How to boil eggs so they don't crack. How to boil eggs so they don't crack for Easter? How to boil eggs so they don't burst - use salt

Inexperienced housewives are wondering how to properly paint eggs in onion skins for Easter so that they do not burst or crack. It’s easy to create a uniform color or fancy patterns on the shell; you just need to properly prepare the ingredients in accordance with our tips and choose one of the 5 suggested methods. A selection of photos and videos on the topic will tell you how to color eggs to make them beautiful.

  • Preparing for painting
  • Coloring methods
  • Uniform coloring
  • Marble color
  • Speckled
  • With an image
  • Striped

Preparing for painting

Before we start staining, let's figure out why the shell cracks. The reasons may be:
- presence of minor damage to the shell;
- large temperature difference (cold egg and boiling water);
- cooking for more than 10 minutes;
- too small a pan or too many eggs.

To avoid such mistakes, first buy a high-quality product in the store. Do not buy goods at a discount; they may be damaged or have too thin a shell. Pay attention to the expiration date so that the eggs are fresh. Before cooking, remove them from the refrigerator to allow the shells to come to room temperature. Remove the stickers and wash the product under water and baking soda. Prepare the ingredients in advance according to the list:
- settled cold water (1.5-2 l);
- vegetable or olive oil (for lubrication);
- apple cider vinegar – 9-12%;
- table salt;
- onion peel.

Vinegar with salt and vegetable oil help fix the color and make it brighter. Moreover, a strong salt solution prevents the shell from cracking, as it makes it durable. The onion peel should not be caked and have no rotten parts. Sort through the husks and leave only nice, even pieces. If you want a brighter color, use red onion skins. Then you can start painting.

Coloring methods

Using the tricks of experienced housewives will help you paint eggs correctly with onion skins so that they don’t burst. The process itself will take you no more than 15-20 minutes. Before cooking, look for suitable containers. A casserole dish will most often work, but keep in mind that the coating will stain and turn brown. Choose the size of the utensil depending on the number of testicles. For 10-15 pieces, the volume should be at least 3 liters. Painting in a saucepan that is too small will cause cracks in the shell. The coloring itself varies depending on the desired result: the selection includes methods with patterns or a monotonous color, choose what you like best.
To color Easter eggs with onion peels, choose dark dishes; the paint will not be visible on it.

Uniform coloring

The easiest coloring method is to immerse the eggs in onion broth and then cook until done. The shell acquires a noble golden brown color. Follow the instructions below:
- rinse a handful of onion peels in water, then transfer to a 2-3 liter saucepan, add 1.5 liters of cold water and put on fire;
- boil the contents for at least 30 minutes until the color of the solution turns brown;
- add a tablespoon of table salt and 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
- Place the eggs in a saucepan using a tablespoon and cook for at least 6-7 minutes;
- during cooking, carefully turn the eggs over so that they do not crack and are evenly colored.

Remove the colored eggs from the broth, place under running cold water for 1-2 minutes, then place on a napkin and leave on it until dry. To add a glossy shine, coat the eggshells with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Marble color

To give the shells a marbled color, take several types of peels from red, onion, white, and orange onions. Mix all the peels, place them in a cooking container and cover with water. Prepare a strong solution and boil it for 20 minutes. Then the procedure should be like this:
- soak eggs at room temperature under water. Tear a piece of paper into arbitrary small pieces and distribute the paper pieces over the wet shell;
- place the egg with the papers in a stocking, or maybe in cheesecloth, and then transfer it to the pan and continue - cook for another 6-7 minutes.

After the time has passed, drain the hot solution and fill it with cold water instead. Hold the testicles for 2-3 minutes, then place them on a paper towel.


An interesting method with rice allows you to create fancy little specks on the product. Do the following:
- wet the eggs with water and roll in rice. Then fold them in gauze and tie them;
- boil the onion broth and put gauze bags into it. Cook for at least 5-6 minutes;
- after cooking, hold the bags in cold water and untie them.

Wipe the cooled eggs dry with a towel, brush with a thin layer of vegetable oil for a glossy shine.

With an image

Use your imagination and think about what you can put on the shell to create a beautiful decor. We suggest that you take sprigs of parsley, dill, and pieces of fabric, for example, lace, for this purpose. Soak the eggs in water and attach any of the suggested elements. Wrap them in a thin layer of gauze and secure. In a saucepan, cook a solution for coloring from onion peels, and, without turning off the heat, transfer the gauze bags. Cook until done for 6-7 minutes.
On a note!
Add peels from other colored vegetables to the onion broth. Carrots and beets will do.


If you don’t have anything on hand, but really want to get a beautiful color, ordinary threads or rubber bands will help out. Wrap the threads around the egg, and tie it tightly with rubber bands over the entire surface. Make sure that the threads are fixed tightly, otherwise they will fly off during cooking and you will not have a beautiful color. Place the eggs in the onion broth and cook them for 7-8 minutes. After cooking, remove the threads or elastic bands and grease the shell with oil.

Eggs colored with onion skins are absolutely harmless to health, unlike food dyes. If you did everything correctly, the shell will definitely not be cracked, and the color will be bright and unusual. Eat to your health and admire the beautiful colors. Happy upcoming Easter!

Methods for hard-boiling eggs so they don't burst and are easy to peel.

Eggs are the most popular and sought-after product on our table. We fry them, boil them, and use them to make baked goods, sauces and soups. As Easter approaches, everyone is stocking up on eggs to turn them into Easter eggs or krashankas.

How to boil eggs with salt so that they don’t burst and are easy to peel: recipe

There are many ways to cook the product. Hard-boiled eggs are extremely popular. But many people like it soft-boiled or in a bag. Very often the shell breaks and the contents leak out. It is very disappointing when an egg bursts during coloring. In this case, the dye gets inside and colors the edible part.

Ways to boil eggs so they don't burst:

  • Most often, the product that is very fresh bursts. To determine freshness, you need to lower the egg into a jar of water. If it sinks to the bottom, it means it's fresh. If it comes up, then no.
  • Therefore, you need to be careful with fresh eggs. Do not put them in boiling water after immediately taking them out of the refrigerator. The temperature difference will cause the shell to burst.
  • Pour cold water into a container and add salt. A tablespoon per 1000 ml of liquid is required. Immerse the product in this solution and cook over low heat.
  • Once the water approaches boiling, turn the heat to medium and simmer for about 12 minutes after boiling.
  • After cooking, do not rush to pour ice water into the container. Pour in liquid at room temperature. This will make it easier for the shell to separate from the egg.
  • After 10 minutes, you can lower the temperature of the water by replacing it in the pan with the eggs with cold water.
  • In this case, the yolk will most likely have a green tint. But if you care not about the taste of the egg, but about the integrity of the shell, then cook according to this principle.

At what temperature should you cook eggs so that they don’t burst and are easy to peel?

In general, many recommend putting the product directly into boiling water. In this case they will taste better. The yolk will not turn green. But there is also another side to the coin. When the temperature changes, the shell bursts, that is, there can be no talk of coloring. But if you need a whole and tasty egg, then you should adhere to certain cooking rules:

  • Before preparing the product, keep it at room temperature for an hour.
  • Put the water on the fire and add a spoonful of salt and baking soda. As soon as the liquid boils, immerse the product in it and as soon as the water begins to boil again, reduce the heat.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over very low heat. After this, place the container under cold running water.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs in a slow cooker?

Many housewives use a multicooker for cooking. You can place the eggs in a sieve or colander and place them over a container of boiling water. Steamed eggs do not knock against each other and do not burst. And the temperature of the steam is not high at first.

  • In a multicooker, the product must be cooked for 10 minutes using the steaming attachment.

How to cool eggs after boiling so they are easy to peel?

Eggs that are not very fresh are easy to peel. Therefore, for cooking, it is recommended to take a product that has been stored for about 5-7 days. If you cook a product fresh from a chicken, you will not be able to remove the shell easily. When purchasing eggs in a supermarket, you can safely boil them. Since from the moment the chicken laid them until they hit the store shelves, an average of 7-10 days pass. If you have your own chickens, then it is better not to boil fresh eggs. Keep them in the refrigerator for about a week.

Rules for cooling eggs:

  • Do not rush to pour ice water over the eggs, pour out the boiling water and add water at room temperature.
  • After heating this liquid, pour in colder water. Wait 2 minutes again.
  • Drain and add ice water. This way you can easily remove the shell.
  • There is a rather unusual way of boiling eggs. In this case, they do not crack, and the skin is removed quite easily.
  • Using a needle or awl, make a small hole on the side where the air cushion is located.
  • Do not immerse the needle or awl deeply, as this will pierce the chamber and the egg will leak out during cooking.

With Easter approaching, many housewives are going to boil eggs for salads, snacks and, of course, coloring. In order not to spoil your mood and not throw a lot of protein product into the trash along with the shell, listen to our advice.


  • Buy fresh and homemade eggs for baking. They are not the same size and look different from each other.
  • For coloring and snacking, buy eggs labeled "C" from the supermarket. This means a table egg. It can be stored for up to 25 days in the cold.
  • Check the freshness of the egg before cooking. To do this, immerse the product in cold salted water. If it doesn’t float, the egg is not the freshest. Ideally, for cooking you need to take eggs that are in the middle. That is, they do not sink and do not float.
  • Before pouring water into the pan, place the eggs in it. It is necessary that they are tightly located to each other. In this case, they will not hang around the pan and the risk of cracks is reduced.
  • Try boiling eggs in a slow cooker or steaming them. This way they don’t burst and the taste of the product is very delicate. It is quite difficult to digest eggs in a double boiler; the yolk does not turn blue within 15 minutes of cooking.

  • You should not cook the product for a very long time. After 30 minutes of cooking, these eggs are not suitable for consumption.
  • If you want to poach eggs, cook them for 5 minutes over medium heat. The white will cook and the yolk will thicken and become creamy.
  • After about 7 minutes of cooking, the egg turns hard, but the yolk is quite soft.
  • In order to get a hard-boiled egg, you need to cook it for 9-11 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  • You can use an egg cooker or cook eggs in a slow cooker by setting a timer.
  • If you don't have the time or ability to monitor the cooking process, immerse the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Leave for 25 minutes. This time is enough for the eggs to be hard-boiled.

You can experiment and determine the ideal cooking time yourself. Usually it takes 10-12 minutes to cook eggs for salad.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than boiling eggs: throw them into boiling water and take out the finished product after the right time. But no - it's not that simple. You need to know a few nuances of “difficult” cooking, otherwise you will not be able to boil the eggs so that they do not burst. There are several simple and effective tips, using which you will never spoil the product.

How to boil eggs without them bursting - fresh is always better

The egg is a unique product. Nutrients and beneficial substances are hidden under the soft-hard shell. We are accustomed to eating eggs in all possible forms: raw, fried, boiled, baked. Boiled eggs are most commonly used in food, but very often the shells of eggs cannot withstand boiling - they burst. Fresh eggs with unseasoned shells are most susceptible to cracking during cooking. Checking the quality of the product is very simple: immerse the eggs in water; if they sink to the bottom of the container, the freshness is undeniable.

How to boil eggs without them bursting - the right temperature

Never put eggs in hot or boiling water after taking them straight from the refrigerator. Temperature changes have a negative effect on the delicate shell - it cannot withstand strong differences in degrees and bursts. The best solution would be to immerse the eggs in cold water, which will warm up evenly and smoothly (so that the air inside the product slowly leaves it) and reach a boil along with the eggs in it.

How to boil eggs so they don't burst - use salt

Our great-grandmothers used this method. Before boiling the eggs, the water in which you will do this must be well salted. The standard measure is 1-3 tsp. per liter of water. A cloudy liquid will indicate that you have added enough salt to prevent the eggs from cracking.

Slow simmer in a small container

The quieter and calmer the water in which the eggs are cooked boils, the greater the likelihood that the product will remain safe and sound. Cook the product in low boiling water over low heat in a small bowl (so that the eggs do not collide with each other when the liquid boils).

Immerse the boiled eggs under running water at room temperature, gradually lowering the temperature. This will help clean the eggs well.

Hello friends!

Are you waiting for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ - Easter? I really do, because I fast and limit myself to meat, dairy products and eggs. But this does not stop me from preparing for the Great Holiday. I have already started studying. And today I found and made a selection about dyeing chicken eggs.

As we already know, our Orthodox Easter falls this year on April 8 on Sunday. One of the holiday rituals, in addition to Easter cakes and Easter cakes, are painted eggs. This tradition arose a long time ago, during the time of the first Christians. In addition, there is an opinion that many eggs accumulated in chicken coops among fasting people in villages. Due to the fact that there was nowhere to put them, it became a custom to paint or paint the eggs and give them to guests and neighbors on Easter.

Of course, that's how it happened. But the egg has long symbolized resurgent life. The most popular dye color is red. This implies the blood shed by Christ for the people. Therefore, it is very important to dye the eggs in different colors. But how to do it right? Let's find out!

I’ll also add that it’s better to paint with kids. They really like this business. And even children, starting from three years old, are already actively helping adults.

Basic rules for painting eggs for Easter

Before painting, we will read a few tips on how to do it correctly. Then it will help us avoid some irreparable mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes, right?

  • We buy eggs with white shells. It’s clear even to kids that paint adheres better to a clean white surface and doesn’t change its color. But brown ones can radically change their color when dyed. And any paint on them seems a bit dirty.
  • We wash the testicles with a sponge, or with a soap solution.

  • To prevent the eggs from bursting or cracking during cooking, it is better to remove them from the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours in advance. During this time they will warm up and become room temperature. Then you can start hot procedures.
  • Salt, which is added to the water during boiling, also helps prevent cracks. Enough 2 tbsp. spoons of salt per 2 liters of water.
  • If you are going to paint in onion skins, then collect them several months in advance. The more husk, the brighter the color will be. You can also ask for husks at any market from a vegetable seller. I think they won't be greedy. Especially for such a sweet thing as preparing for Easter.
  • To dry already painted eggs, use the paper racks in which you bought them.

It is interesting to know that eggs painted with one color are called dyed eggs. Easter eggs will be skillfully painted. Drapes are painted with a scratched pattern. There are also specks - testicles painted with specks, with dots and stripes.

  • Rub the colored eggs with vegetable oil. They turn out shiny, bright and beautiful.

Well, now you can definitely get down to business!

How to paint eggs in onion skins so they don't crack

The simplest and most popular way of coloring for Easter is in onion peels. For this purpose, golden or red onions are used. After dyeing, the testicles turn out purplish-brown, yellowish and very beautiful.

This option also saves housewives a lot of time. The eggs are boiled and immediately colored in a decoction of the husks.

We need:

  • 4-5 liter saucepan;
  • Eggs - 2 dozen;
  • Onion peel;
  • Vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Paper towel or newspaper.


1. Prepare the onion skins. We wash it in running water to remove dust and dirt. We also take the eggs out of the refrigerator to warm up. They reach room temperature after 1.5-2 hours.

2. Take a large saucepan and put all the onion peelings there. They should take up 2/3 of the pan somewhere.

Choose old cooking utensils that you don’t mind. Because during the process the pan gets very dirty and it will be almost impossible to wash it.

3. Fill with water so that it covers all the husks. Pour in 1.5-2 tablespoons of vinegar. Or you can use 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence. Mix the water with a spoon.

4. Wash the warmed testicles with a soft sponge and laundry soap. We carefully place them and bury them in the husk.

5. Place the pan on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for 30-40 minutes. For a more saturated color, you can cook longer.

6. Carefully remove the finished brown eggs with a spoon and place them on prepared paper towels. Do it carefully so as not to get burned.

7. When they have cooled, you can rub them with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. You can stick small stickers on an Orthodox theme and place them beautifully in a basket or plate with indentations for eggs and Easter cake.

My testicles did not crack and turned out to be evenly colored, and vinegar helped me with this. The most important thing is to maintain the temperature; it should be the same before cooking.

That's basically it. Coloring can be complicated and you can create masterpieces like the ones in the photo below. To do this you will need gauze, thread and green leaves. Parsley, dill, and arugula work well.

Before laying in the husk, we apply a leaf of greenery to each egg and wrap it in a small piece of gauze. Tie tightly with thread so that the gauze presses the leaf tightly to the shell. Then we also put them in water with the husks and cook for 40 minutes.

The shell will be completely colored, except for the place where the leaf was attached. And the results are very original eggs with a touch of greenery. Beauty and simplicity!

Video about how to dye Easter eggs using dyes

Let's see and try to do the same. After all, there is nothing complicated.

We use dry food colorings and leaves

Let's try to color Easter eggs with store-bought food dyes and even with leaves. Already above about the method with onion peels I explained a little how this is done. And here I will reveal the secrets in more detail and with step-by-step photos.

We need:

  • White chicken eggs - 2-3 dozen;
  • Food colorings;
  • Vinegar 9%;
  • Gauze,
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Green leaves;
  • Gloves.


1. Warm chicken eggs to room temperature. We wash them with a dish sponge and soap until clean. Then cook in slightly salty water for 20-30 minutes in a cauldron.

2. Place jars on the table where we will dilute the paint. Prepare scissors, pieces of gauze, thread and green leaves.

3. Leaves can be wetted. This way they will stick to the shell better.

4. We put disposable gloves on our hands. They will protect your delicate hands from corrosive paint.

5. Dilute the paint in jars with hot water and pour in 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. The amount of water is usually indicated on the packaging of dyes. So follow the clear instructions.

6. Take the finished boiled eggs out of the cauldron and cool slightly. Glue a leaf of greenery - dill or parsley. Wrap in a small piece of gauze. And at the back we tie the ends of the fabric tightly with thread.

7. The leaf should be pressed very tightly to the shell.

8. Place the egg in a jar of paint for 10 minutes. You can turn it a little with a spoon to ensure even color.

9. Take out the finished dyes and place them on a paper egg rack. All excess colored water will drain off, and the eggs themselves will dry well without coloring each other.

And here are the finished beauties! The parsley and dill leaves were well imprinted. Now they can be rubbed with butter and sent to the holiday basket.

Interesting way to paint Easter eggs with liquid paint

Liquid paint is sold in special tubes. After this coloring, Easter eggs acquire a beautiful, pearlescent and shiny appearance. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. How to do this correctly, watch an interesting video.

Decorate eggs with natural ingredients

The last (or not) way to make dyes is to use natural products. In fact, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made paints. You can rummage through your cupboards and find a ton of things and products that will perfectly color your eggs in even, solid colors.

I also like the option of coloring with natural ingredients because we paint the eggs without any chemicals. So to speak, we get eco-colors.

We paint with turmeric

Regular ground turmeric root will help us achieve an even yellow color.

To do this, prepare the eggs and warm them. Pour 2 tablespoons of turmeric into a small 1.5 liter enamel ladle and set it on fire.

Place the warm eggs carefully and cook them for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will be well painted in a delicate yellow tone.

Cool the hard-boiled eggs and rub them with a little vegetable oil.

We achieved yellow color. Let's move on to the blue tone.

Colored with red cabbage

Red cabbage will help us achieve a pleasant blue color. To color, we need to boil clean hard-boiled eggs in advance in a separate bowl.

We cut the head of cabbage into large pieces. Fill with cold water and set to cook for 10-15 minutes.

Place the hot eggs in bowls. Fill them with strained cabbage broth and leave for 5-6 hours until deeply colored. If desired, you can add vinegar to the broth. It sets the color.

Dry the dyes in paper towels or on a paper wire rack. Rub them with vegetable oil until shiny.

We use beets

Ordinary beets will help us get pink colors. To do this, boil the eggs hard in a separate bowl.

Peel the beets and grate about 200 grams per 0.5 liter of water. Fill it with hot water and add hot eggs.

To fix the color, add one tablespoon of vinegar. Leave for 50-60 minutes until deeply stained.

We take out the paints, dry them and you can stick on different stickers on Easter themes.

Marble color with greenery

Well, such beauty can be made with the help of brilliant green and chopped husks. Both environmentally friendly and beautiful. And whoever asks for the recipe - shhh! Don't open it!

This, dear readers, is where I end my writing. If there are other ways of coloring, you can add material in the comments below. This way you can share interesting ways of coloring Easter eggs with other readers.

Happy upcoming bright holiday - the Resurrection of Christ! See you soon!

What to do to prevent eggs from bursting during cooking!

Chicken eggs burst during cooking for various reasons. For example, due to temperature changes, or due to the high heat on which they are cooked. In addition to the above, the strength of chicken eggs is significantly influenced by their size and color. The larger the chicken eggs, the thinner and weaker their shells. Another disadvantage of the strength of chicken eggs is the fact that the hens that laid them were not sufficiently provided with calcium in their diet, which contributes to the strength of the shell. Due to a lack of calcium in the body of chickens, the eggs end up with thin and fragile shells, in which microcracks appear during transportation or during sale. These are the eggs that burst when hard-boiled.
To avoid this, when choosing eggs in a store, you need to focus on those that do not have at least visible cracks, as well as those that are medium in size, but not large.
For hard-boiling, it is better to prefer brown chicken eggs; they are much stronger than those with a white shell. Brown eggs have slightly thicker shells, so not only do they withstand hard-boiling better, but they also have a slightly longer shelf life. They are easier to transport and less susceptible to damage, which results in microcracks in chicken eggs.
To avoid egg shells cracking during cooking, many people add vinegar and salt to the water. Salt has only a holding effect, and is used to prevent the eggs from spreading if they suddenly burst. But vinegar, on the contrary, imparts “elasticity” properties to eggshells, due to which many eggs tolerate hard-boiling well. Two conveniences in one bottle)) So, when boiling hard-boiled eggs, adding one vinegar is enough. There is another recipe based on the principle “you can’t spoil porridge with oil: to avoid temperature changes, the eggs are kept until room temperature, then put in cold water, the cooking process itself takes place over low heat. Water is salted at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a mountain of salt per 1 liter of water, and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar diluted in 3 liters of water.
I've heard of this method, but I don't know how effective it is: a piece of butter and a spoonful of salt are added to the water in which chicken eggs will be boiled.
But such methods are only partially justified. In my opinion, one of the best ways is to place an inverted plate or saucer at the bottom of the pan, eggs on it and water on top. It is advisable to select a plate that matches the diameter of the pan. With this method of cooking, your eggs will remain intact without the additional addition of salt and vinegar.

This way you can avoid these problems.
