Dark chocolate face mask. A chocolate face mask is the best way to combat aging and sagging skin. Masks and their indications and contraindications

Beauties and fashionistas have long realized that chocolate is good for the skin. The leader in the content of vitamins and microelements that easily penetrate the skin is dark dark chocolate. With it you can significantly transform your skin even at home.

Today's site website will share wonderful recipes for chocolate masks.

The magic of chocolate masks for skin

Dark chocolate consists of grated cocoa beans, cocoa butter and contains more than 300 different valuable substances that are beneficial to our body, including the skin:

  • Amino acids;
  • Minerals (Magnesium, iron, calcium);
  • Tannin;
  • Specific tonic substances, for example dopamine, serotonin;
  • Organic acids;
  • Caffeine;
  • Lecithin;

It is known that skin cells and nerve cells have a strong relationship. Therefore, lecithin, which is beneficial for the nervous system and is part of chocolate, is also beneficial for the skin. This substance is heavily consumed by the body in moments of emotional overload. Chocolate masks can compensate for its deficiency.

The toning and skin-healthy composition makes it possible to successfully use chocolate in cosmetology. Cocoa butter restores radiance and velvety smoothness to the skin. In addition, chocolate has a healing effect on small wounds and suppresses inflammatory processes in the skin.

How to choose chocolate for beauty

If you choose chocolate for beauty and health, then you need to take dark dark chocolate. It contains a lot of grated cocoa and a minimal amount of sugar. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is worth reading the composition; bars that contain anything else instead of cocoa butter are not chocolate. Replacing cocoa butter with other confectionery oils makes the product cheaper. But, like a real product, it will not melt either in the mouth or in a water bath. Even if you have checked the expiration date of the product, sometimes you can come across chocolate with a white coating. He speaks of a violation of the temperature regime for storing the product. This type of chocolate is also not recommended for use.

Pay attention to the cocoa content, it should be as high as possible, at least 65%, ideally 99%. Also in making masks, good chocolate can be seen with cocoa powder.

Rules for chocolate masks

  1. You can use melted pure chocolate in masks without adding any additional ingredients. But, you can also enrich the composition with other useful ingredients, depending on your skin type and its condition.
  2. Masks are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin; there is no need to apply them before leaving the house in bright sunlight.
  3. The masks are kept on the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
  4. The mask is applied along massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. If you are using cocoa powder, add hot water until creamy.

How to make a chocolate face mask

  • For a mask, 60 g is enough. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  • Before use, melted chocolate is allowed to cool slightly to a warm state that is pleasant to the skin.
  • The remaining ingredients specified in the recipe are added to the slightly cooled chocolate, or the chocolate is applied in its pure form.
  • The mixture is mixed until smooth and applied to the face, ignoring the skin around the mouth and eyes. Application takes place along massage lines.

Chocolate mask recipes

Chocolate mask – freshness of the skin

Skin types: dry or sensitive.

  • Bitter dark chocolate melted in a water bath - 30 gr.
  • Natural honey - 1 teaspoon.
  • Coconut milk - 1 tablespoon.

The cooled homogeneous mass is applied to clean skin and left for 20 minutes. As a result of use, red, inflamed areas of the skin fade, the face gains radiance and smoothness.

Mask – rejuvenation

Skin types: dry, combination.

  • Melted chocolate 40g.
  • Oatmeal from flakes, ground in a coffee grinder - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.

Apply to the face, neck and décolleté area using massage movements. Keep for 20 minutes. As a result, the skin regains its elasticity, the main effect of the mask is to increase tone.

Mask – chocolate cleansing

Skin types: problematic, oily.

  • Cocoa powder teaspoon.
  • Turmeric ½ teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon ½ teaspoon.
  • Peach oil teaspoon.

To apply, you need to give the mixture a creamy state. Apply with massaging movements. Keep for 15 minutes. Spices accelerate blood circulation, and, consequently, the flow of nutrients into the skin.

Universal composition

Skin type: combination, normal.

  • 60 gr. melted chocolate in a water bath.
  • Peach or sesame, sesame or olive, sunflower or apricot oil - a teaspoon.

Apply for 10 minutes, gives the skin radiance.

Cocoa powder mask

Skin type: any.

A tablespoon of cocoa and boiled water are combined into a creamy mass. Keep on skin for ten minutes. A regenerating and toning effect is achieved.

Video recipe

Have you tried making chocolate face masks at home? Share in the comments!

Chocolate is unique product. Thanks to its composition, it strengthens, rejuvenates the skin, and makes it more toned.

To make masks, you can use regular store-bought chocolate ( natural black), or cocoa powder.

Chocolate based masks can be used for all skin types. Chocolate will strengthen sensitive skin and saturate it with useful substances.

There are some restrictions for . It is necessary to combine chocolate with additives that will degrease skin.

What product will you need?

The best option is bitter dark chocolate without flavoring additives. Study the composition carefully.

The more cocoa contained in a chocolate bar, the better.

It is desirable that the cocoa content is not lower than 50%, and also better from 70%. This product is more expensive, but it pays for itself due to its effectiveness.

Do not use chocolate with various flavors or fillers. All this "chemistry", which has nothing to do with benefits for the skin.

Chocolate should only be black. No dairy, white, etc. Porosity doesn't matter. You will still melt the tile and it will turn into a homogeneous mass.

It is highly desirable that the product does not contain coconut or palm oil.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


You need chocolate for the mask melt in a water bath, stirring. Then cool to approximately body temperature and combine with other ingredients. Apply to face for 20-25 minutes, then wash with clean warm water. You can also use mineral water to wash your face.

The face is required first clean thoroughly from grease, dirt, cosmetics. If you don't cleanse your skin well, spots may remain on it after the mask.

For one mask you will need about 2 tbsp. melted chocolate. In the recipes described below, you should focus on exactly this amount. Next, only the quantities of additional ingredients that need to be mixed with 2 tbsp are indicated. melted chocolate.

For oily skin:

For dry skin:

  1. 10 g natural ground coffee.
  2. 1 tsp. sour cream and fresh strawberries mashed into puree.
  3. 1 tsp oatmeal, a few drops of olive oil.
  4. Mix a few drops of olive oil with chocolate.
  5. 1 egg yolk, 5 drops lavender oil.

Masks for normal skin:

  1. Puree half an apple without peel and seeds in a blender.
  2. Mix with chocolate just before application so that the apple does not have time to darken.

  3. Grind 20 g of melon, add a few drops of almond oil. You can also add a tablespoon of pureed raspberries and banana instead of melon.
  4. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  5. 1.5 tsp each fresh orange juice and honey.

You can also apply it to normal skin types. just melted chocolate.

For aging skin:

  1. 1 tbsp. oat flour (you can grind oatmeal in a blender), 1 tsp. melted honey, 1 tsp. milk (cream).
  2. 1 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. honey

Efficiency and benefits

Chocolate face mask: how is it useful? This product speeds up healing skin, cleanses it helps protect against rashes.

When used correctly, the components of the mask penetrate deeply into the skin, strengthening and smoothing its deeper layers.

Chocolate contains a whole “arsenal” of substances that have beneficial influence on facial skin:

Helpful Tips:

  1. To replace chocolate, you can simply dilute cocoa powder in heated water or milk. But such a decoction will have a much less positive effect compared to dark chocolate.
  2. In order for chocolate to be better absorbed into the skin, you can apply it to the mask. apply polyethylene, and on top a towel soaked in warm water.


The only absolute contraindication is allergy to chocolate, which occurs quite often. It is also necessary to consider whether there are any allergies to all accompanying components.

It is forbidden apply a chocolate (like any other) mask to the face if the skin is damaged, there are even small scratches or abrasions on it.

In this case, you need to wait for healing and then use the mask.

When used correctly, chocolate masks are not only an effective remedy for the skin, but also a source Have a good mood.

Such homemade cosmetics will help cope with stress after a hard day, strengthen your overall tone.

Recipe for a chocolate face mask at home in this video:

There are several uses for chocolate. Some people use this product as a treat, others for health and skin care purposes. Chocolate face mask is gaining popularity every year. It is very pleasant and useful for people with problem skin.

Such masks are made from natural and high-quality chocolate, which consists of 75-85% cocoa powder. They are usually made at home, but some can be purchased at cosmetic departments. This procedure can also be done in a beauty salon, but it will not be cheap.

The effectiveness of a chocolate mask

One of the properties of the mask is deep nutrition. It is thanks to chocolate and its constituent components that the skin acquires a huge charge of vigor and freshness, and also receives a tonic effect. These masks contain a large number of useful elements that will help your facial skin regain its appearance and radiance.

Components included in the composition

Everyone knows that chocolate is made from cocoa beans; they, in turn, contain many vitamins such as:

PP - this niacin has an effect on skin tone, improving its appearance;

B1 is thiamine, it will prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as it has a rejuvenating effect;

B2 – riboflavin is able to speed up metabolism and improve cell respiration.

Theobromine will help supplement the capabilities of beans; it has a very good effect on cellular processes and thereby increases the formation of collagen, which gives elasticity and firmness to the skin.

Caffeine, in turn, will tone and rejuvenate sagging skin. Tryptophan will protect against the external environment and pollution. Phenylethylamine will increase blood flow, thereby providing all existing cells with oxygen. Vanilla and anandamide are responsible for the calming effect and make the skin more delicate, elastic and soft. Without glucose, which is included in the composition, it would not be so hydrated for a long time. This list is completed by lecithin and pectin, their protective and cleansing function will complement the above properties, and all of them will be beneficial for skin regeneration.

Masks and their indications and contraindications

A product of this type will give a good effect that you can enjoy. The main thing is to know what consistency to use for your face type, since masks are not suitable for everyone; you need to choose them individually. Those with oily skin are not advised to use pure chocolate; it tends to dry out the skin and it is better to mix it with another component. Its use may cause a contraindication, mainly beans cause an allergic reaction. If you are not allergic to chocolate, happily enjoy the pleasant procedure.

Popular recipes for chocolate masks

Nourishing mask

The mask contains high-quality chocolate 50 grams, in which the percentage of cocoa should be at least 75%, it must be heated in water or over low heat, stirring all the time. Add a tablespoon of olive, flax, grape, almond or peach oil. Then mix the ingredients well and distribute evenly over cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Apply starting from the chin and moving upwards. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with water. The main thing is that the benefits of the mask come instantly, and after a while it will delight you with better results.

Skin restoration mask

To prepare, you will need 50 grams of chocolate with a high cocoa content, melt it, add almond butter and a small spoon of black currant seeds. Then you need to mix everything and add a drop of rose oil. After application, rinse with warm water after half an hour.


You can also prepare it yourself using 50 g. Melt the chocolate over the fire and stir. Add liquid honey, the result should be a thick mass, which should be applied to the skin and left for 15-20 minutes and rinsed off. Below you can see pictures of the finished mask to compare with the one that turned out.

Mask with a toning effect

It also requires 50 grams of chocolate, which needs to be heated over a fire while stirring, add to it the pulp of ground orange, banana, peach, apricot, apple, melon, pear or berry, a teaspoon at a time. Apply and leave on the skin for half an hour, then wash with water. Reading the reviews, we can say that the mask really tones, moisturizes and gives elasticity.

Despite the fact that they are very simple and do not require a huge number of components, they bring results. Masks have restorative, moisturizing effects, are able to tighten and deeply nourish the skin, provide vitamins and make it elastic. It is recommended to do them regularly to achieve excellent results.

Chocolate is a mysterious delicacy.

Scientists have not yet fully understood how cocoa beans act on human physiology. But what is certain is that chocolate masks for the face and body work as an effective cosmetic product.

Choose any one and test the power of cocoa beans for yourself. You won't be disappointed - that's for sure.

Benefits of chocolate for skin

The beneficial effect of chocolate on the skin is explained by the fact that the delicious delicacy contains many useful substances. A dark chocolate bar contains:

polyphenols– antioxidant substances that fight skin aging, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and relieve the signs of stress on the face;

alkaloid theobromine– a substance similar in properties to caffeine, capable of breaking down fat cells and providing a lifting effect;

caffeine– a blood circulation stimulator that has anti-cellulite properties, normalizes lymph flow, relieves puffiness, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Cosmetologists believe that caffeine accelerates fat burning processes and helps fight excess weight and cellulite. A chocolate bar contains about 30 mg of caffeine.

The cosmetic industry uses the beneficial properties of chocolate to create scrubs and creams. In beauty salons and resorts, women are offered wraps and chocolate masks for the face and body. One session - and the swelling has already disappeared, the face is fresher, wrinkles and stretch marks have become less noticeable, and the skin on the thighs and abdomen pleases with elasticity.

Such pleasure costs good money; some women do not have access to it. But in home cosmetology everything is possible, even an effective chocolate procedure with a guaranteed result.

Indications and rules for using chocolate masks

For the procedure to be truly effective, it is important to remember the rules for using chocolate for cosmetic purposes. The main rule is to use only dark chocolate without confectionery additives and with a minimum amount of sugar. Milk and white chocolates are not used because they contain too few cocoa beans.

Contraindications to applying a chocolate mask to the face and body are allergies to chocolate, skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis), acute respiratory viral infections in the initial stage.

Indications for the use of masks with chocolate:

Tired, flabby skin;

Age-related aging;

Dry skin;

Sagging skin;

Excess weight;

Chronic fatigue;

Constant stress.

Chocolate masks for face and body are best done either in courses or regularly. For example, make 6-7 masks in 2-3 days or move on to other care products. Either apply a mask to your face 1-2 times every week, do a body wrap or take a chocolate bath. Chocolate bars are heated in a water bath. They can be replaced with cocoa powder. To prepare chocolate masks for the face and body, it is diluted in water or milk and mixed with additional ingredients.

Chocolate face masks

Chocolate mass is used for dry, normal, dehydrated, aging facial skin. There are recipes for masks for problematic and sensitive skin. The composition works on the skin for half an hour. Then you need to rinse it off with cool water and treat the skin with tonic.

Nourishing with olive oil

Melt ½ bar of dark chocolate. Pour in 1 tsp. olive oil, stir. Apply not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté.

Firming with clay and apple juice

For those with aging skin, the mask will give a lifting effect. You will need 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay, ½ chocolate bar, freshly squeezed apple juice. Dilute the clay with juice to the consistency of sour cream, combine with the melted chocolate mass. Instead of apple juice, you can take berry or other fruit juice.

Moisturizing with honey and sour cream

Melt ¼ chocolate bar, combine with 1 table. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 table. l. white clay (can be replaced with red). After you wash off the mask, the skin will glow, become elastic and soft. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Moisturizing with oil, yolk and avocado

After the procedure, dry skin will be filled with life-giving power and get rid of the grayish tint. Mash the ripe avocado to a puree, mix 3 tablespoons. l. melted chocolate, raw yolk, 1 tsp. grape or almond oil.

Cleanser with spices for problematic and oily skin

For ¼ bar of liquid chocolate, take ½ tsp. turmeric and cinnamon. Add 1 tsp. olive oil, mix everything thoroughly. When applying, massage the skin to remove the stratum corneum.

Cleansing with aloe and fruit juice

This mask option is suitable for problematic and oily skin. You will need fresh nettle, 2 aloe leaves, red currants, lemon, apple. Squeeze 1 tsp from plants and fruits. juice, add chocolate mixture. You need to melt ¼ of the tile.

Moisturizing with cocoa powder

Dissolve 1 table. l. cocoa in warm water or milk heated until warm. Add liquid gradually so that the consistency of the finished mask resembles thick sour cream and does not run down your face. As a result of the procedure, the skin will become matte, velvety, fresh.

For aging dry skin with oatmeal and honey

A wonderful mask will tighten your face and help dry skin fill with strength and radiance. Grind 1 tablespoon in a coffee grinder. l. rolled oats, combine with 1 table. l. honey and the same amount of cocoa. Dilute everything with warmed milk, and if the skin is very dry, with cream.

Moisturizing and cleansing for problematic skin

Combine ½ tsp. pharmaceutical glycerin, 1 tsp. melted dark chocolate, 1 tsp. polysorb, 1 tsp. oatmeal Add the beaten egg white, mix everything well. After the procedure, the skin will become more elastic and the number of acne will decrease.

Chocolate body mask

Using chocolate as a body mask, you can solve several problems: increase skin elasticity, get rid of stretch marks, reduce cellulite in problem areas of the body. You can make masks with both chocolate and cocoa powder.

To increase elasticity and get rid of stretch marks

This composition uses both chocolate and cocoa powder. Melt a bar of dark chocolate, add 3 tablespoons to the mixture. l. cocoa and 1 table. l. sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the composition to the problem area and massage the stretch marks for 7-10 minutes. Leave the mask on for another ten minutes, then take a warm shower.

Anti-cellulite with cocoa

This mask is an alternative to the salon chocolate wrap procedure. Its action is aimed at reducing the layer of subcutaneous fat and actively burning it. After a course of procedures, body volumes are reduced, the “orange peel” on the hips and abdomen is smoothed out. At the same time, stretch marks become less noticeable, and the skin acquires pleasant elasticity.

Dissolve a 200 gram pack of regular cocoa with ½ liter of hot water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until it is smooth and cools until warm. Using your hands, apply the warm mixture to areas of the body with cellulite: buttocks, thighs, abdomen. Carefully wrap the body with thick cling film. If it is too thin, you will have to spend more time: the material easily tears and sticks together.

Keep the mask on your body for 45-50 minutes. To increase blood circulation in the area where the composition is exposed, perform any physical exercises, do home fitness: squats, push-ups, walk in place. Carefully remove the film and take a warm or cool shower. Apply milk or lotion with anti-cellulite effect to the skin, which does not require rinsing.

Anti-cellulite chocolate bath

To smooth out cellulite tubercles, reduce body volume in the hips and abdomen, and restore skin elasticity, try an anti-cellulite bath. This is a pleasant relaxing procedure that will help relieve tension and give pleasure.

Fill a standard pack of 200 g of cocoa with 1 liter. hot water. Mix well until all the lumps of cocoa powder are dispersed. Fill a warm bath and pour the cocoa solution into it. Submerge yourself in the fragrant water and enjoy for 20 minutes. Take a shower, massaging problem areas.

Chocolate masks for face and body are a budget-friendly way to take care of yourself at home. Cooking them is simple and pleasant, and the result is even more pleasing. The procedures effectively combat dryness, sagging, and swelling.

How difficult it is to deny yourself such a pleasure as chocolate, but consuming it leaves your skin covered with imperfections and your figure heavier. At the same time, chocolate can have a reverse effect on both the face and the contours of the body if it is not consumed internally, but used as a cosmetic product.

The original use of this aromatic delicacy will appeal to every representative of the fair sex, because, in addition to its excellent rejuvenating and firming properties, chocolate during the procedure brings a lot of incomparable pleasure.

Magic cocoa beans guard your beauty!

The main active ingredient in chocolate is, so it is worth considering in detail exactly its effect on the skin of the face and body.

Cocoa is one of the foods that is especially rich in antioxidants, which in turn neutralize free radicals and improve blood circulation in skin cells. Regular use of chocolate face masks helps improve complexion and create a healthy glow. In addition, cocoa beans saturate cells with minerals and vitamins, due to which the tone and turgor of the skin increase, and facial contours become clearer.

Not every candy can rejuvenate you: we recommend using chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa.

15 minutes of pleasure: chocolate face mask at home

Before applying a chocolate face mask to the surface of the skin, we recommend conducting an allergy test. As you know, chocolate is a strong allergenic product that can manifest its undesirable properties not only when ingested, but also during a beauty procedure. Agree that skin itching, redness and rash are not at all the results you should strive for.

Now let's begin the process of preparing a chocolate face mask. We will need a bowl, a flat synthetic bristle brush, ground coffee (or facial peeling) and follow the rules below:

  1. select the main active component of the mask. Give preference to chocolate that contains more than 75% cocoa;
  2. prepare your facial skin for the procedure. Apply a scrub of ground coffee beans to the surface of the skin and gently massage in circular movements over the face;
  3. melt the chocolate. One face mask requires half a bar of chocolate or two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Following the recipe, add all the necessary ingredients and mix the mass thoroughly;
  4. Apply the composition along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth;
  5. keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Clean your face with wet wipes or warm running water;
  6. complete the procedure with a cream for your skin type.

Melted chocolate will benefit from adding different ingredients to it: a lot depends on the problem that you want to solve with the help of a face mask. In most cases, chocolate or cocoa is mixed with oils, fruit pulp, clay, as well as honey and dairy products.

Dark chocolate mask

With this mask you can restore cell membranes and speed up blood circulation. It is especially useful to do it in the cold season, because a dark chocolate mask improves the protective properties of the dermis.

  • Dark chocolate – 25 g
  • Green coffee oil – 8 ml
  • Starch - 7 g

Melt the chocolate in a water bath until it becomes paste-like, add butter and starch. Distribute the mask over the cleansed face towards the lymph nodes. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask with a contrast wash.

Chocolate mask for normal skin

Protects against negative environmental factors, maintains optimal acid-base balance, supplies the skin with useful substances, and improves appearance.

  • Dark chocolate – 50 g
  • Melon, apricot, pear or peach pulp - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mix melted chocolate with fruit pulp and apply to the skin in an even layer for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Chocolate mask for oily or combination skin

Eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, normalizes cellular metabolism, and actively affects the sweat and sebaceous glands.

  • Melted chocolate - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Orange juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix chocolate with juice and apply to cleansed skin. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Cocoa powder mask

Cocoa will help rejuvenate the dermis, improve complexion, smooth out scars and folds.

  • Cocoa – 16 g
  • Dark chocolate – 18 g
  • Avocado pulp

Peel the avocado, remove the pit and grind in a blender. Add cocoa to the melted chocolate and mix thoroughly. Add avocado. Pre-steam your facial skin, then apply the mask in a thick layer for half an hour. Rinse with warm water (preferably mineral water) with the addition of coconut oil.

Milk chocolate mask

  • Milk chocolate – 18 g
  • Cottage cheese – 15 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Patchouli essential oil

Grind the cottage cheese and chocolate in a blender, add a little tea for a more plastic consistency. Add some essential oil and cinnamon. Apply the mask for 18 minutes, rinse with water or herbal decoction of thyme and chamomile.

White chocolate and honey mask

The mask is perfect for combination and normal skin. Well tones and moisturizes. However, it may not be suitable for allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is better to test it before applying.

  • White chocolate – 25 g
  • Honey – 8 g
  • Perga (bee pollen) – 2 g

Melt honey and chocolate in a water bath, mix thoroughly and add bee bread. Apply the mask to cleansed skin. After complete drying, the mask can be removed.

Chocolate mask with olive oil and calendula

Suitable for dehydrated dermis. Tightens and improves skin turgor, restores lipid metabolism of cells and removes toxins.

  • Chocolate – 18 g
  • Olive oil – 7 ml
  • Calendula flowers – 3 g

Grind dried calendula flowers in a coffee grinder and combine them with olive oil and melted chocolate. Steam your facial skin, apply the mask and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm green tea.

Chocolate mask with strawberries

Suitable for oily skin. Helps tighten pores, even out tone, reduces subcutaneous sebum production and gives skin a healthier appearance.

  • Dark chocolate – 18 g
  • Strawberries - 5 medium berries
  • Rye flour - 7 g

Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and grind in a mortar along with strawberries, add flour. Apply the mask to pre-steamed skin for 10-12 minutes. Rinse with warm water at room temperature and tangerine essential oil.

Mask with chocolate and mint

Suitable for problem skin. Reduces pigmentation, activates blood circulation, stops the spread of infection.

  • Milk chocolate – 14 g
  • Mint - 5-6 leaves
  • Cosmetic clay – 16 g
  • Peppermint essential oil

Crush the chocolate in a mortar with mint leaves, add clay and oil. If required, dilute with mineral water to achieve the desired consistency. Wipe the skin with the herbal infusion and spread the mask for 7-8 minutes. After removing the mask, apply zinc ointment to existing inflammations.

Orange-chocolate mask

Used for acne, redness and pimples.

  • Chocolate – 8 g
  • Sour cream (10%) – 15 g
  • Lemongrass or sandalwood essential oil

Whisk the sour cream, add melted chocolate and essential oil. Clean your face with cosmetic milk and apply the mask in circular movements for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask with chocolate and cream

Prevents the appearance of uneven pigmentation, prevents the appearance of wrinkles from the action of ultraviolet rays. Helps restore skin's moisture balance and elasticity.

  • Dark chocolate – 20 g
  • Cream - 15 ml
  • Spirulina – 1 tablet

Crush the spirulina and pour in warm cream. Add warm chocolate. Stir thoroughly. Use white clay to cleanse your face. Apply the mask from the chin to the cheekbones, then to the forehead. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Chocolate anti-wrinkle mask

The name of the mask speaks for itself. The effect is noticeable after the first use. The mask deeply nourishes the skin and prevents the formation of new wrinkles.

  • Dark chocolate – 24 g
  • Laminaria – 18 g
  • Almond oil – 6 ml

Pour dry seaweed powder into warm milk. After an hour, add melted chocolate and butter. Apply the mask along the massage lines for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with coconut oil.

Dessert for hair

No less popular is the chocolate mask, which activates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby restoring strength and thickness to the hair. It is enough to use a chocolate hair mask once a week to subsequently become the owner of a chic head of hair.

Below is an easy and easy mask recipe that is suitable for any hair type: melt 100 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath, add a blended banana, a couple of tablespoons of honey and milk. Apply the composition to the scalp and hair, wrap with cling film and wrap with a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Chocolate baths and wraps for the elite

If you have been struggling for a long time and unsuccessfully with extra centimeters on your waist and “orange peel” on your hips, then it’s time to resort to a chocolate body mask. By using a dark chocolate mask for wraps and baths, you will trigger collagen synthesis, fill your skin with nutrients and enjoy the relaxing effect of the cosmetic procedure.

To achieve smooth, beautiful and silky body skin, you will need at least 5-7 sessions of chocolate wraps. The following chocolate body mask is especially effective and useful: mix 250 grams of cocoa with a bag of dried ginger, olive oil and a couple of tablespoons of white or blue clay. Keep the resulting mixture on problem areas of the body for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.

And finally: the above recipes for chocolate masks for the face, hair and body are simple to implement, but very effective - you can see the effect of them in the mirror the very next day, and regular use will only strengthen and consolidate the previously achieved result.
