The most environmentally friendly product. Eco-friendly products: what is it? Benefit for health

Eco-friendly items and (eco-products) are gaining popularity in Western countries due to their savings and health benefits.

We all want to give our family the best.

Whether it is the best food or the highest quality medical care, every parent strives to provide the best and safest for their children.

When buying groceries in a supermarket or ordering another toy online, you need to evaluate its effectiveness and safety for health.

The truth is that most of the consumer goods with which we have surrounded ourselves in recent years are cunning and invisible enemies of health. They do their dirty work, day after day, releasing small doses of destructive chemicals into the atmosphere of homes, drinking water and food. They put our health and genes at risk.

Many products contain toxic chemicals that are not regulated by the manufacturers or our health authorities. In the fight for the market, companies do everything to produce things in the cheapest way, completely ignoring the safety and health of people. After all, no one will know, right?

The main problem of the modern consumer: we do not know the composition of the products that fill our home. Practice shows that even the most expensive, high-quality branded items can contain unstudied toxic components.

Some buyers conducted their own research and abandoned hazardous products in favor of eco-products - organic food, toys, furniture, green cosmetics. They benefit both the Earth and their families.

What are eco-products?

This term means a product that does not harm the environment.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the concept of “harm to the environment” requires a multifaceted understanding and covers a number of factors. After all, so many different things can negatively affect the environment if used, disposed of or simply stored incorrectly!

How to identify eco-friendly products on store shelves?

Although many companies promise that their products are environmentally friendly, they may misinterpret the information available and mislead you. Often, in an effort to protect the health of our loved ones, we blindly buy such products, counting on the honesty and objectivity of marketers.

When shopping for environmentally friendly products, look for:

Energy Star– sign of energy-saving appliances and electronics
USDA Organic Seal– organic cosmetics and food label used in the United States
Green stamp– environmentally friendly cleaning products
FSC logo– sign for paper and wood products

Different countries around the world have their own certification and printing systems that distinguish eco-products from conventional industrial products. If you see these marks and logos on your box, you are likely to make a good health purchase.

The benefits of organic goods and natural products

Family savings

We are accustomed to the fact that everything new is expensive and inaccessible. Although eco-friendly products may seem expensive when purchased, they pay for themselves in the long run and actually prove to be economical for the family budget. The secret is their durability. These products are usually made from recycled materials. They are amazingly durable and can survive many drops, washes and dishwashers. The price tag may be impressive, but it's an investment that pays off.

Benefit for health

Along with the environmental benefits, there is something more important that has made organic products so popular in the West. It's 100% safe. Plastics are known to release BPA, vinyl chloride, lead and other harmful chemicals that can cause illness in children and adults. In an adult, prolonged contact with toxins increases the risk of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular events, autoimmune processes, and abnormalities of the reproductive system. Even oncogenic mutations are possible.

In children, such exposure can lead to precocious puberty, diabetes, growth retardation, allergic and autoimmune disorders.

Environmentally friendly natural products do not, in principle, contain these toxic substances. Research shows that the widespread use of such products in everyday life improves the quality of life, reduces the risk of one and a half dozen chronic diseases and premature mortality from all causes.

They guarantee the safety of the entire planet and every family.

What types of eco-products are there?

Just a few decades ago these were rare, literally one-off goods produced by enthusiasts. Connoisseurs purchased eco-goods and organic products in a few specialized stores. Today millions of people have realized the benefits eco-friendly business for ourselves and for our planet. The range has expanded so much that each of us, if desired, can surround himself with only useful things - from cleaning products to decor.


There are many brands offering eco-friendly clothing and shoes for all ages. These items are usually made from recycled materials that are affordable and economical. Often they are not inferior in strength and durability to “synthetics”.

Manufacturers eco clothes They are improving their technologies, trying to do without artificial dyes and other chemicals. They work hard to reduce their use of water, gas and electricity.

Cups for tea and coffee

We all love our morning coffee at work, but that means millions of used cups are thrown into recycling bins every day. Eco-friendly coffee cups are made from cheap and biodegradable recycled materials - a huge saving on both your wallet and the environment.

Eco-friendly bags made from recycled materials

We all use oversized plastic bags in supermarkets and take out the trash in them. But there is a safer alternative to the ubiquitous plastic. Recycled sandwich bags, eco-friendly bags and recycled trash bags will make your home cleaner and generate significant savings on a global scale.

Home decor and interior

Perhaps the most popular area of ​​eco-friendly business is the creation of environmentally friendly interior items and eco-furniture.

Here are just a few practical and 100% natural ideas:

Kitchen appliances
Bed dress

Already now you can build a 21st century home around you, free from synthetics.


The second most important area of ​​investment in green production is cleaning and detergent products without toxic chemicals.

Modern bleaches, washing powders and antibacterial soaps pose a threat to nature and our health. Surfactants poison drinking water, lipophilic toxins accumulate in the human body and cause chronic diseases, aggressive antiseptics cause the growth of resistant superbugs. After them, our children and grandchildren will have to clean and disinfect our planet for centuries. The future lies in safe chemistry - probiotic cleaning products, organic soaps and powders without chlorine and phosphates.

Eco-friendly technologies

Nowadays, most of a person's life is connected with electronics. Without computers and smartphones, the work and leisure of the most ardent environmentalists is unthinkable. We understand how these products are made and how much power these power-hungry gadgets require. But is there any alternative? We advise switching to progressive energy-saving electronics that save resources for our descendants. New phone and TV displays provide great picture and color while using less power. LED light bulbs make homes and offices more economical.

Eco-friendly toys made from recycled materials

Caring parents have at least once wondered: why do children's toys smell so bad?
Are they safe for my child's health?
Plastic is harmful.

So much so that scientists still cannot assess and calculate all the risks: hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, reproductive problems and even cancer.

Eco-friendly toys made from recycled materials are much safer. This is great, because almost all plastic things end up in someone's mouth sooner or later.

Natural accessories and jewelry

Style and personal expression are important to every generation. Eco-friendly, recycled accessories including rings, sunglasses, hairpins and bracelets allow you to express your personality, save on your budget and save our planet. Complete your new look with natural, healthy, eco-cosmetics based on plants, mineral or animal ingredients. Be consistent in your efforts to help yourself, your loved ones and our common home.

Only one thing is needed - the desire to change the world for the better.

Konstantin Mokanov

Eco-friendly products

In a world where buying healthy food has become a real problem, more and more people are thinking about where to buy products that do not contain substances hazardous to health. Fortunately, the market law works not only for hamburgers and cola, but also for healthy food: demand creates supply. And every year manufacturers offer more and more products that will not harm the body. So, our task is to learn how to find it on supermarket shelves.

Such products can be called differently: organic, bio-products or environmentally friendly. What kind of products can bear these proud names? Almost any. There are dozens of names of environmentally friendly pasta and vegetable oils, sugar and salt, nuts and dried fruits. If desired, you can find environmentally friendly canned food, sauces, sweets, and chocolate. There's even organic dog food! What they have in common is that they all have a special sign on the packaging.

Where do all these safe treats come from if factory pipes pollute the atmosphere, tons of poison are poured onto fields, and food manufacturers can no longer imagine their business without the use of chemical additives?

The very idea of ​​selling healthy products with special labeling arose in America about half a century ago. Interest in natural healthy food is largely explained by the public sentiment that reigned in the United States at that time. People protested against the war in Vietnam, against the policies of the ruling elite, the pollution of the planet, and, accordingly, against everything with which the “successes” of industrial society were associated. Including against fast food and food products “adjusted” by chemists. In the 60s, ideas of a return to nature and basic values ​​were very common among Americans. Thus, it was they who first drew attention to the fact that it was time to give up dyes, preservatives and all kinds of “improvers” and return to simple and healthy food.

Unfortunately, the voice of the fighters for natural food was very weak at that time and no one really heard it. True, specialized stores began to open in the West, selling environmentally friendly products. But there were very few of them, and they offered a meager assortment at exorbitant prices.

About twenty more years passed before people began to clearly understand the evil that lies within the uncontrolled penetration of chemistry into the agricultural industry and food production. Not only scientists and doctors, but also ordinary consumers understood: familiar products can cause harm instead of the expected benefit.

In America and Europe, special organic food stores began to open one after another. Entire companies and farms began to appear, specializing exclusively in the production of “organic” products.

As the need for harmless products grew in the world, the need arose to somehow streamline the process of their production and sale. At the end of the 90s, in America, national standards for environmentally friendly products were developed.

Without going into details, environmentally friendly products, according to international requirements, are those that:

In addition, when producing environmentally friendly products, the use of growth and fattening stimulants, antibiotics and hormonal drugs, as well as the use of feed that is not based on organic matter is prohibited.

Organic food products are now identified by special licensing symbols on packaging (“organic” or “bio”). This is a guarantee that the products have passed special certification. Perhaps the most important advantage of such products is that they are all carefully tested by independent experts and you can be absolutely confident in them.

There are several types of eco-products:

1. NP: Natural Products - these products consist entirely or almost entirely of ingredients of natural origin. The inclusion of chemical additives and artificial fillers is minimal. Typically, these are products grown on land that has undergone a special cleaning procedure without the use of chemicals (the use of natural fertilizers such as manure and compost is allowed).

2. FF: Functional-Foods- substances beneficial to the body have been artificially added to these products: for example, apple juice with rose hip extract.

3. Nutraceuticals- These are special food additives that improve its “healthiness”. For example, vitamins. In this case, we are talking exclusively about additives of natural origin.

Note: if there is an “Organic” icon on a package or jar, it means that not only the manufacturing company has been certified, but also farms and companies involved in delivery and packaging...

In a word, this simple icon obliges a lot.

Opportunities for the Russian consumer

Around the world, the market for environmentally friendly products is growing rapidly. In the West, about a quarter of residents prefer to buy products bearing the “Organic” label. In Europe, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland are recognized as the most active fighters for the production of environmentally friendly products. What about Russia? Are we really on the sidelines of the process? Yes and no.

On the one hand, we have excellent opportunities to release such products. In Russia, the amount of mineral and organic fertilizers used on fields is tens of times (!) less than in the so-called developed countries. We use much less chemical protection against various pests and diseases in the fields. So, domestic food products contain much less chemicals than imported ones. And huge reserves of land make it possible to introduce environmental technologies on large cultivated areas. So our agricultural products (albeit not all) may well be used for the production of eco-products.

But it's not that simple. After all, products grown in an ecologically clean area without the use of fertilizers can reach the consumer in a “disfigured” form. And they usually mutilate it in food production. Because they know: in Russia it is more profitable to sell products with chemical additives than without them. For example, colored and flavored sausages are in greater demand than canned meats prepared in accordance with international environmental safety standards.

Unfortunately, the demand for organic products among our consumers is still quite low. Russian buyers are not yet accustomed to choosing from the whole variety of products just one - the one with the coveted “Organic” badge. Experts explain this by the fact that, on the one hand, Russians have “ecologically low consciousness.” That is, we are not accustomed to associate problems with air, soil and water pollution with our own health (which is typical for residents of Western countries). On the other hand, a lot depends on the level of income: sometimes we buy not what is healthier, but what we have enough money for. Therefore, domestic environmentally friendly products often remain unclaimed. And as a result, it is sent for import.

The first attempts to develop organic farming in Russia (more precisely, back in the Soviet Union) began in the late 1980s, although it all ended in failure: consumers were not ready for such products. And as a result, since the mid-1990s, batches of environmentally friendly products began to be sent to Europe. The pioneer was Russian buckwheat (it is in great demand in the West), followed by wild berries for export.

Today, some farms in Central Russia are trying to produce organic products. They supply organic fruits to Europe (in particular, Hungary) for the production of baby food. Products from Russia are in demand in Europe. Moreover, some of our products (for example, pine nuts) have no analogues.

Of course, in recent years the situation has changed somewhat. Our compatriots began to seriously think about their diet. However, their desire to eat organic products is not always easy to realize: many Russian cities do not yet have specialized organic food stores. Healthy organic breads or cereals are scattered among many other products. And it can be quite difficult for a buyer to choose among hundreds of canned foods a single package that meets the requirements of a healthy diet.

There is another stumbling block - the high price. Imported eco-products that are certified according to all rules and enter the Russian market are subject to huge customs duties. We can say that these are luxury goods. For example, you can pay more than a hundred rubles for a loaf of “proper” bread.

And Russian manufacturers who decide to undergo international certification are forced to do it abroad. And this is quite an expensive pleasure. As a result, Russian buckwheat or oatmeal, tested by German experts, costs the same as imported analogues. Alas, we have to admit: environmentally friendly goods for many Russians are an expensive and hard-to-find pleasure.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous food manufacturers quickly realized this. They decided to take advantage of the situation with eco-products and began to offer consumers fakes - cheap products that have not passed any checks, but have labels on the packaging like: “contains only organic ingredients” or “environmentally friendly product.” And although at one time appropriate changes were made to GOST, prohibiting writing about the environmental cleanliness of a product without compelling reasons, every now and then such inscriptions flash on the labels of fermented milk products, cereals, and mineral water.

Currently, to assess the environmental cleanliness of Russian products, there is a document called SanPiN (sanitary rules and regulations). It largely coincides with international requirements, although it does not completely repeat them. This document contains guideline values ​​for all potential food contaminants.

In 2008, an addition was adopted to it, according to which, in order to obtain permission to name “Organic” or “Bioproduct”, it is necessary to provide complete documentation along the entire production chain, guaranteeing compliance with all parameters of an environmentally friendly product. Even if these are not yet international standards, they are still a certain guarantee of quality.

And one more fact inspires optimism: according to expert forecasts, the market for environmentally friendly products in Russia will double over the next three years. This means that their prices will begin to fall. The number of retail outlets where they can be purchased will increase. So, soon bioproducts will become cheaper and more accessible to Russians. As they say, the ice has broken.


Carefully read the information on the packaging: real environmentally friendly products have a special mark “organic product” or “bioproduct” of the established standard.

Don’t be misled by labels on the packaging like “tested for environmental safety”, “grown in an ecologically clean area”, etc. - products certified to international standards usually do not contain such labels.

Sometimes manufacturers indicate only one of the environmental characteristics: “non-GMO” or “chlorine-free.” Such statements may well be true, but they do not guarantee that the product meets other environmental safety requirements.

A statement such as “100% natural product” can also confuse the buyer. After all, some substances of natural origin, such as arsenic or nitrate, can be very harmful to human health.

Certified environmentally friendly products are more expensive than conventional analogues.

It is safest to buy organic products in specialized stores that are licensed to sell them.

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While in the West citizens were concerned about their health, in Russia they only shrugged their shoulders and laughed at the eccentricities of foreigners. Unfortunately, food stuffed with “chemicals” has now filled our shelves, so much so that even ordinary potatoes no longer seem harmless.

We go to the supermarket and... read, carefully read the composition of the product on the packaging. And still, after adding the item to the cart, . There is reason for such suspicion. Even if the food you buy does not contain emulsifiers or preservatives, it may still be unsafe. And this is not paranoia, but simple knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships.

Land question

Everyone knows what is done in the fields to increase yields and control insects. And even if you stop treating the soil and crops with chemicals, the consequences of such activities will be felt for a long time. Sometimes the earth needs a significant period of time to get rid of harmful substances. Remember, for example, the highly toxic DDT, commonly referred to as dust.

Its half-life in soil is about 20 years. In addition, the dust dissolves well and easily settles in the soil and at the bottom of reservoirs. When DDT enters the human or animal body, it accumulates in tissues and is not excreted. It poisons the body, increases the risk of cancer and, worst of all, is a threat to future offspring. But besides dust, many more chemicals have been invented. The conclusions are simple and sad.

Organic approach

More and more people are choosing bioorganic products for themselves and their families. What it is? The food is absolutely natural, from nature. Products labeled as organic or with the prefix "bio" or "eco" in their name are grown, processed, preserved and packaged according to specific, strict standards.

Manufacturers of bioorganic products have abandoned the use of synthetic chemicals, growth regulators, artificial food additives, GMOs and other harmful substances. This applies to various areas of organic agriculture: crop production, horticulture, livestock and poultry farming.

The soil and water on organic farms are maintained in an environmentally friendly condition, and animals grow and eat in healthy conditions. The fields are located away from highways, weeds are removed in early spring using a harrow, and the soil is fertilized with manure. To combat pests, for example, their natural enemies are used - birds and ladybugs, as well as ultrasound, various traps and the like, methods that do not affect the naturalness of the product. Animal food does not contain preservatives, appetite stimulants or growth stimulants. In addition, veterinarians on such farms do not use antibiotics. Mineralization and refining, and even more so any artificial additives, are prohibited in the production of products.

Bioorganic food contains 20-30% more nutrients than non-organic food. This affects not only the benefits of natural food, but also its taste. Compare at least “chemical” tomatoes with those grown in healthy conditions.

All this is especially important for children. As you know, a growing body copes worse with various chemicals, which are literally teeming with most modern products. But through proper nutrition, we provide the child with immunity and health for life. However, many adults have long been eating cereals and desserts made for children - it’s safer.

How much is pleasure?

Of course, bio-organic products are more expensive. But the point here is not at all the greed of producers. Firstly, maintaining an environmentally friendly farm is not so cheap and requires significant resources. In addition, eco-farms, for obvious reasons, are not so large-scale, and this, accordingly, affects their profits. And, given that the products do not contain preservatives, their shelf life and sale are limited. Caring for people’s health and nature really costs a pretty penny, but it’s all justified. The motto of companies producing eco-products could be described by the phrase “Clean food - clear conscience.”

Of course, you get to choose what to feed your family. You can justify that prices in stores are already high, but, perhaps, such an expense item as healthy eating should not be subject to savings.

Sign of purity

Nowadays, various commercial tricks are very often used, thanks to which many manufacturers are trying to prove that their products are natural and healthy. Alas, this is not always true. Even if the packaging says “bio”, “environmentally safe”, “no preservatives”, “fortified”, this does not mean that this is a bioorganic product. The same bio-yogurt has such a trusted prefix only because it contains beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. But this does not prevent manufacturers from adding dyes, flavors and preservatives to them, the use of which is strictly prohibited in organic products.

To distinguish a real eco-product from products masquerading as it, look for special markings on the labels.

True, there is still no single designation for organics in the world community. All countries celebrate the environmental friendliness of products differently.

Basically, products from the USA come with the organic label, and European ones with the bio label. There are also more original ones: ORGANIC - in England, BIOLOGISCH or OEKOLOGISCH - in Germany (they also put the BIO label there, as in Switzerland), ISSUE D'AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE - in France, ECO - in the Netherlands, Australian Certified Organic - in Australia , USDA Organic - in the USA, and in Russia they write “organic”, “bio”, “eco”.

Getting the opportunity to put a special mark on products confirming its purity is not so easy. Need a certificate. Different countries have different organizations involved in such certification, and each has its own graphic designation. Therefore, we advise you to train your memory and remember the most common icons. Then you will be sure that you are holding an environmentally friendly product in your hands.

Every year there are more and more people who buy organic products. But dealing with organic labeling is not so easy. In addition, some manufacturers put eco-labels on every second jar of cucumbers. We will tell you which products are considered organic and why organic and farm tomatoes are not the same thing.

Some argue that the Bio, Eco and Organic labels are marketing duds, while others are sweeping all cans with green labels off store shelves. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

What are organic products

We have already written, : they can only be produced in ecologically clean areas without the use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, hormones and GMOs. In general, the whole point of organic agriculture is to integrate into the ecosystem, and not subordinate it to humans.

Instead of mineral fertilizers, organic farms use manure and compost, pests are controlled using insects and birds, and weeds are removed by hand. Antibiotics, feed with hormones and genetic engineering are prohibited in animal husbandry.

Organic in the world

Organic certification cannot simply be purchased. Each manufacturer that claims this title is tested to ensure compliance with organic standards. A commission comes to the farm to examine the soil, check the living conditions of the animals, the quality of the seed and harvesting equipment. In addition, the inspector may randomly survey employees regarding their knowledge and understanding of organic standards. In laboratories, finished products are checked on hundreds of points - from tests for the absence of heavy metals to taste. Organic certification is only valid for one year, which means that the manufacturer must undergo this global audit every 12 months.

The standards for such certification can be either private or government. But so far only 87 countries have legislated standards for organic products. For example, in the markets of the USA and Canada the NOD (National Organic Program) standard applies, in the European Union - the EU standard, in the markets of Switzerland - BIOSUISSE ORGANIC, and in Japan - the JAS eco-standard.

USDA Organic Seal is an American organic program that tests products to meet NOD organic standards.

Euro Leaf- a sign of a unified certification system for food products produced in the European Union. To enter the European organic market, you need to fulfill the requirements of EU directives , 889/08 and only then receive this marking. Many Russian companies receive such a certificate in order to somehow confirm their status as a manufacturer of organic products.

Over 37 years of existence Bio Suisse From an association of Swiss farmers, it has grown into a large organization, with about 6,000 farms becoming members.

JAS- certification according to Japanese organic standards.

Bio-Siegel- This is another popular organic label in the EU. This mark was introduced in Germany in 2011, it means that the product is at least 95% organic.

Organic in Russia

In Russia, a law on the production of organic products will be adopted in the near future - it is already under consideration in the State Duma. Nevertheless, the absence of a law does not stop Russian farmers, and those who want to produce organic products officially undergo international certification. This is why you can see USDA, Euro Leaf and other marks on some Russian-made bioproducts. In addition, those who choose international certification systems can easily supply products to international markets.

Russia also has its own voluntary certification system, which was developed by “Life Leaf”. The certification system and the standards themselves are the same as in the EU, but the sanitary and epidemiological standards of Russia are also taken into account.

In addition, GOST standards have been in force in the country since the beginning of 2017 And . Both of these standards fully comply with the norms of European organic agriculture and the rules of IFOAMH (International Federation of Organic Agriculture). Compliance with these GOSTs indicates the integrity of the manufacturer.

What is greenwashing

In addition to organic labels, on Russian-made products you can find the inscriptions “farmed”, “natural” and “environmentally friendly”. These are perhaps the most popular forms of greenwashing, or “green marketing.”Greenwashing is one of the marketing options where a product or service is positioned as environmentally friendly.

Farm product

In fact, this inscription does not contain any information other than that this product was produced on the farm. And yet many fall for this trick - after all, it seems logical to use natural production methods on a tiny farm. But in nothing is said about how to grow and care for plants and livestock on a farm.

In reality, farms often use both mineral fertilizers and antibiotics on a scale comparable to large agricultural complexes. Farmers take this step in order to reduce costs and reduce risks.

Environmentally friendly product

All products that hit the supermarket shelves have been tested for environmental safety and are a priori environmentally friendly. According to It is prohibited to write “environmentally friendly product” on food products: all that such an inscription does is distract and mislead the consumer.

Natural product

This means that the product was grown in nature and not in a laboratory. But this does not exclude the use of chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.

General statements, non-existent labels, prefixes “bio”, “eco” and “organic” are also true signals of greenwashing. According to

Today, environmentally friendly products have become the most dynamic segment of the food market all over the world. According to experts, this segment is growing by 20% annually. What makes it so popular?

We, residents of megacities, forced to live in an aggressive environment, really want to do everything possible to improve and maintain our health. In order to drink clean water, we buy filters or already purified bottled water. To improve the air quality in our apartments and offices, we purchase ionizers, humidifiers, etc. But what to do with food? It turns out that the West has already answered this question. More than 30 years ago, eco-labels were created in Germany. It was called "Blue Angel".

The Blue Angel is the world's first and oldest environmental label for goods and services

The Blue Angel is the world's first and oldest environmental label for goods and services. It was created in 1977 on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, after which it was approved by the Ministry of the Environment at national and federal levels. The mark was viewed as an environmental policy instrument designed to promote the harmonious development of the market and create a positive image of products that have confirmed their compliance with the environmental criteria of the Blue Angel program. In essence, eco-labels highlighted environmentally friendly products on store shelves. With its help, the buyer could easily distinguish eco-products from others. In addition to the high quality of the product itself, the presence of eco-labeling also means that during the production of a particular product, its manufacturers tried to do everything possible to ensure that as little harmful substances as possible enter the atmosphere. And this is no less important than the composition and quality of the product itself.

But how do you find out about this? How to understand which production is cleaner and safer for the environment? For this purpose, they created such a simple and convenient sign as an environmental label. Its popularity is constantly growing. Thus, the “Blue Angel” in the first year of its existence was awarded to 6 types of products; after 30 years, their number exceeds 4 thousand, despite the fact that quite high requirements have been established, taking into account all stages of the production process, from assessing the rational use of resources to sale of finished products. In European countries, the absence of eco-labels on products leads to a reduction in prices by 20-30%. Manufacturers have to accept the fact that one sign sometimes speaks volumes than a thousand words. Many countries have benefited from Germany's successful experience. Just a year after the Blue Angel appeared, they created their own environmental labeling programs. Today there are more than 100 such signs in the world. Among them is the eco-label “White Swan” (Scandinavian countries), known today in Russia.

Among the eco-signs “White Swan” (Scandinavian countries) today is one of the most famous in Russia

There is such a sign in Russia (a system of voluntary certification of products, works and services according to their life cycle “Leaf of Life”). All international eco-labeling programs are based on a product life cycle analysis procedure. This means that not only the product itself is assessed, but also the raw materials from which it was obtained, its packaging, the methods of its delivery to the store and the features of disposal are considered. Only a comprehensive analysis of a product, from raw materials to packaging, can provide a complete picture of its impact on humans and the environment. The basic principles of voluntary environmental certification under this scheme are laid down in the international standards of the ISO 14020 and ISO 14040 series. In Russia, the market for eco-products is extremely small, despite the fact that the interest in such products is enormous. In 2005

The St. Petersburg Ecological Union, which is the developer of the “Leaf of Life” eco-label, has opened environmental departments in stores across the city. Nowadays, such a service as environmental certification is practically unclaimed among Russian manufacturers. Our legislation prohibits the labeling of “eco”, “bio”, “environmentally safe”, etc. on packaging without documentary evidence of this fact. But today there is no way to check the manufacturer himself, that is, his product, for environmental friendliness, since the law does not stipulate what environmentally friendly products must comply with. In Russia, there are no uniform criteria for the entire territory that distinguish ecological products from conventional products.

In this regard, a lot of self-declarations and a huge number of products have appeared on the market, the packaging of which is marked: “bio”, “eco”, “organic”, etc. But this information has no confirmation and, unfortunately, in most cases misleads the consumer. Which, of course, affected the buyer’s confidence in eco-products in general. In addition, the Russian manufacturer is not entirely clear what environmental labeling can give it. It was assumed that the creation of specialized departments would contribute to the development of environmentally friendly products in Russia. But that did not happen. The main assortment presented on eco-shelves consists of Western goods.

Indeed, eco-products have long been in demand and popular in Europe. A Western manufacturer does not question why it needs to undergo an environmental assessment and receive an eco-label. After all, these are additional chances to be recognized internationally, which undoubtedly creates a more favorable image of the enterprise and increases its competitiveness. In addition, the presence of an environmental certificate greatly facilitates Western companies’ interaction with market partners, consumers, government and public regulatory authorities.

Well, the main thing, of course, is that such products are in great demand abroad! So it turns out that on Russian shelves we mainly find Scandinavian, German and other European eco-labels. But the “Leaf of Life” eco-label is quite difficult to come across here. Russian manufacturers are so far ignoring this approach to promoting their products. But in vain! Since 2007, the “Leaf of Life” eco-label has joined the world network GEN - The Global Ecolabelling Network, which unites more than 30 countries, including all countries of the European Union. “Leaf of Life” is recognized by the international community as complying with the principles of the ISO 14024 standard and the world practice of voluntary environmental certification. The inclusion of domestic producers, their goods and services in the system of international environmental certification, standardization and examination will allow them to compete on equal terms in the international market of goods and services.

The voluntary environmental certification system “Leaf of Life” was developed by the St. Petersburg Ecological Union (SPbES) in 2001, as part of the “Ecology and People” program. Today SPbES is the first in Russia and so far the only organization to receive an international
recognition of the procedure for determining the environmental safety of products and having the right to issue an environmental certificate at an international level. The system is registered with the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (certificate RO СС RU. И457.04ЧГ00).

After two years of the existence of environmental departments in St. Petersburg, the Ecological Union was forced to suspend their work due to the need to modify the very form of the project, adapting it to Russian reality, since the Western model does not work for us. Why did this happen? After all, the Russian buyer says that he needs such products and is ready to buy them.

There are several reasons, in my opinion. Firstly, it is quite expensive to eat only organic products, given their cost. In the West, the cost of eco-products is 1.5-2 times higher, but in our country it is 6-8 times higher than conventional analogues. Such a strong increase in price occurs due to transportation and customs costs. That is, if Russian eco-products appeared on our market, their affordable price could be a real impetus for the development of this area in Russia.

An important reason is our poor awareness of what environmentally friendly products are, what they look like and where they can be purchased. At the moment, “eco-products” is an abstract concept, understood by each buyer in their own way. Until this topic is supported by the government or a group of environmentally responsible producers, buyers will not have a clear picture in their heads. But there are also positive experiences. In 2005, the eco-supermarket “Grunwald” opened in Moscow. It presents products from more than 40 leading European manufacturers of eco- and bioproducts from Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. The store has a biocafeteria where baked goods are baked, salads and semi-finished products are prepared.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the purchasing power of the population is growing. And along with it, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is growing, an integral part of which is proper nutrition. Choosing the right positioning of eco-products and actively promoting them at points of sale will allow this category to take a strong position in the market. Most experts believe that this area has great prospects in Russia. It can give a significant impetus to the development of not only agriculture, but also many other domestic producers.
