Natural medicinal product from sunflower honey, beneficial properties and contraindications of nectar. Sunflower honey or sunflower honey

Sunflower honey is not in demand among everyone. Many people do not buy this variety, considering it to be of little use. Others don't like it because it crystallizes quickly. Despite this drawback, it does not in any way affect the organoleptic properties and does not make it less useful in comparison with other types of honey products. Sunflower honey is rich in pollen and has good tonic properties.

What are the benefits of sunflower honey?

Sunflower is a well-known plant from the seeds of which a delicious aromatic oil is obtained. The flowers are rich in pollen and bees readily visit them. In addition, their flowering period lasts about three weeks. During the season, one bee colony can collect up to 50 kilograms of honey.

It contains many nutrients:

Vitamin A;

Vitamin E;

Vitamin PP;

Rare enzymes;

Amino acids;


Sunflower honey typically has a bright yellow color that ranges from light yellow to golden orange. Even when crystallized, it retains a bright yellow pigment. but may take on a slight beige tint.

A characteristic feature of this variety is its rapid crystallization. Honey begins to crystallize naturally after 20 days. 2 months after collection, regardless of its storage conditions, it completely crystallizes.

Crystallization does not make it less useful than fresh. It retains all the nutritional elements as fresh. Only heat treatment can destroy them and reduce their nutritional value.

The scent is light, with notes of straw, wax, pollen, fresh hay, pineapple and tomato leaves.

The taste is oily, perhaps heavy due to the thick consistency and the fact that sunflower is still an oilseed crop, slightly grassy, ​​reminiscent of melted sugar. After crystallization, fruity notes are felt with an aftertaste of ripe apricots and anise.

Sunflower honey beneficial properties

Honey is nutritious and rich in beneficial compounds that give it antibacterial, tonic, and antioxidant properties. It is an excellent natural remedy for solving a number of health problems, ranging from coughs to constipation, sore throat, gastritis, and acne.

Very useful for digestion, promotes rapid healing of wounds, restoration of the respiratory tract after infections. Here are the main properties of this honey.

Has antibacterial properties

Honey contains a natural antibacterial agent produced by the interaction of glucose and an enzyme secreted by bees called glucose oxidase.

This compound, together with the acidic pH value of honey and its relatively low moisture content, is responsible for its antibacterial effect and promotes accelerated wound healing.

Treats respiratory diseases

Any honey is a good remedy for treating or at least improving the symptoms of respiratory infections such as colds or flu.

Sunflower honey is thick, which helps it stick better to the mucous membrane of the throat, creating a protective layer that reduces inflammation and speeds up its healing.

It also has a soothing effect on the throat and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Crystallized is best added to tea (crystals can damage the sensitive, inflamed mucous membrane of the throat).

It is important to remember that the tea should be at room temperature so as not to destroy all the beneficial substances contained in the honey.

In addition, sunflower honey with lemon juice is a good natural expectorant.

Good for the stomach

This variety, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, is good for relieving stomach pain. It helps with gastritis and improves the condition.

Has tonic properties

Honey is nutritious, contains glucose and sugars, vitamins, microelements, which are natural tonics. It contains essential amino acids and some enzymes, which only increases the nutritional value and makes it a good addition to the diet.

Antioxidant properties

Antioxidant compounds are found in all types of honey. Sunflower honey is no exception.

Their role is to protect cells from harmful reactive oxygen molecules called free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells, cause inflammatory reactions and contribute to the development of chronic diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.

Suitable for skin care

It is best to use honey before it begins to crystallize. It can be applied to the face in its pure form and left on for 20 minutes. then rinse with warm water.

It has both a nourishing and cleansing effect, making the skin softer, more radiant, and cleanses pores.

Moreover, its antibacterial properties reduce the number of bacteria on the skin and prevent the development of acne.

Once it begins to crystallize, it can be used to exfoliate in addition to nourishing the skin. Just do not press too hard when cleansing so as not to damage the skin with honey crystals. Then rinse your face with warm water.

Boosts immunity

Good immunomodulatory properties are provided by the high presence of pollen. Depending on the batch of honey, it can contain up to 30 percent pollen or more. It helps improve immune function and protect against various infections.

If you take sunflower honey regularly, it will help:

Balance metabolism;

Improve bone calcification;

Reduce cholesterol.

It is useful for:

Heart diseases;





Sunflower honey contraindications

Because sunflower honey often contains a relatively high proportion of pollen, it is likely to cause an allergic reaction. This is especially true for people who are allergic to sunflower pollen.

Pollen is beneficial, stimulates the immune system and helps strengthen the immune system. However, in some people it causes allergic reactions such as rashes, itching and more severe symptoms.

When the first signs of an allergy appear, you should contact medical care.

How quickly does sunflower honey crystallize?

Compared to many other varieties, it crystallizes quite quickly: from three weeks to two months.

However, this special feature only adds to its beneficial properties. Researchers suggest that beneficial nutrients are better absorbed in this form. After all, candied honey needs to be kept in your mouth longer. Especially if you put a spoonful of honey under the tongue, where many receptors are located.

Despite the fact that honey is not very convenient for the buyer due to its rapid crystallization, it is tasty and quite nutritious. It goes well with many types of cheese, seasonings, and is used in cooking in the preparation of sweets, desserts, and baked goods.

The high presence of pollen gives it an added advantage. But unfortunately, it can also cause allergies. And yet there is no need to refuse to buy and include it in your diet. Moreover, this variety is one of the cheapest.

Sunflower honey has a mustard or golden hue. Its aroma is reminiscent of hay, apricot and delicious fried potatoes. This product tastes like a fruit mix with a slight hint of sourness.

Beneficial features

Sunflower honey is a leader in the content of active substances in its composition. Sunflower honey contains many vitamins, amino acids and valuable proteins. If sunflower honey is candied and covered with a white hard crust, then it contains a lot of glucose. The lack of this substance in the body provokes the development of heart disease. Therefore, you need to eat sunflower honey every day, but in small quantities.

Consuming sunflower honey will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, promote the elimination of toxic substances, improve liver function, relieve swelling and is a good remedy for treating diseases of the urinary system. With this remedy you can strengthen the heart, cure inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, and atherosclerosis. If you consume sunflower honey, you can normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and get rid of osteochondrosis.

The beneficial properties will be useful to people who suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers. The enveloping and soothing properties of this product help cure various diseases. Sunflower honey product is also often used in cosmetology: it is used to restore hair structure, cleanse and nourish the skin. Sunflower beekeeping product can be added to shampoos, creams, and body balms.

The antiviral properties that sunflower honey has will help protect the body from colds, flu, and respiratory infections. Doctors advise using a sunflower honey product combined with cinnamon. In this case, it is possible to carry out powerful prevention of arthritis and improve health at an early stage of the development of cancer. The daily intake of this product is 3 tsp.

Sunflower honey is added to various dishes. But most often this product becomes an ingredient in drinks and desserts. Sunflower honey is recognized as a powerful protector against viruses and even has anti-allergic characteristics. Consuming this product helps improve your stomach condition. It is used for diarrhea, and sometimes sunflower honey is used to treat malaria. This product should be included in the diet of people with diseases of the nervous system.

The beneficial properties of sunflower honey strengthen the vascular system, normalize blood pressure, improve metabolic processes, and optimize blood circulation. This beekeeping product must be eaten at any age. But sunflower honey is especially beneficial for children and the elderly.

Schoolchildren and students need to consume sunflower honey product more often. This is due to the increased mental load that students experience. If you eat bee products in moderation, you can strengthen your immune system, increase brain activity, endurance and stress resistance.


No matter how valuable the composition that sunflower honey is, before consuming it, it is better to check whether a person is allergic to any components of the product. Apply a drop of honey on your wrist and wait for a while. If there is no discomfort, burning or redness, then you can use sunflower honey in your diet. People who have previously experienced an allergy to a sunflower bee product should consult a doctor and have it diagnosed. This way you can protect yourself from possible allergic reactions and learn only the beneficial properties.

People with weak immune systems may experience a negative reaction to bee products. Therefore, you should not eat sunflower honey product in large doses.

Also, contraindications that do not allow eating sunflower bee products apply to people prone to allergies and anyone who suffers from obesity. The large number of calories that sunflower honey contains can cause an increase in body fat mass. Frequent use of this product should be avoided if a person tends to be overweight.

If a person has no contraindications, it is necessary to take sunflower honey. And this product should always be in the family diet, because it is a treasury of valuable substances that are difficult to find in other foods.

Sunflower honey is a natural energy drink. Therefore, its beneficial properties will be useful to people who experience a feeling of fatigue, apathy, or are exposed to stress factors.

Sunflower is not only a valuable oilseed crop, actively grown in many countries, but also an excellent honey plant. This plant blooms from about mid-July, and its flowering lasts about a month. During this period, bees living near the sunflower field actively collect pollen and nectar from it, and the honey they produce is called sunflower.

Characteristics and distinctive features

Vitamins and minerals

The composition of any honey is very rich and consists of more than three hundred compounds that are in an easily digestible form for the human body and are quickly absorbed into the blood. It includes the following bioactive substances:

  • vitamins (, E, PP, and), β-carotene;
  • enzymes, proteins, amino acids and antioxidants;
  • minerals. Mostly and, to a lesser extent, copper and other chemical elements.

Sunflower honey includes some substances that are contained specifically in the “sunny flower” - choline, betaine, solantic acid. It also contains organic acids.

When processing nectar, bees enrich it with enzymes such as invertase, catalase, phosphatase, and diastase.

Contains 27 amino acids necessary for the body, many of which are essential for humans, since they enter the body only with food. Most of all proline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, tyrosine.

Beneficial properties of sunflower honey

This beekeeping product has a number of healing properties and can help with many ailments.

The high level of glucose in it will help with surgery, gain weight, strengthen the heart and improve well-being.

Like any flower honey, it has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, stimulating, tonic, restorative, soothing and other effects on the human body. But it is precisely in it that there is the most glucose, which is the main source of energy for nerve and muscle cells.

To strengthen the immune system

The beneficial properties of this product are effectively used for the treatment and prevention of colds, as it has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral properties. It perfectly strengthens the human immune system and gives a boost of energy to effectively fight against adverse factors.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and. Stimulates appetite, has a positive effect on metabolism, helps get rid of intestinal colic, and removes excess water. It thins the mucus in the stomach, has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and gently removes feces.

For the cardiovascular system

The high glucose level of this product most effectively affects the work of the heart muscle, charging it with energy. This provides a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system. The use of this remedy is especially useful for inflammation of the heart muscle, ischemia, arrhythmia, high blood pressure and other heart diseases.

For the nervous system

It has a calming effect and helps fight and. It also has a mild hypnotic effect. Many people know this remedy: drink a glass with a spoonful of honey before bed. Glucose, together with a whole complex of substances that are beneficial for the body, reduces the excitability of nerve endings, which calms and guarantees a restful sleep, and taking honey in the morning guarantees a surge of vigor and good health.

For skin

Its external application is used for wound healing. It has a regenerating, rejuvenating, moisturizing and lymphatic drainage effect on the skin, nourishes it, and increases elasticity. Suitable for all skin types. It softens and nourishes dry skin, relieves inflammation of problematic skin, gives a healthy appearance and tightens normal skin. Of course, such a product is actively used in various body wraps; it is actively used for anti-cellulite honey.

Important! Before using this beekeeping product in a cosmetic product for the first time, you should check your skin's reaction to it, as it may be an allergen. Apply a small amount to your wrist and wait 10-15 minutes. If no negative reactions are observed, you can safely use it. If you are the owner of spider veins, then you still have to stop using honey cosmetics.

How not to make mistakes when buying

Due to its high crystallization, this product is difficult to package. Sunflower honey is bought at the market or at fairs, but it is best to purchase it directly from trusted beekeepers who have already proven themselves to be conscientious sellers. It is never passed off as other types of honey, since it is already the cheapest. It is distinguished by its high density, yellow color, and weak but pleasant honey aroma.

Take a dessert spoon with you and ask the seller to let you try the product. The grains of this honey quickly melt on the tongue, have a delicate texture, and your throat should feel a little sore afterwards. Too thin honey should alert you; the presence of a caramel aftertaste or sour taste are signs of a poor quality product. A small white glucose crust is considered normal.

If the bees were actively fed with sugar syrup, then such honey will have no aroma.

You can first buy a small amount of honey from your chosen seller and experiment at home by adding iodine to it. You need to dissolve it in water, add a few drops of iodine: if the solution turns blue, then starch was added to the product.

Storage conditions

In order to preserve the beneficial properties of sunflower honey, it must be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature in the range from 4 to 20°С, humidity should not exceed 75% . At a temperature of 37°C, it loses almost 200 useful components.

The containers for storing honey must be washed well beforehand. A container made of glass, clay or porcelain is suitable for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to store this product in a metal container, as it oxidizes and becomes harmful to health. It is very practical to store in glass jars. Since this product absorbs odors well, it should not be stored with substances that have a strong odor (paint, kerosene, gasoline, etc.)

How to use and where to add it

Due to its excellent taste and beneficial qualities, sunflower honey has been widely used for cooking for many centuries. In the old days it was used as sweetener instead of sugar. This sweetness is still added to the dough for the preparation of many confectionery products. But they always put less honey in the dough than sugar. Each of us tried honey gingerbread or Honey cake. Baked goods with the addition of this product retain their freshness much longer. Thus, the famous Tula honey gingerbreads could be stored for years.
In cooking, honey is added to porridge, cottage cheese, and consumed with and.

They use honey to make sbitni, jam, and make honey kvass. Honey is also used to prepare meat dishes. So, if you grease the skin of a chicken with honey, it will turn out crispy and golden when baked.

Honey is also used for preservation as an excellent marinade with the addition of a variety of herbs and seasonings. Due to its chemical composition, it is an excellent preservative and prevents products from spoiling and oxidizing.

It can be added to various drinks, salad dressings, and some desserts.

Traditional medicine recipes

Honey has long been used in many recipes to treat various diseases.

Important! When taking honeyinsideit should not be subjected to heat treatment. It is better to take it as food not with a hot drink, but use boiled water at room temperature or slightly warm for this purpose. Juices and fermented milk drinks are also perfect.

For anemia

Due to its rich chemical composition, consumption of sunflower honey in food helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood. For this purpose, patients suffering from anemia are recommended to eat this product for a month, about 100-150 grams every day. It is recommended to drink it with fermented milk products - or sour milk. During the treatment period, you need to eat about three kilograms of this sweet medicine.

For hemorrhoids

Sunflower honey has good healing properties. This ability is used for healing. To do this, it is used in the following forms:

  • consumed internally;
  • in the form of gauze lotions;
  • in the form of homemade rectal suppositories;
  • in the form of an ointment externally;
  • dissolve in warm water for sitz baths;
  • for microenemas. To do this, a microclyster bulb is filled with honey solution. This treatment for a week helps to significantly improve the condition in the presence of hemorrhoids.

To treat internal nodules, it is better to use honey that has been candied. But for the treatment of external nodes, a liquid product is well suited.

For cracked heels

The healing property of this product is used in the treatment of cracked heels. For this purpose, make a honey cake as follows - knead the dough from one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of flour. Divide the dough into two equal parts. Before going to bed, soak your feet for about ten minutes and apply a honey cake to each heel, fixing it with a bandage or polyethylene, and then put on socks.
In the morning, everything is removed, the cakes are rolled back into a ball for the next use, and the feet are thoroughly washed. The course of treatment is five to six procedures. After this treatment, all the old rough skin will fall away, the cracks will disappear or become noticeably smaller, and the heels will become soft again.

To treat cracked heels, you can prepare a special ointment at home. To do this, thoroughly mix 80 grams of honey, 20 grams of fat, 3 grams of “Xeroform”. This ointment is applied to cracks once every two to three days. Then a gauze bandage is placed on the ointment and socks are put on. The course of treatment is three weeks maximum until the cracks are completely healed.

Contraindications and harm

Sunflower honey has the following list of contraindications:

  1. Allergies. Sunflower pollen is an allergen, so honey made from it is contraindicated for people suffering from allergic diseases. You can test for it at home. To do this, apply a drop of this product to your wrist and rub in a little. When allergic reaction(redness, itching, rash) you should avoid eating this honey.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women. Even if the mother does not have allergies, the child may be negatively affected by allergens entering the body.
  3. Children's diathesis. Any type of allergen in babies can cause a strong reaction.
  4. Diabetes. Any honey product contains, in addition to fructose, glucose and sucrose. The consumption rate of these components should be strictly limited by the attending physician for people suffering from diabetes.
  5. Obesity. Due to the content of a significant proportion of carbohydrates, it can contribute to weight gain.

Important! If an allergen enters the human body, it can lead to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, if signs such as rash, redness, itching, swelling, fever, respiratory or cardiac problems appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This product will be useful for nursing mothers and small children in the absence of allergic reactions. But when it is introduced into the diet, they start with a small spoon and carefully monitor the body’s reactions or use the above-described wrist method to determine allergic reactions.

Other varieties

Along with sunflower, there are many other varieties of honey: linden, angelica, acacia, sweet clover, clover, herbs, buckwheat, pine and others. Their names and features depend on the main honey plant. Let's look at some of them.


The most common species in our country after sunflower. The peduncle for it is a well-known agricultural crop - buckwheat. It has a sweet taste, brown color and a fragrant floral aroma. It also crystallizes quickly, but is more saturated with vitamins and various other types. Useful for anemia, weak immunity, digestive diseases.


Angelica honey is not easy to buy - it is rare and often counterfeited. It is viscous, with a pleasant delicate aroma, its dark color has a red tint. From its peduncle (angelica officinalis), this product has excellent antiseptic properties and the ability to help with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and increase the body's defenses.


Linden honey has a light yellowish color, after crystallization it becomes almost white. It has a delicate aroma and sweet taste, and it leaves a very sore throat. It is most effective for colds, weak immune systems, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very nutritious and promotes weight gain and gives strength.
Sunflower honey will always be popular due to its medicinal and nutritional properties. Do not be confused by its high crystallization and rather weak aroma - its healing properties and nutritional value are no worse than those of other varieties, and in some qualities it even surpasses them. When using this product, you should take into account its ability to cause allergies.

Sunflower honey has its beneficial properties and contraindications for use. This is a fairly inexpensive variety of a favorite delicacy. The low cost is due to the fact that this product crystallizes quickly. It is liquid only for three weeks. Then the sunflower honey becomes covered with a white crust and becomes like butter. After some time, sunflower honey hardens, resulting in a different appearance. This occurs due to the large amount of glucose in this product, so dormouse honey is in first place in terms of the content of this substance. But, despite this, the beneficial properties of sunflower honey are not lost.

Signs of a sunflower product

Sunflower honey can be identified by special characteristics, its characteristics:

  • color;
  • taste;
  • crystallization;
  • smell;
  • compound.

At first glance, dormouse honey has a bright yellow color, then it can turn mustard or golden. After it is candied, it acquires a white crust. Sunflower honey tastes too sweet, has a slight fruity aftertaste, and after a while it can give off tart notes.

Sunflower honey can be classified as one of those varieties that can be candied quite quickly, but if stored in the right and appropriate conditions, it can remain in a liquid state for about 21 days. A crystallization process occurs due to the large amount of glucose contained in the product, but this does not in any way affect its benefits and medicinal properties.

Sunflower honey has a subtle smell that cannot be confused with any other. This is a light and fresh floral scent. Sunflower honey contains many vitamins, which is why its benefits cannot be compared with any medications.

Useful qualities

Sunflower honey has beneficial properties that are not inferior to other types of partially digested nectar. So, what are the benefits of sunflower honey? Sunflower honey is recommended for consumption by young children and adults, as well as pregnant women and the sick, because the beneficial substances contained in this product contribute to the speedy recovery of a sick person and the prevention of various diseases.

The delicacy can heal wounds, act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, and stop the development of viral infections. This product is very useful, because in addition to its qualities listed above, it is able to restore liver function, kidney function, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. The tasty medicine not only fights viral infections and diseases, but also acts as an excellent prophylactic, strengthening the immune system of the entire human body.

There are contraindications for use, for example, such a product is a potent allergen, for this reason it should be eaten with caution. You should not overeat and feed it to small children who have not reached two years of age. Before treating your child to this sweet, you should consult your doctor. Contraindicated for consumption if you have an individual intolerance to bee products.

When an allergic reaction occurs, ordinary symptoms appear, namely redness on the skin and itching. If the first allergy symptoms appear, you should not eat honey. In this case, you can try using clover sweetness for food; it tastes very similar to sunflower honey, but contains much less pollen, which often causes allergic reactions.

How to choose and store honey correctly?

Soybean honey in a liquid state does not last long, but its total shelf life is unlimited (in a crystallized state). If you store the product in a slightly cool and dark room, it will remain liquid within a month. Basements are very suitable for such storage. Many people love liquid, viscous honey, but it is not necessary to heat the crystallized product, because in any state the beneficial substances are preserved.

It is best to purchase treats from trusted beekeepers, this way you can reduce the risk that the product will be mixed or diluted with sugar syrup. Since this honey delicacy contains a large amount of pollen, people who are prone to allergies should not purchase it.

Application and treatment

For the purpose of prevention or treatment against viral infections, you should eat a tasty medicine every day, but in small quantities, about one or two teaspoons. To enhance the effectiveness of this medicine, you can add cinnamon. You need to eat in the morning, on an empty stomach, and drink water. You can also add it to tea or any desserts, but you should remember that when honey is exposed to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, it begins to lose all its beneficial properties. For this reason, it is best to eat the product in its natural and fresh form, so you can get the greatest amount of beneficial and nutritious substances for the body.

Quite often, the delicacy is used for cosmetic purposes, for example, to create restorative masks for hair, to create ointments and creams for the face, and moisturizing balms for nails. Thanks to honey, hair has a healthy and well-groomed appearance, it becomes shiny and silky, with the help of such masks you can get rid of dandruff forever. After moisturizing masks, facial skin becomes soft, tightens and eliminates wrinkles.

Honey compresses can heal wounds, hematomas, cracks on the feet and heels. Before using honey in traditional medicine, you should always consult a doctor.

So, sunflower honey is not only a tasty and sweet delicacy that everyone loves so much, but also a good source of useful and nutritious substances. Although its appearance is slightly different from other types of honey, since sunflower honey crystallizes too quickly, its benefits remain the same. Thanks to this sweetness, you can avoid a viral infection or be cured. You should not overuse honey, as one of the side effects An allergic reaction may occur in the form of redness and itching. This beekeeping product is used not only for treatment, but also for cosmetic purposes; honey is included in many strengthening and moisturizing masks for hair and face. Sunflower honey should not be included in the menu of young children under two years of age. Before eating or external use, you should consult a doctor.

Sunflower honey is considered a gift from the sun in the form of aromatic nectar. It contains the largest amount of biologically active components compared to other varieties. This explains the miraculous effect in the treatment of various diseases, rapid restoration of strength, vigor and good mood.

A natural product from the apiary, sunflower honey has a lot of valuable properties, its benefits for the body are invaluable. It is easily digestible, nourishes cells, improves the condition of hair and nails, normalizes intestinal motility, and relieves inflammation.

Beneficial features

benefits of sunflower honey

What are the benefits of sunflower honey? It contains a huge amount of glucose, by beekeepers' standards. Glucose is a reducing sugar, easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, instantly penetrates the blood and is delivered to all organs. Glucose nutrition to the brain is the key to active mental and physical activity of the body. That is why pediatricians in European countries and Japan have developed a diet for schoolchildren, which included sunflower honey.

The benefit of sunflower honey lies in its high enzymatic activity. Compared to other varieties, sunflower honey contains a large number of enzymes that trigger metabolic processes in the body and stimulate the immune system.

The antioxidants contained in the product actively remove heavy metal salts from the body and neutralize the effects of radioactive substances. Sunflower honey must be included in the diet of people living in environmentally unfavorable areas, in areas of high radioactive background.

Treatment of diseases

for diarrhea, sunflower honey is used as a medicine

Sunflower honey actively affects the gastrointestinal tract: it gently envelops the stomach, relieves spasms, intestinal colic, and normalizes stool. By consuming a small amount every day, you can get rid of duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and indigestion. In folk medicine it is used as a fixative for diarrhea.

Sunflower honey has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it strengthens, tones the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the blood of toxins, improves its quality, normalizes blood pressure, and is a source of glucose for normal heart function. Recommended for people with coronary heart disease.

Undoubted leadership in the practice of treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract is given by the presence in the composition of phytoncides and enzymes that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Honey gargles kill up to 99% of pathogenic microbes, bacteria with purulent sore throat, pharyngitis, bronchitis. Sunflower honey is widely used in pediatrics as an adjunct in the treatment of colds and flu, and as a prophylactic agent during periods of epidemics. Use for bronchial asthma relieves bronchospasm, dilutes clots, and increases the amount of mucus discharge.

The anti-inflammatory medicinal properties of sunflower honey have found application in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, purulent wounds, acne, furunculosis, irritations, and insect bites.

Sunflower honey is very useful for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These are osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. It can be used in the period after limb fractures to restore their motor activity.

For cold neuralgia, sunflower honey soothes nerve endings, reducing pain, kills pathogenic bacteria, reducing the risk of inflammation.

Active anti-inflammatory components have a beneficial effect on liver cells, restoring their functions.

In addition, the antioxidants contained in nectar are so strong that they affect cancer cells, reduce tumor size, neutralize carcinogens, and remove toxins.

Sunflower honey stimulates the kidneys, having a diuretic effect.

Sunflower honey is a strong homeopathic drug, effectively used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, restoration of skin functions, to combat age-related skin changes, it is used as part of traditional medicine recipes, as an adjuvant in therapeutic practice and pediatrics.

The sun's rays, contained in a jar of healing sunflower honey, give not only the energy of summer and a good mood, but also affect the human body, activating its hidden reserves, stimulate the immune system, protecting against viruses, rejuvenate the body, restoring tone and strength.
