How to make mustard at home - delicious sauce recipes. Mustard-honey sauce for salad: recipe, photo How to cook mustard with honey

One of the most popular and widespread seasonings for dishes is mustard. It is used in every national cuisine and, in general, all over the world. Mustard is used not only as a seasoning, but also as an additional ingredient when frying sausages, ham, bacon, etc.
Mustard is preparing from mustard powder, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, spices, salt and various additives. When mustard powder is brewed with hot water, essential oil is released, due to which mustard has a bitter, pungent taste and specific smell. The lighter varieties of this special powder have the best gastronomic qualities, which practically do not change color when rubbed with water. Dozens of mustard varieties have the same initial composition, but at the same time they differ from each other, firstly, in piquancy and pungency, and secondly, in shades of aroma, which is achieved through the introduction of accentuating additives.

Classic version of mustard

Recipe: Mix mustard powder well with a small amount of boiling water. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream or cottage cheese. Place in a deep bowl and pour boiling water until it covers. Let it sit for ten hours. This is done in order to eliminate any bitterness. Drain off excess liquid, add vinegar, sugar, salt and water to taste (to give the required consistency). After everything, you need to grind the almost ready mustard until a characteristic mustard smell appears.

Simple mustard recipe

Recipe: Dry mustard (5 tablespoons) is diluted with boiling water until it reaches the consistency of porridge. Add sugar (1 tbsp), salt to taste, 3% vinegar (1 tsp) and refined sunflower oil (2 tsp). Mix, cover with a lid, and place in a warm place for eight hours. Afterwards you can eat mustard.

Quick mustard

Recipe: Pour boiled boiling water over 100 grams of mustard powder, stir and leave to stand for six hours. Then drain the excess liquid, add 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 50 grams of 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, ground red and black pepper to taste. Let it sit for a while, drain off the excess liquid and the mustard is ready for use. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Apple mustard

6 tablespoons dry mustard, 8 tablespoons applesauce, 5 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons salt. 4 tablespoons of three percent vinegar, boiled in advance with spices (basil, star anise, anise, cloves).
Bake the apples in the oven, grind them into puree, mix with dry mustard and sugar, grind thoroughly, add salt and vinegar. It is necessary to insist and stand for 3 days.

Honey mustard

Recipe: Take equal quantities of honey, mustard powder, vinegar.
Mix honey with mustard powder, grind thoroughly, add vinegar heated to fifty degrees until the desired consistency is achieved. Close hermetically with a lid and let it brew for five to seven days.

Spicy mustard

Recipe: 1.5 cups of dry mustard, 0.5 cups of vegetable oil, 1 cup of 9% vinegar, 75 grams of sugar and spices: bay leaf, hot pepper, cloves and cinnamon.
For the marinade, take 175 ml of water, add a small pinch of all the spices and 1 bay leaf, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes, cool, strain, add vinegar.
By using sieves sift the mustard powder, brew with boiling water (175 ml), while not forgetting to stir. When you get a homogeneous mass, add more boiling water to cover it by 2 cm and leave in this state for 12 hours in a cool, dark place. When the time is up, drain the excess water, add vegetable oil in several additions, sugar, marinade and mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then put the mustard in a glass or ceramic dishes, Cover tightly with a lid and let sit for a day.

Danish mustard

Recipe: The simplest option. The highlight of this mustard is the addition of sour cream. The delicate taste of methane softens the sharp and spicy taste of mustard. To get this recipe, simply mix ready-made mustard with cream or sour cream to taste.

Close your eyes and imagine a bowl of rich Russian jellied meat. Or, for example, a whole dish of steaming Bavarian sausages with beer. Or here’s another, a hot dog - a soft bun, pickles, aromatic sausage, a piece of cheese... It seems that these dishes are missing something... Well, of course! Mustard! There is no shortage of it in stores, but it’s all “not like that.” It doesn’t matter, because preparing mustard from powder at home is no problem. On the contrary, homemade mustard, as they say, is vigorous and stings your nose! And if you like it sweeter, then the cards are in your hands - add the necessary components, adjust the spiciness and sweetness to your own taste. Today we will learn how to prepare seasoning so that friends will line up for the recipe.

There are three types of mustard seeds in the world: white, black and Sarepta. In Russia they traditionally use the latter, and the very first written mentions of them are found in documents of the 18th century. And we used mustard not only as a seasoning, but also as a medicine for colds. But today we will not be treated, but only accelerate our appetite with this hot spice.

Classic homemade mustard is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons mustard powder;
  • half a spoon of sugar and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

If you want to get a truly aromatic, spicy mixture, then it is better to buy mustard seeds and make a powder from them yourself.

  1. Take a 200 gram jar, wipe it dry so that the powder does not stick to wet areas, otherwise dark spots will remain on the walls.
  2. Pour mustard powder into a jar, add sugar and salt. Stir and set aside.
  3. Boil half a glass of water and let it cool slightly - high temperatures destroy the enzymes contained in mustard.
  4. Add warm water one spoon at a time to the dry mixture and stir gently. The finished seasoning should be like thick sour cream so that it can be easily spread, for example, on bread. Knead thoroughly without leaving any lumps.
  5. Now the mustard should “ferment”. To do this, place it in a closed jar in a warm place (you can directly on the battery) for several hours.
  6. After some time, open the almost finished seasoning and add oil to it. You don’t have to do this, but then the seasoning will quickly darken and sooner lose its pungency.

The seasoning is ready and should sit in the refrigerator for about a week. When you first open the jar, don’t inhale the aroma deeply - it will bring you to tears!

Mustard with honey

This “honey” mustard is perfect for marinating meat and goes well with salads. You can adjust the amount of lemon juice in its composition upward, if desired. In the given proportions, the sauce is hot, with a sweet aftertaste and a sour note.

  • mustard beans 70 grams;
  • 3 tablespoons each of honey and water;
  • a spoonful of sunflower oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a quarter spoon of salt.

Let's start preparing the “honey” mustard sauce.

  1. First, grind the mustard seeds into powder in a coffee grinder and put it in a bowl, where we will dilute our sauce.
  2. Put the water on the fire and while it is heating up, pour salt into the mustard powder and mix the dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Pour warm water into the salted mustard and grind so that the spice evenly absorbs the moisture. The finished mixture should be narrower than the consistency you want in the end.
  4. Pour honey into the resulting mass. If it is frozen, then first melt it in a water bath.
  5. Add lemon juice and add oil. Grind all the ingredients thoroughly again so that the finished mustard sauce has a homogeneous mass.

“Honey” mustard is ready! Place it in a glass jar and close the lid. It is better to use the spice after 5 days, when it is ripe.

Russian mustard

Making mustard is still an art. In Russia they made it so hot that it would take your breath away and it is simply impossible to find one in stores today. Therefore, we will do it ourselves.

The main secret is not to brew mustard powder with boiling water. The hotter the water, the less offensive the seasoning will be.

For real Russian mustard you will need:

  • 100 grams of mustard powder;
  • half a glass of warm water and vinegar solution (diluted to 3%);
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (sunflower, no olives! Our mustard is Russian!);
  • 1 spoon of granulated sugar;
  • half tablespoons of salt;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • for a special aroma, a pinch of cinnamon;
  • for spiciness, a couple of dry clove buds.

When the ingredients are ready, let's start cooking.

  1. Heat the water in a bowl and add cinnamon and cloves, bay leaves, sugar and salt into it. Let the spicy mixture boil and simmer for a few minutes.
  2. When the broth has cooled a little, strain it through a fine sieve so that no stray pieces of spice remain in the liquid.
  3. Pour the mustard powder into a convenient container and, gradually pouring the aromatic broth into it, stir the sauce until smooth.
  4. All that remains is to add the oil and vinegar solution. Pour in the latter in parts so that the finished product does not turn out to be too liquid.

That's all. Place the mustard in a jar, close and refrigerate for at least a day. A day later you can serve it with New Year's jellied meat or simply spread it on bread for hot first courses.

Old Russian mustard

Old Russian peasant cuisine was not distinguished by any special delights. The recipe for that authentic Russian mustard is also very simple.

  • 3 tablespoons each of powdered mustard and sugar;
  • half a spoon of crushed clove buds;
  • vinegar for dilution.

Place the main ingredient, sugar and clove buds in a bowl and slowly pour in the vinegar until desired consistency is achieved. Transfer the prepared seasoning into a jar, seal it well and place in a slightly preheated oven or microwave. Once it cools down, put it in the refrigerator. The product can be stored for up to a year.

Homemade spicy mustard

Get ready. This is a recipe for truly vigorous mustard. This seasoning will not only stimulate your appetite, but will also be an excellent cure for colds.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • 80 grams of regular yellow mustard powder;
  • the same amount of honey (reduce the amount if desired);
  • 4 tablespoons of 6% vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • grated ginger;
  • half a teaspoon of pepper;
  • zest as desired.

This mustard combines the fiery spiciness and delicate sweetness of honey, and the specific taste of ginger adds a piquant note to it.

  1. Pour powdered mustard into a deep bowl, sprinkle with pepper and salt, pour over liquid honey and lemon juice.
  2. Boil half a glass of water with ginger and zest. Let the liquid cool and strain through a strainer into a bowl with the mustard mixture.
  3. Thoroughly grind the mustard with the broth, sprinkle with vinegar and add vegetable oil. If necessary, adjust the consistency of the finished product by adding water or powder.

The spice will be ready for the table in a day.

Dijon mustard recipe

Back in the 10th century, French monks learned the technology of making mustard from the Romans and quietly began their own production. And the Europeans liked the new seasoning so much that after three centuries Dijon rightfully began to be considered the mustard capital and holds this title to this day.

The authenticity of the origin of real Dijon mustard is confirmed by a corresponding certificate. But we, like those same French monks before, will do the job without noise and dust - we will prepare the seasoning at home. The ingredients may seem somewhat strange, but this is the recipe that is declared as classic by French chefs.

So, you will need:

  • 2 glasses of any dry white wine;
  • two types of mustard: 60 grams in powder and 80 grams in grains;
  • a pair of large onions;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • 2 tablespoons of flower honey;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

It is better to take different mustard, for example, white and black. It is black grains that are traditionally added to the sauce in Dijon.

  1. We chop the onion finely, without much ceremony. Its appearance in this recipe is not at all interesting to us. Press the garlic through a press.
  2. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add wine and heat until it boils. After this, reduce the temperature and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  3. When the “onion” wine has cooled, strain it and throw away the boiled vegetables.
  4. Add melted honey to the wine and sprinkle with salt.
  5. It's mustard's turn. Pour the powder into a saucepan and grind it evenly in the wine to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. Add oil.
  6. Turn on the stove again, add black grains to the wine-mustard mixture and simmer, stirring regularly, until the liquid thickens.

Dijon mustard is almost ready. All we have to do is pour it into jars and close the lids once it cools down. This seasoning can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months. But this doesn’t matter - it will “break up” much earlier.

French mustard

The French are also experimenters in the kitchen and they have many mustard recipes. Let's stick to an interesting and relatively simple option.

To do this, prepare the following components:

  • a glass of mustard powder, cold water, dry white wine and vinegar;
  • half a glass of mustard beans;
  • half a glass of brown sugar or a little more beet sugar;
  • one onion;
  • a teaspoon each of salt, cinnamon and turmeric;
  • 2 yolks.

This mustard, like almost all European versions, will not be too spicy. But poultry and fish are perfectly marinated in it. So, prepare three deep bowls.

  1. Pour both the powder and the grains into the first bowl. Mix the ingredients and add water. Let the resulting mixture steep for 30 minutes to an hour.
  2. Cut the onion into quarters and place in a second bowl, pour in wine and vinegar, crush with turmeric and cinnamon. Heat the spiced wine and onion on the stove and bring to a boil. After this, simmer on the fire for another quarter of an hour.
  3. In a third bowl, beat the yolks, add the already swollen mustard mixture and pour in warm, spicy wine. Place this entire aromatic composition on low heat again and, stirring, bring until thickened.

When the French mustard sauce has cooled, transfer it to a convenient jar and store it in the refrigerator. Before serving, it is better to warm the seasoning slightly in the microwave.

Danish mustard

Why it is Danish remains a mystery, but the intrigue is all the more acute! This mustard is easy to prepare, and its taste is soft, delicate, in general, quite in the spirit of Europe. This sauce can be used as a marinade, as an addition to milk sausages and spicy sausages, to stewed mushrooms and vegetables. Interestingly, in Denmark, herring is marinated in a special way in this sauce.


  • 100 grams of white wine vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered mustard, whipped cream or full-fat sour cream;
  • half a spoon of sugar.

The sauce is prepared in literally two steps.

  1. In a small container, mix dry mustard with sugar and slowly, stirring, add vinegar until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. The paste should sit for half an hour while we whip the cream. We introduce them (or sour cream) into the finished sauce gradually. After the first spoon, we try what happened. If it turns out too harsh, add a spoonful of cream.

It’s impossible to call the Danes original based on this recipe. But everything ingenious is simple! Try using this paste to marinate young chicken, fish, or simply serve it in a gravy boat with stewed vegetables.

Mustard on applesauce

This fruit-mustard sauce is somewhat unusual for us, but it is very widely used in Italy. There it is served with meat dishes and complex salads. It perfectly complements the taste of a variety of cheeses. The taste of the sauce is very different from our bone-chilling mustard. The taste of fruit predominates, then a refined sourness is felt, and only then the spiciness.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • a large apple of the kind that you wouldn’t add to a charlotte - falling apart into mush after baking;
  • 2 tablespoons each of oil and wine vinegar (preferably white);
  • a spoonful of sugar and mustard seeds;
  • a little salt;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon.

The number of grains can be increased slightly if the sophistication of Italian cooking does not impress you.

  1. The base of this sauce is apple. Let's start with him. Wash the fruit, cut in half and remove the cores. Bake them in any convenient way. When the finished halves have cooled a little, use a teaspoon to separate the pulp from the peel and send it to the place of further preparation - in a half-liter jar.
  2. Add butter to the baked apple and puree it with a blender or fork.
  3. Prepare mustard seeds. Grind them together with salt and sugar in a mortar or coffee grinder. You can leave a slightly larger fraction, or you can grind it into dust. Sprinkle the finished mixture with cinnamon and stir again.
  4. We connect the two components. Add mustard to the vegetable puree, stirring the resulting mixture constantly. At the end, continuing to stir, add vinegar a few drops at a time to balance the taste of the resulting sauce.

Apple mustard can be used in just two hours. It “lives” for no more than two days, so it won’t be possible to prepare it for future use. Well, it is not necessary! After all, it is eaten at a couple of family dinners.

Table mustard

Many recipes have already been proposed here, but all, as they say, “on a free theme.” But in the Union there was a GOST for preparing mustard and it would be stupid not to mention it.

So, we will make gost mustard from the following ingredients:

  • glass of the main component;
  • 3 full tablespoons of sunflower oil and sugar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of acetic acid;
  • half a spoon of salt;
  • a pair of bay leaves;
  • ground pepper;
  • cinnamon and cloves.

The seasoning made according to this recipe is spicy, hot and thick. This is exactly what they used to serve in cafes and restaurants with jellied meat, lard, and fatty first courses.

  1. First, prepare a decoction of spices. Pour two glasses of water into a bowl and immediately add salt, sugar and pepper, throw in bay leaves, cinnamon, and cloves. Let the liquid boil and leave to infuse for a day.
  2. A day later, the broth must be boiled again and acetic acid must be poured into it.
  3. Pour the powdered mustard into a deep plate and strain the spicy infusion into it. Thoroughly grind the spice with the liquid until smooth and put it in a warm place for three hours.
  4. After the specified time, add oil to the almost finished seasoning and mix again. Ready!

Gostovskaya mustard can be used immediately, but it is better to let it “ripen” for another day in a cool place.

Recipe for mustard with cucumber pickle

In winter, this recipe for mustard made from mustard powder is very relevant. Pickles disappear quickly at this time of year, and all that remains is to pour out the brine with tears in your eyes. Let's save a glass or two of this tasty liquid and make a spicy, angry and aromatic seasoning.

The only ingredients you need are half a glass of dry mustard and cucumber pickle. Each housewife also closes cucumbers differently, so be careful with the second component. It may be too spicy if the cucumbers were covered with hot pepper, or, on the contrary, it may taste sweet.

  1. Pour half of the brine into a convenient container.
  2. Pour the powder into the brine, stirring constantly.

Adjust the consistency of the finished seasoning to your own taste. Some people like pasty mustard, others serve liquid mustard.

If the mixture is too spicy, add a little sugar. The finished product usually does not need salt.

In tomato brine

This mustard is prepared only by true connoisseurs. After trying it, you will dance for a long time, trying to put out the fire in your mouth. Aren't you scared?

Then prepare the ingredients:

  • an incomplete glass of mustard powder;
  • about 300 ml of tomato brine;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • a quarter spoon of sugar and even less salt.

To prepare mustard according to this recipe, choose a vinegar-based brine and mustard powder that is even yellow in color. Grayish will make the finished seasoning bitter and completely tasteless. If you want to get a “nuclear” mixture, dilute it in ice brine.

  1. Pour the brine into a half-liter jar and add half the amount of mustard powder into it. Add salt and sugar there immediately.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth; the mustard should be completely soaked. Next, adjust its consistency to the desired consistency by adding either brine or powder.
  3. If you want to soften the taste of the finished seasoning a little, add sunflower oil. The more of it, the more tender the mustard will be.

Such a product must stand for at least a day. Until it ripens, its taste will be far from what is desired.

In cabbage brine

We won’t tinker with this recipe for too long; the principle of preparation is already clear from the previous two. But unlike cucumber or tomato brine, cabbage brine will not give a strong pungency and the finished mustard will be softer. But if the cabbage was made with cranberries or horseradish, the taste of the sauce obtained from it will be much more interesting.

So, for a glass of mustard powder, in addition to the brine itself, you will need:

  • a spoonful of granulated sugar and vegetable oil;
  • half a spoon of salt;
  • a quarter spoon of vinegar;
  • any spices.

Again, check the mixture for “salinity” immediately after mixing it with the brine. You may not need to add additional salt at all. For a more interesting taste, try ginger, nutmeg, and ground cinnamon as seasonings.

  1. Take the cooled cabbage brine and pour it into a bowl. Add mustard powder there, stirring it with a fork as you go.
  2. Taste and add salt and sugar as desired. Let the mustard rest for an hour and a half.
  3. Pour in vinegar and oil, mix well and transfer to a previously prepared jar.

This “cabbage” seasoning can be eaten no earlier than in a day.

This is an exquisite sauce recipe that comes from the homeland of mustard. The French love to make it using grains, because the powder is much inferior in taste and aromatic properties. And when two types of grains are found in one sauce at once, the seasoning turns out “like in the best houses in London and Paris!”

  • up to a third of a glass of white mustard seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons each of black and powdered grains;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a quarter cup each of apple cider vinegar, honey and orange juice;
  • grated lemon zest (frozen will also work);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of dried dill.

You can use one type of mustard, but colored grains in the finished sauce will look especially attractive.

  1. Mix the grains and crush them a little in a mortar, then add mustard powder to them.
  2. Add fruit juice, vinegar and warm water to the resulting mixture, little by little. It’s better to add more later than to struggle with excess liquid. Sprinkle the sauce with salt and mix well.
  3. All we have to do is add dill, honey and zest. Afterwards, beat all this splendor with a blender until it becomes a thick cream, or simply mix thoroughly if you want to crunch the grains in the finished sauce.

Store this seasoning in the refrigerator. Use as a salad dressing or marinade for any type of meat. If you want, just spread it on bread and enjoy the unforgettable taste of two mustards.

The benefits and harms of mustard

After trying to prepare mustard according to the suggested recipes, you will probably stop buying it in stores. Some of its variants are so tasty that you can simply eat them with a spoon. But be careful, because this seasoning is not only useful, but can be harmful if consumed excessively.

Eat mustard with caution in the following conditions:

  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hypertension;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, do not forget about individual reactions to such an aggressive product.

If none of the above bothers you, then feel free to eat mustard, because it:

  • promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • improves appetite;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • has a slight laxative effect;
  • speeds up metabolism.

And this is only from what has been scientifically proven. And among the people, this spice is used to treat impotence, sore throat, and is given to children to improve attentiveness and intelligence, and also helps with poisoning and vision problems.

Therefore, eat mustard with pleasure! Sweet, spicy, sour, fruit-based, with ginger root - you are sure to find one that suits your taste.

Mustard-honey salad sauce goes well with meat, seafood and fish. The main thing is to prepare it correctly. In this article we will look at how to make a classic mustard-honey sauce and several of its variations. As well as salad recipes that will become tastier with such an unusual and tasty dressing.

Mustard-honey salad sauce perfectly combines a variety of flavors. The highlight is that it is at the same time sweet, moderately spicy and slightly sour.

Salad with tuna

There are a large number of tuna salads. It goes well with many ingredients. Tuna is a unique fish that tastes very much like beef. But, since this oceanic fish is not found in our latitudes, it is not possible to buy it fresh. Even if you find a quality product, be prepared to pay a considerable amount of money for it.

It is traditional to prepare salads from canned tuna. But for our recipe we need to try to find fresh one. This dish can be considered a delicacy, which not every housewife will allow herself every day, but it can become a real decoration for the holiday table.

Ingredients for making tuna salad in honey mustard sauce:

  • two hundred grams of tuna;
  • several pieces of quail eggs;
  • classic honey mustard sauce;
  • green beans;
  • several cherry tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper (preferably white).

How to cook

First you need to clean and boil the beans. Cook it for no more than 10 minutes. After this, remove from the water and let cool. Cut the beans into two halves.

Boil the quail eggs and also cut them in half. We do the same with cherry tomatoes. We wash them, dry them and cut them in half.

Rub the tuna fillet with pepper, salt and olive oil. Send to fry on the grill. Otherwise, fry in a frying pan on both sides until a crust forms, but so that the inside of the tuna fillet remains a little raw. After we take out the fish, coat it with honey-mustard sauce and cut into small cubes.

Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them into small pieces with your hands.

Mix all prepared ingredients. Before serving the salad, season it with the remaining honey-mustard sauce.

Good day, readers!

My father-in-law was diagnosed with high blood sugar, and he has a terrible sweet tooth.

In order not to worsen the approach to diabetes, doctors recommended giving up sugar and using substitutes instead.

My father-in-law is not happy with all the synthetic substitutes; he doesn’t like the taste of stevia; mustard honey came to the rescue.

Now they always have a bowl of this delicious sweetener on their table.

I’ll tell you about other beneficial properties of mustard honey below.

Description of the variety

Bees collect mustard honey from large yellow mustard flowers that bloom in early summer. This plant is known as one of the most healing spices. One hectare of mustard field gives beekeepers up to 500 kg of fragrant nectar.

This honey has this name because it is collected by bees from white and yellow mustard plants.

This honey has diuretic, emollient and expectorant properties.

Color, taste, smell

In liquid form, honey has a beautiful bright golden color, and after crystallization into small grains it becomes creamy yellow. The taste is delicate, sweet, but not cloying. The aroma is pleasant, with a herbal sound.

Maybe golden or light yellow in color with a delicate aroma. During crystallization, which occurs very quickly, it acquires a cream color. Mustard honey, unlike other varieties, has a sweet taste, without an aftertaste. The high concentration of iodine in its composition and a rich set of microelements keep the human immune system in good shape.

Mustard honey, unlike other varieties, has a sweet taste, without an aftertaste. The high concentration of iodine in its composition and a rich set of microelements keep the human immune system in good shape.

Freshly pumped mustard honey is liquid, golden-yellow in color, and then acquires a creamy hue. Honey from mustard crystallizes into small crystals, pH = 3.5.
Mustard honey has a pleasant aroma and tastes sweet. Mustard honey has good nutritional and medicinal properties; it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, cholelithiasis, diseases of the joints, skin, etc.

Mustard honey is different in color from others; it has a beautiful bright golden color and a transparent consistency. When mustard honey crystallizes, the liquid turns into small crystals and turns yellowish-cream. In terms of taste, mustard honey is not inferior to linden or acacia honey. Delicate and soft, it will appeal to those who do not like strong tastes and smells.

Mustard honey acquires its beneficial properties from nectar taken by bees from a honey plant. Despite the fact that the taste of this plant is bitter, or rather hot, mustard honey is very sweet and has a piquant aftertaste.

In its liquid state it has a pleasant golden yellow color, and later acquires a yellow-cream hue. It has high nutritional and medicinal properties, due to which it is recommended for respiratory diseases. Useful for diseases of the joints and skin.

This honey has diuretic, emollient and expectorant properties. When used regularly, it:

  • Removes various harmful substances and toxins from the body;
  • Treats joint diseases;
  • Helps with diabetes;
  • Relieves severe cough;
  • Helps with diseases of the nervous system;
  • Promotes kidney function;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

The presence of a large amount of iodine in mustard honey helps to cope with the improper functioning of the hormonal system. It perfectly treats problematic goiter, and most importantly, the treatment is pleasant and without side effects. It relieves well diseases associated with such an unpleasant phenomenon as dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

It is an excellent antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. For colds, flu, sore throat, cough and runny nose, it helps to get back on your feet quite quickly. Boosts overall immunity and helps cope with diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Works well as an expectorant and stimulates the production of mucus from the bronchi and lungs.


Properties of the variety

Mustard honey and its beneficial properties have been known to mankind for a long time. It is widely used in alternative medicine for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The product has absorbed all the healing properties of mustard, becoming a powerful medicine. Honey is used to strengthen the immune system, improve kidney health, cleanse the body, and also as a diuretic.

In addition, this variety saves you from colds of any type (flu, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.). To cure, 100 g of honey is mixed with the juice of one lemon and taken along with herbal decoctions. A recipe containing mustard honey and horseradish juice in equal doses will help speed up recovery from a cold.

The beneficial properties of mustard honey are not limited to the above list. The product acts as a natural antiseptic that heals inflammatory ailments of the larynx and mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Compresses and dressings based on this honey heal and disinfect open wounds, severe burns, abscesses, suppuration and other damage.

The reason for this is the product’s ability to thin the blood and stabilize hematopoietic processes. Natural mustard honey acts as a sugar substitute, which is very useful for people prone to diabetes, as well as for patients suffering from it.

The product stimulates brain activity, improves memory, and cures atherosclerosis. Its healing effect extends to the organs of vision and hearing, toning the body and restoring strength. Mustard honey is a real salvation for people suffering from joint diseases.

It is indispensable for arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, used as both a primary and an additional remedy. The product affects the production of gastric juice, so it should be taken before meals.

Amino acids, enzymes and vitamins, which are the basis of mustard honey, help thin the blood and thus improve blood circulation. The healing composition strengthens motor skills and heart strength. For people who suffer from diabetes, mustard honey will be a very good sugar substitute.

Mustard honey is extremely beneficial for children. A teaspoon a day for a growing body will be enough to provide it with all the necessary micro, macroelements and vitamins.

Recommended for middle-aged people under heavy mental and physical stress, as it helps improve memory, concentration and activates brain function. And, of course, for older people who have weak immunity, with regular use in the diet it helps strengthen cartilage tissue, bones and joints. It will also be useful for older people with diseases such as radiculitis and arthritis.


Mustard honey is a very highly nutritious and medicinal honey. It is used for lung diseases, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, and also for diabetes, joint pain, dermatology, etc.

Their mustard honey also helps the kidneys function, acting as a diuretic. Mustard honey improves appetite, helping to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Its significant feature is that it helps eliminate toxic substances and waste from the body.

Mustard honey has an expectorant effect. It is also sometimes used for radiculitis. Mustard honey improves blood circulation and has restorative properties. This honey is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

This type of honey helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, improves kidney function, and is used as a diuretic.

You can also eat mustard honey for urolithiasis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in complex therapy for the treatment of neuralgia and cholelithiasis. Mustard honey increases the production of gastric juice, so it is recommended to take it before meals.

Mustard honey helps with colds, coughs, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchopneumonia, and has an expectorant effect. It is also sometimes used for radiculitis. Mustard honey improves blood circulation, has restorative properties, and is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Mustard honey significantly activates the functioning of the brain and memory. Improves blood circulation in the body as a whole, improves vision and hearing. Tones the body and improves performance.


For people who have problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, honey is also very desirable in the diet.

Mustard honey is truly unique honey. One of the main features of mustard honey is its ability to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. This type of honey can be used not only internally, but also externally. Mustard honey is used in the form of face masks and for quick healing of wounds.

Eat mustard honey, use it for external purposes, and you will appreciate all its wonderful qualities.

Of course, mustard honey has also found itself for external use: suitable for making masks. Here is the recipe for preparing a mask: 50 g of mustard honey, 5 g of olive oil, one egg yolk is applied for twenty minutes to normalize the condition of the skin. A honey mustard mask nourishes the skin, rejuvenates it, and gets rid of acne.

So, mustard honey is truly unique honey. So we advise you to use it.
