How to prepare lean mayonnaise. Lenten mayonnaise at home: recipe with photos, tasty and healthy. Lenten pea mayonnaise

I bring to your attention one of the options for preparing lean mayonnaise at home. This recipe will be useful during Lent, for those who are wary of using raw eggs, and for those who like to experiment in the kitchen.

And I will prepare this mayonnaise using brine from canned green peas. Brine from beans and even canned olives is also great here.

The photo shows the required products. Vinegar can be replaced with apple cider vinegar; sunflower, corn, and olive oil can be used.

Pour the brine into a glass of a blender (here you need an immersion blender), add salt, sugar, vinegar. It is better to pour the oil into a container with a spout, since we will pour it in a thin stream.

Beat this for 1-2 minutes, then pour in the oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat at medium speed. You may need a little more or less oil, depending on how thick you want it and the viscosity of the brine.

Our mayonnaise is ready, put it into jars and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, there it will thicken and thicken.

But it immediately turns out thick and very tasty.

From this amount of products we got almost 300 grams. homemade lean mayonnaise.

The second recipe for lean mayonnaise at home differs only in the main ingredient. Instead of liquid from legumes, we will take sour apples...


  • One big apple
  • 100-150 ml. any vegetable oil
  • a teaspoon of salt, lemon juice and mustard


Peel the apple, take out the core with the seeds and place it in a saucepan (you can use a saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom). Soften over low heat (without adding oil or water!), then place in a blender bowl and add salt, mustard, lemon juice. Briefly beat to a puree consistency. Continuing to beat, add butter in small portions in a thin stream. Again, the more oil, the thicker the lean mayonnaise.

Cool the mayonnaise and serve. The taste of this sauce is different from the store-bought one and, unlike the first option, it is less like the mayonnaise we are used to. And yet, this recipe for lean mayonnaise rightfully takes second place in our TOP.

Lenten apple mayonnaise will go well with fish, stewed cabbage, asparagus, boiled and baked potatoes.

Lenten nut mayonnaise

This version of lean mayonnaise cannot be called budget or low-calorie, but believe me, its taste is simply incomparable. To make the sauce, you can use any nuts, but preferably not peanuts. The best option is cashews. It is these nuts that have a neutral taste and will help bring the taste of the sauce as close as possible to mayonnaise.


  • 100 gr. nuts
  • 150 ml. vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (or 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 teaspoon mustard


Grind the nuts using a food processor or grind them several times in a meat grinder. Add salt, lemon juice, mustard and a little sugar. Then we begin to punch it with a blender and, as in previous recipes, gradually add oil. It is best, of course, to take olive oil.

This nutty lean mayonnaise will make any, even the simplest dish, taste amazing! Be sure to try cooking it yourself - you won’t regret it.

Why is there no recipe for lean mayonnaise with flour?

There are often recipes for lean mayonnaise made with starch or flour on the Internet. Why are they not in our TOP? It's all very simple... To be honest, they taste little like mayonnaise, and as sauces they are hardly worthy of consideration. In fact, it is an ordinary paste that can be made tasty only with the help of flavor enhancers and various flavoring additives. But this won’t turn out to be mayonnaise at all, right?

This liquid is called aquafaba. To save time on soaking and cooking, use canned beans, peas or chickpeas. Then the mayonnaise will be ready in a matter of minutes.


  • 150 ml of aquafaba (about this amount of liquid will be in one 425 ml jar);
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • ½–1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar (apple or table vinegar 9%);
  • 350–450 ml vegetable oil.


Add sugar, lemon juice and vinegar to the aquafaba and blend lightly with a blender. While continuing to foam, pour in the oil in a very thin stream.

First add 350 ml of oil. If the mayonnaise turns out watery, pour in the rest and whisk. The more oil, the thicker the mixture will be. So you can adjust the consistency to your liking.

If you use red beans, the mayonnaise will be slightly purple. The liquid from white beans, peas or chickpeas will make the sauce white.

You can use any milk, for example, soy, nut (almond is ideal).


  • 100 ml plant milk;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground white pepper - optional;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or table vinegar 9%.


Use a blender to blend the cooled milk and butter into a homogeneous mass.

Add mustard, sugar, salt, white pepper, lemon juice or vinegar. Whisk the sauce until it thickens.

This sauce can hardly be distinguished from store-bought sauce.


  • 200 ml water;
  • 1½ tablespoons cornstarch;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice or table vinegar 9%;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.


Boil about 150 ml of water in a saucepan. Dissolve starch in the remaining liquid. Stirring constantly, pour it into boiling water and let the mixture thicken. Cool it to room temperature.

Add sugar, salt, mustard, lemon juice or vinegar and oil. Beat with a blender until smooth.

Cashews have a delicate creamy taste. It is not surprising that the mayonnaise made from these nuts is simply amazing.


  • 150 g raw cashews;
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • ¼–½ teaspoon salt;
  • a pinch of sugar - optional;
  • 1–2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of water.


Soak cashews in water overnight. Then drain the liquid, add garlic, lemon juice, salt, sugar, oil and water. Use a blender to achieve a homogeneous consistency.

If the mayonnaise seems thick to you, add a little more water.

Avocado will give the sauce a creamy consistency and a beautiful green tint.


  • 1 large ripe avocado;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.


Puree with a blender, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Pour in the oil and beat the mixture until smooth.

One of the main abstinences during Lent is based on the refusal of fast food. However, as we know, fasting should not be perceived as a special diet that does not contain meat, eggs, milk, or butter.

The main thing during fasting is not only the pacification of gastronomic cravings, but also the spiritual side. We must strive to get rid of bad habits, restrain irritation and anger, and cleanse ourselves of malice and envy. There is probably no need to remind you that if you do not fight vices, eat lean food for show and for narcissism, there will simply be no sense in observing Lent.

As sad as it may be, many people very often use store-bought mayonnaise when preparing a variety of dishes. Some even struggle with their mayonnaise addiction. Many salads, it must be said, lose their “zest” without dressing with mayonnaise. However, it’s time to remind you that mayonnaise (not homemade mayonnaise) is a source of trans fats and chemical additives that cause irreparable harm to the body and slimness. Another thing is homemade mayonnaise. It doesn’t last long, but the benefits of preparing it are obvious. When consuming homemade mayonnaise in moderation, you don’t have to worry about your health and the risk of weight gain.

During Lent, we give up mayonnaise, because its main component is eggs. But on weekends and holidays, you can prepare the popular sauce yourself without violating the ban on animal products. Naturally, you can buy lean mayonnaise for this in the store, but is it necessary to harm yourself? The answer is obvious.

So, we’ll tell you how to make lean mayonnaise right now.

For lean mayonnaise you will need the following products:

7-8 tbsp. l. olive oil (it is better to take cold pressed, do not skimp on quality; or use simple sunflower oil);

125-130 grams of flour;

1.5 glasses of plain water;

4 tsp. ready mustard;

2 pinches of salt or to taste;

3-4 tbsp. l. lemon juice;

2 tsp. granulated sugar or to taste;

Chopped greens, wild garlic, sesame seeds, garlic (these additives will significantly enrich the taste of lean mayonnaise).

Preparing lean mayonnaise

1. Mix flour in a saucepan with 1-2 tablespoons of water and grind thoroughly until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. We try to ensure that there are no lumps at all.

2. Then pour in the rest of the water and put the saucepan on low heat. Continuously stirring the mixture, boil until it reaches the consistency of a thick cream - remove from the stove and cool.

3. Olive oil, lemon juice, sugar and salt, ready-made mustard - beat everything with a mixer for 3 minutes. Continuing to work with the attachment at medium speed, add the flour mixture one spoon at a time (gradually).

4. Then it’s time for additives: dill and garlic will add freshness and aroma to the sauce, sesame or ginger will add piquancy and spiciness. Stir until smooth and fluffy - lean mayonnaise is ready!

You can delight your loved ones with delicious Lenten dishes with mayonnaise dressing.

Angela at mealtime!
