How to cook cherry juice for the winter. Homemade cherry and sweet cherry juices are incredibly delicious! Homemade boiled concentrated cherry juice

Cherry juice wonderfully quenches thirst, and its rich color and taste allow you to make great cocktails based on it. And if you prepare cherry juice correctly, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a vitamin-rich and tasty drink in winter.

This is a simple recipe, but it's only good if you have room to store the juice. This should be a room in which the temperature is stable and does not exceed +8 degrees.

Wash the cherries and let them dry. Water here is absolutely unnecessary and can only do harm.

Remove stems and seeds. Using a juicer, squeeze out the juice and let it sit for 2-3 hours, then carefully pour into a saucepan, being careful not to stir up the sediment.

Turn on the heat and bring the juice almost to a boil. Don't let it boil. Reduce heat and stir for 10 minutes. This will replace pasteurization and kill bacteria.

Pour the juice into sterile jars or bottles and close with the same sterile lids. Wrap the jars of juice with a warm blanket and let them cool slowly.

Transfer the juice to a cool place for winter storage. Cherry juice without sugar and without cooking can be stored for no more than 6 months, but it will retain all the vitamins and antioxidants for which it is so valued.

Cherry juice with pulp and sugar

Wash the cherries and remove the pits and stems.

Twist the cherries through a meat grinder, or chop with a blender.

Now you need to grind the whole mass through a very fine sieve to separate the skin from the berries. At the end you will get a mass that is more like porridge than juice and this needs to be corrected.

For 1 liter of cherry mass:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

These are conditional proportions and can be changed depending on the juiciness of the cherry and its sugar content.

Pour the cherry juice, water and sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then turn the heat down and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring continuously. You will see the juice become more homogeneous and darker, which means it’s time to pour it into jars.

Sterilize the bottles, stir the juice again and fill the bottle to the very top. Close the jar with a lid and stir the juice again. To ensure that the pulp is evenly distributed throughout the jars, you need to stir the juice not in a circular motion, but from the bottom up.

Cherry juice with pulp and sugar can be stored at temperatures up to +15 degrees, for about 12 months.

If you have nowhere to store the juice, prepare it for the winter, which is no less tasty and healthy.

How to prepare concentrated cherry juice for the winter, watch the video:

Healthy food and drinks are a very important factor in people’s lives, and if you prepare a culinary masterpiece with your own hands, it will be even tastier and much healthier. One of these masterpieces is cherry juice for the winter, so tasty, aromatic and healthy, which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for our body.

Preparing cherry juice

To prepare, you need to pick cherries, sort them, removing rotten and spoiled berries. Place the cherries in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold water. Place in a deep saucepan. Often there are small caterpillars in cherries, so in order to get cherry juice for the winter without caterpillars, you need to pour enough water into the pan with the berries so that it covers the top of the cherry, about a couple of centimeters. Leave it to sit for 15 minutes; if there are caterpillars there, they will all emerge during this time. Again, you need to transfer the cherries into a colander and rinse them again with water, then remove the seeds from the berries using a stone separator and place them in a deep saucepan.

Next, you need to cover the berries with sugar and let it sit for 40 minutes until the juice releases. You can choose another way to prepare cherries, for example, simply mash them and they will release juice faster, but then the future drink will not be so crystal clear, even if it is then filtered several times.

After 40 minutes, the pan will already be half filled with cherry juice, and the berries will remain almost whole, this will help you in preparing the future cherry nectar. Next, this sour-tasting cherry juice needs to be diluted, otherwise it will become concentrated, then it will not be suitable for children and those people who have high acidity. Therefore, you need to add distilled water to the pan with cherry juice.

Mix all this and put the pan on medium heat, as soon as the liquid boils, then reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes. After this, let the cherry drink cool slightly.

Next, you need to take a glass jar and strain the cherry juice through a fine strainer for the winter. If after filtering the juice is not clear enough, then you need to repeat the filtration in the same way until the cherry juice becomes crystal clear. Let the juice cool and you can taste it.

Using this method, prepared cherry juice can be preserved for the winter. In this case, after you have completely filtered it, you need to pour the juice into the pan again, bring to a boil, pour into prepared, sterilized glass jars and seal with sterilized metal lids using a special canning key. Then turn the cans of cherry juice upside down for the winter and place them on the floor, covering them with a warm blanket. Let the preparations stand in this way for 3 days, and then put them in the cellar. Cherry juice will serve you well in winter, filling your body and your loved ones with vitamins.

Cherry juice for the winter can be combined by adding other berries to it, for example: raspberries, cherries, blackberries, currants, etc. Process the berries in the same way as cherries, then combine them together, cover them with granulated sugar, give them time to release their juice and then proceed based on the recipe described above.

You can also flavor cherry juice for the winter, for example, add vanilla sugar to the drink, in which case you will get a pleasant aroma. Prepare the juice according to the same recipe, only while boiling the juice you will need to add 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

You can also make cherry syrup from cherry juice. It is made very simply; to do this, strain the cherry juice into a saucepan and simmer it over low heat until thickened. This process will take approximately half an hour.

Today you can buy everything in stores, including juices from fruits and berries, and they are presented in a very large assortment. But, nevertheless, many housewives, like our grandmothers before, prepare berry and fruit juices for the winter themselves. Homemade juices are natural, healthy and tasty.

From the point of view of benefits, the most important preparations are juices from various berries. And when prepared correctly, they retain many vitamins and valuable substances, which can strengthen our body during the off-season and winter. Although making juices at home requires a lot of time, it is not a complicated process, and all good housewives can do it.

And when summer is already approaching the middle and pampers us with all its gifts, the cherry trees begin to sing in our garden plots. This magical berry is a real treasure, and even though we feast on it for only a short time, there is a way to prolong this pleasure - by cooking cherry juice for the winter, and then in the cold season we will be able to return to wonderful summer days again!

© Cherry juice for the winter. Preparing cherry juice for the winter. Homemade garden juicer. Buy a home garden juicer for extracting juice from apples, grapes and berries. Buy a garden juicer

There are several most common ways to prepare canned cherry juice in the Crimean style.

Method 1

Fruits of almost all varieties are suitable for making juice. But cherries with dark-colored fruits produce a more beautiful, extractive juice with a pleasant aroma. Varieties with light-colored fruits produce less extractive juice and its aroma is weaker. Therefore, it is better to cook from a mixture of fruits of different varieties. The fruits must be crushed, immediately pressed and canned. If you want the juice to be clear, then after squeezing it should be placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then drain some (without sediment) and preserve. Preserve the sediment separately.

Cold-pressed cherry juice completely preserves the taste and aroma of fresh fruit. But to obtain a richer juice, after crushing the fruits must be heated to 60 °C and then pressed. Heating the pulp promotes better transfer of coloring and extractive substances into the juice.

After the first pressing, add a little water to the pulp (from 1/2 to 1 cup per 1 kilogram of pulp), leave for one and a half to two hours, press again and preserve. It is better to sweeten the juice before drinking by adding sugar syrup (to taste).

Method 2

Syrup: for 1 liter of water - 200 g of sugar.

Mix 600 g of natural juice with 400 g of sugar syrup.

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the seeds, mash and press. Pour the resulting juice into glass jars, place in a cool place for several hours and drain from the sediment using a rubber tube. Preserve by hot filling in a large container or pasteurize at 85°C: half-liter jars and bottles - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes and three-liter jars - 30 minutes. To prevent the juice from being sour, you can add sugar syrup.

Carotene and other water-soluble vitamins are well preserved in juice and pulp. Place the cherry fruits in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then remove the seeds from them and rub through a sieve. Mix the juice and pulp with sugar syrup to taste, approximately in a ratio of 1: 1. Preserve using the hot filling method.

Canned natural cherry juice

If you have a steam juicer, juice can be prepared as follows. Place the prepared fruits with seeds in a net, which, together with the juice collector, must be placed on a tank of boiling water and covered with a casing. The boiling water in the tank should not be violent. The release of juice should last 60 minutes. After this time, place a hot jar under the hose, release the clamp and drain the juice. Cover the filled jars with boiled lacquered lids, seal them hermetically, turn them upside down and cool.

The juice obtained in this way does not need clarification.

How to properly prepare cherry juice for the winter

Very often the benefits of cherry juice are underestimated. However, of all the juices, it is the most healthy and nutritious. In addition, the level of vitamins and antioxidants is much higher than in juices from other berries and fruits. Here are the most successful cherry juice recipes.

Unsweetened juice without cooking

This cherry juice recipe is the simplest and most unpretentious. With minimal effort and expense, you can get a pretty good result. In addition, this drink will appeal to lovers of “sour” juice, as it is prepared without adding sugar.
Freezing cherries is an excellent proven method for the winter.

Cooking method:

Rinse the cherries well in cold water, remove the stems and pits. Using a press, press the berries and squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a glass container and place in a cool, dark place. After some time, when sediment appears at the bottom, pour the juice into another container using a rubber tube. Sterilize jars that will be used for preparations using steam. Bring the juice separated from the sediment to a boil and pour into jars.

Sweet juice “in the refrigerator”

Cherries for the winter in a jar

This method of preparing cherry juice for the winter is also not particularly difficult to prepare. The undoubted advantages are the ease of execution and the pleasant, sweet taste of such a drink. However, it should be noted that the shelf life of such juice is very limited and should be consumed no later than two months after preparation.

To prepare you will need:

Cherries Sugar

Cooking method:

Wash the berries thoroughly, carefully separate the seeds and stalks from them. Place the cherries in a glass bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Place the berries and sugar in the refrigerator for three days. After the time has passed, sterilize the jars intended for juice by steaming. Pour the resulting drink into the prepared jar, close the lid and place in the refrigerator.

On the site you can find other, no less wonderful recipes for winter preparations at home, for example, pomegranate juice or various compotes.

Homemade boiled concentrated cherry juice

This type of juice preparation is the most energy-intensive, lengthy and complex process, however, the result is a very tasty and aromatic drink. In addition, the juice prepared in this way is concentrated, and therefore the utensils are used very economically.

To make juice at home you will need:

Cherries Sugar to taste

You also need to stock up on a metal colander and three pans of different sizes (large, medium and small, but deep)

Cooking method:

Wash the berries thoroughly and remove the stems. Place a small portion of the cherries in a small saucepan and mash them by hand. You can use any special utensils, but before proceeding to the next step, it is recommended to check with your hands whether all the berries have been mashed. Place a colander on a large saucepan, then pour the crushed mass into it. Rub the berries through a colander in a circular motion until only the seeds and a small amount of pulp remain. Transfer the remaining mass into a medium container and add a small amount of water. It is important that the water must be cold. Throughout the entire cooking process, you should absolutely not use warm or hot water. Repeat the entire procedure several times, depending on the amount of berries used. When all the cherries are ground, the resulting pulp must be ground again through a colander. Similarly to the fifth step, pour cold water over its remains, which will significantly decrease. The pulp is ground twice, after which the remaining bones and pulp are left over the pan in a colander for at least half an hour, then disposed of. The large saucepan containing the squeezed juice must be placed on high heat, after adding a little water, leaving the consistency quite thick. Cover the pan with a lid until it boils; stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. As soon as the juice begins to boil, immediately reduce the heat, while continuing to quickly stir the drink. Once boiling, the lid is no longer required. Five minutes after the start of boiling, you need to add sugar, taking into account your own taste and the thickness of the resulting drink. Increase the intensity of the fire until it boils, then reduce it again to a minimum. Continue cooking for five minutes, then remove from heat. Sterilize jars using steam. It is recommended to pasteurize immediately before use, since the juice will be poured immediately after boiling, and therefore the containers into which it will be poured must be warm enough. Pour juice into jars. There are two nuances at this stage: it is necessary to fill it to the very top in order to easily remove the foam; also, before pouring the drink into the next jar, it must be stirred from bottom to top so that the pulp is distributed evenly. Close the jars with lids and roll up. After seaming, the jars are turned over and covered with a warm blanket.

After a day, the jars of juice can be wiped and rearranged.

Cherry-apple juice

Preparing this juice is quite easy. It does not require long cooking and does not have many manufacturing stages. Apple juice used in preparation gives the drink a pleasant rich taste. In addition, it is possible to replace apple juice with sugar syrup.

To prepare you will need:

Cherries - after squeezing, the volume of juice should be about one liter. Apple juice – two liters or sugar – one kilogram

Cooking method:

Rinse the cherries in cool water and remove seeds and stems. Press them through the juicer attachment of a meat grinder. Mix one part cherry juice and two parts apple juice or cherry juice and sugar syrup in equal quantities. If you use sugar syrup, you must first prepare it by mixing three hundred grams of sugar and eight hundred milliliters of water. Pour the resulting mixture into an enamel bowl and, placing it on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour the juice into jars and place them in the oven for pasteurization. It is necessary to take into account the relationship between the size of the jar and the sterilization time: a half-liter jar is left in a preheated oven for ten minutes, a liter jar for fifteen, and a three-liter jar for twenty-five. Cover the jars with a lid and roll up.

Natural cherry juice, waste-free recipe

The beauty of this method is that it is virtually waste-free. During the first extraction, natural juice is formed, and the remaining pulp is further processed, forming secondary juice. This option is suitable for those who do not welcome over-sweetened drinks, preferring more sour ones.

To prepare you will need:

Cherries Water

Cooking method:

Rinse the cherries well and separate the pulp from the seeds and stalks. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder. Press the crushed mass using a press. Place the squeezed juice in an enamel bowl and leave for a couple of hours to settle. Filter the settled liquid through cheesecloth. Bring the juice to a boil by placing the pan with it on the fire. Sterilize the jars using the oven. Sterilization must be carried out immediately before bottling, so that the jars are warm enough. Pour the heated drink into jars, then cover them with a lid and screw them on. Turn the finished juice over, cover with a warm blanket and leave for a while. Transfer the remaining pulp into a saucepan, add water and put on fire. The ratio of pomace water should be one hundred milliliters per kilogram. Stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a boil. Leave the resulting mass for three to four hours. After the liquid has settled, it must be pressed out again using a press. After the above manipulations, you should get secondary juice, which can also be rolled up.

Cherry juice in a juicer

Cherry juice prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time while maintaining all its beneficial properties. Also, with this preparation, juice remains, which can be used immediately after preparation to create various drinks.

To prepare you will need:

Cherries Water

Cooking method:

Wash the berries thoroughly and remove the stems. Gently mash the berries, keeping the seeds intact. Place the separated juice in a separate bowl. Add water to the pulp in a ratio of one glass per kilogram. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, placing it on the fire. Three to five minutes after the start of boiling, knead the pulp, squeezing out the juice again. The procedure is repeated one more time. The juice that was squeezed out the first time and the second time is mixed. The resulting mixture is filtered using gauze. Pasteurize the jars using steam. Pour the drink into containers, cover with lids and roll up.

The juice obtained during the last pressing is not preserved. It can be used to prepare various drinks immediately after production.

There are several different ways to create cherry juice preparations for the winter, varying in ingredients and preparation technologies. Whatever method is chosen, in any case, it will help provide yourself and your family with tasty and healthy juice, which will be simply irreplaceable in the cold season.

Cherries are also excellent for other preparations, recipes for which we have posted on the website. Cherry jam and cherry compote, the taste of which is familiar to everyone since childhood, will appeal to your whole family.

Cherry juice is one of the healthiest drinks, and also very tasty. Unfortunately, cherries are a seasonal plant, and you can only enjoy their taste in the summer. If you want to enjoy your favorite drink even in the cold season, then you can prepare cherry juice for the winter.

Of course, there is now a large selection of different juices in stores, completely ready for consumption, but there is no certainty that such a drink will bring the desired benefits. It’s better to make this preparation for the winter with your own hands to preserve all the nutrients. Preparing cherry juice for the winter at home is not difficult, but there are some subtleties.

Cherry picking

For juice you should choose ripe berries. To understand that the cherry is juicy, you need to lightly press the berry; if the juice splashes, then the berry is good. Dark cherries meet these requirements better.

In addition, the cherry should be sweet. It is undesirable to use small berries; as a rule, they contain less pulp and therefore will give little juice.

Cherries selected for juice must be whole, without signs of disease or damage. The pits are not allowed to get into cherry juice, as they are not safe for humans.

Methods for preparing cherry juice for the winter

Through a sieve

Wash the berries, remove the stem and seeds, place in a colander or sieve, cover with sugar and leave for several hours. Place a container under the sieve to collect the juice. After this, grind the berries with sugar through a sieve. Boil the resulting juice and pulp for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

You should add sugar according to your taste; you can use a 5:1 ratio of cherries to sugar as a basis. The juice prepared in this way turns out rich, aromatic, and can be diluted with water when consumed.

Using a blender

Sort the cherries, rinse, remove stems and pits, place in a blender or chopper, and beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, dilute with water until the desired consistency is obtained, bring to a boil, add sugar to taste, boil for a few minutes, pour into sterile jars, and close with lids.

No pitting

If you don’t want to remove the seeds, there is this recipe:

  • Rinse the cherries well, remove the stems, pour the berries into a colander. You need to place a container under the colander into which the juice will flow; v
  • Grind the berries in a colander; ideally, the pits and skins of the cherries should remain. To make the work a little easier, you can crush the berries using a masher or a wide spatula;
  • Pour the cake with a small amount of cold water and leave to infuse;
  • after 40-50 minutes, grind the cake in a colander;
  • combine the resulting liquids, bring to a boil, add sugar to taste, cook for 5-10 minutes;
  • pour into prepared jars and roll up.

In a juicer

You can also prepare juice using a special device - a juicer. To do this you need:

  1. Place washed, peeled berries in the upper compartment and sprinkle with sugar on top (ratio of berries to sugar 3:1).
  2. Pour water into the lower compartment, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Assemble the entire structure in layers and leave to cook for about 1 hour.
  4. The resulting juice should be poured into the cherries and passed a second time along the same path. This is done for sterilization.
  5. After turning off the stove, the juice will still be released into the juice collector for about 20-30 minutes.
  6. Pour the juice obtained in this way into sterilized jars and close with lids.

By the way, when preparing cherry juice using a juicer, you don’t have to use sugar. This is relevant for people who limit themselves in the use of this product.

Using a juicer

For this method you will need a food processor with a vegetable and fruit juicer function. This is usually part of a meat grinder, but with an extended mesh attachment.

The washed berries are poured into the meat grinder, the juice comes out through the mesh nozzle, the seeds and skins come out through the central tube inside the mesh nozzle.

The concentrated juice obtained in this way must be boiled with sugar and, if desired, diluted with water. Pour into jars and roll up.

This is the simplest method, requiring a minimum of effort, but the presence of special equipment.

To prepare delicious and healthy cherry juice for the winter, you should follow the following recipes:

  • You should not carry out prolonged heat treatment of berries, as this will result in loss of beneficial substances. Boiling the cherry juice for 10 minutes is usually enough.
  • When preparing cherry juice for the winter, you can add various other berries and fruits to it. The processing is carried out similarly with cherries. Adding other components will not only give a new taste, but will also increase the benefits of the drink.
  • Fans of spicy taste can add spices at the very end of cooking - cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla. This will create an original taste. In winter, you can make mulled wine using juice with such aromatic spices.
  • If you prepare concentrated cherry juice and then boil it until thick, then this product can be used when serving desserts - pour over cheesecake, color soufflés, creams, marshmallows. This will give not only an interesting taste, but also a deep, interesting, complex color.


Cherry juice should be stored in a cool, dry place, preferably out of light, for no more than 2 years. It is during this time that the drink retains beneficial substances and microelements. If stored for a longer period of time, the juice may not only not be beneficial, but also cause harm to health.

The benefits of cherry juice

  • Thanks to a large number of antioxidants, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen the immune system, and helps fight viruses.
  • An indispensable product in the treatment of a number of diseases (from heart disease to joint treatment).
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Has regenerating properties.
  • Recommended for the treatment of diabetes (substances contained in cherry juice stimulate the production of insulin).
  • Source of folic acid for pregnant women.
  • Improves the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Improves sleep quality, has a calming effect on anxiety and insomnia.
  • Helps to recover from heavy physical and mental stress.
  • Indicated for anemia.
  • Used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fights age-related changes in the body.
  • Treats gum disease, destroys pathogens in the oral cavity.
  • Useful as therapy for diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Used in cosmetology to prolong the youth of the skin.

There is even such a way to treat and prevent diseases - juice therapy. Cherry juice occupies a leading position in this area. However, juice containing sugar or its substitutes, as well as various preservatives, taste and aroma improvers, etc., is not allowed for treatment. Only freshly prepared natural cherry juice is used.

Despite such a wide list of beneficial properties, cherry juice also has a number of contraindications. Therefore, to consume this juice in large quantities, as well as when used in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, you must obtain a doctor’s approval. Only in this case can you get all the benefits of this drink and avoid negative consequences.

Delicious and healthy homemade cherry juice will delight you and your loved ones all winter!
