Drawings on eggs with wax pencils. Getting ready for Easter. Unusual Easter eggs made from jelly

We have collected for you many creative ways to decorate eggs for Easter: from the simplest but original to the incredibly complex.


Shell carving

Matching the color of an old tie

Marker + creative

Stunning miniatures on eggshells

Food coloring

"Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Dragon eggs




Engraving on an Easter egg

For those who know how to crochet

Volumetric pattern on the shell


Super Mario

Watercolor + pencils

Dip glue-covered shells into confectionery sprinkles


Top 20 ways to paint eggs with your own hands!

According to church tradition, eggs need to be dyed on Maundy Thursday, the day when it is customary to clean the house, bathe and get a haircut. And it is pysanka or krashanka that is a talisman and the best Easter gift for friends and family. That is why the question of how to paint eggs should be given maximum attention.

How to paint eggs: useful tips.

1. To make the paint go on more evenly, before boiling the eggs, wipe them with alcohol.

2. To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, add a few tablespoons of salt to the water.

3. If there are children in the house, avoid chemical dyes, choose only natural ones - beet juice, onion peels, etc. After all, dyes can penetrate into the middle of the egg and enter the child’s body.

4. If you want Easter eggs to shine after dyeing, rub them with vegetable oil.

Top 20 ways to paint eggs.

1. Dyeing eggs using onion skins is the most famous and easiest way. We prepare the “paint” like this: boil a fairly large amount of husk for half an hour, then set it aside and let the broth brew. Then put raw eggs there and boil until done. If you want a darker color, it means more husk; if you want a lighter color, take less husk.

2. If you boil raw eggs with spinach or nettles, they will turn out green, depending on the concentration of the herb. Although, they say, it all depends on the case, and it may not turn out to be a very beautiful color.

3. You can get yellow eggs if you boil them in turmeric. You can get purple eggs if you dye them with violets. You need to take violet flowers, pour hot water over them, let the solution brew and soak the eggs in it overnight. Adding a little lemon juice to water will give you a lavender color.

4. If you cook with walnut shells, the eggs will turn out light beige or brown.

5. Pink color can be obtained using cranberry juice. We do this: squeeze out the juice, boil eggs in it, leave overnight.

6. Blue eggs or blue stains on them can be obtained by rubbing already boiled eggs with red cabbage leaves.

7. Boil eggs in ground coffee and you will get beige or brown colored eggs.

8. Speckled eggs are easy to make like this: roll a wet egg in rice, buckwheat or other cereal. Wrap it tightly in gauze, tie it tightly, cook it in any dye. You will get a cute and unusual egg.

9. To get an abstract design on the eggs, wrap them in onion peels and gauze, boil them in the peels or any dye. You will get a streaky egg.

10. Put several rubber bands on the egg and paint it with dye. You will get an egg in stripes.

11. Take parsley and dill leaves, wrap an egg in them, put the egg in a stocking and boil it in onion skins. You will get an egg with a beautiful pattern.

12. “Silk” dyeing is a fashionable way to dye Easter eggs these days. There are, of course, questions about its harmlessness. How to dye eggs: take white raw eggs, wrap them in pieces of silk, for example, cut old ties for this.

Then we secure it either with thread or with another fabric. Cook by adding vinegar. An important condition is that the silk must be natural, otherwise nothing will work.

13. You will get a real pysanka if you work a little with wax. Take an already boiled egg and a burning candle. Using a match (in fact, there is a special tool for this - a scribbler, which can be bought at an exhibition or in a museum) we apply a drawing.

To start with, something simple - specks or stripes. Then dip the egg into the paint, but not hot, otherwise the wax will melt. The areas not painted with wax are painted, and thanks to the wax, a pattern remains on the egg. Then remove the wax or carefully scratch it off or heat it slightly onto the candles and wash it off.

14. Scratched eggs are obtained if you apply any pattern on a paint using a needle or other sharp object.

15. White patterns can be applied to the paint using powdered sugar. How to do it: take a glass of powdered sugar, add a little water to make the mixture very thick. Using a pastry syringe, apply a pattern to the boiled and colored eggs.

16. Or you can decorate the eggs with decorative elements. For example, using double-sided tape you can make a girl egg.

17. You can create a real dove from an egg by attaching a beak, wings and tail. In terms of decorating eggs, the possibilities are almost limitless - you can make anything you want, if you have the desire.

18. And here is a whole team of egg scuba divers. But here you have to try: you need to stretch a rubber band over a boiled egg, attach a water stopper and a cut cocktail tube to it. And the scuba diver himself can be placed on legs - a stand made of thick cardboard or plastic, again attached with tape or glue.

19. You can also color eggs using children's harmless water-based markers. Or using the same paints. For this you will need paints and a thin brush. To make the drawing neat, first draw a pencil sketch on the boiled egg.

20. Using acrylic paints you can make speckled eggs. Just take the paints, dilute them to a liquid consistency and, using a toothbrush, sprinkle the paint onto the boiled eggs placed in stands or water stoppers. Let the paint dry and the eggs are ready. So it turns out that the eggs are decorated, and the minimum amount of harmful paint is used.

Happy upcoming holiday!













The whole family gathers at the Easter table. This is a bright and joyful day. An integral part of the traditions and surroundings of this holiday are Easter eggs, all kinds of “painted eggs” and “pysanky”. Notes of a layman proposes to expand the horizons of imagination, and instead of the usual coloring, experiment with different materials and techniques. As a result, you will receive original decorative jewelry and a lot of positive emotions.

You might be interested to immediately read:

Easter egg coloring: marble and silk patterns

"Marble" Easter eggs

A synthetic dye is more suitable for this coloring method, so it is better to clean the eggs from the inside. Pierce small holes in the top and bottom of the shell, then pierce the yolk and carefully remove the contents with a douche or syringe. Rinse well and dry. Such “paints” will serve you for many years.

— Dissolve the base dye in a deep bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and color the eggs a uniform color. Place them on a napkin or wire rack and leave until completely dry.

- In another, shallow bowl (so that the egg is not completely submerged), dilute the dye in a darker tone or contrasting color. Pour in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and stir it so that beautiful patterns form on the surface of the liquid. Dip the egg and roll around the circumference of the bowl. The oil and dye will settle on the shell, forming a fancy marble pattern. Pat with a paper towel and let dry.

Silk patterns

A very fun way to color Easter eggs that allows you to create intricate and varied patterns.

For work you will need: a variety of rags of 100% silk (enough to wrap an egg), elastic bands, raw white eggs, vinegar, an enamel or glass saucepan, paper towels, vegetable oil, an old cotton white sheet or tablecloth.

- Wrap the raw egg tightly with a piece of silk (right side facing the shell) and secure the fabric with an elastic band. Wrap a piece of undyed cotton over the top.

— Place the eggs in an enamel or glass pan, fill completely with water and add 3 tbsp. vinegar. Bring the water to a boil, continue to cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

- Remove the eggs from the water, let them cool, then remove the material. To add shine, dip a paper towel in the oil and wipe the shells.

Painting Easter eggs: wax, marker and paints


It is based on the Ukrainian pysanka technique - drawing wax patterns on hard-boiled eggs. Melted wax is applied to the egg, which is then dipped in dye. After dyeing, the wax melts and intricate patterns are revealed.

To create a more complex pattern, you can use wooden skewers, a pencil eraser, or a pin. However, this cannot be done without some skill. There is also a simple, no less interesting technique for which you will need: eggs, food coloring, wax, a container for melting wax, several bowls for different dyes, paper towels, a baking sheet.

— Color the eggs in a light tone (later you can make the dye more concentrated for stripes of a rich tone).

- Melt the wax in a water bath and dip both ends of the egg into it (the wax will prevent the covered area from turning into the next color).

-Dip the eggs into the next dye for a minute, remove and let dry completely. Then dip it again, only deeper, into the wax, leaving a wide strip in the middle for coloring. Now dip into the third dye.

— Place the fully colored Easter eggs on a baking sheet covered with wax paper and place in the preheated oven for 5 minutes. When the wax melts, remove it with a paper towel.

Watercolor and marker for coloring Easter eggs

If you have high-quality watercolors and watercolor pencils (they spread a little and form an interesting pattern when in contact with a wet surface), you can safely experiment and create original patterns on the shell. If you want to save the eggs until the next Easter holiday, clean them of their contents and cover the design with a fixing protective varnish-spray.

Even if you don't have watercolors, you can create creative Easter decorations using just a permanent marker.

Easter egg decoration: stencil, washi tape and decoupage

Funny ornaments from Japanese washi tape (Washi)

Those who do scrapbooking are very familiar with this decorative tape. A wide range of prints, sizes and shapes allows you to use Washi tape for any decor, including Easter egg decor. The material is very easy to use, you just need to carefully glue a strip of tape to the surface.

We create stencils from adhesive tape and double tape

To achieve a similar effect, adhesive stencils or strips of electrical tape are used.

— First, wrap the unpainted egg with a narrow strip of electrical tape or stick on stencils. Dip in first color, then dry with paper towel.

— Remove the film. Apply a second layer of tape in the opposite direction and dip into the second dye. Dry. Remove the stencil strip from the finished egg.

And such wonderful Easter eggs are decorated with double stationery tape and multi-colored glitter.

Nowadays, colored eggs not only decorate the festive Easter table. They are also given to friends, acquaintances and relatives throughout Easter week. According to the Orthodox custom of painting and painting, eggs need to be decorated on Maundy Thursday. Of all the known methods of painting and decorating eggs, we have chosen the most original and interesting ones.

Before you start painting the Easter egg, you need to paint it in any traditional way, of which there are quite a lot. They paint eggs in onion skins, food coloring, acrylic paints, fabric, green paint, beets, and so on.

Everyone has their own recipes and skills on how to paint eggs for Easter. There are conventional ways of decorating, and there are quite original ones.

Such an interesting decoration of the testicles is possible after coloring. We will paint in two ways: using food coloring and onion skins. In order for the eggs to turn out well and equally colored, they need to be washed well. Read about the method of painting with food coloring on the Easter set pack.

We will focus on the method of painting with onion peels:

  • We collect onion peels, the more peels, the darker the color.
  • Pour water into a bowl, add the husks, and cook for 40-45 minutes over low heat.
  • Cool the resulting paint and strain through a sieve.
  • Add 0.5 tablespoons of salt, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, add eggs, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take it out and dry it on a napkin.

We will get fabulously beautiful eggs if we decorate them with our own hands using wax.

To work you will need:

  1. Wax crayons (sold at a stationery store), paraffin candles.
  2. Copper wire and pencil.
  3. Metal spoon.

Take a piece of copper wire (copper retains temperature for a long time). Keep in mind that the tip of the wire should be similar to the head of a pin, it will be more convenient for drawing. If there is no copper, use a simple pin, needle, or crochet hook. We insert the metal into a pencil to create a convenient tool for drawing with wax.

Melt the wax for work: Place a small piece of chalk and a little candle wax in the middle of a tablespoon. Light a candle and hold a spoon over the flame. Can be replaced with a water bath. Heat to 65 degrees. The wax should not boil.

When the wax and crayon in the spoon heat up and melt, mix them thoroughly until smooth. We draw patterns with hot wax, apply strokes quickly so that the wax does not have time to harden. Stir the wax periodically.

The egg for decorating with wax should be at room temperature, not cold.

In order to better understand the painting technology, watch the video, it has a very clear master class:

This master class also involves wax painting, but the technology is slightly different: the egg is first painted and then boiled:

Easter eggs made from a material such as beads are a very beautiful and memorable gift for such a bright holiday as Easter. For this work we will need a wooden or simple blown egg. How to make the base:

To do this, use a sharp needle or awl to make two holes in the shell opposite each other and blow the contents into a cup. Cover the shell with 4-5 layers of white napkin, coating it with PVA glue. Let the product dry and you will have a great, durable base for decoration.

We will decorate our egg with simple, uncomplicated beading. Even a beginner can cope with the job.

To work you will need:

  1. Egg blank 6-8 cm high, 9-9.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Beads (Czech number 11 or Chinese), white, red, green, gold, blue.
  3. Beading needle.
  4. Nylon thread.
  5. Wax (rubbed thread is less tangled).

First we will weave a beaded belt, then weave the tops. Here is diagram 1 of weaving a belt. Rapport (basic, repeating element of the pattern) is repeated depending on the volume of the workpiece. For example, 4 times with a volume of 9 cm.

We secure the very first bead by threading a needle and nylon thread into it 3 times.

This is how beautiful it turns out:

Then, we connect the belt according to scheme 2, where the number 1 indicates the first bead in the belt:

You will get a belt like this:

Now our task is to weave the tops. It's better to start from the bottom. Diagram 3 clearly shows how this is done.

To prevent the belt from dangling on the workpiece, you need to make a row at the top and bottom.

We begin to braid the crown:

Let's see how to finish a row and where the needle comes out for the next one.

Here the top of the head should be reduced, two rows of gold beads should be collected, 2 beads each, and then only 1.

Finishing the bottom crown.

We do the top crown in the same way.

So the gift for Easter is ready.

You can decorate eggs for Easter using the decoupage technique. The work is not difficult, even a child can handle it. We will make decoupage using starch.

To work you will need:

  1. White boiled eggs.
  2. Brush.
  3. Napkins.
  4. Food starch.
  5. Food dyes.

We will need napkins with a small pattern, for example, with roses. You need to remove the 2 bottom layers of napkins and leave one with a pattern. We cut out the drawings not exactly along the contour, but with an allowance. You can cut it out, or you can just tear it with your hands, whichever you prefer.

Using a brush and water, distribute parts of the napkins over the surface of the workpiece. Try to ensure that all small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Make a paste from starch. You need to cook it in the same way as wallpaper paste. We don't need a lot of glue, take 3 teaspoons of starch (corn or potato) and half a glass of hot water. The water should be hot, but not boiling water, 80 degrees. Pour the starch into the water and mix thoroughly with a spoon so that there are no lumps. Let cool to room temperature. The paste is ready. Coat the eggs and wait until they dry.

After the testicles are dry, apply one last coat, adding food coloring to the paste. It is better to dry all this beauty on a wire rack. This decoration is safe, because we did not use any chemicals.

This is an interesting Rooster egg that you can knit with your own hands and give as a gift or decorate your Easter table.

To work you will need:

  1. A plastic egg from children's toys (put some small items inside for weight). If you don’t have a large container, take one from Kinder Surprise.
  2. Hook.
  3. 2 rhinestones for the eyes (you can use simple beads).
  4. A little yellow, red, green yarn.

We crochet 6 loops and connect them into a ring. Next, we knit in a circle, adding loops to the diameter we need, which is equal to our container.

Then we knit a circle. We knit to the middle of the container.

We tie our container, gradually decreasing the loops. We reduce the top of the head. Next, we knit a comb on the head. To do this, fasten the red thread and cast on 8 loops at the crown.

We mark the place of the cockerel's beak.

We marked the place of the cockerel's beak and use red thread to cast on several loops so that the circle is at least 1 cm in diameter. We knit in the round.

There are a huge number of variations in the coloring of chicken eggs, but what remains unchanged is the process of preparing for coloring. We share some tips with you:

1. To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to remove them from the refrigerator a couple of hours before.

2. It is necessary to carefully wash all the eggs under running water. This way the paint will lie much smoother.

3. Boil the eggs in salted water, again, this will prevent the shell from cracking.

4. To clean the eggs well, immediately after boiling they need to be filled with ice water until they cool completely.

5. Vegetable oil will help give colored eggs a shiny look. You just need to dry the colored eggs and coat them with refined oil.

We are done with the preparation, now we can safely move on to the main painting. We invite you to use our simple ideas.

Classic way

Involves painting eggs in onion skins. This is the method our ancestors used.

1. We wash the husks (the more the better) under water and place them in a deep saucepan.

2. Add water to it and cook for about 40 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat and let the broth brew for a couple of hours.

4. Strain through a colander, removing all the husks.

5. Boil the prepared eggs. The cooking time depends on the color you want to get.

This process gives us solid-colored eggs; if you want to give them color imprints, you need to use nylon fabric and dried leaves.

Or apply the desired design with electrical tape and boil it in the husk. Get rid of the electrical tape (adhesive tape). The drawing is ready.

Decoupage Easter eggs

This method is for those who don’t want to bother with stickers and are used to doing everything themselves. We will need napkins with a pattern, boiled eggs and gelatin.

1. Dilute gelatin as indicated on the package.

2. Cut out the designs with thin scissors.

3. Apply the prepared design to the egg and use a brush to apply gelatin glue to the surface of the napkin. We start gluing from the center and move the brush to the edges.

Before serving, eggs must be dried for 2 hours.

Gradient fill

The whole point is that each egg is a tone darker than the previous one. Prepare dyes and eggs.

1. We dilute food coloring according to the instructions.

2. Lower the first egg for 20 seconds.

3. With the remaining eggs, we follow the previous method, only we increase the time of coloring each egg by 20 seconds (the first 20, the second 40, the third 60, etc.).

As a result, you should end up with a whole series of eggs that smoothly transitions from light to rich shades.

If you have a negative attitude towards store-bought dyes, then use natural dyes.


This unusual method will allow you to draw whatever you want. We stock up on colored eggs, a cutter, a pencil and patience.

1. The eggs must be thoroughly dried after painting.

2. Select the drawing you are interested in and transfer it to the shell with a pencil.

3. Using a cutter, carefully remove the paint from the shell, making sure that the egg does not break.

The process is long and laborious, but it's worth it.

Space Easter eggs

Do you love space? Then this method is definitely for you. We will need acrylic paints, a brush, a dish sponge, a toothbrush, white paint and water.

1. Cover the eggs with black paint in two layers.

2. Using a brush, apply various stains of dark blue and black-violet paints to the shell.

3. Take a sponge and dip it in dark colors, apply them to the egg with a sharp movement, then paint with bright ones.

4. We dilute white paint with water, apply it to a toothbrush and spray it over the egg, giving the effect of stars.


After each layer, you need to dry the egg well.

Fabric pattern

The easiest way. We choose suitable colored silk and white cotton fabrics, threads, a needle, water, vinegar and white raw eggs.

1. Wrap the egg in a colored cloth, the front side should be from the inside.

2. To ensure that the drawing is not blurry, we sew it tightly together.

3. Wrap it in white fabric and stitch it again.

4. Mix water and vinegar (3 tbsp) in a saucepan, add eggs, cook for about 10-15 minutes after the water boils.

5. Cool the eggs naturally, without resorting to cold water.

A beautiful and bright drawing is guaranteed to you.


You've probably heard about these Easter eggs? And we will tell you how to make them, only for this you will need: brilliant green and onion peels.

1. So, prepare the onion solution as written above.

2. Wrap raw eggs in onion peels and chop them first. We fix it with nylon fabric.

3. Cook. Halfway through the completed stage, add a spoonful of brilliant green to the water and cook until tender.

A “marbled” egg will acquire a truly beautiful color if it is coated with vegetable oil.

Painting with rice

In fact, the option is very unusual. We can use rice, plastic cups and food coloring to give us an interesting texture and pattern.

Fill 1. 1/3 cup with rice.

2. Add 25-30 drops of dyes to it (if the paint is dry, then dilute it in a small amount of water).

3. Mix the contents of the glass thoroughly, evenly coloring the rice grains.

4. Place the boiled egg into the rice and gently shake several times. Leave it like this for five minutes.

In this way, you can paint one egg several times, while changing the color of the paint.

Colorful palette

This method received this name for a reason. And you will find out why during the painting process. So, we will need: knitting threads (or floss) of different colors, vinegar and raw eggs.

1. We completely wrap each egg with colored threads.

2. Cook in water with vinegar added.

3. Transfer to a bowl and leave until completely cool.

4. Remove the threads.

Beautiful, isn't it? What bright and original eggs we got.

Decorate with wax crayons

The name speaks for itself, we will need: wax pencils or crayons and eggs.

1. Boil the eggs.

2. We apply bright designs to the uncooled shell.

3. Cool.

During drawing, the wax will begin to melt, thereby giving the egg an original design.

Culinary ideas

This option is the cheapest, because cereals are available in every home. And we will use: small grains (millet, egg, etc.) and wax candles.

1. Apply a design with hot wax to the finished eggs.

2. Quickly sprinkle this area with cereal.

3. Lubricate with refined oil.

Eggs can be used either natural color or painted.

And in conclusion…

You can choose one idea from the proposed options and paint the eggs, but just think how delighted your guests will be if they see beautifully decorated eggs on your holiday table. Spare no time and effort, because Easter comes only once a year, and make it unforgettable.

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn a lot of useful information on painting eggs for Easter.

The bright holiday is approaching, which means that you just need to know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands. So that the material does not seem banal, we will talk about dozens of ideas for coloring the main symbol of the Orthodox celebration. So, let's begin!

Why do you need to dye eggs?

Stories There are many stories about why eggs are painted for Easter: they start with banal everyday ones and end with beautiful Orthodox legends.

If we consider painting eggs from the worldly side, you can hear an interesting story. Nature works in such a way that chickens do not stop laying eggs during the 40-day fast. Therefore, in order to use the eggs for food after the end of the Christian vigil, people put them in special baskets. To distinguish the fresh product, peasants painted the shells. Its color varied depending on the day it was received.

There are also other story, which pleases the ear and is the main version about the origin of the tradition of dyeing eggs among Christians. Mary Magdalene presented an egg to Tiberius on the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the words "Christ is risen". The angry emperor shouted that he did not believe in this: Resurrection is as impossible as a white egg turning red. At that same moment, the egg in Magdalena’s hands turned bright red.

Which version to believe is up to you. However, no one has canceled the tradition of decorating Easter eggs, so next we will tell you how to do it correctly.

What color should I paint the eggs?

The color of Easter eggs matters. Be sure to read this section before you start painting Easter symbols:

  • White
    The color symbolizes the purity of the soul and the heavenly abode. It is recommended to leave the testicles white and dot the decoration if there is a child in the house.
  • Red
    A bright color that says God loves the human race. Dye your eggs this color if you believe that Jesus is with you.
  • Yellow and orange
    Colors are symbols of wealth and prosperity. Be sure to use them to attract money into your home.
  • Blue
    The color of purity, kindness, tenderness. Recommended if there are children in the home.
  • Green
    Attracts prosperity to the family. Be sure to stock up on a few eggs of this color.
  • Black
    A color that represents misfortune. This is the color to paint Easter absolutely not possible.

Coloring eggs with food coloring

Modern manufacturers of food colorings offer high-quality and safe compositions. Use them to color eggs without fear that they will spoil. Prepare the following:

  • White eggs
  • Pot
  • Vinegar
  • Paper towels
  • A bowl.

Eggs for coloring with food coloring should not be fresh: use products after 2-3 days of storage. Perform the procedure as follows:

  1. Boil the eggs hard. Place on a paper towel and leave to dry.
  2. Prepare bowls for dye of each color: pour 250 ml of water into each, dilute with 80 ml of vinegar.
  3. Add 5-13 drops of food coloring: the more drops, the nicer and richer the color.
  4. Drop one egg of each color into a bowl. Leave to stain for 6 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, remove the eggs and place them on paper towels. Wait until completely dry.

After painting in the desired colors, start decorating the Easter symbols. One of the striking examples is decorating with pasta. You can read about him at

How to color eggs with onion skins

Painting the Easter symbol with onion skins is a popular way to give an egg a bright, rich burgundy color. To use this method you do not need special knowledge, just carefully read the instructions and perform it in the kitchen:

  1. Prepare a large amount of onion peels. Remember: quantity determines quality. The more material you use for painting, the richer the color you will get in the end.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and place the husks there. Cook it over medium heat for 50 minutes.
  3. Cool the resulting mass and strain.
  4. Add ½ spoon of salt and the same amount of vinegar to the peeled colored water.
  5. Place pre-prepared eggs into the mixture and cook for 10 minutes. After this, dry the product on a napkin.

For coloring in onion skins not necessary use white eggs.

Coloring eggs with beets

Have you noticed that after preparing beetroot vinaigrette, your hands turn pinkish? This vegetable provides an excellent range of shades: use it if you want your Easter eggs to be pink or burgundy. There are several ways to color eggs with beets. Check them out:

  • Method one
    Prepare freshly squeezed beet juice and place eggs in it for 12 hours. After the specified time, you will get a rich burgundy color.
  • Method two
    Peel 3 beets and grate them. Pour 100 ml of water and 1/2 tablespoon of food vinegar, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes. Dip the testicles in the broth and leave for several hours.
  • Method three
    An economical and practical method involves boiling beets along with eggs.
  • Method four
    Grate the beets on a fine grater, dip the boiled eggs into the fresh pulp. Leave for 3-4 hours to dye burgundy.

How to paint eggs with green paint

Anticipating the question, we answer: It is safe to paint eggs with green paint. So arm yourself with cellophane gloves and start creating:

  1. Place the pan on the fire, add 2-3 tablespoons of salt.
  2. Add greenery: for a dark green color, pour out the entire bottle, for a weak salad color - 3-4 drops.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes until done.

By the way, to get interesting marble effect, use 5-6 drops of brilliant green when painting eggs with onion skins. As the product cools, you will see attractive red-green streaks on the surface of the shell.

How to paint eggs with green paint and lace

We'll tell you about one more thing in a creative way coloring Easter eggs using brilliant green:

  1. Buy lace in a skein. You don’t have to buy something expensive, the main thing is that you like the design.
  2. Tie each egg with a piece of lace. Tie the ends of the ribbon with thread. It is important that the lace is pressed tightly to the surface, otherwise the design will be blurry.
  3. Cook in the usual way with the addition of greenery.
  4. When ready, soak the eggs in cold water for 7 minutes. Then remove the lace and enjoy the pleasant design.

How to get green eggs

The desire of many people to play it safe is understandable. Not everyone will decide to paint Easter symbols with greenery. If you really want to get green eggs, we advise you to pay attention to other natural dyes. These include:

  • Spinach
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Nettle.

Coloring eggs with violet flowers

To get lilac or purple eggs, use violet tincture. The instructions are simple:

  1. Stock up on violet petals. Fill them with hot water and let sit for about an hour.
  2. Boil eggs with salt.
  3. Place the boiled product in violet tincture for 12–16 hours.

Natural dyes for vibrant colors

You don't have to resort to store-bought food coloring to get rich, interesting colors. Dig into the bins and you will definitely find natural colors for Easter eggs:

  • Turmeric will color the shell in yellow color. To do this, you need to cook the chicken product along with it.
  • Brown color will help you get coffee beans or walnuts. Color saturation is determined by the concentration of coloring substances in the decoction.
  • Dark blue color the shell will be obtained after rubbing with cauliflower leaves.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice will color the shells orange within 15 minutes.

To get magnificent specks on the treasured shell, use the instructions:

  1. Prepare bowls with food coloring: the marble effect is achieved only by using chemical compounds.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to each. spoon of vegetable oil, stir.
  3. Lower the egg for 5-7 minutes.

So that the testicles are painted correctly and shine with colored barrels, use recommendations to prepare the product for the procedure:

  • To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, prepare them in advance. Remove from the refrigerator and wait until the surface temperature of the shell reaches room temperature. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
  • To add shine, wipe the finished painted eggs with a cotton cloth dipped in vegetable oil.

That's all! Now you know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands! We hope the material was useful and you will enjoy plunging into the world of Easter crafts with us!
