Cognac vsop what. Cognac VS, VSOP, XO – what does it mean and their differences

There are strict standards for the classification of strong alcoholic beverages. At the same time, there are several variants of divisions used in alcohol production. If we talk about the variety that brandy producers most often use, then this is the classification of the drink by aging, developed by Hennessy. Find out what the acronyms XO and VSOP mean.

In the article:

Classification of brandy aging according to Hennessy

The history of this type of classification dates back to 1870. Well-known manufacturer cognac Maurice Hennessy created for a narrow circle of family and friends a collection of old cognac drinks, giving it the name XO (Extra Old, that is, especially “old” - aged). Since then, cognac aged 6 years and above received the name XO, becoming over time a drink quality class.

Previously, a “star” classification system was used, where the number of stars on the label is equal to the years of aging of the product. This system is now preserved to indicate the aging of cognac.

Based on the XO class, Hennessy created his own classification system for noble alcoholic beverages, which is used by producers of noble drinks.

  • A.C. – this category of the youngest drinks, up to 2 years old. It usually includes fruit and berry brandies.
  • V.S. (Very Special) – the age of drinks in this category begins at 3 years.
  • V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) – drinks in this category are considered more noble, because their aging period is from 4 years.
  • V.V.S.O.P. Grande Reserve – noble drinks grape varieties Brandies aged for at least 5 years form the basis of this class of alcohol.
  • X.O. – (Extra Old) Hors d’age Napoleon Extra Tres Vieux Vieille Reserve – this designation determines the uniqueness of the brandy itself. high class quality. A drink in this category is aged for at least 6 years.

Express method

Official names this method « accelerated maturation alcohol." Aging in this way occurs in containers made of any suitable material. The prepared vessels are first filled with oak material in the form of chips or shavings, and then filled with young alcohol. The next step is to heat the contents of the containers to a temperature of 60 degrees. Forced oxygen supply is carried out 2-3 times a month. After six months of such aging, brandy becomes similar to aged traditional way 3 years. But no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to achieve identical richness of taste and aroma.

Another method of maturing young alcohol can be classified as an express method. “Boisege” (woodiness) - oak lumps soaked in old cognac are placed in neutral containers with young alcohol.

The fastest. This is not even aging, but preparation for bottling. Brandy is placed in containers and kept open for some time. During this time, part of the essential substances. The process then continues closed. At this point, the brandy “rests.” The preparation period lasts up to a year. Fruit and berry brandies, as well as rum and some types of tequila are prepared this way.

– a noble drink, revered since ancient times by aristocrats and members of royal families. The quality and price of fine alcohol depends on the manufacturing technology and aging time. The most refined taste is born from the meeting of noble spirits with the aroma of wood. Having “inhaled” oxygen, this union gives gourmets a unique bouquet of taste and aroma.

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More aristocratic and noble drink In the world, you most likely will not be able to find anything other than natural French cognac. It is worthy even of famous kings, its aroma and taste can evoke respect and affection from people from the first sip, reflects a deep inner world and allows you to feel part of high society. However, in addition to personal preferences in terms of taste and smell, a true connoisseur and a discerning gourmet will definitely pay attention to the labeling and aging, which is extremely important. Moreover, just by looking at the label, a connoisseur will immediately determine, for example, what cognac means XO, VS, VSOP, and so on. Let's figure it out together, especially since everything here is quite clear and transparent.

Classification of cognac

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A person on the street, who was previously very superficially familiar with cognac, the technology of its production, as well as the characteristics of its use, will find it extremely difficult to figure out from the start what the age of this noble drink is. That is, to understand how many years this liquid spent in an oak barrel before it reached the consumer’s table. Only a few people in the world can calculate the approximate age by taste, color, smell and other indicators, and for the rest, labels have been invented on which all the necessary information is indicated.

Cognac age

If you really want to become a connoisseur and gourmet, it doesn’t hurt to first understand that the age, or rather, aging of cognac is considered exactly until it is poured from the barrel into a glass container, most often into a bottle. At this moment, he instantly stops “aging” and no matter how many years pass, he will remain exactly the same as before.

In fact, purchasing cognac by an ignorant person is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, because you never know for sure whether you will be lucky or not. It’s the same with cognac, because they seem to flicker famous name and brands like Remy Martin or Hennessy, and beautiful large markings letters VSOP, XO, what does all this mean? Chinese letter It’s not at all clear. On the other hand, there are also more modest markings, such as KV, KS, OS and others, which also would not hurt to study.

French roots, technology and endurance

Cognac was originally invented by French winemakers after they learned to double-distill young grape wine of special varieties into the purest distillate and store it tightly sealed in oak barrels for many years. It is in these barrels that the drink acquires its unique color, amazing aroma and stunning taste.

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But the markings on the labels do not mean anything new or unclear, but simply indicate its age. For example, VSOP cognac, what does this marking mean, what does it refer to and how to understand what kind of drink is in front of you? You need to start understanding with the fact that cognac can only come from France, this is enshrined in the law, no other drinks can be called that.

There are some exceptions, for example, Armenian cognac, the quality of which is controlled by a French company. Anyway, such a drink has its own labeling and it is not permissible to use French standards here. A company called the French National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs is assigned to strictly ensure that the original labels XO, VSOP, VS are observed.

Age of cognacs on various scales

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So how can you make the right choice and take exactly the bottle that is definitely distinguished by high quality, long aging, and, consequently, a special smell and taste. First of all, you can judge the aging by the stars on the label; behind each of them lies exactly ten months spent by the drink in a sealed bottle. oak barrel. It is remarkable that the start of aging of cognac always begins at the same time, namely from one o’clock in the morning on the first of April of each year, when the raw materials should already be processed, and the grape distillate should be cleaned and poured into containers for aging.

Thus, there cannot be less than three stars on the label, since the minimum aging period for ordinary cognac is at least thirty months. However, in addition to the classification by aging, which we will discuss below, there are other designations that you can see on French bottles, so it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with them in order to be fully prepared for surprises.

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  • C (Cognac) – cognac.
  • E (Special) – special.
  • O (Old) – old.
  • V (Very) – very.
  • S (Superior) – excellent.
  • P (Pale) – pale.
  • X (Extra) – extra.

If you are planning to become a fine connoisseur of French cognacs, it would not hurt to understand this all in more detail, find out, for example, what VS cognac means, so as not to lose face at a dinner party or reception.

Authentic French markings

Without trying, you can only judge superficially the qualities of a particular drink. However, when it comes to real French cognac, then from what is written on the label one can already conclude what properties and qualities are inherent this option alcohol, provided that it is original and not counterfeit. It won’t be at all difficult to figure it out, you just need to want to, since everything here is limited to four or five letters.

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  • The easiest way to answer is what it means VS on cognac and this means that we are talking about a drink aged in an oak barrel for at least two and a half years. Also, such alcohol is called Trois Etoiles, that is, “three stars.”
  • Second marking option V.O. means Very Old or Reserve, which translates as very old. This cognac is called three-year-old.
  • Decoding cognac VSOP- Very Superior Old Pale. This means that in front of you is very old cognac, aged for at least four years, but often much longer. Because VSOP in cognac is not at all difficult to understand.
  • Another question: what does it mean? VVSOP on cognac and how is this translated? There is nothing complicated here either, Very-Very Superior Old Pale or Grande Reserve means very, very old cognac, high-quality and light, aged for at least five years.
  • It remains to figure out what cognac means XO, but there won’t be any difficulties here either. Extra Old is a very old cognac, the aging of which has reached six years or more, which in itself already inspires respect.

Anything that is older, by the standards of professionals, cannot be classified, even if it has been in a barrel for twenty or thirty years. Experts believe that such high deadlines cannot guarantee blending. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the labeling of cognac older than six years at the legislative level.


Many people mistakenly believe that the words on the labels of French cognac, like Extra, Napoleon or Grand Reserve, are brands and names, but in reality this is not the case. This is a marking of the drink by age and classification, but not a personal name or the name of the manufacturing company.

It is impossible to call domestic drinks completely natural, since cognac can be French and nothing else. However, in Soviet times, and even now, the creation of similar drinks was popular, among which Armenian cognac was especially famous, the quality of which was truly recognized by the most outstanding winemakers in France.

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Since there is a huge offer on the market, and the quality of the drink is really high, it would not hurt to also study the domestic classification of cognacs, which was invented and put into effect in Soviet times. It still works to this day. Most often, alcohol is marked with stars; they appear one per year, and the minimum aging is three years. Ordinary cognacs from the times of the USSR can have from one to five stars.

Vintage cognacs were considered more elite and expensive, the classification of which should be understood in more detail. For example, it’s interesting to know what KV cognac means and what it indicates, so it’s worth studying everything from this point in quite some detail.

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  • HF– aged cognac – a drink that has been aged for at least six years.
  • KVVK– aged cognac of the highest quality – alcoholic drink, the aging of which exceeded eight years.
  • KS– cognac is old – this means that the drink is about ten, or even more, years old.
  • OS– very old – cognac, which continued to age in oak barrels in cellars and cellars in Armenia for twenty years or more. This is the most elite varieties, the price of which sometimes outshines the French original drinks.

Anything that is aged even longer is considered a collectible alcoholic beverage and is unlikely to be intended for simply sharing a bottle with friends, because it will cost a fortune, which means you need an appropriate occasion. Thus, even without tasting the alcohol, you can already imagine how the contents of the bottle differ and whether it is worth paying for it the price indicated on the label.

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Each person approaches the choice of alcoholic beverages in general and cognac in particular, taking into account his personal preferences. In addition to your own taste sensations, attention is usually paid to the manufacturer, brand and aging.

Everyone is familiar with the stars that decorate the labels of domestically produced cognacs. However, the mysterious letters XO, VS, VSOP are indicated on foreign-made bottles. Decoding these abbreviations causes difficulties for many not very sophisticated connoisseurs of an elite drink.

Let's clarify this issue.

French roots

To begin with, it should be noted that cognac is a product that is produced exclusively in France. All other drinks, according to international economic agreements, have no right to bear this name. Therefore, decoding VS, VSOP, XO and other abbreviations for alcoholic beverages in Armenia or Georgia is not required. All necessary information, from the aging period to the location of the spill, is indicated on the label and is absolutely clear to everyone.

By the way, the production technology of the varieties of alcoholic beverages under consideration is absolutely identical. Therefore, whether it is stars or VSOP, the decoding indicates one thing - how many years it was aged in special barrels.

The only thing I would like to additionally mention is the careful and reverent attitude of the French towards this national drink. They carefully monitor compliance with all quality standards, regardless of the XO, VS, VSOP combinations. No decoding is required, you can simply enjoy the unsurpassed taste.

Production technology

As you know, the basis of cognac is grape alcohol. However true taste and it reaches its bouquet only after a certain period of aging, which takes place in special oak barrels.

During this process original product undergoes great amount various transformations. Some substances evaporate from it, spoiling the taste of the final drink. The organic material of the barrel walls gives the drink a taste appreciated by everyone.

These natural processes occur at a very low speed. Because the creation process is really elite drink may take many years. The minimum period required for alcohol poured into barrels to bear the proud name of cognac is at least one and a half years. Only after this does it acquire soft velvety notes with a light aroma of oak and the color of mahogany.

My years are my wealth

Previously, each manufacturer created its own labeling system, which was indicated on bottles of cognac. Therefore, it was very difficult to determine how many years a particular drink was aged in special oak barrels.

Only after the creation of the National French Bureau, which was responsible for the production of cognac in this country, were the combinations XO, VSOP, VS invented, the decoding of which no longer causes difficulties for anyone and indicates the age of the drink.


Any specialist is able to taste all the changes that occur in cognac alcohol at the very beginning of its maturation. Therefore, the combinations VS or VSOP, the decoding of which is so interesting for inexperienced buyers, are not very important for him. The main purpose of these abbreviations is to distinguish drinks whose aging period is approaching 10 years.

This is especially true for monitoring the production process and the quality of finished products.

So, they distinguish following dates excerpts:

    XO - the aging period of cognac spirit in an oak barrel must exceed 6 years;

    VVSOP - the manufacturing process of this drink takes at least 5 years;

    VSOP - the drink ends up in bottles after 4 years of aging;

    VS - the minimum shelf life in an oak barrel is 2 years.


Finally, we note that the aging time of cognac is calculated from the first of April of the year following the bottling. Therefore, in most cases, the duration of the drink in barrels is slightly longer than indicated on the label, which has a beneficial effect on its taste.

Having tried different types of cognac, you have probably formed your own criteria for assessing its quality. However, not many people know the classification that is displayed in the globally accepted labeling on bottles. The first thing to remember is that cognac is a French drink, so Latin letter markings are used only on truly French cognacs. The labeling, which is complex at first glance, indicates its aging period.

The National Interprofessional Office of Cognac uses the following designations:

  • VS cognac(from the English “Very Special”) – marking of cognacs whose aging period in a barrel is at least 2 years;
  • cognac VSOP– types of cognac, aged in barrel for 4 years or more;
  • cognac VVSOP– designation of cognacs whose aging period exceeds 5 years;
  • cognac XO(from the English “Extra Old”) - marking of cognacs whose aging period exceeds 6 years.

When calculating the aging period, the starting point is usually April 1 of the year following the year of harvest. However, aging, which is denoted by the Latin alphabet, is not all that can be found on the label of a good cognac. Classification of cognacs

Stars are assigned to ordinary cognacs, that is, made from alcohol aged for 3-5 years. At the same time, branded types of cognac have slightly different markings. Vintage cognacs are made from grape alcohol, the aging period of which exceeds 6 years. In this system, there are 3 main groups of cognac:

  • cognac KV(aged) is made from high-quality alcohols, the average age of which ranges from 6 to 7 years, and the strength of such a drink should not be less than 42%;
  • cognac KVVK has a strength of 43 to 45%, the alcohol from which this cognac is produced is aged for 10 years, although the use of 8-year-old alcohols is also allowed;
  • cognac KS(old), cognac OS(very old) made exclusively from alcohols highest quality, aged for more than 10 years, and the strength of such drinks ranges from 40 to 57%.
Only collection cognacs are considered better than vintage cognacs of the KS or OS class.

Collection cognac is an additional vintage cognac infused in an oak barrel for 5 or more years.

The classification of cognacs involves dividing different types of this drink into classes.

Typically, the class of cognac is indicated by asterisks, according to the following criteria (star-cognac):

  • cognac 3 stars made from alcohols that have been aged for more than 3 years, and the strength of the drink should be from 40%; these are young types of cognac, with a pleasant extractive taste and light straw color;
  • cognac 4 stars is made from alcohols aged for 4 years, while the strength of the drink is from 41%, and its sugar content should not exceed 1.5%, this cognac also has a pleasant light straw color, and its taste is more extractive;
  • cognac 5 stars is made from high-quality cognac spirits aged five years, the standard strength of such cognac is at least 42%, and the sugar percentage is 1.5%, the taste and aroma have a pleasant cognac tone.

Well, and finally, a meme from Aver, although not entirely about cognac:

In terms of technology, the production of cognac itself is recognized by experts all over the world as one of the most complex and most streamlined. Aging cognac in oak barrels is the most important stage of this process. Both the richness of taste and delicate aroma the resulting product. Old cognacs are very expensive alcohol. Their cost can exceed seven to eight thousand dollars per bottle. In France, for example, old cognacs are drinks aged 6.5 years or more. And the most expensive hundred-year-old cognac “Henry the Fourth Dudognon” at the moment was sold in 2009 for two million dollars, for which it was officially entered into the book of records. The design of the container matches the drink. The bottle was trimmed with diamonds and other precious stones and made of an alloy of platinum and gold (total weight - four kilograms).

Cognac aging

The great revolutionary significance of the process itself was discovered in the eighteenth century, during the war between France and England. Then the British fleet blocked the French ports. It became impossible to export cognac and other drinks. For quite a long time, cognacs were poured into oak barrels for preservation. After the period passed, the wine merchants noticed that the drink itself became much tastier, its taste and aroma were brighter. That’s when winemakers began to specifically age double-distilled cognac spirits in special barrels, and then create a blend by mixing them together.

Oak barrels

Old cognacs are aged exclusively in oak barrels. It is believed that in quality drinks contains up to 500 different components. Not all trees can be used to make these barrels. The age of oak trees suitable for these purposes is 80 years and above. Traditionally (in France) oaks are taken from the forests of Tronçais and Limousin, with a medium to coarse grain structure and a high level of tannin. And winemakers age the oldest cognacs in barrels made of two-hundred-year-old oaks. The container itself is made without nails; it is carefully fired from the inside. The burned surface is capable of releasing glucose, which gives the future drink a subtle sweetish taste.

The process itself

At double distillation The resulting wine is fresh and has a strength of up to 70 degrees. It is colorless, has a harsh taste, and has little aroma. But with prolonged aging in oak barrels, it acquires a golden color, softens, acquiring taste and a specific aroma. Alcohol is not poured into barrels to capacity, leaving a certain void. This is necessary in order to create conditions for the oxidation of the drink. The containers are filled with tongues, waxed on the outside and installed in several tiers.

First years of aging

There is a transition of tannins into alcohols from the barrel material. At the same time, the alcohols acquire the taste of vanilla and Over time, the drink will darken even more, acquiring a softened taste with aromas of flowers and fruits, sometimes even with hints of spices.

Cellar Master

The chief specialist monitors the process and determines whether it is necessary to transfer spirits into older barrels with characteristic “old” notes, or whether to move barrels of cognac from the upper compartment of the cellar to the lower ones or vice versa (there is different humidity there). This is how alcohols acquire structure and softness.

Weakening the fortress

Grape alcohol placed in barrels initially has a strength of up to 70 degrees. Then a natural process of weakening occurs. But, as a rule, it exceeds the required 40-45. Then the cognac is diluted with water (distilled). The resulting mixture is additionally kept in barrels for a month or more. After which the cognac is ready and sent for blending. Then it is bottled.

Cognac gradation

The spirit acquires the right to be called a skate after spending at least two years in an oak barrel under the right storage conditions. The maximum age of this drink, in principle, is not limited, but winemakers are inclined to argue that aging it for more than 70 years in barrels in the cellar does not make sense.

According to the international scale (French):

  • two-year-old - V.S.;
  • three-year-old - Superior;
  • four-year-old - V.S.O.P. ;
  • five year old - V.V.S.O.P.;
  • six year old - X.O.

By European tradition cognac older than 6.5 years is no longer subject to classification and is considered a collectible product.

The years of aging of ordinary cognacs are indicated by asterisks, respectively: one year - one star and so on. For more expensive vintage cognacs, the following, already alphabetic, designations are accepted. KV - six years or more. KVVK - eight or more years of aging. KS - more than ten. Cognac 20 years old - OS. What do these letters mean? Everything is simple here. "K" - cognac. "VVK" - high quality aging. "KS" - old cognac. "OS" is very old. Cognac aged 25 years or more is considered collectible. So, seeing the letters on the bottle, you can find out about its age. According to tradition, the so-called “golden aging” cognac is considered optimal in terms of the ordinary period - 4 years. In Stavropol, they even called cognac, made from Spanish cognac spirits and having a subtle sweetish taste of honey and flowers.


By the way, it would be worth mentioning that only French and from a certain province - Cognac - are recognized by international law to be called cognac. Thus, when exporting, for example, the label should not mention this word. Another thing is for internal use, and then only in Russian. In Armenia, this issue was resolved more simply: the French company took over the production of the drink, importing imported blended alcohol. So the Armenian ones actually turned into Perrier brands. This gives the right to be called this proud name at the international level - Cognac.

French cognacs of the Hennessy brand

Hennessy is considered one of the oldest and most famous cognac houses. Production volume is more than fifty million bottles per year. The first place to sell skates in the world. Did the Irish officer Richard Hennessy think about such success when he retired in 1745 and settled in the province of Cognac, where he began own production drink? History is silent about this. It is only known that he branded cognacs The courtiers of King Louis really liked them, and decades later the whole of Europe knew about the Hennessy brand.

Myths about hundred-year-old cognac

The whole problem is that cognac, according to experts, can live in an oak barrel for no more than 70 or 80 years. That is, the oldest drink, in theory, should only be of this age. How to explain this?

Over time, cognac undergoes evaporation, lowering its degree. Winemakers like to say that it is the angels who take their allotted share of the drink of the gods. This process also has a critical point. And the strength of cognac, by the way, is regulated in France by law - at least forty degrees (with rare exceptions for some houses, also specified in the laws). So, reaching the minimum strength occurs after a maximum of 80 years. Having passed this point of no return, the drink can no longer be considered cognac according to the rules (that is, it is no longer forty degrees).

But what about the notorious, hundred-year-old? The thing is that after aging in barrels, cognacs are poured into special large glass containers - bonbons, where they are stored, reaching such an advanced age. But this process no longer has anything to do with aging in barrels. In bonbons, the decrease in the degree of the drink is stopped, but also the process of its aging! Therefore, when talking about a hundred-year-old cognac, they mean a drink of a younger age, but stored for the remaining time in glassware woven with straw.

Another option is to dilute it with young cognac of a higher degree to get the coveted forty. With this method they really take old drink and strengthen it young. As a result, buyers get truly ancient blends mixed with newer ones. But the manufacturer is prohibited from indicating a hundred-year age on the label.

Experienced sommeliers advise taking it if you really want to try a really old 50-year-old wine. If it is more, it will no longer be possible to compare the taste qualities of collection drinks even for an experienced taster. Do not forget to drink this noble drink according to the rules of etiquette: large round glasses with a short stem, small doses, the right snack. All this, combined with a successful table setting, will only emphasize the mysterious essence and sophistication of old cognac. The drink is accompanied by chocolate and a cigar, as well as a leisurely conversation with good friends about something pleasant and sublime.

There are strict standards for the classification of strong alcoholic beverages. At the same time, there are several variants of divisions used in alcohol production. If we talk about the variety that brandy producers most often use, then this is the classification of the drink by aging, developed by Hennessy. Find out what the acronyms XO and VSOP mean.

In the article:

Classification of brandy aging according to Hennessy

The history of this type of classification dates back to 1870. The famous cognac producer Maurice Hennessy created a collection of old cognac drinks for a narrow circle of family and friends, giving it the name XO (Extra Old, that is, especially “old” - aged). Since then, cognac aged 6 years and above received the name XO, becoming over time a drink quality class.

Previously, a “star” classification system was used, where the number of stars on the label is equal to the years of aging of the product. This system is now preserved to indicate the aging of cognac.

Based on the XO class, Hennessy created his own classification system for noble alcoholic beverages, which is used by producers of noble drinks.

  • A.C. – this category of the youngest drinks, up to 2 years old. It usually includes fruit and berry brandies.
  • V.S. (Very Special) – the age of drinks in this category begins at 3 years.
  • V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) – drinks in this category are considered more noble, because their aging period is from 4 years.
  • V.V.S.O.P. Grande Reserve - noble drinks of brandy grape varieties, aged for at least 5 years, form the basis of this class of alcohol.
  • X.O. – (Extra Old) Hors d’age Napoleon Extra Tres Vieux Vieille Reserve – this designation defines the uniqueness of the brandy, which belongs to the highest quality class. A drink in this category is aged for at least 6 years.

But in order to assign a quality class to brandy, it must first undergo an aging procedure.

Express method

The official name of this method is “accelerated maturation of alcohol.” Aging in this way occurs in containers made of any suitable material. The prepared vessels are first filled with oak material in the form of chips or shavings, and then filled with young alcohol. The next step is to heat the contents of the containers to a temperature of 60 degrees. Forced oxygen supply is carried out 2-3 times a month. After six months of this aging, the brandy becomes similar to the one aged in the traditional way for 3 years. But no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to achieve identical richness of taste and aroma.

Another method of maturing young alcohol can be classified as an express method. “Boisege” (woodiness) - oak lumps soaked in old cognac are placed in neutral containers with young alcohol.

The fastest. This is not even aging, but preparation for bottling. Brandy is placed in containers and kept open for some time. During this time, some of the essential substances evaporate. The process then continues closed. At this point, the brandy “rests.” The preparation period lasts up to a year. Fruit and berry brandies, as well as rum and some types of tequila are prepared this way.

– a noble drink, revered since ancient times by aristocrats and members of royal families. The quality and price of fine alcohol depends on the manufacturing technology and aging time. The most refined taste is born from the meeting of noble spirits with the aroma of wood. Having “inhaled” oxygen, this union gives gourmets a unique bouquet of taste and aroma.

It is most likely impossible to find a more aristocratic and noble drink in the world than natural French cognac. However, in addition to personal preferences in terms of taste and smell, a true connoisseur will definitely pay attention to labeling and aging, which is extremely important. Moreover, just by looking at the label, a connoisseur will immediately determine, for example, what cognac means XO, VS, VSOP, and so on. Let's figure it out together...

Classification of cognac

A person on the street, who was previously very superficially familiar with cognac, the technology of its production, as well as the characteristics of its use, will find it extremely difficult to figure out from the start what the age of this noble drink is. That is, to understand how many years this liquid spent in an oak barrel before it reached the consumer’s table. Only a few people in the world can calculate the approximate age by taste, color, smell and other indicators, and for the rest, labels have been invented on which all the necessary information is indicated.

Cognac age

If you really want to become a connoisseur and gourmet, it doesn’t hurt to first understand that the age, or rather, aging of cognac is considered exactly until it is poured from the barrel into a glass container, most often into a bottle. At this moment, he instantly stops “aging” and no matter how many years pass, he will remain exactly the same as before.
In fact, purchasing cognac by an ignorant person is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, because you never know for sure whether you will be lucky or not. It’s the same with cognac, because well-known names and brands like Remy Martin or Hennessy seem to flash, and beautiful markings in large letters VSOP, XO, but what all this Chinese letter means is not at all clear. On the other hand, there are also more modest markings, such as KV, KS, OS and others, which also would not hurt to study.

French roots, technology and endurance

Cognac was originally invented by French winemakers after they learned to double distill the young wine. grape wine special varieties into the purest distillate and store it tightly sealed in oak barrels for many years. It is in these barrels that the drink acquires its unique color, amazing aroma and stunning taste.
But the markings on the labels do not mean anything new or unclear, but simply indicate its age. For example, VSOP cognac, what does this marking mean, what does it refer to and how to understand what kind of drink is in front of you? You need to start understanding with the fact that cognac can only come from France, this is enshrined in the law, no other drinks can be called that. There are some exceptions, for example, Armenian cognac, the quality of which is controlled by a French company. Anyway, such a drink has its own labeling and it is not permissible to use French standards here. A company called the French National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs is assigned to strictly ensure that the original labels XO, VSOP, VS are observed.

Age of cognacs on various scales

So how can you make the right choice and take exactly the bottle that is definitely distinguished by high quality, long aging, and, consequently, a special smell and taste. First of all, you can judge the aging by the stars on the label; behind each of them lies exactly ten months spent by the drink in a sealed oak barrel.
It is remarkable that the start of aging of cognac always begins at the same time, namely from one o’clock in the morning on the first of April of each year, when the raw materials should already be processed, and the grape distillate should be cleaned and poured into containers for aging. Thus, there cannot be less than three stars on the label, since the minimum aging period for ordinary cognac is at least thirty months. However, in addition to the classification by aging, which we will discuss below, there are other designations that you can see on French bottles, so it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with them in order to be fully prepared for surprises. C (Cognac) – cognac. E (Special) – special. O (Old) – old. V (Very) – very. S (Superior) – excellent. P (Pale) – pale. X (Extra) – extra. If you are planning to become a fine connoisseur of French cognacs, it would not hurt to understand this all in more detail, find out, for example, what VS cognac means, so as not to lose face at a dinner party or reception.

Authentic French markings

Without trying, you can only judge superficially the qualities of a particular drink. However, when it comes to real French cognac, then from what is written on the label one can already conclude what properties and qualities are inherent in this version of alcohol, provided that it is original and not a fake.
It won’t be at all difficult to figure it out, you just need to want to, since everything here is limited to four or five letters. The easiest way to answer is what VS means in cognac and this means that we are talking about a drink aged in an oak barrel for at least two and a half years. Also, such alcohol is called Trois Etoiles, that is, “three stars.” The second variant of marking VO means Very Old or Reserve, which translates as very old. This cognac is called three-year-old. Decoding cognac VSOP- Very Superior Old Pale. This means that this is a very old cognac, aged for at least four years, but often much longer. Because VSOP in cognac is not at all difficult to understand. One more question: what does VVSOP mean in cognac and how is it translated? There is nothing complicated here either, Very-Very Superior Old Pale or Grande Reserve means very, very old cognac, high-quality and light, aged for at least five years.
It remains to figure out what XO cognac means, but even here there will be no difficulties. Extra Old is a very old cognac, the aging of which has reached six years or more, which in itself already inspires respect. Anything that is older, by the standards of professionals, cannot be classified, even if it has been in a barrel for twenty or thirty years. Experts believe that such high deadlines cannot guarantee blending. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the labeling of cognac older than six years at the legislative level.


Many people mistakenly believe that the words on the labels of French cognac, like Extra, Napoleon or Grand Reserve, are brands and names, but in reality this is not the case. This is a marking of the drink by age and classification, but not a personal name or the name of the manufacturing company. It is impossible to call domestic drinks completely natural, since cognac can be French and nothing else. However, in Soviet times, and even now, the creation of similar drinks was popular, among which Armenian cognac was especially famous, the quality of which was truly recognized by the most outstanding winemakers in France.
Since there is a huge offer on the market, and the quality of the drink is really high, it won’t hurt to also study the domestic classification of cognacs, which was invented and put into effect in Soviet times. It still works to this day. Most often, alcohol is marked with stars; they appear one per year, and the minimum aging is three years. Ordinary cognacs from the times of the USSR can have from one to five stars. Vintage cognacs were considered more elite and expensive, the classification of which should be understood in more detail. For example, it’s interesting to know what KV cognac means and what it indicates, so it’s worth studying everything from this point in quite some detail.
KV - aged cognac - a drink that has been aged for at least six years. KVVK - aged cognac of the highest quality - an alcoholic drink, the aging of which has exceeded eight years. KS - old cognac - this means that the drink is about ten, or even more, years old. OS is a very old cognac, which continued to mature in oak barrels in the cellars of Armenia for twenty years or more. These are the most elite varieties, the price of which sometimes overshadows the original French drinks.
Anything that is aged even longer is considered a collectible alcoholic beverage and is unlikely to be intended for simply sharing a bottle with friends, because it will cost a fortune, which means you need an appropriate occasion. Thus, even without tasting the alcohol, you can already imagine how the contents of the bottle differ and whether it is worth paying for it the price indicated on the label.

What is XO, VS, VSOP? Cognacs and how they differ.
XO, VS, VSOP. Let's find out what they mean

Classification of cognac
It is most likely impossible to find a more aristocratic and noble drink in the world than natural French cognac. However, in addition to personal preferences in terms of taste and smell, a true connoisseur will definitely pay attention to labeling and aging, which is extremely important. Moreover, just by looking at the label, a connoisseur will immediately determine, for example, what cognac means XO, VS, VSOP, and so on. Let's figure it out together...
It will be extremely difficult for a person on the street to figure out from the start what the age of this noble drink is. That is, to understand how many years this liquid spent in an oak barrel before it reached the consumer’s table.
Only a few people in the world can calculate the approximate age by taste, color, smell and other indicators, and for the rest, labels have been invented on which all the necessary information is indicated.

Cognac age
If you really want to become a connoisseur and gourmet, it doesn’t hurt to first understand that the age, or rather, aging of cognac is considered exactly until it is poured from the barrel into a glass container, most often into a bottle. At this moment, he instantly stops “aging” and no matter how many years pass, he will remain exactly the same as before.
In fact, purchasing cognac by an ignorant person is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, because you never know for sure whether you will be lucky or not.
It’s the same with cognac, because well-known names and brands like Remy Martin or Hennessy seem to flash, and beautiful markings in large letters VSOP, XO, but what all this Chinese letter means is not at all clear. On the other hand, there are also more modest markings, such as KV, KS, OS and others, which also would not hurt to study.

French roots, technology and endurance
Cognac was originally invented by French winemakers after they learned to double-distill young grape wine of special varieties into the purest distillate and store it tightly sealed in oak barrels for many years. It is in these barrels that the drink acquires its unique color, amazing aroma and stunning taste.
But the markings on the labels do not mean anything new or unclear, but simply indicate its age. For example, VSOP cognac, what does this marking mean, what does it refer to and how to understand what kind of drink is in front of you? You need to start understanding with the fact that cognac can only come from France, this is enshrined in the law, no other drinks can be called that.
There are some exceptions, for example, Armenian cognac, the quality of which is controlled by a French company. Anyway, such a drink has its own labeling and it is not permissible to use French standards here.
A company called the French National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs is assigned to strictly ensure that the original labels XO, VSOP, VS are observed.

Age of cognacs on various scales

So how can you make the right choice and take exactly the bottle that is definitely distinguished by high quality, long aging, and, consequently, a special smell and taste.

First of all, you can judge the aging by the stars on the label; behind each of them lies exactly ten months spent by the drink in a sealed oak barrel.

It is remarkable that the start of aging of cognac always begins at the same time, namely from one o’clock in the morning on the first of April of each year, when the raw materials should already be processed, and the grape distillate should be cleaned and poured into containers for aging.

Thus, there cannot be less than three stars on the label, since the minimum aging period for ordinary cognac is at least thirty months. However, in addition to the classification by aging, which we will discuss below, there are other designations that you can see on French bottles, so it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with them in order to be fully prepared for surprises.

C (Cognac) – cognac.

E (Special) – special.

O (Old) – old.

V (Very) – very.

S (Superior) – excellent.

P (Pale) – pale.

X (Extra) – extra.

If you are planning to become a fine connoisseur of French cognacs, it would not hurt to understand this all in more detail, find out, for example, what VS cognac means, so as not to lose face at a dinner party or reception.

Excerpt in French and authentic French markings

Without trying, you can only judge superficially the qualities of a particular drink. However, when it comes to real French cognac, then from what is written on the label one can already conclude what properties and qualities are inherent in this version of alcohol, provided that it is original and not a fake.

It won’t be at all difficult to figure it out, you just need to want to, since everything here is limited to four or five letters.

The easiest way to answer is what it means VS on cognac and this means that we are talking about a drink, seasoned in an oak barrel at least two and a half years. This type of alcohol is also called Trois Etoiles, that is "three stars".

Second marking option VO means Very Old or Reserve, which translates to very old. This cognac is called three-year-old.

Decoding cognac VSOP - Very Superior Old Pale. This means that this is a very old cognac, aged for at least four years, but often much more. Because VSOP in cognac is not at all difficult to understand.

Another question: what does it mean? VVSOP on cognac and how is this translated? There is nothing complicated here either, Very-Very Superior Old Pale or Grande Reserve means very, very old cognac, high quality and light, aged for at least five years.

It remains to figure out what cognac means XO, but there won’t be any difficulties here either. Extra Old is a very old cognac, aged six years or more, which in itself already inspires respect.

Anything that is older, by the standards of professionals, cannot be classified, even if it has been in a barrel for twenty or thirty years. Experts believe that such high deadlines cannot guarantee blending. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the labeling of cognac older than six years at the legislative level.


Many people mistakenly believe that the words on the labels of French cognac, like Extra, Napoleon or Grand Reserve, are brands and names, but in reality this is not the case. This is a marking of the drink by age and classification, but not a personal name or the name of the manufacturing company.

Cognac aging according to the Soviet scale
It is impossible to call domestic drinks completely natural, since cognac can be French and nothing else.
However, in Soviet times, and even now, the creation of similar drinks was popular, among which Armenian cognac was especially famous, the quality of which was truly recognized by the most outstanding winemakers in France.
Since there is a huge offer on the market, and the quality of the drink is really high, it won’t hurt to also study the domestic classification of cognacs, which was invented and put into effect in Soviet times. It still works to this day.
Most often, alcohol is marked with stars; they appear one per year, and the minimum aging is three years. Ordinary cognacs from the times of the USSR can have from one to five stars.
Vintage cognacs were considered more elite and expensive, the classification of which should be understood in more detail. For example, it’s interesting to know what KV cognac means and what it indicates, so it’s worth studying everything from this point in quite some detail.

KV - aged cognac - a drink that has been aged for at least six years.
KVVK - aged cognac of the highest quality - an alcoholic drink, the aging of which has exceeded eight years.
KS - old cognac - this means that the drink is about ten, or even more, years old.
OS is a very old cognac, which continued to mature in oak barrels in the cellars of Armenia for twenty years or more. These are the most elite varieties, the price of which sometimes overshadows the original French drinks.
Anything that is aged even longer is considered a collectible alcoholic beverage and is unlikely to be intended for simply sharing a bottle with friends, because it will cost a fortune, which means you need an appropriate occasion.

Thus, even without tasting the alcohol, you can already imagine how the contents of the bottle differ and whether it is worth paying for it the price indicated on the label.

Material from


Having tried different kinds cognac, you have probably laid down your criteria for assessing its quality. However, not many people know the classification that is displayed in the globally accepted labeling on bottles. The first thing to remember is that cognac is a French drink, so labeling with Latin letters is used only in true French cognacs. The labeling, which is complex at first glance, indicates its aging period.

The National Interprofessional Office of Cognac uses the following designations:

  • VS cognac(from the English “Very Special”) – marking of cognacs whose aging period in a barrel is at least 2 years;
  • cognac VSOP– types of cognac, aged in barrel for 4 years or more;
  • cognac VVSOP– designation of cognacs whose aging period exceeds 5 years;
  • cognac XO(from the English “Extra Old”) - marking of cognacs whose aging period exceeds 6 years.

When calculating the aging period, the starting point is usually April 1 of the year following the year of harvest. However, the extract, which is denoted by the Latin alphabet, is not all that can be found on the label good cognac. Classification of cognacs

Stars are assigned to ordinary cognacs, that is, made from alcohol aged for 3-5 years. At the same time, branded types of cognac have slightly different markings. Vintage cognacs are made from grape alcohol, the aging period of which exceeds 6 years. In this system, there are 3 main groups of cognac:

  • cognac KV(aged) is made from high-quality alcohols, the average age of which ranges from 6 to 7 years, and the strength of such a drink should not be less than 42%;
  • cognac KVVK has a strength of 43 to 45%, the alcohol from which this cognac is produced is aged for 10 years, although the use of 8-year-old alcohols is also allowed;
  • cognac KS(old), cognac OS(very old) is made exclusively from the highest quality alcohols, aged for more than 10 years, and the strength of such drinks ranges from 40 to 57%.
Only collection cognacs are considered better than vintage cognacs of the KS or OS class.

Collection cognac is an additional vintage cognac infused in an oak barrel for 5 or more years.

The classification of cognacs provides for the division different types of this drink for classes.

Typically, the class of cognac is indicated by asterisks, according to the following criteria (star-cognac):

  • cognac 3 stars made from alcohols that have been aged for more than 3 years, and the strength of the drink should be from 40%; these are young types of cognac, with a pleasant extractive taste and light straw color;
  • cognac 4 stars is made from alcohols aged for 4 years, while the strength of the drink is from 41%, and its sugar content should not exceed 1.5%, this cognac also has a pleasant light straw color, and its taste is more extractive;
  • cognac 5 stars is made from high-quality cognac spirits aged five years, the standard strength of such cognac is at least 42%, and the sugar percentage is 1.5%, the taste and aroma have a pleasant cognac tone.