the decoction 2 times a day, 1/3 cup. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending doctor.


Kidney tea is an excellent remedy, however, like many herbal teas, it has some contraindications that should never be ignored:

  • Allergic reaction of the patient to the components of the collection
  • Kidney and heart failure
  • Stones in the kidneys. Diuretics may cause stones to move and cause blockage of the ureter.
  • Urinary retention
  • Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

You can drink kidney tea during pregnancy, especially if a woman has swelling. It is also recommended to use this collection for cystitis, pyelonephritis and other pathologies of the urinary system. Moreover, tea is considered an excellent preventative for the genitourinary system during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not drink it on their own; it is best to consult a doctor about this. If the doctor has allowed you to take the collection, then you must remember that drinking kidney tea during pregnancy must strictly adhere to the instructions.


Price from 70 to 140 rub.

The infusion of the collection has an antimicrobial effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Color – from light green to brown. It tastes bitter. Available in the form of filter bags or briquettes.


  • Convenience in calculating the required amount of the drug
  • Wide spectrum of action of the drug


  • Allowed for use at all stages of pregnancy

Krasnogorskleksredstva, Russia
Price from 70 to 100 rub.

A mixture of various crushed types of raw materials, including dill fruits, marigolds, mint and bearberry leaves, as well as pieces of rhizomes and roots of Eleutherococcus. The smell when brewing is aromatic. The taste is bitter. Packs can contain from 30 to 75 grams, both in filter bags and without them.


  • Affordability
  • Effective and safe treatment of the kidneys and urinary tract


  • Cannot be used during pregnancy due to herbs contained in the composition (bearberry)
  • If the dose is exceeded, inflammation in the urinary system is possible.