How to start a production of sauces - mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise. Industrial sauces

Today, stores sell sauces that do not have any special tastes, but in good restaurants we are served dishes in which the sauce can be eaten without the dish itself.

Not a single dish on our tables is complete without sauces. With their wonderful and varied tastes, sauces can change the taste of the simplest meal and make it just a feast. If you are planning pasta with sausages today, don’t worry, sauces will help make this dish more refined and tasty. You should not compare sauces and ketchup - they are quite different things. Store-bought ketchups contain many carcinogens and harmful dyes.

To organize a business for the production of sauces, you will need a premises that meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements, appropriate equipment and, of course, an experienced technologist.

It is worth remembering that the production technology must be strictly observed and adhere to all developed modes and recipes. Otherwise, violations may negatively affect the quality of the product, and first of all this concerns the actual shelf life.

The choice of equipment should be made based on the planned production volumes. The main criteria here are the ability to quickly and completely sell the finished product, as well as the degree of automation of the production process and price.

Berry sauce
Few people know that berries are an excellent product for sauces. From them you can get excellent sweet and sour sauces, which are not high in calories and are healthy. and all because the berries contain a large amount of useful minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This is an excellent dietary product and a guarantee of health. Some berries have a beneficial effect on digestion, some improve appetite, some help strengthen the immune system and cope with diseases.

Mushroom sauce
Mushrooms contain practically no fat, and if there is, it is a small amount that is almost invisible to the body. In addition, meat has now become too expensive. More and more often we buy chicken for our tables; meat can be seen on tables only during the holidays. Today it is fashionable to eat only plant foods.

Mayonnaise and ketchup remain the most popular types of sauces. Understanding the market's need for new products, companies operating in the mayonnaise and ketchup segments introduced the first types of sauces about five years ago. At the same time, the production of mayonnaise of various fat contents, as well as mayonnaise and ketchup with additives began.

The main difference between the Russian sauce market and the markets of other countries is the lower consumption of complex sauces per capita and the higher consumption of mono-sauces, such as mayonnaise and ketchup. Another fundamental difference is the low awareness of consumers when it comes to a product such as sauce. “According to statistics, 92% of Russian families cannot do without mayonnaise. On average, each of us eats about 2.5 kilograms of mayonnaise per year. Ketchup is consumed by 64% of families.

At the same time, it is unlikely that the average Russian will be able to explain how ketchup differs from other tomato sauce. But in the West, ketchup is a table condiment of a certain consistency, prepared according to “legalized” standards from tomato paste with herbs and spices. For tomato sauce, there are no such strict standards - it is simply made from tomatoes.”

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May 10th, 2017

I think no one will argue that with good ketchup or mayonnaise you can eat anything. The opposite is also true: a bad sauce can easily ruin even the most worthy dish. The secret of good ketchups and mayonnaises is simple - it’s all in the composition. The use of natural ingredients and special production technology provides such sauces with a real taste, close to similar homemade products. Yes, “homemade” ketchups and mayonnaises are not cheap. But saving on technology and raw materials could lead to the fact that the unnatural color, too strong taste and strange consistency would simply discourage the appetite. Even if you season dishes made from expensive and high-quality products with sauce.

Read about how one of the few Russian “natural ketchups” and mayonnaises with unusual natural ingredients are created in our report from one of the largest sauce production plants in Russia and Europe, Mr. Ricco.

Why are natural sauces better?

Despite all the variety of varieties and flavors of ketchup, in fact there are only two varieties: natural and NOT natural. The former have a natural taste and color and contain healthy substances. The latter often have a sharp “chemical” smell and taste, and sometimes an unnatural color - too bright, too pale or even orange (and not red, as it should be).

The composition of a typical cheap ketchup is as follows: water, starch and a small amount of tomato paste, and often not of the highest quality. To disguise it as real tomato ketchup, dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers are added to the starch sauce. Sometimes they add too much. In this case, the taste of ketchup turns out to be too strong, so that the taste of the dish itself is not felt.

The consistency is also different: “ketchup is NOT natural” either spreads over the plate, or, on the contrary, stays cold and even trembles like jelly. If very cheap starch is used, the surface of the ketchup drop is smooth and glossy. Modified starch gives the sauce a granular structure close to natural. Still, the differences from real tomato ketchup are significant.

Natural tomato ketchup does not need chemicals: it has a minimum of ingredients, the main component is expensive high-quality tomato paste, seasoned with salt, sugar and ground spices. Depending on the recipe, pieces of vegetables or, for example, garlic may be added.

Special preparation technologies, which will be discussed below, make it possible to prepare “natural ketchup” while preserving all the healthy substances contained in tomatoes. So natural sauces are not only tastier, but also healthier than their “starch” counterparts.

Where are “natural sauces” made?

In the Republic of Tatarstan, 8 kilometers from Kazan, there is one of the largest-scale production of ketchups, mayonnaise and other fat and oil products not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. The vast area houses the sauce production of JSC NEFIS-BIOPRODUCT, as well as the facilities of Kazan Fat Plant JSC and Kazan Oil Extraction Plant JSC. All of them are part of the Nefis group of companies.

The Nefis group of companies is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of household chemicals and fat and oil products. The group of companies owns many well-known and beloved brands in Russia. Thus, Nefis Cosmetics JSC produces household chemicals under the brands AOS, BiMax, Sorti, Biolan and others. JSC "NEFIS-BIOPRODUCT" is known for its brands of sauces and vegetable oil Mr.Ricco, "Miladora" and "Laska".

A tour of the Mr.Ricco ketchup and mayonnaise production lines for a group of journalists and bloggers was given by Andrey Vladimirovich Kulikov, Deputy General Director for Innovation and Implementation, and Margarita Viktorovna Gerkina, the chief technologist of the enterprise.

JSC "NEFIS-BIOPRODUCT" today is one of the largest enterprises producing sauces in Russia, in the countries of the former USSR and in Europe in general. The production volumes are impressive - almost 200 thousand tons of finished products per year. The enterprise's capacity allows it to produce about 250 tons of mayonnaise, more than 100 tons of ketchup and 400 tons of oil PER DAY. Yes, Mr.Ricco “natural ketchups” and “natural mayonnaises” are produced here in tens and hundreds of tons every day.

To ensure uninterrupted and rhythmic production of such a volume of fat and oil products with minimal dependence on external factors, the Nefis group is building a complete closed supply cycle system. The manufacturer strives to independently carry out all processes from planting and harvesting initial crops (for example, sunflower) to delivering finished bottles of oil to stores. Naturally, mayonnaise and other sauces produced by Nefis use their own oil.

The company has its own warehouses and elevator facilities for storing sunflower seeds, its own oil extraction plant, oil storage tanks and its own packaging production.

The Nefis group also has its own extensive fleet of vehicles: 220 trucks for transporting sunflowers alone.

A dedicated railway line runs right through the production area.

Production volumes are significant, which is why raw materials are purchased from suppliers by trainloads. And finished products are shipped in trains for export to neighboring countries and Europe.

In 2017, sauces and butter from Tatarstan began to be supplied to China. Partners and consumers from the Middle Kingdom were impressed by the high quality of Russian “natural ketchups” and “natural mayonnaise” from Nefis.

Thanks to automation and the widespread introduction of automatic lines and robots, Mr.Ricco practically does not use manual labor in the production of ketchups and mayonnaises - “only” 800 people work on the company’s lines. For such a large-scale production, this is not much at all. “Robots work hard, people are happy” - basically, the tasks of the staff involve monitoring the operation of the automation.

How are containers and packaging made?

The Nefis group has established its own packaging production - its capacity not only fully covers the needs of the enterprise, but even allows it to supply packaging to other manufacturers.

How is packaging done? Polymer material comes from suppliers in granules, which is melted and turned into blanks for cans, bottles and lids.

Moreover, the suppliers of raw materials for packaging are Russian.

Here, from preforms similar to test tubes, the usual jars for sauces and bottles for vegetable oil, ketchup and Mr. Ricco mayonnaise are blown on a special machine. To create a can, the neck of the preform is cut off. The production is waste-free: the cut-off parts of the workpieces, as well as the rejects, are cleaned and processed back into granules, from which new workpieces will be made.

Preforms, so-called “cartridges,” are transported to the warehouse by electric forklifts. An uninterrupted supply of “ammunition” to the production line was organized. The Inzher system automatically sends containers with workpieces from the warehouse to conveyors along a monorail laid under the ceiling. The Inzher company, a manufacturer of automated transport systems based on monorails, is based right there in Tatarstan, in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

How is Mr.Ricco “natural ketchup” made?

One of the most popular Nefis products is Mr.Ricco ketchups. They have received awards for quality several times, including taking first place in the “Test Purchase” program on Channel One and being included in the top twenty best Russian products according to the Roskachestvo project.

The main ingredient of Mr.Ricco ketchup—expensive, high-quality tomato paste—is purchased mainly from Portugal, Spain and Chile. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no suppliers capable of ensuring uninterrupted supplies in the volumes Nefis needs - hundreds and hundreds of tons monthly.

This is what one of the warehouses looks like, where barrels of high-quality natural tomato paste, ready for making ketchup, are stored.

Only a small part of the huge storage space fits into the frame. In addition to pasta, other ingredients for sauces are also stored there.

Large briquettes of dried mushrooms are securely packed in airtight packaging.

And here’s what a pickled cucumber looks like ready for use in sauces.

Both mushrooms and cucumbers, we note, are also all exclusively domestic production. But let's return to tomato paste. Paste made from “high pectin” varieties of tomatoes is stored inside barrels in aseptic foil bags. It is squeezed out of these bags by a machine with a special roller.

To produce Mr.Ricco ketchups, special tomato paste is purchased - from special “meaty” varieties of tomatoes, especially rich in pectin and lycopene. When making sauce, pectins act as a natural structure-forming agent (thickener) - instead of starch, which is used in cheap ketchups. Lycopene is a natural coloring agent that gives tomatoes their natural bright red color.

Pectin and lycopene are very beneficial for health - they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, remove harmful substances from the body and even help prevent the development of cancer: skin cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

You may ask: “Why do most manufacturers make ketchup with starch and dyes if the tomato paste already contains everything you need? Out of harm? The whole difficulty is to cook ketchup correctly - this requires expensive raw materials and a complex technological process. Even the temperature at which tomato paste is prepared plays a role: pectins are destroyed during prolonged heating.

Mr.Ricco natural ketchups use a paste prepared using Hot-Break technology: it is briefly heated to 110 degrees Celsius and kept at this temperature for only 30 seconds, which allows the pectins to be “activated” but not destroyed.

Nefis prepares sauces in digesters from the famous German manufacturer Stephan Machinery. One “Stefan” holds 1.2 tons of sauce and produces 3.6 tons of finished product per hour.

“Stefan” is smart and independent: he himself controls the temperature and pressure necessary to comply with the technology for preparing “natural ketchup”, “natural mayonnaise” and other Mr. Ricco products. "Stefan" tracks the proportion of ingredients with high accuracy - down to the gram.

The ingredients are stored in separate tanks connected to the Stefan by a complex system of pipes. In the case of Mr.Ricco’s “natural ketchup,” the ingredients are tomato paste, salt, sugar and spices. Vinegar and pieces of vegetables can be added to sauces, depending on the recipe.

“Stefan” cleans itself in an automatic washing mode, so that after cooking one type of product, it can quickly and with guaranteed safety move on to the production of another.

Stefan digesters cost about a million euros each; there are 12 of them at Nefis production. Not every manufacturer in Russia and even in Europe can afford such expensive equipment, and even in such quantity.

“NOT natural ketchups” are prepared in a completely different way. Often the cheapest tomato paste from China is used. Moreover, the most expensive ingredient in ketchups - paste - is used much less than in natural sauce. The main ingredients are starch and water.

The paste for “NOT Natural Ketchups” is boiled at a temperature of 85 degrees for 45 minutes, which is why very little tomato pectin, vitamins and lycopene remain in the final product. To give the correct consistency, manufacturers of inexpensive ketchup add starch or guar gum (E412) to the sauce. Artificial colors and flavor enhancers are used to add flavor and color.

Such “ketchups are NOT natural” are absolutely NOT good for your figure. Starch is a fast carbohydrate. The feeling of fullness from such food does not last long, so with the “NOT natural” sauce you eat much more. In short, eating extra pounds with “starch” ketchup is much easier.

But such “pseudo-ketchup” will go on the shelf with the lowest possible price. Since low price is the main factor of choice for a significant part of consumers, most manufacturers do not bother with complex and expensive technology. Inexpensive “chemical” ketchups with starch or gum as a thickener and many additives - dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. - are mass produced.

But let’s get back to the “straights.” Freshly made bottles are filled with ketchup under sterile conditions.

Each bottle with the finished product is hermetically sealed with a stopper with a special foil gasket. The sealing gasket protects the sauce from oxygen and bacteria from the air entering the bottle. After filling and packaging, labels are applied to the bottles.

Then the army of ketchup bottles from the column is rearranged into ranks.

After which the ketchup is packaged in boxes and sealed in film.

Next, the boxes of ketchup go to a packaging robot named KUKA. “Kuka” stacks boxes on pallets, and not just one on top of the other, but in a special order that ensures stability. If necessary, Kuka can turn the bottles in the boxes so that the labels “look” outward.

KUKA robots are produced in Germany, each costs about 10 million rubles and can replace an entire team of loaders. In general, human participation on the production line, which produces up to 40 tons of products every hour, is minimized - only six people work here. Their tasks are to control the operation of automation and robots, as well as transport the product ready for shipment to the shipping warehouse.

KUKA places the formed pallets on a machine that rolls them in plastic film. The number of layers is adjusted depending on how and over what distance the packaged product will be transported.

In this warehouse, stacks of finished products can be stored on several floors - up to the ceiling. To prevent the product from spoiling, a constant temperature of about 6 degrees Celsius is maintained in the warehouse.

Loading a 20-ton truck with products from a warehouse takes an average of 10 minutes. Loading onto 8 trucks can be carried out at the same time. The production is capable of shipping up to 90 trucks of its products per day.

How is “natural mayonnaise” made?

It was possible to get acquainted with the technology of mayonnaise production using an interesting example: the visit of journalists and bloggers to the Nefisa plant coincided with the launch of the production of Mr.Ricco mayonnaise with avocado oil. This is a new product for the Russian market, but in Europe and America, based on the principles of proper nutrition, a similar product has been sold for several years.

The Nefis group has a reputation as an innovator in the Russian sauce market: in 2005, it was under the Mr.Ricco brand that sales of the first quail egg-based mayonnaise in Russia began.

Quail egg mayonnaise has a special, light taste. In addition, quails extremely rarely carry infectious diseases, such as salmonellosis. That is why classic chicken egg mayonnaise is made from pasteurized dried yolk, and fresh yolks in liquid form are added to quail egg mayonnaise.

Quail eggs are a healthy product: they contain vitamins of groups B, A and PP, amino acids, minerals important for the body, unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin. That is, mayonnaise made with quail eggs is not only tasty, but also healthy. Let’s just say it’s healthier than classic mayonnaise made with chicken eggs.

So, in 2017, Nefis picked up the already established global trend and was the first in Russia to start selling mayonnaise with avocado oil.

In 1998, avocado was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most nutritious fruit in the world. Its fruits contain a lot of vitamin A and potassium, which are good for the heart. Avocados are also a source of healthy fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6. Plus it contains lecithin, phosphates and amino acids.

Avocado is one of the most popular products in the “proper nutrition” system. Avocado often replaces butter. Avocados contain up to 30% fat, but only 160 calories per 100 grams. For comparison: butter has as many as 717 calories in the same 100 grams - almost 5 times more than avocados.

Some may think that the phrases “healthy mayonnaise” or even “mayonnaise and proper nutrition” are oxymorons and absurd. And yet, taking into account the use of avocado oil, we can assume that the new Mr.Ricco mayonnaise is really the healthiest (or the least harmful - it depends on who knows) of all the types of mayonnaise on sale.

No, of course, Mr.Ricco Organic mayonnaise with avocado oil is not a dietary product. This is a complete, real mayonnaise, but with an extremely useful ingredient in its composition. And the light taste of avocado allows you to use Mr.Ricco mayonnaise both in traditional dishes, where the classic mayonnaise taste is needed, and in culinary experiments - when you want to try something new. Some housewives add chopped apples to Olivier salad or olives to vinaigrette as an experiment.

Natural avocado oil is supplied to Nefis production from New Zealand. The supplier country was not chosen by chance - agricultural products from “green and clean” (New Zealand’s slogan) are famous for their environmental friendliness.

The remaining ingredients of Mr.Ricco mayonnaise with avocado oil are mainly of Russian origin: egg yolk, mustard oil, vinegar, salt, spices - all this comes from different parts of the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of Russia.

The bags are filled with mayonnaise, then spouts with a twisted cap are soldered to them.

A finished, hermetically sealed package of mayonnaise looks like this:

The first industrial batch is ready! Russian mayonnaise with avocado oil Mr.Ricco is already sold in some stores, and will soon be available throughout Russia.

Sanitary regime and quality control

Mr.Ricco’s “natural ketchups” and “natural mayonnaises” are prepared in perfectly clean, almost sterile conditions. The Nefis enterprise operates under a standard sanitary regime for this type of production. Throughout the entire territory you can ONLY wear bathrobes or overalls, replaceable shoes or shoe covers.

In the sanitary inspection room, you must treat your hands with an antiseptic (bleach solution) and walk on a mat soaked in a special disinfectant composition.

Employees who come into contact with ingredients or open product always wear hats.

All rooms where Mr.Ricco mayonnaise and ketchup are produced are supplied with preheated and carefully filtered air using powerful ventilation systems. In many production areas, ultraviolet lamps hang from the ceiling - as you know, ultraviolet radiation kills many types of microbes in the air. There are especially many UV lamps in rooms where ingredients are processed and sauces are cooked.

In general, you can rest assured that Mr.Ricco’s “natural ketchups” and “natural mayonnaises” are ideally clean.

Samples are taken from each batch of ketchup and mayonnaise for analysis. The Stefan has a special faucet for this.

A new portion is sent to the laboratory.

For constant monitoring of product quality, the Nefis enterprise is equipped with two production laboratories and a research center. As Andrey Vladimirovich Kulikov, Deputy General Director of JSC NEFIS-BIOPRODUCT for Innovation and Implementation, admitted, even many European sauce manufacturers can envy the level of equipment of the laboratories of the Nefis group.

Matrix-I spectrometers from the American company Bruker are used to analyze product samples. Several million rubles were spent on the purchase of this equipment, but the price is 100% justified. Based on the ability of various products to absorb part of the light spectrum of a certain wavelength, the spectrometer almost instantly determines with high accuracy the chemical composition and amount of ingredients included in the product.

The process takes no more than 30 seconds and allows you to control product quality even with huge volumes of continuous production. With simpler equipment, instead of 1 analysis on one device, you would have to do 6 different analyzes, and the procedure would take up to 30 minutes - during this time you can release and package a whole batch of low-quality product, which, if any problems are identified, will then have to be completely disposed of.

The Nefis laboratory is also armed with manual and electronic refractometers and many other types of specialized equipment. For example, in the photo below there is a special device that determines the thickness of ketchup through long and monotonous stirring in a flask.

People who make “natural ketchups” and “natural mayonnaises”

Among the factory workers there are a lot of representatives of the fair sex. The girls are excellent at what they do and masterfully operate complex equipment. And, despite the hard and responsible work, they manage to remain friendly and attractive.


Ketchup and mayonnaise are completely familiar products for Russians, the most popular types of sauces, familiar from childhood. However, the production of these sauces from high-quality natural ingredients, without the addition of artificial thickeners, colors and flavor enhancers, is quite a complex and expensive task. A significant portion of the cheap ketchups and mayonnaises available on the market are made using starch and artificial ingredients. This allows you to set a low price for the final product and have no doubt: people will buy without thinking about the naturalness of the ingredients and, as a result, the health benefits and harm to the figure.

“Nefis” is one of the very few Russian producers of high-quality and healthy “natural sauces” without the addition of “chemicals”. Yes, Mr.Ricco ketchups and mayonnaises are not the cheapest, but both the taste and quality justify the price.

When choosing ketchup for a barbecue or mayonnaise for a salad, you need to carefully study the composition: no starch means “natural”. Or you can take Mr.Ricco without hesitation - all the sauces of this brand are definitely produced without the addition of starch and “chemicals,” as we were convinced of during the reporting and tasting of the product.

As they say, a note to the housewife: how to distinguish “natural ketchup” from “starchy ketchup”? It is enough to conduct a simple experiment. You don't need complex equipment: a teaspoon of ketchup, an empty cup or glass, some water and a few drops of regular iodine, as well as a syringe or pipette.

The essence of the experiment is simple: as is known, when starch reacts with iodine, it acquires a bright blue hue. So take some ketchup, add water. The difference is already noticeable - pectin-based ketchup dissolves in water, while starch-based ketchup sits at the bottom of the glass with a tight stopper.

After adding water, use a pipette or syringe to drip iodine into the glasses.

As you can see, Mr.Ricco natural ketchup does not enter into any reactions - there is no starch in the composition, there is nothing to react to iodine. Red ketchup + brown iodine = dark red ketchup.

A much more interesting transformation occurs with starch ketchup. The ketchup almost instantly turns blue-black, only the sediment stuck to the bottom retains the red color.

A simple experiment from the initial organic chemistry course will help expose unscrupulous manufacturers who do not indicate the presence of starch in their products. With the help of iodine, you can detect starch not only in ketchup and mayonnaise, but also in dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese) and even in sausages.

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A wide range of ready-made sauces is produced by the industry. These primarily include mayonnaise sauce, which has gained great popularity among the population. This sauce is widely used for many cold dishes.

But, besides mayonnaise, there are a number of sauces that are no less valuable in terms of nutrition and taste. These are tomato, fruit and gourmet sauces.

Sauces produced by industry are very diverse in their composition. Many sauces use seasonal ingredients that are not available during the rest of the year.

The richness of the recipe, the accuracy of its adherence, the careful implementation of technology and sanitary requirements provide each sauce with a special, wonderful, subtle taste and beautiful appearance.

Industrially prepared sauces are suitable for direct use in dishes or can be added to prepared dishes to enhance the taste. They are produced in small or large packaging.

Storage of industrial sauces is quite stable. Once opened, the bottle can be stored for several days if it is closed again with a lid, cork and placed in a cool, dark place.

Industrial sauce

165. Mayonnaise sauce

The main mayonnaise sauce includes refined high-quality sunflower oil (68%), fresh egg yolks (10%), ready-made mustard (6.7%), sugar (2.3%), vinegar (11%) and spices (2% ).

Mayonnaise is used for salads, vinaigrettes and many other cold dishes.

166. Spicy tomato sauce

This sauce is used in the preparation of many meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It can also be used to season red sauce and added to vegetable marinade sauce.

The sauce contains fresh tomatoes or tomato puree, sugar, onions, garlic and spices. The taste of the sauce is sweet and sour.

167. Kuban sauce

This sauce is also tomato, but in composition and method of preparation it differs significantly from tomato hot sauce. It is prepared from selected fresh tomatoes, which are peeled. Its taste is delicate, sweet and sour.

Kuban sauce is good for boiled meat, boiled fish and potato dishes and some vegetables.

168. Sauce “Amateur spicy”

This delicious sauce contains plum, cherry plum, apple shore, pomegranate juice, tomato paste, granulated sugar, salt, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.

Use it for fried cold and hot meat, fish; added to various red hot sauces.

169. Southern sauce

This sauce contains enzymatic soy sauce, applesauce, tomato paste, sugar, salted liver, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, raisins, pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, Madeira wine, nutmeg, cardamom. “Yuzhny” sauce has a pungent taste and spicy aroma.

It is applied to cold and hot fried meat, fish, and added to salad dressings and red hot sauces to give them a spicy, piquant taste.

170. Vostok sauce

The base of this sauce is enzymatic soy sauce. In addition, it contains applesauce, tomato paste, granulated sugar, salted liver, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, prunes, dried pear, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, onion, cinnamon.

It is used for the same dishes as “Yuzhny” sauce.

171. Moscow sauce

This sauce contains enzymatic soy sauce, tomato paste, sugar, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, pepper, coriander.

It is used in the same way as “Yuzhny” sauce.

172. Indian Fruit Sauce

This sauce contains apple puree, plum puree, cherry plum, dried apricots, raisins, tomato paste, sugar, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and Madeira wine. It is recommended to use it for cold and hot meat and fish dishes and snacks, as well as for flavoring red hot sauces.

173. Fruit sauces

They produce apple, plum, apricot, etc. sauces. For their preparation, they use ripe selected fruits, which are peeled from skin and seeds, and lightly boiled with the addition of sugar.

Fruit sauces have a variety of uses; They are used for cereals (porridges, cutlets, casseroles), flour dishes (pancakes, pancakes), and are also used for dressing salads, added to mayonnaise.

174. Nasharabi

Nasharabi is the boiled juice of pomegranate fruits. To prepare the sauce, pomegranates are peeled, the internal partitions are removed, the grains are placed in a clean cloth and pressed. The squeezed juice is poured into a tinned pan or cauldron, brought to a boil, boiled to one third of the original volume, cooled and poured into a glass container. This sauce gives the dish a sweet and sour taste.

175. Tkemali sauce

Tkemali are the fruits of one of the types of plums growing in the forests of Transcaucasia. This sauce serves as a seasoning for national dishes - boiled and fried meat. It is prepared as follows: the plums are washed, simmered, then discarded and wiped. The resulting puree is diluted with the remaining broth, spices are added - cilantro, basil, garlic, red pepper, allowed to boil, then cooled. It is served separately with dishes on a socket.

To speed up the process of preparing red and white main sauce, catering establishments use sauce pastes that are produced by preparation enterprises.

The centralized production of sauce paste consists of the following processes:

sautéing carrots, onions, tomato puree with fat (200 g of fat per 1 kg of vegetables);

rubbing sautéed vegetables using a rubbing machine;

sautéing flour in an oven (at 130–150 °C) until light yellow, cooling and sifting;

combining vegetables with flour and other pasta components.

The pureed vegetables are mixed with tomato puree, 1/4 sauteed flour, sugar, margarine and heated, stirring until a thick mass is formed, and then combined with the rest of the sautéed flour, salt, “Yuzhny” sauce, pepper, bay leaf, and table mustard. Mix everything well until a homogeneous thick mass of red-brown color is formed.

When preparing a white sauce paste, the flour is sauteed almost without changing color, then combined with melted margarine, grated sautéed onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf powder and mixed so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

The sauce paste is hung in metal boxes or functional containers, closed, sealed, cooled at a temperature of 0 to 4 ° C and stored for no more than 12 hours. To prepare a sauce from the paste, it must be diluted with hot broth or broth and boiled for at least 30 minutes.

Industrially produced sauces. When preparing dishes at catering establishments, industrially produced sauces are often used. These include sauces “Yuzhny”, Lyubitelsky, tomato Spicy, mayonnaise, Moscow, Kuban, Fruit with nuts, Marinade, Tkemali, Shashlychny, Astrakhan, Okhotnichy, Mushroom, Samarkand.

Each of these sauces has a unique, pronounced taste and beautiful appearance. Sauces contain a variety of products that are valuable in their chemical composition. Industrially produced sauces are added to some dishes and culinary sauces during the cooking process to improve taste, and are also served with hot and cold dishes.

These sauces are produced in small packaging - from 100 to 400 g and in large packaging - from 1 to 3 kg, packaged in glass jars and bottles, in plastic film bags, in tubes and other packaging. Store at a temperature of 10–18°C in dry rooms.

The most common industrial sauce is mayonnaise, which contains refined vegetable oil, egg yolks, table mustard, salt, sugar, vinegar, spices, skimmed milk powder or casein. Mayonnaise is produced in several types: table mayonnaise with dill, mayonnaise with tomato, with horseradish, with spices.

Southern sauce It has a dark red color, a pungent taste, and a spicy aroma. It is prepared from enzymatic soy sauce, applesauce, tomato paste, grated liver, sugar, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, raisins, pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and Madeira. Served with cold and hot fried meat and fish dishes. Add when preparing sauces, stewing cabbage, in salads and vinaigrettes (from 8 to 10 g and from 10 to 18 g).

Sauce Vostok prepared from enzymatic soy sauce, applesauce, tomato paste, sugar, liver, vegetable oil, garlic, onions, prunes, dried pears, and spices. Used in the same way as “Yuzhny” sauce.

Moscow sauce consists of enzymatic soy sauce, tomato puree, sugar, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, pepper, coriander. It is used in the same way as “Yuzhny” sauce.

Spicy tomato sauce served with hot meat dishes, 25–40 g per serving; added to tomato sauces and marinades, 10–15 g. The sauce contains fresh tomatoes or tomato puree, sugar, onions, garlic, and spices. The color of the sauce is red, the taste is sweet and sour.

Kuban sauce prepared from fresh tomatoes and served with boiled dishes of meat, fish and vegetables. It has a delicate sweet and sour taste and is red in color.

Tkemali sauce is pureed puree of wild plums with the addition of cilantro, basil, garlic, red pepper, which is diluted with a decoction, brought to a boil and cooled. The sauce is served with fried meat and poultry dishes, kebabs, kupats, and lula kebab.

Fruit sauces– apple, apricot, plum – made from peeled, boiled fruits with sugar. These sauces are served with sweet, cereal, and flour dishes (puddings, casseroles, pancakes, pancakes).

Marinade sauces are served with cold fish and meat dishes.

Food sauce concentrates. The food industry produces concentrates of white, mushroom sauces and their derivatives. They are a powder that, before use, is diluted with water in the required amount and boiled for 2-3 minutes, then butter is added. The raw materials for sauce concentrates are dry meat, mushrooms, vegetables, sautéed flour, tomato powder, milk powder, salt, sugar, citric acid, spices, monosodium glutamate. All products are processed, removing inedible parts and water, then crushed and mixed according to the recipe. Sauce concentrates are packaged in boxes or bags weighing from 50 to 200 g or from 1 to 2 kg. Store for up to 4 months.

Consumption of ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise exceeds three kilograms per person per year, so paste-like sauces and seasonings will always be in demand.

Organization of food business

It is necessary to register an LLC for the future mini-factory and decide on strategic partners involved in the sale of products (wholesale warehouses, bases). Supermarkets are especially important; they prefer to do business with reliable manufacturers, because they ensure maximum sales.

Study of regulations and state standards GOST 9159-71, GOST R 53590-2009 and GOST R 52141-2003.

A premises that meets sanitary and hygienic standards is selected and a technological line for the production of paste products is purchased.

A business plan is being formed (which must include the daily production volume, all costs and net profit). Return on sales is key and must be more than 55% for payback in a year.

To confirm the quality of any type of pasty product, certification is required with the appropriate package of documents according to which the products will be manufactured. These may be GOSTs (category “Extra” without artificial preservatives) or proprietary technical conditions (TU) for other categories.

Mayonnaise manufacturing technology

The composition of mayonnaise is not regulated by GOST. The main ingredients are vegetable oil (more than 30%), eggs, sugar (xylitol), salt, milk. The workshop must have three vats (for liquid eggs, oil and paste).

The eggs are pasteurized and pumped into a cooling tank. Then soybean oil and spices diluted in apple cider vinegar are added. The unit stirs the mixture at room temperature for six minutes until smooth and a mayonnaise paste is obtained.

After selective laboratory quality control of mayonnaise based on color, smell, viscosity and other parameters, it is poured with a dispenser into packaging containers (disposable double-layer bags, plastic).

Ketchup preparation technology

Tomato paste is diluted with water, mixed in a digester with sugar (sorbitol), salt, fruit purees, starch, stabilizers, and dye. Before pouring into jars, bags and plastic cups, they are checked in the laboratory with a refractometer for the mass content of dry substances in tomatoes and other parameters (aroma, consistency). Hot pouring (80 degrees) ensures optimal quality.

Mustard production

Crushed seeds (17%) are added to a mixture of pepper, turmeric, salt, vinegar, water (up to 60%) and mixed for about an hour until the grains are broken. The mass is poured into a burr mill of controlled grinding, where the grains are ground with stones to a cream at a temperature of 60 degrees. The seasoning parameters are checked and poured into jars.
Grain mustard differs from powdered seasoning in its sweetness, and in French mustard the acid is replaced with grape juice.

Five people are enough to operate the ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard production line. To stimulate the pace of sales, it is recommended to give discounts to wholesalers, supplement products with advertising brochures, and conduct preferential sales promotions.

Working directly with supermarkets brings the best returns and the quality of the products will work for itself. Sales of high-fat mayonnaise are far ahead of low-calorie mayonnaise, because consumers are interested in quality, not price. And if we take into account that the market is not yet saturated with pastes (a growth trend of more than 2%), then the production of ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise guarantees a stable profit.
