Black radish salads are a mixture of healthy and enjoyable. Sea rare with squid. Step-by-step recipe for making black radish and onion salad

The popularity of radish has passed through the centuries and continues to persist. Black radish salad will be especially useful in winter and spring, when there are not many fresh vitamins.

The vegetable contains valuable nutrients, vitamins, essential oils, and microelements. It is recommended to use it to replenish sodium, potassium, and phosphorus in the body. Bone tissue will be grateful for calcium, blood for iron.

To prevent colds and flu, root juice is simply necessary. There are already legends about this. It will also help with urolithiasis and even atherosclerosis. Fiber will cleanse the intestines and relieve it of harmful substances and long-term deposits.

In Rus', this root vegetable was a vegetable of the poor. They used the simplest recipes. Thinly sliced ​​the root vegetable with onions, seasoned vegetable oil and kvass. Maybe that’s why, often, using black radish salad, Russian men got their unprecedented strength and became famous for it throughout the world.

Let's look at some recipes. Preparing them is not difficult at all and does not put a strain on the budget. At the same time, they are healthy and tasty.

Advice: “As you know, this vegetable is bitter. To rid it of excess bitterness, cut it and immerse it in water for about an hour.”

Salad with sour cream


  • Radish - 400 gr;
  • Carrots - one medium-sized root vegetable;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - to taste, as well as salt;
  • A small onion.


  1. Grate the vegetable with the largest mesh grater, soak it to remove bitterness, or simply let it stand overnight.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Boil and cut the egg.
  4. We also grate the carrots coarsely.
  5. Mix everything, add sour cream, add a little salt if desired and you are ready to eat.

Another very simple recipe, you may even have all the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Radish salad with dill


  • A pair of medium-sized root vegetables;
  • Dill greens, lettuce leaves;
  • Olive oil - 50 g;
  • Lemon juice - about 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt.


  1. We clean the root crop, remove the bitterness using the above method, three. Transfer to a salad bowl, sprinkle with oil, lemon juice, add and mix. AND finishing touch- decorate with greens on top.
  2. This option is a classic. You can always add something new to it and you will get completely different amazing recipes. It can be corn, apples, peas, mushrooms, fried carrots, onions, nuts.
  3. What are the good things about vegetables and fruit salads, this is because no matter how much fruit you put in, it won’t get any worse; you don’t have to worry about the quantity and strictly measure or weigh it.

Radish and white cabbage salad


  • Two medium vegetables;
  • Cabbage - 100 g. You can increase or decrease its quantity, depending on your preferences;
  • Leaf parsley;
  • Oil grows. - Not a large number of, for refueling;
  • Salt.


  1. We clean the root crop, soak it in water for an hour or three.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage and mix with radish.
  3. Add salt, add butter, stir. Top with chopped herbs.

Black radish with meat


  • One root vegetable;
  • Onion, preferably purple - half of one onion;
  • Mayonnaise for dressing - about two tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Boiled beef - 200 g;
  • A couple of sheets bay leaf;
  • Pepper - 5 peas;
  • Salt - two pinches.

Let's start cooking. It will take 3 hours in total. The salad will be satisfying, it is better to eat it as separate dish, since this includes meat and eggs, it can satisfy your hunger well.

  1. We clean the root vegetable, remove the bitterness in the usual way, and rub it. Take a large grater. While the radishes are soaking, work on the beef.
  2. Wash the meat and immerse it in cold water. Add pepper, bay leaf, salt here. Cook until done. This will take about an hour and a half. Cool. First cut into cubes and then separate them into fibers.
  3. First cut the onion into rings, then in half.
  4. Boil the eggs, chop.
  5. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, mix again.

Tip: “If you want to remove the sharpness and bitterness of the onion, pour boiling water over it after cutting.”

Recipes meat salads suitable for men because they cannot live without meat. Therefore, a salad of black radish with the addition of meat will be received with a bang by them.

Salad recipes can contain the most various products, sometimes unexpected, but this only makes them piquant and tastier. Radish goes well with smoked fish, cheeses of specific tastes, and, of course, with nuts. You can choose such combinations that a repeat visit to your specialty of the house can't be avoided. This wonderful root vegetable can simply be baked and served as a side dish. Many recipes will remain on your table forever. Some will become everyday, some will be prepared only on holidays.

Salad with radish and red fish


  • Black radish - two medium-sized root vegetables;
  • Red fish (lightly salted) - 150 grams;
  • There is only one carrot, but a large one;
  • Sesame seeds - 1-2 tsp;
  • Olive oil and lemon juice 2 tbsp each;
  • Pepper and salt to taste
  1. We clean the radish, grate it (don’t forget, on a coarse grater), soak it in water for 30 minutes, and squeeze it out. Now you can send it to the salad bowl.
  2. Three carrots. Add salt and pepper, let stand and combine with radish.
  3. We cut the fish into beautiful, even cubes, mix with vegetables, season with wonderful olive oil. You can serve.
  4. This salad should only be eaten freshly prepared. Since in a couple of hours it will already lose its appearance, as it will release juice.

Tip: “Carrots will not darken if you cut the skin with a knife instead of scraping it.”

Recipes that include radish and honey will not only great snack, but will also help fight chronic coughs and colds in general.

The simplest option is to grate the radish, lightly sprinkle it with sugar or powdered sugar, leave for 20 minutes, mix with honey and eat. Fast and helpful.

Salad with honey and delicious walnuts

  • Radish - one small;
  • Walnuts


  1. Grate the radish
  2. Melt honey in a frying pan or saucepan, put grated radish in it and cook until brownish.
  3. Roast the nuts. This will give them an exquisite aroma, chop them with a knife and place them in a cold honey-rare mixture. The taste is incredible.

Advice: “Few people know, but you can also use black radish tops. Take note of the next salad.”

Salad with black radish tops


  • Black radish - 300 gr;
  • Tops - 50 g;
  • Honey (liquid) - a tablespoon;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Onion - a little, also 50 g;
  • Oil grows - 50 ml


  1. Grind the radish using a grater with large holes.
  2. Wash the black radish leaves and cut into strips.
  3. We divide the onion into half rings.
  4. Wash the raisins well and pour boiling water over them.
  5. Add honey, oil and mix. Amazing, healing dish ready.

There are still a great many salads with black radish, it’s impossible to list them all. You can come up with your own dishes, experimenting with different ingredients, or use many that have already been tried. Bon appetit.

Many gifts of nature have not only become regular guests on our tables, but have also gained fame as healing products. Black radish is a plant of the cruciferous family, which is quite often found in Russian gardens and dachas. The history of the root vegetable dates back to ancient times, and black radish was first imported from South Asia. This vegetable is not found in the wild, but is widespread on all continents. Black radish is widely cultivated in Russia, Turkey, Belgium, Australia and many other countries.

Black radish: beneficial properties of the root vegetable

Radish is a real storehouse of health; its beneficial properties cannot be overestimated. The root vegetable contains a large number of vitamins, including A, B, E, C, PP. Its composition includes large quantities includes such microelements and useful substances as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, fluorine, copper, molybdenum, tin. This vegetable has very few calories, but a lot of carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

Traditionally, black radish serves as an excellent cough remedy, as it has expectorant properties and can strengthen the body's defenses and boost immunity. The root vegetable is an excellent remedy for treatment various diseases gastrointestinal tract, as it improves digestion, intestinal motility and the condition of blood vessels.

Black radish is not only a valuable medicine, but also an excellent preventive measure: eating it can protect a person from seasonal colds, helps tone and gain weight. vitality from Mother Nature herself.

Healing salads

Thanks to its unique beneficial properties and spicy, slightly bitter taste, the root vegetable has become a frequent guest on tables in the form variety of salads and snacks. There are many known various recipes its preparations. When they get bored familiar dishes and salads, black radish comes to the rescue. Recipes based on it amaze with their variety, and dishes - amazing taste. Dishes made from this valuable root vegetable are easy and quick to prepare, but before cooking it is necessary to remove the characteristic bitter taste from the vegetable. In order for black radish to lose its “bitter” characteristic, it must first be soaked for 1-1.5 hours in cold water.

Healthy salad with sour cream

To make black radish salad, you need to prepare following ingredients: root vegetables - 400 g, onions - 50 g, medium-sized carrots, boiled boiled egg, salt and sour cream to taste. You need to grate the vegetable on a coarse grater and leave for several hours to release the juice. Add finely chopped onion, grated carrots, diced boiled egg. Season the salad with salt and sour cream.

Salad with green peas

For cooking light spring salad you need to take black radish (400 g), a can of canned peas, a bunch of greens (onion, dill, green onions), spices and vegetable oil taste. Grate the radish on a medium grater, add finely chopped herbs, green pea, salt and spices to taste. Season the salad with any vegetable oil.

Spicy salads with radish

Will complement well spicy spiciness root vegetable onion or garlic, to do this you just need to grate the black radish on a coarse grater, add finely chopped onions or crushed garlic and season the salad with salt, spices and vegetable oil. To add some zest to the salad, you can pre-prepare the onions by marinating them with table vinegar. Any black radish salad will decorate the table and improve the appetite of household members and guests.

Pickled radish

An interesting snack is made from a spicy root vegetable. To prepare pickled vegetables you need: black radish - 3 kg, sweet red pepper - 00 g, herbs to taste, garlic - 1 pc., 1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, table vinegar. Grate the radish on a coarse grater, pour 1 tbsp into sterilized jars. spoon of vinegar, place herbs and garlic on the bottom, place grated radish and blanched pepper tightly on top. Fill the jars with brine, which is prepared as follows: in boiled water add salt, sugar, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Roll up the jars with a lid and wrap them warmly until they cool completely. After a few days, the tasty, slightly spicy black radish is ready to eat. The cooking recipes are easy to follow, and the end result will exceed all the hostess’ expectations.

Classic cough recipe

Invariably the radish is the best remedy against cough, which is due to its properties. Honey becomes the main ally in the fight against the disease. Black radish with honey is a real medicinal elixir that is ideal for both adults and children.

How to cure a cough for an adult

To prepare the medicine, you need to take a medium-sized root vegetable, wash it and cut off the top so that you get a lid. Next, scrape out the middle of the remaining radish with a knife until you get something like a cup. Place two tablespoons of honey in the resulting cup, cover with a radish lid and leave overnight. During this time, juice will be released inside the black radish, which should be consumed in order to get rid of a cough. You should take this tasty and natural medicine three times a day, 5-10 minutes before meals.

How to cure a child's cough

Another method of preparing medicinal black radish is suitable for children. You need to take the root vegetable, wash it thoroughly and grate it on a coarse grater. Next, you need to squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and add 2 tablespoons of honey. You should start the course with one drop of radish juice and honey, gradually increasing the dose by 2 drops per day. When the single volume of juice is brought to 1 tablespoon, you should offer the drug to the child three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Before taking radish with honey, you should make sure that the person is not allergic to these products. Black radish for cough is a recipe that has been tried for many generations.

My light, mirror, tell me

The properties of black radish are valued not only by traditional healers, but also by cosmetologists. Its juice can have a bactericidal, wound-healing effect, improves the structure of the skin and nourishes it with useful substances. Depending on the type and condition of the skin, cosmetologists offer women cosmetic masks of various compositions for the face and neck.

For those with oily skin, a mask made from a mixture of one tablespoon of black radish juice and one beaten yolk is ideal. The mixture should be applied to the skin of the face and neck and left for 20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, remove the mask with a swab soaked in a green tea solution and wash with cool water.

A mask made from black radish juice, aloe and green tea will have an excellent rejuvenating effect. Combine all ingredients in equal proportions and apply to pre-lubricated skin with cream or oil. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

There is a recipe nourishing mask, which will saturate the skin of the face and neck with biologically valuable active substances. To prepare the mask, you need to mix black radish juice, honey, sour cream in equal proportions and add a few drops of olive oil to the resulting mixture. Apply the finished mask to the skin of the face and neck, after applying any cream to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and remove any remaining cream with a cosmetic sponge.

Black radish in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

The gastrointestinal tract plays a vital role in the life of the body, since it is in the stomach and intestines that food is processed and absorbed nutrients. Therefore, gastrointestinal diseases always cause a person a lot of problems, even to the point of refusing food. Black radish comes to the aid of the sick, biological properties which can restore impaired digestive function.

For those who are concerned about constipation, freshly squeezed radish juice is ideal. For treatment, you need to dilute one tablespoon of juice with a glass of warm water and drink three such servings of the drink per day.

In order to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins, you need to take one gelatin capsule of pharmacy black radish orally per day, washing it down with a sufficient amount of water.

For inflammation of the gallbladder, traditional medicine recommends next way treatment. You need to squeeze out the juice of black radish, take one teaspoon of the resulting juice and dilute it with one and a half liters of water. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the drink and drink all the resulting liquid throughout the day.

"Everything is poison and everything is medicine"

Since ancient times, pundits have understood that the dose makes any product both a healing potion and a dangerous poison. Any food product may have contraindications, and black radish is no exception. The beneficial properties of this vegetable can be completely lost if excessive consumption vegetables for food.

If a person is concerned about ulcerative defects in the intestinal or stomach mucosa, then the root vegetable is contraindicated for him, as it contains irritating substances. For the same reason, those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity should not eat black radish, especially raw. Some kidney and liver diseases are also an obstacle to the use of vegetables as a remedy.

The benefits of black radish are undoubtedly great, but its improper use or use of too much can cause significant harm to health. It should be remembered that any product, both animal and plant origin, sometimes causes unwanted allergic reactions, which can be dangerous to life and health.

Before using any product traditional medicine It is necessary to consult with your doctor to avoid problems in the future. Any recipe from our grandmothers should complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and not be an alternative to it. Be attentive to your health and eat healthy foods!

The name of such a root vegetable as radish is known to everyone, but you will not often see it on the table. And in vain! After all, black radish salad, simple and delicious recipes, with photos of which are available in considerable quantities, is incredibly useful. For example, the amount of mineral salts in this vegetable is much greater than in many others. In addition, it consists of water, and there are practically no fats and carbohydrates in it. In this regard, it can easily be included in the diet of those who carefully monitor their weight. And it is also indispensable for colds - after all, it is the most powerful antiseptic. But why don't we use it so often? Maybe we should include this root vegetable in our diet? Once upon a time, black radish was in high demand and was appreciated on the table.

  • Radish salad with cabbage
  • Radish salad with sour cream
  • Salad with black radish tops
  • Contraindications

How to make black radish salad?

The main feature of a vegetable of this color is its bactericidal properties and the large amount of vitamins it contains. However, we will talk about how to prepare a salad from this healthy black root vegetable.

When preparing salads, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the recipes are based on the contrast of the bitter taste of the vegetable with the sweet taste of additional components - honey, beets, carrots, apples. Or neutral foods - sour cream, cucumber, cabbage - can extinguish the taste of radishes. In some cases, salads are even left to steep for about an hour.

Black radish salad is a real vitamin treasure that can perfectly saturate our body useful microelements. Even in ancient times it was known about beneficial properties This vegetable was eaten almost every day, and oil was made from its seeds. Radish is an almost indispensable vegetable for a serious cold. It is used as a medicine for kidneys and iron deficiency. We must not forget that all the beneficial properties are inherent only in fresh radish.

Salads from this root vegetable are incredibly easy to prepare, and spicy taste will add a unique touch to any appetizer - not only vegetables, but also meat and fish. Vegetables go well with every ingredient - from meat to fruit. This low calorie product Perfect for those who are on a diet or a supporter of proper nutrition.

Some people think that cold appetizers with radishes are awkward to put on a holiday table, since they are ordinary and inexpensive. Basically, salads with root vegetables are eaten first because light taste. These snacks are perfect for meat dishes as a side dish and a good addition.

In fact, this is beneficial not only because of the combination of flavors - black radishes help to digest better protein products, which means that meat combined with it is good for health.
To learn how to prepare black radish salads, you don’t have to be professional cook. You can chop it or cut it and other crunchy vegetables into small cubes - carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers and others, and season it with butter, sour cream, mayonnaise - even a beginner can handle this.

Preparing black radish for consumption is a simple process that does not take much time or effort. The vegetable should be peeled and cut as convenient - it doesn’t really matter - it’s only in the aesthetic form of a snack. It is noteworthy that black radish salads are not only mixed, but also stacked in layers.

The beneficial substances in this root culture are distributed unevenly. Closer to the tail it contains more essential oils, which give the root vegetable a certain bitter-burning taste. The middle is thinner, this part contains a lot of fiber, sugars, mustard oil- those same beneficial substances that are very necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, which is also incredibly useful for the immune system. And towards the top there is a fair amount of vitamin C. When you peel the vegetable, cut the peel thinly and try to use the whole root rather than a small piece. Excessive bitterness should be removed. To do this, the grated flesh is sprinkled with salt and left for a certain time. Squeeze out the juice and prepare the salad. The benefits remain, and some of the bitterness goes away.

Black radish and carrot salad

Preparing such a salad is not difficult. First you need to peel the black radish and carrots, then grate both vegetables on a coarse grater and mix everything, after salting, with mayonnaise. It’s just a salad at first glance, but there are so many benefits and vitamins in it. You can also not stop there and add other ingredients to the salad, thereby diversifying it. For example, an apple or eggs with onions, or any other products. Several different interesting recipes We propose to consider further.

Radish salad with carrots and garlic

It's simple - the salad is intended for garlic lovers. As an exception, it can be filled with mayonnaise, but in general sour cream is recommended.
First you need to peel the pre-washed vegetables and garlic. Next, you need to grate the carrots and radishes on a large grater and crush the garlic. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Mix everything with sour cream, salt and pepper, and you can also sprinkle with garlic and cheese if desired. Serve with meat and any other dishes.

Black radish salad with meat and fried onions

This type of snack is a nutritious and easily digestible dish. There is one secret here: the meat does not need to be boiled, you can fry it in olive oil and make onion rings crispy in a roasting pan, having previously rolled them in flour.

If the meat is fried in a frying pan, the juice remaining after frying can be used to pickle black radish. The root should be cut into strips, squeezed and added to the meat. After fifteen minutes, the radish will no longer be bitter.

Preparation: cook the meat in salted water for one hour. Boil the eggs separately. Finely chop the radish, eggs and coriander. Onion - it must be chopped into rings, dipped in flour and fried in a large amount of heated oil. Next, you need to cut the meat into cubes and mix with radishes and eggs. Add salt to taste and mix everything with mayonnaise. When serving, sprinkle with fried onion rings.

How to make black radish salad with apple

This type of snack captivates with its spicy, sweet and sour taste. Perfectly breaks up the daily routine and brings color to the lunch menu.

Preparation: Peel and cut black radishes and green apples into thin strips. Next, you need to chop the green onions, and then season everything with the following mixture: lemon juice, sugar and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste - this is the whole recipe for how we prepare black radish salad with apples.

You can also make this snack not only apple, but also dilute it with carrots. This black root vegetable salad will be even more beneficial due to its huge vitamin content.

Radish salad with red fish

This version of the snack is quite festive, since it turns out to be not only incredibly tasty, but also refined.

To prepare, you need the following: mix vinegar, horseradish and olive oil in one bowl, soak a finely chopped large red onion in this mixture for ten minutes. Cut the radish into thin circles, add chopped lettuce leaves and mix with chopped parsley. Add chopped greens and radishes to the bowl with onions, salt and pepper to your taste, mix thoroughly. Place half the mixture on a flat dish, top with chopped red fish fillets, pour over lemon juice, then add hard cheese and cover everything with the remaining fresh herbs. Sprinkle the salad with toasted sesame seeds and serve.

This salad should only be consumed freshly prepared, as after two hours it will lose its appeal as it begins to release its juices.

Radish salad with cabbage

This recipe suggests combining black radish with cabbage. They harmonize nicely with each other.

Recipe: grate the radish and apple on a square grater. Next, you need to finely chop the cabbage. In a deep salad bowl you need to combine all the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste, fill with vegetable oil. You can also add finely chopped greens.
In addition, you can make a salad of black radish with cabbage as follows:
Grate the root vegetable fine grater, and after ten minutes squeeze out the juice and separate. Mix with cooked cabbage and finely chopped herbs. Tuck it all in flavored oil and salt to taste.

There is also a recipe with cauliflower. This snack is low in calories and is perfect for those who are on a diet or simply prefer to eat healthy. You need to take one hundred grams of black radish and boiled fat cauliflower. Remove the roots and chop the cabbage into small florets, combine all the vegetables in one bowl. Next, you need to add two tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of sugar, a little vegetable oil, salt to taste and season the salad with all this.

Radish salad with sour cream

It is recommended to prepare this appetizer as a side dish for any meat dishes. At the same time, it can also be consumed as an independent snack for lovers of proper nutrition.
Peel the pre-soaked vegetable by removing the peel. Hard root areas, if any, should also be removed. Rub the peeled root vegetable on a medium grater. Add sour cream, salt and other additives to your taste. Mix the ingredients well. Next, you need to sprinkle with onion, cut into small cubes.

Salad with black radish tops

Not many people know that you can also use the tops of black radishes.
Recipe: Grind the root vegetable using a grater with large holes. Remove black radish leaves and cut into strips. The onion must be divided into half rings. Rinse the raisins thoroughly, pour boiling water over them, add honey, oil and mix thoroughly. An amazing healing dish will be ready.

Black radish salad with chicken

The vegetable must be soaked, peeled and chopped into strips. Add chopped boiled eggs to it. Sliced chicken fillet and onion half rings are fried in oil separately. Next, combine radishes, fried onion rings, radish strips with chicken, add sour cream and serve.


Despite the fact that black radish is very healthy, there are contraindications to this root crop. It should be included with special care in dishes containing it for those people who have problems in the digestive system, in particular gastritis, ulcers. Some people have an individual intolerance to root vegetables with a bitter aftertaste.

It is also not advisable for expectant mothers to eat black radish. Or they should be careful. Contraindications are also available for people with heart disease and those who have had a recent heart attack.

Due to the presence of some contraindications, doctors do not recommend including large portions this vegetable is on the menu.

The best root vegetable containing a treasure trove useful substances, there was and remains a radish. Based on it you can prepare excellent vitamin dish, with a variety of components that are perfectly combined with each other. Whatever black radish salad you choose, we offer you simple and tasty recipes with photos that even novice cooks can do.

There are so many salads you can find, especially if the main ingredient in them is black radish. For example, few people can imagine this root vegetable with meat in one dish. But, nevertheless, this amazing product goes well with garlic and cheese, smoked fish, green apples, beef, fried onions, chicken and fresh herbs.

  • Radish salad with sour cream
  • Radish salad with dill
  • Salad with black radish tops

Black radish salad with carrots

This dish is prepared very quickly, and this can be a huge plus for those occasions when guests unexpectedly arrive. Black radish is a rather bitter product, so it must be combined with carefully selected ingredients. Now we will tell you how to prepare a salad of black radish with carrots in a simple way. For this we need:
1 black radish root;
1 carrot;
30 gr. olive oil;
1 lemon;
0.5 tsp. salt;
4 tbsp. l. pomegranate seeds for piquancy.

1. The root vegetable must be thoroughly washed before use. You can use a brush to get rid of any stuck-on bits of soil. After this, peel the root vegetable and grate it coarsely. To remove bitterness, the resulting mass must be immediately sprinkled with salt.

2. We also thoroughly wash the carrots, peel them and grate them coarsely. Place in a mixing bowl where the radish is already located.

3. The next step is to give delicate aroma And fresh notes, we add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and the zest of a third of a lemon to the root vegetables and carrots.
4. To make the black radish and carrot salad more attractive and even more healthy, you can add some pomegranate seeds to it.

5. The salad is almost ready, all that remains is to mix it thoroughly again.
Making a black radish salad using this recipe is quite easy, but the benefits you get from it will outweigh its simplicity.

Radish and carrot salad with garlic

Another recipe that will help maintain the vitamin balance in the body during this slushy and dank winter. To replenish the missing balance of nutrients in the body, use this black radish salad prepared in this way.
To do this, let's take:
3 black radishes;
3 carrots;
4 teeth garlic;
mayonnaise or sour cream;
1 tsp. vinegar;

1. Wash the radishes and carrots, peel them and wash them again. This way we will be sure that no microbes and bacteria contained in the soil will reach our table.
2. Next, you need to grate the root vegetables on a coarse grater.
3. Chop the garlic and add to the rest of the products.
4. Pour vinegar over the root vegetables, add salt and stir.
5. Place the salad in the refrigerator to brew.
6. Before serving, season with sour cream or mayonnaise and decorate with herbs if desired.

How to make black radish salad with meat

As you know, men prefer dishes that contain meat. In order not to deprive them of the opportunity to enjoy this salad and enrich themselves with vitamins, we offer you a recipe that uses this healthy root vegetable in an unexpected combination with animal proteins.
We also recommend that you prepare.

Black radish salad with beef

Most often we are used to using beef in salads, so let’s not deviate from tradition.
For black radish salad with beef meat let's take:
1 black radish;
1 not very large onion or half;
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
1 egg;
200 gr. boiled beef;
Bay leaf;
It will take about 3 hours to cook, including cooking the meat. But the result is worth it.
1. First boil the beef, adding bay leaf, salt and peppercorns. Immerse the meat in cold water, so it will taste better.
2. Wash the radish thoroughly, clean it, grate it on a coarse grater and sprinkle it with salt and let it stand. This will relieve her of unnecessary bitterness.
3. We disassemble the finished, boiled meat into small fibers.
4. Cut the onion randomly, preferably into feathers or half rings.
5. Chop the boiled eggs.
6. Mix all the prepared ingredients, season with mayonnaise, and mix everything thoroughly again.

Black radish salad with chicken

We suggest you prepare the second version of this amazing salad with chicken. For it we will need:
1 radish;
20 gr. green onions;
1 boiled chicken breast;
1 fresh cucumber;
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
2 boiled eggs;
salt and herbs - to taste.
1. Grate clean, skinless radish; it can be used for Korean carrots, it will turn out more interesting.
2. Cut the boiled chicken into small pieces and separate it into fibers.
3. Three eggs on a coarse grater.
4. Finely chop the clean feathers of green onions.
5. Cut the fresh cucumber into strips, along with the peel.
6. Mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl or directly in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise, add a little salt and mix again.
radish with chicken is ready.

Carrot salad with apple and black radish

Delicious and very healthy salad will help replenish missing vitamins in organism. The combination of radish with carrots and apple may be very unexpected, but believe me, it will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, this dish is also dietary, so even ladies who are watching their own weight can enjoy its taste.

To prepare it we will need:

1 black radish root;
1 carrot;
1 apple;
4 teeth garlic;
1 lemon;
1. First, root vegetables need to be thoroughly washed, so we carefully brush carrots and radishes to remove any adhering dirt, remove the peel and wash them again.
2. Grate the radish and carrots on a coarse grater and place in a salad bowl.

3. Clean apple, peel it, also grate it coarsely.

4. Now let's deal with the garlic. We first peel the cloves, and then finely chop or grate them on a fine grater.
5. You also need to take a clean lemon, since we will need its zest later. To make it easier to remove the zest, wash the lemon under hot water, immediately take a grater and make shavings from its yellow peel.

6. In a salad bowl, thoroughly mix carrots, radishes and apples, add lemon zest and garlic, mix. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

Salad ready! It is better to serve it to the table immediately. It goes perfectly with potatoes and meat dishes.

Salad with radish and red fish

Surprisingly, the root vegetable goes well with red, salted fish. That's why we couldn't hide this one from you. wonderful recipe salad It doesn’t take much time to prepare it, but you will get a lot of benefits and taste.
For the salad let's take:
black radish – 2 pcs.;
red lightly salted fish– 150 gr.;
carrots – 1 pc.;
sesame seeds – 2 tsp;
vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l;
lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
salt and pepper.
1. Peel the completely washed radish, grate it coarsely, keep it in warm water for about 30 minutes, and then squeeze it out. Place it in a mixing bowl.
2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate them, just like the radishes. Separately, salt and pepper it, then put it in a bowl.
3. Cut the fish into small cubes, mix with our root vegetables and season with oil.
4. Add sesame seeds and lemon juice, mix well and transfer to a beautiful salad bowl.
It is better to serve the salad immediately so that it does not have time to release juice and lose its presentable appearance.

Radish and white cabbage salad

A rather successful and one of the most anticipated combinations is black radish and white cabbage. You can play with proportions to your liking. So, if you don’t really like the characteristic bitterness that the root vegetable gives, add it to the salad more cabbage, and vice versa. That is why the quantity of ingredients taken that we indicate in this recipe can be changed.
So we took:
2 medium black radishes;
100 gr. cabbage;
a little leaf parsley;
vegetable oil for dressing;
salt - to taste.
This salad is even easier to prepare than you might imagine.
1. Wash the radish, peel and soak in water for about 1 hour. Grate on a coarse grater.
2. Finely chop the cabbage and mix with radish.
3. Salt and pepper the vegetables, season with oil and mix. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Radish salad with sour cream

Sour cream perfectly softens the excessive bitterness of root vegetables. This very tasty and invigorating salad will appeal to lovers of such snacks.
For his let's take the preparations:
400 gr. black radish;
1 carrot;
3 eggs;
sour cream for dressing - to taste;
1 medium onion;
1. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Pre-soak the radish in water for a while to remove the bitterness, and also grate it.
2. Finely chop the onion into cubes.
3. Boil the eggs hard and cut into small pieces.
4. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl, season with sour cream, salt and mix again.
Vitamin salad from root vegetables with sour cream is ready.

Radish salad with dill

This is another recipe for a simple but delicious salad, the ingredients for which you will find in your refrigerator. For this we need:
black radish – 2 pcs.;
greens - dill, parsley, lettuce;
olive or sunflower oil– 50 gr.;
lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
1. Wash and peel the root vegetables. Soak for 30 minutes in water, then grate coarsely.
2. In a salad bowl, mix our root vegetable with oil and lemon juice, add a little salt to taste.
3. Ready dish decorate with greenery.

Salad with black radish tops

Since in Rus' black radish was the food of the poor, all its parts were used, including the tops. Therefore, it is not surprising that such an interesting salad has appeared in cooking.
300 gr. black radish;
50 gr. tops;
1 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
50 gr. raisins;
50 gr. onions;
50 ml vegetable oil.

1. Wash the radish thoroughly, cut off the peel and grate coarsely.
2. We separate the tops into leaves, wash them and cut them into strips, like noodles.
3. Cut the onion into strips (half rings, feathers).
4. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them to soften them.
5. Mix everything, season with honey and oil.

Layered black radish salad

If you arrange the black radish salad accordingly, then there is no shame in serving it on the holiday table. Men especially like such “spicy” snacks, and we will try for them.

For the puff salad we need:
black radish – 2 pieces;
boiled potatoes– 5-6 pieces;
raw carrots- 1 large or 2 medium pieces;
onions – 2 pieces;
boiled eggs - 3 pieces;
black pepper;
green onions - a few feathers.

1. Boil the potatoes with the skins in advance - it turns out tastier.
2. Traditionally, we grate the radish as coarsely as possible. It will be more convenient if you first cut the root vegetable into small pieces. Place in a colander and season thoroughly coarse salt– you will need about 1 level teaspoon. Mix, kneading in your hands, and leave for 10 minutes. This will allow us to get rid of excess bitterness.

3. Grate the carrots into a separate bowl.
4. While the root vegetable is being “salted,” we will have time to cook and cool the eggs. We clean them and also rub them into a separate container - separate the white from the yolk. (We will use the latter to decorate the top layer.)
5. Grate the potatoes coarsely.

6. Finely chop the onion and combine with the squeezed radish.
7. Let's start laying out the salad. It will turn out more beautiful if you take a special one culinary ring. The order is:
potatoes - coated with mayonnaise;
radish with onions and mayonnaise;
carrots and ours again white sauce;

protein and mayonnaise mesh;
the top layer will be the yolk;

garnish with green onions

Black radish “Snack” salad

Radish is a special vegetable with a unique taste. It perfectly complements the main dishes and at the same time whets the appetite, so it is perfect as an appetizer. We also suggest trying this salad to please your taste buds. To prepare, take:
fresh cucumber;
juice from one lemon;
sour cream;
dill - for decoration.

We deliberately do not give the exact quantity of ingredients that need to be used in this dish, since all of them can be added to taste.
1. We start cooking, as usual, with radishes. It needs to be washed, cleaned and rubbed well.

2. Next, it’s the turn of the cucumber - we will cut it into strips along with the skin.

3. Mix the prepared products in a bowl, add salt and season with lemon juice.

4. We will need sour cream and dill for beautiful presentation– we’ll decorate the plate with them.
We also recommend trying it

Black radish: composition, benefits, medicinal properties, contraindications. Black radish for cough. Vitamin salads from black radish.

For a long time, radish has been known to people as an extremely useful and extremely unpretentious root vegetable. The ancient Greeks treated it with special respect: they ate radish, used it as a medicinal drug, and brought the most beautiful fruits as a gift to the gods. According to ancient Greek legend, the healer god Apollo believed that it would not be a pity to give as much gold as it weighs for this vegetable. The famous Hippocrates repeatedly mentioned the benefits of radish in his writings. The Hellenes turned out to be right: the nutritional and medicinal properties of this vegetable really deserve attention.

Variegated family: radish species

Today, radish is cultivated in the temperate climates of Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Numerous varieties of radish differ in varying degrees of juiciness, bitterness and pungency. Among them there are moderately hot ones, and tender salad ones, and those that involuntarily make tears roll down your cheeks.

The color of the fruit varies from white, pink to green, dark purple and brown. But the most useful ones are the black root vegetables, which are also the hottest. This variety is superior to its “pale-faced” sisters in terms of vitamin and mineral composition.

Green (Chinese, Margelan) radish is less spicy, it is more suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Japanese radish (daikon) is the most delicate, and although it does not contain many vitamins, it is very resistant to pesticides: it practically does not absorb harmful chemicals that are used to fertilize the soil. And the most interesting thing: it turns out that the people’s favorite radish is just a precocious dwarf radish.

Vitamin cocktail: composition of black radish

Black radish is a wonderful remedy for strengthening the immune system, especially in the winter and spring. This modest vegetable is rich in organic acids, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, contains proteins, glycosides, fatty oil, carotene. In addition, black radish is a source of B vitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and mineral salts that are essential for health: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. Alkaline minerals, contained in large quantities in radishes, are removed from the body table salt, excess water and toxic waste products. Essential oils (phytoncides) give root vegetables a specific burning taste; in terms of their quantity, black radish is equal to horseradish and onions. It is these substances that have bactericidal properties.

Nutrients are distributed unevenly in the fruits of the plant. The “tail” contains the most mustard oil, which is beneficial for the immune system and digestion. The middle is the sweetest and crispiest, it contains a lot of plant sugars necessary for the heart muscle and fiber, which is essential for the intestines. The few centimeters closest to the tops are especially rich in vitamin C.

Calorie content of black radish: 35 kcal.

The nutritional value: carbohydrates – 6.7 g, proteins – 1.9 g, fats – 0.2 g.

Bitter medicine: benefits of black radish

The beneficial properties of radish have been known since the time of Herodotus. The famous healer Avicenna called this humble vegetable “the main medicine.” Due to the presence of fiber and dietary fiber, black radish is beneficial for digestion. It stimulates appetite, enhances intestinal motility, prevents dysbiosis, improves metabolism, has a choleretic effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and helps rid the body of excess cholesterol. Thanks to the abundance of B vitamins, eating fresh tubers strengthens memory and helps resist stress. Radish is indicated for gout, atherosclerosis, hypertension and colds. Black radish salads clean blood vessels and help dissolve stones in the renal pelvis, urinary and gallbladder and ducts.

House doctor: if I cough, fight!

Black radish also helps relieve coughs. People have long used hot root vegetables to soothe coughs and treat bronchitis and tracheitis. Many people have been familiar with the tart-sweet juice from childhood that their grandmother gave them to drink when they had a cold. You can prepare it in two ways.

  1. First: cut off the top of the radish and cut a fairly deep and wide funnel in the middle, put a spoonful of honey there and wait until the juice forms. Take 1 tablespoon 30-40 minutes before meals. Honey can be replaced with sugar (the sweet component should be added to the hole as needed, because it is what draws it out of the root vegetable) healing juice). To ensure that there is enough medicine for all daily doses, fill several fruits with honey at once.
  2. The second method: you need to wash the radish well, grate it together with the skin and squeeze the juice out of it through cheesecloth, add honey to it in a 1:1 ratio. Store in enamel pan, covering with a lid.

Healthy joints!

From the remaining cake you can make lotions and compresses for gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, lumbago and other similar ailments: the cake is squeezed out tightly, wrapped in gauze or a cotton bag and applied to sore spots. Fresh black radish juice is used to wash ulcers and purulent wounds, rub sore spots for joint ailments, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia. For joint pain, it is mixed with honey and vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. The resulting balm is used to rub the sore areas after a bath or bath (the body must be warmed up).


Black radish is contraindicated when acute diseases kidneys, heart, liver, intestines ( peptic ulcer, increased acidity, enterocolitis, etc.), toxic goiter, after a recent heart attack, during pregnancy. If you have health problems, consult a specialist.


Among our Slavic ancestors, radish always took pride of place on the table: it was stewed, boiled, and added to soups and salads. How can one not recall the Old Slavonic prison - cold soup on kvass with grated radish and black bread crumbs, which was prepared every day in village families.

Today, radish has become a minor vegetable in Russian cuisine. But in India, Japan, China, and Vietnam they salt it, pickle it, boil it, stew it with meat, prepare various seasonings from the ripened fruits, and even use the young leaves in soups and salads. And the French really love soup with fried radish slices.

What to cook from black radish: recipes for vitamin salads

Recipe 1. Salad "Health"

Ingredients: 100 g each radish, carrots, white cabbage and sour apples, a piece of celery root, a sprig of dill and parsley, a stalk of celery, olive oil and salt to taste.

Chop the washed and peeled vegetables, place in a salad bowl, add salt, finely chopped herbs, apples and season with cold-pressed oil.

Recipe 2. Radish salad with white cabbage

Ingredients: 3 radishes, 200 g cabbage, 1 cup sour cream, a handful of chopped parsley, salt to taste.

Grind the radish on a coarse grater, finely chop the cabbage and mash with salt. Place the vegetables in a salad bowl, mix with chopped herbs and pour sour cream. Cabbage in this recipe can be replaced with fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, steamed zucchini.

Recipe 3. Salad with baked beets

Ingredients: 3 medium-sized radishes and beets, half a glass of sour cream, 1 sour apple, salt and herbs to taste.

Bake the beets in the oven. Baked beets, peel the apple and radish. Grate all the vegetables on a coarse grater, place in a salad bowl, season with sour cream and season with chopped herbs.

Recipe 4. Salad with nuts and carrots

Ingredients: 6-7 walnuts, 1 carrot, 1 radish, 2 cloves of garlic, juice of a quarter of a lemon (or dessert spoon grape vinegar), 100 ml sour cream.

Grind the peeled vegetables, add chopped nut kernels and garlic cloves passed through a garlic press. Season with sour cream and lemon juice. This recipe can be varied by adding pickled onions to the salad instead of garlic, and walnuts replace with cashews or pistachios.

Recipe 5. Radish salad with beef

Ingredients: 1 radish, 1 onion, 1 egg, 200 g boiled beef, herbs, salt and homemade mayonnaise.

Cut the meat and egg into cubes, mix with chopped herbs and grated radish, add onion browned in butter, add salt, put in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise (or sour cream).

may please vegetable lovers affordable price, ease of preparation and unusual taste. IN usual salads she contributes spicy twist, adds the missing spice to soups, and for those who regularly include this vegetable in their menu, it provides strong immunity and good memory. Let this wonderful root vegetable become a source of health and longevity for you too!
