Chicken salad prune mushrooms cheese. Layered salad with chicken, mushrooms, cheese and prunes: recipe with photo. Preparing a festive salad of prunes and cheese)

When planning a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, you should take what happened seriously. Phrases such as “I’m afraid of a frozen pregnancy” and denying the joy of motherhood because of this are not the right approach; it is possible to conceive and carry a child to term in most cases, but if you have had a frozen pregnancy, planning the next one is imperative, this is the only way you can prevent this from happening again once.

After curettage, women are weakened, but menstruation after a frozen pregnancy often comes within 1-1.5 months, there is ovulation and conception is theoretically possible. A delay in menstruation after a missed pregnancy is most often due to hormonal stress experienced, since such an unexpected interruption of the life of the fetus traumatizes the mother’s body too, the body was tuned to pregnancy, and suddenly everything stopped, this stress is no easier than an abortion.

Can a frozen pregnancy recur?

A repeat pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, which began thoughtlessly, without examination and preparation, can end in exactly the same way. That is why, if there was a frozen pregnancy, sexual activity requires careful contraception. It will be possible to get pregnant no earlier than 6, and preferably 12 months after the misfortune occurred. Typically, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives.

Planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy begins with a visit to the gynecologist.

When performing curettage during abortion, doctors send the resulting material for histological examination. Most often, the cause of embryo death is the presence of developmental defects that are incompatible with life; they can arise either as a result of an infectious disease, adverse effects of environmental factors, or due to genetic abnormalities. Getting pregnant immediately after a frozen pregnancy without treating the infection, if any, means exposing your second baby to the same danger. If the cause of fetal death is genetics, a geneticist can predict the likelihood of a recurrence of the pathology during a consultation, and you will definitely be referred to him.

In the United States, a single fetal death is not an indication for an in-depth examination; two missed pregnancies are grounds for appropriate tests. But why go through it twice? It is better to understand why this happened and prevent it from happening again.

Examination after a frozen pregnancy includes:

Consultation with a gynecologist

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Genetic consultation

Urologist consultation and spermogram for husband

Screening for sexually transmitted infections

Screening for infections significant to the fetus, such as herpes, for example

Study of a woman’s hormonal background: sex hormones and thyroid hormones

Rule out antiphospholipid syndrome in a woman

Rh factor and blood type of parents

Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is not only about taking tests, but also about strengthening the health of the expectant mother and treating chronic diseases. With your gynecologist, you will choose the best time to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, and you will enter a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy completely healthy, if necessary, with medication support. If there is a deficiency of progesterone, duphaston, utrozhestan, or hormones for AFLS are prescribed, this will help both prevent a frozen pregnancy and provide the baby with ideal conditions for development.

It is better to postpone conception after a frozen pregnancy for at least six months, and spend this time not only on examination, but also on vitamin prophylaxis (taking vitamin E, folic acid), healing the body with the help of good nutrition, sports, and strengthening the immune system.

The recovery of the body after a frozen pregnancy is more difficult, the longer the period at which the fetus died. It is clear that his death in the second trimester will be a more difficult ordeal for the mother than in the first weeks of pregnancy. It happens that pregnancy does not occur after a frozen pregnancy even after six months, the hormonal system and general health suffer so seriously.

It also happens the other way around, pregnancy is possible a month after the frozen one and even earlier. This happens in cases of fetal death in the very first weeks of pregnancy and the absence of prudent contraceptive measures. This is dangerous for the unborn child, since the reasons for which the misfortune happened with the first baby have not been eliminated; repeated frozen pregnancies in such conditions are not uncommon. And if you have 2 or 3 missed pregnancies in a row, doctors will talk about such a terrible pathology as recurrent miscarriage, which is very difficult to treat. Repeated frozen pregnancy forms a kind of mechanism in a woman’s body, say, a “plan” for pregnancy, and even after eliminating all the reasons for miscarriage, you can lose the child again and again. Pregnancy after two missed pregnancies will be terminated at the usual time, because the mother’s body is already configured for this, and it will be very difficult to convince her own hormonal system of the need to carry the fetus further, even medications do not help much in such cases.

When to plan a pregnancy after a frozen one, you need to decide with your doctor and with his approval. If you and your husband do not find anything during the examination and the accidental death of the embryo is determined, you should still pay attention to whether you are leading the right lifestyle. Quitting alcohol, smoking, and preparing for the next conception will help you get pregnant after a frozen one, and it will be a successful pregnancy. Giving birth to a healthy baby within the time frame set by nature is quite possible; the main thing is to take the next pregnancy seriously. There are a lot of people who gave birth after a frozen pregnancy, don’t despair and everything will be fine.

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Most often, it is difficult to establish the exact cause that led to the development of this disease (each case is studied and considered individually), although doctors name several of the most common points. Among them:

  • uncontrolled use of various medications, which include dietary supplements and vitamins, consumed by expectant mothers without consulting a specialist;
  • viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • taking illegal drugs, etc.

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Not all women's pregnancies end with childbirth. A non-developing pregnancy is a miscarriage, which is a serious psychological trauma for a woman and her family. With this pathological condition, the child stops development and dies. Fetal freezing is most common in the first trimester. At the eighth week of intrauterine development, the formation of internal organs begins in the fetus, so this period is the most critical for possible fading.

There are three riskiest periods:

  • 3-4 weeks
  • 8-11 weeks
  • 16-18 weeks

At these times, the fetus is the most vulnerable, but, unfortunately, freezing is possible at any week, even shortly before birth.

Surprisingly, when the fetus freezes, the pregnant woman feels an improvement in her condition. If a woman suffers from early toxicosis, then when the fetus freezes, her indigestion suddenly stops, energy increases, her mood improves, and her sleep improves. Minor discharge and cramping short-term pain in the abdomen are possible.

A sharp change in a woman’s well-being for the better should alert her. These are indications for immediate contact with a doctor, who will prescribe a set of examinations. When the fetus freezes, its heartbeat cannot be heard, and development does not correspond to the gestational period.

“Is it possible to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?” A question that interests and at the same time frightens. The possibility of repeated failure causes fear of experiencing it again. But don’t despair, conception is possible, but you need to pay more attention to it and do proper planning.

Do not despair

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy does not always occur immediately. And if it occurs, a repeat miscarriage is possible. Planning needs to start with finding out the reasons for the first failure. To do this you need to undergo a thorough examination. It is necessary not only to identify, but also to eliminate the cause, then the next pregnancy after a frozen one will be successful.

The reason that the fetus has stopped in its development can be various factors:

  • infectious;
  • genetic;
  • autoimmune;
  • endocrine.

Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy involves a number of examinations:

  • tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood;
  • examination of vaginal and cervical mucus, microscopy, smear cytology;
  • examination for genital and other infections;
  • genetic examination.

These tests can detect progesterone deficiency, luteal phase deficiency, TORCH infections, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, which can affect the fetus, inflammatory processes, genetic pathologies or partner incompatibility. Some of these pathologies are treatable, and if you are planning a pregnancy after a missed abortion, you must undergo a course of therapy.

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When to start planning

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy in most cases occurs quite quickly, naturally. But is it worth the rush? Even if we do not take into account the psychological trauma received by the woman, the uterus is not physically ready in the next menstrual cycle, conception may again fail. Therefore, the woman is advised to use contraception until the endometrium is completely restored.

During a frozen pregnancy, there are several development options:

  • Natural disposal of the fetus. It occurs in the early stages, sometimes a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant. This condition is quite dangerous, since parts of the embryonic tissue may remain in the uterine cavity and cause complications.
  • Medicinal relief is carried out using medications that increase uterine contractions.
  • Surgical curettage of the uterine cavity. Performed beyond 8 weeks.

In any of these outcomes, after frozen mucosa should fully recover, so it’s better to start planning after 6 months. This time should be devoted to finding out the causes of failure and treating them.

Planning a pregnancy

Preparing and planning pregnancy after a frozen one is a complex of activities. It is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening the immune system, since hormonal changes during the period of bearing a child reduce the immune status, and the baby’s immune protection depends on the state of the expectant mother’s immunity.

If you suffer from any chronic disease and regularly take medications, be sure to discuss this with your doctor; some medications are toxic to the embryo, which could be a potential cause of missed abortion.

If during the examination the cause of the missed abortion was discovered For example, genitourinary infections chlamydia and cytomegalovirus can disrupt the development of the fetal neural tube, then they need to be treated, and only then can planning begin.

Typically, according to statistical data, conception in 80% of patients can occur in the first menstrual cycle, if they stop using contraception and everything proceeds normally, only in 15-20% problems with conception and pregnancy are observed again.

In such cases, it will be necessary to continue treatment. The doctor’s main recommendations when planning are aimed at improving the general condition of the body; this can be done by adhering to some simple recommendations:

  • you need to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • try to avoid stress and overwork;
  • if at work it is possible to be exposed to some occupational hazards, then it is worth at least temporarily changing jobs;
  • you need to adhere to the daily routine, get enough sleep, since a full 7-8 hour sleep is necessary;
  • proper and healthy nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, is required. The diet should include a variety of proteins (fish, meat, beef liver, eggs and seafood);
  • moderate physical activity and sports increase the body's resistance;
  • You must be careful when taking medications; the need and advisability of taking them must be discussed with your gynecologist.

If you don’t know how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, contact the AltraVita clinic. Our specialists will conduct examinations for hormones, infections, genetic research, and tests for autoimmune diseases to discover the cause. With us you can undergo complete treatment. We will also help you plan your pregnancy correctly.

Necessary tests and treatment after a frozen pregnancy. Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy.

Sometimes it happens that a long-awaited pregnancy ends in a terrible tragedy - the death of the fetus. When a woman has a frozen pregnancy, as a rule, she undergoes a curettage procedure - freeing the uterine cavity from dead cells by removing the top layer of the endometrium. This operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation process after curettage can last several months. After a woman recovers from such a strong shock and grief, she quite often wants to get pregnant again and still give birth to the desired baby.

But when can she get pregnant again? How long will it take for her body to recover? How to make sure everything goes well this time? We will try to understand all this in this article.

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy

When will you get your period after a frozen pregnancy?
  • The menstrual cycle after curettage of pregnancy should normally return within a month. That is, in 25-35 days the woman should begin her first period after the operation. However, there are cases when menstruation is restored only after a couple of months. There's nothing wrong with that
  • Each woman's body is completely individual. The process of restoring the monthly cycle after a missed pregnancy is influenced by hormonal levels, emotional state and the ability to heal the genital organs themselves.
  • The fact is that during curettage, one might say, the top layer of endometrial tissue is torn off. In other words, it turns out to be a living wound. The rehabilitation period for women’s health will depend on how quickly this wound heals.
  • Immediately after surgery, the patient may experience minor bleeding. They do not pose any danger, but are only evidence that the endometrium is being restored. However, a woman will need to be wary if such discharge becomes abundant, produces an unpleasant odor and causes severe pain. In this case, it is better to inform your doctor about the presence of such symptoms. They may be signs of infection and infection in the uterine cavity
  • The first menstruation may have slightly different manifestations compared to the usual menstruation. Bleeding is sometimes less intense and shorter lasting
  • And sometimes, on the contrary, the discharge is more intense and lasting. All these deviations are quite understandable. The female body has suffered so much stress that it is still very difficult for it to fully recover to its normal state.
  • Pain during the first menstruation after curettage can be many times stronger than during menstruation before surgery, or may not be accompanied by pain at all. If the pain is unbearable, of course, it is better to consult a doctor
  • The nature of the first menstruation in general can also be influenced by the period at which the life inside the woman ended. The longer the period, the more difficult and longer the recovery will be.

To identify the causes of fetal fading and when planning the next pregnancy, a woman will need to undergo a number of laboratory tests:

  1. Fetal histology analysis
  2. Hormonal tests. Such studies are carried out if hormonal changes in a woman’s body are suspected.
  3. Vaginal flora smear. This analysis allows us to exclude the presence of such dangerous sexually transmitted infections as genococcus and group B streptococcus
  4. Genetic or chromosomal studies of the fetus for karyotype. Such tests make it possible to find out whether the reasons for the failure to carry the pregnancy to term were any inherited disorders of the fetus
  5. Analysis for hidden infections such as chlamydia, papillomavirus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma or mycoplasma
  6. An immunogram is a study that allows you to determine the state of a woman’s immune system
  7. Coagulogram and hemostasiogram - tests for blood clotting
  8. Test for the presence of an autoimmune disease such as antiphospholipid syndrome
  9. Typing for second class histocompatibility antigens for both parents is a study that allows us to identify immune forms of frozen pregnancy

It is worth noting that some of the above studies are quite expensive, and they are prescribed only if there are very good reasons to suspect a certain disease.

Histology after frozen pregnancy

  • Histological studies after a frozen pregnancy allow us to roughly find out what was the cause of fetal death
  • To carry out this analysis, tissues scraped from the uterine cavity are taken. Sometimes, by order of the doctor, a thin ball of epithelium from the uterine cavity or fallopian tube is also given for analysis.
  • When all the materials are collected, they are sent to the laboratory for careful examination under a microscope and to identify the causes of pregnancy loss.

In the course of such studies, the following factors can be determined that influence the interruption of fetal development:

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • diabetes
  • pathologies of uterine development
  • viral infectious diseases (hepatitis or rubella)
  • chronic diseases of the female genital organs
  • disturbances of hormonal processes in a woman’s body

All of these diseases can be detected using histological examination of the fetus. However, such research only gives the direction in which to look for the cause.

To accurately identify the disease and its effect on pregnancy, you will need to undergo other tests. They will give a clearer picture, help decide on treatment and prevent a recurrence of the situation.

First of all, when it is established that the fetus is frozen in a woman’s uterus, she is prescribed a cleansing, that is, getting rid of dead foreign cells. Today, world practice knows three ways to cleanse the uterine cavity from a dead fetus:

  1. Medical abortion. This type of cleansing involves taking special medications that provoke a miscarriage. As a rule, this method is used for a period of no more than eight weeks.
  2. Mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. This procedure involves removing unnecessary contents of the uterus using a special vacuum. It is performed under general anesthesia
  3. Spontaneous abortion. Foreign experts in the field of gynecology consider this method the most humane and gentle. They simply wait until the uterus itself begins to reject the foreign body and pushes it out. Spontaneous abortion is carried out under regular medical supervision. If a woman shows signs of inflammation, she undergoes a mini or vacuum abortion.

In addition to cleaning, a woman may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed when there is an infection in the uterus.

  • As mentioned above, after a frozen pregnancy, a woman will need to undergo a series of tests. It is based on the results of these tests that adequate treatment is prescribed.
  • If the cause of fetal death is hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body, she is prescribed hormonal medications. The same drugs can be prescribed in case of prolonged absence of menstruation to restore them. Taking hormonal medications can also serve as an excellent contraceptive.
  • If a woman has been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections or other diseases, the doctor will first take care of their treatment
  • It is very important during the rehabilitation period to protect the unhappy woman from additional negative emotions and experiences.
  • The best medicine for her will be care and guardianship. In some cases, when a woman’s mental-emotional state is at its peak, the doctor may prescribe her a course of sedatives and tranquilizers

What to do if there are already 2, 3, 5, 7 missed pregnancies?

  • After the first frozen pregnancy, in almost ninety cases out of a hundred, women manage to carry and give birth to healthy children. For those families who have suffered such a tragedy not for the first time, the chances of a positive outcome only decrease
  • In order to prevent such a sad event, future parents first need to undergo all the necessary research. Do not ignore referrals for tests prescribed by the doctor
  • The doctor must have complete information about the reasons for not carrying a child to term in order to prescribe the correct treatment. Sometimes a small difference in diagnoses can lead to another fetal death. Why should both partners take the tests seriously?
  • When undergoing the prescribed treatment, there is no need to rush into a new pregnancy. It is better to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and wait until the causes of previous miscarriages are completely eliminated
  • In some cases, doctors advise abandoning further attempts for the benefit of the woman’s physical and mental health.
  • After all, every failure entails a number of consequences and aggravation of the situation. Sometimes a doctor may recommend that a couple consider surrogacy or adoption

How long after a missed miscarriage can you plan your next pregnancy?

  • A woman can become pregnant immediately after her previous pregnancy has died. Her cycle can be restored very quickly and fertilization is possible already at the very first ovulation
  • However, this does not mean that pregnancy will be desirable. The fact is that the woman’s body has not yet gained strength and has not recovered from the severe stress of a miscarriage
  • The endometrium of the uterus may not fully heal, hormonal levels may not yet stabilize, and all metabolic processes in the body may not return to normal activity. In such conditions, a new pregnancy is completely unwelcome
  • Doctors usually recommend taking a break from six months to a year. This time will be enough for the woman to fully recover
  • In addition, if during the tests any diseases of the partners are named as the reasons for the previous interruption, then before planning a new pregnancy, these reasons will need to be excluded
  • It happens that after a single miscarriage, a woman becomes pregnant within a couple of months and safely carries a second pregnancy. However, such cases are the exception rather than the rule. It's always better to play it safe and follow your doctor's advice
  • The length of time the second pregnancy is delayed is also influenced by the period at which the fetus froze. The larger it was, the more time it will take for the woman to recover and gain new strength.

  • When preparing for your next pregnancy, you should take into account all the mistakes made during your first unsuccessful pregnancy. Expectant parents should give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking) at least three months before conception.
  • Ideally, it would be if they switched to a healthy diet, began to actively engage in sports and spend more time in the fresh (clean) air
  • It is advisable for the expectant mother to take multivitamin complexes at the same time. Mandatory elements required in sufficient quantities at the time of pregnancy are folic acid and iodine. There are special preparations containing only such microelements (for example, Iodomarin)
  • It is advisable for women working in hard work or hazardous enterprises to moderate the load on their body. The same applies to the emotional background. During such a crucial period, they should not worry and experience stress. Expectant mothers need to be positive, forget about previous failures and believe in the best
  • A prerequisite is to undergo all tests prescribed by doctors, and, if necessary, treatment
  • As a rule, most subsequent pregnancies after fetal death end successfully. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely
  • In addition, establishing the cause of frequent miscarriages with the modern level of medicine will not be a problem at all. Having been treated and prepared for a new pregnancy, future parents have every chance of a positive result