How to make delicious meatballs. Meatballs - recipes for how to cook delicious meatballs with or without gravy. Making homemade tomato sauce

Liver is a tasty product, and also incredibly healthy. It is an excellent source of iron. Therefore, if you have problems with low hemoglobin, you should definitely make friends with this product. Below you will find interesting recipes for cooking liver in sour cream sauce. They are quite simple, but the dishes are tender and very tasty.

Beef liver in sour cream sauce


  • beef liver – 500 g;
  • milk – 130 ml;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • onion – 130 g;
  • flour – 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt pepper.


Cut the liver into portions and fry on both sides in butter (half of the total volume). Frying time on each side should take about 1 minute. Place the liver pieces in a bowl, add salt and pepper. Finely chop the onion and fry in the remaining butter until golden brown. Then add flour to it, mix and cook for another 40 seconds. Pour in the milk and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens. After this, add mustard and sour cream to the sauce. Pepper and salt to taste, add the liver, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Pork liver in sour cream sauce


  • 550 g;
  • thick sour cream – 50 g;
  • onions – 180 g;
  • flour;
  • pepper, salt.


To make the liver more tender, soak it overnight in milk or water. Then we cut it into small pieces, salt and pepper them to taste. Roll each piece in flour and place in a frying pan with heated oil. It is important to take into account the following points - you need to fry the liver under a lid over low heat, and the pieces should not touch each other. Fry on one side for about 5 minutes. Then turn it over and fry on the other side for the same amount of time. After this, transfer the liver to a saucepan. Now fry the chopped onion until tender. Transfer it to a saucepan with the liver, pour in a glass of water and simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. After this, add sour cream, about 2 tablespoons of flour and mix everything well and simmer the fried liver in sour cream sauce for another 3 minutes.

Recipe for liver in tomato-sour cream sauce


  • liver – 450 g;
  • sour cream – 40 g;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • spices, salt.


Cut the liver (beef, pork or chicken) into cubes and place in a bowl. Add flour and mix everything well. Place the liver in a frying pan. We shouldn’t fry it, we just want it to change color. As soon as this happens, reduce the heat and add sour cream, mix and simmer over low heat. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it in vegetable oil. When it acquires a slightly golden hue, add the finely grated carrots and cook the vegetables over low heat until cooked. As soon as the frying is ready, add tomato paste to it, mix and simmer for another 3 minutes. Spread the resulting mixture onto the liver and stir. Now add water - you need to decide on the amount according to your taste, depending on how thick the sauce we want to get. We also add spices - black peppercorns and bay leaves are especially good in this case. Stew the liver in tomato-sour cream sauce until cooked and serve with your favorite side dish.

Stewed liver in mustard-sour cream sauce



Wash the liver, dry it, remove the veins and cut into small pieces. Mix flour with salt and roll each piece in this mixture, then fry in vegetable oil. Transfer the liver to a saucepan. Cut the onion into half rings, crush it with sugar and fry until golden brown. Add sour cream, mix, pepper and salt to taste. Add the mustard and bring the mixture to a boil. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add meat broth and simmer the liver in sour cream and mustard sauce for about 15 minutes.

Liver is one of the few foods that does not like prolonged heat treatment. If you cook or fry for a long time, the dish will turn out dry, tough, and tasteless. With the right approach, you can quickly and easily prepare many delicious things from liver. Especially if you supplement the popular product with onions.

Beef liver with onions - general cooking principles

Pre-treatment of the liver consists of washing and removing visible films. If this is not done, the product will not be able to absorb the juices of additional ingredients. Then the liver is dried and cut into pieces. The shape and size are determined by the recipe.

Onions are mainly used. It goes harmoniously with beef liver and these two products complement each other wonderfully. Carrots, sour cream, mushrooms, potatoes and various other vegetables are often added to liver dishes.

Liver with onions are stewed, fried, baked. You can cook dishes in pots, in a slow cooker, or steamed. They are supplemented with all kinds of spices, herbs, and served on their own and with side dishes.

Recipe 1: Stewed beef liver with onions in sour cream

Instead of sour cream, to prepare this beef liver with onions, you can use cream, but with a fat content of at least 15%. The dish goes well with side dishes of cereals and vegetables, and goes well with pasta.


0.6 kg of liver;

0.2 kg of onion;

0.25 kg sour cream;

0.2 liters of broth;

2 tablespoons flour;

Bay leaf and a little dill.


1. Cut the washed and cleaned liver into small pieces, as for goulash.

2. Cut the onion into cubes, throw it into a frying pan with oil and start frying.

3. After a couple of minutes, add the liver, cover and fry for three minutes under the lid.

4. Remove the lid, evaporate the remaining moisture and as soon as the pieces begin to fry, add flour. Pour it evenly so that it does not form lumps.

5. Add sour cream and stir.

6. Add salt to the broth, you can use any seasonings and also add it to the frying pan.

7. Simmer everything together for a few more minutes, checking for doneness.

8. Sprinkle with chopped dill, stick in a bay leaf and turn off. Cover, let stand for five minutes and serve.

Recipe 2: Beef liver fried with onions in a frying pan

A simple recipe for fried beef liver with onions, which can be prepared in less than half an hour. Great option for a quick dinner.


0.5 kg of liver;

2 onions;

50 ml oil;

1.5 spoons of flour;

0.5 bunch of dill.


1. Clean the liver from films, wash it well and cut into strips. Leave it on the cutting board for now.

2. Peel the onion heads and also chop them into strips.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Add the onion and turn up the heat to high.

4. Immediately sprinkle the liver with the recipe flour, quickly mix with your hands right on the cutting board and add to the onion. Brown for a minute and turn off the heat.

5. Cover the frying pan with a lid and fry for about five minutes.

6. Then open, add salt, add black pepper and fry without a lid until cooked. It's about three more minutes. We don’t overexpose.

7. Turn off, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Recipe 3: Stewed beef liver with onions and carrots

A variant of a vegetable dish made from beef liver with onions and carrots. For cooking, use a large frying pan or cauldron.


1 onion;

0.3 kg of liver;

1 large carrot;

3 tablespoons of oil;

Salt pepper;

Greens optional;

130 ml broth or water.


1. Chop the onion into large half rings and throw it into a frying pan with heated oil.

2. Peel the carrots and cut them into very thin rings. Add to the onion and fry together.

3. Cut the liver into three centimeter cubes and also add to the frying pan.

4. First fry without a lid, as soon as the juice begins to appear, pour in the hot broth indicated in the recipe. Cover and simmer for about seven minutes.

6. Throw in the greens and turn it off.

Recipe 4: Beef liver with onions in a pot

A recipe for those who don’t have time to prepare dinner. All you need to do is find ten minutes and load everything into the pots. Immediately turn on the oven at 190 degrees, let it warm up.


0.5 kg of liver;

0.15 kg sour cream;

30 grams of butter;

0.5 spoons of flour;

2 onions;


Cheese optional.


1. Coarsely chop the onion. You can use straws or half rings.

2. Sprinkle the onion with flour and fry for a minute in hot oil. A golden brown crust should appear.

3. Turn off the onion, add sour cream, pepper and salt, you can add any seasonings and a little dried dill.

4. Cut the liver into large pieces of about 50 grams.

5. Place a spoonful of sour cream and onions in the pots.

6. Then lay out the pieces of liver and cover with sour cream and onions.

7. You can throw a piece of cheese on top to create an appetizing crust.

8. Place the pots in the oven and remove them after 40-45 minutes. If cheese was added, it is better to cook without a lid.

Recipe 5: Fried beef liver with onions and apples

An unusual recipe for delicious fried beef liver with onions and fresh apples. The dish tastes good, has a piquant sourness and an amazing aroma.


2 onions;

0.5 kg of liver;

2 apples;



1. Cut the washed liver into cubes no larger than four centimeters. Throw it into hot oil and start frying.

2. After two minutes, throw in the apples, cut into slices. Fry over high heat.

3. We also cut the onion into small pieces and add it three minutes after the apples.

4. Fry everything together, a lot of juice will be released from the apples, this is how it should be. Stir occasionally so that the liver on top does not dry out and absorbs moisture.

5. Bring the dish until the liver is ready. A couple of minutes before the end, add seasonings. Sprinkle the finished liver dish with herbs.

Recipe 6: Beef liver with onions and carrots in tomato

Recipe for tender beef liver with onions and carrots in rich tomato sauce. To prepare it, paste is used, but you can also take fresh tomatoes, pureed or chopped in any way.


0.5 kg of liver;

2 onions;

3 spoons of pasta;

1 spoon of sour cream;

1 carrot;

1 spoon of flour;

Greens, seasonings;

250 ml broth.


1. Chop the onion and carrot into strips, you can immediately add everything together.

2. Throw into a frying pan with oil, fry a little so that the vegetables lightly set.

3. Now it’s the liver’s turn. We cut it as you like, but it’s better not very large. Sprinkle with flour.

4. Use a spatula to move the vegetables to one side and transfer the liver to the freed area. Quickly fry until golden brown on the bottom side.

5. Now you can mix everything together with the vegetables. Cook for three minutes.

6. Add tomato paste and fry until brownish.

7. Now it’s time for sour cream, which you just need to warm well with all the ingredients of the dish.

8. All that remains is to add the broth. The liquid must be hot. You can use regular boiling water instead.

9. At this stage, add spices to the dish, do not forget to add salt.

10. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer until done. We throw in the greens at the very end or sprinkle the prepared dish already in the plates.

Recipe 7: Stewed beef liver with onions and potatoes

A very convenient and simple dish of beef liver with onions, which can be used as a first or second course, served for lunch or dinner. All that remains is to adjust the amount of liquid.


0.4 kg of liver;

2 onions;

0.6 kg potatoes;

Oil, seasonings.


1. The onions are fried first. Cut the peeled heads into medium cubes and throw them into a bowl with heated oil. You can use a high frying pan or cauldron.

2. Do not chop the liver finely, otherwise it will cook quickly and be tough. We make pieces of 30-40 grams. Throw it into the onion. Fry for a short time, just a minute is enough.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut them a little smaller than the liver. Throw it into the general mass.

4. Now it’s the liquid’s turn. You need boiling water or broth. If you are preparing a thick dish for the second one, then one or two glasses are enough. If you want to cook a stew close to soup, then the liquid should barely cover the potatoes.

5. Add salt, a little pepper and cover.

6. Simmer until the potatoes are ready, add bay leaves, various seasonings and herbs to taste.

Recipe 8: Fried beef liver with onions and mushrooms

Another recipe for fried beef liver with onions in sour cream, but this time the addition is champignons. Mushrooms give the dish a delicious aroma and greatly enhance the taste. It needs to be cooked!


0.4 kg of liver;

0.3 kg champignons;

0.2 kg of onion;

0.2 liters of sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic;

Oil, salt;

A little fresh or dry dill.


1. Boil the champignons in boiling water for about 15 minutes. You can cut the mushrooms into pieces immediately so that you don’t have to wait for them to cool down later. Place the finished champignons in a colander and let the liquid drain from them.

2. Chop the onion into rings, fry with the addition of oil or any fat until transparent.

3. Add liver and fry together. We cut the offal into cubes no larger than three centimeters or similar cubes.

4. As soon as the pieces turn white on all sides and begin to fry, you can add the mushrooms. At this stage, turn the heat to maximum so that the moisture evaporates faster.

5. Salt and pepper the liver with champignons and fry until cooked. Sprinkle with dry or fresh dill, chopped garlic (optional), turn off immediately and let it brew. It is better to cover the frying pan with a lid for about fifteen minutes.

Flour breading prevents the liver from losing juice and promotes the rapid appearance of a golden brown crust. To coat the pieces with flour, simply sprinkle them over and stir. This is done immediately before sending it to the frying pan.

Leftover fried or stewed liver? You can beat it in a food processor and you will get a wonderful pate. For juiciness, add cream or butter.

Dishes made from fresh liver always turn out tastier than those made from frozen offal. This is why experienced housewives buy chilled meat products.

Any dish will be more tender if the liver is soaked in milk or cream before use. Dairy products nourish fiber, soften and make it more tender.

The liver in a tomato can be hard and dry due to the large amount of acid. If you are not sure of the result, it is better to use cream or sour cream for sauces. You can mix dairy products with tomatoes.

The liver is not salted at the beginning of cooking, much less spices are added when soaking. Salt removes moisture from the product, promotes the active release and subsequent evaporation of juices. Liver dishes should be salted at the very end of cooking.

The remarkable properties of liver are not only that it is incredibly healthy and nutritious, but also that it cooks very quickly. Beef liver stewed in sour cream and onions will add to your repertoire of recipes, both if you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, and if you just like to eat delicious food.

This cooking method allows you to get soft and juicy liver in a flavorful gravy.

Just as theater begins with a hanger, any delicious dish begins with the right ingredients. It is best to buy a thick end of beef liver from a young animal. There are minimal bile ducts there. which means the finished liver will be as tender as possible.

The liver should be reddish-brown in color, with a shiny surface and have a pleasant sweetish smell.

Is the liver selected? Then let's get down to business, start preparing stewed liver in sour cream.

Ingredients for the recipe: liver stewed in sour cream and onions
Beef liver 500 grams
Onion 1 large head (150 grams)
Sour cream 100 grams
Flour 1 heaped teaspoon
Vegetable oil 1-2 tablespoons
Salt taste
Ground pepper taste
Garlic (optional) 2 cloves
Nutmeg (optional) taste
Ground paprika (optional) taste

How to stew liver in sour cream and onions

Pre-heat a kettle of water. We clean the liver from the film, remove all vessels if possible. Cut into bars or cubes.

Place the liver pieces in a bowl and pour boiling water over them, stir.

Drain the water and fill the liver with boiling water again. Mix again until the surface of all the pieces turns gray. This preliminary “boiling” will remove bitterness from the liver and eliminate excess moisture released during frying.

Place the liver in a colander.

Prepare sour cream sauce. In a bowl, mix sour cream, salt, pepper, flour and a glass of boiling water. Mix well with a whisk.

Cut the onion into cubes or quarter rings.

In a frying pan in vegetable oil, first fry the onion.

Then add the liver pieces and fry, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.

Now all that remains is to pour sour cream sauce over the liver. After the sauce boils, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 5 minutes. You can’t simmer for a long time to prevent the liver from becoming rubbery.

If desired, at the end of cooking, add spices and garlic passed through a press. Turn off the heat and leave covered for a few minutes.

That's it, beef liver stewed with sour cream is ready. Serve with any side dish, adding fresh herbs for color and flavor.

Fried liver is prepared easily and quickly. In a frying pan or in a slow cooker. Liver fried in pieces with the addition of onions and carrots, with sour cream sauce will be tender and tasty. Any side dish is suitable: mashed potatoes, pasta, boiled rice or buckwheat. Determine the calorie content of fried liver using this table

Do not forget that frying the liver should not take more than ten minutes. Fry the beef, cut into cubes 1.5 cm thick, for 4 minutes on each side. Pork liver for 3 minutes. And chicken and turkey minutes for no more than 2. Liver is such a product - if you overcook it a little, it will become as hard as rubber.

Before frying, the liver must be completely thawed. Otherwise, too much liquid will be released from it.

This article describes in detail three of the most delicious liver recipes. Choose any, cook and let these dishes be appreciated by those to whom you will treat them.

In the article:

Beef liver with onions in sour cream

Let's fry beef liver with me. I can prepare this simple and easy dish in 15 minutes, not counting the time the liver is soaked before cooking.

If you don’t have enough time, you don’t have to soak the liver, but I soak it because it will be tastier.

I use my favorite seasoning khmeli-suneli. But this is not important. You can use any other spices you like.

What you will need:

How to cook:

  1. My liver, I cut off all the films and veins from it. I cut it into small pieces and pour it with milk or water for an hour or an hour and a half. In the meantime, I cut all the onions into rings. And I mix the sauce from sour cream, water and finely chopped herbs.
  2. After an hour, I drain the milk, wash the liver pieces and dry them with paper towels.
    3. I put a frying pan on the fire and pour oil into it. I dip each piece of liver in flour and place it on a board. When all the pieces were breaded in flour, the frying pan just got hot. Place the liver in a frying pan and fry, stirring constantly. How long to fry beef liver? If the beef was young, fry for three minutes. Next, add chopped onion. At this stage, salt, pepper and add khmeli-suneli seasoning.
  3. Fry the liver and onions for another three minutes. Pour the prepared sour cream sauce into the frying pan. Stirring, wait until the sauce boils and turn off the heat.
  4. Beef liver is ready. Serve with sour cream and any side dishes. Today I have mashed potatoes.

This is a delicious and aromatic dish ready in 15 minutes. The liver is also very healthy. And due to the fact that it is prepared so quickly, all the vitamins and nutrients in it are preserved in the best possible way.

Fried chicken liver is no less healthy and tasty. Watch the video from Olga Papsueva's channel

Chicken liver in sour cream sauce - You'll lick your fingers!

As you can see, chicken liver is just as quick and easy to prepare. Liver is a by-product and its price is not expensive. This is a completely healthy and low-cost dish. Don't forget to cook it for your family often.

Fried pork liver with onions and carrots

Pork liver can be prepared in the same way as beef liver in the first recipe.

If there is a lot of liver in the pan, not in one layer, then it should be constantly stirred when frying.

But I will cook this one with a lot of onions and carrots, so I will need two pans. One for frying liver, the other for sautéing vegetables.

What you will need:

How to cook:

  1. I wash the liver, soaked in water for an hour, and cut it into pieces one centimeter thick.
  2. I cut the onion into cubes. And I grate the carrots on a coarse grater. I immediately prepare the sour cream sauce. Mix sour cream, salt, pepper, spices and finely chopped dill in a bowl. I add half a glass of water. I mix the sauce.
  3. I put two frying pans with oil poured into them on the fire. I roll the liver pieces in flour.
  4. I put the liver in a large frying pan and pour the chopped onion into a small one.
  5. I fry all this, stirring constantly, for seven minutes. Next, I turn off the liver, and pour the grated carrots into the frying pan with the onions and sauté for another five minutes. I put the sauteed sauce in a large frying pan next to the liver and pour sour cream sauce into it. I turn on the biggest fire.
  6. Let the sauce simmer under the lid for no more than a minute and remove from heat. The dish is ready.

This is how we prepare tender and very tasty liver with vegetables in sour cream filling.

That's all I have. Thanks to those who cooked with me today! Bon Appetit everyone!

Some housewives find offal difficult to prepare, the liver is bitter, the kidneys smell unpleasant, and the stomachs are too hard. If you follow the technology, you will get a tasty, healthy and affordable dish. Try cooking fried beef liver in sour cream and onions. This dish is not complicated. Follow the recipe tips and a quick dinner is guaranteed.

Taste Info Second: offal


  • Fresh liver (beef) – 800 g;
  • Whole cow's milk – 100-150 ml;
  • Full-fat sour cream (can be replaced with cream) – 0.5 l;
  • White onions – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Boiled water or broth – 100 ml;
  • Second grade wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Medium-grind sea or table salt – 0.8 tsp;
  • Spices (peppercorns, ground pepper, bay leaf) - to taste;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 3-4 tbsp.

How to cook delicious and soft beef liver in sour cream

We wash the liver in warm water, and then clean it of films. This is easy to do with your hands; you just need to hook the edge of the film with a knife, and then pull it off the surface of the liver. We also cut off blood capillaries and blood clots. Wash again and cut into slices about 1-1.5 cm thick.

Pour milk into a bowl and put pieces of liver in it, leave to soak for half an hour.

Meanwhile, cut the peeled onion into thin quarters. To do this, first cut the onion head in half, then cut it in half again, and then chop it.
Add chopped onion to a frying pan heated with oil and sauté for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.
Now roll the pieces of soaked liver in flour and also fry in oil on both sides. This cooking method will preserve the juiciness of the finished dish.

We do this quickly - as soon as the crust appears, immediately turn it over to the other side.

Now pour hot water or broth into a saucepan or small cauldron, add salt and all the spices. Next, add the liver and onions, and then add sour cream.

Simmer the dish for 10-15 minutes, no more is needed, otherwise the liver will be tough.

Soft stewed beef liver in sour cream is ready. It can be served as a cold appetizer, and with a side dish as a main dish.

Teaser network

To prepare such a delicate offal deliciously, you need to choose it correctly. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the surface of a fresh liver should be smooth, elastic, without stains or drying out;
  • pay attention to the color, beef liver is darker than pork liver, the shade resembles cherry;
  • the smell of the offal should be soft, with a slight sweet note, without sourness;
  • When pressed, a hole is formed, but it should quickly level out.

If you bought frozen beef liver, you should carefully defrost it before cooking. Place the offal on the refrigerator shelf for at least 12 hours. Be sure to cover the defrosting container with a lid or cling film. Continue to thaw the liver at room temperature. Avoid defrosting in water or microwave.

Beef liver should be cooked quickly and in large pieces. Salt should be added either to the sauce in which it is stewed, or at the very end, so that the dish does not lose its juiciness.
Prepare this simple and healthy dish for your loved ones. If you follow the recipe, you will get tender and tasty liver.
