How to make jellied meat from homemade chicken. Jellied meat with chicken gelatin. Chicken jellied meat - food preparation

Hello! Today we will prepare chicken jellied meat. Winter is the most suitable time of year for preparing any aspic dishes. So let's look at a few recipes for making jellied meat.

Besides, the new year is coming soon. And many people will look for recipes according to which they will prepare this wonderful snack. It was this fact that prompted me to write today’s article. We will look at the most common and delicious chicken jellied recipes.

They prepare it in different ways: some people prefer to add pork or beef to the composition, some add turkey, while others even make assorted dishes. The same applies to gelatin. On this matter, everyone has their own point of view. One claims that its presence in the composition is simply necessary, while the other claims that gelatin is useless in jellied meat.

You and I will not argue or talk about this topic, because I want to show you different recipes, from which you will choose yourself. So, let's start figuring it out, and then cook.

How to make chicken jellied meat without gelatin

Is it possible to make jellied meat without gelatin? Can. And in general, I somehow never bothered about this before. I mean, I've never cooked with gelatin. In our house, as far as I remember, no one ever added gelatin to jellied meat, regardless of what it was made from.

And it always turns out very well, I tell you. So here is the first recipe in which we do not use this product.

  • chicken - 1.5 kg.
  • turkey thigh - 0.5 kg.
  • pork legs - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • mixture of peppers - to taste
  • garlic
  1. Soak chicken, turkey and pork legs in cold water for 2 hours.

    We do this so that all the blood comes out of the meat.
  2. Now drain the water and clean the pork legs of all excess.

    Cut them in half lengthwise and place them in the pan with the rest of the meat.
  3. Fill with clean water and place on high heat until it boils.

    The meat must be well covered with water, because it will evaporate.
  4. After the water boils, reduce the heat and skim off any foam that forms.

    Do not add anything to the meat until the foam stops appearing. It is important.

  5. Now you can add steel products. The first one we will have is the onion.

    Advice! Don't forget to wash the onion first and cut off the back. There is no need to remove the husk.

  6. Add peeled carrots, bay leaves and a mixture of peppers. If you wish, you can add a couple of clove buds.

  7. Cook the jellied meat for 5-6 hours over low heat.

    On a note! During the cooking process, foam may form, which must be skimmed off.

  8. After 1.5-2 hours of cooking, you need to add salt to the broth. Don't skimp on the salt. Let the jellied meat be a little salty.

    This is due to the fact that later, when we pour our broth into molds with meat, it will be a little bland. And to prevent this from happening, we need to add a little more salt.
  9. After 6 hours, remove the finished chicken and the rest of the meat into a separate bowl. We do the same with carrots.

  10. Separate the meat from the bone and cut it into small pieces (fibers).

  11. Place the chicken in deep plates (moulds) and fill with hot broth.

    On a note! To prevent anything extra from the broth from getting into the jellied meat, you can use a strainer.

  12. Cut the carrots into small pieces and spread them over the entire surface of the jellied meat.

  13. Now add the garlic, pressed with a garlic press or finely chopped with a knife.
  14. Cool and place in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

The jellied meat turned out to be very transparent, aromatic and incredibly tasty. Prepare for your health!

Cooking chicken jellied meat with gelatin

The second, no less tasty cold recipe, to which we add gelatin and see what we get.

  • chicken breast - 600 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • gelatin - 40 gr.
  • broth - 1.5 l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns

That's the whole recipe. It will take you a little more time and effort to prepare than it seems from the description, but I am sure that you can handle it and everything will work out great for you.

How to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker

And again, modern household appliances are in use. If you follow the releases of this blog, then you probably noticed that in almost every issue I try to give recipes for preparing one or another dish using a slow cooker. Why not? After all, cooking in a slow cooker is a very easy and simple task.

If you can simplify the preparation of dishes, of course, provided that you have this miracle of technology available, then let's simplify. I suggest you watch a video review on this matter. Enjoy watching!

Chicken jelly recipe in a bottle

Do you want something unusual and festively beautiful? Prepare jellied meat not according to the standard recipe, but a little differently - using a plastic bottle that will serve as a mold.

In addition to the fact that it will turn out unusual, it is also very convenient to cut ready-made cold food into portions. It turns out something like a roll. Have you tried it? If not, then let's try.

  • chicken - 1 kg.
  • gelatin - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • salt pepper
  • greenery
  • plastic bottle
  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Rinse well. Salt and pepper.

  2. Place the chicken in a saucepan or frying pan, cover with a lid and put on the stove to simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

    Notice that we are not adding anything - no oil, no water, or anything else.

  3. Remove from heat and let cool.

  4. After this, separate the chicken meat from the bones into a separate bowl. We take it apart into small pieces.

  5. In a bowl, dilute gelatin with hot water (not boiling water). In general, it is better to read the instructions, as they may differ depending on the manufacturer.
  6. Stir until completely dissolved and combine it with the broth that was formed from the chicken.

  7. Add chopped garlic and herbs there.
  8. Also don't forget about salt and pepper.

  9. Next comes the most interesting part. We cut off the top of the plastic bottle and “throw” the meat into it.

  10. Now fill it with broth and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

  11. After the jellied meat has frozen, carefully cut the bottle with scissors.

  12. Cut into portions and serve cold.

See how beautiful it turned out. And most importantly, it’s convenient and very tasty. Bon appetit!

This brings me to the end of my review today. I hope you enjoyed this episode and share it with your friends. Well, I say goodbye to you until the next issues and wish you good luck!

Chicken jellied meat (or it is also called jelly) cooks faster than a classic dish, and chicken jellied jelly hardens no worse than pork. The chicken jellied recipe is often used for home preparation of rich meat broth; the chicken jellied meat is thickened with gelatin or by adding meat products with a high content of gelling substances found in the bones of the bird.

The classic recipe for jellied meat includes animal meat - pork, beef, lamb - to strengthen the jelly when cooking meat broth, legs, shanks, ears, tails, drumsticks, chicken legs, chicken wings are used. A chicken dish is considered a light jelly, reminiscent of aspic with meat; the broth is cooked with chicken, domestic or store-bought poultry in its pure form or with the addition of pork legs, turkey meat, beef, and poultry legs.

Homemade chicken jellied meat is a meat dish consisting of pieces of chicken meat and frozen jelly; quick preparation of clear jellied meat at home is especially popular among modern housewives.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. To prepare a classic jelly from pork and beef, you will need to spend 5-6 hours of free time, and to cook jellied chicken without gelatin, 2-3 hours will be enough; With gelatin, chicken jelly cooks even faster.

How to cook jellied meat? The chicken recipe is similar to making meat soup; the recipe for jellied meat, including chicken, is divided into several stages - preparing meat products, cooking a clear broth, separating the meat from the bones, pouring the finished jelly into plates.

We offer three homemade ways to prepare jelly: a recipe for jellied chicken and pork feet, jelly with gelatin and chicken jellied meat without gelatin.

Chicken jellied meat with gelatin

You can cook jellied meat with gelatin from any part of a chicken carcass - the back of the bird, legs, wings, neck, skin, thighs, legs, heads, legs - the more cartilages and bones in the meat set, the richer the jelly will be, the faster it will thicken, and when adding gelatin, it will harden in half an hour, like aspic. The breast is suitable for making jellied meat with gelatin, but in combination with other parts of the bird. Chicken breast meat is too dry and lean, such meat jelly will harden thanks to gelatin, but the dish will turn out hard and not particularly tasty.

To prepare a cold dish with gelatin, in addition to a packet of granulated gelatin and meat, you will need the following ingredients: chicken or rooster (rooster broth tastes better), water, carrots, onions, parsley root, garlic, pepper.

Gelatin should be pre-soaked in boiled water; you can read about the rules for soaking gelatin in the instructions on the package. For every 500 ml of broth, you need to add 10 grams of gelatin so that the jelly poured onto the meat thickens completely.


  • whole poultry or chicken wings, necks, legs - about 2 kg;
  • instant gelatin – 25 grams;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley or parsnip root – 1-2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 8-10 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic;
  • salt.


  1. We start preparing the dish by preparing the bird for boiling. To do this, wash the chicken thoroughly and singe it if necessary. We cut the whole carcass into several parts. We wash store-bought pieces – chicken legs, necks, wings – and put them in a pan.
  2. Pour the prepared chicken pieces with clean cold water 5-7 cm above the level of the pieces of meat. Place the pan on the stove and bring the contents to a boil; As soon as the broth begins to boil, reduce the heat under the pan. We remove the foam from the jellied meat several times so that it turns out transparent and not cloudy.
  3. Add an onion (not peeled, but washed), peeled carrots, and roots to the pan.
  4. Cook the chicken jellied meat for 2 hours with the broth simmering low (the time is counted from the moment it boils), do not cover the pan, otherwise the broth will not be transparent. Periodically remove the greasy film from the surface and the accumulated foam.
  5. Add bay leaf, pepper, salt to taste and cook for another 30 minutes.
  6. Turn off the finished meat broth and leave the hot broth on the stove until it cools.
  7. Remove the vegetables, bay leaf, and chicken pieces from the broth. Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  8. Pour the gelatin out of the bag into a bowl, add warm water, mix and leave for 20 minutes for the gelatin granules to completely dissolve and swell, or follow the instructions on the bag.
  9. Pour the swollen gelatin into the strained broth. Stir the chicken broth until the gelatin is completely dissolved in it. Place the broth in a saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil the chicken broth with gelatin, but only heat it.
  10. Jellied meat can be served in a variety of dishes: small molds, silicone cupcakes, transparent salad bowls, plates.
  11. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and cut into pieces. Place the same amount of chicken meat into serving plates (if you like cartilage, you can add a little of it), slices of boiled carrots, and a pinch of garlic, passed through a press.
  12. Pour the chicken meat with broth with gelatin, put the chicken jellied meat in the refrigerator to harden (cover the dishes with lids and cling film).

The finished chicken jellied meat with gelatin is obtained with a transparent jelly; the jelly with the mold can be turned over onto a dish, decorated with herbs, and served at the holiday table. Instant jellied meat - chicken jelly with gelatin, the dish is tasty and healthy, the bone broth is light, and does not require long cooking.

Chicken jellied meat without gelatin

There is an opinion that jelly without gelatin hardens poorly, it turns out liquid, and the jelly does not thicken completely. Adding pork leg, beef, or chicken legs to the broth solves the problem of jelly hardening and preparing jelly without gelatin. Chicken broth without gelatin quickly hardens due to the presence of substances in the legs and chicken feet that independently gel the broth.

Chicken jellied meat without gelatin with legs is softer than pork and beef jellied meat, although no less dense and elastic. A decoction of paws improves the structure of the jelly; with paws, the broth is richer, tastier, more aromatic, and the dish also contains the most affordable meat products and simple ingredients.

For a recipe for making chicken jellied meat without gelatin, you will need the following ingredients: chicken feet, pieces of meat on the bone, onion (unpeeled turns the broth golden), carrots, celery root, pepper, garlic.


  • chicken feet – 1 kg;
  • chicken meat with bones – 1.5 kg;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice – 5 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.


  1. Before preparing jellied chicken legs, thoroughly clean each leg and cut off its claws. Wash and place in a saucepan.
  2. Wash pieces of country chicken or store-bought broiler (it is juicier than a laying hen), add the meat to the pan with the legs, fill with water 5 cm above the level of the contents of the pan.
  3. Place on the stove and bring to a boil; skim off the foam until all the broth is clear of foam.
  4. Add peeled vegetables, except bay leaf, garlic and pepper. Cook the jellied meat for 3.5 hours from the moment of boiling over low heat, without covering the pan with a lid.
  5. As soon as the meat in the broth begins to easily separate from the bones, add bay leaf, pepper, and salt to the broth and continue cooking for about 30 minutes.
  6. Cool until warm. We remove the legs from the broth, pieces of chicken, throw away the cooked vegetables along with the bay leaves - except for the carrots, we leave them to decorate the jelly.
  7. In a bowl for serving jellied meat we place chopped meat mixed with chopped garlic and cartilage from the paws; pepper, lay out the slices of boiled carrots.
  8. Pour the strained broth over the chicken, let it cool, and place the jelly in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

Homemade jellied meat without gelatin thickens quickly, it turns out strong, transparent, with a lot of tender cartilage. Traditionally, jelly is served to the table with, with table vinegar,.

Jellied chicken and pork feet

Adding pork legs to the chicken makes the jelly even richer and tastier, but jellied chicken and pork legs according to this recipe take a long time to cook. The cooking time for jellied pork leg depends on the size of the legs and the freshness of the meat.

Housewives most often choose this jellied recipe for preparing a cold appetizer for the holiday table; male guests adore homemade pork jelly with cartilage. How to cook jellied chicken and pork feet? The recipe can be done by a young cook, the main thing when cooking is not to let the broth bubble and boil so that the finished pork jelly does not turn out cloudy on the festive table, but tasty and transparent.


  • chicken, domestic rooster – 1.5 kg;
  • pork legs – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • allspice peas;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Wash the chicken under water and divide it into pieces.
  2. We peel the skin off the pork legs with a knife, cut out the fragments with bristles and throw them away.
  3. Place the chicken pieces and pork legs in a wide pan.
  4. Fill the meat with water not all the way to the top so that the water covers it completely.
  5. Place the pan with the meat over medium heat, bring to a boil, and reduce the flame to low.
  6. When preparing jellied meat, the broth should boil very slowly. Skim off the foam and cook the meat in the broth for 3 hours.
  7. Add peeled onions, carrots, bay leaves, salt, allspice to the broth. Cook the chicken and pork broth for about 3 more hours, until the chicken meat and pork legs separate from the bones.
  8. We remove the chicken and pork from the meat broth, take out the bones, cut the meat, mix with garlic passed through a press and ground pepper.
  9. Strain the broth through cheesecloth and heat it up.
  10. Place the meat and cartilage in molds or plates and pour in the hot broth.
  11. Let the jellied chicken and pork legs cool, then put the molds with the jelly in the refrigerator to harden.

It is easy to remove the jellied meat from the molds; to do this, you need to lower the mold into hot water for a few seconds, and then tip the jellied meat onto a flat dish. According to this recipe, jellied chicken and pork legs take a long time to cook, but the time spent in the kitchen preparing and waiting for the jelly to harden in the refrigerator is not wasted. Chicken jelly combined with pork turns out very tasty and satisfying.

Cooking jellied meat for guests on a festive table is as easy as preparing a cold appetizer of meat, aspic for a family feast. The first impressions of the labor-intensive process of preparing homemade jelly raise doubts among young housewives, but the simple cooking technology and jellied recipe prove in practice that it is not difficult to cope independently, successfully cook clear broth and soft, tender meat, even without any culinary experience behind you.

Several recipes for chicken jellied meat with and without gelatin will help diversify your diet and decorate your holiday table. Rumor has it that the current jellied meat (aka jelly) used to be prepared in rich Russian houses from the food left over after the feast and given to the servants. Afterwards, French chefs improved it, diversifying it with ingredients and seasonings, turning an unappetizing dish into a real masterpiece. An essential component of jellied meat is meat - pork, rabbit, beef or chicken. It is the latter that is considered the most dietary and healthy of all of the above.

To make chicken jellied meat with gelatin, you need to take an adult bird carcass and drumsticks. They will give the brew natural gelatin, which will further promote good solidification of the dish.

Jelly is prepared from:

  • chicken – 2.5 kg;
  • chicken drumsticks – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - a couple of pieces (you can do without them);
  • bay leaves;
  • peppers (black and allspice) - 5 pieces each;
  • garlic;
  • gelatin – 1-2 packets.

The chicken is cleaned of its entrails - they will not be needed for the jellied meat. The meat is thoroughly washed and placed in a large container. Afterwards it is filled with clean water, taking into account the fact that by the end of cooking there will be much less of it.

When the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. You should put a couple of yellow, unpeeled onions in the pan with the meat - they will give the broth a beautiful golden hue. Cook the dish under a loose lid for at least 6 hours. It is important to ensure that the water does not boil, otherwise the broth will be cloudy and unsightly.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, you can add figuratively chopped carrots to the water, which must be removed after cooking along with the meat. Salt and spices are added to the broth and it is cooked for another 15 minutes.

Separately, in a small container, you need to dilute gelatin in the broth, pour it into the brew and, after boiling for several minutes, turn it off. The less meat was cooked on the bone, the more gelatin you need to add.

Boiled meat, divided into fibers or finely chopped, is placed in specially prepared containers or bowls. The carrots are sent there and everything is poured with hot broth. If desired, you can add a couple of sprigs of dill and parsley.

The spilled brew is sent to the cold. If it was prepared correctly, after 5-6 hours the jellied meat will harden and be ready for consumption.

Chicken aspic without gelatin

To prepare chicken jellied meat without gelatin, you need to choose more meat on the bone. Be sure to add poultry feet to the brew - an inexpensive, but very necessary product for quickly solidifying the broth.

For 10 liters of water you need to stock up:

  • chicken or chicken legs – 900 g;
  • shins – 400 g;
  • paws – 0.5 kg;
  • onions, carrots;
  • garlic;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt and spices to taste.

The chicken needs to be gutted, washed, divided into parts and placed in a deep container. Next you need to send the shins and cleaned paws. Everything is filled with clean water, covered with a lid and cooked until boiling. When the water begins to boil (it is important not to miss this moment), you need to reduce the heat and add the unpeeled onion to the container.

The broth should be cooked for at least 5 hours so that the fire under it only simmers. 40 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped carrots to the water, after another 25 minutes - spices, salt and garlic.

From the brew, without turning off the heat under it, you should remove the meat, divide it into portions in a container and then pour in the broth. Leave to freeze for 6-7 hours.

From legs

You can make a quick jellied meat from the legs, which only takes a couple of hours to prepare. This dish will help out those who do not have time to prepare traditional jelly, which needs to be cooked almost all day or all night.

To prepare quick jelly, you should stock up on:

  • legs - at least 1.2 kg;
  • carrots and onions;
  • a head of garlic;
  • gelatin;
  • salt and spices.

The hams are washed under running water, poured with clean liquid so that it covers the meat and is about 10 cm higher than it. Then the onion and carrot are added and the brew is cooked over low heat for about 90 minutes. After this time, spices and salt are added to the container, and the food is cooked for another 30 minutes.

After the meat is completely cooked, it must be removed and placed in portions in containers or other suitable containers. Add a diluted packet of gelatin to the broth, boil it and pour over the meat. When the broth has cooled, the containers with it should be placed in the cold until completely solidified.

From chicken wings

Every housewife can prepare jellied chicken wings. The resulting dish is tasty, satisfying and aromatic. This aspic needs to be cooked for a long time.

To prepare the dish you should take:

  • chicken wings – 1 kg;
  • salt, spices, peppercorns;
  • garlic;

The wings, pre-washed, are placed in a pan and filled with water so that it covers the meat by 50 mm. After boiling, the broth should be cooked for at least five hours, adding previously unpeeled onions.

30 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the broth to taste, season with pepper, spices, and garlic. At the end, the meat is removed from the golden liquid, separated from the bone and placed in a container. Gelatin, previously diluted in water, is added to the broth and after 10 minutes of cooking, you can pour the broth onto the meat. The bay leaf and large spices must be removed - as they infuse, they can impart a rich, not very pleasant aftertaste.

Dietary breast dish

Dietary jellied meat is suitable for people who watch their figure and those who have diseases of the digestive system. It tastes no different from traditional hearty jelly, but the calorie content will be much lower.

To prepare it you should take:

  • chicken breast – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 8 l;
  • gelatin – 25-35 g;
  • spices;
  • onions, carrots, garlic.

Remove the skin from all briskets (no need for excess fat), add water and cook for 3 hours. If foam appears, it must be removed with a slotted spoon. At the very beginning of cooking, an onion must be added to the broth. 40 minutes before readiness, add spices to taste, carrots and garlic to the brew.

After the meat is boiled and easily separated from the bones, you can take it out and put it in containers. To avoid burning your hands when cutting meat, you need to take it out and cut it on a board using a knife and fork. Carrots and herbs are placed on top of the meat.

After cooking, the broth should be strained, diluted gelatin should be added to it and poured into containers with meat. The jelly will take about 8 hours to harden. Good served with mustard or horseradish.

Jellied pork feet and chicken

Jellied meat made from pork feet and chicken is hearty and nutritious.

To prepare it you need to take the following ingredients:

  • pork shank – 1 pc.;
  • chicken feet – 3 pcs.;
  • pork knuckles – 2 pcs.;
  • pork meat – 800 g;
  • onions, carrots, garlic;
  • root part of parsley;
  • peppercorns;
  • laurel leaves;
  • spices.

The meat is washed and soaked for a few minutes. Afterwards it is sent to a container, filled with water and sent to the fire. Add onions immediately, carrots and garlic 1 hour before cooking. Spices are added 30 minutes before the end of cooking the meat.

The jellied meat should be cooked for at least 6 hours, after which remove the meat, disassemble it, removing cartilage and skin, and put it into portioned containers. Add figuratively cut carrots on top, you can add some green peas and quail eggs - they will decorate the finished dish.

You don’t have to add gelatin to the broth, just pour it into containers over the meat and let it harden. After the brew has completely hardened, you can beautifully remove it from the container and serve it on a flat plate, garnished with herbs. To do this, turn the container with the jelly onto a dish and wrap it in a hot towel. When the sides melt a little, the jellied meat can be easily removed from the deep dish.

Jelly is prepared from:

  • whole chicken – 2 kg;
  • paws – 600 g;
  • onions, carrots;
  • garlic, bay leaf;
  • salt and spices.

The meat is pre-cleaned, soaked in water and then placed in a bowl. Next, vegetables and all the spices are sent, water is added. Cook the dish in the “Stew” mode for 4.5 hours, then add the garlic, cook for another 15 minutes, remove the meat and vegetables. The chicken needs to be separated from the bone, cut and placed in bowls, placing carrots on top. Pour the broth over the food and let it freeze in the cold.

Jellied meat is a favorite dish in my family. Personally, I can’t imagine a homemade feast without jellied meat. In many families, gelatin is added to jellied meat to harden, but chicken jellied meat can be prepared completely natural.

But how to make jellied chicken without gelatin, you ask? Very simple! Just like pork or beef, only not on the hooves, but on chicken feet, they contain a huge amount of gelling substance. I know that many people cook it on chicken wings, but in my opinion, such jellied meat turns out very fatty and often cloudy. Still, in the old fashioned way, I prefer to cook chicken jellied meat without gelatin on chicken feet, if you can buy them, of course. The broth always turns out clean and clear and always freezes very well.

To prepare chicken jellied meat without gelatin, take the necessary ingredients. Our paws are now sold well cleaned, even the claws are of very good quality, but if necessary, clean and rinse under running water. Peel the onions and carrots.

Cut off the wing and head of the chicken carcass. Tar over a gas burner, clean with a knife, and wash (don’t forget the beak inside). Divide the carcass lengthwise into two parts, we only need half.

Fill the paws and head with three liters of water and place on the stove. When the water boils, drain it, rinse the chicken again under running water and fill with clean water.

After boiling again, add the chopped onion and carrots. The foam will no longer form, but still skim the fat from the surface of the broth. Boil the paws for 1 hour. All the time the jellied meat is cooked over the lowest heat; under no circumstances should it boil, it should barely gurgle, otherwise a clean broth will not work. There is no need to stir the jellied meat either.

After an hour, add the chicken, it is better to cut it into small pieces. Cook the chicken until the meat comes off the bones well. It took me about 4 hours; domestic chickens take a long time to cook. An hour before the end of cooking, salt the broth, add pepper and bay leaf.

The finished jellied meat looks like this. In the process, I changed the pan to a larger and more convenient one.

Remove the chicken from the broth. Give paws, bones, skin and head to our smaller street brothers.

Divide the meat into fibers and place on the bottom of the plate. You can add garlic if you wish, but I don't.

Pour the cooled broth over the meat and place the chicken jellied meat in the refrigerator until completely frozen. You can cut carrots for beauty.

Chicken jellied meat without gelatin is ready! Have a nice one.

Jelly, brawn, jellied meat - all these are names of the same dish, so dearly loved by people born in the USSR and not only. The taste of this aromatic meat snack is often associated with the New Year - after all, preparing jellied meat is a rather long and labor-intensive process, so our mothers and grandmothers prepared this delicacy only on holidays.
Most often, pork legs, ears, tails, as well as beef bones are used to prepare jellied meat - after all, cartilage, bones and tendons contain a gelling substance, which is released during cooking and then, when cooled, gives the jellied consistency that same elastic consistency. But will this dish work if you cook it from chicken? Our answer is that it will work! Moreover, such jellied meat will have its advantages - Reduced fat and bad cholesterol content - correspondingly, fewer calories.

Therefore, it will be indispensable for people who are watching their figure and trying to lose weight. An excellent jellied meat will come out of a rooster - by boiling it, you will get an excellent rich broth. However, there is also a drawback - poultry will take twice as long to cook as store-bought poultry.

But in order to get exactly jelly, and not a mushy mass, you need to know some tricks. You will learn how to make tasty and appetizing jellied meat from this article.

Chicken jellied meat with gelatin - preparation details

As mentioned above, jellied meat acquires its appearance precisely due to the presence of gelatin in it, released from the bones during cooking. But there are very few bones in chicken, so the dish may not freeze. How to avoid this? The correct answer is to add gelatin to the dish, which you can easily find in your local store or supermarket. To prepare you will need:

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  • chicken carcass 1-1.5 kg
  • onion 1 piece
  • carrots 1 piece
  • gelatin 20 gr
  • lavrushka
  • 4-5 peppercorns
  • spices to taste

If you don’t want to eat jellied meat, spitting out unappetizing pieces at the same time, carefully inspect the chicken before cooking - you can often find the cores of feathers on it that need to be removed. Most often they are found on the wings and legs - pull them out with tweezers. The processed and clean bird needs to be chopped into pieces - if you are unable to do this task, involve men in doing it - they will do it faster. Place the chicken parts in a saucepan, then add the vegetables and salt. Wait until it boils, skim off the foam, then reduce the heat and you can forget about the chicken for 2.5 hours.

Once the time is up, remove the chicken - be careful as it may fall apart in the process and fall into the pan, splashing you with hot broth. Let the bird cool down and come to its senses, in the meantime, let's take care of the vegetables - take them out of the pan, we won't need the onion anymore, but we need to cut the carrots into slices. Use your imagination - carrot flowers and stars look very original in the finished dish. Add spices to the broth and let it simmer a little. Now it's the turn of gelatin - soak it in warm water until it swells. The chicken has already cooled down - you can take it apart and separate the meat from the bones, and then chop it finely.

Add the swollen gelatin to the broth and bring to a boil again. Place the meat and carrots in an even layer on the bottom of the ramekins or plates and fill with broth. Leave to cool in the refrigerator or on the balcony overnight. In the morning, chicken jellied meat with gelatin will be ready.

Jellied pork and chicken

The taste of the dish will improve significantly if it is prepared from a mixture of chicken and pork. In this case, you can do without adding gelatin. Ingredients for cooking:

  • pork leg with hoof
  • pork knuckle
  • 1 leg
  • 3.5 liters of water
  • 4-5 cloves garlic
  • black peppercorns
  • lavrushka

Let's start with the pig's leg - it needs a pedicure and hair removal. Carefully scrape the hoof with a knife and scorch the bristles over a fire. Wash the leg and shank thoroughly as well, put all the meat ingredients in the pan. Pour water and put on fire. When the brew boils, carefully skim off the floating foam - it is this that turns the clear broth into a cloudy and unappetizing one. Leave the broth to simmer over low heat for 3 hours.

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Then fish out the meat and place it on a wide plate to cool. The garlic needs to be peeled and passed through a press or finely chopped, and then added to the broth, adding spices and bay leaves at the same time. Let it simmer for another 5-7 minutes, during which time start cutting the meat. It was cooked well and fell off the bones easily. Cut it into small pieces, place it in bowls or molds, and pour hot broth on top.

After 5-6 hours, the jellied pork and chicken can be eaten. If you don’t have enough spicy sensations, serve mustard and jellied meat.

Jellied chicken feet

Chicken feet are a wonderful product, which is often completely undeservedly rejected by the majority of buyers in markets and stores. You can also make excellent jellied meat from them, because chicken feet contain a lot of collagen, which, by the way, is very good for bones and joints. In addition, such jelly will cost much less than the same aspic made from pork or beef, and is in no way inferior to them in taste. Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg paws
  • 0.5 kg chicken thighs or drumsticks
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • lavrushka

The legs of chickens are covered with a kind of “scales” - you definitely need to get rid of them. This is not difficult to do - you just need to pour boiling water over the paws and leave for a couple of minutes. Then make sure that the excess skin is removed easily and naturally. We also don’t need claws in jellied meat - we cut off this part. Place the washed legs, vegetables and chicken parts in a pan, pour water on top so that all the meat is covered.

Wait for it to boil, remove any floating fat and foam. Cook the future jelly for another 3 hours over low heat. We take out the meat and legs with vegetables, let it cool. Separate the meat from the bones - be careful, there are quite small bones in the legs. Strain the broth and add spices. Pour it over the chopped pieces of meat at the bottom of the molds. The dish will completely harden in 5-6 hours. You can also cook for it.

Recipe for a slow cooker - chicken jellied meat

A multicooker is a great invention that makes the life of modern housewives much easier. This technique will help you prepare many different dishes with minimal participation, including chicken jellied meat. Required ingredients:

  • 1 medium chicken carcass
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • salt, spices to taste

To begin with, all products must be prepared - wash the poultry and peel the vegetables. Chop the chicken into not very large pieces. Place the meat and carrots and onions in the multicooker bowl, add salt and select the Stew mode on the control panel. Set the timer for 5 hours. If you are lucky enough to have a multicooker equipped with a pressure cooker function, then the cooking time can be safely halved.

In any case, you will have enough time to peel the garlic and put it through the press. So, the multicooker announced the end of the process with a sound signal. Remove chicken and vegetables from bowl and let cool. At this time, add garlic to the broth; if desired, you can add gelatin. Take the cooled chicken into pieces and separate the flesh from the bones. Cut the carrots. Prepare silicone or glass molds, place meat and carrots on the bottom, fill with broth. Refrigerate until hardened.
