Calorie content of honey in one teaspoon. Calorie content of honey and its energy value

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Honey is one of the most ancient delicacies. There are legends about the beneficial properties of honey. IN folk medicine there is probably no other like it universal remedy, which would be used to cure a variety of ailments. Confirms healing properties honey and official medicine. Since honey has a high calorie content, it is considered one of the the best means to recuperate.

The main component of honey is carbohydrates. They contain about 80 g in 100 g of honey. Honey does not contain fats at all, and the share of proteins is 0.8-0.9 g. Carbohydrates in honey are represented mainly by fructose and glucose. There is slightly more fructose in honey than glucose. On average, honey contains 38% fructose, 31% glucose, and sucrose accounts for no more than 1%.

Mineral and vitamin composition of honey

In addition to carbohydrates, honey contains about 300 useful substances. In its chemical composition it is close to the chemical composition of human blood plasma.

Honey contains a full set of B vitamins, vitamins C and PP. The mineral composition is copper, iron, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, selenium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and manganese. But, contrary to popular belief, the content of vitamins and minerals in honey is not high. Thus, the most significant is the content of vitamins B6 and B9 in honey. It is, in percentage terms, 3.8% and 5% of the daily requirement, respectively. Moreover, this amount is contained in 100 g of honey. The leading minerals in honey are copper and iron. The iron content in 100 g of honey is 4.4% of the daily intake for humans, and copper – 5.9%.

But honey contains many important enzymes: diastase, catalase, phosphatase, invertase. Honey also contains a lot of substances that are antioxidants.

Calorie content of honey of different types

Honey is not only a tasty product, but also extremely nutritious and high in calories. In terms of calories, honey is comparable to white bread, some types of meat and fatty fish..

How many calories does honey contain? It is believed that the average calorie content of honey is 328 kcal. But the color taste qualities, the properties and calorie content of honey depend on the nectar of which plants it is prepared from. Honey different types They differ greatly in color, smell, consistency and, of course, taste. It is customary to divide all types of honey into two large groups: light and dark.

Light honey usually has more subtle aroma and more delicate taste, it is easier to digest.

Dark varieties of honey are usually richer in minerals and vitamins, and therefore are considered more beneficial. But somewhat more difficult to digest.

From light varieties The most famous are linden and acacia honey. The calorie content of honey made from the nectar of linden flowers is 350 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of acacia honey is slightly lower – 320-335 kcal.

How many calories are in dark honey? The champion in terms of calorie content is honey collected from meadow flowers. The calorie content of this type of honey can range from 380 to 415 kcal.

One of the most famous and widespread types dark honey is buckwheat. It contains almost 10% less carbohydrates and half as much protein when compared to average. But buckwheat honey is the richest in micro- and macroelements. The calorie content of buckwheat flower honey is one of the lowest, amounting to 307-310 kcal.

How to lose weight with honey

Despite the high calorie content of honey, it is actively used for weight loss. This is due to the following factors:

  • although the average calorie content of honey is significant, it is still lower than the calorie content of sugar (sugar has a calorie content of 370 kcal);
  • honey is very rich sweet taste, so it is more effective as a sweetener than sugar. By giving the dish the necessary sweetness, honey supplies the body with fewer calories than refined sugar;
  • the glycemic index of honey (51) is lower than the glycemic index of sugar (60);
  • honey can activate and normalize metabolism;
  • honey has a mild laxative and active cleansing effect;
  • a small amount of honey helps reduce appetite and reduce cravings for sweets;
  • If sugar is “empty”, “useless” calories, then honey contains many substances beneficial to the body.

Usually struggling with overweight people who are deciding how to lose weight with honey take honey-based drinks in the morning on an empty stomach, helping to reduce appetite, and at the same time providing energy and improving digestion processes.

The first version of a vitamin-energy drink. Dissolve in a glass warm water a teaspoon of honey (without a slide) and add 1-2 teaspoons lemon juice. The drink is taken half an hour before breakfast and before bed. Lemon juice makes the drink richer in vitamins, but many people prefer to drink just water with honey for weight loss.

The second option for a drink with honey for weight loss. Pour boiling water over half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass, cover the glass with a saucer and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it, always on an empty stomach, in the morning, half an hour before breakfast. This drink should be drunk once a day. It gives vigor and activates metabolism. At night, you can drink water with honey for weight loss. This drink is especially recommended for those who have dinner early, and shortly before bedtime begin to feel hungry.

When fighting excess weight, it would be good to get used to drinking tea and coffee without sugar. If this cannot be done, then tea with honey for weight loss is quite acceptable. One teaspoon of honey will provide the drink with about the same sweetness as 2 teaspoons granulated sugar. This means that the body will receive half as many calories. Besides, tea with honey when losing weight significantly reduces appetite, and if drunk shortly before a meal, it will help you easily avoid the temptation to eat large portion than prescribed by the diet. Also, nutritionists say that tea with honey when losing weight perfectly helps to cope with stress caused by giving up sweets.

Thinking about how to lose weight with honey, treat yourself to honey wraps, which can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. With honey wraps, metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissues are activated, and active release of toxins occurs. Skin tone increases.

What is the calorie content of a spoonful of honey?

Since people who control their weight take into account all the calories that enter the body from food, it is important to know what the calorie content of a spoon of honey is.

A teaspoon contains 8-10 grams of honey. This means that the calorie content of a teaspoon of honey will be 26-33 kcal.

A level tablespoon holds approximately 17 grams of honey. Knowing the average calorie content of honey, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of a spoonful of honey - it will be about 56 kcal.

Are you on a strict diet, but have a painful craving for sweets? Can honey help out in such a difficult situation? The calorie content per 100 grams of this product is quite high. In this indicator, it almost catches up with sugar. Does this mean that honey is strictly prohibited for those losing weight? Let's try to figure it out.

A truism: is it necessary to talk about the benefits of honey?

It is unlikely that anyone will take it upon themselves to doubt the usefulness of honey. The healing abilities of this unique product have been scientifically proven. Even traditional medicine recognizes his therapeutic abilities. Everyone remembers honey, one might say, “from the cradle” - how delicious treat and the first cure for colds. And today he often visits dining table– as an alternative to sugar and an ingredient in confectionery products.

It is for this reason that it is useful to ask how many calories are in honey. This is especially important for those who have unnecessary folds on the stomach and deposits on the hips. After all, it is difficult to find a product that would sweeter than honey, and all sweets are high in calories.

Honey is natural antibiotic, a supplier of enzymes and extremely valuable microelements. It is rich in vitamins. Regarding the caloric content of natural honey, it should be noted that it consists of 80% easily digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, its calories cannot be stored as fat.

Dietary characteristics and calorie content of honey

Everyone who fights for a model figure knows that bee products are present in many diets. It is healthy and helps in weight loss. And the answer to the question, how many calories are contained in 100 grams of honey, will be this:

  • average calorie content – ​​329 kcal;
  • buckwheat – 309 kcal;
  • May – 304 kcal;
  • linden – 323 kcal;
  • acacia – 335;
  • sunflower – 314 kcal;
  • honeydew – 328 kcal;
  • heather – 308 kcal;
  • honey with propolis – 324 kcal;
  • honeycomb – 327 kcal.

Thus, energy value directly depends on the type of honey. The popular lime contains no more than 380 kcal. Tart dark honey, which bees make using pollen from meadow flowers, is more threatening to the figure, since its reserve is 390-415 kcal. How many calories are in the most common flower honey? Minimal amount– 300, maximum – 308 kcal.

What products can natural honey compare in energy value to? It has the same calorie content as wheat bread, lamb, condensed milk, beef, calf liver and belugas. But, despite its impressive energy value, honey is a valuable product. And its calories are represented by glucose, so you don’t have to be afraid of them.

Are we healing or getting fat: how many calories are in a teaspoon of honey?

Only those with a sweet tooth can eat honey in 100-gram portions. But maybe it's not that much. How much is 100 g? There are 300 g in a 200 gram glass, so 100 g is a third of the glass.

If you do not like honey as much as Winnie the Pooh and consume it in smaller quantities, then it will be much more useful for you to know what the calorie content of honey is in a teaspoon. At the same time, we will share information about how many calories those who prefer a larger “container” – a tablespoon – can eat.

Here everything also depends on the type of sweet bee product. A teaspoon holds only 8 g of honey, a tablespoon, respectively, 17 g. The average can be useful if there is no information about where exactly the bees collected pollen, which then turned into honey. The calorie content in 1 teaspoon of honey of unknown origin will be approximately 26 kcal, the dining room will reward you with an energy reserve of 52 kcal.

By consuming a spoonful of honey, you can get the following increase in your daily calorie intake:

  • flower – 24 kcal;
  • acacia – 26 kcal;
  • buckwheat – 24 kcal;
  • linden – 25 kcal;
  • heather -24 kcal;
  • sunflower – 25 kcal.

The weight of candied honey will be slightly different: 20 g fits in a tablespoon. This should be taken into account when calculating calories.

Honey against excess weight - challenge accepted!

Honey is rich in calories, but, oddly enough, this does not in any way reduce its dietary potential. The amber product is effective in diet. And that's why:

  • honey speeds up metabolic processes;
  • improves digestion;
  • its calories are absorbed much faster than “sugar” ones;
  • removes toxins and other “garbage” from the intestines.

Of course, honey is high-calorie product, but its use has virtually no effect on weight and certainly has a positive effect on health. This is the only one healthy sweet for those losing weight! Even in ancient times, Indian doctors used bee products to treat obesity. But in order to achieve the desired result, measure and regularity are important.

How to get an elegant figure with honey?

There are several ways to lose weight with honey. A very good reputation has been gained by the method in which you should drink 2 liters of a drink daily, prepared from a couple of drops of lemon juice, 2 tsp. flower honey and 1 tsp. grated ginger. All these ingredients are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused.

Honey water is no less popular. It’s very simple to prepare: in 1 tbsp. pre-cooled boiled water add 1 tbsp. l. honey and a few drops of lemon juice. This “elixir” should be drunk twice a day on an empty stomach and 20 minutes before dinner. But daily ration It is important to limit it to 1300 kcal. This will allow you to lose up to 7 kg in just 14 days.

Honey is a mystery product for everyone: scientists, beekeepers, consumers. And the more we try to learn about it and understand what its benefits are, the more new questions arise. But for those who are well acquainted with the chemical composition of the product, it is quite obvious that the main biological and nutritional value of honey lies in the high content of carbohydrates, which are the main “fuel” for our body and without which, as we know, a person simply cannot survive.

Some numbers and statistics will help you understand why honey is a source of natural energy. One tablespoon of honey (20-25 g depending on the degree of crystallization) contains 17 grams of carbohydrates.

And if you remember the incredibly complex and diverse chemical composition this product, we will see that the amount of carbohydrates in the form of glucose, fructose and sucrose in it reaches 80%. They provide the product with its sweetness, nutritional and energy value, crystallization and hygroscopicity.

Consumption of carbohydrates with honey gives the body the opportunity to function normally, and a person to work effectively and play sports. Carbohydrates nourish our muscles, saturate our cells with energy, prevent fatigue and improve the health of the body as a whole.

Calorie content of honey

When using honey in cooking culinary dishes The question often arises about its weight and calorie content. But first, let’s figure out what the calorie content or energy value of a product is.

Calorie content is a measure of the amount of energy released from foods containing fats, carbohydrates and proteins during the digestion process. The energy value is measured in kilocalories (kcal) per 100 grams of product.

The set of properties food product(content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins) capable of satisfying the body’s need for the necessary energy and substances is determined nutritional value product.

Two teaspoons of acacia honey replace one apple - the amount of fructose in each case will be the same. Let's consider the properties of the first product due to the presence of carbohydrates. In the composition of natural honey their amount exceeds 80%.

Everyone knows that any product contains fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As for fats, in pasteurized honey their amount is 0%. If we talk about protein content, a lot depends on the variety: honeydew honey is protein, and for flower varieties the figures will be 0.3-0.4%. Carbohydrates and water make up 95-99% of the total mass. Well, the value of any honey is that it contains little sugar and a lot of fructose. How many carbohydrates are in honey and what is their ratio - these questions will be answered in the text.

Five percent sucrose

Honey has a sweet and cloying taste, and many people think that this product contains sugar. The facts look different: for many flower varieties the sucrose content is 1.3%. The maximum value reaches 5%.

Different types of sugars

The numbers for honeydew varieties look a little different: here sucrose is contained in double the amount... But even 10% is not that much.

For clarity, we present all the figures in the table.

Substance namesFlower varieties (from nectar)Honeydew (except coniferous)
Invert sugarsGlucose65-78% 27-36% 60-70% 28-31%
Fructose33-42% 32-39%
SucroseUp to 5% (average 1.3%)To 10%
Dextrins2% 5%
Other sugars (maltose, etc.)7,3% 7,3%
Water18-22% 15-17%

In addition to water and carbohydrates, honey contains proteins, and here, as we said above, the honeydew variety is different. For him, the average value will be “1%”, and the maximum value will be “3.3%”. Zero protein content is typical for the coniferous honeydew variety.

Honeydew honey differs from other varieties in its mineral content. Here their number reaches 1.6%, which is 8 times higher than average for flower varieties.

The nutritional value

We were supposed to talk about carbohydrates, but we started looking at protein and mineral composition. This was done to demonstrate that honey is a mixture of carbohydrates and water.

Lavender oil and honey product

Other substances are contained in very small quantities - these include, for example, essential oils. If the product is evaporated or simply pasteurized, all ether compounds are lost. Thus, some of the beneficial properties are lost, but the fat content can be equated to zero.

Average figures

For rapeseed honey characteristically high, that is, the prevailing content of glucose over fructose. This is also the difference between other “low grades”. However, if we average the numbers for all varieties in general, we will get the prevailing fructose content. These are exactly the “average” indicators that were calculated by the American Department of the USDA.

From the table it follows that the ratio of fats and carbohydrates for the “average variety” is 0% to 81%.

We don’t have fats in the table, which means we were talking about pasteurized products - they were compared in the study.

Let's consider the properties of some commercial varieties.

All varieties are different, and noticeably

There will even be differences in energy value.

An indicator of 308 kcal per 0.1 kg is a record minimum for central Russia. Chestnut honey, in turn, has an even lower indicator, but it is produced in the Caucasus. And it has many varieties...

About the glycemic index

The glycemic index is a number that shows how safe it is to consume a product if you have diabetes. The index value depends on what the product contains more - glucose or fructose. The more fructose, the lower the value and the safer the product.

Separation by glycemic index

Moderate values ​​are considered numbers from 40 to 60. But for many familiar products the index exceeds the number 70. The exceptions are fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

If speak about bee honey, a lot depends on the variety. Our index values ​​are given in the list:

  1. Honeydew varieties, excluding coniferous – 89;
  2. Rapeseed – 64;
  3. Buckwheat honey – 50;
  4. Chestnut, as well as linden, thyme and heather - 49-55;
  5. Eucalyptus – 45-52;
  6. Acacia – 32.

Look at the list carefully. “Dangerous variety” is one. However, it also belongs to the most high-calorie varieties. But acacia honey has a very low index, but it is also high in calories.

The nutritional value of one hundred grams of acacia honey is 317-330 Kcal.

What are dextrins

Honeydew honey has a high glycemic index due to the increased content of melicitosis. It, in turn, consists of two parts D-glucose and one part D-fructose.

At the same time, it is typical for honeydew varieties high content dextrins. D-glucose is grape sugar, but dextrin is obtained from starch and is absorbed better than starch.

Honeydew of plant and animal origin is simply honeydew on the leaves, as well as secretions of small insects.

The fastest digestible foods are glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose, that is, malt sugar. Dextrins need to be broken down before absorption, but starch takes even longer to break down. In addition, it has a high glycemic index value. Dextrins are characterized by a lower value - it does not exceed 99.

Honey from white acacia nectar is half fructose. This variety is characterized low calorie content– 314-317 Kcal.

It turns out that a teaspoon of acacia honey contains the same amount of fructose as 100 grams of apples. In general daily requirement in carbohydrates is 0.25-0.55 kg. But eating 300 grams of honey per day is dangerous to health.

1 glass of product obtained from an apiary may contain 100-120 grams of glucose. What is daily norm necessary for brain function...

You can eat honey one hour before meals or two hours after. Here we talk about solutions and the product in pure form. Use on an empty stomach is also contraindicated.

An interesting experiment was carried out: sources of carbohydrates were removed from the diet of a 30-year-old man.

Test Subjects: Tulleken Twins

A month later, the subject developed a chronic feeling of fatigue. This means that a person cannot eat only fats and protein. Despite the fact that theory says otherwise.

Taste is always accompanied by nutrition, which is why honey is high-calorie product, found on our tables. But this is not a reason to refuse it during a diet. It is necessary to consume it rationally, without overeating.

As can be seen from the table, each type of beekeeping product has its own calorie content. But 100 grams is not a very clear concept. It is much clearer to count honey in spoons. So how many calories are in 1 teaspoon and tablespoon of honey:

  • 1 heaped teaspoon - 32 Kcal
  • 1 heaped tablespoon - 72 Kcal

Linden honey is a product consisting of a maximum of useful substances, which makes it the most delicious and in demand, in comparison with other varieties. 100 grams of delicacy contains about 320 kcal.

Bees collect buckwheat honey from the nectar of flowering buckwheat.. Its color is bright, from yellow to brown, and sometimes reddish. This product are classified as high quality, having pleasant aroma. It contains 37% glucose and 40% fructose, which contributes to its high calorie content– per 100 g 301 kcal.

People have long wondered: does honey contain sugar? Yes, but not like in the store, but fruit and grape, in the form of fructose and glucose, which is well absorbed by the body.

In the complex composition of natural honey, the main place is occupied by carbohydrates, the number of which is about 86%. Depending on the variety, carbohydrates can be more than 40 types.

The main ones are glucose and fructose. Their amount accounts for up to 90% of the weight of all carbohydrates. The rest are complex oligosaccharides, disaccharides and sucrose. It contains about 3% of the beekeeping product.

Many people wonder if honey has calories. Let's take it apart. Granulated sugar contains more calories than honey. For example, a teaspoon of sugar contains up to 18 calories, and a teaspoon of honey contains 27 calories.

In this case, the calorie content of the honey delicacy is higher, but not because sugar has a lower calorie content, but because honey has a higher density, and a little more of it fits into a spoon than granulated sugar. 100 grams of sugar contain 400 kcal, honey contains about 330 kcal.

Is it possible to eat honey when diabetes mellitus? There are many different opinions on this issue. Some believe that honey is beneficial for diabetics - it lowers blood sugar, while others claim that honey products increase it.

Research shows that consuming honey for diabetes is not always acceptable.

Diabetes requires strict adherence to the diet, and if it is not followed, there is no difference than poisoning yourself with sugar or honey in large doses. But if your blood sugar level is high, honey is contraindicated.

Now let’s look at whether honey should be candied and why this happens. Crystallization of honey is a natural process, as long as it is natural and without any additives. Its character is influenced by certain factors that reveal the speed and characteristics of this process. At a temperature of 35°C, honey begins to gradually melt.

When 40-50°C is exceeded, most of the beneficial substances are destroyed, and the bee product becomes an ordinary sweet syrup. Therefore, if honey becomes sugary, this is considered normal.

Glucose and fructose are the main components of honey. Thanks to these elements, honey is sugared. Glucose hardens, but fructose does not change liquid state, enveloping glucose. When you scoop crystallized honey from a jar, you may see a small amount of liquid honey.

How many kilograms/grams fit in a liter/three liter jar?

For measurement, grams and kilograms are used. The density of the honey treat is approximately 1.5 kg per 1.5 liters. At high humidity density decreases.

  • in 1 level teaspoon - 8 grams of honey;
  • in 1 level tablespoon – 17 grams;
  • 50 g of honey is 2.9 tablespoons or 4.2 level teaspoons. With a slide - 1.5 tablespoons or 2.5 teaspoons.

The main principle of the ratio of weight and quantity of bee nectar is 1.4/1, for example:

And in reverse order:

  • 1 kg of honey fits in a 750 ml container;
  • 500 g of honey fits in a 450 ml container;
  • 100 g - about five level tablespoons of honey.

How much bee product can an adult and an infant eat per day?

Now let's talk about how much honey you can eat per day without harm to humans. Honey - useful product for the human body.

It is recommended for an adult to consume 100-150 g of the product per day. For better absorption, it must be eaten 1.5-2 hours before a meal, or 3 hours after a meal. The best way Use - with warm milk, tea or water.

When such an acquaintance already happened and did not happen allergic reactions, then a child under two years old can be offered 0.5 teaspoon, and over two years old no more than 1 teaspoon per day. In children prone to allergies, honey is excluded from the diet.

Chemical composition and table of component contents

The table shows the chemical composition and content of all components of the beekeeping product (vitamins, minerals, calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per 100 grams of product.

Potassium 64 mg
Phosphorus 7,2 mg
Calcium 5,1 mg
Manganese 0,36 mg
Copper 31 mg
Zinc 0,1 mg
Magnesium 2,9 mg
Iron 0,5 mg
Chromium 5 mg
Bor 0,7 mg
Fluorine 8 mg
Vitamin A 0,04 mg
Vitamin B2 0,04 mg
Vitamin B3 0,3 mg
Vitamin B5 0,07 mg
Vitamin B5 0,8 mg
Vitamin B6 0,02 mg
Vitamin B9 0,08 mg
Vitamin C 2 mg
Vitamin E 4 mg
Vitamin H 0,15 mg
Vitamin K 1 mg

Chemical composition of centrifugal honey ( by J.W. White)

Compound % G
Water (natural humidity) 17,20 78,0

Levulose (fruit sugar)

Dextrose (grape sugar)

Sucrose (table sugar)

Maltose and other disaccharides

Higher sugars

38,19 173,2
Total sugars 79,59 361,0
Acids (glyconic, citric, malic, formic, acetic, butyric, lactic, etc.) 0,57 2,6
Squirrels 0,26 1,2
Ash (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, etc.) 0,17 0,8
Total acid, protein and ash 1,00 4,6
Minor components (pigments, enzymes, vitamins, alcohols, flavoring and aromatic substances) 2,21 10,0
Total 100 453,6

GOST for honey products

GOST R 54644 2011 for the latest bee delicacy “Natural honey. Specifications» has been in effect since 01/01/2013, but most organizations, when labeling goods, put GOST 19792-2001. There is no error here - GOST 19792-2001 is valid until 01/01/2017.

According to GOST R 54644-2011, they are divided into:

  • honeydew - collected by insects from deciduous or coniferous plantings;
  • floral - collected by insects from honey-bearing flowers;
  • mixed - a natural combination of these two types.

According to the method of collection, the product is classified into:

  • pressed - produced by pressing honeycombs;
  • centrifuged - extracted from honeycombs using centrifugation;
  • honey in combs - a piece or several pieces of honeycomb placed in a container and poured into a centrifugal honey delicacy.

Only the above types of honey products with the following data are allowed for sale:

  • must be liquid, fully or partially candied;
  • without third-party aromas, with its own pleasant odors;
  • be sweet, without unnecessary aftertaste.
Honey poured into jars and ready for sale or storage

How, where and in what should you store a real natural product?

How to properly store honey at home in an apartment? Honey should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dry, well-ventilated place. This is necessary due to the fact that honey belongs to the category of hygroscopic products. The product absorbs about 50% of its weight in moisture. The room where the honey remains should not have any aromas.

The place in the apartment for storing honey delicacy should be free from contamination sun rays, well ventilated and cool. A logical question arises: is it possible to put honey in the refrigerator, since all the criteria are met? Yes, you can - this is suitable way, especially in summer. In this case, the container must be tightly closed so that the honey does not absorb odors and moisture. It is better to store in glassware with a sealed lid.

What is the best way to store honey? Most suitable containers considered for storage:

  • aluminum cans;
  • wooden barrels;
  • clay and ceramic container;
  • glassware;
  • tin container, inside coated with food paint4
  • cardboard glasses or paper bags, treated with paraffin;

All containers must be hermetically sealed; when using glass containers, it is better to choose one with dark glass.

The qualities that honey has in combs make it possible to store it in natural form long time. Honey product V this option always disinfected, and the secretions of insect saliva contained in the wax prevent bacteria from getting into the honey. But there is one drawback: wax allows moisture to pass through, which causes fermentation.

How much can you store? real honey Houses? Honey treat retains its properties for a long time beneficial features, at the same time, this unique product, which is stored raw. For example, the famous historian T.M. Davis found a container of honey in a burial site in Egypt that was 3,300 years old. To his surprise, the honey was in excellent condition.
