The easiest Italian pizza recipe. Italian pizza: homemade recipes - Bellissimo! Initial products for the test

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who will refuse to try thin crust pizza with aromatic and juicy toppings. We invite you to try the most successful recipes for its preparation!

Pizza has long been an international dish. It is loved and prepared everywhere and people have completely forgotten that it owes its birth to sunny Italy. Italian pizza is a favorite product of gourmets all over the world, so our article will focus on it.

We will tell you how to cook it in several different ways and teach you all the intricacies of Italian cuisine.

What types of pizza are there in Italy?

Unlike our housewives, who prefer to cook this dish with meat and aromatic sausages, Italian cooks put seafood and mushrooms on pizza, generously sprinkling the dough with nuts and various herbs. Often berries and fruits, such as grapes, also end up there. And, of course, you will never find mayonnaise or ketchup in classic pizza from Italy.

Delicious topping for Italian pizza

What toppings do they use on pizza in Italy?

1. Carbonara is a popular pizza based on smoked brisket, Parmesan and tender mozzarella.

2. Marinara - made from mozzarella, tomatoes, oregano and basil.

3. Salmone - very tasty, original pizza with salmon, fillet of other red fish, lemon zest, moscarpone, arugula.

4. Fungi - pizza for mushroom lovers, for the preparation of which oyster mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, and porcini are used. Parmesan and mozzarella are also used in the recipe.

5. Four cheeses - original recipe with assorted cheeses: blue mold, white mold, hard Parmesan, mozzarella.

6. Neapolitan - prepared from the following ingredients: onions, thyme, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, salt, anchovy fillets, Swiss cheese, olives.

Features of real Italian pizza

Italy has adopted a special law on the rules for preparing pizza:

  • the shape should be round - up to 35 cm in diameter;
  • the cake should be thin; when cooking, it should be tossed and rotated by hand;
  • spices - only parsley, basil, oregano and garlic;
  • special varieties of tomatoes and flour, mozzarella from the southern regions of the country are suitable for the filling;
  • Only olive oil is used to make pizza.

And now the recipes themselves!

Recipe 1. Italian pizza cooked on regular bread

This recipe will be useful for people who do not have time to prepare complex dishes. But being completely busy is not a reason to deny yourself your favorite treat. So, for preparation we will need:

  • a little cheese called mozzarella (150 g),
  • about twelve green olives,
  • a couple of mint leaves,
  • 7 medium sized tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • about one tablespoon of capers,
  • 4 spoons of tomato paste,
  • olive oil.

Before you start cooking, preheat the oven to 240 degrees. Take slices of wheat bread and fry them in a toaster or in a frying pan, grate with ground garlic and brush with tomato paste. Then, on each slice of bread, place several slices of tomatoes, a basil leaf, a small piece of cheese, capers and olives. Sprinkle all this with a few drops of olive oil and place in the oven for 10 minutes. The pizza is prepared quickly. You just need to wait until the cheese melts. The dish is served on the table with green salad leaves and fresh vegetables.

Recipe 2. Italian pizza with dough

We talked about the so-called “quickie” option, and now we’ll discuss classic Italian pizza with dough. Depending on your wishes, pizza is made from either thin or fluffy dough. It is prepared with the addition of flour, water, salt, yeast and olive oil. If you want to get a thin dough, then you will need very little yeast, only 1 spoon of vegetable oil and half as much flour as for fluffy pizza.

How to make Italian pizza

How to make classic Four Seasons pizza? Cut the champignons in half lengthwise, then cut the halves into thin slices, cut off the base of the artichokes, leaving only the slices. Thinly cut the salami, the pepper into half rings, the cherry tomatoes into halves, if the mozzarella cheese balls are small, also cut them in half, the egg in half, cut the halves into plates, grate the Parmesan on a fine grater. Roll out the dough for thin pizza into a 30cm flat cake no more than 1cm thick, place it on a pan greased with olive oil, make marks with a knife, lightly cutting the dough into 4 equal sectors (do not cut through the dough all the way). Grease the pizza with tomato sauce, moving 1-2 cm from the edges, place mushrooms and egg in the upper right sector, then, moving clockwise, artichokes and olives, the third sector - salami and sweet peppers, the last - cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. Sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6. Italian pizza with sage

To prepare it we will need:

  • about 450 grams of dough and several types of cheese;
  • 100 g Dor Blue and 100 g Gouda;
  • a couple of sage leaves;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little flour and black pepper.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees, cut the Dor Blue cheese into small cubes and grind the Gouda using a coarse grater. Garlic can be passed through a garlic press. Then we take the dough and put it in a baking dish, sprinkle it with flour, and roll it out over the entire area. In order for it to bake well, pierce it in several places with a fork. Place cheese, garlic and sage leaves on top of the dough. Pepper, salt and bake on the lower level of the oven for about 15 minutes. Then take it out and let it simmer at medium level for about 3 minutes.

Recipe 7. Italian fish pizza with salmon

To prepare we will need:

  • approximately 100 grams of canned salmon,
  • 100 grams of mushrooms,
  • a little tomato
  • 50 grams of mozzarella cheese,
  • one tomato,
  • a little chopped dill,
  • 1 zucchini squash
  • black pepper,
  • salt to taste,
  • olive oil for frying.

Roll out the dough into a circle, place it in a baking dish, and generously grease it with tomato. Place grated zucchini and thinly sliced ​​tomato on top. Canned salmon should be opened, excess liquid drained, the fish separated from the bones and mashed thoroughly. Place a layer of salmon on the pizza, top with thinly sliced ​​mushrooms, dill and cheese. Salt, pepper and place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

Recipe 8. Italian seafood pizza

The so-called sea cocktail is suitable as a filling; it includes various seafood (mussels, shrimp, pieces of red fish, etc.). We will also need:

Creating dough is real torture for me. Well, I don’t get along with it, especially with yeast, so the most ideal dough recipe for me is the simplest. Especially for pizza, which children love so much. I suggest you try it in action, or rather, when baking. A minimum of ingredients, rolling out as thin as possible and cutting all sorts of goodies - the pizza will turn out perfect!

To create the pizza, I will use smoked bacon, fresh mushrooms, hard cheese, tomatoes and olives, and also grease the base with mayonnaise. You can choose and purchase any other fillings to your liking.

If olive oil is not available, feel free to replace it with sunflower, corn, etc., even melted lard or butter, but remember that such a base will no longer be lean.

So, to prepare the classic thin dough for thin Italian pizza, you need to prepare the products according to the list.

Sift wheat flour into a deep salad bowl, pour in water, olive oil and add salt.

Knead the dough into a tight dough, press it into a ball, cover with cling film and leave for 15 minutes.

After that, roll it out into a thin, thin layer. Rectangular or round - as you wish. Place in a greased form.

Lubricate with mayonnaise. Lay out sliced ​​bacon and fresh champignons and tomatoes. Sprinkle with finely grated hard cheese and garnish with olives or black olives. Place the pizza in a preheated oven for 25 minutes at 180C.

The pizza is juicy and the base is crispy on the edges and soft in the middle. Garnish the toasted pizza with herbs and serve it to the table.

Well, be sure to bookmark the recipe for the classic dough for thin Italian pizza. Just remember to let the dough rest for 15 minutes after kneading!

Pizza recipes

55 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (1)

I really love pizza. But in not a single pizzeria in the city could I find the same pizza that I tried several years ago in Italy. A friend helped me out by begging a recipe for pizza dough from an Italian chef. Now I’ll tell you how to make Italian pizza.

Dough for Italian pizza like in a pizzeria

We will need: wooden spoon, bowls, kitchen towel.

Ingredients Cooking steps
Video recipe for Italian pizza dough

From this video you will learn a classic dough recipe for real Italian pizza. Take note - it is so profitable that you will probably use it more than once.

Homemade Italian pizza recipe
  • Cooking time: 105 minutes.
  • We will need: cling film, bowls, wooden spoon, rolling pin, silicone brush, baking dish.
  • Number of pizzas: 3.



Cooking steps
  • First, let's prepare the yeast mixture. To do this, mix 100 milliliters of warm water, sugar and dry yeast. Stir vigorously until the yeast and sugar dissolve.

  • Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a well in the mound of flour, pour in the yeast mixture and gently mix with the flour.

  • Separately mix the remaining warm water, salt and olive oil.

  • Pour this mixture into the flour and knead the dough with a wooden spoon.

  • When it becomes difficult to stir the dough with a spoon, sprinkle the table with flour, transfer the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands for 8 minutes.

  • Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave warm for 70 minutes.

  • For the filling, cut the mushrooms, mozzarella and salami into thin slices.

  • While we are forming the pizza, turn on the oven to maximum and leave it to warm up.
  • Divide the dough into three parts, using a rolling pin, roll one part into a thin circle.

  • Grease a pizza pan with olive oil, sprinkle with flour and lay out the crust.

  • Coat the top of the cake with olive oil, then grease with tomato juice, sprinkle with oregano and add some salt.

  • Next, lay out layers of sausage, mushrooms and cheese.

  • Place the pizza pan in the oven and bake for 9 minutes.

  • Video recipe for Italian pizza

    In this video you can see the whole process of preparing delicious Italian pizza.

    Italian thin crust pizza recipe
    • Cooking time: 75 minutes.
    • We will need: a sieve, bowls, blender, cling film, oven rack, parchment.
    • Number of pizzas: 4.


    Tomato sauce


    Cooking steps
  • Mix warm water with yeast and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.

  • Sift the flour, add salt, olive oil and yeast mixture. We begin to knead the dough with a spoon.

  • As soon as it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, sprinkle the table with flour, lay out the dough and knead with your hands.

  • Divide the finished dough into four parts, form balls and place on a floured plate. Cover the dough with cling film and place in a warm place for 50 minutes.

  • While the dough is rising, we will prepare the tomato sauce and filling. For the filling, cut the sausage into thin slices and grate the mozzarella.
  • For the tomato sauce, grind the tomatoes in a blender. Add salt, basil, olive oil and stir.

  • When the dough has risen well, sprinkle the table with flour, place one ball and stretch it with your hands into a 2 mm thick cake.

  • Grease the edges of the crust with olive oil, then grease the crust with tomato sauce, sprinkle with grated mozzarella, lay out slices of sausage and sprinkle a little more cheese on top.

  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, transfer the pizza to parchment paper and place on the oven rack. Place the pizza in the oven for 9 minutes.

  • Thin crust pizza video recipe

    In this video you will see how to make Italian thin crust pizza with toppings.

    • To grease pizza, you can use not only tomato sauce, but also bechamel sauce.
    • You can choose the filling for Italian pizza according to your taste.
    • If you want the cheese on the pizza not to brown, first brush the crust with sauce and place in the oven for 4 minutes. Then you can add the toppings and put the pizza in the oven for another five minutes.

    You can prepare it for work or a picnic. You can put various toppings in the middle of this closed pizza. If you're tired of meat pizzas, I recommend trying it. It is very easy to prepare. I sometimes cook for breakfast. Its preparation does not take much time. If you have a slow cooker, then be sure to try making it. It turns out more airy and soft than in the oven.

    Friends, have you tried making Italian pizza with your own hands at home? Share your successes in the comments.

    Step 1: prepare the dough. Using a fine mesh sieve, sift the required amount of wheat flour into a deep bowl. Add salt, sugar, granulated yeast to it and mix the products with a whisk until smooth.
    Turn the stove level to medium temperature and place a small saucepan on it with the required amount of clean distilled water, there is no need to bring the liquid to a boil, just heat it to 40 - 45 degrees, the yeast will not rise in hot water! Combine the heated liquid with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix the ingredients until smooth. Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients.
    Knead into a smooth dough, first using a tablespoon, and when you find it difficult to mix, handle the dough with clean hands.
    Transfer it to a kitchen table sprinkled with sifted wheat flour and knead the dough for 2 - 3 minutes.
    Rinse the bowl in which you initially made the initial knead under running water, dry with paper kitchen towels and grease with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Place the kneaded dough in the prepared bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and place in a warm place for 40 minutes, for example near the stove. During this time, the semi-finished flour product will increase in size by approximately 1.5 - 2 times. Step 2: prepare the filling.
    Rinse the peeled onions, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes under running water, dry the ingredients with paper kitchen towels and cut off the last two places where the stalks were or are attached. After gutting the pepper from the seeds, place it on a cutting board and cut into strips up to 5 millimeters, do the same with the onions. For more convenient chopping, you can cut the tomatoes into halves.
    If desired, place 5 - 6 tomato halves on a plate and set them aside, they will serve as an additional decoration for your pizza. Place the remaining tomatoes in a clean and dry blender bowl, add all the spices indicated in the ingredients, tomato paste and salt to taste. Grind and mix the products until a homogeneous porridge-like consistency is achieved by turning on the kitchen appliance to the highest setting; this process will take approximately 1 - 2 minutes. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, taste it and, if necessary, add more spices and salt. Arrange the chopped vegetables on plates.
    For pizza, it is best to use high-quality, well-smoked sausage, for example with salt, peel it from cling film, place it on a cutting board, cut it with a knife into rings 3 to 5 millimeters thick and place it on a plate.
    Open a jar of olives, use a tablespoon to remove the amount of fruit you need, place them on a cutting board and cut into rings up to 5 millimeters thick. Transfer the slices to a separate plate.
    Remove the paraffin crust from hard cheese and grate it directly onto a plate using a coarse grater. Preheat the oven to 200 - 220 degrees Celsius. Step 3: Roll out the dough.
    After 40 minutes, transfer the dough to a floured kitchen counter and knead it again for 1 to 2 minutes. Divide it with a knife into 2 parts of equal weight and roll them out with a rolling pin into layers up to 1.5 centimeters thick. Take a non-stick aluminum pan and sprinkle some sifted wheat flour on it. Carefully wrap the dough around the rolling pin and transfer it to the prepared baking sheet. Step 4: form the pizza.
    First of all, divide by eye all the ingredients for the filling into 2 portions. Pour half the mixture of chopped tomatoes and herbs onto the surface of the dough. Then sprinkle the greased layer with grated cheese.
    Place sausage rings, onion half rings, lettuce peppers, chopped olives and cherry tomato halves on top of it in artistic disorder. If you wish, you can add canned corn or peas. Step 5: bake the pizza.
    Make sure your oven is preheated to the desired temperature and place the baking sheet with the still uncooked pizza in it. Bake the flour product for 25 - 30 minutes or until the crust is the first golden brown, light shade of beige. Using a kitchen towel, remove the baking sheet from the oven and place it on a cutting board. Let the flour product cool slightly, 4 to 5 minutes is enough. Then cut the pizza into portions and enjoy! Prepare the second pizza in the same way. Step 6: Serve Italian style pizza.
    Italian-style pizza is served hot; after cooking, you can transfer it to a large flat dish and then cut it into portions, or cut the aromatic pizza immediately and serve in portions on separate plates. It is pleasant to savor this yummy with light aperitifs, it can be beer, delicate semi-sweet red or white wine, cocktails with a small amount of alcohol. Supporters of a non-alcoholic lifestyle can enjoy this dish with juices, tea or a cup of aromatic coffee. Not expensive, practical and very tasty! Bon appetit!

    - – The filling for this type of pizza can be supplemented with any canned or pickled vegetables, such as cucumber, hot pepper, eggplant pieces, and garlic.

    - – Instead of cherry tomatoes, you can use regular tomatoes with dense walls.

    - – The spices and herbs indicated in this recipe are not essential, you can use your favorite seasoning composition.

    - – Instead of salted sausage, you can use fried bacon, stewed minced meat of any kind, boiled and chopped meat or any other type of sausage, it all depends on your taste.

    - – Instead of vegetable oil, you can add olive or melted butter to the dough.

    - – You can simplify the preparation of this dish if, instead of yeast dough, you use already semi-ready pizza crusts, which can be purchased at any store.

    Pizza is a favorite delicacy of most children and adults, now available on almost every corner. However, in many cases, buying ready-made pizza in a store or restaurant is an expensive pleasure, and its quality sometimes leaves much to be desired. It happens that on the thin dough of a store-bought pizza you can hardly find meager pieces of food left over from who knows what. Pizza made with your own hands from selected ingredients, although it requires some care and hassle, is nevertheless always far superior to its store-bought counterparts in taste, quality and reasonable price.

    Today I will show you in detail how to prepare real Italian pizza at home, and you will see that it is not at all difficult and is accessible to anyone, even a novice cook. Classic Italian pizza dough has a very simple composition and mainly includes only flour, water and yeast. The proportions of these components may vary depending on the desired thickness of the dough, but the main thing is that it never contains eggs, butter or dairy products. This dough turns out to be very light in structure and quite bland in taste and serves as an excellent base for sauce and various fillings.

    Italian pizza sauce is made from the ripest and sweetest tomatoes and seasoned with aromatic olive oil and Mediterranean herbs. Made from natural, selected ingredients, it does not require the addition of large amounts of sugar and artificial flavors, as it itself has a rich and deep tomato taste. In the absence of fresh ripe tomatoes, it is not forbidden to use canned chopped or pureed tomatoes, which make an equally tasty pizza sauce.

    Another essential element of Italian pizza is mozzarella cheese, which is spread on tomato sauce in the form of thin slices. To prepare pizza, they use a special hard mozzarella, which melts well when heated and creates an additional creamy base for the filling. In principle, one mozzarella may be enough to get a delicious pizza, but if desired, the topping can be lightly sprinkled with Parmesan or other savory cheese.

    Everyone can choose the quantity and composition of the filling for Italian pizza according to their own taste, and there are no prohibitions or restrictions here. I recommend adding a little smoked bacon to the pizza base where appropriate, as the fat rendered from it when heated makes the pizza especially juicy and flavorful.

    If you use these simple recommendations, you can prepare the most delicious Italian pizza at home for your family and friends. Prepare pizza with love from quality ingredients - and you will get an unsurpassed result!

    Useful information How to cook Italian pizza - recipe for yeast dough and tomato sauce for real Italian pizza with step-by-step photos


    for 2 large pizzas

    • 500 g flour
    • 320 ml water
    • 10 g dry yeast
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 1 tsp. Sahara
    • 2 large ripe tomatoes
    • 2 teeth garlic
    • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
    • 1 tsp. Sahara
    • salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp. dry basil, 1/2 tsp. dry oregano
    • 100 g chopped bacon
    • 100 g sliced ​​ham
    • 1 small bell pepper
    • 1 small onion
    • 5 large champignons
    • 40 g pitted olives
    • 150 g firm mozzarella for pizza
    • 100 g hard or semi-hard cheese


    1. In order to prepare Italian pizza with a variety of fillings, first knead airy yeast dough for it. To do this, dissolve sugar and salt in warm water, add yeast and leave for 5 - 10 minutes until the mixture begins to foam. While the yeast is activating, add the sifted flour to a large bowl.

    2. Add the yeast to the flour and knead the dough by hand or in a food processor using the dough hook attachment. Knead until smooth and homogeneous for 3 to 5 minutes.

    3. The result should be a thick, viscous and almost non-sticky dough, which needs to be collected into a ball, cover the bowl with a damp towel and place in a warm place for 40 minutes. During this time, the dough will noticeably increase in size.

    4. While the dough is rising, let's prepare Italian tomato sauce for pizza. To do this, cut fresh tomatoes crosswise in the area of ​​the stalk and place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cool under running cold water and peel them.

    Advice! To avoid getting burned, it is most convenient to carry out this procedure directly in the sink, at the bottom of which place a bowl of tomatoes and pour boiling water from a kettle over them. After 2 minutes, run cold tap water into the bowl and wait for the tomatoes to cool.

    5. Cut the peeled tomatoes into large cubes and grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

    6. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add basil, oregano and finely chopped garlic and cook over low heat for 2 minutes.
    7. Pour chopped tomatoes into a frying pan, add salt, sugar and ground pepper and simmer the sauce at low boil for 35 - 40 minutes until the liquid has evaporated to the maximum.

    8. The result should be a thick, rich and aromatic tomato sauce for Italian pizza.

    Advice! If you can't find ripe sweet tomatoes at a reasonable price in stores, a good solution is to use canned, peeled tomatoes to make the sauce. They are harvested during the ripening season, so their taste is noticeably superior to pale “winter” tomatoes.

    9. To prepare the filling for Italian pizza, cut the onion into large rings. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into thin long strips. Wash fresh champignons thoroughly and cut into slices. Cut the olives into rings.

    10. Cut the mozzarella into thin slices, grate hard or semi-hard cheese on a coarse grater.

    To make pizza, you can use both expensive Parmesan and budget semi-hard cheese with a salty or spicy taste, for example, Russian, Kostroma, Poshekhonsky or Gouda.

    11. Knead the risen dough and place it on a floured table. Divide it into two equal parts and roll each of them into a circle the size of the baking sheet.

    12. Transfer the pizza base to a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat and generously brush the surface of the pizza with tomato sauce, leaving a 1-2 cm margin around the edge.

    Important! The parchment must be thickly greased with vegetable oil, otherwise it may stick to the pizza so much that it becomes an integral part of it.

    13. Place thin slices of mozzarella on the sauce and distribute 3 - 4 long strips of raw smoked or cooked smoked bacon over them.

    During the baking process, the bacon and mozzarella will melt and, together with the tomato sauce, create a thick, tender and very tasty base for the filling.

    14. Place thin slices of ham, as well as chopped mushrooms, olives, onions and bell peppers on the pizza in random order.

    15. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the pizza.

    16. Bake Italian pizza in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15 minutes until the edges of the dough lightly brown and the cheese melts. Pizza should be served promptly, while it is fresh, hot and airy.

    Lush, tender and very appetizing Italian pizza is ready! Immediately before use, you can pour it with aromatic olive oil infused with herbs and garlic. Bon appetit!

    How to make diet pizza

    In this recipe, the pizza dough and sauce are prepared entirely from natural products with virtually no added oil or sugar, so they are the best basis for making diet pizza. To make Italian pizza noticeably less caloric, you need to carefully choose the toppings for it. In this case, you should give preference to vegetables, mushrooms and lean meat products, avoiding the use of bacon and large amounts of cheese.
