Prepare fluffy round rice. Short grain rice: rules for cooking in a saucepan and slow cooker. Video on how to cook rice in two ways

Cooking rice, like cooking, is a seemingly trivial matter, which in practice can end in failure. Depending on the type of rice and its further purpose, cooking technologies may differ, and what you previously considered ideal rice may in fact be very far from the classical understanding of this term. We will discuss how to properly cook rice as a side dish below.

How to properly cook short grain rice as a side dish?

Cooking round rice can be the biggest challenge since round grains have the highest starch content. Here it is necessary to strictly adhere to proportions and preparation time.


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 1/4 tbsp.


First, wash the rice grains in plenty of water, changing the liquid 3-4 times. Pour a new portion of fresh water over the rice grains and leave for half an hour. This procedure will restore the moisture content in the dried grains and avoid them from overcooking in the future. After time has passed, let the excess liquid drain, pour the rice into the pan and fill with water and calculate 1: 1.2. After placing the pan over the fire, immediately cover it with a lid and leave everything to cook for 12-13 minutes over low heat. After time has passed, look under the lid to make sure all the water has been absorbed. Cover the pan again and leave the rice for 10 minutes, no longer over the heat. The preparation of the fluffy rice for the side dish is finished, all that remains is to mix it with a special spatula and you can try.

The rules for cooking long grain rice are similar if you want to get crumbly cereal, only in the case of long grain rice, cooking water should be added based on a 1:1 ratio.

Before preparing delicious rice as a side dish, rinse the cereal until clean, fill it with fresh water and leave for half an hour. Place the rice in a colander and allow all excess water to drain, then pour the cereal into a bowl with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. Pour in twice as much water and leave the grains on low heat for 12-14 minutes. Once cooking is complete, allow the remaining liquid to be completely absorbed, leaving the rice covered for another 20 minutes.

You can also cook by selecting the appropriate mode on the device for an automatically set time. At the end of cooking, stir the rice with a fork and season with butter.

how to cook short grain rice? cereal/water ratio? maybe some more advice and got the best answer

Answer from Larisa[guru]
if there is a side dish, you need to rinse it well in hot water, stirring a little
and then - 1 tbsp rice 2 tbsp water salt to taste and 2 tbsp vegetable oil

Answer from Vasily Ushakov[guru]
So that it doesn't get overcooked. Place it in boiling water for 3-5 seconds before use.

Answer from The Executioner's Bride[guru]
Rinse well and cook 1:2.

Answer from Yinsha[guru]
Don't worry about proportions. Any rice is cooked the same way - add it to cold water (large volume), add salt and cook until desired condition. Then you drain it through a colander, and that’s it.

Answer from ?Nata? ????L.i ?[guru]
It’s better if you have broth, cook in broth

Answer from Acoustic[guru]
For one volume of rice, 1.5 volumes of water. for steamed you can use 2. I don’t cook any cereal at all, I have a thermos.

Answer from Tiana[guru]
Fill the washed rice with water to the height of the phalanx of your finger.
cook until water is absorbed, turn off and leave covered for 15 minutes
and only then add salt and mix

Answer from Galka Galkina[guru]
To measure rice and water, take a regular glass or cup.
In a deep frying pan or stainless steel pan, heat 3-4 tbsp. l. rast. oils pour 1 cup of dry sorted rice to the brim. Warm up, stirring constantly. Pour in 1 glass full to the brim of hot water and 1 glass not filled to the brim by 2 cm. Pour 1 hour. l. salt without a slide. Stir and reduce heat to low. Cover with a lid. Mix a couple of times. When almost all the water was absorbed and the rice began to swell. We pile it up in a slide from the sides to the middle. We make “punctures” to the bottom with the handle of a slotted spoon. Turn off the heat and leave for 10 minutes.
Season with vegetable oil or butter if necessary. Or simply mix until the grains are friable.

Answer from Olga Starannik[guru]
What is short grain rice for? For porridge? Crumbly? For pudding? For sushi? What are you going to cook with - on the stove or in the slow cooker? Please check.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to cook short grain rice? cereal/water ratio? maybe some more advice

Good health to you, dear readers! If you remember, we recently learned how to make it odorless and not fall apart. And they achieved success in this.

And as a side dish that day I prepared boiled rice. Although there is nothing complicated about this, people still have questions. It's okay, because today I would like to tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. How much cereal and water do you need, which one to choose and how long to wait until ready.

In addition to being a delicious side dish, this knowledge will be useful to you in preparing salads, fillings for pies and all other dishes where it is usually added.

What do you need to boil rice for a side dish?

Rice cereal 1 cup
Water 1.5-2 cups (long grains)
Salt ~0.5 tsp.
Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l. per glass of cereal
Herbs and seasonings to your taste

What kind of cereal is there?

The most popular varieties are short-grain and long-grain, both can be easily found in any store.

For a crumbly side dish, the long-grain variety is best; cereals with round grains contain more starch and gluten. Therefore it boils more. But you won’t find a better variety for porridge or casserole.

According to the method of processing the grains, it can be polished (white) and steamed (yellowish, or also written - golden).

So, the most ideal option is long-grain steamed, by the way, let me remind you that we already used it when we fried it. Since the top layer of the grain is removed during grinding, it becomes easier to boil it, and the steamed one retains part of the shell. But many people don’t like its taste and smell.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly?

There are several points that are suitable for any type.
- rinse thoroughly
- add oil
- cook covered, without stirring

1. As always, we start any dish by preparing the ingredients. In this case, the rice grains must be washed. The easiest way to do this is with a sieve, but it can also be done in a small bowl or deep plate. It is better to rinse 3-5 times until the water becomes completely clear.

Fill with water, cold or at room temperature, for 30 minutes, since steamed rice is hard, to slightly soak it.

2. Pour water into a pan, add salt. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to 1 cup of dry cereal.

3. Pour the prepared cereal into the boiling “broth”. Stir to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.

4. Close the lid and leave for 20-25 minutes (if you use white polished rice, the time is reduced to 12-15 minutes). There is no need to stir (as they say, there is no need to prevent a delicious side dish from cooking crumbly).

5. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the fluffy rice to sit for 10-15 minutes. Quite often butter is added at this stage.

As you can see, boiling rice so that it turns out crumbly is not so difficult. You just need to master the technology and select the most suitable raw materials.

Bon appetit!

Some cooks rinse the grains with boiled water after cooking. And they are all alive and well. This makes sense if your side dish is starchy. But then it’s worth adding herbs and spices to its taste after washing, and you probably need to add a little more salt, although I’m not sure about salt. However, with long grain I never needed to rinse it after cooking.

An alternative way to cook rice to avoid sticking

Heat the butter (butter or vegetable) in a saucepan. Add washed rice. Stirring thoroughly, wait until the cereal absorbs the fat and becomes transparent (3-5 minutes). Pour boiling water (1.5 - 2 cups of liquid per 1 cup of cereal), salt, season and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes without stirring, under a tightly closed lid, until all the water has evaporated (or not absorbed, depending on how you look) ).

Popular cases:

a) The water has evaporated, but the rice is not ready yet
The simplest thing is to remove from the heat and leave the rice to steam. Or add a little boiling water and continue cooking until all the water is absorbed by the grains. First make several holes (only in the boiled cereal, not in the pan) to the very bottom (either with a knife or a fork) so that the “additional” boiling water spreads evenly. There is also a way to put it in the oven for 10 minutes.

b) The rice is ready, but there is some excess liquid left
In this case, it is advised to remove the rice from the stove and, covering the pan with a towel or newspaper folded several times, close the lid to absorb excess moisture. Place in a colander or sieve and let the water drain.

How to cook round rice (loose) for a side dish?

If you are not looking for easy ways, and still decide to cook cereals with round grains, then you should remember that the approach will be a little different.

1. You will need to rinse longer, achieving maximum water clarity. That is, we remove all excess starch.

2. You need to take more liquid ~ 3 tbsp. for 1 tbsp. cereals

3. Place in boiling salted water. Stir so that nothing sticks to the bottom. Cover tightly with a lid

4. Cook for 12 minutes, and it is recommended to cook for 3 minutes on high heat, 7 on moderate and 2 on low. Don't forget to taste the grains to see if they are done.

5. Place in a sieve or colander and rinse with boiled water (you can even use boiling water). Let the water drain, after which you can reheat in the same pan, adding a piece of butter, spices and salt if necessary.

Even in this case, the result may not be 100% crumbly; after all, the variety is capricious.

I have repeatedly seen inscriptions in recipes and comments to them: “no seasonings,” “under no circumstances in an enamel pan,” and even something like “this is the only chance to salt the rice.” If anything, pray for me, but I don’t see anything wrong with this.

How to cook delicious rice as a side dish?

You can give rice a golden hue using saffron, curry or turmeric.

Add fried onions and herbs. Just fry onions cut into strips and put them in rice. That's exactly what I did and mixed everything up.

Supplement with vegetables, for example, green peas or canned corn.

A short video tutorial on how to cook fluffy rice:

It would seem that what could be easier for a housewife than to cook Saracen grain for a side dish or for a salad, we remember the fairy tale about porridge from an ax. But no, it’s not entirely simple, because there is no single ideal recipe for how to properly cook rice in a pan. Cooking methods differ in the proportions of water and grain, which makes it possible to obtain a boiled side dish used for different dishes.

A side dish of rice grains can be prepared from different varieties, but we will talk about the most popular and used varieties in our kitchens - long-grain and short-grain rice.

How to cook long grain rice in a saucepan

Before cooking long grain rice in water, you need to keep in mind that this variety increases in size by 3 times. Knowing this nuance will help you correctly determine the required amount of dry grain for preparing portions.

Steps for cooking long grain rice

  1. We rinse the rice from starch through a sieve or in a saucepan, simply draining the water. Wash 2-3 times until the white sediment completely disappears.
  2. If the cooking time needs to be reduced, soak the rice for 20 minutes. You can skip this step.
  3. The required ratio of rice and water is 1:2, if we determine it visually, then the water should cover the rice by 2 fingers.
  4. Bring the grain filled with water to a boil, keep it over high heat for 3 minutes and reduce the heat to medium.
  5. Cook the rice on medium heat for 7 minutes and another 2 minutes on low heat.
  6. The grain is cooked under a tightly closed lid until fully cooked. The full cooking stage takes 12 minutes, if the grain was pre-soaked, then 8-10 minutes.

After finishing cooking, let the rice sit in the pan for a while. Rice prepared in this way can be used for various dishes - both for salads and as a side dish.

In order to prepare a tasty side dish from short-grain rice, we follow the same cooking rules as for long-grain rice: that is, wash off the starch, soak (you can skip this step) and cook for 12 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

  • For cooking, be sure to use a saucepan with a thick bottom; if you don’t have one, choose a cauldron.
  • To prevent rice from sticking together, the ratio of grain and water should be 1:1.5, that is, 200 g of rice - 300 ml of water.

Typically, short-grain rice is used to make sushi and rolls, and there, as you know, you need a sticky base. For this base, cook rice in a 1:2 ratio with water. After finishing, do not wash the rice.

How to cook fluffy rice for pilaf

The recipe for crumbly rice for pilaf is no different from the cooking recipes described above and the steps are absolutely identical.

In addition to the general rules, there are a few more tips for preparing a delicious side dish.

  1. The stage of washing the rice from starch will be mandatory.
  2. Rice is placed only in cold water.
  3. Add a tablespoon of sunflower or butter to a pan of water.
  4. To prepare pilaf you need fried meat, onions and carrots, layered with rice. It is better to cook pilaf in a cauldron.

The side dish in Russian cuisine looks like crumbly porridge. That is why we try to perfectly wash the Saracen grain from starch and cook it according to all the rules: these are the correct proportions of water and the ideal 12 minutes for cooking ordinary rice (there are varieties that cook for 30-40 minutes).

For lovers of various sauces, fluffy rice will be an excellent option for both breakfast and dinner.

A good addition to a rice side dish would be vegetables, served alone or as a salad with various dressings. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are considered an ideal addition to the vegetable mix - a minimum of calories and a maximum of beneficial nutrients for the body..

Video on how to cook rice in two ways

How to cook rice for paella

To prepare the famous Italian dish, you don’t need a saucepan at all, but a wide frying pan of the same name with two handles – paella.

The consistency of the cooked rice should be soft, but not at all overcooked. The cooking process requires certain skills: you will need to add water or broth, reduce or increase the heat under the paella and under no circumstances STIR the rice.

The ideal rice for paella is Valencian medium-grain rice (for example, bomba or bahia). But if you don’t find any on store shelves, any round rice that absorbs liquid well, but not steamed rice, is quite suitable.

As for rolls and sushi, the cooked grain for paella is not washed!

How to cook rice for kharcho

On the Internet you can find various recipes for kharcho soup, which differ in the way rice is prepared: it can be poured dry into boiling kharcho, or it can be boiled separately and added to the soup already prepared.

Let's consider the second option and find out how to cook rice for kharcho.

  • The first step is to wash off the starch from the rice.
  • The proportions of water and rice are 1:2.
  • Cooking time – 12 minutes.

After the liquid soup of lamb and vegetables (kharcho soup) is prepared, warm boiled rice is placed in a plate, a clove of garlic is crushed and the entire still life is filled with soup.

To prepare salads with rice, look in your bins for a bag of long-grain Saracen grain - it is considered the ideal salad variety. The variety is also perfect for filling pies and for preparing a side dish.

This type of rice grain absorbs little water and is always crumbly in a dish and does not stick together.

Cooking steps:

  • Wash in several waters until the white turbidity disappears.
  • Proportions rice - water: 1:1.5.
  • Cooking time: 3 minutes on high heat, 7 minutes on medium heat and 2 minutes on low.
  • After cooking, wash the rice in a sieve or colander and spread it on a tray to dry in a thin layer.

Store in a plastic container with a lid on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, pouring the completely cooled rice side dish into the container.

Question answer

How long to cook rice

  • Dry rice grain - 12 minutes (3 minutes high heat, 7 - medium, 2 - low). Leave covered for 10 minutes.
  • Pre-soak grain for 30 minutes - 8 minutes. We insist, as in the version with dry grain.
  • Rare varieties:
    — Nerone black rice is cooked for 60-70 minutes; a glass of dry grain can take up to 2.5 liters of liquid;
    - Bhutanese red rice takes 45 minutes to cook, and if you soak it overnight, the cooking time is reduced to 20 minutes.

How much rice in a glass

  • A glass of 200 grams – 190 grams.
  • Faceted glass (250 grams) – 230 grams.

Rice to water ratio

We described how much water to use per glass of rice in the recipes above, but we remind you once again:

  • preparation of dry rice grain – 1:2;
  • sushi rice – 1:2.5;
  • if we cook soaked rice – 1:1.5.

Is rice washed before cooking?

  • Rice intended for side dishes is washed to prepare salad rice and rice for toppings.
  • Rice grains for paella or the base for sushi and rolls are not washed, as we need to get a sticky porridge.

Do I need to rinse rice after cooking?

Rice can be rinsed if you need a crumbly garnish for salads or toppings. Otherwise there is no need to do this.

How long does boiled rice side dish last?

Store the side dish in a closed plastic container on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

How many calories are in boiled rice

100 g of boiled rice contains 100 kcal.

How many servings of side dish do you get from one glass of dry rice?

A cut glass (250 g) of dry rice yields 4 large servings of a delicious side dish.

How much salt to put in rice

Following the old proverb, there is a lack of salt on the table, but you still want to get a side dish with a successful hit.

For 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water, add ½ tsp. coarse salt.

If we prepare a side dish with broth, then add salt to taste, because the liquid base will already be salty.

I over-salted the rice, how to fix it?

If you suspect that you may not get the salting of the side dish right, it is better to cook it without any salt at all. Sauces or salads with dressings served with it will smooth out the overall picture.

Well, if trouble does happen, you can fix it in several ways:

  • wash the rice with boiled water;
  • You can “de-salt” rice by boiling it in unsalted water for a couple of minutes (the main thing is not to overcook it);
  • mix rice with minced meat and bake (used as an additive to minced meat);
  • You can add it to first courses as a filler.

From our article, you were able to see that cooking fluffy rice in a saucepan is not at all difficult; the main thing is to know what variety will be used and where the future side dish is intended. We hope you find the above tips for cooking grains of rice helpful.

We wish you successful kitchen experiments and bon appetit!

If you cooked and cooked round rice in the hope of getting a crumbly side dish, but it turned out to be porridge, don’t swear. You, apparently, simply did not know that this is the most sticky rice, which is usually used for casseroles. However, if you don’t like casseroles, you can also prepare a side dish. The main thing is to know how to do it.

List of what you need

  • Rice – 200 gr
  • Water – 300 g
  • Pot
  • fine sieve
  • Salt – 2 pinches
  • Butter - 15 g

The first step is to thoroughly rinse the rice under cold running water. You can do this 3-4 times to remove as much dust and excess starch as possible, because you don’t want it to stick together.

Place the washed rice on a fine sieve to dry. It is advisable to lay it in a thin layer. So it should be left for at least an hour. We are pursuing the same goal - to minimize the tendency of rice grains to stick together.

After the drying time has passed, the rice is poured into the pan. It is ideal to take a deep saucepan, at least 2 liters. If you don’t have such a pan, any with more or less thick walls will do.

Fill with water, cover tightly with a lid and place on medium heat. We wait until the water boils and reduce the heat. From this moment until ready, it should take 12-15 minutes.

Now you can look under the cover. If there is no water, then the rice is already ready - turn off the heat, cover the pan again with a lid and wait another 10 minutes. During this time, you can cover the pan with a towel or place it under a pillow for a better effect.

After all this has been done, you should salt the porridge and add butter to it. Mix the round rice thoroughly - and now it can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. It is also suitable as a sweet dish, in this case you can add a little dried apricots and raisins.

Advice (addition) If you have already cooked this way and that, and the rice still sticks together, try frying it a little more after washing and drying, adding one tablespoon of butter per glass of cereal.

Warning! Do not remove the lid from the pan during cooking - the rice needs to be steamed. And even more so, do not stir it - this will lead to the release of starch into the water and the cereal sticking together.

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    How to cook fluffy round rice video recipe - step by step

    Below you will find a step-by-step video recipe that will help you with preparation.
