Kuban borscht is an old recipe. Kuban borsch: a classic recipe according to old traditions. Ingredients for cooking

The weight of the products is indicated approximately, you can increase or decrease it depending on how thick you like your borscht

1. First, of course, we need to cook a rich broth. Place the washed bone in a large saucepan, fill it with water, and add the whole onion and carrots. There is no need to cut vegetables; after preparing the broth, we do not use them. Salt to taste.

2. Leave to cook over low heat for at least 2 hours. The longer we cook the broth, the richer and stronger it will be, and that’s what we need to get a tasty borscht. Of course, we regularly remove the foam from the broth.

3. When the broth is cooked, you need to take out the bone and be sure to strain it so that our borscht turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Remove all the meat from the bone and place it in the strained broth. The borscht base is ready.

4. Now let's start preparing the borscht itself. For me, the main thing in borscht is the sequence with which we add our vegetables to the broth. Let's cook our potatoes, pre-cut into cubes, into the boiling broth.

5. While it is cooked until done, in the meantime we will prepare the frying for the borscht. Finely chop the onion and bell pepper, grate the carrots and beets on a coarse grater.

6. Pour fat for frying into the frying pan (you can use lard or odorless vegetable oil, this is a matter of taste). When the fat is hot, add the onion and fry it until golden brown. Then add bell peppers and fry for 1 minute, then fry the beets and carrots.

7. Sauté the vegetables for a couple of minutes and season with tomato paste, mix the paste and vegetables well and pour in 250 ml of water or broth. As soon as the frying boils, it is ready. We put it aside to wait for our finest hour.

8. As soon as our potatoes are cooked, pour the frying mixture onto it. We wait for everything to boil and add the shredded cabbage to the boiling broth. Cabbage must be placed in borscht after the tomato, so that it does not boil over, but remains slightly crispy.

9. You don’t need to cook the cabbage for a long time, literally until it becomes slightly transparent. This takes approximately 5-7 minutes for winter cabbage and 3-5 minutes for young (spring) cabbage.

10. Then we add cabbage and beans. Now it's time to add spices to our borscht. I usually take suneli hops (I really like its smell), ground black pepper, bay leaf and dried cilantro. Let the spices simmer for a minute and release all their flavor to our borscht.

11. Now add chopped herbs and garlic. Another minute and our kitchen was filled with mind-blowing smells. Our borscht is ready.

12. Cover it with a lid to let it brew a little. As my great-grandmother said, borscht always tastes better the next day. But we can’t wait that long and we’re going to set the table. Let's serve our borscht with sour cream, garlic, lard, gray bread or donuts.

Bon appetit! Make yourself and your loved ones happy!

I thought for a long time whether it would be interesting for you to learn about how Kuban borscht is prepared. It seems like no one knows how to actually cook it. In order to test my knowledge of the issue, I looked for information on various culinary sites (I didn’t get to books - I just didn’t have time) and realized that the information is different everywhere, but there are a lot of recipes!!! They are all good... So I decided that I would simply write about what I remember from childhood: how my grandmother prepared borscht (maybe not entirely accurately, as far as I could remember her actions as a girl).

I think that the recipe that I use will be close to real Kuban borscht and I will be glad if you like it*.

Lyrical digression.

1. According to the classics of the genre, borscht is cooked in meat broth. But imagine the Kuban summer - this is the hottest time - there is a huge amount of work - mowing, harvesting, vegetable gardens, etc., etc. There is no way to spend so much time on cooking - boiling the broth, then seasoning it... Firstly, there is simply no time for this, and secondly, ... meat. At best it's chicken, but meat happens in the fall...
Therefore, I insist that real Kuban borscht may not be made with meat broth. Still, it turns out rich, aromatic and delicious!

2. To prepare Kuban borscht, the beets used are not the ones you and I eat. You and I have a “vinaigrette”, but for borscht we used something else... It was striped - red and white. But I think it doesn’t matter, because... There is no particular difference in taste.

3. How to add “sourness” to borscht? The lemon that some housewives use? It’s funny, what kind of lemons are there in Kuban? Vinegar? Maybe, but not an option. To prepare borscht, my grandmother took out a “magic” green mass from the underground. She prepared this paste from green cherry plum and rolled it into bottles of Bulgarian juices... . You can’t even imagine how long I’ve been looking for something to replace this with. And I almost found it. Here he is:

Of course, tomatoes will also add sourness, BUT this sauce will be a good addition!

Well, in conclusion, the lyrical part from me personally: Borscht for a Cossack is our everything! These are cultural and national traditions, this is the number one dish in any family! It is eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and sometimes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is borscht - the hostess is calm - there is something to eat in the house! Borscht is the first, second and compote! In general, friends, eternal glory to borscht!
Now let's get down to specifics:

To prepare nm you will need:

  • half a medium head of cabbage (or a little less)

  • carrots 1 piece

  • tomatoes 2-3 pcs

  • potatoes 5-6 pcs

  • bell pepper (I usually take green, but you can use different colors) - 1 pc.

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons

  • salt, pepper, bay leaf

How to prepare:

  • Cut the potatoes into cubes in a saucepan with water and set to cook. If you are preparing borscht with meat broth, then you need to prepare it in advance; add the potatoes to it

  • Pour boiling water over several tomatoes (to remove the skins from them later)

  • While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the “heart” of the borscht - the dressing. To do this, fry the onion in vegetable oil** until golden brown, adding grated carrots and beets. While this mixture is simmering, remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut them into cubes, and add to the dressing. Cover with a lid and let it simmer. When the contents give juice, add two tablespoons of tomato paste and one spoon of the same sauce that I wrote about above.

  • When our dressing has steamed sufficiently and is almost ready, add the bell pepper cut into strips. Let's wait another 5 minutes, under the lid, turn off

  • Add shredded cabbage to the potatoes, which are almost ready, cook for 5-10 minutes, then add the dressing. Add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns, cover and cook for another 15 minutes.

Please note that Kuban borscht is not beetroot in color! And it doesn't have to be beet colored, so don't worry, we're doing it right!

As you understand, on the 2nd day the borscht will already be different. Eat it the way you like - with sour cream, garlic, hot pepper, sprinkled with herbs... Or with all of this at the same time.

* For those who don’t know, my father’s homeland is the Krasnodar region, the village of Nadezhnaya. This is my childhood, my summer, my happiness... my most beautiful memories.
** In general, to really do it Kuban style, you need to fry it in lard or lard, it will be more correct. You can do the same.

It is difficult to determine the exact origin of this dish, since geographically it was prepared by the inhabitants of the Old Russian state. We offer to prepare Kuban borscht according to our step-by-step recipe with photos; we will try to tell you in detail how to cook delicious borscht in Kuban style. The preparation of this soup is somewhat different from the familiar recipe of the original dish, but there is absolutely nothing complicated.

Borscht is a dish that has become traditional among the Eastern Slavs. In ancient times it was a stew made from hogweed. Then they started making borscht based on beet kvass, which was diluted with water and other ingredients were added. Kuban borscht is prepared exclusively from fresh tomatoes, the vegetables are fried in hot lard, and the resulting cracklings are added to the finished soup. These are the main differences between borscht prepared in Kuban style and some other types of this first course.

It cannot be attributed to a specific cuisine, since it was popular among different peoples of Slavic origin.

Now borscht is a traditional first Ukrainian dish, and is also widely known and loved in Russia. Borscht has become the hallmark of our country; many tourists coming to Russia want to try this world-famous soup. But it’s also worth trying the no less tasty Kuban version of borscht, the recipe for which we will present today.

To cook it yourself you will need time, the specified ingredients, desire and love with which you start preparing the dish.

Calorie content of borscht in Kuban style

The calorie content and nutritional value of real Kuban borscht are calculated for 100 grams of ready-made soup. The data given in the table is indicative.


  • Beef on the bone - 700 gr.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Cabbage (fresh) – 350 gr.
  • Beets – 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Fresh lard - 80 gr.
  • Spices
  • Sour cream
  • Dill greens
  • Parsley
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice

Step 1.
First, cook the broth. To do this, pour water into a pan, put the beef in it, after washing it first. Cook over low heat for an hour. After bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and gradually add some of the vegetables (1 peeled onion and carrot).
At the same time, it is important to remove the foam formed during the cooking process.

Step 2.

While the meat is cooking and the broth is being prepared, wash, peel and cut the vegetables: carrots, potatoes, onions and beets. Wash the cabbage, remove spoiled leaves and finely chop.

Step 3.

Finely chop the fresh lard and place it on a hot frying pan. Fry and after the lard has melted, carefully take out the fried cracklings and fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots in the resulting fat.

Step 4.

The fried onions and carrots must be transferred to a plate and begin preparing the beets.

It must be washed, peeled, chopped into a coarse grater and the resulting straws placed on a heated frying pan.
Add chopped and peeled tomato and a little water. Simmer the beets for 10 minutes, stirring them so as not to burn. 2 minutes before cooking, add a little lemon juice to the beets.

Step 5.

Add potatoes to the broth and cook for 10 minutes. Here you can add salt and various spices to taste.

Step 6.

Now put the roasted vegetables, beets and cabbage into the pan. Cook for another 10 minutes.

After boiling the broth with potatoes, reduce the heat, remove the carrots and onions from the broth (we won’t need them anymore). Cook until the potatoes are ready.

While our potatoes are boiling, we will make a dressing for the Kuban borscht. Chop one onion.

Grate one carrot

and one beet.

Place the onions, carrots and beets in a frying pan with slightly heated vegetable oil and simmer the vegetables, covered with a lid, over low heat, stirring occasionally.

When the vegetables are slightly stewed, add tomato juice

and simmer the dressing until the vegetables are ready over low heat under the lid. By this time, the potatoes in the broth are already ready.

Finely chop the cabbage.

Add the cabbage to the broth and let it cook for 5 minutes.

Add the prepared dressing for Kuban borscht and herbs to the broth and cook everything together over medium heat until it boils.

Then add spices, ground pepper, salt and 2 cloves of garlic passed through a press, bring to a boil, boil for several minutes and remove from heat.

Let it brew under the lid for at least 10 minutes and serve the aromatic Kuban borscht!

Bon appetit!
