Lenten food with Anna Lyudkovskaya: Breakfasts. Lenten sandwiches - easy recipes without meat, cheese and sausage

Almost every morning begins with the ringing of the alarm clock, and the time of Lent is no exception; we are still in a hurry to get to work, managing to jump into the shower, get ready, and even have breakfast in between. But if usually we can get by with an omelette or a sandwich with sausage or cheese, then during Lent breakfast should not contain animal products, i.e. you will have to give up eggs, milk, cheese and meat products. What to cook in this case? A Lenten breakfast, like any other, should be quick to prepare, light, nutritious, tasty and at the same time not go beyond the permitted ingredients.


In fact, as a meatless breakfast, you can continue to prepare almost all your usual dishes, slightly changing the recipe. For example, many people love sandwiches. Instead of sausage, buttered cheese and pate, you can use fresh vegetables, tofu soy cheese, mushroom pate or vegetable caviar.

4 pieces of lean bread,
6 tsp avocado pulp,
1 medium tomato
½ fresh cucumber
lettuce leaves,
dill greens,
½ lemon
ground black pepper,

The bread can be toasted in the toaster, but you can also leave it untoasted. Mash the avocado pulp with a fork and spread the resulting mass on bread, add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Wash and dry the tomato and cucumber, cut into thin slices. Place 1 lettuce leaf on the avocado layer, place prepared tomato and cucumber slices on top, garnish with dill, salt and pepper again and pour over lemon juice.

1 can of canned beans or 1 tbsp. boiled,
1 onion,
2 carrots,
lean bread,
vegetable oil,
ground black pepper,

Peel the carrots and grate on a medium grater, cut the onion into small cubes. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add carrots to it and continue frying until tender. If you are using canned beans, you will need to drain the liquid. Puree the beans using a blender, add the fried onions and carrots, add salt, pepper and stir. Spread the bean mixture onto pieces of bread, garnish with parsley and serve.


A Lenten breakfast requires maximum simplicity and unpretentiousness; in addition, such a breakfast should be tasty, healthy and nutritious. Porridge combines all these qualities. If you are used to cooking porridge in the morning, then there will be no problems with meatless breakfasts. Of course, you will have to give up milk and butter, but there is room for imagination on the topic of sauces and additives. Why not add jelly to your usual semolina porridge? Prepare oatmeal with fruit juice, add dried fruits, nuts, honey or cocoa, and every morning you can cook porridge from different cereals and experiment with the consistency.

2 tbsp. oatmeal,
1 l. apple juice,
50 gr. honey,

Put apple juice on the fire, add honey to it, heat almost to a boil, but do not boil. Add oatmeal and cinnamon to the hot juice, cook until tender, stirring the porridge constantly.


1 tbsp. millet cereals,
2 tbsp. water,
150 gr. pumpkins,

Put the water on the fire while the water is heating, peel the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes. Place the pumpkin in boiling water, rinse the millet grains and add to the pumpkin, add salt and cook for about 20 minutes.

A good meatless breakfast is a varied breakfast. Therefore, sometimes it is worth starting your day with a vegetable or fruit salad. This breakfast option is convenient because you can boil the necessary vegetables the night before, and chop and prepare the sauce in the morning, saving a little time. The choice of ingredients for salads during Lent is wide - any vegetables, fresh, baked or boiled, berries and fruits. You can use vegetable oil, soy sauce or lemon juice as a dressing.

2 medium eggplants,
3 tomatoes
1 clove of garlic,
bunch of parsley,
green onions,
2 tbsp. vinegar,
vegetable oil,

Peel the eggplants, cut into cubes and salt. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the eggplants until golden brown. Place the finished eggplants on paper napkins to remove excess oil. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes, it is better to remove the seeds. Finely chop the greens and garlic, place them in a salad bowl, add tomatoes, eggplants, pepper, pour vinegar and mix.

300 gr. pumpkins,
2 apples,
½ lemon
2 tbsp. honey,
1-2 tbsp. ground walnuts,
150 gr. carrots.

Peel the pumpkin and carrots, remove the zest from the lemon, and squeeze the juice into a separate bowl. Add honey to lemon juice and mix well. If the honey is candied, then before adding it to the juice, keep it in a water bath for a while so that it acquires a more liquid consistency. Cut the pumpkin, apples and carrots into very thin strips and place in a salad bowl. Add lemon zest and dress the salad with honey dressing. Sprinkle the finished salad with ground walnuts and serve.


When else can you eat high-calorie baked goods, if not for a meatless breakfast? Lenten pancakes, pancakes, pies made from unleavened or yeast dough without milk and eggs - you can spoil your family with these breakfasts on weekends or if you have at least half an hour of free time in the morning. You can diversify your baked goods with fillings - fresh herbs, mushrooms, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, or sauces that can be made from frozen berries, fresh or canned fruits, and if you want to save time, you can get by with delicious homemade jam.

½ tbsp. apple juice,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
vegetable oil,
1/3 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. buckwheat flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 tsp vanilla,
2 tbsp. water,
½ tbsp. ground walnuts,
½ tbsp. dried cranberries,

Mix juice, sugar, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, flour, baking powder and salt. Beat with a mixer. If you don’t have a mixer, add flour gradually, constantly whisking the dough so that there are no lumps. Add water, cinnamon, vanilla, ground nuts and cranberries and mix thoroughly. Heat a pancake pan well and grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Using a spoon, pour small pancakes into the pan and fry them on both sides. Ready-made pancakes can be served with honey.

30 gr. fresh yeast,
2 tbsp. wheat flour,
1.5 tbsp. water,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
vegetable oil,

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add sugar, salt and flour, knead the dough. When the dough has risen, without stirring, place it with a spoon onto a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides. You can serve them with honey or jam.


Don’t let this foreign word confuse you, the ingredients of this drink may well be lean. Often we do not have enough time to prepare a lean breakfast; at best, we can allocate 5-10 minutes for it. How to get a tasty, nutritious and healthy breakfast in conditions of constant lack of time? Make a smoothie! This is a thick drink made from berries or fruits mixed in a blender. It will take very little time to prepare, and you will get a lean breakfast with a delicate taste and keep you feeling full until lunch.

1 banana
1 tbsp. apple-peach juice,
3 tbsp. rolled oats flakes
1 tbsp. peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Using a blender, puree the flakes, add the banana and blend with the flakes until smooth. Add the juice and whisk thoroughly again, pour the smoothie into a glass and add the seeds.


1 large carrot,
4 broccoli florets,
200 ml. orange juice,
1 apple,
2 oranges.

Place the carrots, cut into pieces, broccoli into a blender and add orange juice. Whisk thoroughly. Then add the sliced ​​apple and peeled oranges, beat thoroughly again. Pour the finished smoothie into a glass.

There are quite a few options for a meatless breakfast! Of course, Lent involves moderation, but this is not at all a reason to switch to bread and water. There are many options for preparing delicious, nutritious, varied Lenten breakfasts from permitted foods in order to fully satisfy the nutritional needs of those who are fasting. May your breakfasts remain nourishing, complete and varied during Lent!

Alena Karamzina

For those who are always in a hurry, the ability to quickly prepare a sandwich is almost the main talent of a person. If these are lean sandwiches and also turn out to be dietary, this is doubly appreciated. And if it’s still tasty and piquant, then what time?

Will ask straight into your mouth

Great meatless sandwich

The time has come to learn this art.

Hot Lenten sandwiches with potatoes. Video recipe

In fact, I was surprised myself when I found such a recipe - all my life I thought that there were only “wrong” sandwiches, that is, with the “wrong sausage.” It turns out that there are also sandwiches with “proper potatoes”, lean ones. During the days of Lent they will come in very handy.


  • Bread (preferably wholemeal)
  • Raw potatoes
  • Olive oil (or any other vegetable oil)
  • Ground pepper.


  • Grate the potatoes, squeeze out the juice, add salt, pepper and mix thoroughly - this is the filling. Pour oil into a frying pan and place on the fire to heat it up. Cut the bread into thin pieces and spread a not very thick layer of filling on each piece.
  • When the oil is hot, place the sandwiches in a frying pan, potatoes side down, and fry first over low heat, then turn up the heat. Turn the browned sandwiches over so that the other side is also fried. Place the finished sandwiches on a plate and enjoy their delicious taste.

Video for clarity:

Lenten sandwich with kiwi. Video recipe

Yes, there are also such sandwiches. Moreover, such sandwiches are made quickly, and the main thing about them is their piquant taste.


  • Long loaf (“baguette”)
  • Lenten mayonnaise
  • Garlic
  • Vegetable oil.


  • We cut the baguette like into sandwiches. Dry the pieces either in a toaster or lightly fry them in a frying pan with a little oil. Place the mayonnaise in a bowl, squeeze the garlic into it and mix. Spread mayonnaise on the dried pieces of loaf.
  • We cut the kiwi into thin slices. You can peel the kiwi, but it is better to scrape off the hairs from the peel with a sharp knife, like a razor, and eat the peel, as it contains a lot of useful vitamins. Place kiwi slices on top of mayonnaise - the sandwiches are ready.

Watch the entire cooking process in the video:

In the video, processed cheese is added to sandwiches, but we are going to fast, so we don’t need this addition. At least for the duration of Lent.

Healthy lean sandwiches with greens. Video recipe

I liked this recipe because it reminded me of my distant childhood, when we kids, running home for a minute, quickly ate whatever came to hand. Our favorite “dish” was to pour vegetable oil into a saucer, season it with salt and dip black bread into it. Ummm, delicious!

So here's a similar recipe.


  • Black bread
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt (with spices - this is specially sold)
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil - whatever you like).


  • Cut the bread into small thin pieces.
  • Spread vegetable oil on the pieces, salt with fragrant salt, and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top.

That's all!

Recipe video:

We hope that our meatless sandwiches with video recipes will take root in your home!

Anna Lyudkovskaya is an experienced cook: she has been coming up with recipes and writing about food herself for 15 years. She has something to tell and something to surprise.

The other day I came across a discussion on Facebook about breakfast. Everyone complained that they didn't know what to replace the scrambled eggs and cheese sandwich with. Don't cook something complicated, because in the morning there is no time for culinary experiments - the children need to be sent to school and get ready for work in about thirty minutes. But squash caviar gets boring after about a week.

For breakfast, I often prepare various vegetable and bean spreads, which are an excellent substitute for cheeses, pates and sausages. People at home even make sandwiches with them in the middle of the day when they feel that they won’t make it to dinner. The main thing is to make the spreads in advance, put them in a container and store them in the refrigerator. My spreads do not spoil for 4-5 days.

Many Lenten spreads come from the cuisines of the Maghreb countries; various mezes are popular there - from peas and chickpeas, from eggplant, from yogurt and tomatoes. Meze is usually placed in the center of the table as an appetizer and served with flatbreads of white bread, which are used to scoop food and put it in the mouth. No forks or spoons, tear off a piece of flatbread, dip it in some babaganoush, moutabal or hummus and eat.

Hummus in general has become an international bestseller in recent years; it is sold in supermarkets all over the world, including in Moscow. Goes great with Lent! Ready-made hummus is not a cheap meal, but it is very easy to make at home.

Chef Ehab Al Batsh taught me how to cook meze; he works in a hotel in Jordan, located on the shores of the Dead Sea, very close to the place where Christ was baptized. How deftly and quickly Ehab made the meze! He had an electric meat grinder and a food processor in his kitchen; they, of course, greatly speeded up and made the whole process easier.

And the chef also included ingredients that can be bought in our stores. For example, chickpeas - a key ingredient in hummus, such huge yellow peas the size of a small hazelnut - are sold dry in markets, in spice departments. It is treated exactly the same as legumes - pour overnight, drain and simmer for about two hours.

Or buy canned in cans, just like you buy white or brown beans. I have nothing against canned legumes, I always keep lentils, different types of beans and chickpeas in the kitchen cupboard. Canned beans save a lot of time, they are always on hand, and food can be prepared in no time.

Yes, if you don't have a food processor, an immersion blender or a regular meat grinder will do. True, you will have to pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder twice.


  • 3 eggplants
  • 1 bell pepper
  • bulb
  • 2 tomatoes
  • clove of garlic
  • juice of one lemon
  • tablespoon olive oil
  • half a bunch of cilantro
  • two tablespoons of narsharab
  • sea ​​salt, freshly ground white pepper

1. Bake the eggplants. They need to stay in the oven for about 45-60 minutes at 160 degrees. The time depends on the size of the eggplants. It's better to place the eggplants on a baking sheet lined with foil so you don't have to wash the baking sheet later. Cool, peel, chop and place in a sieve to drain excess moisture from the eggplant.

2. Cut the onions, tomatoes and peppers into small cubes, chop the garlic. Place in a salad bowl, add eggplant and chopped cilantro. Add salt, pepper, squeeze out lemon juice, season with olive oil and narsharab. Stir. Baba ganoush is stored in the refrigerator for about four days.

N.B. If you live outside the city, then bake eggplants over coals. The eggplants will have a smoky flavor, which is amazingly delicious. Throw a few eggplants on the grill, cover with a lid and forget about them for about 40 minutes.



  • 200g can of canned chickpeas
  • half a cup sesame tahini paste (you can replace it with regular sesame seeds, just grind the sesame seeds in a coffee grinder to make flour) - optional
  • juice of one lemon
  • two cloves of garlic
  • two tablespoons olive oil
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper

1. Open the can of chickpeas and pour the liquid into a bowl.

2. Place the chickpeas, garlic, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and a little black pepper in a food processor and pulse until the mixture is smooth. Add chickpea liquid from time to time. Hummus should become the consistency of thick, fatty sour cream or semolina porridge.

White bean spread with parsley


1. Place the beans in a colander. If the beans are in the sauce, they need to be rinsed. Chop the parsley as finely as possible.

2. Place all ingredients except parsley in a food processor (a blender will also work) and process until smooth.

3. Stir in the parsley. If necessary, add more vegetable oil - the spread should be easily applied to the bread. During Lent it is wonderful with bread toasted in the toaster, and on fasting days this spread can be a sauce for baked pork.

has been writing about food, restaurants and cooking secrets for 15 years. Creator of the magazine “Bread and Salt”, presenter of the culinary column “Fresh Food” on RIA Novosti, author of the publications “Vedomosti.Friday”, “Gastronom”, “KhlebSol”, “Around the World”, “First, Second, Third”, “Peasant Woman” ", "Look" and others.

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These are only nutritionists against eating on the go, but we know how convenient it is to use sometimes delicious spread on bread and satisfy your hunger. There are a lot of advantages - it's filling, healthier than fast food or candy bars, and lighter than a traditional sandwich. No wonder the dish is the most popular snack in the world. Let's try to cook it according to one of the 6 recipes?

Spicy and satisfying: curd spread with garlic and dill

This fusion of Georgian and Slavic cuisine awakens the appetite and satisfies with its balanced taste. The resulting “pate” goes well with a cracker or a piece of toast. Such snack spread on bread good when the main meal is far away, but you want to eat.

Of the ingredients we need:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • more dill (optimally a bunch);
  • a pinch of salt.

Chop the greens, add cottage cheese, garlic, butter and salt it all. Blend the mixture in a blender until smooth, oily and tender. cottage cheese bread spreads. If you are on a diet, use low-fat cheese.

“False caviar”: cheese and herring spread

Simple delicious bread spread recipe gives us pasta, which is served in the traditional way or on dried pieces of zucchini, boiled potatoes. You can prepare two dishes separately and offer them to your family or guests together. The spread is also suitable for the holiday table.

To prepare we take:

  • 200 g herring fillet;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 50 g each of butter and carrots.

We throw the cheeses into the freezer to make them easier to chop later. Boil the carrots for about half an hour, chop the fillet finely, grate the cheese and carrots or chop them into small pieces with a knife. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. like this herring spread on bread can be presented as “false caviar”.

Helpful: Avocado Spread

One of the most delicious bread spreads made from avocado. The fruit must be at the stage of ideal ripeness - soft, pliable. Its creamy taste goes well with spices.

To accompany one avocado we take:

  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • half an onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • a pinch of black pepper and salt.

Remove the skin from the fruit with your hands and remove the pit. Press the pulp with a fork or grate it with a grater, add oil, lemon juice, finely chopped onion, salt and pepper. When serving, sprinkle with herbs. This one is quick and nutritious. avocado bread spread will saturate the body with useful substances and allow you to last until lunch or dinner.

Traditional: lard spread with garlic

Selection bread spread Can't do without this recipe. The dish is served not only at family meals, but also in many restaurants. Chefs offer it as a compliment to guests, and the treat becomes more and more popular with each new taster. We recommend preparing this appetizer to balance taste and nutrition.

For this paste we will need:

  • half a kilo of lard;
  • from 5 to 8 cloves of garlic, depending on the desired spiciness;
  • a little less than a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of black pepper.

We remember that a wonderful dish can only be made from wonderful ingredients. Therefore, we choose lard carefully and with love. Good “raw materials” are soft, delicate, and do not smell of anything. The skin should be easily pierced with a knife.

Let's start cooking: wash the lard, pat dry with a paper towel, remove the skin, and cut into pieces. Separately peel the garlic cloves. It is better to take freshly ground pepper: if you don’t have a mortar, grind the peas by hand to get a rich taste. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl or meat grinder and grind. This lard and garlic spread on bread Serve on rye bread with tomato or as you like.

Simple: Jewish snack

This national bread spread doesn't need compliments. Everyone tried the appetizer. And we will improvise and add new ingredients.

If we cook traditionally, we need:

  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of salt.

Boil the eggs until hard-boiled, finely grate the slightly frozen cheese, add chopped garlic and eggs, mayonnaise, and salt. You can pepper or add dill and carrots. Very tasty to spread Jewish spread on bread or hot toast and put something fish on top - sprats, herring. Instead of processed cheese, you can use regular hard cheese for variety.

Lenten: celery and apple spread

If you are fasting or simply using a lenten menu for a diet, this recipe will come in handy. You can add raisins, carrots, walnuts to it. You can serve ready-made sandwiches with herbs and or another lean dish.

We need:

  • 1 celery root;
  • one or a couple of apples;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • mayonnaise (lean);
  • a pinch of sugar and salt.

Boil the celery, peel and grate on a medium grater. Peel the apple, grate it with holes of the same diameter and add it to the celery mixture. We pour mayonnaise over it all, sweeten and salt. Spread the Lenten spread on the rye bread slices with the salad and try it.

Healthy, nutritious and easy to prepare spreads are a real lifesaver if you need an instant snack. We hope you enjoy these recipes.

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We are not used to racking our brains about breakfast - the sooner and more satisfying, the better. City dwellers simply do not have time for long thoughts in the morning. But then another fast comes - and we need to look for a replacement for yogurt, cottage cheese and omelet. Fortunately, it turns out that even among Lenten dishes there are many that are just as simple, quick and satisfying.

When friends call asking what to cook for breakfast, I feel like I've been driven into a dead end - much like one of my friends, a famous Russian sommelier. On the eve of secular and church holidays, his phone rings off the hook - everyone is asking what wine to buy. And although wine is a more subtle and delicate substance than food, with dishes it is even more complicated. I usually immediately recommend fried tomatoes, ripe, juicy tomatoes from Uzbekistan or, if it’s August, from Krasnodar - the fastest dish I know. If you use the right tomatoes, trust me, you will appreciate the genius and simplicity of this dish. Four tomatoes should be cut in half and fried for 30 seconds on each side in heated olive or sunflower oil with flavor. Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve with Borodino bread toast, sprinkled with the same vegetable oil.

During Lent, I eat these sandwiches at least once a week; they have a rare quality in gastronomy - they don’t get boring.

All other fasting breakfasts require that you take care of them in advance. You are planning what soup you will cook for the whole week and what you will bake in the evening! Mushrooms and legumes help out during Christmas and Lent, from which you can make excellent spreads on bread. They contain a lot of plant protein, which just compensates for the deficiency of animal proteins. Fresh champignons or dried mushrooms with fried onions make delicious caviar. Pasta is made from boiled beans, lentils or - the most popular in the world - chickpeas. Hummus is made from boiled chickpeas by passing it through a meat grinder and adding garlic, sesame flour and olive oil. Spreads or caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a week, and they can also be frozen, so it makes sense to immediately prepare with a reserve. This way you will save valuable time. However, hummus, as well as Mediterranean tapenade pastes made from sun-dried tomatoes, olives or olives can be found in grocery stores in the delicatessen departments.

In summer, legumes are replaced by fresh vegetables, which can be baked on the grill or in the oven. From baked eggplant I make babaganoush, a Middle Eastern dish somewhat reminiscent of eggplant caviar, but much simpler. Sometimes I stew all the vegetables that are in the refrigerator and in the garden, and also spread the resulting stew on bread. You can even cook green shoots and leaves by sautéing them in a frying pan and adding olive oil and lemon juice. Have you ever cooked fresh wild garlic leaves? Or baby spinach? Be sure to try it! Again, serve with toast or good bread.

If the household has a blender, then in the morning you can make smoothies - something like freshly squeezed juices in which the pulp is preserved. Place berries, apples, bananas, a couple of pieces of ice in a blender and blend until pureed. You can take a wide variety of berries and fruits; there are no prohibited combinations - it’s all about your imagination and the tastes of your children. By the way, frozen berries from bags are also suitable. You can throw nuts, flax seeds into a blender and pour in lean milk from rice, almonds, oats or soy.

And, of course, homemade muesli. What could be more satisfying than carbohydrates for breakfast? Many people cannot start working unless they eat a loaf of bread or porridge in the morning, which contains an excess of carbohydrates. Muesli is an extremely convenient option; you can prepare it six months in advance and then, when you’re late for the office, top it with juices or lean milk. Believe me, homemade muesli is a thousand times tastier and healthier than ready-made ones, and besides, they save the family budget. Place ordinary oatmeal on a baking sheet, add various nuts and seeds, brush with liquid honey and add a little vegetable oil, mix and dry for 30 minutes in the oven. Once it cools down, you need to add dried berries and pour into an airtight jar.

Baked eggplant babaganoush
200 g eggplants, 20 g bell peppers, onions, 50 g tomatoes, 1 clove garlic, juice of two lemons, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ground white pepper, 20 g each of cilantro, mint and parsley, 2 tbsp. l. nasharab (pomegranate juice sauce).

Bake the eggplants for an hour at 160 degrees, cool, peel, cut and place in a bowl. Bell peppers, onions, tomatoes cut into cubes. Chop cilantro, mint, parsley, chop garlic very finely. Place all ingredients, except for one spoon of nasharab, in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour the remaining nasharab on top.

Dried wild mushroom spread
50 g of dried mushrooms (honey mushrooms, boletus, porcini or any other), 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, a pinch of nutmeg, freshly ground black pepper, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Cover the mushrooms with warm water and leave overnight. Chop the mushrooms. Heat a frying pan and simmer the onion in vegetable oil until slightly golden, transfer to a bowl. Then place the mushrooms in the same frying pan and simmer them under the lid for about 30 minutes until tender. Add water from time to time and stir. If you have an open bottle of dry white wine, then gradually add a third of the glass along with water - your spread will have a delicious taste! At the end, the mushrooms should be without liquid, otherwise the spread will resemble liquid porridge. Puree onions and mushrooms in a blender. You can also mince the mushrooms and onions (you get a grainy texture). Then season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, vinegar, stir and place in an airtight container. If you are going to eat caviar in the next couple of days, then add more finely chopped parsley - it will add freshness.

Partial fish caviar paste with ginger, Abkhazian lemon and sesame oil
200 g of small fish caviar, a full teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, 2 tbsp. l. Abkhazian lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l. sesame oil, 2 tbsp. l. refined, odorless sunflower oil, 2-3 tbsp. l. lean mayonnaise, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Rinse the caviar lightly, tear the protective film, but do not fiddle with it or remove it. Make the marinade: mix sesame and sunflower oil, lemon juice and ginger. Pour the marinade over the caviar, mix thoroughly and leave for ten minutes. The caviar should absorb the marinade. Heat a non-stick frying pan, add a little vegetable oil and fry the caviar under the lid. Add salt and pepper. The caviar needs to be stirred and “stirred” from time to time, separating the stuck together eggs. When the caviar turns white and cooked through, transfer to a bowl and let cool. Add mayonnaise and stir. The amount of mayonnaise, as well as salt, depends on your taste. If the eggs are small, then the paste is ready, and if they are large, then grind them with an immersion blender. There is no need to achieve a uniform consistency, just immerse the blender a couple of times and the caviar will become more tender and soft. Spread on bread and eat!

Note: partial fish - in the southern regions this is the name for any fish except sturgeon and white fish. The most common species are: roach, herring, pike perch, catfish, bream, carp, pike, crucian carp, rudd.

