Pie with sorrel made from puff pastry. Video recipe: Puff pastry pie with sorrel Ready-made puff pastry pie with sorrel

Puff pastry is widely used in cooking - convenient, fast, and most importantly, tasty. Puff pastry should always be in the freezer, because it, like a life preserver, will save you in any situation: guests are on the doorstep, you want something sweet, baked, or you just want to surprise someone with your culinary skills.

Sorrel pie is very tasty and very quick. The main thing is to take the dough out of the freezer in time so that it defrosts.

The puff pastry pie with sorrel turns out to be quite large and filling. It can be served with fresh vegetables, although I prefer it with a cup of coffee.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Defrost the dough (to do this, it is better to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening and leave it until the morning, and start preparing it in the morning). Carefully unfold it and cut off the desired part (this will depend on the size of the mold). I cut off 2/3 and lined the bottom and two opposite sides of a 24x14 cm mold. The mold must be lined with baking paper in advance.

Beat the egg with a fork or whisk until smooth. Lubricate the “bottom” of the workpiece with it.

Wash and chop the sorrel.

Place it on the dough.

Mash the cheese with a fork or cut into small cubes.

Place on top of the sorrel.

Fold over the overhanging edges. Place the remaining dough on top and seal. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with coriander and fennel seeds. If desired, you can decorate with dough figures.

Place in the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 200 degrees.

A quick, easy and incredibly tasty puff pastry pie with sorrel is ready.

It can be served either warm or cooled.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

Greens are the first to appear on the shelves of markets and shops. It is with this, and not with berries and fruits, that the new harvest season opens. Sorrel is the first spring green and a healthy component of soups, main courses and...baked goods. What many people don’t even suspect, so perhaps the recipe for sorrel pie will be a discovery for some housewives.

Dessert and savory, on a puff, poured, biscuit, yeast base and shortcrust pastry there can be a pie with sorrel. Below are interesting and very tasty options: from classics made with yeast to recipes made with store-bought puff pastry for novice housewives.

From puff pastry

A pie with sorrel made from puff pastry can be called a pastry for lazy people, since you don’t need to bother with preparing the base (you can buy it in the store), and you can choose the filling either solely from sorrel or in combination with other ingredients, sweet or not.

Recipe list of products:

  • 500 g puff pastry (preferably yeast dough);
  • 400 g sorrel;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 70 g crushed peanuts.

Baking step by step:

  1. Let the two layers of dough lie in the room on the table for a while to make them easier to work with;
  2. Stew prepared (washed and chopped) green sorrel with a piece of butter. It can be seasoned with salt and pepper if desired (if it is not a dessert) or, conversely, added sugar;
  3. Form the pie: place one layer of puff pastry on the bottom and sides, place the filling on it. Brush the edges with egg beaten with milk (this way the dough will stick together better), cover the top with another piece of dough, pinch the edges;
  4. Make a couple of pricks with a fork, go over the surface with a silicone brush moistened with the remaining egg, sprinkle with peanuts and bake in the oven. The average duration of this process is 20 minutes.

Yeast dough recipe

Pies with sorrel made from yeast dough are a classic of country cooking. They are baked as whole large pies or small pies, which are so convenient for children to eat. Greens in the filling are often combined with rhubarb or sweet apples.

To bake yeast pie with sorrel you need:

  • 225 ml milk;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 11 g dry instant yeast;
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 500 g sorrel.

Baking order:

  1. Pour together crystalline sugar and dry instant yeast, add lukewarm milk. Then add liquid, but not hot, oil and beat in a raw egg. Sift the required amount of flour and knead a soft, not tight dough, which should be kept warm for about 45 minutes;
  2. Stew clean and chopped sorrel with a small piece of butter and adding sugar to taste. The greens will darken and decrease several times in volume;
  3. Line the pie pan with half the dough, put the filling on it, cover the top with the remaining dough, making a lattice out of it, and bake for a little less than an hour (45-50 minutes) at 190-200 degrees.

Quick pie with sorrel in the oven

This jellied pie with sorrel is rightfully considered the fastest baking option.

The cooking process is similar to baking charlotte, only sorrel greens are used as a filling instead of apples.

What is included in the pie:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 160 g wheat flour;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 200 g sorrel.

Baking steps:

  1. Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs, adding sugar little by little, into a fluffy foamy mass. Then change the whisk to the dough attachment on the mixer and add flour and baking powder at low speed;
  2. Place chopped sorrel on the bottom of a greased springform pan and pour biscuit dough on top. Cook at 180 degrees until the toothpick is dry.
  3. Cooled baked goods can be dusted with powdered sugar.

With sorrel and cheese

Unsweetened pastries with a cheese and shave filling are good either “out of the oven” or completely cooled. The salty taste of white cheese perfectly complements the sourness of the first spring greens.

This sorrel pie recipe uses the following ingredients:

  • 600 g ready-made puff pastry;
  • 300 g fresh sorrel;
  • 160 g of white cheese (brynza, Adyghe and others);
  • 1 egg for brushing.

Progress of culinary processes:

  1. Roll out a piece of puff pastry into a flat round cake on a floured table;
  2. Mix chopped sorrel and cheese cut into small cubes together for the filling;
  3. Place a mound of filling in the center of the flatbread. Pull the edges of the dough towards the center and pinch, leaving a hole in the middle.

    The sorrel filling in pies always turns out to be quite juicy; therefore, to prevent the moisture evaporating during baking from tearing the dough base, corn/potato starch is added to it (usually in sweet dessert pies) or slits and holes are made to ensure free steam escape .

  4. Brush the shaped pastry with the raw beaten egg and bake for 40 minutes until done. Temperature regime – 180 degrees.

With cottage cheese and sorrel

The well-known grated pie on shortcrust pastry can be baked with a filling not of jam, but of cottage cheese and sorrel. It will come out delicious and original in a new way.

List of necessary products;

  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar (50 g for the dough, 50 g for the filling);
  • 350 g flour;
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 g sorrel;
  • 50 g potato or corn starch;
  • salt to taste.

Baking progress step by step:

  1. Mix melted butter, sour cream, eggs beaten with sugar and flour and knead shortbread dough. Roll one part of it between two appropriately sized sheets of parchment into a flat cake, the size of which will cover the bottom and sides of the mold for the future pie, roll the other into a bun and wrap in film. Place both parts in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;
  2. For the filling, mix cottage cheese, washed and chopped sorrel, sugar and starch. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste;
  3. Line the pan with frozen shortcrust pastry, trim off the excess. Place the curd-sorrel filling, and grate the remaining buns and dough scraps onto it through a grater with large holes;
  4. Until readiness, which will be indicated by the appearance of the pie, bake at 170-180 degrees.

With sorrel and egg

The originality of this pastry lies not so much in the filling or forming method, but in the cooking method. The pie is prepared not in the oven, but in a pan on the stove.

The proportions of products in the dough and filling will be as follows:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 125 ml water;
  • 4 chicken eggs (1 for the dough, 3 boiled for the filling);
  • 150 g butter;
  • 25 g pressed yeast;
  • 1000 g sorrel.


  1. Combine water, yeast, egg, 50 g butter, flour and knead the dough. Let it rise while the minced meat for filling the pie is being prepared;
  2. Melt an additional 50 g of butter in a frying pan and simmer the washed and chopped sorrel leaves in it. Then press them through a sieve or puree them with a blender;
  3. Roll out the dough into a rectangular cake, brush with sorrel puree, sprinkle with chopped boiled eggs, roll into a roll and close it in a ring;
  4. Melt a little butter in a saucepan, put a ring in it and put on fire. When the pie is browned on one side, turn it over to the other. Add oil if necessary.

Sweet pie with sorrel

A simple, but at the same time unique recipe for a sweet pie filled with sorrel, on a yeast dough with a shortbread structure, will surprise you with its sweet and sour taste and will not leave anyone indifferent.

For the sand-yeast base and sorrel filling you need:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • 125 ml drinking water;
  • 15 g dry yeast;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 500 g fresh sorrel;
  • 100 g crystal sugar;
  • 10 g starch.

How to bake:

  1. Heat the filtered water to a pleasantly warm, but not scalding, temperature. Pour sugar and dry yeast into it, stir until all the crystals dissolve and a cloudy liquid is obtained. Leave the yeast to revive;
  2. Meanwhile, you need to turn soft butter along with a pinch of flour and room temperature butter into butter crumbs;

    If the housewife decides to replace butter with margarine when kneading any dough, then salt does not need to be added, since it is present in this product in the required quantity. And, of course, you need to give preference only to high-quality margarine.

  3. Pour yeast into the resulting crumbs, which by this time (after 10-15 minutes) will have time to come to life and foam. Quickly knead the dough, gather it into a bun, which is left to rise warm under a towel for 40 minutes;
  4. The sorrel pie filling is prepared as follows: the green leaves are washed, dried, chopped into strips and placed in a suitable container. Then sprinkle everything with sugar and crumple it with your hands;
  5. Having divided the suitable lump of dough equally, line the bottom of the mold (27 by 37 cm), sprinkle the surface with starch and distribute the filling. Cover the top of the filling with another layer of the remaining dough, pinch the edges and make holes for the unhindered escape of steam;
  6. Now all that remains is to bake in the oven at 180 degrees. This will take about half an hour.

Since this greenery itself is quite juicy, all that remains to do during baking is to preserve this juiciness.

  1. Only young sorrel leaves should be used. They are juicier and have less acid, which also has a bad effect on the body’s absorption of calcium;
  2. Before putting greens into the pie or combining them with other filling ingredients, they need to be thoroughly crushed with your hands or stewed;
  3. It wouldn’t hurt to add a little starch, which will bind moisture and prevent it from evaporating, drying out the filling.

Puff pastry pie is a fairly simple, but at the same time extremely tasty dish. Having prepared it once, it will become a regular on every holiday table. The advantage of such a pie is that there are many variations of its preparation: closed, open, with a salty filling, sweet, etc.

To make the task as easy as possible, you can use ready-made puff pastry. As for the filling, it can be absolutely anything, including very unexpected ones. For example, from sorrel. People have been eating this plant since ancient times, traditionally adding it to soup or cabbage soup. However, few people know that by adding it to baked goods, you can get a surprisingly tasty juicy dish with a pleasant sourness. In addition, the benefits of sorrel have also been known for a long time, because it contains many vitamins and other valuable substances.

With its help you can improve the functioning of the liver and intestines. There are many interesting recipes for sorrel pies made from puff pastry, some of which we want to show you today.

Pie with goat cheese and sorrel


  • yeast puff pastry – 500 g
  • sorrel – 300 g
  • soft goat cheese – 200 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • sugar – 10 g

While the dough is defrosting, prepare the filling. Chop the sorrel and mix it thoroughly with goat cheese and sugar. Roll out the dough, divide it into 2 equal parts and place one on the mold. Cover it with filling on top, leaving the edges empty. Place the remaining dough on top, pinch the edges and brush with egg wash using a special silicone brush. Using a sharp knife, make several cuts, bake for about 10 minutes at a temperature of 220, then reduce the heat and bake the pie until cooked.

Pie with sorrel and pine nuts


  • puff pastry – 500 g
  • pine nuts – 100 g
  • sorrel – 200 g
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • butter – 50 g
  • parmesan – 200 g
  • nutmeg – 1 teaspoon
  • breadcrumbs – 15 g
  • green onion – 10 g
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • sea ​​salt – 1 teaspoon

While the oven is heating up, prepare all the ingredients. Fry the pine nuts for a few minutes until golden brown, sauté the chopped onion in butter, and add the chopped garlic a minute before readiness. Mix chopped sorrel and onion with 4 eggs, breadcrumbs, grated cheese, roasted nuts and nutmeg. After mixing these ingredients, add the onion. Place some of the rolled out dough on parchment paper, place the filling on top of it, cover with another layer, make cuts, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with sea salt and bake for about half an hour.

Savory sorrel and broccoli pie


We cover the mold with more than half of the rolled out puff pastry, put it in the oven for a few minutes, after piercing it with a fork in several places. When the dough is browned, cool it and grease it with the filling. To prepare it, boil small broccoli florets, chop green onions and sorrel, fry leeks in oil until soft. Add all the ingredients, cream and mustard to it, simmer everything for about 5 minutes. After placing the vegetables on the dough, sprinkle them with Gorgonzola cheese, cover with the dough, brush with egg and cook in the oven for 20 minutes.

step by step recipe with photos

Ruddy and crispy puff pastries with sorrel are an ideal pastry for breakfast or lunch, they are perfect as a snack between main meals. Puff pastries are delicious both hot and cold, you can take them with you outdoors or on a picnic, on a trip, just remember that puff pastries absorb moisture after cooling and become less crispy. Sorrel with granulated sugar turns into a sweet filling. If desired, you can grate orange or lemon zest into it, add ground cinnamon or vanilla sugar. By the way, with this filling you can make not only fragrant puff pastries, but also pies. And how delicious they are - be sure to try them!


  • 500 g puff pastry
  • 1 large bunch of sorrel
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 yolk
  • a pinch of salt


1. Immediately prepare the filling so that the sorrel slices release their juice and we can drain it. Wash the sorrel leaves in water, removing the stems. Cut into narrow ribbons and place in a bowl. Add granulated sugar and a pinch of salt and grind thoroughly. Leave for 5 minutes. Salt the resulting juice, otherwise it will be absorbed into the dough during baking and it will remain raw.

2. Cut the puff pastry into pieces, roll them out into long ribbons and cut them into rectangles of the size you choose. Place 1 tsp on one edge of the rectangles. squeezed sorrel filling.

3. Cover with the other half and carefully glue them together with a fork dipped in wheat flour so that the dough does not stick to it.

4. In another container, combine the yolk with 1 tbsp. l. water and beat. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and coat them with the prepared yolk mixture using a pastry brush. Place in a hot oven and bake for 15-20 minutes at 220C. Let's keep an eye on the surface of the baked goods - as soon as it turns golden brown, remove the dish from the oven.

With the arrival of such long-awaited warm and sunny days, sorrel began to grow in the beds, from which you can actually prepare a lot of healthy and varied dishes. I really like the sweet one. Today I’ll tell you how to make delicious puff pastry with sorrel from puff pastry. You can make your own dough or use store-bought dough; both yeast and yeast-free dough will work equally well. The baked goods are golden brown, tender and very tasty - ideal for breakfast or a light snack during the day. Sorrel with sugar and butter turns into a fragrant, juicy and sweet filling; such puff pastries will certainly appeal not only to adults, but also to children. If you have ready-made puff pastry, preparing such home-style, cozy pastries is actually easy and quite quick, I recommend trying it! Your loved ones will remain both full and satisfied!


  • puff pastry - 500 grams.
  • sorrel - 200 grams.
  • salt - a pinch.
  • sugar - to taste.
  • butter 50 grams.
  • breadcrumbs - 20 grams.
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • number of servings: 6.

How to bake puff pastries with sorrel in the oven:

Leave the puff pastry to defrost at room temperature, and in the meantime prepare the sorrel for the filling. Sort it thoroughly, removing thick stems if necessary, rinse and dry on a clean towel.

Then finely chop and place in a deep bowl.

Add a pinch of salt and remember well with your hands. Sorrel will give juice, which must be squeezed out.

Lightly flour the table and place a sheet of dough.

Roll it out a little with a rolling pin in one direction and cut into three identical strips. Do the same with the second layer. Then sprinkle one edge of the dough with breadcrumbs, and make cuts on the other with a knife as in the photo.

Place squeezed sorrel on the half of the dough where the crackers are. We put the filling generously with a good heap.

Sprinkle the sorrel with sugar and add a piece of butter. Add sugar to taste, usually 2 tsp. sometimes quite enough.

Cover the filling with the other half of the dough and pinch the edges with your hands, after which you can run a fork along the edge to be sure.

Place the sorrel puffs on a baking tray lined with baking paper and greased with butter. Separate the yolk from the white and brush the puff pastry with it using a pastry brush. Bake at 200*C for about 20 minutes until the top appears golden brown.

The puff pastries turn out very tasty! At the same time sweet and at the same time with a slight pleasant sourness.

Good both warm and cold, bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.
