How to cook compote from fresh apples. Apple compote - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty prepare apple compote

No matter how wide the variety of apple juices and nectars is presented in stores, it is better than homemade apple compote for the winter- can not found! at home guarantees the absence of flavors, dyes and preservatives in drinks, and promises only pure benefit And natural taste products.

In the recipes offered to your attention below, for winter harvesting For apple compotes, fairly concentrated syrups (20-40%) are used, so it is advisable to dilute the drinks with boiled water immediately before drinking cold water according to your own taste. And apples from compotes are an excellent filling for baking, and generally incredibly delicious!

Before you start canning apple compote according to specific recipes, you need to remember some rules that must be followed when clogging compotes. Then all your drinks – and not only those made from apples – will turn out excellent.

1) On “Apple compote for the winter” recipes Apples of sweet and sour varieties with dense pulp, slightly unripe, but plump, are more suitable. Hard, unripe and unflavoured fruits result in corresponding drinks. And overripe fruits can simply boil during heat treatment and lose their shape.

2) For compote, large apples are selected, without spoilage or visible damage; sorted by variety so that each variety is in a separate jar.

3) Before processing, apples are thoroughly washed, peeled and cored at individual discretion, and the pulp is cut into small slices. When peeling and cutting apples, it is very convenient to use a special cutter, which can divide the fruit into 8 parts at a time and simultaneously remove the rough core.

4) The delicate peel of apples does not need to be peeled. Apples that are too small for compote are used whole.

5) Sliced ​​apples are placed in cold, acidified or salted water. The fruits are kept in water for about half an hour. With longer aging, beneficial substances and vitamins pass from the fruits into the water.

6) Before placing apples in jars, the fruits must be blanched (but not necessarily) for 5-7 minutes, and then dipped in cold water. After blanching, the apples in the jars will no longer darken or “shrink” in volume. There is no need to pour out the water after blanching; it will be used to prepare the syrup.

7) Jars for preserving apple compote are washed well, calcined for steam bath or scalded with boiling water and dried. They can be sterilized in the oven or in boiling water.

8) Jars filled with apples (up to the shoulders) are filled with hot syrup. Then the containers are covered with lids and placed for pasteurization for 15 minutes (for half-liter jars) or 20-25 minutes (for 2-3 liter jars). By the way, you can do without sterilization; but in this case, the apples are poured with hot syrup, kept in it for 3-5 minutes, after which the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and the jars are filled with it again. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 more times and roll up the jars with sterilized lids.

In England they often say: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The unique composition of this fruit confirms folk wisdom. The aromatic fruits contain many vitamins and minerals: vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. Thanks to its composition, the delicious fruit can help with many ailments:

Pectin and alimentary fiber, which are contained in apples, fight cholesterol: pectins help remove excess cholesterol from the liver, fiber molecules also attach to cholesterol and rid the body of it, preventing blockage of blood vessels.

The apple also works as an antioxidant: quercetin and vitamin C, which are found in large quantities in the peel, act against free radicals, and pectin binds and removes lead and arsenic from the body.

Although, compared to avocados or raspberries, the apple is not a champion in the presence of fiber (an apple with peel contains 3.5 g per 100 g of product), this fruit is a proven hypoallergenic source of natural fibers that remove harmful substances and prevent constipation.

Apples can help with vitamin deficiency and anemia, because... contain a lot of vitamin C and iron.

For gout and rheumatism, which are associated with excess uric acid, it is useful to eat apples, because. they contribute to its removal from the body.

It has long been customary to make winter preparations from apples. The easiest way to save apple vitamin from own garden- make compote out of it. This drink retains a large percentage of the beneficial properties of fresh fruits, because apples are harvested in large slices or whole with peel, and they are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment. This can be helped modern technologies, for example, apple compote in a slow cooker will perfectly preserve vitamins.

Of course, you can dry apples, but this is a rather labor-intensive process, because... you need to constantly heat the oven or use a special dryer and waste a lot of electricity, besides, dried fruit compote is higher in calories. However, it’s not just about simplicity and benefits; the fruits in the compote are made from fresh apples They turn out amazingly delicious.

There are two methods that are used when canning compotes - you can try any of them, even if only one is indicated in the recipe:

With sterilization - fill the jar with fruit ingredients sugar syrup in the heat of the day, sterilize full jars, and then roll them up.

Compote of apples for the winter without sterilization - pour boiling water over the fruit directly in the container, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, carefully pour out the water, make sugar syrup with it, pour this syrup over the fruit in the heat of the heat, and then immediately roll it up.

Compotes, especially those with two or three components, are poorly stored at home; they are best stored in a cool and dark place.

We will tell you how to cook apple compote.

This drink will retain the aroma and vitamins from its native garden for a long time. In winter, apple compote will be better than any store-bought juice or lemonade. You can drink it warm as a dessert or dilute it with cool water to quench your thirst. This preparation will give the body a boost of energy and strengthen the immune system, because... apple - pantry of pectin, vitamin C and others useful substances.


  • Water – 1 liter
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Medium-sized apples (preferably red ones with elastic skin) – 4-5 pieces

How to make apple compote:

  1. Carefully wash each apple, remove the tail and core with seeds, cut into slices;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the stove, bring the water to a boil; Add sugar to the water, stir, cook until the sugar dissolves and you get sugar syrup;
  3. Place in syrup, which is boiling at this moment, apple slices; cook for another 3-4 minutes;
  4. Remove the fruit with a slotted spoon and transfer to a sterilized container;
  5. Bring the syrup to a boil again (you can add a little vanilla to the syrup, literally, on the tip of a teaspoon or a cinnamon stick) and immediately pour it into the jar, filling it almost to the very neck;
  6. Cover the jar with a lid that has been sterilized.

You can also easily prepare other preparations for the winter, for example, such as: or.

Recipe for compote of apples and grapes “Still Life”

An unusually beautiful compote - it seems that this is not a jar of compote, but a painting. A still life in a jar shows a juicy bunch of grapes surrounded by juicy apples on a soft pinkish background. It’s even a pity to eat such a masterpiece - I want to admire and admire. This double drink will not only decorate the table, but will also bring benefits, because... To medicinal properties apple adds the benefits of grapes: in the peel dark grapes contains flavonoids, which help fight vascular thrombosis, and resvetarol, which inhibits the development of malignant cells; in addition, grapes contain a large number of vitamin B and helps in recovery from stress and physical activity.

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar of compote):

  • Water – 2 liters
  • Small or medium-sized apples - 4-5 pieces
  • Grapes - 2-3 bunches (to fill the jar 2/3 full) - you can take any grapes, but black grapes will look most impressive - for example, “Isabella”, “Concord” or black “Kishmish”
  • Granulated sugar – 2 cups (about 400 g)

How to cook apple compote:

  1. Wash and dry the apples, check that they are free of wormholes;
  2. Wash 2-3 whole bunches of grapes, dry, pinch off damaged berries;
  3. Place whole apples at the bottom of the jar;
  4. Gently cover apples with grapes;
  5. Cook the sugar syrup: pour water into a cooking container (for three liter jar- approximately 2 liters, for a two-liter - 1.5 liters), add granulated sugar(for one liter of water - one glass of sand), bring the water to a boil, constantly stirring the sand;
  6. Pour the boiling syrup into a jar of fruits in several stages, cover the top with sterilized lids (to sterilize they must be boiled for several minutes and dried); if there is not enough syrup, then you can add boiling water to the jar, if there is too much, then you can use it for other purposes;
  7. We place the jar or jars on several layers of fabric or a wooden rack in a large saucepan, pour hot water(approximately 70 degrees) up to the hangers, sterilize - two liter jars 15-20 minutes, three-liter - 20-25 minutes from the moment the water boils under the lid;
  8. Take out the jars, roll them up, turn them upside down, cover and wait to cool.
  9. Please note! Full three-liter jars are very difficult to sterilize, because... Not everyone has a container for this, so you can do without this process:
  10. Place apples and grapes in jars;
  11. Pour boiling water into the jars, put the lids on top, hold for 15-20 minutes, and then carefully pour into the saucepan
  12. Add granulated sugar at the rate of 1 glass per 1 liter (now the volume is known exactly); cook, stirring constantly, until the water boils and the sugar is completely dissolved;
  13. Fill the jars with boiling syrup to the top, because the fruits will absorb some of the sugar immediately;
  14. Roll up and turn over, cover and wait for the jars to cool.

Healthy apple compote recipe with chokeberry “Medicinal Duo”

This assorted compote is easy to prepare and brings a lot of benefits. Chokeberry (chokeberry) contains more vitamin P (rutin) than black currant, our body does not produce this component itself, we receive it only from the outside - it slows down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • Chokeberry – 150 g
  • Sugar – 5-6 tablespoons
  • Sweet apples – 4 - 6 pieces (depending on size)

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds and cut into slices or pieces;
  2. Wash the chokeberry and separate it from the branches;
  3. Place all the fruits on the bottom of the jar, pour boiling water over it, put a lid or saucer on top, wait 10-15 minutes;
  4. Carefully pour the water into a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil, add sugar (if the apples are sour, you can add more sugar than indicated in the recipe), stir the drink and ensure that all the sand dissolves;
  5. Pour the bubbling syrup over the fruits, roll them up, turn them upside down, cover with something warm, wait until the jars cool down, and then store them until winter or late autumn.

If you still have extra rowan after preparing the preparation, then our collection of recipes has step-by-step instruction on preparation.

Traditional apple and plum compote “True Friends”

Apple and plum combine well in one drink, creating a rich sweet and sour taste. If you don’t know how to combine them together and how to cook apple compote, we offer you this recipe. A cool compote will perfectly quench your thirst, and warm drink will delicious dessert. For some zest, you can add cherry plum to the compote. Double composition doubles beneficial features preparation: plum has a soft laxative effect, helps remove bad cholesterol from the body and cope with swelling. Compote can also be made from prunes and dried apples.

Ingredients (per liter jar):

  • Apples – 3-4 pieces (medium size)
  • Plums – 15 – 20 pieces (the quantity depends on the variety – for example, “Hungarian” needs more)
  • Water - approximately 0.5 liters
  • Granulated sugar – 200 g

How to make apple compote:

  1. Carefully wash apples and plums, check that all fruits are ripe and without wormholes;
  2. Divide the apples into slices, remove the core and seeds;
  3. Separate the plums into two halves and remove the pits;
  4. Place all the fruits at the bottom of the jar and fill with water;
  5. Carefully pour the water into the cooking container, add sugar there and start making sugar syrup;
  6. Bring the water to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely;
  7. Pour hot syrup over the fruit in the jar, leave for 10-15 minutes covered;
  8. Gently pour the drink without fruit into saucepans, cook until it boils, then cook for 1-2 minutes;
  9. Immediately pour the syrup into a jar with apples and plums;
  10. Roll up with sterilized lids (jars must also be sterilized separately), turn the jar upside down, cover with something warm, wait until it cools down.
  11. Please note! The same compote can be prepared in a fast way, this will require the same ingredients, but a little more water:
  12. The prepared fruits are placed in a saucepan in one liter of water;
  13. Add one glass of sugar, stir and wait until the water boils, then cook over low heat for 5-6 minutes and let the compote brew for 15-20 minutes;
  14. If such a compote is rolled up, then it is poured into jars while hot, and the jars are sterilized according to the rules.

Fragrant apple compote for the winter with pears “Fruit nectar”

This sweet drink Both adults and children will like it; it satisfies at the same time, because... Pears are very nutritious and thirst quenching. In addition, the compote brings great benefit: pear with peel is a source of fiber; Plus, this fruit has a diuretic effect and is useful for urolithiasis.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Pears – 300 g
  • Sugar – 400 g
  • Water – 1 liter

How to cook apple compote:

  1. Sort through the fruits and check that they are ripe and without damage or wormholes;
  2. Wash the fruit, remove stems and cores;
  3. Small fruits should not be divided into pieces, but large ones should be cut into slices;
  4. Wash the jars with soda and sterilize;
  5. Fill the jars one-third full with apples and fruits and pour boiling water to the top (this must be done gradually so that the jar does not burst due to a sudden temperature change);
  6. Cover the jars with lids and leave as is for 20-30 minutes;
  7. Carefully pour the water into the pan, add sugar to taste (approximately 300-400 g per 1 liter);
  8. Place the saucepan on the stove and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves;
  9. Pour hot syrup over the fruits (if there is not enough syrup, add boiling water) and roll up;
  10. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and wait until the jars have cooled, then store them in a cool place. Now you know how to cook compote from fresh apples.

    Note! If you have certain diseases, you should refrain from drinking apple compote for the winter; it is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis (with high acidity), ulcers and pancreatitis.

I’ve been planning to cook this apple compote for the winter for so many years that I can’t even count it myself. The first time I saw three-liter jars of compote full of whole apples was at my neighbor Lenka’s. Lunar-golden, seemingly translucent and, probably, so tasty... But I never got the chance to try these apples. No, no, Lenka’s mother, Aunt Sveta, was distinguished by her hospitability: either she would hand over a whole bowl of strawberries, or she would bring a huge bouquet of peonies from the dacha, stick it in her hands and quickly take it to herself so that they wouldn’t return it - but somehow those treasured jars of compote were opened without me. Then years passed. And at the market I saw what seemed to be the same apples. They were sold from barrels. I bought a package, brought it home, tried it - oh, it’s kind of salty! It turned out that they were soaked apples. But those from the compote were definitely sweet. Or rather, sweet and sour, juicy, I would have eaten the whole jar... Well, and further according to the proverb: better late than never. This year I bought three-liter jars, waited for Antonovka to appear on the market and got down to business. The recipe is not at all complicated. I will tell you clearly how to prepare apple compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar, so that you don’t have to do calculations, converting from kilograms to liters and other unpleasant things. I just took the recipe and made it.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar of compote:

  • Apples – 8-10 pieces,
  • Water – 2 liters,
  • Sugar – 300 g.

How to make apple compote for the winter

Making compote is very simple. No sterilization required. Processing of apples is minimal. Excellent workpiece for those whose apple trees are bursting with apples and there is no way to spend days on end cleaning and slicing the harvest. The apples for the compote will just need to be selected and washed.

Set aside all suspicious fruits, even those with minimal suspicion, to the wormhole. Size also plays a role - the apples should fit freely through the neck of the jar. In the compote they will swell slightly, and if you pushed them into the jar by force, you won’t be able to pull them back out without a fight. Some people beat the core out of apples special device. I limited myself to cleaning out the blackened remains of the petals and pulling out the stalks of those apples that managed to do this.

Place the washed apples in clean jars (just in case, I held them upside down over steam for 20 minutes. The maximum amount is 10 apples, the minimum is 8.

Then you need to boil the water. I boil a liter in a ladle, because I am afraid of large vats of boiling water. Again, pouring from a ladle is more convenient. I always pour boiling water carefully, placing a tablespoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst due to temperature changes.

Then cover the jars with lids and leave to cool completely. Some people also wrap jars of compote with a blanket, but I don’t see the point in that. My jars were already cooling down for the whole day - how could it be otherwise in the heat?

Pour sugar into the same pan at the rate of 300 grams per jar. I have 2 cans, so I put 600 grams. Bring the water to a boil, place a ladle with lids on the adjacent burner. I boil them for 5 minutes. In a large saucepan with syrup, the sugar should completely dissolve, then pour the apples again. We pour it strictly under the neck, because the apples will absorb some of the syrup and the compote will already be up to the “hangers”. Immediately roll up the lids using a key. Then we place the jars upside down. After making sure that the compote does not leak, we leave them to cool. Then we put it away for storage. This is how the compote turns out.

Whole apples are soaked in syrup rather slowly, so I don’t recommend trying the compote right away. Wait a month and a half and then open it. And try this pourable apple.

Bon appetit!


In a snowy, frosty winter, we want to feel the warmth of the summer sun and enjoy the generous gifts of nature. And overseas fruits – oranges and pineapples, bananas and tangerines – no longer make us so happy. A wonderful reminder of the warm summer days there will be apple compote prepared with my own hands for the winter.

For the first time in Rus', mention of apple orchards found in chronicles of the 11th century during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Currently, it is one of the most familiar and widespread fruits. Incredibly tasty, juicy, aromatic - both adults and children adore apples.

There are a huge variety of varieties - more than 20,000. All of them are classified according to harvest and storage periods. Early ripening (summer) varieties ripen in mid-summer and are stored for up to 1 month, autumn apples filled with juice in September and pamper us with their taste until the beginning of winter, late varieties reach maturity in mid-autumn, and taste qualities are revealed most clearly at .

A striking example of an autumn-winter variety can be considered Antonovka vulgaris, with its unique aroma and wonderful taste. Even in March the fruits are still preserved useful qualities and vitamins. To save as much as possible and preserve a rich harvest, housewives can the fruits, soak them, make dried fruits and make jam. But compote confidently holds the lead in winter preparations.

Compotes (or as they were called in former times - uzvars) have long been considered a festive drink. They were cooked from fruits without adding sugar or honey, poured into wooden barrels and very often served on the table on Christmas Eve for the Nativity of Christ. How to cook delicious compote from apples for the winter?

Today's housewives prefer to preserve apples in glass containers with a volume of 1 to 3 liters. Before clogging, jars should be thoroughly washed, preferably with soda, without adding liquids. detergents. Then it is necessary to sterilize them. There can be a variety of methods - in the oven, under a lid with steam, just pour boiling water over it. Next, move the containers onto a clean towel and leave to dry.

At this time, prepare the apples. Wash well, if necessary, peel, remove the core and, depending on the recipe, cut into pieces. To prevent the fruits from darkening in the syrup, you can rinse them in saline solution(10 g salt per liter of water) or cover them with a clean towel soaked in vinegar solution. Don't forget to rinse the apples thoroughly afterwards. Now we place the fruits in containers, filling them no more than 2/3 of the volume. Then pour in hot syrup. There are several ways to preserve compotes.

  • Sterilization involves boiling a jar of apples for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar.
  • Pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 90°C more than long time(from 30 to 50 minutes). However, it should be noted that due to prolonged heat treatment, the content of nutrients and vitamins in apples decreases, while the costs of time, electricity and gas increase.
  • A more economical method would be the hot pour method, when the fruits are poured with boiling water several times (no more than 3 times), left for 5–10 minutes and poured into a container prepared in advance. Then a syrup is prepared based on the resulting uzvar, boiled and poured over the fruit. In this case canned compote apples will retain maximum valuable substances for the winter.

Very aromatic preparation for the winter there will be a compote from Ranetki - Grushovka or Kitayka. These little ones sweet and sour fruits with a bitter and tart aftertaste will give apple compote special sophistication for winter. For preservation, we choose ripe, but not overripe fruits, with a dense, glossy skin without flaws. Place the whole thing in jars, leaving the stems behind. Depending on the cooking method, pour syrup immediately and sterilize, or blanch and then fill with syrup. Cover with boiled metal/screw lids, turn over, cover with a warm towel and leave until completely cool.

On three liter jar you will need 1 kg small apples, 400–500 g sugar for syrup, cloves, cinnamon, mint to taste. Most rich taste The compote will be purchased in a month and a half.

Compote from Antonovka will be saved by the richest mineral composition apples for you for the whole winter. The cooking method is similar to the previous one. We select dense, large and undamaged fruits. Remove the core, tail and cut into four parts. We fill the jars, pour boiling water, drain and refill them with the already prepared syrup. Screw on the lids and delicious drink ready!

I would like to note that the syrup may differ in taste depending on the preferences of the housewife and those around her. Standard recipe– 250 g of sugar is consumed per 1 liter of water. The mixture must be boiled. To taste, you can add a cinnamon stick, anise, mint or lemon balm, and even citric acid. To give more rich color berries are added to the compote chokeberry, currants or blue grapes.

Apple compote will be useful for everyone. Potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, which are part of apples, will make up for the lack of microelements during the cold season and strengthen the immune system. And so that the harvest pleases you with abundance, find out how to properly conduct it from year to year.
