How to make zucchini from melon. Candied melon: recipe for natural sweets. Candied melon at home - basic technological principles

Candied fruit lovers, standing in front of a display case with brightly glazed fruits, are often guided by the wrong considerations when making a purchasing decision.

Why? Let's figure it out.

Look carefully at the packaging. You can see bright salad or bright red cubes in it. Do you think this is candied kiwi or strawberry? You are wrong.

Most likely, it is citrus, or pineapple, or other fruit that can be easily dried or glazed. Candied fruits are not made from kiwi; strawberries turn brown when dried and glazed. Under the guise of these fruits, various substitutes are sold, soaked in food dyes, and you will be very lucky if the seller paints pineapple instead of kiwi, and not cheap vegetables, from which candied fruits can also be made, giving them the desired color and the appropriate smell.

Try dipping these candied fruits into a glass of hot water, but get ready for unexpected effects: the water turns different colors, flakes of unknown origin float to the surface. Finally, purchased candied fruits may completely dissolve and disappear, because gelatin tends to dissolve in hot water.

This brings up the classic question: what to do? If you really like candied fruits, then there is only one way out: you need to prepare candied melons at home. And not only from melon!
Both watermelon and orange peels will do, anything that turns out to be healthy and tasty. Even if this is a very troublesome task, the work will be fully rewarded with truly useful preparations, in which there is no chemistry or deception.

Candied melon at home - basic technological principles

To avoid mistakes and annoying misunderstandings during the preparation process, you need to carefully study the technology of industrial preparation of candied fruits, as applied to home conditions, and understand a little about the biochemical properties of the fruit, in particular melon. In a word, it should be no worse, but better, than in the store. The main thing is to understand how this happens at the molecular level. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult.

Candied fruit – dried fruits glazed in sugar. More precisely, drying is the last stage of their preparation. First, fruits or vegetables are boiled in sugar syrup, gradually increasing its concentration. This is done in order to reduce the content of cell sap of the fruit to a minimum content. How it works?

Sugar syrup - a denser liquid mass than juice. Therefore, during heating, it penetrates inside the fruit, displacing the juice. The process of replacing fruit juice with a thicker mass containing a minimal amount of liquid occurs. In addition, after cooling, the sugar crystallizes again, and the fruit pieces become denser. This whole process is nothing more than cooking jam, but at an initial stage.

Unlike melon jam, in which the pieces are stored in syrup, future candied fruits are removed from it, dried, and then again immersed in syrup, even thicker than when first boiled. The replacement process occurs again, and again drying occurs.


Prepared pieces of fruit should be dipped into boiling syrup. Therefore, the melon must first be blanched and cooled. The juice boils faster than the syrup, and boiling juice prevents the syrup from penetrating into the intercellular space of the fetus. For the same reason, the process of cooking fruits in syrup must be interrupted several times, each time immersing the cooled slices in a thicker syrup.

Blanching of fruits is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of the fruit. In this case, part of the fruit juice passes into water, and the fiber becomes denser, changing its structure; At the same time, during the blanching process, the intercellular space expands, which makes it easier for the boiling syrup to get inside. Blanching time is 4-6 minutes. Under production conditions, burnt alum is added to the blanching water. This technique can be used at home, but not for melons and citrus fruits: these fruits are blanched in plain water.

It is difficult to count how many times you need to boil and dry. Everyone chooses fruits at their own discretion, and they have different degrees of ripeness, density, and everyone cuts fruits differently (large or small). Even the variety matters when processing fruits, because the fiber structure of each variety is usually different. Therefore, the question of how many times you need to boil and dry candied melon at home must be decided individually, and you need to focus on the remaining moisture, which should be no more than 20%. True, you shouldn’t dry out the fruit too much either.

If you want candied melons at home to be as bright as those on the supermarket shelves, you can always color them yourself, but using natural food colors: currant juice, beets, carrots, strawberries, spinach, blueberries, saffron or turmeric powder (Indian saffron). Simply add these ingredients to the syrup when cooking. You can add flavor to candied melon at home using spicy spices and fruit extracts.

There is no doubt about the benefits of such candied fruits. Just don’t get carried away - consuming a lot of sugar is harmful, but otherwise candied fruits retain all the beneficial properties of the fruits from which they are prepared.

1. Candied melon at home - a classic recipe


Melon (pulp) 2.0 kg

Citric acid 3 g

or lemon juice 300 ml

Water 800 ml

Sugar 2.4 kg

Lemon zest (optional)


Melons of technical ripeness are suitable for candied fruits, even if they are not sweet. The pulp should be dense. Cut it and blanch in boiling water. Refrigerate.

Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Acid should only be added during the final cooking in syrup. Place pieces of blanched melon into boiling medium-density syrup and cook over low heat for no more than five minutes, remove the dishes from the stove. Place the melon wedges in a colander and let the syrup drain. Place the pieces on the prepared sheet. You can dry them in an oven preheated to 40-50°C for 4-6 hours, or in the open air for 12 hours. Avoid drying in direct sunlight. It is advisable that the candied fruits lie in a draft and are protected from dust and insects.

Repeat cooking and drying until you reach the desired consistency. Add acid and zest to the syrup one last time - melon is very tasty with sourness.

2. Candied melon at home - melon in coconut flakes


Coconut flakes 100 g

Melon (pulp) 1.0 kg (net)

Lemon juice 300 ml

Water 400 ml

Sugar 1.3 kg

Operating procedure:

The sequence of preparing candied melon at home is described in the classic cooking recipe (see above). The difference between the first and second cooking methods lies in creating a “zest”. During the last cooking, instead of lemon zest, add coconut flakes to turn candied melon into unprecedented exotic fruits.

3. Homemade candied melon – melon rinds in orange syrup

Product composition:

Sugar 1.3 kg

Melon peels 1.5 kg

Oranges, red 1.0 kg


Select dense melon fruits, at the stage of technical ripeness. The pulp can be eaten or made into jam. Wash and cut off the peel. Cut it into slices or long rectangular slices. Blanch the prepared pieces in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Drain through a colander and cool.

Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the oranges and then squeeze the juice from the fruit. You should get approximately 0.8 liters of juice. Place the zest in a container - it should be added to the syrup at the last stage of preparing candied melon at home. Pour the juice into a non-stick pan, add 800 g of sugar, and cook the orange syrup over low heat until it reaches medium heat (the syrup should be thick enough not to spread).

Place the chopped melon peel into the boiling syrup and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Remove the slices, let them drain, and place them in one layer on a baking sheet lined with foil. Preheat the oven to 40-50°C. Maintain the oven at the set temperature for 4-6 hours. Don't close the door. Then turn off the heat and leave the candied fruits until the next day. On the second day, boil the syrup in which the candied fruits were prepared to a thicker consistency, dip the dried slices into it and repeat the entire process of the previous day. When cooking the syrup for the last time, add orange zest and, if desired, vanilla.

After 3-5 days, transfer the dry fruits to a jar and close them tightly.

4. Candied melon at home - a fruit kaleidoscope


Juice, raspberry 200 ml

Saffron (or turmeric) 2 g

Blueberry juice 250 ml

Melon (without rinds) 3 kg

Oranges 0.7 kg

Spinach (fresh or frozen) 0.5 kg

Citric acid 15 g

Water 400 ml

Sugar 2.6 kg

Mint extract 5 ml

Preparation procedure:

To prepare colored candied melon at home, you will need fruit syrup with various additives. The syrup will have to be prepared separately, in different containers, to obtain the desired colors. All other operations for preparing candied melon at home are similar to the previous recipes.

Raspberry syrup (pink color):

Combine purified raspberry juice with 300 g of sugar. Cook like regular syrup until the consistency is medium. During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the foam so that the syrup turns out transparent.

Similarly, prepare syrup from blueberries (blue color), orange juice and zest (orange color). Add 100 - 150 g more sugar than the volume of juice: when cooking candied fruits, the syrup will absorb the melon juice and become less thick. Therefore, it is better to add sugar in a larger volume at once in order to maintain the required consistency. When fruit syrup is boiled, the juice changes color. During the last cooking, add a pinch of citric acid to each type of syrup: it will give a bright, more saturated color, and the candied fruits will be covered with a glossy glaze and will look like candy.

To get a yellow color, brew saffron in boiling water, strain and cook the syrup, adding sugar. Before finishing cooking, add vanilla, lemon zest or other flavorings if desired.

To make green syrup, chop the spinach and squeeze the juice. Add boiled water to a volume of 250-300 ml, add sugar, cook the syrup until ready. After cooking, add mint drops for flavoring.

Cut the melon randomly into small pieces, divide according to the number of options for the prepared syrup and cook the candied fruits as usual.

5. Homemade candied melon – real honey melon

Product composition:

Melon pulp 1.5 kg

Honey, buckwheat 700 g

Citric acid 20-25 g

Cooking method:

For the recipe you will need two small melons: one is very ripe and soft, the other is slightly unripe.

Grind the ripe melon and squeeze out the juice through gauze folded in several layers. Cut the second fruit, denser, into slices - cook candied fruits from it.

Boil the melon juice until the volume is reduced by 5 times. Combine with honey and cook thick syrup. During cooking, constantly skim off the foam - the syrup should be transparent.

6. Candied melon at home - an unusual recipe

Product composition:

Watermelon juice 400 g

Sugar 800 g

Melon 2.5 kg


Filter the ripe watermelon pulp until transparent. Add sugar to it and cook the syrup, constantly removing the foam.

Cook candied melons in this syrup as indicated above in the recipes.

Candied melon at home - useful tips and tricks

  • You can make candied fruits from the pulp of a ripe, but dense and very sweet melon, without using sugar. Cut dense pieces of pulp, place them in a saucepan (preferably in a slow cooker) without water and simmer under a closed lid. After five minutes, drain the fruits through a colander. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and leave to dry at room temperature. Drain the juice into a separate bowl. Simmer the cooled melon pieces again for the same amount of time. Drain the juice again. After the third time, pour all the separated juice into the pan and cook until the syrup becomes thick. Place pieces of boiled melon into boiling melon syrup and bring to a boil. Repeat this operation the next day. Dry the finished candied fruits and place them in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Candied fruits make wonderful decorations for cakes, pies, and desserts. If you like to bake, then when preparing candied fruits, think in advance about the cutting shapes, which will come in handy later when decorating. The melon can be cut into shaped cookie cutters, or you can use carving knives. These will be ready-made decorations that just need to be laid on the surface.

Candied melon- These are pieces of melon pulp boiled in saturated sugar syrup and dried.

Melon is one of the most popular melon crops in the East, Central Asia and Europe. Moreover, humanity learned about the beneficial properties of this juicy sweet fruit a long time ago. In Ancient Egypt, melon was even considered sacred and was offered as a gift to the gods.

We are used to eating melon fresh, because in itself it is very tasty. But, unfortunately, this fruit quickly deteriorates. In order to preserve the melon longer and make it available at any time of the year, candied fruits began to be prepared from its pulp, which are candied slices of bright yellow color, sweet in taste and very aromatic.

This delicacy was loved by many and became quite popular. What's especially nice is the best properties of melon were “inherited” by its candied fruits, making them not only tasty, but also healthy.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of candied melon are similar to those of the fresh fruit, but less pronounced, because as a result of heat treatment, many of the healing components of the composition were lost. Fortunately, melon is so rich in useful substances that its candied fruits, in spite of everything, also exhibit medicinal properties.

Candied melon contains the entire group of B vitamins, due to which they beneficial effect on the nervous system. Vitamin C preserved in them strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and vitamins A (beta-carotene) and E are effective fight free radicals and rejuvenate the body.

In addition, candied melon contains four valuable acids: succinic, malic, citric and folic. They help strengthen nerves, tone the cardiovascular system and maintain immunity.

Of the micro- and macroelements, candied melons are rich in calcium, iron, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, sulfur, cobalt, iodine and phosphorus. So these delicious candied fruits can easily replace an entire vitamin and mineral complex. But you still shouldn’t abuse them, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect to the desired one.

Use in cooking

The use of candied melon in cooking usually comes down to using it in its pure form instead of sweets and any other sweets, to which candied fruits are not inferior in taste, but are significantly superior in benefits to the body. Therefore, this delicacy is especially recommended for children as a dessert. And for adults, candied melon can be a satisfying and healthy snack between main meals. They can also be eaten as a snack with coffee or tea.

Candied melon is often added to baked goods and sweet dishes. They go especially well with fermented milk products. For example, from cottage cheese and candied melon you can make an incredibly tasty and healthy dessert that will delight both kids and adults.

Benefits of candied melon and treatment

The benefits of candied melon are due to the unique composition of this fruit, which retains its beneficial properties even when exposed to high temperatures, and is therefore used in the treatment and prevention of common diseases.

For example, melon and its products are healthy for diseases of the cardiovascular system, because they help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse them of harmful deposits. It is no coincidence that this fruit is used to treat atherosclerosis.

Candied melon has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder and ureters.

Candied melon will be very useful for those suffering from anemia.

And during an attack of rheumatism, they will help reduce pain.

Due to the presence of plant fiber, candied melon improve digestion and remove waste, toxins and decay products from the body.

They have a positive effect on brain function, relieving tension.

Candied melon is a preventative against pneumonia.

They are also an effective antidepressant that improves mood and increases performance.

Harm of candied melon and contraindications

The harm of candied melons is minimal, and there are practically no contraindications to their use. But still they exist.

First of all, melon and its candied fruits Contraindicated for people allergic to beta-carotene, because this fruit contains it in large quantities.

Candied melons are very high in calories (319 kcal per 100 g of product), and therefore their consumption should be limited to those who are watching their weight.

Like any candied fruit, candied melon should not be consumed by diabetics.

It is also contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to this fruit.

There is no need to talk about the positive qualities of candied fruits: they are often added to their diet even by those who adhere to proper nutrition and control their weight. Candied melon, along with other sweets of this kind, are attractive not only for their amazing taste, but also for their benefits.

In this article we will talk about what beneficial properties are preserved in candied fruits, how to prepare melon for processing, and also consider several ways to prepare this delicacy.

Briefly about the main thing

First of all, let's define the terminology: candied fruits are fruits (or their skins) that have been made by boiling in sugar syrup and then dried. If dried fruits are usually used to make compotes or add them to desserts, then candied melon can completely replace sweets.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of specialized and ordinary stores that offer ready-made candied fruits, their purchase still raises doubts. Most ready-made candied fruits are highly processed, the bright aroma is not natural, but an ordinary culinary flavor; the taste also leaves much to be desired - the sweet slices are simply rubbery.

If you make candied fruits at home, you can be sure of both the quality of the original product and their harmlessness (see).

Candied fruits from the dense part of the melon

Despite the fact that candied fruits retain less beneficial properties, their advantages are obvious. In addition to the fact that they can completely replace the usual sweets, candied melons are also recommended to be used to increase immunity during epidemics of infectious diseases, as well as for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Of course, everything needs moderation: two or three candied fruits a day will be enough.

Preparing the melon

Many chefs offering recipes for candied melon claim that any fruit will do, even overripe ones. This is wrong! The melon must be fresh, unless, of course, you want to get a strange mush instead of melon sweets.

The processing process itself is simple: the melon is cleared of seeds, separated from the peel and - most importantly! – from the softest part of the pulp (the one closest to the core). For candied fruits, take the densest fragments of the fruit. The slices themselves are cut in such a way that they are “one bite”.

Preparation of syrup

Sugar syrup for candied melon is usually prepared in a large, heavy saucepan. The amount of sugar and water is taken in a ratio of 3:1 - this only applies to those recipes where candied fruits are prepared from pulp.

Bring the water and sugar mixture to a boil and carefully add the melon slices to the syrup so that it completely covers them.

If the sugar syrup is too liquid, the candied fruit will spoil very quickly, and if you overdo it with sugar, the fruit will lose its elasticity and density.

Final stage

The easiest way to dry candied melon for the winter is to use the oven. The baking sheet must be covered with paper (otherwise it will be impossible to tear off the candied pieces), remove the melon slices from the pan using a slotted spoon and place them on the paper so that they do not stick to each other. The ideal temperature for drying is 100 degrees, but the time varies depending on your oven.

The candied fruits are removed from the paper immediately after you take them out of the oven.

Fresh candied melons have one property - they strongly stick to any surface. Therefore, you need to contrive and quickly transfer them to a dish. Do not use a spatula - the melon will easily stick to it - it is best to use a wide knife.
If the last melon slices still cannot be removed, then put them back in the oven for a few minutes and then remove.

Candied melon peels

We figured out how to cook with melon. But there is another recipe that uses not the pulp of the fruit, but its crust.

The recipe does not differ too much from the original, the technology remains the same: cooking in syrup - drying, but some nuances still exist. To prepare candied melon rinds, you need:

  • before cooking, be sure to blanch the crusts in water with lemon juice or 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda for several minutes;
  • sugar syrup is prepared in a ratio of not 1:3, but 1:1, and the crusts are boiled two or three times with an interval of 8-10 hours (!);

Fruits and berries


Candied melon- a wonderful homemade all-natural treat. You can prepare candied fruits from any fruit, just like berries. In each individual case, only the amount of sugar and drying time will vary. Homemade candied fruits turn out to be the most delicious, because no additional flavors or dyes are involved in their preparation.. This simple photo recipe will tell you step by step how to prepare candied melon at home.

Why are these candied fruits so unusual? Firstly, we will not cook them from ripe melon, but from green one. This fact will provide us with a dense structure of the finished candied fruits. And secondly, even green melon has a more expressive and persistent aroma. It will be a pleasure to add aromatic candied melon to the cereal. We will prepare today's candied fruits in an electric dryer; the principle of drying such a treat in the oven is completely different. It is worth considering this fact if you decide to prepare such candied fruits yourself without a dryer. Let's get started creating this simple treat at home.



    Choose a green, dense melon for preparing candied fruits, even from your own garden. The main thing is that the melon has a pronounced aroma. We wash the fruit, cut it in half and remove the seeds, and at the same time cut off the peel in a thin layer. After this, cut the melon into small slices as shown in the photo.

    Add the entire specified amount of granulated sugar to the delicious green slices. Add a little more sugar or, conversely, a little less if you want to make the taste of candied fruits more expressive as you wish.

    Over the next 8-10 hours, the melon will infuse, release juice and soak in it. You can simply leave the slices in the sugar overnight, covering the bowl or pan with a clean, thick cloth..

    After the specified time, separate the resulting juice from the melon pieces using a sieve or colander. Pour the sweet liquid into a clean pan and send it to the stove to boil and cook for 10 minutes.

    After boiling the sweet syrup for the required amount of time, pour the melon pieces into the bowl again and leave them to steep for another 6-8 hours. We repeat the above manipulations with syrup one or two more times..

    Place the bowl or pan with the syrup and melon on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam and cook the slices for 18-20 minutes until they become transparent.

    At this stage, you need to allow the slices to drain, after which they need to be placed in a drying pan. Over the next 10 hours, it is necessary to dry the candied fruits at a temperature of 70 degrees.

    At this stage, all preparations have been completed. Now you know how to make candied melon at home.

    Bon appetit!
