Personal diary for brownie recipe. How to make chocolate brownie at home, recipe with photo. How to make chocolate brownie? original recipe

- How pale you are! It's because you only see the sad side of life and don't like chocolate. (Ethel Lilian Voynich "The Gadfly")

brownie- a traditional American dessert, a very nutritious cake with a rich chocolate flavor and an incomparable delicate texture. The name "Brownie" is directly related to its color. Translated from English, "brown" means "brown". This is one of the most popular chocolate desserts in the world, which is prepared by famous chefs, simple housewives, and even children. Yes Yes! Brownies are very easy to make! Brownie is a dessert that everyone will like, because according to statistics, nine out of ten people love chocolate very much, and the tenth probably loves it too, but hides it))) I think brownie is the only thing that can be tastier than chocolate and, if you belong to for those lucky ones who have never tried this cake, then run to the kitchen, an unforgettable pleasure awaits you.

But read first brownie recipe with pictures!

You will need:

  • bitter chocolate 75% 200 gr
  • butter 1 pack (180-200 gr)
  • nuts (any) 2 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • sugar 1 cup
  • vanilla sugar 16 gr (2 small bags)
  • premium wheat flour 4 tbsp with a slide
  • eggs 6 pcs
  • salt 2 pinches

This number of products is for form approx. 20 X 30 cm- it turns out 18 cakes which keep well in the refrigerator. Therefore, do not be embarrassed to bake this large portion, there is never too much brownie.

Nuts can be any, I use walnuts, you can add peanuts or hazelnuts, in America they prefer to put pecans in Brownies. But even without nuts, cakes feel great! Let me tell you a secret, I prefer brownies without nuts. Nuts, it seems to me, are distracting and do not allow you to fully feel the very delicate structure of Brownie, for which the whole world loves him.

There is no baking powder listed in the ingredients, this is not a mistake. Baking powder is not added to the classic brownie., the absence of baking powder makes the consistency of this dessert a little moist and viscous - this is what distinguishes it from other chocolate goodies. If you take an interest in the history of brownie, you will find out that he was born in America as a result of an accidental mistake by a confectioner who forgot to put baking powder in the dough. Oh, those accidents! However, on the Internet you can find recipes with baking powder, in any case, the main thing is not to overexpose the brownie in the oven so that its middle remains a little unbaked.

Brownies are usually used dark chocolate with high cocoa content(at least 60%), but if the dessert will be eaten by children, you can use milk chocolate.

Brownie step by step photo recipe:

Chop the nuts into small pieces - place the nuts in a bag and crush with a rolling pin.

Roast the nuts over low heat, stir, making sure not to burn. It is enough if the nuts warm up well - touch them with your hands and as soon as you feel that the nuts are hot, pour them into a separate bowl to cool them down.

Melt chocolate and butter. Many confectioners recommend using a water bath for this, but life has shown that this can be done without unnecessary gestures. Just put the pieces of butter and chocolate into a small saucepan, put on a small fire and stir continuously. Remove the saucepan from the heat periodically so that the mass does not overheat. Don't let it boil!

When the chocolate is almost melted and small pieces remain, you can turn off the heat, the mass will reach the desired state from the heat of the heated pan. Let the melted chocolate cool slightly before adding it to the batter.

Combine eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla sugar, beat until smooth. Do not be zealous and do not beat the eggs until fluffy, brownies are not, 3-4 minutes with a mixer is enough.

Add sifted flour, stir.

Add melted chocolate and nuts. Just mix everything until smooth.

Transfer the finished mass to the form lined with baking paper. If there is no paper, grease the form with butter and sprinkle with flour. Bake in a preheated oven t 170ºС for 20 minutes. remember, that Brownies are better underbaked than overbaked.. Everyone's oven is different, so keep an eye on your baking and, as soon as the brownie is crusted on top, but still moist inside (pierce with a toothpick), feel free to take it out of the oven. Please note that this "big chocolate bar" will also be baked outside the oven on a hot baking sheet.

Here's what happened. Hooray! Cool the brownies completely. and only then remove from the mold and cut into pieces. Oh, and don't be discouraged if you suddenly overbake dessert (usually this happens to those who bake brownies for the first time) it will still be delicious! In addition, brownies are especially good when cold and before being cut, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator from 6 to 12 hours. After the refrigerator, it will be cut more evenly, and even the overbaked one will “damp” a little, acquire the desired viscous consistency.

The original brownies contained walnuts and apricot icing, and were drizzled with melted chocolate, so you can do it all with a cooled cake. Glaze is made from apricot jam (500 g jam + 50 ml water stir and cook for 2 minutes). If you have homemade, grind it with a blender, reduce it a little, cool and grease the Brownie. But, as I wrote above, everything, that Besides very distracting. I think that both without nuts and without icing, Brownie is great, and there is already quite a lot of chocolate in it.

The easiest way to decorate is to sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar: put clean lace on the cake, sprinkle with powder, remove the lace - a pattern will remain on the cake.
We then wash the lace, dry it, iron it, carefully fold it and store it in a bag for the next baking.

Brownie is a very high-calorie and nutritious product., because contains butter, nuts and chocolate. Chocolate contains a lot of magnesium and potassium, necessary for the work of the heart and muscles, it helps to calm the nervous system, has a stimulating effect, increases vitality and improves mood. It makes it easier to cope with depression and stress. Fast-digesting carbohydrates and cocoa butter provide the body with a supply of energy. Some see chocolate as harmful because the theobromine it contains can be addictive. In fact, fears are groundless, because in order for addiction to arise, you need to eat about half a kilo of the product every day. However, everything is good in moderation so don't get carried away and keep an eye on the kids (!!!) - these mischievous people will gladly replace all the usual meals with chocolate)))

Brownies are really easy to make. I confess that it was more difficult to photograph it - it turned out to be an extremely non-photogenic creature))) But the taste is amazing!
I imagined how my grandmother pronounces the word "brownie"))) I think she would definitely take this recipe into service - to make a big one from a small chocolate bar using products available in any household is priceless)))

Brownies keep well in the refrigerator in a closed container, so you can stretch the pleasure for several days))) It can be heated in the microwave - hot brownies go well with ice cream. Happy tea!

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Brownies are one of the most popular desserts in the US and Canada. They can be found in any cafe and pastry shop, and lovers of home baking are sure to bake them at home. Usually brownies are served with coffee, ice cream, and American children will never refuse milk with a brownie. For many Americans, these brown squares have a calming effect, reminiscent of childhood and home comfort. This is a typical example of comfort food (nutritious, high-calorie, home-made food that evokes nostalgia for the past and other bright feelings).

Basically, a brownie is a cross between a rich chocolate cake and a dry cookie. The perfect brownie has a dry crust and a moist, gooey filling. Sound appetizing? Let's try to cook brownies in all the rules.

Let's start our acquaintance with brownies with a classic English recipe from the tireless Jamie Oliver. These sumptuous chocolate treats can be sampled at his Fifteen restaurant in London, and we'll show you how to make it at home. The main secret is the best and freshest products that you can find.

Brownie "Fifteen"

250 g unsalted butter,
200 g dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content,
80 g cocoa powder
70 g flour
1 tsp baking powder,
350 g fine sugar
4 large village eggs,
150 g dried cherries
150 g nuts (pecan, macadamia, walnuts, Brazilian),
250 g cream fresh or non-sour sour cream,
zest of 1 orange.

Melt the butter and chocolate in a double boiler (in a large bowl set in a saucepan of simmering water) and mix thoroughly. Add cherries and chopped nuts if desired. Separately, mix the sifted flour and cocoa powder, baking powder and sugar, add this mixture to the chocolate butter and mix well. Whisk the eggs and add to the batter.

Cover a rectangular shape (about 30 cm) with baking paper. Pour in the dough and place in the oven preheated to 180ºС for about 25 minutes. Checking the readiness with a skewer will not help: if it comes out of the cake clean, then it is overdried and will become stone. The cake should be springy around the edges and remain viscous in the middle. The chocolate will solidify at room temperature, so don't be afraid to take the brownies out when they're slightly gooey. Let the cake cool on a wire rack, transfer to a board and cut into large squares or triangles. Serve brownies with crème fraîche flavored with orange zest.

If suddenly you get tired of the classic brownie, add dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, candied fruits), candied fruits, marmalade, strong alcohol (rum, cognac, liquor) or dried fruits soaked in it to the recipe. If this is not enough, switch to heavier substances, for example, these:

Brownie "3 chocolates"

180 g dark chocolate,
50 g milk chocolate,
50 g white chocolate,
200 g butter,
100 g flour
50 g cocoa powder
3 eggs,
250 g brown sugar
a little salt, vanilla.

Melt the butter with dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, cool to room temperature. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar until white, pour in the chilled chocolate butter, mix gently. Pour flour and cocoa into the mixture through a sieve, mix, add salt and vanilla. Chop white and milk chocolate into small pieces and add to the dough. Put the dough in a paper-lined form, put in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 25-30 minutes. To test for doneness, rock the mold slightly: if the middle is not baked enough, a wave will pass there. If this is the case, leave the brownies in the oven for another 5 minutes. Cool brownies straight out of the pan, then remove with parchment paper and cut into squares or triangles.

Brownie with cream cheese

Base Ingredients:
100 g butter,
100 g dark chocolate,
200 g sugar
2 eggs,
70 g flour
a pinch of salt and vanilla.

For the top layer:
250 g cream cheese (Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Bursin),
1 egg
60 g sugar
vanilla extract - to taste.

Preheat the oven to 160 ºС, cover the baking dish with foil. Prepare the base: in a large bowl, melt chocolate and butter, add sugar and vanilla, mix. Add eggs, then flour and salt, beat until smooth. Pour the batter into the mold, reserving some for decoration. To prepare the cream, beat the cream cheese with a mixer until soft, add sugar, vanilla, egg and continue beating until smooth. Spread a layer of cream on top of the base. Decorate the top with drops of brown dough and use a knife to make stains. Bake brownies for 25-30 minutes. A sign of readiness is the browning of the cheese layer. Let the brownies cool on a wire rack and refrigerate for a few hours so you can cut through the crust without crushing it. Cut cheese brownies with a thin, sharp knife.

Of course, such a brownie is a very high-calorie and heavy dessert. You need to control yourself so as not to eat everything at once. If you are not sure about your exposure, prepare a slightly lighter version first. But remember that such brownies cannot be called dietary, because they also contain sugar, chocolate, and butter ...

light brownies

0.5 cup olive oil
2 eggs,
0.5 cups of espresso or Turkish coffee,
0.5 cups brown sugar
1 cup flour
0.5 tsp baking powder
300 g chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract.

Mix oil, coffee, sugar and vanilla extract, add beaten eggs, mix thoroughly. Add flour, baking powder and melted chocolate, mix well and pour into a mold. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 35-40 minutes. Cut into portions when completely cool.

Despite the name, brownies don't always have chocolate in them. Brownies without chocolate are very popular in politically correct America, where they are called blondies. The basis of the taste and aroma of blondies is brown cane sugar. Due to the lack of chocolate, the consistency of the blondie will be quite dry, but otherwise everything is very similar to brownie.


1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
0.5 cup butter
0.5 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
0.5 cup chopped nuts or chocolate chips
salt, vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Preheat oven to 180ºC. Grease the form with oil and sprinkle with flour. Combine melted butter and sugar, add beaten eggs and vanilla and beat thoroughly. Add flour, baking powder, salt, knead the dough and add nuts or chocolate pieces. Pour the dough into the mold, smooth and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer - it should come out of the cake dry. Serve the blondie chilled with maple syrup and tea.

Sweden has its own kind of brownie under the unappetizing name kladdkaka for us. Despite this, the Swedish brownie turns out to be very tasty, and it is prepared quickly and without large expenses.

Swedish brownie (kladdkaka)

2 eggs,
300 g sugar
100 g butter,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
150 g flour
a pinch of salt, vanilla extract - to taste.

Preheat oven to 150ºC. Grease a baking dish with oil. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour, salt, vanilla, a teaspoon of water and beat. Melt the butter, mix with cocoa, add it to the dough and beat until a smooth, homogeneous dough is obtained. Pour the batter into the mold and bake for 35 minutes. Refrigerate before serving. The brownie will taste even better the next day.

And finally - a few ideas for decorating brownies. Chocolate cake itself is quite sweet and fragrant, so regular icing or jam is not the best way to decorate it. It is ideal for brownies to use cold cream with a refreshing taste and citrus aroma. For example, like this:

orange cream

1 orange
100 g butter,
3 eggs,
0.2 cups sugar
vanilla - to taste.

Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice. Put the butter, cut into pieces, sugar, vanilla, zest in a saucepan, pour in the juice and heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool down. Beat the eggs, add to the cream and put on the weakest fire, stirring constantly. Once cream has thickened, remove from heat, cool and spread over brownies. Or refrigerate for 6-10 hours and serve in a separate bowl.

Lemon cream is made a little differently. It requires more attention, but it also turns out to be much more interesting and richer than orange.

lemon cream

3 eggs,
150 g sugar
50 g butter
juice of 2-3 lemons,
zest of 1 lemon.

Squeeze juice from lemons at room temperature (so they will release more juice). In a metal container in a water bath, mix eggs, sugar and juice and keep on fire until thicken, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Strain the cream through a sieve and add the zest and butter, cut into small pieces, stir until the butter dissolves and cool. Spread cream over brownies until thickened.

On the basis of brownie, you can make an unusual holiday dish for the children's table - fruit "pizza". Bake brownies in a round pizza dish without taking them out of the form, brush with cream cheese or citrus cream, spread pieces of fruit and berries on top. The final touch - melt the fruit jelly in the microwave, apply it with a brush on the fruit and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Remember that brownies are very crafty. Cook them in small portions and no more than 2 times a month. And since you’ve already prepared it, call your friends, make good tea and treat everyone. If suddenly your guests could not eat all the brownies, wrap them in paper and freeze. There will be a reason to meet again.

Enjoy your meal!


Brownie (eng. Chocolate brownie) - a chocolate cake with a characteristic brown color (eng. brown - “brown”; hence the name), traditional for American cuisine. Depending on the recipe, it may have the consistency of a cake, muffin or cookie. Cut into flat rectangular pieces.

Brownie is one of the most popular desserts in the US and Canada. This delicacy can be found in any cafe and confectionery, and lovers of homemade baking are sure to bake it at home. Usually brownies are served with coffee, ice cream, and children with warm milk. For many Americans, these brown squares have a calming effect, reminiscent of childhood and home comfort, like, for example, grandmother's pies for Russians.

One story claims that brownies were invented at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago in 1892, and the name "brownies" first appears in a Boston Cooking School cookbook published in 1884.

Despite the seeming simplicity in cooking, brownies have one distinctive feature - pastries are never baked to the end! It is this, as well as the absence of baking powder, and by no means the square shape of the pieces, as is sometimes mistakenly believed, that determines that these pastries belong to the brownie class. It is very important to set the temperature correctly. Optimal is 180 degrees.

How to correctly determine the readiness of a brownie?

The first sign is a “caramel” or, more correctly, “chocolate” smell of baking. The chemical compounds responsible for the smell and contained in cocoa beans are very volatile and are easily released when heated. Overheated (overbaked) chocolate pastries lose their wonderful aroma, which is its main charm!

The second sign is a test for a wooden stick. At the exit, the stick should be surrounded by small pieces of baked, but sticky dough. If the dough drips thickly, keep the brownies in the oven for another 6 minutes. It is important to remember that pastries left in the turned off oven tend to cook, this is facilitated by the shape that keeps heat for a long time. Therefore, as soon as the readiness check on a wooden stick has occurred, the brownies should immediately be removed from the oven.

Brownies can be served warm, at room temperature, or very chilled. It is best to cut cakes completely chilled and even aged for several hours in the refrigerator. When warm, brownies are tender and reminiscent of muffins in taste and texture; when cold, they are dense and reminiscent of chocolate truffles in taste and texture.

1. Brownie


  • chocolate (bitter, not less than 70%) - 200 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 200 g
  • vanilla sugar
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 100 g
  • walnuts - 1/2 cup
  • powdered sugar for decoration

Cooking: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put chocolate and butter in a water bath to melt. Grind walnuts with a blender. Meanwhile, the butter and chocolate has already begun to melt. Without removing from the water bath, stir until both components are completely dissolved. Remove from the bath and cool a little.

Sift cocoa into the chocolate-butter mixture. Add regular and vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer. Add the eggs one at a time, beating a little each time.

Sift flour, mix and add walnuts. The last time we go through the mixer. We grease the form with butter and cover it with baking paper, which we also grease with butter. If you have a silicone mold, greasing and lining is optional. Pour our dough into the mold.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the oven. I advise you to check the brownies at the 20th minute. If a good crust appears, it's ready. Serve garnished with powdered sugar or cocoa, melted chocolate or berries.

2. Chocolate Mint Brownies

Dough Ingredients:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 160 g
  • butter - 80 g
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
  • flour - 120 g + add a pinch of salt and baking powder
  • vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp

For filling:

  • fat-free soft cottage cheese - 200 g
  • sugar - 40 g
  • mint - leaves from 6-7 sprigs

For icing sugar:

  • powdered sugar - 140 g
  • milk - 2-3 tbsp.
  • mint - leaves from 3-4 sprigs
  • a few drops of green food coloring

Cooking: Line a 20 cm square cake tin with parchment paper and brush lightly with butter. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Melt the butter (in the microwave or in a saucepan over a fire) and stir it into the cocoa powder. Add chocolate mixture to egg mixture and beat together.

Add sifted flour with baking powder and salt. Beat with a mixer until smooth. To prepare the filling, grind mint in a blender or finely chop with a knife. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, mint and vanilla essence.

Pour half of the dough into the mold and smooth the surface. Carefully spread the curd mass over the dough (it is convenient to use a confectionery syringe for this), then pour the remaining dough. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Cool in shape.

To prepare sugar glaze, grind mint in a blender (or cut with a knife), mix with milk and pour into powdered sugar with constant stirring. Add green food coloring and mix thoroughly. The frosting should be the consistency of sour cream. Spread frosting over cooled cake and let set. Trim the edges of the biscuit and cut into squares.

3. The most chocolate brownie


  • nuts (hazelnuts or almonds) - 80–100 g
  • dark chocolate - 200 g
  • butter - 250 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 125 g
  • baking powder - 1/4 tsp
  • cocoa powder - 45 g

Cooking: finely chop the nuts and fry in a pan. Melt chocolate with butter in a water bath. Beat eggs with sugar. Mix flour with cocoa and baking powder. Mix the egg mass with the "dry" mass (flour, cocoa and baking powder). Add 1-1.5 tsp. rum or vodka.

Gradually pour in the cooled melted chocolate and nuts. Cover a baking sheet with paper, grease with oil and lay out the dough (form 20 * 20 cm). Bake at temp. 180 degrees 30-35 min. Check with a toothpick for readiness, it's okay if the toothpick is slightly "raw".

Top with melted chocolate (I left 5 tablespoons when I melted for the dough). Cut into pieces and eat.

4. Brownie or chocolate happiness recipe


  • dark chocolate - 200 g
  • butter - 150 g and a small amount for greasing the mold
  • sugar - 350 g
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 100-110 g
  • cocoa powder - 1/2 tbsp for the test and the same amount for preparing the form
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking: Melt chocolate and butter in a water bath. It is important to pay enough attention to this step, because the mixture can be overheated, and then it will delaminate, or worse, the chocolate will start to burn. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool slightly.

At this time, eggs and sugar should be beaten into a foam. Now you can enter the chocolate mass. At the very end - a mixture of flour, cocoa and salt. After stirring thoroughly, but not too long, the dough can be poured into the prepared form: greased with butter and sprinkled with cocoa. The layer of dough in the form should not be too thick: 2-2.5 cm is ideal.

It remains only to bake the brownies: 180 ºС for 15-25 minutes (depending on the thickness). Once the brownie has passed the dry wooden skewer test, remove it from the oven, cool, cut into squares and enjoy! Cream of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream will be a great addition to the brownie.

5. Two tone brownies


  • sugar - 3/4 cup
  • chocolate (not black) - 120 g
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • self-rising flour - 3/4 cup
  • cream cheese (Mascarpone, Philadelphia) - 280 g
  • pecans (can be walnuts) - 200 g
  • butter - 120 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vanilla extract - ½ tsp


  • oil - 60 g
  • chocolate (not black) - 90 g
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking: Grease a baking dish with butter and line with parchment paper. Chop nuts. Mix cream cheese, 2 tablespoons sugar and vanilla extract. Melt butter, chocolate and cocoa in the microwave.

Beat eggs with sugar. Add chocolate mixture to eggs, stir. Sift flour and add nuts. Pour half of the batter into the tin, top with the cream cheese mixture and then the remaining chocolate batter. Bake for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Mix butter, chocolate, cocoa and milk, melt. Add powdered sugar. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with milk. Mix with a mixer.

When the cake is ready, spread some frosting on top. Let cool and use the remaining frosting. Garnish with nuts and set aside for a couple of hours. Once the frosting has set, cut into squares and enjoy!

Enjoy your meal!

Brownie is a traditional American recipe. Its base is chocolate, hence the color and name. Brown - "brown". It's not a cake, it's not a pie, it's not a cookie. Something in between all of this.

Brownies were invented in 1893 at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago. Since then, it has been one of the most famous desserts in the world.

Brownies are loved in the US and Canada. Especially children (eat with milk). It is sold in all pastry shops and cafes, and American economic women bake themselves.

I decided to be one of them and baked brownies.

Brownies are baked like a cake or cupcake, they have a crispy crust, but the inside should remain moist, like nougat. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the last one didn’t work out for me - I slightly overexposed it in the oven. But it still came out very tasty.

So, to make brownies, you will need:

Chocolate - 100 gr. (preferably dark)
Butter - 180 gr.;
Sugar sand - 200 gr.;
Eggs - 4 pcs.;
Flour - 100 gr.;
Walnuts - 100 gr.

Step 1 - prepare the dough

The first step is to melt the chocolate and butter.

The recipe says - in a water bath. But I have my own way.

Note to the hostess: a microwave oven does an excellent job with the functions of a “water bath”. Put the chocolate and butter in a special form and send in the microwave for 1 minute at maximum tº.

After removing from the microwave, the chocolate cream must be thoroughly mixed.

The microwave did a great job with the "water bath" function.

Then, in a separate bowl, beat the sugar and eggs. You can beat with a whisk, you can use a mixer. I prefer blender.

Whilst I was beating the eggs and sugar, the chocolate had cooled down. You need to mix 100 grams of flour into it.

After that, I combined the chocolate and egg-cream mixture.

... followed by sugar and eggs beaten together

The final touch - in the same blender, chopped nuts and added them to the dough.

By the way, even in a liquid, unbaked form, it is very tasty. ;)

Step 2 - Bake

We turn on the oven at 200º, and while it warms up, cover a deep baking sheet with baking paper.

The recipe said "Bake for 25-30 minutes". My experience has shown that if you want that very moist center, then it is better to get the brownies out of the oven after 20 minutes.

Step 3 - Eating

Thanks to the baking paper, the brownies were very easy to remove from the mold. After that, I sent dessert to the windowsill to cool.

When the brownie was cool, I cut it into small rectangles.

According to the classic recipe, brownies are poured on top with apricot icing. But I just sprinkled it with powdered sugar.

Brownies really don't taste like cake, pie, or cookies. Something average. Moderately sweet, not cloying, nuts give a pleasant relish. In a word, delicious.

Brownies are served with ice cream, tea or coffee. I especially liked it with coffee. :)

The classic recipe for chocolate brownie, like any other delicacy dearly loved all over the world, managed to acquire many editions and additions. To put it simply, this is the simplest square chocolate cake imaginable, slightly runny inside and glossy outside. Turning to sublime poetic vocabulary, this dessert can be described as a delicate pastry with a powerful velvety taste, which can bring endless taste pleasure to all sweet tooth in general and chocolate lovers in particular. Who and when invented this little confectionery miracle with a high content of endorphins is not known for certain. It is said that one forgetful young cook simply did not put baking powder in the biscuit for the cake. This is how the favorite sweet of Americans (and not only) turned out. But let's move from boring theory to interesting and tasty practice.

Chocolate brownie with walnuts

In this form, I tried this dessert for the first time. And since then it has been my favorite recipe. I hope you enjoy it too. Nuts and melted pieces of chocolate perfectly complement the dense silky dough. You simply must try it!

To prepare, take:

How to prepare a classic brownie (step by step recipe with photos):

Milk chocolate can also be used. The main thing is that it is a quality product. But then the amount of sugar will have to be reduced, otherwise it will turn out too sweet. Break 3/4 of the chocolate into small pieces.

Transfer to a bowl. Add in the butter cut into small cubes. Put in a water bath. To do this, place the container with the ingredients in a higher, but almost the same heat-resistant bowl in diameter. They should interlock with the sides, but at the same time not touch the bottoms. Pour water into a large bowl, so that the bottom of the cup with food does not touch it. Bring the liquid to a boil and lower the heat. The contents will melt from the temperature of the steam. Stir occasionally with a whisk or wooden spatula.

In the meantime, chop the remaining piece of tile with a knife. We will add it to the already prepared dough. It will make the classic chocolate brownie taste even richer and richer.

Chop about 3/4 cup nuts. Chop them up with a knife. Not too small so that the pieces can be clearly felt. Instead of walnuts, you can put cashews or peanuts. Prunes or raisins also diversify the dessert. From berries, you can add cherries or strawberries.

This is how shiny and uniform chocolate should turn out after "bath" procedures.

Add fine sugar. Mix thoroughly until smooth. If desired, you can put a little vanilla, cognac or other flavoring.

Whisk 3 eggs into the slightly cooled chocolate brownie batter as directed in the recipe. But you need to add not all at once, but one at a time, each time stirring the mass with a spatula until smooth. You can not beat, because you get a biscuit or cake instead of a slightly moist dessert with a velvety texture.

Pour flour into the already prepared brownie ingredients in parts. Stir so that there are no lumps.

Add chopped nuts and chocolate. Spread the pieces over the chocolate dough.

Pour into the mold. Usually they use a rectangular one, but I had a round one on hand, as you can see from the photo. This, of course, did not affect the taste. I just then cut the cooled pastries into squares. Chocolate brownie is baked according to the classic recipe for 35-40 minutes. The oven should be heated to 170-180 degrees.

A slightly glossy crust will cover the top, and inside the cake will remain moist, slightly sticky and slightly stretchy. Cut it into squares or rectangles when it has cooled slightly. Serve with tea, coffee or cocoa with chocolate icing or just like that.

Brownie with cocoa

No chocolate? This is not a reason to refuse to cook sweets. It can be replaced with regular cocoa powder. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or cherry syrup. You have never tasted such deliciousness!

Required Ingredients:

For cakes:

For glaze:

The process of baking brownie with cocoa (recipe with photo):

Pour sugar (regular and vanilla) into a deep bowl. Crack the eggs in there. They shouldn't be too cold, so take them out of the fridge beforehand.

Stir gently. But do not beat, just shake until smooth.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. Cool slightly. Pour into the egg-sugar mixture.

Sift the flour.

And cocoa powder. The color of the treat depends entirely on this component. I used a light powder so the brownies didn't turn out as deep brown as I would have liked. But it did not spoil the velvety taste one iota.

Stir the dough. It will turn out pouring, homogeneous and tasty already at this stage.

Pour the future classic chocolate brownie into a square or rectangular shape, as shown in the photo. The baking sheet must first be greased or covered with parchment. Place in preheated oven. Bake at 170-180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cakes should remain liquid inside. While the dessert is baking, make the frosting. I did not show the step-by-step process of its preparation, but I will tell you in a nutshell. Break the chocolate and place in a deep bowl. Pour in cream or milk. Melt in a water bath or in a microwave (read how to melt chocolate properly). Cool slightly and add a piece of softened butter. Ready.

Remove pastry from oven and cool. It is advisable that the brownie spend in a cold place for about 2-3 hours or longer. Then cut and pour over the icing. Everyone, put the kettle on.

Bon chocolate appetite!
