Omelet in the oven at what temperature. A perfect fluffy omelette baked in the oven. What should be the ratio of eggs to milk?

A recipe that has helped me out more than once when I want to feed my family a healthy and quick dish - the perfect fluffy omelette baked in the oven. It tastes very delicate, its texture is very porous and has a pleasant milky aroma. This recipe can be modified depending on additional additives that you may have on hand: cheese, sausages, sausage, vegetables and herbs. My version of the recipe is rather a classic version of a quick omelette in the oven with a minimum amount of ingredients. It is also worth adding that it is very reminiscent of the omelet they prepare in kindergarten. If you start your morning with an omelet, you will feel full until lunchtime. I am sure that you will like the taste of the dish, and you will definitely prepare it for your family and yourself.


  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
  • cow's milk - 0.3 liters;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • butter for greasing the mold - 7 grams;
  • deep baking dish - my pan size is 10 by 24 centimeters.

A perfect fluffy omelette baked in the oven. Step by step recipe

  1. We start by taking a deep bowl and scooping out six eggs. I use medium sized eggs. An approximate calculation of the egg/milk ratio is 1 egg per 50 milliliters of milk (any percentage of fat content).
  2. Add three hundred milliliters of milk. The milk can be cold or at room temperature. By no means hotter.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of salt and start stirring everything very carefully. There is no need to beat with a mixer or intensively with a whisk into a fluffy foam. All you need to do is stir until smooth.
  4. If at this stage you want to add additional ingredients, such as we indicated above, you can do this in the following way. To obtain a delicate and more or less uniform texture, grate everything using a coarse grater. This can be cheese, sausage, sausages, prepared meat. If you want to add onions and garlic, it is best to simmer them a little in a frying pan with a minimum amount of vegetable oil or butter. You can also sprinkle grated hard cheese on top of the omelette. Then the crust may brown a little earlier during baking. To do this, cover the omelette with foil before placing it in the oven and then remove it 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  5. Now you need to grease the existing mold with butter. Lubricate well, on all sides and all the way to the end of all edges.
  6. Pour into the entire prepared mass.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Place the omelette in a well-heated oven for 30 minutes. Do not open while baking. We need it to rise well and be fluffy.
  9. If the pan you are using is lower than mine (10 centimeters), then the baking time in the oven will need to be reduced by 5-10 minutes. Here you look at the situation. The main thing is that the crust in the omelette does not brown too much.
  10. When the time is up, let it sit for another 5 minutes. Then remove from the oven. Cut into portions directly in the mold and transfer to a plate.
  11. If you wish, you can decorate with herbs or grated cheese.

This oven-baked omelet is a simple and very tasty solution for breakfast or lunch for the whole family. I wish that all your culinary births will be masterpieces, and that you enjoy the cooking process. Always cook in a great mood.

Probably everyone has those days when you don’t want to spend time in the kitchen. And everything would be fine if there were dishes from yesterday’s table left in the refrigerator or the other half decided to delegate the responsibilities of preparing food to themselves that day. But what if you are the only one responsible for this and small children need tasty, fresh food? One fine day this happened to me too. I was a little sick, my husband was away, and no one canceled lunch for the children. So what did I do? I decided to find the simplest way out of the situation. I prepared a regular omelette, only in the oven. It turned out to be a great dish, beautiful and tasty, and it took exactly 3 minutes of effort.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 3 eggs
  • 120 ml milk
  • piece of butter
  • salt

In general, yes. Cooking olet in the oven differs significantly from preparing it in the usual way, in a frying pan. Firstly, in order to get exactly an omelet, and not something incomprehensible, you must observe strict proportions of the ratio of milk and eggs. For one large egg you should take 50 ml of milk. Although I had large eggs, I decided not to risk it and took 40 ml of milk for each egg. The total was 3 eggs and 120 ml of milk.

Beat eggs with milk and salt, but do not overdo it. Just beat the mixture a little with a fork or whisk.

The baking dish should be generously greased with butter, and then pour the egg-milk mixture into it.

Place the pan with the mixture in the preheated oven and bake the omelette for 25-30 minutes. The baking time will depend on the volume of the baked portion. My three eggs were fully cooked in 25 minutes at 190 degrees (electric oven). You can determine readiness by the color of the omelette’s surface. Its “cap” should be significantly browned - this is a sure sign of readiness.

It is very interesting that an omelette cooked in the oven turns out very fluffy. But as soon as you remove it from the oven, it will settle. This is normal, because it consists only of eggs and milk and does not have a dense consistency. But porosity will remain even after it settles.

This is what my omelette looked like in the oven before serving. Its taste is quite consistent with its appearance - just as delicate and refined, and does not at all resemble an ordinary omelette in a frying pan.

The taste and aroma of a baked omelette echoes the morning coffee smells. You can create a small family ritual: ceremoniously cut the omelette cake, offer a choice of two types of sauce, chat about plans for the day. You can avoid mushrooms by replacing them with translucent slices of ham or thin slices of hunting sausages.


  • eggs - 5 pcs.,
  • milk - 250-270 ml,
  • champignons - 150 g, salt - 1/2 tsp,
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml,
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Flour is added to “quick” thin omelettes, which are simmered under a lid in a frying pan. An omelette cooked in the oven does not need flour, as it can give it a “rubbery” rigidity. A tender, juicy omelette should consist only of eggs and milk, in which case it will be tall and spongy.
2. Washed small champignons are cut into thin slices.

3. Place the champignons in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil, add a pinch of salt. Mushrooms are fried for 5-7 minutes over medium heat. During this time, the mushroom liquid will evaporate, and the sliced ​​​​plates will decrease in size and acquire a pleasant golden color.

4. If you take milk and eggs straight from the refrigerator for an omelet, you will have to sacrifice the splendor of the dish. You should prepare in advance so that the food can sit on the kitchen counter for a while and reach room temperature. Five large eggs are broken and poured into a deep bowl.

5. Add milk and salt. They say that the fat content of milk does not affect the taste of the omelet. But it is easy to see that the best results are obtained from milk with a fat content of 3.2 percent. If you replace part of the milk with 10-15% cream, you will get an omelette worthy of a royal meal. Add a little salt to the omelette; excessive saltiness reduces the quality of the finished dish.

6. Beat the omelette with a hand whisk, the process lasts 1-2 minutes. Achieve uniformity, but try to avoid the appearance of foam. These requirements for the structure of the omelette determine the choice of a primitive tool for whipping, since blenders and mixers will immediately make the egg-milk mass foamy.

7. Take a piece of hard butter or margarine and generously grease the sides of the glass mold. The thickness of the oil layer ensures that the hot omelette can be easily removed from the mold.
8. Place a layer of champignons on the bottom of the mold and level it out.

9. The liquid omelette mixture is poured, the mushrooms float to the surface and are distributed chaotically. Interestingly, during the baking process, almost all of the petal mushrooms will end up in the top layer of the omelet.
10. Place the form with the omelette in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. If there is no lid for the mold, you can cover the container with a piece of foil.
11. The omelet is baked for 30 minutes. If you take out the omelette before the specified time, it will be tasty and edible, but it will not hold its shape. Only half an hour of baking makes the omelette look like a cute cake.

12. A piece of omelette placed on a cold plate instantly “sags.” To treat your family to a tall omelet, you should warm up a stack of portioned plates.

13. Warm omelette is served with tea or milk. If you plan to take an omelette with you as a snack, you can bake it in disposable portioned foil pans. Bon appetit!

Omelette is a dish that is familiar to everyone since childhood. Usually it is prepared “quickly”, in a frying pan, which is easy to prepare. If you cook the dish in the oven, it will turn out much tastier and look much more attractive. Extended cooking time allows you to use a variety of ingredients. We suggest you make an omelette in the oven according to different recipes with photos.

Features of cooking

Unlike classic cooking (in a frying pan), a tall omelet in the oven is a little more difficult to prepare. The process is divided into two stages: beating eggs and baking in the oven. It only takes a few minutes to beat the egg mixture, and half an hour or more to bake. The result of these efforts will be fluffy and great-tasting scrambled eggs. Pots are used for baking, and sometimes the dish is prepared in a silicone mold or other convenient container.

Fluffy omelette in the oven: recipe with photos

Cooking process: 40 min.

Servings – 2-3

Nutritional value (per 100 g) – 250 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • A glass of milk
  • Cow butter – 2 tbsp.


  • Pour the yolks and whites into a container and lightly beat them with a whisk.
  • Pour milk into the same container; it is also possible to prepare the dish with sour cream or kefir. If desired, the portions can be increased - for this it is necessary to increase the liquid content.

  • Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees. Heat a container and rub it with cow butter. This will prevent the ingredients from sticking to it.

  • Pour the egg mixture into a baking container and place in the oven for half an hour. If the dish is not ready during this time, simmer it for another 5-10 minutes.

  • When ready, the top will be covered with a ruddy, appetizing crust - which means the dish is ready. Take it out of the oven, cut it into portions and serve hot!

With ham in Hungarian style

Pre-preparation: 5 min.

Process: 40 min.

Servings – 2-3

Nutritional value (per 100 g) – 270 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • A glass of cream or milk
  • Cow butter – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Breadcrumbs - half a cup
  • Ham or bacon – 100 grams
  • Dill, salt


  1. Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk.
  2. Chop the meat and lightly fry it in a frying pan greased with butter.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the meat and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.
  4. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees.
  5. Bake the dish in a frying pan with a removable handle (or mold) until cooked (about half an hour or a little more).
  6. Garnish with dill and serve hot.

Tall omelette with broccoli and flour

Process: 30 minutes
Servings: 5

Nutritional value (per 100 g): 210 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • Sour cream, flour – 50 grams
  • Broccoli – 100 grams
  • Salt, cow butter


  1. Broccoli can be used either raw or cooked, depending on your preference.
  2. If you like boiled vegetables, boil broccoli. To do this, place the cabbage in boiling water and cook it for several minutes. Don't forget to rinse the cooked vegetables with running water.
  3. Beat the yolks a little and pour in the sour cream.
  4. Gradually add flour to the mixture, whisking continuously.
  5. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees.
  6. Grease a baking pan with oil.
  7. Place the broccoli in the pan, pour in the liquid mixture, and bake for half an hour.

Dietary children's omelet (as in kindergarten)

Pre-preparation: 5 minutes

Process: 25 minutes

Nutritional value (per 100 g): 200 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • A glass of milk
  • Salt, cow butter


  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, grease the pan with oil, pour in the mixture, bake for 20-25 minutes.


Pre-preparation: 5 min.

Process: 35 min.

Nutritional value (per 100 g): 240 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • A glass of milk
  • Sausage – 100 grams
  • Salt, cow butter


  1. Easily beat the eggs and add salt.
  2. Cut the sausage into cubes and add to the egg mixture.
  3. Turn on the oven to heat up, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees, grease the pan with oil, pour in the mixture, bake for half an hour.

Omelet baked with vegetables and other fillings

Pre-preparation: 10 min.

Process: 35 min.

Nutritional value (per 100 g): 220 kcal

  • Five eggs
  • Milk – 50 grams
  • Carrots – 200 grams
  • Salt, cow butter


  1. Pour the eggs into a deep container, beat lightly and add salt.
  2. Boil the carrots, chop, add to the egg mixture. The dish is also prepared with tomatoes.
  3. Turn on the oven to heat up, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees, grease the pan with oil, pour in the mixture, bake for half an hour.

With mushrooms and potatoes in Spanish

Cooking process: 45 min.

Servings – 6

  • Six eggs
  • Milk – 50 grams
  • Potatoes - 350 grams
  • Champignons – 250 grams
  • Olive and cow oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, garlic, pepper, saffron


  1. Pour the eggs into a deep container, beat lightly and add salt.
  2. Add milk and spices.
  3. Chop the potatoes and mushrooms into cubes, fry everything in a frying pan with a mixture of oils until cooked.
  4. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees, load the potatoes and mushrooms into the baking container, and pour in the beaten eggs. Baking time – 15-20 minutes.

With fish

This dish is prepared with pollock, pink salmon or other fish.

Pre-preparation: 15 min.

Cooking process: 15 min.

Servings – 2

Nutritional value (per 100 g) – 240 kcal

  • Fish – 0.2 kg
  • One egg
  • Milk – 50 grams
  • Sunflower oil, ground walnuts – 40 grams each
  • Mayonnaise, spices


  1. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, spread with mayonnaise, and set aside for a quarter of an hour in a cool place.
  2. Beat the egg, add milk and spices to it.
  3. Fry the fish in a frying pan until done.
  4. Place the fish in a baking container, pour the milk-egg mixture over it, and sprinkle nuts on top.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes.

With cheese

An omelet with cottage cheese or minced meat is prepared using a similar recipe.

Pre-preparation: 5 min.

Cooking process: 40 min.

Servings – 5

Nutritional value (per 100 g) – 240 kcal

  • Milk – half a glass
  • Cheese – 100 grams
  • Cow butter – 40 grams
  • Eggs – 6 pieces


  1. Beat and grate the cheese.
  2. Mix milk and cheese.
  3. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees, bake for 30-40 minutes.

We bring to your attention a video lesson with another recipe. A master class in preparing an omelet-soufflé will not leave any cook indifferent!

  • To make the dish more fluffy, we recommend cooking it with semolina. To do this, add 30-50 grams of semolina to any of the recipes.
  • For baking, use any utensils that are at hand - a silicone mold, a frying pan, etc. The dish cooked in a pot has excellent taste.
  • If you are preparing fluffy (tall) scrambled eggs, make sure that the baking dish has sufficient height.
  • Always load the dish into an already preheated pan.
  • Cook using butter - the dish will receive a particularly delicate aroma.
  • Always preheat pans before baking. This makes it easier to lubricate the inner surface of the mold.

We looked at popular recipes for cooking omelettes in the oven. Tell us in the comments if you have tried cooking using them, and what impressions you got from the process and the result. Leave your feedback if you want to share your recipes!

Omelette with milk, cooked in the oven, is an excellent option for a tasty, satisfying and healthy breakfast. It's fluffier than a frying pan omelet and doesn't require fat to bake. During the cooking process, you can add sausage, cheese, vegetables, herbs, etc. to the beaten eggs and milk, if desired. This will make the dish more filling. I cooked an omelette with tomatoes and herbs, it turned out very tasty. But even without additives, this dish always pleases with its excellent taste.


To prepare an omelet with milk in the oven you will need:

eggs - 3 pcs.;

milk - 3 tbsp. l.;

salt - a pinch;

greens - a bunch (dill, green onions, spinach) (optional);

tomato - 1 pc. (optional).

Cooking steps

Wash the greens under running water, dry and finely chop. Add to the egg-milk mixture.

Wash the tomato and cut into small cubes, add to the rest of the products and mix.

Fill portioned refractory molds halfway with the egg mixture (I got three servings of omelet).

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. The omelette should expand well in volume, and its top should become dense, without wet areas.

Remove the finished omelette from the oven and serve immediately. An omelet with milk prepared according to this recipe turns out fluffy and tasty. This dish will be a great start to the day.

Bon appetit!
