Lymphatic cleansing To learn how to cleanse the lymphatic system...: bogdalcoral. Mittens. Buy elbow-length mittens made from non-flammable material.

How many types of citrus fruits do you know? Three? Five? What about 28? Indeed, in addition to the well-known orange, lemon, tangerine and grapefruit, this friendly family includes bergamot, pomelo, lime, clementine and many others.

But there is a fruit in this row whose fiery fruits are very difficult to pass by. This is a kumquat (also called kinkan, or Japanese orange).

In Europe, kumquat is listed as one of the nine citrus fruits most commonly eaten by the average consumer.

The skin of the kumquat is very sweet, but the flesh is sour. Therefore, it is better to eat it whole in order to “balance” the taste of the sweet skin and sour flesh.

Kumquats are grown in China, Japan, Greece, the USA, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy, as well as in Georgia and even in Russia - in the Krasnodar Territory. This is an incomplete list of countries where this citrus fruit grows; it is all the more surprising that we, Russians, know so little about it.

Translated from Chinese, “kumquat” means “dwarf orange.” In Europe, it was classified as a member of the citrus genus, subgenus Fortunella.

Kumquat is grown not only for harvesting, but also as an ornamental plant: during flowering, it is completely covered with white flowers, and during the ripening of the fruits, the tree turns from white to golden.

Residents of Asian countries place kumquat peel next to the fire, believing that it enhances the beneficial properties of the fruit and expands the area of ​​their influence.

By inhaling the fire-intensified aroma of the peel, coughs and colds are treated.

Kumquat contains large amounts of furakumarin. This is a substance with strong antifungal activity, so the fruits are often used to treat fungal diseases.

Like other citrus crops, kumquat is able to activate the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help fight depression, fatigue and apathy, and relieve nervous tension.

Kumquat fruits contain a large amount of essential oils, potassium and calcium salts, vitamins A, B and C; the plant does not accumulate nitrates at all.

Kumquat, among other things, has immunostimulating properties and helps the body adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.

In the East, the fruits are very popular as a hangover reliever. It is enough to eat a couple of these amazing fruits in the morning, after an evening feast, and there will be no trace of a hangover.

Plant for the room unique: very beautiful, and also quite shade-tolerant. Loves neutral soil and moderate watering.

Kumquat contains vitamins A and C and is rich in indigestible fiber.

This citrus fruit is also rich in flavonoids, beta-cryptoxanthin, in other words, antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect against cancer.

How to choose
The kumquat should be smooth, shiny, and without cracks.

How to store
Kumquats should be washed and dried before storing. Kumquats can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 weeks.
You can also puree kumquat and freeze it. This puree can be stored for up to six months.

How to cook
Kumquat is the only citrus fruit that is best eaten straight with the peel. Before eating a kumquat, you must first wash it, then roll it in your fingers to release the essential oil, and only then eat it.

The bright aroma of kumquat will add a pleasant note to mulled wine.

Kumquat is also used in preparing all kinds of dishes: it is added to salads, jam is made, marmalade is made from it, sauces for meat and poultry, etc.

Kumquat sauce

Extract the juice from the kumquat using a meat grinder. Then fill the pulp with water and boil for 7-10 minutes. Then strain and add sugar, spices and starch. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour out the juice obtained earlier.

Ingredients for the sauce:
- kumquat - 100 g;
- potato starch - 30 g;
- granulated sugar - 80 g;
- salt and spices - to taste;
- water - 1 liter.

Kumquat marmalade

Cut the kumquat fruit and remove the grains. Cut the pulp into pieces, put in a cup, add 0.5 liters of water. Do the same with grains. Leave it all overnight.

Then move the pulp and grains into a saucepan, filling them with the same water in which they were located. Bring to a boil and cook, reducing heat, for half an hour. Then add sugar and lemon juice. Stir until sugar dissolves. Cook for one hour until tender. Turn off the heat and let sit for about ten minutes.

Mix and pour into jars. Insist for two weeks.

Ingredients for marmalade:
- kumquat - 500 g;
- water - 1 liter;
- sugar - 4 cups;
- lemon juice from two fruits.

Kumquat jam

Prick the kumquat fruits in several places, then pour boiling water over them so that the fruits float freely. Leave overnight. In the morning, repeat the procedure.

Ingredients for jam:
- kumquat - 1 kg;
- sugar - 1 kg;
- water for syrup - 250 ml.

The piquant sourness makes Japanese orange an original snack for strong drinks such as whiskey and cognac.

By the way, it’s customary only for us to snack on the latter with citrus fruits. According to legend, the tradition came from Emperor Nicholas II, who, not being a cognac lover, did not want to offend the supplier of the royal court, the owner of the Yerevan Brandy Factory, Nikolai Shustov.

After taking a few sips of the strong drink, the king snacked on it with lemon to justify the sour expression on his face. The rest had no choice but to follow suit, and thus a tradition was born.

Just leave a few pieces of kumquat in the morning when you have a snack - it perfectly relieves hangover syndrome.

If you prefer a more serious appetizer or just love dishes, try cooking chicken fillet or pork with kumquats.

You will need:

  • 1-2 kg boneless pork tenderloin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
  • 225 g kumquats;
  • 4 tbsp. l. orange confiture;
  • 10-12 fresh bay leaves.


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Place the pork in a baking dish and rub with salt. Bake in the oven for 1 hour, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees C for another 40 minutes. Add kumquats, drizzle with marmalade and bake for 10 minutes. Add bay leaves and mix with juice.

2. Bake for a further 10 minutes until the pork is golden and cooked through (poke it with a skewer - the juices should run clear). Cut the pork into pieces and serve with kumquats, pan juices and vegetable puree.

Lymphatic cleansing

To learn how to cleanse the lymphatic system, you need to know its structure. Professor Levin, who is the head of the department of lymphology at the International University, has developed a lymph purification system. It is as follows. We have intercellular fluid. Any tissue (liver, kidney, heart) is structured the same. The lymphatic system extends upward from each organ. The intercellular space is called interstitial, interstitial. It can be in two states: thick (gel) and liquid (sol). Professor Levin confirmed that the state of the intercellular fluid can change. It can be either thick or liquid. Temperature influences. In the sauna, the space liquefied and began to flow. You jumped into the pool, the space immediately closed and stopped flowing. It's a sauna again and it's leaking again. The sauna is a workout for the lymphatic system. Levin found out that some substances have the ability to liquefy this space, and some, on the contrary, thicken it.

If we want to cleanse the lymph, then it must be liquefied in order to drain it, while simultaneously supplementing it with clean liquid. About 80% of poisons are not found in the liver, kidneys, or intestines, but in the intercellular fluid, because there are 50 liters of it in the human body. If a person wants to cleanse himself, this does not mean that he needs to cleanse the liver, kidneys, intestines, you will simply open the excretory sluices. And to clean yourself means to drain all this acidified water in which fungus, bacteria, and dead cells live. And after you wash it, the cells will get a second life.

The lymphatic system, i.e. intercellular space cannot be washed out in 10 days. It must take at least two months for all the liquid to flow away. We allocate 1.5 liters of liquid per day, and we have 65 of it. To replace 65 liters, you need to fill in 1.5 liters of clean fluid and pour out 1.5. But at the same time you need to eat well. Therefore, after 3 months, according to calculations, all the intercellular water in a person will be replaced, and he will recover. This helps with any chronic disease (except advanced cancer). You need to drink coral water for at least three months in order for the intercellular fluid to be replaced. It is not advisable to drink anything other than Coral water.
It is necessary to exclude tea, cocoa, beer, juices. If you drink 1.5 liters of juice, then you firmly believe that you are getting vitamins. But in reality, you get citric acid, a thirst enhancer, chemical preservatives, stabilizers, artificial colors, etc. When drinking juice, all intercellular fluid gradually turns into a swamp, rotting, fermenting, with dyes. If a person is not sick, then let him drink whatever he wants, and if he is sick, then he should not drink anything except water.

Freshly squeezed juices should contain fiber and pulp. We do something stupid when we throw away the pulp. No green tea is needed. Citrus juices are not suitable for us because we do not have genetic memory for them. A child over the age of two should not be given orange juice, because... These are powerful acids. The dog doesn't drink orange juice. No animal drinks juice. They don't read books, they don't have intelligence, they have genetic memory. In an acidic environment, a complete restructuring of the body occurs.
If a person drinks a glass of diluted carrot juice, then this is normal. But if during Colo-Vada you drink a liter of grapefruit juice on an empty stomach, then this is not normal. Albert Zehr had no juice at all, there was only water. If you can't, then drink whatever you want. It's your problems. If you drink juice on an empty stomach for 4 days, there may be complications.
There can be no complications from Colo-Vada if all the rules are followed. You can drink unsweetened and uncooked dried apricot compote. Grind the dried apricots in a meat grinder, pour boiling water over them and cool. You cannot eat currants, because during fasting there is an acephotic crisis. When fasting, a person becomes highly acidic, and you will add acids. You can take 100 g of juice, just to wash down the diluted clay powder, and then drink 250 ml of Coral-Mine water. And then drink only water throughout the day.

Lymphostimulators include: currant leaf, licorice root, yarrow, rose hips, oats.

Lymphatic cleansing. If a person drinks 2 tablets of licorice root, the lymph liquefies, and very quickly. Everyone knows that sputum thins, expectoration begins, immunity increases, and antidiarrheal and antispasmodic effects occur. Due to the dilution of the lymphatic fluid, lymph begins to be sucked through the lymph nodes. At the first stage of lymphatic cleansing, a person can take 1-2 tablets of licorice root, dissolving it in hot water, after crushing it. You can drink it 3 hours before the sauna. It is late during the sauna because water is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the large intestine. Levin established that everything that enters the body does not leave it.

If we want to remove poisons, we must put into the body substances that do not dissolve themselves, but which attract poisons to themselves. These are sorbents, clay, brown algae (kelp), Coral-Mine powder, alfalfa. Sorbents are consumed on an empty stomach 2 hours before meals or 3 hours after meals. If a person drank 2 tablets of licorice root with one and a half liters of hot water, then the lymph moved and ran into the intestinal lymph nodes. There will be filtering. If at this moment a sorbent enters the intestines, then all the crap that was in the head, in the mammary glands, the heart, and is now in the intestinal juice, is adsorbed onto the sorbent.
And if a person does this 3 times a day: lymphostimulation, then sorbent, then within 12 days the entire lymphatic system will move, all toxins and poisons will come out. And like through a filter, filtration will take place through the intestinal lymph nodes. There will be clean liquid inside, and all the poisons will go out. But this is a whole system: Licorice, after it Kelp, you can have Kelp with Alfalfa, you can have Kelp with Alfalfa and clay powder. A double or triple sorbent is used, it all depends on the degree of contamination of the body.

These are two stages of lymph cleansing. Take Licorice, take the sorbent after an hour and eat after 2 hours. For a child – 1 tablet of Licorice, 1 Kelp, for an adult – 2 tablets. The optimal course duration is 14 days.
Considering that the sorbent removes minerals and vitamins from the body, it is necessary to add Activin or Ultimate, beneficial bacteria, during meals, because the sorbents also take them away.
If you have problems with the liver (cholecystitis, hepatitis, allergies), then you can release bile while eating. The sorbent will take away this bile. For choleretic, you can use Lecithin, Artichoke, you can put a heating pad on the liver area for 15 minutes.

Attention! In case of cholelithiasis, choleretic drugs are prohibited (but you can carry out a program to melt the stones, at least 3-4 months).


If you have Giardia, you must first go through an anti-Giardia program. Lymph is not cleansed if the liver is clogged with Giardia. The anti-giardiasis program includes a minimum three-month course of Ant Tree Bark (1 tablet 4-6 times a day), Aloemannan (3 capsules a day), Lecithin (2-3 capsules a day), Artichoke (4 capsules), Black Walnut Leaf (4 tablets) ), Garlic (2 capsules 3 times a day). It is better to pour the artichoke out of the capsules and brew it as tea.
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The program should last at least a month, but Giardia will not go away in a month. The black walnut leaf must be ingested. Drink hot coral water Coral-Mine. And consume three times less food. It is better to drink our “antibiotics” after meals. If a person has Giardia, he drinks for a month, then tests bile or feces for Giardia. If they do not go away, then the course should be repeated, etc. If chemical antibiotics are used, take them for 7 days, and then treat the liver for 3 months. The liver begins to ache terribly from Trichopolum, and the gallbladder disappears.

B-B-Q- this is a style, not only of cooking, but also of spending time, what we call “going to barbecue,” only in the American version. Now the fashion for barbecue has spread throughout the world.

Modern barbecue it is no longer fried on a bare grate, it is cooked on a device called a “barbecue grill”, and in everyday life - a barbecue maker. The meat is cooked over convection heat at a temperature of 95 to 110°C. This barbecue differs from a grill, which is made in the shortest possible time at a temperature of 145°C and, moreover, not over heat, but over coals.

To work your magic on the cooking meat to your heart's content, you will need: tongs with a long handle - that's it. You will use them to rake the coals and turn the meat. Whoever pokes the meat with a fork is at fault for the juices leaking out, resulting in a tough barbecue. Two: natural bristle brush. You will use it to lubricate the grate with vegetable oil. Three: fireplace matches to start a fire. Four: elbow-length mittens made of non-flammable material, it’s clear why. Five: a barbecue tray, on which you will roast vegetables for garnish.

The barbecue grill needs to be lit with charcoal. The only reliable fuel is lump charcoal of irregular and different shapes. Briquette coal, consisting of sawdust, soot and coal, can only be purchased out of desperation. When such a briquette is lit, it will take another 20-25 minutes for all the petrochemical products included in its composition to burn out and evaporate.

For additional heat during the cooking process, add firewood or wood chips slightly moistened with water. Gourmets prefer mesquite, juniper or oak - this will give the meat a smoky smell.

The choice of meat depends entirely on your tastes. For example, in South Carolina, barbecue is typically pork-based. In Texas it's 100% beef. Italians generally prefer to skewer sea creatures. The only requirement is that the meat must be dried on all sides so that as little fat or moisture as possible falls from it. Any part of the carcass is suitable for barbecuing: from brisket to sirloin. Pork ribs are extremely popular.

If the European tradition of barbecuing is closer to you, then the meat should be marinated. Whether it's in lemon juice, vinegar, mayonnaise or yogurt is up to you. Meat and poultry should be kept in the marinade for 1 to 3 hours, seafood - from 15 to 30 minutes. The marinating time also depends on the marinade ingredients. The more acid in the marinade (lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt), the shorter the marinating time. It’s also not a good idea to keep the food in the marinade for too long, as it will start to spread. If the pieces are thick, do not expect them to be marinated entirely: the marinade penetrates only a centimeter.

Americans never marinate meat for barbecue. They rub it with seasonings. Regular Ingredients- rosemary, thyme, ground red pepper, fennel seeds, garlic, dill and crushed allspice or black peppercorns. Mix them and rub into the meat, pressing slightly, this can be done a few hours or minutes before frying. The most important thing is to achieve complete “osmosis” - so that during frying a crust forms that retains moisture inside. During the frying process, the meat is sprayed with water or white wine.

Responsibility for barbecuing should not be a shared responsibility. One person must be responsible for the process! In America this the honorary position is called bibikuer(from the abbreviation BBQ). This is the name given to a cook who doesn’t know how to do anything other than barbecue.

The most important thing when organizing a barbecue is the right company!

BBQ cooking time.

Fish and seafood.

Fillet, steaks about 2 cm thick - 6 min.

Sardines - 2 min.

Whole unwrapped small fish - 15 min.

Whole wrapped small fish - 20 min.

King prawns - 6-8 min.

Squid - 2-3 min.


Fillet, steaks 2.5 cm thick - 8 min.

Sirloin - 10 min.

Rump, meat on the bone, ribs - 12 min.


Lamb chops - 4 min.

Tenderloin, sirloin - 6 min.

On the bone - 8 minutes.


On the bone - 8 minutes.

Chops - 8-10 min.

Fillet - 15 min.


Chicken breasts, fillets - 10-12 min.

Thighs - 20-25 min.

Wings and legs - 15-20 min.

Aromatization. To give chicken, ham, fish, pork or beef a citrus aroma, sprinkle the zest of orange, lemon, lime and even grapefruit on the coals 5 minutes before cooking. And if you want your food to smell smoky, add aromatic wood shavings. Mesquite and hazel wood are very suitable for this.

Fruits that are great for barbecuing include nectarines, plums, pineapples and peaches. The sweet and smoky scents of cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and allspice are tempting. Just soak them in water and add them to the coals.

Make the aroma of meat, seafood and vegetables even more pleasant by sprinkling the coals at the end of cooking with rosemary or thyme sprigs, bay leaves, and wet, unpeeled garlic cloves.

Foil. Foil bags are useful for frying small items such as seafood or vegetables. You can add olive oil, citrus zest, Parma ham or fresh herbs to this bag. Close the bag by folding the seams at the top and edges once (leave a small hole for steam to escape). To avoid breaking the bag, turn it over with tongs.

Skewers. If you like to use metal skewers, then it is better to buy them not with a round cross-section, but with a twisted or square cross-section, since on round skewers, when you turn them over, the product rotates, slides and may bake unevenly. (Wooden and thin bamboo skewers do not slip, so their round shape is not a problem.)

Additional security measures:

  • cut the product into equal-sized pieces;
  • products with the same cooking time should be strung on one skewer;
  • Bulky pieces, such as large, thick onion rings, won't fall apart or fall through the grill grate if you thread them onto two parallel skewers.

How to check the temperature?

To get an idea of ​​the temperature in the barbecue, hold your hand, palm down, 10 cm from the fire. Count the seconds until the fire forces you to withdraw your hand. If you can hold your hand without withdrawing for 2 seconds, then the barbecue is well heated (190°C or higher); 3 seconds - medium heat (180-190°C); 4 seconds - moderate temperature (150-180°C); 5 seconds - low temperature (100-150°C).

If the fire is too hot, raise the grate you are cooking on and scatter the coals. In a closed barbecue, close the vent halfway. If you need to increase the heat, lower the grate on which you are frying food, brush the ashes off the coals and gather them closer to each other, adding coals around the edge. In a closed barbecue, open the vents completely.

  1. Keep barbecue meat in the refrigerator for as long as possible, and once it's ready, keep it warm in a warm oven.
  2. Light your barbecue ahead of time: When you start cooking, the coals should be shimmering red with a dusting of ash on top.
  3. Keep raw and cooked meats separate and use different utensils to handle them.
  4. Steaks can be cooked rare, and cutlets and sausages should always be well done. The juice should flow clean.
  5. Large pieces of meat can be baked in the oven first, and then finished on the barbecue.
  6. In addition to meat, do not forget to serve plenty of vegetables and salads.
  7. Never leave a barbecue unattended.
  8. Shake off excess marinade before grilling or barbecuing as the coals may flare up suddenly.
  9. Try not to cut into the steak to see if it is ready: this will allow all the juices to drain out of the meat. It is better to press the surface with barbecue tongs.
  10. Bloody meat should be soft. It should be brown on the outside and red on the inside.
  11. A medium-cooked steak should be firm to the touch, but evenly brown on the outside and pinkish in the middle.
  12. Well-done meat is very firm to the touch, brown on the outside and evenly cooked on the inside. But it shouldn't be dry.

Barbecue is a style, not only of cooking, but also of spending time, what we call “going to barbecue,” only in the American version. Nowadays, the fashion for barbecue - frying on a grill everything that can be fried, in the open air on coals - has spread throughout the world. The French believe that the word "barbecue" means "from beard to tail", i.e. The whole carcass is roasted over the coals. According to another version, this is a “pit of sacred fire” from the language of one of the Caribbean tribes. Every year in November, about two hundred thousand people gather in the South African steppe, not far from Cape Town. In South Africa, November is the spring month when the braai festival is held, which means “barbecue” in Afrikaans. But be that as it may, all these translations testify to the love of mankind for cooking over coals, that is, the historical memory of mankind about caves, about fires, about cooking food over them is alive. Many nations defend their primacy in the invention of barbecue, as well as pancakes, dumplings, noodles, beer or shashliki.

Today, barbecue has turned from a way of spending leisure time into almost a sport. Even continental and world championships are held. Their main difference from ordinary sports competitions is the complete absence of sports anger. Wherever you plan to have a barbecue - in the yard, on the terrace, on the beach or in a shady place in the park - the food will become a holiday for both you and your friends .In this chapter you will learn how to quickly light coal, how to properly fry food, what accessories are needed for a barbecue and how to make a dish truly tasty and aromatic.

Barbecue device

A barbecue is a simple device in the form of a metal box on legs. In the box there is coal glowing with heat; instead of a lid, a grate is placed on the box. They produce a variety of barbecues, very good folding ones, which do not take up much space on the balcony, in the utility room at the dacha, or in the trunk of a car.

Over time, and with more experience, you will be able to easily light a barbecue. To light a regular charcoal barbecue, use a charcoal pipe (a metal cylinder with a grate) on which you can put crumpled up newspapers and charcoal briquettes on top of them, or an electric barbecue where a hot thread runs between the coals, or stack the coals in a pyramid (for good air circulation) and pour them with a flammable mixture (instantly igniting coal has already been treated with flammable substances).

Pour the coal generously, so that the layer covers the baked food by 2-3 cm. If it is cold and windy outside, add a little more coal. The coal is heated to the required temperature for 20 minutes, it becomes gray, ash-colored during the day or reddish in the evening.

Before placing the grate, spread the charcoal in a single layer or, if cooking over a closed fire, stack it on both sides of the barbecue. (Follow gas or electric barbecue manufacturers' instructions!)

They don’t use firewood, even if they go to nature, but take with them special pressed coal and a barbecue. By the way, the advantages of such coal are obvious: time is saved, there is no need to wait until the firewood burns down to the state of coals.

Immediately after using the barbecue and before washing, scrub the grill with a wire brush. Allow the grate to cool slightly, then run it into hot, soapy water to soak away any deep-seated soot. If the grate is too large for your sink, let it sit for about an hour, wrapped in knitted kitchen towels, before starting to clean it.

To clean a gas barbecue, immediately after use, turn up the heat and let it sit for 10-15 minutes with the door closed. Then use a wire brush to scrape off any remaining food. To prevent food from sticking to the grates, rub them with vegetable oil before use.

Barbecue equipment is being improved every year. The latest novelty, similar to the Cherepanov brothers’ steam locomotive, is “Smokin Charlie.” These are three series-connected metal chambers, each of which has a door and bars. Two chambers are located horizontally, one is vertical, and there is an exhaust pipe. To complete the resemblance to a steam locomotive, the Smokin Char-lee body is mounted on wheels. Expensive models are equipped with temperature sensors. Thanks to this device and the endless human imagination, everything is now cooked on coals: from soup to dessert, and even bread is baked.

However, not everyone can afford such expensive equipment. Therefore, we suggest that you build a barbecue yourself. A barbecue usually looks like a box made of brick, concrete blocks, or stone, which does not have a front wall and the top part is open. When designing a barbecue, a number of factors must be taken into account. The design of the barbecue must ensure its absolute stability. The metal grill for frying should be located at a height that is most convenient for cooking, approximately 9-10 rows of bricks from the ground. If the grate is positioned too low, the vada will have to bend too much; if it is too high, you will be uncomfortable handling the food lying on it or your face will be too close to the hot coals. Place the cooking grate (grill) and the charcoal tray on the protrusions of bricks or on metal rods embedded in the seams between rows of bricks. They must be removable. For proper grilling, a barbecue needs a constant supply of fresh air, so it is necessary to create draft.

Sketch out the overall look of the barbecue, arranging shelves and worktops so that they best fit into the overall look and provide the necessary cooking facilities. Provide space to stack plates and store additional charcoal that may be needed during the roasting process.

Ready-made kits include: grill, charcoal tray, fasteners. Such kits are designed for installing a barbecue on your own. This is the easiest way to organize an outdoor cooking space.

You can also use a regular removable stove grate as a grill. Ideally, the area of ​​the grate should be larger than the area of ​​the fire, which will allow the food to move to the side and keep it hot without the fear of it burning. There should be a charcoal tray underneath the roasting rack, which is made from a mild steel sheet. A second, narrower grate is fixed directly above the pan, on which hot charcoal is placed: the ash falls into the pan, from where it can be easily removed. The roasting rack must be protected from the wind. To do this, the brick walls of the barbecue on the sides and back must be higher than the grill.

The simplest courtyard fireplace is a niche in a brick (stone) fence 100 x 140 cm high, semicircular, square or triangular in shape. It is better to make the floor of the hearth out of stones. The fire in such a fireplace burns steadily and evenly even in the windiest weather. And if you make a tin vault with a pipe, the draft and heat transfer will improve.

To build a fireplace, you need to dig a round pit with a depth of 40 cm and a diameter of 230 cm. The bottom, walls and edges are laid out with natural stone or brick on the edge. In the middle of the pit they make a round fireplace with a diameter of 80 cm. Above it, on a metal tripod made of pipes, a conical vault with a pipe made of sheet iron is installed. The fireplace is surrounded by a palisade fence with a diameter of 12-14 cm and a height of 60 cm. The stakes are driven (buried) into the ground, and at the top ends they are fastened together with staples made of wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm.

If there is frequent and heavy rainfall in your area, the fireplace boiler should be equipped with a drain pipe with water drainage into an absorption pit.

For cooking smoky dishes, a special type of fireplace is most suitable - a grill. In design, it is somewhat different from the usual one, since it has an open firebox with a grate and devices for hanging pots, skewers, etc. A wall-mounted monolithic grill made of concrete with a tin vault can be installed against the stone wall of the house, in the interior courtyard or against the brick wall of an outbuilding.

An open cylindrical grill made of brick (you can also use a reinforced concrete ring) is very convenient to use, which is placed with a subfloor or, even simpler, by filling the widened seams with a mortar mixed with fireclay sand or finely crushed red brick. This grill can be installed anywhere on the site.

When constructing a more advanced grill fireplace design, corners are used for the frame and struts, boards for side tables, sheet iron for the vault with a chimney, and red brick. The base is made of monolithic concrete.

The walls of the hearth are laid in half a brick with clay mortar mixed with asbestos, six rows high. In the third and fifth row (from the bottom), metal corners 50 x 50 mm and 45 cm long must be inserted, and for attaching the top and grates - the same size 45 x 45 cm.

The grate is made of sheet steel 3-4 mm thick, perforated with holes 10 mm in diameter in a checkerboard pattern; the upper one is made of steel strips with a cross-section of 20 x 5 mm, fixed edgewise to rods with a diameter of 10 mm.

The grill can be installed indoors, on the terrace, in the basement with the chimney pipe leading outside. When installing it outdoors between the hearth and the arch, it is advisable to make the back wall from sheet iron.

BBQ Accessories

Foil. Foil bags are great for frying small items like seafood or vegetables (they're perfect if you don't have a BBQ tray). You can add aromatic olive oil, citrus zest or fresh herbs to this package. To make the package, place the product in the center of a double-folded sheet of heavy-duty foil. Close the bag by folding the seams at the top and edges twice (leave a small hole for steam to escape). To avoid breaking the bag, turn it over with tongs.

Skewers. If you like to use metal skewers, then it is better to buy them not with a round cross-section, but with a twisted or square one, since on round skewers, when you turn them over, the product slides and can bake unevenly.

Be sure to soak wooden and bamboo skewers in water for 15 minutes before use to prevent them from catching fire. Dry them thoroughly. By the way, wooden and thin bamboo skewers do not slip, so their round shape is not a hindrance. To ensure that the product cooks evenly, do not put too many pieces on the skewer; there should be free space between them. It is advisable that pieces of equal size and products with the same cooking time be strung on one skewer. Large, thick onion rings won't fall apart or fall through the grill grate if you place them on two parallel skewers.

Long handled tongs. These tongs are indispensable for turning food and rake out coals. Do not turn meat or poultry with a fork; it may pierce the meat and the juices will leak out.

Brush. Use a brush to spread the sauce or grease the grate with vegetable oil.

Fish spatula. This spatula is good for turning delicate fish (fillets or whole fish) that might otherwise fall apart. For these purposes, you can use two spatula knives.

Brush. A stiff bristle brush is easy to clean the barbecue with. A V-shaped brush can be used to clean the barbecue on both sides at once.

Mittens. Buy elbow-length mittens made of non-flammable material.

Grill basket on hinges. The wire basket makes it easy to turn whole fish and other delicate foods.

BBQ tray. This grid with small holes is essential for roasting vegetables, seafood and fish fillets.

Tray for fried meat. Under no circumstances should you use the same dishes for raw and baked meat.

Double grilles with clamp. For baking fish or liver, it is good to have special double racks with a clamp so that the food does not fall apart.

Wide flat scoop. It can be used for its intended purpose for removing unnecessary coals at the end of a picnic, and additionally as a kind of fan for fanning the fire at the beginning of the ignition. You can use a fan powered by an electric network when barbecue is being prepared on the balcony (the outlet is nearby, and you don’t really want to wave your hands).

Picnic dishes. It is best to take disposable dishes for these purposes: you do not need to wash them and take them home; they are thrown away with the trash.

When installing and using yard fireplaces, we must not forget about fire safety measures. Place the barbecue on a flat surface so that it does not accidentally tip over.

Do not place barbecues under spreading trees, as intense heat can seriously damage them. For the same reasons of fire safety, do not install the barbecue too close to wooden buildings and fences, which may be damaged by soot and fire.

If the barbecue is installed on the lawn, the grass will almost certainly be trampled due to too much human traffic. Therefore, it is better to lay out the ground around stationary barbecues with tiles or bricks.

Make sure that the surrounding space can comfortably accommodate several people. If there is not enough space, plan the area so that your guests can move around freely.

To prevent toxic smoke from coal from accumulating, place the barbecue in a well-ventilated area and never barbecue indoors!

It is dangerous to add flammable mixtures to flames or burning coals. Gasoline and paraffin are especially dangerous because they can explode.

Trim off excess fat so that the fire does not flare up from droplets of fat falling from the product.

Use different dishes for raw and prepared foods. Wash all utensils, containers, cutting boards and counters with hot, soapy water after touching raw food.

After you've finished cooking, close the barbecue and vents so that the coals burn out completely. The ashes cool down for at least 48 hours. Dispose of burnt coals in a non-flammable container. If you need to dispose of coals before they have cooled, use long-handled tongs to remove them and bury them in sand or place them in a bucket of water.

The cooking grate (grill) and the charcoal tray must be removable: in the winter, when the barbecue is not in use, they are cleaned and put away to protect them from rust.

How to check the temperature in a barbecue. To get an idea of ​​the temperature in the barbecue, hold your hand, palm down, 10 cm from the fire. Count the seconds until the fire makes you pull your hand away:

1 c - the barbecue is well heated (190 °C and above);

2 c - medium heat (180-190 °C);

3 c — moderate temperature (150–180 °C);

4 c—temperature is low (100–150 °C).

If the fire is too hot, raise the grate you are cooking on and scatter the coals. In a closed barbecue, close the ventilation hole halfway. If you need to increase the heat, lower the grate on which you are frying food, brush the ashes off the coals and gather them closer to each other, adding coals around the edge. In a closed barbecue, open the vents completely.

Aromatization. To give chicken, ham, fish, pork or beef a citrus aroma, sprinkle orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit zest on the coals 5 minutes before cooking. And if you want your food to smell smoky, add aromatic wood shavings (dip them in water first to make the smell more pronounced and extend the burning time). Mesquite and caria trees are very suitable for this. You can also choose a tree yourself for a more exotic smell, such as alder, fruit trees or grapevine (add large chips at the beginning of the Roast; small splinters at the end, just to maintain the fire).

Fruits that are great for barbecuing include nectarines, plums, pineapples and peaches. Sweet and smoky-smelling cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and allspice peas are seductive. Just soak them in water and add them to the coals.

Make the aroma of meat, seafood and vegetables even more pleasant by sprinkling the coals at the end of cooking with rosemary or thyme sprigs, bay leaves, and wet, unpeeled garlic cloves.

BBQ Side Dishes. Under no circumstances should you offer rice or pasta as a side dish. The main side dish is vegetable salads (it’s stupid to prepare a meat salad for a meat barbecue).

A salad of fresh vegetables or just coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs is suitable. Baked vegetables can also be a good addition to meat: sweet peppers, tomatoes cut in half and onions cut into thick rings. The tomatoes should be kept until they are baked, the onions should be turned over once, and the peppers should be turned until the skin turns black on all sides. Then the tomatoes are sucked out of their skins, the onions are eaten just like that, and the charred skin is removed from the peppers before use. If there is any pepper left, you can cut it lengthwise into several pieces, put it in a jar, lightly salt it and add garlic. The next day you will have a great snack for lunch.

One of the most versatile side dishes that can be used for meat, fish and poultry is a potato side dish. If a barbecue is being prepared at home or in the country, then potatoes wrapped in foil are baked in a home oven and then placed on the side of the grill to keep them hot. This is very convenient, since the foil protects the product from burning. You need to know how to eat these potatoes correctly. Place the potatoes on a plate and use a knife to make a cut lengthwise through the foil, but not all the way down. Then they squeeze the potato with their fingers so that the cut opens. Insert a piece of butter into the cut and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. The oil soaks the potatoes, which are eaten out of the foil with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

If the barbecue is held away from the hearth, then at home the potatoes are first peeled, cut into slices and fried. Place potatoes on a piece of foil, sprinkle with spices, chopped herbs, cheese, etc. The foil is covered with an envelope. You get flat packages for each picnic participant. They take them with them and, at the right moment, place them on the grill to heat them up.

Types of barbecue

Barbecue on an open fire. Food is cooked directly over the fire. This method is good for foods that need to be cooked in less than 30 minutes: boneless chicken, steaks, fish fillets, hamburgers and hot dogs.

Barbecue on a closed fire. This method is similar to oven-roasting and is suitable for cooking foods that take more than 30 minutes to roast: roasts, whole turkeys, chicken with bones, ribs and brisket. Distribute the coals on both sides of the pan on the lower rack. When the coals are ready, place the product in a frying pan in the center of the barbecue. To add more moisture, you can add water, broth or fruit juice to the pan. Close the door and do not open it until the end of cooking or until you need to add coals (after about 1 hour). There is no need to turn the product over. In a closed barbecue you can arrange, for example, an impromptu smokehouse. To do this, you need to wrap a pile of fruit tree chips (you can add a handful of tea or some dried fruits) in a double layer of foil, pierce several small holes in the foil, and then put this bundle on the already hot coals. Place the grate with the prepared product over the coals and close the grill with a lid. From time to time you need to open the valve on the lid - then the temperature inside will not be too high and the product will not dry out.

BBQ cooking time


Fillet, steaks about 2 cm thick - 6 min.

Sardines - 2 min.

Whole unwrapped small fish - 15 min.

Whole wrapped small fish - 20 min.

King prawns - 6-8 min.

Squids - 2-3 min.


Chicken breasts, fillets - 10-12 min. Thighs - 20-25 min.

Wings and legs - 15-20 minutes.


Fillet, steaks about 2 pieces thick - 8 minutes. Sirloin - 10 min.

Rump, meat on the bone, ribs - 12 min.


Lamb chops - 4 min. Tenderloin, sirloin - 6 min.

On the bone - 8 minutes.


On the bone - 8 minutes. Chops - 8-10 min.

Keep barbecue meat in the refrigerator for as long as possible, and once it's ready, keep it warm in a warm oven.

Light the barbecue ahead of time: When you start cooking, the coals should be a shimmering red with a dusting of ash on top.

Keep raw and raw meat separate and use different utensils to handle it. Always wash your hands before cooking and between adding new food to the barbecue.

Steaks can be cooked rare, and cutlets and sausages should always be well done. The juice should flow clean.

Large pieces of meat can be baked in the oven first, and then finished on the barbecue. Try not to cut into the steak to see if it is ready: this will allow all the juices to drain out of the meat. It is better to press the surface with barbecue tongs. Bloody meat should be soft; it should be brown on the outside and red on the inside. A medium-cooked steak should be firm to the touch, but evenly brown on the outside and pinkish on the inside. Well-done meat is very firm to the touch, brown on the outside and evenly cooked on the inside. But it shouldn't be dry.

Never refreeze meat that has already been thawed once.

Shake off excess marinade before grilling or barbecuing as the coals may flare up suddenly.

Never leave a barbecue unattended.

Now that you have read everything carefully, you can safely be called, in modern computer language, confident users of a wonderful barbecue device that brings a whole lot of joy to everyone who participates in this event and gives a unique taste sensation with the aroma of smoke and spices.

It's time to get acquainted with recipes for cooking barbecue dishes from various food groups!

Barbecue with different types of meat

Beef is flavorful

600 g beef fillet, 2 shallots, 2 tbsp. spoons of balsamic vinegar, 500 g of new potatoes, 250 g of washed spinach, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, salt, pepper.

Rub the meat with finely chopped onion and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper and leave for 20 minutes. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and cook in a pan of boiling water for 12-15 minutes until tender. Remove from heat, add chopped spinach, cover and let sit for a few minutes until the spinach wilts slightly. Drain and toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil and salt and pepper. Meanwhile, grill the beef for 6 to 8 minutes per side, depending on thickness. Remove, cover with foil and leave for 5 minutes, then slice thinly on the diagonal. Serve with potatoes and spinach, drizzled with olive oil and aromatic vinegar.

How many types of citrus fruits do you know? Three? Five? What about 28? Indeed, in addition to the well-known orange, lemon, tangerine and grapefruit, this friendly family includes bergamot, pomelo, lime, clementine and many others.

But there is a fruit in this row whose fiery fruits are very difficult to pass by. This kumquat(it is also called kinkan, or Japanese orange).

This fruit is truly Mother Nature’s darling: in addition to its bright orange color, she has endowed it with a strong, pleasant aroma and unusual taste. Kumquat can be sweet or savory and sour; it is eaten with the skin - it is thin and has a slightly tart taste.

Fiery fruits contain many useful substances - vitamins and essential oils.

In addition, they have bactericidal properties, which have been used since ancient times in oriental medicine to treat fungal infections and respiratory diseases. Another important feature is that there are no nitrates in kumquat - they are simply incompatible with citric acid.

The fruits of this citrus fruit are used in cooking: they are used to decorate the table, added to fruit salads, sauces made from them, baked with meat and fish, jam made from them, candied and whole-fruit candied fruits are made. In addition, it is added to various cocktails.

The piquant sourness makes Japanese orange an original snack for strong drinks such as whiskey and cognac.

By the way, it’s customary only for us to snack on the latter with citrus fruits. According to legend, the tradition came from Emperor Nicholas II, who, not being a cognac lover, did not want to offend the supplier of the royal court, the owner of the Yerevan Brandy Factory, Nikolai Shustov.

After taking a few sips of the strong drink, the king snacked on it with lemon to justify the sour expression on his face. The rest had no choice but to follow suit, and thus a tradition was born.

Just leave a few pieces of kumquat in the morning when you have a snack - it perfectly relieves hangover syndrome.

If you prefer a more serious appetizer or simply like dishes worthy of the chefs of the best restaurants, try cooking chicken fillet or pork with kumquats.

You will need:

  • 1-2 kg boneless pork tenderloin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
  • 225 g kumquats;
  • 4 tbsp. l. orange confiture;
  • 10-12 fresh bay leaves.


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Place the pork in a baking dish and rub with salt. Bake in the oven for 1 hour, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees C for another 40 minutes. Add kumquats, drizzle with marmalade and bake for 10 minutes. Add bay leaves and mix with juice.

2. Bake for a further 10 minutes until the pork is golden and cooked through (poke it with a skewer - the juices should run clear). Cut the pork into pieces and serve with kumquats, pan juices and vegetable puree.

But, despite all the taste, usefulness and such a wide range of applications, kumquat still remains a curiosity for Belarusian consumers.

However, there is a place in the capital where the Japanese orange has found a cozy home. This is the fruit and vegetable department supermarket "European", where the kumquat is waiting for you to say: “Nice to meet you!”
