What is the best way to store eggs? Can it be stored at room temperature? Storing fresh eggs at room temperature

Eggs occupy a special niche in our food basket. With their help, the supply of protein necessary for growth and proper cell structure is replenished. In terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. They contain macro- and microelements such as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, manganese and others minerals and also rich necessary for the body human amino acids.

Chicken eggs can not only benefit the body, but also diversify our diet, which is why it is important to know the rules for storing them. After all If stored and consumed incorrectly, eggs pose a mortal danger.

For consumer safety, there is GOST, which determines the shelf life (it starts from the moment of transportation). The permissible storage time for chicken eggs is 25 days, for quail eggs – 30.

General rules

How to properly store eggs?

To increase the shelf life indicated in GOST, eggs for home use needs to be stored in a container– its walls will not allow moisture and light to pass through, and will protect against the penetration of odors.

  1. Keep in a dry and cool place.
  2. Place the sharp end down.
  3. If cracks or chips are present, use immediately.
  4. When storing without a refrigerator nearby, turn on the fan and direct a cold stream of air onto the eggs.

Video about storing hatching eggs:

Industrial egg storage

As mentioned above, eggs are a relatively small product. In today's market conditions, it is simply necessary to increase this period.

IN industrial scale The following methods are used for this:

  • storage at low temperatures and in a chilled state;
  • in lime mortar;
  • in thin synthetic films;
  • using special oil coating.

All of the above methods require certain conditions to be met..

Eggs are the most famous product in the history of cooking, providing humans with high-quality protein, vitamins and microelements. Is there a way to save beneficial features eggs for as long as possible? Revealing secrets proper storage such a valuable product.

  • duck
  • ostrich
  • quail
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • goose
  • guinea fowl

To be fair, it is worth noting that the egg of any bird is edible. The main condition is that the product must be as fresh as possible!

Important. Poisoning stale eggs occupy second place after mushrooms in food poisoning statistics

Shelf life of raw eggs

Shelf life of eggs room temperature and in the refrigerator depend on many factors.

  1. Storage temperature
  • The optimal temperature is considered to be within 3-4⁰С
  • For comparison: 1 day of storing a chicken egg at room temperature corresponds to 1 week of storage in the refrigerator
  • The more stable it will be temperature regime, those longer product will retain its freshness
  1. Humidity

Surprisingly, eggs love moist air. This is why many cooks and poultry farmers recommend storing eggs in the refrigerator in vegetable containers. At the same time, excess moisture can cause putrefactive processes and spoil the product.

  1. Shell thickness

The thicker the shell and the denser the inner film of the egg, the longer it will be stored (even without refrigeration). Guinea eggs, which have a relatively thick shell, remain fresh at room temperature for more than 30 days.

  1. Shell integrity

The shell is an ideal shell created by nature itself. Even the most microscopic cracks that appear on it disrupt the internal balance and shorten the shelf life of the egg.

  1. Cleanliness of the shell: the cleaner the surface, the fewer pathogenic organisms there are on it
  • But this does not mean that the eggs of non-waterfowl birds need to be washed urgently. The washed ones raw eggs shelf life is sharply reduced. This is due to the need for the egg to “breathe”. When washing eggshells the pores become clogged, which prevents the natural gas exchange of the internal contents of the egg with the environment. Eggs are washed warm water immediately before use. Heavily contaminated eggs are used first
  • Eggs laid by waterfowl can and should be washed with water before storing!
  1. Illumination

They don't like eggs sunlight! The darker the storage location, the longer the eggs will last.

  1. Position

This placement of eggs is quite justified. The fact is that in the round, blunt part of the egg there is an air chamber, the so-called “puga”. Nature created the puga as an oxygen cushion for the future chick. Puga and more than 10,000 pores of the shell saturate the egg with oxygen, removing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide outside the shell

This general rules, extending the shelf life of all bird eggs. About storage features individual species read below

What is the shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator?

Chicken eggs remain the most popular product around the world.

If you buy eggs in a store, carefully read the labeling. It is she who will tell you how long the product you purchase can be stored, because the shelf life of dietary and table eggs is different. The explanation of the marking is shown in the photo below.

Important: do not forget to pay attention to the packaging date of the eggs

Shelf life of quail eggs in the refrigerator

Quail eggs, in comparison with chicken eggs, are smaller in size and have a thinner shell. This also leads to a shorter shelf life of the product, even in the presence of a refrigerator. So at a temperature of 18-23⁰ and in compliance with all the above rules quail egg can be stored for no more than 30 days. In the refrigerator, shelf life increases to 60 days.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

In the case of eggs, the generally accepted logic is not acceptable: heat treatment does not increase, but sharply reduces the shelf life of the product.

A boiled chicken egg remains suitable for consumption.

  • at room temperature no more than 24 hours
  • in the refrigerator - 3-5 days (depending on the initial freshness of the egg and the cooking method). Storage for more than 5 days worsens nutritional characteristics product. Eating boiled eggs that have been in the refrigerator for more than 10 days can be hazardous to health.

Important: this is about unpeeled boiled egg!

Why do boiled eggs last less?

It's all about the actions high temperatures, as a result of which

  • the natural protection of the shell is destroyed
  • the white and yolk coagulate - the process of so-called denaturation occurs
  • the natural processes inside the shell are disrupted, because the main purpose of the egg is not to become breakfast

Shelf life of eggs for incubation

The main purpose of the egg is to become the cradle of new life.

How well an egg will cope with its primary task depends on the conditions of its storage. Different rules apply here

  1. The optimal temperature for storing eggs before incubation is 8-15⁰С, for ostrich eggs - 16-18⁰С
  2. Humidity - 75-80%
  3. Laying method
  • avoid multi-tiered laying of eggs
  • use special trays for laying
  • Place ostrich, quail, chicken, and turkey eggs vertically, with the blunt end up. To prevent tearing and stretching of hailstones, movement of the embryo and drying out of the medium, turn the eggs from top to bottom from time to time
  • store goose and duck eggs in horizontal position also, from time to time, changing their position. To avoid confusion when turning over the incubation material, mark one side of the egg with a simple pencil
  1. Shelf life of eggs at optimal temperature
  • chicken, ostrich and quail - 6-7 days
  • turkey -5-6 days
  • duck - 8-10 days
  • goose - 10-12 days

Features of use and shelf life of goose eggs

Waterfowl eggs are rare guests on our tables.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Geese and ducks are not laying hens by definition. Their eggs are primarily used to replenish the bird population. Rejected raw materials not suitable for incubation are used in cooking
  2. Waterfowl eggs are usually eaten only after heat treatment due to the high risk of salmonellosis infection
  3. The storage conditions for eggs are almost identical to the storage conditions for chicken eggs, but the shelf life is longer due to the high density of the shell

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a goose or duck chickens, don't be embarrassed by a new culinary experience! These products have proven themselves excellent in baked goods, omelettes, and salads.

Features of use and shelf life of ostrich eggs

The ostrich confidently conquers northern latitudes and feels great in our climate, which is far from African.

  • Ostrich eggs are dietary product, while maintaining all the beneficial properties of a chicken egg
  • One ostrich egg can make an omelette for 8-10 people. broken egg can be stored in a hermetically sealed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without losing its beneficial properties
  • At room temperature, an ostrich egg can be stored for up to 30 days, provided the shell is not damaged. Refrigerated shelf life increases to 6 months

The video at the end of the article will tell you more about how long eggs should be stored.

Video: How to store eggs correctly?

The daily diet of most families includes chicken eggs. Without this product it is impossible, for example, to bake fragrant pie or make an omelet. We regularly go to the market or supermarket to buy eggs, and upon return we put useful purchase in the refrigerator in the hope that at low temperatures the eggs will remain fresh for a long time. After some time, we lament that the product has spoiled, blaming anyone for what happened: sellers, a refrigerator, a poultry farm, but not ourselves. However, you need to remember: in most cases, chicken eggs go rotten due to improper storage at home.

Source: depositphotos.com

Why is it important to follow egg storage rules?

Spoiled eggs are not only a waste of money, but also a serious risk to human health. If you eat a spoiled egg, you can end up in the hospital for a long time. Carefully read the recommendations on how to store eggs to get the most benefits from them. Compliance special rules– a question of both economy and safety.

Storing eggs in the refrigerator

It is not recommended to store eggs on the refrigerator door. Periodic exposure to flows warm air accelerates product spoilage. You can only place a few eggs on the door that you plan to use in the coming days.

You can significantly increase the shelf life of eggs (up to 3-4 weeks) by placing them in the compartment for fruits and vegetables. Homemade eggs in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1...+2 °C will last up to 3 months. You can follow these recommendations when storing quail eggs.

To check the freshness of raw eggs, you need to place them in a deep bowl with cool water (you can check one egg or a dozen at once - it depends on the volume of the bowl). Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom (they were laid 1-7 days ago). The eggs that have floated to the surface are old and dangerous to eat. If the eggs float underwater without rising to the surface, then they are no longer fresh, but they can still be eaten (they are 7-20 days old).

How to keep eggs fresh at room temperature?

There is no clear answer to the question of how long eggs can be stored at room temperature. Shelf life ranges from 3 weeks to 3 months depending on the chosen storage method.

The air temperature in the room should not exceed +20 °C, relative humidity – 85%. Direct sun rays should be avoided, the storage place should be dark. If it’s the height of summer outside and the apartment is hot, then it’s better to put the eggs in the refrigerator.

Helps maintain product freshness saline solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt in 1 liter of water, carefully place the eggs in the salty liquid and place the container in a dry, dark place.

For long-term storage of chicken eggs without refrigeration, they can be individually wrapped in paper (office, newspaper, cooking paper), having previously lubricated the shell egg white in 2 layers.

To keep eggs fresh without refrigeration for up to 3 months, they should be greased with animal fat or vegetable oil, place in a wooden box with loose filler: sawdust, salt, shavings, wood ash or oats. It is advisable to cover the filled box with breathable burlap and place it in a cool place: cellar, pantry, basement.

If you find that you have purchased a stained egg and rinse it under water, the product should be used immediately. Water washes away the natural bactericidal layer, as a result of which the egg can go rotten within a couple of days.

How to store boiled eggs?

Boiled eggs in the refrigerator spoil much faster than raw ones. They can be stored on the coldest shelf for up to 1 week. If the shell is damaged during the cooking process, the shelf life of the egg is reduced to 2 days. It is better to eat peeled eggs during the day, since the shell no longer protects the white and yolk from dangerous microorganisms.

The most pleasant and rich taste eggs are laid in the first few days after they are laid by a chicken. During this period, their benefits are maximum. At long-term storage eggs in the refrigerator or at room temperature lose some unique properties product. That is why at home it is advisable to stock up on eggs for no more than 1 week.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Text: Olga Kovalenko

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Eggs began to be eaten several thousand years ago. Primitive people looked for the eggs of birds and mammals and consumed them raw. Until now, eggs are an indispensable product on our table. However, chicken eggs are considered the most popular. In order for chicken eggs to retain their freshness for a long time, you need to be able to store them correctly. In this article you will learn how and how long you can store eggs in the refrigerator, as well as several reliable, yet original way How to store eggs at room temperature.

The most important things about storing eggs

Do not store chicken eggs on the refrigerator door - constant movement and currents of warm air will significantly shorten their shelf life.The best place to store eggs in the refrigerator is in the fruit and vegetable drawer. But don't stack too many rows on top of each other, as the bottom rows may crack.Using folk remedies theoretically, you can extend the shelf life of eggs up to one year, but it is better to try to consume them within a month after laying.

How to properly store eggs

Since eggs can be eaten not only as an independent product, but also used for making pies, salads, cutlets, desserts, snacks and other dishes, many housewives try to stock up on chicken eggs for future use. Therefore, it is important to know how and how long you can store chicken eggs at home, so that indispensable product did not cause harm to health.

You can store chicken eggs either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Moreover, the chosen storage method will not greatly affect how long eggs can be stored. At room temperature they can also be stored for quite a long time.

How and how long to store eggs in the refrigerator

When storing in the refrigerator, do not place eggs in special compartments located on the refrigerator door. Eggs really like stationary storage conditions, and being on the door, the product will constantly come into contact with warm air currents, which means it will spoil faster. Store eggs in the refrigerator in a drawer designated for fruits and vegetables. This is the coldest and wettest part of the refrigerator. You can store chicken eggs on the door, but only if you will use them in the near future.

The optimal temperature for storing eggs in the refrigerator is 1-2°C. If eggs are bought in a store, you should not store them in the refrigerator for more than 1 month. Fresh homemade eggs can be stored for about 3 months.

How and for how long to store eggs at room temperature

Fresh, recently laid eggs can be stored at home for 3 weeks. However, the room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. In this case, the relative humidity in the place where the eggs lie should be set at 70-85%.

The most common ways to store eggs at home without a refrigerator are:

  • storing eggs wrapped in paper;
  • storing eggs in saline solution.

It is very good to store eggs at home in plain paper. To do this, wrap each egg in a separate piece of paper. Baking paper, newspaper or plain paper will do. office paper. Place them in a basket and put them in the coldest place in the house.

A solution of table salt helps to keep eggs fresh perfectly. Simply dissolve 20 g of salt (1 tbsp) in a liter of water. Then dip the eggs into the solution and place the container in a cool, dark place. How many days can eggs be stored this way? It is known that salt is an excellent preservative; eggs can be stored in a salt solution in a room for up to 4 weeks.

How long to store boiled eggs in the refrigerator

Oddly enough, a boiled egg spoils faster than a raw one.

Hard-boiled, they can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 15 days. But if the shell was damaged during the cooking process, such eggs can be stored for only 4-5 days.

The fact is that mold spores and pathogenic bacteria quickly penetrate into the cracks. Harmful microorganisms begin to actively multiply under the shell, causing the product to quickly deteriorate.

Other ways to store chicken eggs

There are several interesting ways how to store eggs without refrigeration. All of them have been tested over the years and the experience of many housewives, and you can also safely take note of them.

  • Grease the eggs and then place them in the box with the oats, pointed ends facing down. In this case, the eggs should not touch each other. Chicken eggs should be covered with a good layer of oats on top.
    You can coat the shell with egg white. The protein is applied in two layers. Moreover, each layer dries well. Next, the eggs are wrapped in paper and sent to long-term storage to a dark place.
    For long-term storage, each egg should be greased with a mixture of melted paraffin or wax with sunflower oil.
  • You can store eggs in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To do this, prepare a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate and place chicken eggs in it for a few seconds. After this, dry them. Eggs treated with a solution of potassium permanganate can be stored in an apartment for 2-3 weeks.
    It is possible to store fresh eggs at room temperature in a mixture of charcoal and bran.
  • IN rural areas often used for storing chicken eggs sweet water. Dilute 2 kg of sugar in 2 liters. Boil the syrup and wait until the sand is completely dissolved. When the syrup becomes warm, dip the testicles in it for 2-3 seconds, then dry them with a paper towel and place them in a box.
  • For storage, chicken eggs should be lubricated with glycerin or Vaseline ointment. Then the eggs should be placed in a box and placed in a cool and ventilated room.
  • To store eggs at home, you can use regular table salt. To do this, place the eggs loosely in the box and carefully sprinkle with coarse salt.
  • In villages, eggs are prepared for storage in this way: they are put into a bag and sharply immersed in a vat of boiling water, and then dried and sent to a cold, dark place. Eggs should be laid with their sharp tips facing down.
  • You can store eggs in a solution of liquid glass or lime. Moreover, if you dip each egg in melted paraffin before pouring the solution, then you can safely store such eggs for quite a long time - for 1 year. Liquid lime can be prepared as follows: dilute 0.5-0.6 kg of quicklime in 10 liters boiled water. Let the solution sit. In this case, the solution should be thoroughly mixed every 3 hours. Then you need to strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth and then lower the eggs into it. If you like this storage method, please note that you should use only a glass or clay container for the lime mortar, and only send fresh eggs for storage. Also make sure that the level of lime is 2-3 cm above the level of the eggs. After this, the container with lime and eggs should be closed with a lid and the edges sealed with paraffin. Eggs should be stored in this form in a dry and cool place.

If you raise chickens at home, then you know that feeling when you go to collect fresh eggs and imagine how many of them you will now find in the nest. And if you’re lucky, you’ll find them still warm, freshly picked.

Do eggs need to be peeled or washed before storing?

Poultry farmers always have heated debates and opposing opinions regarding this point.

On the one hand, if you use eggs yourself, for your family and are not very squeamish, it is better to leave them dirty. And wash only immediately before use. But if you sell or treat relatives and friends, you can be sure that they will very quickly stop asking you for them.

So the first piece of advice would be: keep nests as clean and fresh as possible. Lay a thick layer of straw. Change the bedding often. To get eggs as clean as possible right away.

Unfortunately, this still does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will receive only clean eggs. Sometimes they will appear dirty. In this case, try not to get them wet, but wipe them with a dry cloth to remove any adhering dirt.

If dry cleaning is not possible, only then wash them with a soft sponge. And this should be done exclusively in warm water!

There is simple physics here: the structure of the shell is porous and allows moisture and air to pass through well. When you wash eggs in warm water- the contents expand when heated and nothing gets in. If in the cold- the contents shrink and draw dirty water inside along with pathogenic microbes.

But keep in mind that when washing, you wash away a special protective film from their surface, which protects against bacteria from penetrating inside.

How to store chicken eggs

When the eggs are collected and cleaned of dirt, the question arises of where and how to store them. Option two: Do this at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Washed ones are an exception. They definitely need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Storing fresh eggs at room temperature

Freshly picked eggs can be stored at room temperature at least a month. If you manage to eat them within a month, then there are no problems, you don’t have to load the refrigerator.

Note: This does not apply to store bought eggs! Before they hit the store shelf, they had already spent at least a month at room temperature.

Shelf life in the refrigerator fresh eggs increases many times over.

Storing fresh eggs in the refrigerator

If you are not going to think about shelf life, put them in the refrigerator.

Fresh eggs can stay in the refrigerator without any problems. 6 months. They will still taste the same as when they were just picked. The only change that occurs during long-term storage is that the protein becomes more liquid. But this does not affect the taste or any other qualities.

If you are worried about whether you have over-cooked the eggs beyond this period, simply write in pencil on each one the date it was laid.

How to preserve eggs for as long as possible

If six months is not enough for you and you need to increase the shelf life to the maximum, you will have to freeze them. But here, unfortunately, not everything is so simple. You can't just take eggs and put them in the freezer.- When frozen, they will simply burst.

To freeze them, you need to break them and separate the yolks from the whites. And only then freeze in separate containers.

Note: it is very convenient to separate the yolks from the whites using plastic bottle. Watch the video.

Of course, this method should be resorted to only in cases of truly urgent need. Once defrosted, eggs will no longer taste as good as before freezing.

Increasing shelf life using any coatings

On the Internet you can find tips for preserving eggs, where they are lubricated with oil, Vaseline, lemon or lime juice, and buried in sawdust. All this is complete nonsense, which in no way affects the duration of storage. On the contrary, it will only speed up the disappearance. So we do not recommend getting carried away with such methods.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

  • Boiled eggs can be stored at room temperature for no more than three days.
  • In the refrigerator - no more than three weeks.

How to check whether an egg is good or bad without breaking it

If you accidentally find an unauthorized nest on your property where your chickens are secretly laying eggs, and you don’t know how long they have been doing this, you will need to find out whether these eggs are edible. Have they gone bad?

There are a couple of simple and effective ways to do this.

  1. Place the eggs in a bowl of water. If they fall to the bottom, everything is fine! They are fresh and edible. If they surfaced, then sad news. They should be thrown away.
  2. An even easier way to check the quality is to simply hold the egg to your ear and shake it slightly. If you hear splashes and feel something dangling inside, feel free to throw it away. It's rotten. If everything is quiet, then it’s normal, it’s fresh. If you are not sure, take a guaranteed fresh one and compare its sounds with a “suspicious” friend.

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