How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker with milk. Oatmeal in a slow cooker using water. Whole grain with milk

Cook in a slow cooker dietary and medicinal dishes are much easier than on an electric stove. IN multicooker Can prepare many different dishes: healthy soups, crumbly porridges, stewed vegetables, you can bake pies and even make jam. The multicooker is especially helpful in maintaining gentle diets for pancreatitis in preparing various steamed dishes with limited fat.

Cooking in a slow cooker. Oatmeal in a slow cooker.

Multicooker recipes:

  1. — Oatmeal in a slow cooker (recipe on this page + video recipes)

If you carefully read the sample menu for the day, please note that the best breakfast in diet for pancreatitis This is porridge, oatmeal is especially healthy. I’ll give you an example of how to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker
Recipe - 1

Oatmeal, cooked in a slow cooker has different taste variations depending on the ingredients included in the recipe and on the method of its preparation. If oatmeal in a slow cooker If left in the heating mode for a long time, you get a delicate creamy taste of baked milk. The ingredients may include various dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins or prunes); when serving, you can add butter, honey or jam. In addition, oatmeal and rolled oats go well with other grains. Therefore, they can be combined in various combinations and prepare porridge in a slow cooker from two or three cereals. Customize the recipe to suit your individual preferences. Cooking method below oatmeal in a slow cooker will allow you to make your choice:


  • Hercules – 1 measuring cup (40 ml)
  • Milk – 3 measuring cups (according to the diet 1:1 with water, or 1% milk)
  • Dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins or prunes) - to taste
  • butter - 1 tsp
  • Sugar, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

I cook oatmeal in a Panasonic sr-tmj181 multicooker, below are video recipes for the Redmon and Supra multicookers/

  1. The night before, place all the ingredients in the multicooker pan.
  2. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode
  3. We select the “timer” mode - select the time after which we want to receive the finished dish. The multicooker will be in standby mode and will start the cooking process corresponding, in this case, to the “milk porridge” mode

And you will wake up in the morning and a hot breakfast awaits you! Bon appetit!

You may note that milk may turn sour overnight. Yes, this can happen, especially in the summer. You need to take care of this: milk is poured into the multicooker pan, but instead of water, as required by the diet, ice cubes are placed, or the milk is very chilled. Second option - you can have porridge cook in a slow cooker one hour ahead of schedule and it will await your awakening in heating mode.

Milk oatmeal in a slow cooker
Recipe - 2

And another recipe for milk oatmeal in a Panasonic multicooker. I don’t like porridge, but porridge cooked in a slow cooker has a completely different taste than one cooked on an electric or gas stove. The porridge turns out very tasty, just like in a Russian oven. In addition, everyone knows - not only nutritionists and doctors - that Hercules oatmeal porridge has beneficial and healing properties that oats contain.

I will share this recipe for milk oatmeal in a slow cooker with you.


Let me remind you that 1 multi-glass holds 160 ml of liquid

  • oat flakes – 120 g, (2 multi-cups)
  • milk – 900 ml (5 m/cups)
  • butter - 36 g (1 tbsp + 1 tsp)
  • sugar, salt - to taste

Note. If you follow a diet for pancreatitis, dilute milk with water in a 1:1 ratio

How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker:

We are used to taking the ratio of cereal to liquid 1:2, but I suggest you cook liquid milk oatmeal, it will be better for digestion, especially when it comes to baby food or medical nutrition.

  1. Pour oatmeal into the multicooker bowl and pour in the milk.
  2. Put butter, add sugar and salt.
  3. Turn on the “Milk porridge” multicooker mode. There is no need to set the time. In this mode, the required temperature, time, and pressure are maintained.

You cannot open the lid while cooking porridge, as the mode will be disrupted. After the required time (about 40 minutes), a sound signal will indicate readiness.

If you are cooking for children, then I suggest decorating the porridge with berries, fruits or dried fruits. Children eat milk oatmeal porridge cooked in a slow cooker with pleasure.

Nutrient content per 100 grams of milk oat porridge in a slow cooker:

  • Proteins - 3.33 g
  • Fat – 5.5 g
  • Carbohydrates 11.32 g
  • Calorie content - 108.22 kcal
  • B1 - 0.05 mg
  • B2 - 0.1 mg
  • C - 0.45 mg
  • Ca - 95.41 mg
  • Fe - 0.4 mg

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for the most tender oatmeal in a slow cooker with milk, berries, honey, meat or vegetables

2017-10-02 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

4 gr.


24 gr.

142 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for oatmeal in a slow cooker

There is no point in talking about the benefits of oatmeal, since even small children know about it. But not everyone knows how to prepare it in order to preserve the necessary elements and spend a minimum of effort and time. But we will tell you how to do this using a multicooker.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • two glasses of fresh milk;
  • salt;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • butter - 10 g.

Don't be lazy to check the milk before you start cooking. Otherwise, you risk not only spoiling the dish, but also severely contaminating the multicooker. As a result, instead of a healthy light breakfast, you will end up with unpleasant problems in the morning.

1. Grease the multicooker bowl well with soft butter, which will prevent milk from pouring over the edges.

2. Now pour a glass of oatmeal inside and add a small pinch of salt.

3. Pour fresh milk into the bowl, which is best preheated in a spoon to check its freshness.

4. Set the “Milk porridge” or “Porridge” mode, close the lid and wait for the oatmeal to cook in the multicooker for 7-8 minutes.

5. Then carefully open the machine, add sugar, stir the mixture and close the lid again. Thanks to the late addition of sugar, the porridge will definitely not burn.

6. Turn off the multicooker and leave the dish for another 15 minutes, during which it will be fully cooked.

Adjust the amount of sugar as desired, and if you do not include this ingredient in your diet, replace it with honey. In addition, it is recommended to supplement the tender porridge with berries, pieces of fruit or nuts.

Option 2. Quick recipe for oatmeal in a slow cooker

Despite the fairly quick preparation of oatmeal, it can be made in a matter of minutes. To do this, you need to use a special mode, and carefully ensure that the dish does not burn.


  • two spoons of sugar;
  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • salt;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • vanilla;
  • butter - 10 g.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Turn on the multicooker, set the “Quick Cook” mode and grease the inside of the surface with butter.

2. Pour a glass of oatmeal into a heated bowl and carefully pour in fresh milk.

3. While stirring the future porridge, add a couple of tablespoons of white or brown sugar, as well as a pinch of salt and aromatic vanilla.

4. Without closing the machine, cook the oatmeal for a couple more minutes, during which it will be completely boiled.

5. After the signal, unplug the multicooker and leave the dish under a tightly closed lid for 5 minutes.

6. Serve quick porridge with berries and cookies.

If the specified mode is not available, use the “Multi-cook” function by setting the maximum temperature. In this case, 5 minutes will be enough to prepare oatmeal. But you will have to carefully ensure that the milk mass does not burn. To do this, it must be constantly stirred with a suitable spatula.

Option 3. Oatmeal in a slow cooker with berries

If you add fresh berries, or better yet several types, to the porridge, you will have such a delicious breakfast that your children will be happy to try it. And they, as a rule, don’t like this porridge.


  • oat flakes - 95 g;
  • fresh berries - 150 g;
  • salt;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • two tablespoons of brown sugar;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • packet of vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Grease the walls of the bowl with soft butter so that the milk does not “run away”, then pour a glass of oatmeal inside.

2. Add fine salt and pour in a couple of glasses of fresh milk.

3. Close the machine, set the “Milk porridge” mode and cook the cereal for 7 minutes.

4. Then, carefully so as not to get burned, open the lid and add brown and vanilla sugar.

5. Mix oatmeal in a multicooker, close the lid and unplug it.

6. Leave the dish to sit for 10 minutes, and then add the thoroughly washed berries. It could be raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, wild strawberries or pitted cherries.

7. Pour the porridge into bowls, add shortbread or gingerbread cookies and serve to your beloved family members.

If you are preparing this porridge in winter, when there are no fresh berries, use frozen ones. Moreover, you can do this yourself in the summer, if the size of the freezer allows, or purchase ready-made berry mixtures in the store. In this case, be sure to defrost the fruits under natural conditions, otherwise their structure will be damaged.

Option 4. Oatmeal with raisins and cream in a slow cooker


  • two glasses of water;
  • one and a half glasses of oatmeal;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • cream - 110 ml.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Pour oatmeal into a dry bowl, then add salt and a spoonful of white sugar.

2. Also pour in a couple of glasses of cool, preferably filtered water.

3. Mix the ingredients of the sweet dish, close the multicooker and turn on the “Porridge” mode, in which you cook the cereal for 7 minutes.

4. After the specified time, open the lid, add raisins, previously soaked in boiling water, and the planned amount of cream.

5. In addition, add a piece of butter, stir the oatmeal in the slow cooker and turn off the machine.

6. Cover the porridge tightly again and leave it to “simmer” for 10-15 minutes.

This option is suitable if you are afraid that the milk will “run away” and do not believe in the restraining power of the butter. But don’t worry about your figure, because the presented porridge is very high in calories. In addition to raisins, it is also possible to include other dried fruits.

Option 5. Oatmeal with jam in a slow cooker

By adding any jam instead of sugar, you will not only provide sweetness to the oatmeal, but also complement it with fruity notes. What jam to use depends on your taste. The main thing is to introduce this ingredient before serving, without subjecting it to severe heat treatment.


  • vanilla;
  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • salt;
  • jam - 2-3 spoons;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • two glasses of milk.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Place a piece of butter on the bottom of the bowl, turn on the “Porridge” mode and soften it for a minute.

2. Then use a brush to grease the inner surface of the bowl with the resulting mass, then add oatmeal.

3. At the next stage, add a little salt and pour in milk. As always, it is better to check it for freshness.

4. Continue cooking in the same mode under a tightly closed lid for another 7-8 minutes, and then add a few spoons of any jam (preferably with fruit pieces) and a pinch of vanilla to the porridge.

5. Mix the thick aromatic mass, turn off the machine, close it and leave the porridge to stand for another 15 minutes.

6. When serving, complement this sweet dish with cookies, waffles or gingerbread, and don’t forget about a glass of natural juice.

If the jam is made from sour fruits, you can add regular sugar to the porridge. By the way, the color of this ingredient is not so important, although the jam will affect the shade of the dish. And this must be taken into account. But it is better to finely chop pieces of fruit or berries.

Option 6. Oatmeal in a slow cooker with nuts and honey

If you want to turn an already healthy porridge into a storehouse of vitamins, we recommend using honey and nuts. Naturally, in this case, sugar must be excluded. However, remember that you should season the oatmeal with honey after turning off the multicooker, since this ingredient does not like high temperatures.


  • walnut - 50 g;
  • salt;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • three spoons of honey;
  • oat flakes - 95 g.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Peel the walnuts and grind them in a coffee grinder or using a blender.

3. Also add fine salt (a pinch) and pour in medium-fat milk.

4. Mix the contents of the bowl with a spatula, close the lid and cook the milk dish in the “Porridge” mode for 7 minutes.

5. Now open the multicooker, turn it off and add a few tablespoons of liquid honey.

6. Stir it into the oatmeal, add the chopped nuts and, closing the machine, wait another 15 minutes.

7. Before serving, stir the milk porridge, transfer to plates and serve with cookies.

Considering the number of nuts that you can buy in a store or at the market, you can safely experiment with the types of this ingredient. Better yet, use several different varieties at the same time.

Option 7. Oatmeal with meat and prunes in a slow cooker

Although sweet versions of oatmeal are more popular than meat ones, this does not mean that the latter have no right to life. Believe me, this porridge is incredibly tasty. Especially if we make it with equally healthy onions and prunes.


  • oat flakes - 95 g;
  • salt;
  • cool water - 500 ml;
  • minced meat - 150 g;
  • oil for frying;
  • one onion;
  • prunes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • spoon of tomato paste.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Mix ready-made or homemade minced meat with coarse salt, spices and tomato paste. In addition, we recommend adding a couple of tablespoons of ice water to make it juicier.

2. Next, heat the refined oil in a bowl in the “Frying” mode, then add the prepared minced meat, chopped prunes (without pits) and finely chopped onions. By the way, it must first be cleaned and washed.

3. Fry the aromatic minced meat for 4-5 minutes, stirring the mass with a spatula so that it does not burn.

4. Now transfer the finished filling to a plate, pour oatmeal into the bowl and pour cool water. In this case, it is not necessary to wash the container, then the porridge will turn out more rich.

5. Cook the oatmeal in the “Stew” mode for 5 minutes with the lid closed, and then add the fried minced meat with prunes, onions and spices.

6. Mix an amazingly tasty and healthy dish and simmer it for another 10 minutes without changing the mode.

7. That’s all, the oatmeal in the slow cooker is ready to serve.

It is permissible to use any type of meat in this recipe. It can be pork, lamb, poultry or beef. The only difference will be in the duration of frying. If you are confused by the combination of oatmeal and tomato paste, exclude the latter from the recipe, replacing it with cream or sour cream.

Option 8. Oatmeal in a slow cooker with vegetables

Those who prefer to stay away from meat and sweet dishes should enjoy this simple recipe for oatmeal with vegetables. Moreover, the latter can be different each time, depending on what is in your refrigerator.


  • one onion;
  • fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • oat flakes - 95 g;
  • spices;
  • two glasses of water;
  • one carrot;
  • oil for frying;
  • one bell pepper;
  • one zucchini.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Wash all vegetables, dry a little and peel off the surface layer, if required.

3. Heat the oil in the multicooker bowl, setting the “Stew” mode, and then pour in all the vegetables along with the herbs. In addition, add salt and any spices.

4. Fry the ingredients for 5-6 minutes, after which carefully remove the fry and set it aside.

5. Pour the flakes into the bowl with the remaining oil and immediately pour in filtered water.

6. Close the machine and cook the oatmeal in the slow cooker for 5 minutes.

7. At the next stage, transfer the fried vegetables inside, mix the dish and leave it under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Before serving the porridge, do not forget to stir it and add sour cream if desired.

You can choose the types of vegetables yourself, depending on the time of year. Fresh-frozen specimens, which can be bought in a store in any season, are also quite suitable. We also recommend conducting culinary experiments with spices, choosing those that your family will like.

Perhaps the simplest thing you can prepare for breakfast or dinner is oatmeal in a slow cooker using water. You couldn't imagine a simpler dish. You can use different types of oatmeal for cooking, while adjusting the cooking time in accordance with the grinding of the cereal. Whole cereals take 20 minutes to cook, and small flakes will be completely ready for use after 5-10 minutes of cooking.

This recipe uses flakes that are designed for quick cooking or steaming. We will cook them, achieving a delicate consistency, popularly called “smear”. This oatmeal is good for the gastrointestinal tract and is often prepared for young children.

This slow cooker oatmeal recipe with water is suitable for both sweet and savory porridge. Here you can add whatever you want to taste. In any case, the important ingredient is butter. If you are preparing sweet oatmeal, then in this case you can serve it with berries (fresh or frozen), apple, pear, dried fruit and even yogurt. If it is salty porridge, then it is used as a side dish. You can add stew or any meat dish to it. We use a Redmond 4502 multicooker (power 860 W).


  • oatmeal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2.5-3 tbsp.;
  • salt or sugar - to taste;
  • butter – 25 g.

How to cook oatmeal with water in a Redmond multicooker

I will have salted oatmeal in a slow cooker using water. That's why I add salt to the cereal. I pour them into the multicooker bowl. If necessary, pre-rinse the cereal. At this stage, sugar is added (if sweet porridge is planned).

Pour water into the flakes with salt. You can warm it right away to speed up the cooking process.

Install the “porridge” program. In the Redmond multicooker it is in the “cooking” mode. Cooking time for thin oatmeal will be 15-20 minutes. I set it to 16 minutes. If the cereal is whole, it will take about 30 minutes to be ready.

During this time my porridge was completely ready. In addition, you can also let it brew in the “keep warm” mode. After the beep, add a piece of butter. Mix carefully and serve.

This is how easy it is to prepare tender, tasty and healthy oatmeal in a slow cooker using water. And what to serve it with, decide for yourself.

On a note

  • After the signal sounds to indicate the end of the cooking process, you can observe liquid on top of the porridge. Don’t immediately think that you need to increase the cooking time. Just stir the contents of the bowl and look at the consistency.
  • The longer the porridge is heated, the more tender it becomes. And if you immediately turn off this mode and let the dish cool, the porridge will become thicker. Therefore, I recommend not turning off the heating until you start serving the oatmeal.

Breakfast always takes time, which you don’t have. Milk porridges usually come to the rescue. They are nutritious and tasty, everyone at home eats them. Oatmeal in a Redmond multicooker with milk is one of the quick and easy breakfasts. Prepare it with us and you will get an excellent breakfast with minimal time and effort.

If you have a slow cooker at hand (more correctly, in the kitchen), then you can prepare an excellent, tasty and nutritious breakfast very simply. Just take the oatmeal out of the cupboard, think about pleasant things and carefully read our detailed instructions. Oatmeal in a slow cooker with milk is quite popular, but it is not always possible to prepare it to the desired (tasty) consistency.

Our version of this dish can be called the optimal middle ground. Oatmeal porridge with milk has a moderately liquid structure. By the way, the basic recipe can always be varied according to your mood or the contents of the refrigerator. We are talking about berry or fruit fillings. For proven, experienced sweet tooths, you can place a bowl of aromatic jam nearby.

And to interest the little picky ones, add a little vanilla sugar before finishing the process. And then you can be sure that the rich aroma will attract even not very hungry young household members.


  • Oatmeal (instant) – 1 multi-cup (160 ml);
  • Milk – 2 multi-cups (320 ml);
  • Water (bottled) – 1 multi-glass (160 ml);
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 30–40 g.

How to cook delicious oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker

Let's prepare the necessary products. Our delicious oatmeal in a multicooker with milk turns out to have a fairly liquid structure, because we took milk in a 2:1 ratio to the cereal. If you prefer a more viscous finished dish, then use our proportions and adjust the liquid ingredients yourself. The less milk you take, the thicker the finished dish will be. However, you should not take milk and water less than the proportion of 1:2 to cereal (be sure to reduce milk and water proportionally). At lower ratios, your porridge will burn but not cook through.

In order to enhance the beneficial properties of future oatmeal, the specified amount of sugar can be equivalently replaced with natural honey, add it to a slightly cooled dish (otherwise it will lose all its beneficial qualities).

So let's start cooking: pour the entire amount of oatmeal into the multicooker container.

Now let's add sugar there.

Then add the milk first and immediately add the entire portion of water.

The final touch: a piece of butter.

In our Redmond multicooker model, the manufacturer provides a time of 30 minutes for the “milk porridge” mode. But we prepare porridge not from cereals, but from flakes; it will be ready within 15–20 minutes after the start. Therefore, we will program the kitchen assistant manually: we will set the “milk porridge” mode, then press cancel and set the desired time (20 minutes). After this, click on “start” and control the thermal process until it is ready.

When the cooking process is completed, divide the milk oatmeal into plates.

Decorate the oatmeal with fresh berries if desired. Slightly sour red currants or the rich taste of fresh cherries (without seeds, of course) are ideal for this. Oat milk porridge in a slow cooker is ready. Let's start tasting.

In winter, it is good to eat it with jam or preserves (preferably slightly sour).

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Tips for preparing milk porridge in a slow cooker:

Among those who prefer porridge for breakfast, oatmeal lovers are in the minority. And this is understandable. Many people still have far from rosy memories of table oatmeal, which looked like a gray paste. I was even more “lucky” than others in this regard: as a child, due to health problems, for several months I ate exclusively oatmeal. On water, almost without salt or any other additives. Well, you can imagine how much I loved this porridge. Many years have passed since then, and now the doctors have again prescribed me dietary porridge. True, this time I was allowed almost any supplements. Thanks to this, I came up with a very tasty recipe for oatmeal in a slow cooker.


  • Oatmeal - 1 measuring cup
  • Milk/water/cream – 3 measuring cups
  • Butter – 30 grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon

Additives: use your imagination - berries, jam, fruits, chocolate, marmalade, nuts, candied fruits, etc.

Method for preparing oatmeal in a slow cooker

Before you start cooking oatmeal, I draw an oil ring around the multicooker bowl - this is necessary in order to reduce the risk of milk boiling over. I put a piece of butter on the bottom. I fall asleep with oatmeal - I take thick ones, they say they are healthier, since they retain more nutrients. I can’t check whether this is true or not, so I’ll trust the information. And I pour the cereal with milk diluted 50/50 with water. Sometimes I use cream - it’s very tasty, but I don’t always have cream, and I always have milk.

I close the lid of the multicooker and select the “Porridge” mode - in general, this mode is designed for 40 minutes. However, I believe that these are translation errors; in fact, the manufacturers probably meant cereals, and they, as you know, take a very long time to cook. In a word, I’m not going to marinate oatmeal for 40 minutes. I set it to 10 minutes. And after it’s ready, I wait another 5 minutes for the porridge to heat up. This is enough for the multicooker to heat up, the milk to boil, and the cereal to reach the desired condition.

I put the porridge on plates and begin to conjure - put shavings of marmalade or blackcurrant jam into one plate - I cooked it myself - this is for the child. For my husband with nuts and raisins, and for myself with raspberries or strawberries.

There was a funny story about the strawberries: I cooked some porridge and cut some strawberries into it, and thought I would please the child with a tasty treat. Not so. The child saw this work of his mother’s culinary art, opened his mouth and made a grandiose roar. Through the tears and sobs, it was impossible to make out anything for about 5 minutes. My husband and I, in shock, calmed the child down, and he said: “Get out! Remove the tomatoes!"

Since then, I only eat porridge with “tomatoes” myself, and the child eats it with jam.

Oatmeal is prepared in a Vitek VT 4200 multicooker.

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Total comments 20:

    I cooked my first porridge according to your recipe. It turned out very tasty. The main thing is that my daughter liked it.
    Although I am used to thicker consistency of porridges.

    Prepared according to your recipe, previously not very favorite Oatmeal, the whole family liked it) Thank you))

    The porridge prepared according to this recipe turned out excellent! Thank you!!

    Porridge like from childhood. My first porridge in a slow cooker, although it is already 5 years old)) Thanks for the recipe, in my culinary notebook

    The recipe is great!!! It turned out to be a very tasty porridge! Thanks for the recipe.

    But for some reason, my oatmeal “escapes” through the valve, even when I reduce the cooking time to 10 minutes, “coat” the walls with oil and place a steaming bowl on top, it still doesn’t “catch”...


    I cooked the porridge in the Philips 3139 multicooker, I’ve only been using it for a couple of days, but everything I did according to the recipes on this site worked. The oatmeal was moderately thick and did not become so boiled that I thank Anastasia for the recipe and write it down for the future :)

    I set it to “oatmeal” mode for 15 minutes. I opened the lid - there was soup, nothing was cooked!!!

    Thank you, it turned out very tasty!!!

    10 minutes is very little!!! 20 minutes at least!! Overall a delicious porridge.

    Dear women, I want to tell you that the ready-made multicooker modes are quite accurate and there is no need to reduce the cooking time. This is not a gas stove to think that everything will burn out or something like that. In a multicooker, the cooking process is completely different, the temperature is different and is designed for the time specified in the mode. So, if you set the ready mode, do not reduce the cooking time!

    I prepared it according to this recipe. I have a Redmond multicooker. The porridge function takes 33 minutes. So after 10 minutes, the milk in my multi didn’t even boil. The porridge was cooked for 33 minutes according to the regime), probably the power is less than that of the author.
