How to make sherbet ice cream. Master class: preparing fruit sorbet. Ice cream with raspberry liqueur

It's rare to meet a person who doesn't like ice cream. This is understandable; what better treat in hot weather than delicious ice cream. Now in stores there is a huge selection of different types of this treat. But you can try to cook it yourself. We will help you with this and tell you how to make Sherbet ice cream at home. This type of cold dessert differs from the same creme brulee ice cream recipe in that it is prepared without milk. It is based on fruits and berries. That is why it comes out especially light, which is so important in the heat.


  • assorted berries - 0.5 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • coconut flakes.


If you use frozen berries, you need to remove them from the freezer in advance so that they thaw gradually at room temperature. Turn sugar into powdered sugar in a coffee grinder. Squeeze the juice from the orange. Add powdered sugar and berries to it. Chop the nuts and add to the rest of the ingredients. Add some coconut flakes there too. Now beat it all well with a blender or mixer, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. A prerequisite: after about every hour, you need to take out the molds and mix our future ice cream so that we don’t end up with ice sherbet, because we didn’t use any artificial additives. Before the ice cream is completely ready, it should stand in the freezer for 7-8 hours.

Ice cream “Banana-pineapple sorbet”


  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • canned pineapples - 50 g;
  • pine nuts - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • banana liqueur - 1 teaspoon.


Cut the banana pulp into cubes Place in a plastic container and place in the freezer for about 5 hours. Soak the pine nuts in cold water for about 5-6 hours, then peel them. Cut the pineapples into small cubes. Grind nuts with frozen bananas in a blender, add pineapples, banana liqueur and vanilla sugar. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Before serving, ice cream can be decorated with nuts and banana slices.

It is worth saying that you can also make fruit ice at home, using berries and fruit juice. Everything is tasty, natural and healthy, just like sorbet.

A sweet cold dessert made from fruit puree and sugar syrup - the oldest prototype of modern ice cream and many oriental sweets.

The cold drink, made from fruit and honey, was called both sorbet, sherbet, and sherbet until the early twentieth century. Wikipedia says "sherbet" is a misspelling. However, this word is widely used . Now with sherbet is called an oriental sweet - creamy fudge with a lot of peanuts and other nuts, as well as fruit ice cream, in addition to fruits and berries, containing milk, cream or yogurt.

Sorbet (sorbet) - came to us from French cuisine. At first, sorbet was served only in liquid form. It was a cold and sweet fruit drink prepared according to an oriental recipe. Then they began to mix it with ice, and then they invented many delicious frozen desserts: ice cream, melorin, sorbet, sherbet, fruit ice, granita. Fruit ice, granita and sorbet do not contain milk or vegetable fats. They differ only in the method of preparation and consistency. Recipes for sherbet and melorin include fat. Sherbet contains milk fats, and melorin contains vegetable fats.

Sorbet occupied a separate niche among varieties of ice cream. In fact it's ice cream that contains neither milk or cream. When making the dessert, berry and fruit purees, juices, sugar syrup and many other additives are used, including alcohol, egg whites, honey and herbs.

Sorbet contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, but does not contain any fat. This makes it a low-calorie product, unless large amounts of sugar, chocolate and nuts are used in preparation. The calorie content of sorbet depends on its composition and ranges between 50 and 180 kcal per 100 g.

Composition and basic cooking rules

To obtain a delicate, light and airy consistency, sorbet must be prepared correctly.

First, sugar syrup is boiled and fruits and berries are pureed. All components are cooled. Some fruits (apples, pears) are recommended to be cut into pieces, frozen, and then blended. The products are mixed and cooled like ice cream. You need to periodically look into the freezer and stir the sorbet as soon as the layer at the edges of the mold freezes. As a rule, this should be done every 30–40 minutes. Stirring prevents the formation of large ice crystals and makes the consistency uniform and fluffy.

Of great importance is the ability to correctly use natural ingredients in the recipe, which help maintain the texture and shape of the finished product. These include:

  • natural preservatives;
  • natural stabilizers.

Main preservative for sweet products – sugar. Sugar syrup helps to store the product longer and maintain its shape. Sorbet contains approximately twice as much sugar as ice cream. A dessert based on sweet fruits and berries requires less sugar syrup. But if there is too little sugar, the fruit mixture will freeze into ice and lose its airiness and softness. If there is too much sugar, the mass may not freeze properly.

It is necessary to strictly follow the proportions of the proven recipe. A smoother and more delicate texture of the product can be achieved by replacing part of the sugar (about 10 percent) with invert sugar syrup.

Stabilizers are necessary when using large amounts of liquid in a recipe. For example, when the base of the dessert is not puree, but juice or compote. Natural stabilizer – egg white. The egg white must be whipped into a soft foam and added to the mixture halfway through the freezing process. Whipped protein not only prevents separation, but also adds volume and fluffiness to the finished product. For one kilogram of base, one whipped egg white is enough.

Pectins help maintain the consistency of sorbet. Many fruits and berries, such as apples, bananas, apricots, currants and cherries, contain a lot of natural pectin. In puree, its quantity is sufficient to maintain the desired structure of the cold delicacy.

Sorbet with alcohol is a treat for adults. By adding alcohol, the freezing time increases, and the product becomes softer and more aromatic. Any recipe can serve as the basis, only part of the juice or sugar syrup is replaced with alcohol. Sweet liqueurs are added to syrup when preparing sorbets from sour berries or citrus fruits. Sparkling wine replaces part of the juice in sorbets made from sweet fruits and berries: pears, bananas, raspberries and grapes. Cognac, brandy and other strong drinks go well with apples, plums and cherries.


The simplest sorbet is not difficult to prepare. You just need to chop fruits rich in pectin, add sugar syrup, beat the mixture in a blender and freeze, stirring occasionally. Excellent results are obtained by combining apples with lemon and banana with blackcurrants in a ratio of 10:1.

As you develop the skill of creating refreshing desserts, recipes can become more complex. For example, you can add small pieces of fruit and whole small berries during the freezing process.

Homemade ice cream is a great way to get a natural, cooling dessert. Cooking with your own hands will allow you to enjoy a gastronomic variety from classic creamy to an exclusive version with alcohol and, unlike manufacturers, use only independently selected, high-quality ingredients.

How to make ice cream at home?

Homemade ice cream is made from whipped cream mixed with milk and egg mixture. The technology is simple: egg yolks are ground with sugar and boiled in hot milk until thickened. Afterwards, the mixture is cooled and combined with whipped cream. Place the ice cream in the cold until completely frozen, whisking every 15 minutes for 3 hours.

  1. Making ice cream at home guarantees a high-quality and tasty dessert; if you use dairy products with a high percentage of fat, they will make the ice cream soft and tender.
  2. Don't forget about thickeners: yolks, starch, agar-agar and gelatin will make the mass velvety and dense at the same time.
  3. To achieve uniformity, it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar.
  4. Alcohol, juice and syrup are added to the ice cream during the mixing stage, and nuts and pieces of fruit are added after the mass has frozen.

Homemade milk ice cream will help you win in price and not lose in quality. This refreshing dessert made from milk, yolks, butter and sugar is not only tasty, but also of high quality, since it consists only of natural products. The low cost of the latter will make it possible to pamper your household with a sweet tooth every day with a delicate creamy product.


  • milk - 900 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • starch - 10 g.


  1. Add butter to hot milk and bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Grind sugar with starch and yolks.
  3. Gradually combine the egg mixture with milk.
  4. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and place in cold water.
  5. Cooled ice cream at home is poured into molds and placed in the freezer for 4 hours.

Ice cream made from cream and condensed milk is a leader in speed and ease of preparation. What makes it so is the nutritious combination of cream and condensed milk, which after three minutes of intense whipping turns into an airy base. And although the finished dessert is very high in calories, it is worth trying to achieve the perfect taste.


  • cream 33% - 500 ml;
  • condensed milk - 250 g.


  1. Beat the chilled cream for two minutes at high mixer speed.
  2. Reduce speed and gradually add condensed milk.
  3. Refrigerate the mixture for 3 hours.
  4. After 30 minutes, the ice cream at home needs to be mixed.

Homemade chocolate ice cream is one of the bright and rich refreshing desserts. Its distinctive feature is a thick custard that combines the aroma of dark chocolate, a delicate taste of cream and a smooth elastic texture. The quality of ice cream depends on the chocolate, so it must contain over 70% cocoa.


  • dark chocolate - 50 g;
  • cream 15% - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • cocoa - 40 g.


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  2. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  3. Mix the cream with cocoa and bring the mixture to a boil. Combine with egg mixture.
  4. To avoid lumps, strain the mixture.
  5. Pour chocolate into the creamy mixture and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  6. Cool the chocolate ice cream at home and transfer it to a container to cool for 4 hours.

Yogurt ice cream will be an invaluable gift for fans of a healthy diet, because the dessert is made from yogurt, berries and fruits, which makes it a low-calorie sweet that can be enjoyed during a diet. Combining yogurt with fruit additions will help you deliciously and healthy diversify your diet with new types of ice cream.


  • yogurt - 550 ml;
  • peach pulp - 250 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g.


  1. Puree the peaches in a blender.
  2. Add juice and yogurt.
  3. Beat well, gradually adding powdered sugar.
  4. Place yogurt ice cream at home in the freezer for 4 hours.

Ice cream sundae at home

A classic of the Soviet food industry, which has become the standard of quality and perfect taste for many. For those who are still nostalgic and looking for ice cream in stores, it is better to make ice cream with your own hands. Moreover, the recipe is simple, and excellent results are guaranteed by high-grade milk, cream, sugar and eggs.


  • milk 3.2% - 300 ml;
  • cream 33% - 300 ml;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • powdered milk - 30 g.


  1. Pour milk powder and sugar into 240 ml of milk and bring to a boil.
  2. Mix 50 ml of milk with starch and add to the boiling mixture.
  3. Stirring, cook for 3 minutes. Then cool.
  4. Combine with whipped cream and place in the freezer for 6 hours.

Homemade strawberry ice cream is the most popular summer treat, and this is not surprising: the berries harmonize perfectly with the rich sweetness of the milk mass, providing a refreshing taste and a pleasant hue. The dessert is simple: to prepare it, you can take any creamy ice cream recipe as a basis and simply add strawberries.


  • strawberries - 750 g;
  • cream 33% - 900 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • yolks - 6 pcs.


  1. Beat the yolks with sugar, pour in the milk and place the mixture in a water bath.
  2. Puree the strawberries and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add puree to milk mixture.
  4. Stir in whipped cream and refrigerate for 10 hours.

Ice cream sherbet

Various recipes. A healthy, refreshing dessert made from fruit juice, with sugar or honey - sherbet - has been especially popular in the last few years. In addition to its high taste, it contains a generous portion of vitamins and microelements, thanks to which it perfectly tones the body and quickly satisfies hunger.


  • oranges - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • squirrels - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. Squeeze the juice from oranges and lemon and mix it with 130 g of sugar.
  2. Beat the egg whites, add them to the citrus fruits and let them harden for 3 hours.
  3. After half an hour, beat and return to the cold.

Many parents are concerned about the lack of natural children's desserts in stores. Homemade is an excellent solution for adults and children. Without preservatives or thickeners, banana puree and milk ice cream is a delicious and healthy product that can be offered to even the little ones.


  • bananas - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • honey - 40 g.


  1. Peel ripe bananas, slice and freeze for 4 hours.
  2. Whisk honey and lemon juice in a blender, gradually adding milk.
  3. Place the finished ice cream in the freezer for a couple of hours.

A savory dessert “for adults” - capable of satisfying the most sophisticated gourmets. The astringency and lightness of red wine perfectly sets off the sweetness of the creamy mass and turns it into a fragrant, bright, intoxicating masterpiece. At the same time, the components are very simple, except for the wine, the choice of which should be taken carefully.

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In hot summer weather, the most popular dish is ice cream. A light ice cream option is popsicles, sorbet or sherbet. This article contains delicious recipes for fruit sorbet ice cream. How to make fruit sorbet watch and read further.

Fruit sorbet recipe

Lemon Sherbet Recipe


  • 150 gr. Sahara
  • 3 ripe mangoes
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • fresh mint leaves
  • egg white

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mango, dry it, remove the skin and seeds.
  2. Chop the pulp into cubes and mash with a fork.
  3. Beat the egg whites with half the sugar.
  4. Add mango pulp and lemon juice to the protein.
  5. Beat everything with a mixer.
  6. Place the sherbet in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. Serve in balls, garnished with fresh mint leaves.

Cherry sherbet recipe


  • 3 tbsp. pitted cherries
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. thick heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • juice of one lemon

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes to release juice.
  2. Heat the cherry mixture over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Cool the cherry jam, then puree in a blender.
  4. Pour lemon juice, honey, milk and cream into the bowl with cherry puree.
  5. Beat 1 minute at medium speed.
  6. Pour the mixture into a plastic container and put it in the freezer for a day.

Melon sherbet recipe


  • 0.5 kg ripe melon
  • 1.5 tbsp. water
  • 0.7 tbsp. Sahara
  • lemon

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the melon, cut off the pulp and grind the blender into a puree. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  2. Add the juice of one lemon and grated zest to the syrup.
  3. Beat melon puree with syrup for 1-1.5 minutes in a blender.
  4. Transfer the sorbet to a container and freeze. Serve sorbet with fresh melon slices and lemon zest.

Strawberry sorbet recipe


  • 2 tbsp. strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. milk
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice
  • 100 gr. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems.
  2. Puree the strawberries using a blender.
  3. Pour lemon juice, milk and sugar into the puree.
  4. Beat the strawberry mixture in a blender.
  5. Transfer the sorbet to a container and cover with cling film on top.
  6. Cool in the freezer for an hour, then stir and leave to set for another 3 hours.
  7. Serve with fresh strawberries and strawberry syrup.

Orange sherbet recipe


  • 6 pcs. orange
  • lemon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • 2 squirrels
  • 1 tbsp. l. orange liqueur or vodka
  • 100 ml water

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the whites and beat them into stiff foam.
  2. Remove the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Cut the lemon into pieces and puree it in a blender. Mix orange juice and lemon puree.
  4. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, zest and vodka or liqueur.
  5. Pour in water and place the whites into the citrus mixture.
  6. Stir and pour into a deep mold or container.
  7. Freeze the sorbet in the freezer, then stir with a spatula and refrigerate for another hour.
  8. Serve with a spoon of honey and a slice of orange.

Video recipe "Papaya and raspberry sorbet"

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Ice cream is considered the favorite dessert of all times. This delicacy is enjoyed by people of all ages; everyone is not averse to pampering themselves with a delicious dessert, especially in the hot season. Some people have wondered more than once how to make ice cream at home, whether this requires special knowledge, tools or ingredients. An ice cream maker can be used to prepare dessert, but if one is not available, a refrigerator freezer or freezer will do. Interesting recipes and secrets of making ice cream with different flavors can be found below.

Recipes for making ice cream at home

Ice cream is a favorite treat, well known to everyone since childhood. The variety of flavors can please even the most fastidious gourmets. Classic ice cream, creme brulee with caramel flavor, exotic dessert with banana or pineapple flavor, chocolate or popsicle - everyone will like such delicious ice cream. The advantage of this dessert is the ability to prepare it at home with your own hands. This way you will get not only delicious ice cream, but also a fascinating process of creating it.

In order to make homemade ice cream, you need to know some secrets:

  • It is possible to make ice cream at home using special equipment - an ice cream maker. If you don’t have it, you don’t have to run to the store to get the miracle equipment; a standard freezer, which is equipped with every refrigerator, will come to the rescue.

  • In order for ice cream made at home to be homogeneous and cool evenly, it must be constantly stirred every hour until completely frozen. If you make dessert using an ice cream maker, you can omit this item.
  • Carefully choose the ingredients for making ice cream at home: they must be fresh, natural, and of high quality. If possible, preference should be given to homemade eggs, berries, and dairy products. The taste and quality of the finished dessert directly depends on the selected ingredients.
  • Ice cream is a dessert for the preparation of which it is recommended to use products with a maximum fat content. Therefore, for those who care about the calorie content of their dishes or who are on a diet, this option is not suitable. When choosing ingredients (milk, cream) for a treat, preference should be given to the fattest ones, this will allow you to get a uniform texture without ice crystals.
  • Adding additional components to ice cream to add taste, color, aroma (nuts, flavorings, alcohol, chocolate pieces) is best done after the base has cooled.

  • To create fruit or berry ice cream, fresh or frozen products can be used.

Making creamy ice cream

A classic version of ice cream, well known to everyone, loved by many - creamy ice cream. In order to make this delicacy, no additional components are used to give it flavor. However, the finished dessert can be topped with melted chocolate, delicious jam or topping. Preparation does not require any special skills or knowledge, the main thing is the availability of all the necessary products, compliance with proportions, proper mixing and the desire to create amazing ice cream at home.

Ingredients for making creamy ice cream:

  • one tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 10 grams of corn starch;
  • 35 gr. powdered milk;
  • 90 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml cream with 35% fat content;
  • 300 ml of fresh milk with a high percentage of fat content.

How to make your own ice cream sundae at home:

  1. Combine dry milk and two types of sugar in a saucepan. Add 250 milliliters of milk gradually, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  2. Combine corn starch with the remaining fifty milliliters of milk.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil, then add the diluted starch. Mix thoroughly and keep on heat until the ice cream thickens.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, strain the mixture to obtain a homogeneous consistency, cover with plastic, and let cool.
  5. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer or blender until soft peaks form, combine them with the cooled milk mass.
  6. Place the mixture in the freezer, stir every twenty minutes until completely thickened. Ready-made ice cream sundae, made at home, decorated with fruits, berries or poured with dark chocolate - an amazing delicacy is ready.

Chocolate ice cream lovers will love the following recipe, which makes it possible to make this treat at home. To prepare the dessert you will need the following ingredients:

  • yolks of three eggs;
  • chocolate – 120 grams;
  • water - three tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - three tablespoons;
  • 1.3 glasses of milk;
  • cream - six tablespoons.

Homemade chocolate ice cream recipe:

  1. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar until light.
  2. Pour hot milk into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon to prevent the formation of lumps.
  3. Strain the resulting base, pour into a saucepan and cook until the base has a thick consistency over moderate heat.
  4. Whip the cream.
  5. Chop the chocolate into pieces and melt using a water bath.
  6. Add chocolate to the milk-egg mixture - mix well, and then add the whipped cream.
  7. Mix all the ingredients until combined, transfer the ice cream to an ice cream maker or container, and place in the freezer.
  8. A delicious dessert is ready. For a beautiful presentation, decorate it with a sprig of mint or a slice of chocolate. Look at the photo below for design options.


For lovers of unusual tastes, exotic banana ice cream is suitable. In addition, this option is suitable for those who count calories, since its preparation does not require foods high in fat. To make banana ice cream you will need:

  • cold water - four tablespoons;
  • sugar – 110 grams;
  • ripe bananas - 2-3 pieces (450 grams);
  • lemon and orange juice per dessert spoon.

How to make banana ice cream at home:

  1. Combine sugar and water. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for another five minutes, then cool it.
  3. Mash the bananas until pureed, add juice, transfer to the cooled mixture, and mix everything.
  4. Place in the freezer and remove a few minutes before serving so that the ice cream warms slightly at room temperature and is easy to remove. When serving, garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of banana (sprinkle it with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening).

Fruit ice can quench your thirst during the summer heat and provide moments of pleasure. To make such a delicacy, you only need your favorite fruits or berries, a little patience, and a mold for pouring such ice cream. To make fruit ice at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • water – 400 ml;
  • lemon – 3 pieces;
  • watermelon – 250 grams;
  • orange - four pieces;
  • sugar - two hundred grams.

How to make popsicles at home:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Add sugar to the container and cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat and let cool.
  4. Preparing fruit for ice cream: squeeze juice from orange and lemon (into different containers); Grind watermelon (without seeds) in a blender until pureed.
  5. Add cooled syrup to the container with juice and puree: 100 ml each for orange juice and watermelon, 200 ml for lemon juice.
  6. Pour the juice into molds and place them in the freezer. When the mixture begins to harden (after 15-20 minutes), insert wooden sticks.
  7. Before serving, remove the fruit ice from the container by lowering the molds into boiling water for a few seconds.

Sherbet without milk

Ingredients for making raspberry sorbet:

  • 450 grams of fresh raspberries;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin;
  • egg white;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 175 ml chilled water;
  • lemon zest, lemon juice.

Step-by-step preparation of ice cream sherbet at home:

  1. Grind the washed raspberries to form a puree. Press the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  2. Soak gelatin in 50 milliliters of water until it swells, heat it over low heat until dissolved.
  3. Combine raspberry puree with gelatin, remaining water, lemon juice and lemon zest, and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, transfer to a mold and place in the freezer.
  4. After 2 hours, remove the sorbet from the freezer and whisk it to break up any ice chunks that have formed. Using a mixer, beat the egg white until foam forms, add to the sherbet, mix, and place inside the freezer for an hour and a half.
  5. Beat the mixture again, pour into molds and place in the freezer for an hour. Before serving, garnish with fresh raspberries, a sprig of mint, and a slice of lemon.

Caramel Creme Brulee

Creme brulee is an amazingly delicious ice cream with a pronounced caramel flavor. Every housewife will be able to prepare it at home and delight her family and guests with an exquisite dessert. Ingredients for preparing the treat:

  • 330 milliliters of milk;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 8 grams of corn starch;
  • 95 ml cream with a fat percentage of 35%;
  • powdered milk – 30 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of caramel ice cream at home:

  1. To make the caramel base, you need to melt sugar (40 grams) until brown, then add milk (40 ml) and mix the ingredients. Cook the caramel over low heat until the mixture resembles condensed milk.
  2. Dilute starch in 30 ml of milk.
  3. In a separate container, combine the milk powder with the remaining sugar and mix everything, add the syrup and the rest of the milk.
  4. Strain the finished mixture and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add starch and brew like jelly.
  5. Cool the resulting mixture slightly, cover with foil or film and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  6. Beat the cold cream with a mixer until soft peaks form, combine with the caramel mass, and beat again.
  7. Transfer the mixture to a special container and cool in the freezer.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle with caramel or condensed milk and garnish with mint.


In the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries, it is possible to make delicious strawberry ice cream. This delicacy recipe has obvious advantages: it is quick and easy to prepare, you can make it at home, thanks to the natural ingredients, children can also eat it, and the amazing taste will delight both children and adults. This ice cream is suitable for finishing a festive evening or simply for treating guests and loved ones.

Ingredients to make strawberry ice cream:

  • fresh strawberries – 300 grams;
  • condensed milk - three tablespoons;
  • cream 300 ml with fat content 12 percent.

How to make strawberry ice cream:

  1. Peel the strawberries and wash them well.
  2. Grind the strawberries to a puree consistency using a mixer or blender.
  3. Combine strawberry puree with cream, beat well again.
  4. Add condensed milk, beat until a thick, homogeneous mixture is formed.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into freezer containers and place in the freezer.
  6. Decorate the finished treat with fresh strawberries.


Vanilla ice cream is a simple but surprisingly tasty treat that can be easily prepared at home in your kitchen. To make the dessert, you will need milk, sugar, egg whites, cream and vanilla sugar (to obtain a rich aroma and taste, you can use a vanilla pod), sometimes vanilla oil is used. Having learned how to prepare such a base, experiment with various fillings and flavorings (for example, fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate). For step-by-step preparation of vanilla ice cream at home, watch the video below:

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