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Many people are interested in whether HIV can be cured forever. An effective remedy is being sought among both traditional and folk medicine. So far, all therapy is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Results can be achieved by using antiretroviral treatment and folk remedies. This is evidenced by positive reviews from patients.

Finding out whether HIV can be cured forever

HIV itself is not a fatal disease, but it poses a huge danger. The virus acts on the body's immune cells, T-leukocytes. They are the ones who recognize the threat and organize the fight. And HIV lowers the body's defenses and leads to the inability to defeat even the slightest virus.

In the final stages of HIV, even a common cold can be fatal.

The question of the possibility of treating HIV remains open. It can be answered either positively or negatively. It all depends on the correctness of the question posed.

Statement wording:

  1. Treatment – ​​restoration of the body due to the effects of a specific disease;
  2. Cure is the complete destruction of the cause of the disease.

Based on these concepts, it can be argued that HIV is being treated. Therapy involves the use of strong medications (antiretrovirals) that reduce the activity of the virus in the body. The immune system stops being attacked and can work for the benefit of the body. But AIDS is incurable. Although scientists all over the world are working to find an effective medicine.

Ways to boost your immunity against HIV yourself

HIV must also be fought. In addition to drug therapy, you can take a number of actions on your own. These are common ways to boost your immunity.

Methods to boost immunity:

  1. All actions must begin as early as possible. There, walk more in the fresh air, get stronger, play sports. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. They will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
  2. The body must receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals. This will ensure proper nutrition and special supplements, vitamin complexes. But before taking them, you need to consult your doctor.
  3. You should be more attentive to diseased organs and follow all doctor’s instructions. Several times a year you will need to undergo a full detailed examination of the body.
  4. Make time for physical activity. However, not all sports are equally beneficial for the body. Drug therapy can reduce the manifestations of the disease so that a person does not limit himself in activity.

No need to be nervous. Healthy sleep must be present - at least 8 hours a day. If you have AIDS, you should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Standard drug treatment for HIV

HIV treatment is carried out in accordance with a special protocol. There are two treatment regimens for the disease. At the same time, all drugs to combat immunodeficiency syndrome are prescribed in detail.

Hospitalization of the patient is carried out when the disease is too advanced or secondary diseases progress.

Before treating a patient, the diagnosis of HIV must be confirmed. It is important not to confuse the disease with other similar symptoms. Treatment is selected taking into account the stage of development of the disease, the general condition of the patient and his other diseases.

Groups of antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV:

  • Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors;
  • Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors;
  • Drugs acting on cell proliferation;
  • Viral protease inhibitors.

The prescription and dosage of medications is determined by an experienced doctor. Only a specialist can determine the best option, based on the stage of the disease and its advanced state. In addition, the above medications have unpleasant side effects. Treatment should be supervised by a knowledgeable person.

Option for curing HIV with antiretroviral therapy

Significant success can be achieved with the use of antiretroviral therapy. But there are a number of factors that carry a certain risk. So there is a possibility of heart disease if the patient is over 45 years old, inactive, diabetic, smokes a lot or has a hereditary predisposition to heart disease.

High cholesterol levels also matter. All factors will emerge with the side effects of antiretroviral treatment. But the results of treatment outweigh the risks. But before therapy, the state of the cardiovascular system should be immediately assessed. However, the treatment may not have any effect.

Reasons why antiretroviral therapy does not bring results:

  1. Viruses are quite resistant to the effects of medications or their complex;
  2. The medication regimen is violated;
  3. Medicines do not dissolve in the body as they should;
  4. More powerful drugs are required;
  5. Too strong side effects.

Absolute effectiveness cannot be guaranteed by any of the drugs, nor by their combinations. But with proper treatment, a reduction in viral load can be achieved. This is noticeable progress.

Scientists have found that people who take the first combination of drugs for a long time have achieved greater success than those who have already changed several options.

For some, antiretroviral therapy is not available, but people still feel great. It is impossible to get rid of HIV infection with this treatment. These drugs slow down the progression of the disease and allow the immune system to recover.

Popular DIY folk remedies for HIV infection

HIV attacks the immune system. That is why all folk remedies are aimed at strengthening it. These are usually herbal recipes.

Treatment with folk remedies:

  • Tincture of calendula;
  • Decoction of dead meat;
  • Green tea;
  • Kvass made from banana peels.

It is recommended to take 2 drops of calendula tincture on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. You should also take 1 drop of medication every hour throughout the day. Banana peel kvass has a simple recipe. You need 3 cups of crushed main ingredient. Then add 3 liters of chilled boiled water, a glass of sugar and 15 g of sour cream. The mixture is covered and left to infuse for 2 weeks. After this time, kvass is taken before meals 4 times a day.

To make a decoction of dead meat, take 2 teaspoons of the main ingredient and pour in 500 ml of liquid. Bring the ingredients to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for two hours. Then the broth is filtered and propolis is added. The use of the medicine is treated with great caution. The optimal dose is 1 tablespoon after meals.

When consuming a decoction of dead fish, you will need to completely abstain from alcohol.

Green tea is considered the simplest remedy in the fight against HIV. The product contains cahetins, which slow down the reproduction of the virus. It is recommended to drink 2 cups of green tea daily.

Prevention and treatment of HIV (video)

The most dangerous disease should be treated in the initial stages. There are no specific methods of therapy. It is best to use traditional medicine and folk options for strengthening the immune system in combination.

How to cure HIV with folk remedies? This is a serious disease that requires long-term treatment and prevention. It is known that HIV develops into a more serious disease called AIDS, and then the sick person has almost no chance of recovery.

What is HIV infection

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus. When the disease occurs, cells of the immune system are affected. When the immune system begins to weaken, the virus slowly progresses to the AIDS stage. The body cannot fight infections and viruses, as it loses its protective properties. This disease requires medical intervention. The body is not able to protect itself from diseases and the occurrence of tumors; special procedures and disease prevention must support the body during HIV.

For the first time, information about HIV became widely known around 1981, when the world saw 3 stories in the newspaper, which described strange diseases and symptoms. Experts observed this phenomenon for the first time, since such cases associated with the immune system had never been encountered before. After this, symptoms were found in people with drug addiction and hemophilia.

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How the disease is transmitted

Like any virus and infection, HIV has its own transmission routes. It can be transmitted through:

  1. Sexual contact. Pre-seminal fluid, which is released from a person during sexual intercourse, can carry infection and enter the partner’s body.
  2. Drug addict. Infection can occur when using needles or syringes that have already been used before. This may include needles that were used by an infected person to inject drugs into the body.
  3. Breast milk. The virus can be transmitted from mother to child through breastfeeding. If the mother is sick with HIV infection, then the risk of infecting the child is very high.
  4. Blood transfusion. There are also cases when the virus enters a healthy body through a blood transfusion from a sick person.

The virus cannot enter another person's body through airborne droplets. Many people are wary of contacting or talking to people infected with HIV for this mistaken reason. The virus does not have the ability to be transmitted to a healthy person through the respiratory tract. Also, the virus is not transmitted when sharing objects with an HIV-infected person. The risk of infection in this way can be immediately eliminated. Some people mistakenly claim that the virus can be transmitted to a healthy body by insects (for example, mosquitoes). No, insect bites do not pose a threat of infection.

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Stages of the disease

After the human body has been infected with a virus, the disease penetrates the cells of the immune system, and then antibodies appear in the blood. This period is called incubation.

Experts distinguish 3 stages of the disease:

  1. Acute stage. It may not be expressed by symptoms, and the person is not aware of the presence of the virus in the blood for a long time. If symptoms appear, it may be fever, joint pain or general intoxication of the body.
  2. Latent period. During this period, a person may not be aware of the presence of the virus in the body. There are disturbances of the immune system and its activity, but there are no clinical manifestations. The person’s condition does not indicate infection in any way. The patient’s ability to work and activity during this period are normal, so changes in the functioning of the immune system are not felt. But this period is a direct threat to sexual partners.
  3. Stage of secondary diseases. This stage is characterized by serious health problems. The immune system has already suffered significant damage, so a person may develop diseases that he was not previously aware of. This stage can lead to AIDS.

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Symptoms of the disease

Some symptoms can indicate that the body is infected with HIV infection. Main signs include persistent or occasional diarrhea, fever, weight loss and fatigue. Minor symptoms include skin lesions, coughing for a long time and swollen lymph nodes.

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Traditional medicine treatment

Proponents of treatment with folk remedies do not exclude the possibility that HIV can be cured using similar methods. There are many recipes and methods that you are advised to pay attention to. Immunity can be supported with the help of natural products (for example, honey), various herbs and herbs.

For example, treatment with St. John's wort decoction suppresses the symptoms of the immunodeficiency virus. To prepare the recipe you need to take 100 g of chopped dry grass, 50 g of sea buckthorn oil and 1 liter of water. You need to boil water, add St. John's wort herb and cook for an hour. After this, you need to strain the broth, add oil and stir everything thoroughly. The mixture should infuse for about 2 days. You need to take the decoction 4 times a day, the dosage is half a glass.

If you can purchase sprunella herb at the pharmacy (it is not widely available for sale), you can also prepare a decoction from it. For 50 g of herb you will need 1.5 liters of boiled water. You need to infuse the decoction for 3 hours, then strain and add 50 g of nettle leaves (chopped) to it. Then you need to strain the mixture again and take 1 glass per day.

HIV can be suppressed by licorice root, which contains a special substance. Constant use of a root decoction or tincture not only improves blood counts during analysis, but also promotes the proper functioning of the immune system. The recipe is quite simple: add 50 g of root with water and boil for an hour. After straining, you need to add 3 tbsp. honey You need to take 200 g of the decoction on an empty stomach.

There is also a plant called Chinese cucumber. It is necessary to grind it and put it on low heat. After boiling, add the nettle leaves and cook for about 5 minutes. After this, strain the mixture and add chamomile herbs to it. You need to infuse the decoction for 2 days in a warm room. Take 1 glass 1 time per day after meals. During prophylaxis with this decoction, you should not drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

To improve blood counts, you can take calendula tincture.

This tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy. You need to take 2 drops in the morning on an empty stomach, then 1 drop every hour. Before bed, 2 more drops. After 3 days you need to take a break. It is recommended to take the drops for 5 months.

In case of HIV disease, treatment with folk remedies sometimes has a positive result, therefore it is widely used in the complex treatment of this infection. Medicines used in traditional medicine to fight the virus contain chemical components that have a detrimental effect on a weakened body.

HIV is a very dangerous and incurable disease. It gradually weakens the human immune system, making it unable to resist infections and tumor formation. The virus develops slowly, at the initial stage it may be asymptomatic, and in the absence of proper treatment it develops into AIDS, which is fatal. Today, modern medicine does not yet have effective treatments for HIV. The main therapy is aimed at containing the virus, preventing concomitant diseases and increasing the body's protective functions. Folk remedies for the treatment of HIV are very effective, as they have a positive effect on the immune system, have an antiviral effect, and strengthen the body weakened by infection.

Features of the disease

The course of HIV depends on the general condition of the body and the level of immunity. In some people, the virus may not manifest itself at all when it enters the body, while in others there may be obvious symptoms.

Similar to the symptoms of a respiratory disease: fever, weakness, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. These signs are characteristic of the acute phase of the disease, after which an asymptomatic period begins, lasting from several months to several years. During this time, the virus actively affects the blood, destroying white blood cells. The body stops resisting, and then concomitant diseases begin to appear: viral, oncological. At this stage, HIV turns into AIDS - the last stage in the development of infection. a little, the main ones are the following:

  1. Through blood. People who use drugs most often become infected with the virus. When injecting drugs intravenously, they share syringes and needles, as a result of which they become infected with HIV. You can become infected with the virus when getting tattoos if the instruments are not sterile enough. It is very rare, but there are cases of infection from blood transfusions. The virus lives only in the human body, so you should not be afraid of mosquito bites and other insects - it is impossible to become infected this way.
  2. From mother to child. During pregnancy, the mother's blood does not mix with the blood of the fetus, but if pathologies occur, the risk of infection of the child increases. There is also a risk of infection during passage through the birth canal, so an HIV-infected mother should refuse natural childbirth. Breastfeeding should be replaced with artificial feeding, as there is a risk of infection through milk.
  3. Sexually. About half of all HIV-infected people become infected this way. The virus is transmitted through the mucous membranes of the genital organs during unprotected sexual contact. People with inflammatory processes, as well as gynecological pathologies, are more susceptible to infection than others.

Treatment for HIV involves supporting the immune system and suppressing the virus. With this disease, it is extremely important to avoid colds and viral infections, since a weakened immune system is not able to resist them.

Treatment of AIDS is aimed at getting rid of diseases that arose at this stage, which is extremely difficult with weakened immunity.

Traditional therapy cannot yet completely cure HIV infection, so an integrated approach aimed at strengthening the body is recommended.

Medical nutrition

Proper nutrition and adherence are very important in the fight against HIV. First of all, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking. You need to eat regularly at regular intervals, and do not eat before bed. The last meal should take place no later than 19:00. You should not eat overcooked foods, as well as salted, smoked, spicy, and containing preservatives. Food should be minimally processed and retain as many vitamins as possible.

The infection greatly weakens the body of the infected person, so it is recommended to eat high-calorie natural foods: cottage cheese, meat, fish, sour cream, cheese, nuts. This will help prevent weight loss. There is no need to adhere to a special diet; nutrition should be balanced and of high quality. You need to drink more water and natural juices.

To strengthen the immune system and concentrate vitamins in the body, it is necessary to consume fresh fruits daily. Bananas are especially useful for HIV. The effect of the substances contained in these fruits is as significant as that of some potent drugs.

You can supplement your diet by consuming fortifying drinks and natural products:

  1. Banana kvass. The drink is made from banana peels. In a large jar (3 liters) place three glasses of crushed peel, one glass of sugar, a spoonful of homemade sour cream and pour boiled water over everything. Leave in a warm place for 14 days. Drink half a glass before meals.
  2. Strengthening syrup. You will need a kilogram of apples, 0.5 kilograms of lingonberries and viburnum, a glass of nuts. Grind everything, pour in syrup (2 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water) and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then cool, take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  3. Propolis. Pour crushed propolis (10 g) with water (10 ml) and heat in a water bath. Take a quarter teaspoon in the morning.

Healing procedures

A healthy lifestyle and physical activity are essential for those infected with HIV. Morning exercises and a cool shower will strengthen the body's defenses. Methods such as massage and acupuncture will help improve blood circulation, the functioning of the nervous system, and relieve anxiety and stress. Among the pleasant therapeutic activities, one can note a trip to the bathhouse. Exposure to steam helps cleanse the body and improves immunity.

Some doctors recommend fasting. This method will help activate the immune system. During fasting, the body begins to use its resources and thereby activates its protective functions. Therapeutic fasting should begin from one day. On this day you can drink water with honey and apple cider vinegar. For HIV, you can do therapeutic wraps with damp linen cloth. To do this, you need to wet the cloth in warm water, then wrap yourself in it and cover yourself. You need to lie down for two hours. After this time, the fabric should be removed and take a warm shower.

Treatment with medicinal herbs

Herbal infusions have a strengthening effect and increase immunity, therefore they are recommended for complex treatment of HIV. The most effective means are:

  1. Calendula. Ready-made tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy. Taking this remedy is troublesome, since you need to drink the tincture in the morning and evening, two drops, and one drop every hour. Calendula improves blood composition.
  2. St. John's wort. Dry herb (100 g) pour water and boil for an hour. Filter the broth and add sea buckthorn oil (50 g). Stir and leave for 48 hours. Take half a glass four times a day.
  3. Chinese cucumber. Pour the chopped vegetable with water and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, add the nettles and cook for another five minutes. Add chamomile to the hot broth and leave for 2 days. Drink half a glass after meals.
  4. Licorice. Pour the crushed root (50 g) with water and cook for an hour. Filter and add three tablespoons of honey. Drink 200 grams in the morning before meals.
  5. Sprunella. Pour boiling water (1.5 liters) over dry grass (50 grams). Leave for 3 hours, then filter. Add nettle (50 g), boil for one hour and strain again. Drink one glass three times a day.

When infected with HIV, treatment with folk remedies is not enough. The described methods and procedures must be performed in combination, only then will the result be visible.

Treatment of HIV with folk remedies involves the use of alternative medicine methods to strengthen the immune system and increase its resistance to various viral and infectious agents. It is impossible to cure an infection forever using traditional medicine. You can only strengthen your immune system and prevent the development of various diseases associated with immunodeficiency.

The infection cannot be transmitted by airborne droplets, during communication with a sick person, when sharing household items and personal hygiene with an infected person, or through insect bites. can happen in different ways:

  1. During intimacy without the use of barrier contraceptives;
  2. Use of needles or syringes when using drugs;
  3. Through breastfeeding;
  4. By blood transfusion or other medical procedures (abortion, surgery).

Stages of disease development

After infection with viral agents, the infection penetrates the structures of immune cells, after which antibodies are produced in the body. This phase is called incubation. Three main stages of infection development are classified:

  1. Acute phase. In most cases, there are no symptoms; the infected person has no idea that a dangerous virus is present in his body. Sometimes clinical manifestations are expressed in the form of febrile temperature, pain in the joint apparatus, or general intoxication of the body.
  2. Latent phase. At this stage, the virus does not yet manifest itself. Irreversible processes occur in the immune system, the structures of protective cells are destroyed, but there are no symptoms yet. It is difficult to guess that an infection has occurred. At this stage, a person is a carrier, so he can infect sexual partners without even realizing it.
  3. Development phase of secondary pathologies. It is at this stage that serious health problems appear. The immune system is significantly damaged, its cells are gradually destroyed. This is expressed by various clinical manifestations. If not treated at this stage, do not suppress the activity of the virus.

Clinical manifestations

There are certain signs that can be used to detect the presence of infection in the body. The main signs are: periodic or regular intestinal upset, low-grade fever, weight loss, increased fatigue.

  • Secondary symptoms of infection in the body: rashes on the epidermal layer, cough for a long time, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Application of unconventional methods

Treatment of HIV infection with folk remedies does not help get rid of the dangerous virus, but it helps to suppress its activity, stop further destruction of immune cells, and strengthen the body's resistance to secondary diseases. There are certain ways to combat infectious agents. They can be used at home. But we must remember that with such an infection, comprehensive, complete therapy is important with the mandatory use of traditional antiretroviral drugs prescribed by the attending physician.

You can maintain normal immune function using natural remedies, for example, beekeeping products and herbal medicine.

It is recommended to use such an effective folk remedy as St. John's wort decoction. With its help, you can suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of dry raw materials, a teaspoon of sea buckthorn extract and a liter of clean running water. Boil the liquid, place the dry raw materials of the medicinal plant in a container, and boil over low heat for 60 minutes.

Next, you need to strain the mixture, add the sea buckthorn extract, and mix all the ingredients to a uniform consistency. Let the medicine sit for 48 hours. Drink 100 grams daily, at regular intervals - at least four times a day.

Sprunella decoction

Herbal healing involves the use of a plant called sprunella. It's not easy to get, but it's worth the effort. A decoction is also prepared from this plant. For a tablespoon of dry raw materials, you need to prepare one and a half liters of boiling water. Pour liquid over the herb and leave for three hours. Next, the mixture must be filtered and consumed once a day, 250 ml.

Liquorice root

Treatment at home involves the use of licorice root, which can help slow down the development of infection. A decoction or infusion is prepared from it. With regular use of licorice-based products, you can not only improve blood fluid levels, but also eliminate imbalances in the functioning of the immune system.

To prepare the medicine, you need to pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry raw material, boil the root over low heat for 60 minutes and cool. Strain, add three tablespoons of honey. Drink the decoction half an hour before meals, one glass.

Chinese cucumber decoction

It is recommended to use Chinese cucumber to enhance the body's protective functions. It needs to be crushed, put the pulp into a container, and put on low heat. When the mixture boils, add a few nettle leaves and boil for about five minutes. Next, turn off the heat and add a spoonful of chamomile. Let it sit for several days in a warm place. Next, strain the broth.

Consume 250 grams once a day after meals. During treatment, it is recommended to follow a certain diet - exclude ethanol-containing drinks.

To improve blood fluid levels, it is recommended to use calendula infusion. You can buy it at any pharmacy chain. Take two drops after waking up, then throughout the day, one drop at intervals of 60 minutes. At night, take the same dose as in the morning. After three days, take a short break, and then continue treatment.

The duration of the course is at least 4 months. Further treatment is carried out after a month's break, when the course of therapy can be repeated again.

Negative aspects of treatment

Folk remedies do not make it possible to completely cure an infection. This is not a panacea; in parallel, it is necessary to use medications prescribed by the treating specialist. Before you start using any folk remedies, it is recommended to first agree on the methods of treatment with your doctor.

Herbal medicine and other folk methods will help in treating the disease. Thanks to them, it is possible to prevent the further spread of the infectious process in the body, suppress the activity of the virus, and stop its destructive effect on the cells of the immune system. It is very important to take parallel supportive medications prescribed by your doctor. This will stop further progression of the virus in the body. If you follow all medical recommendations, you can live a full life after becoming infected with HIV.
