Secrets of cooking boiled potatoes in a slow cooker. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker quickly and conveniently

A multicooker is a very convenient device in the kitchen, especially when time is short. However, the preparation of some dishes raises many questions for beginners, for example, boiled potatoes. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker, read below.

Features of cooking potatoes in a slow cooker

There are a number of rules that need to be followed when cooking potatoes in a slow cooker:

  1. The tubers must be the same size if you want to cook them whole, otherwise the product will be processed unevenly, which will spoil the taste of the dish.
  2. Vegetables must be cleaned of dirt.
  3. Medium-sized products should be divided into 4 parts, very large ones - into 8 parts.
  4. The potatoes need to be filled with cold water so that the liquid covers them slightly.

Important! More useful substances are retained in tubers cooked whole in a slow cooker than in chopped ones.

What mode and how long to cook?

Difficulties in preparing such a simple dish arise due to the absence of the word “potato” in the program. In addition, the tasks assigned to each button may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, some models do not have the “Soup” or “Cooking” mode. The second reason that causes difficulties in boiling potatoes is the lack of necessary instructions in the operating instructions for the equipment. Potatoes can be cooked in several modes, and the cooking time will differ depending on the specified requirement:

  1. Soup mode- 45 minutes. When filling the bowl with raw materials to the last mark, the cooking time increases by 5–10 minutes.
  2. Baking mode- 30 minutes + 10 minutes for uncrushed raw materials.
  3. Before boiling - on "Steam" mode, then - translate to "Quenching" mode for 20–30 minutes.
  4. Steam mode- 30 minutes.
  5. Milk porridge mode- vigorous boiling, then simmering in the “Baking” mode - 30 minutes.
  6. “Cooking” mode- 30 minutes.

Important! Cooking time is counted from the start, and not from the moment of boiling.

How to properly cook potatoes in a slow cooker

There are several ways to prepare boiled potatoes in a slow cooker. Below you can familiarize yourself with the basic recipes, and then vary the addition of various ingredients and spices to your taste.

Before cooking, the main thing is to wash the potatoes well. This can be done using a brush. If you need to prepare it peeled, then after removing the peel, the raw material is washed again.

Recipe No. 1

Round potatoes

7 servings 30 minutes


8 ingredients

    peeled potatoes

    2 kg


    100 g

    Bay leaf

    1 PC.


    2–3 pcs.


    0.5–1 tsp.


    4 cloves

  • greens (parsley, dill, basil, green onions)
  • Water

    About 1 liter, the liquid should cover the potatoes by 0.5 cm

Nutritional value per 100 g:



  1. Place potatoes, spices and garlic in a bowl.
  2. Fill the raw material with water and salt.
  3. Set the “Cooking” mode and set the timer to 30 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes, check the readiness of the product with a knife.
  5. After cooking is complete, drain the water.
  6. Melt the butter in a water bath.
  7. Place the finished product on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and onions and pour over oil.

Did you know? Potato flowers were used as decoration by Marie Antoinette and Louis XYI. They became the trendsetters for the use of potato flowers in France as bright accessories for boutonnieres, hair decorations and bracelets.

Recipe No. 2

In the package

3 servings 40 minutes


7 ingredients


    800 g

    Provencal herbs

    1 pinch

    Ground black pepper

    1 pinch


    1 pinch


    3 cloves

    Vegetable oil

    2 tbsp. l.


    0.5 tsp.

Nutritional value per 100 g:



  1. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes approximately 2x2x2 cm.
  2. Chop the garlic or crush it with a knife.
  3. Place the prepared raw materials in a bag, sprinkle with spices on top, add salt, garlic and add oil.
  4. Tie the bag and turn it over several times to evenly distribute the spices and oil.
  5. Place the roasting sleeve in the multicooker bowl.
  6. Set the “Bake” mode and set the timer to 40 minutes.
  7. When the timer goes off, remove the cooked potatoes from the sleeve and place on plates.

Did you know? Potatoes belong to the nightshade family. Its closest relatives are tomatoes, peppers and the poisonous belladonna plant.

Recipe No. 3

For a couple

2 servings 30 minutes


5 ingredients


    0.5 kg


    1 PC.

    Dill and parsley

    2 branches each


    0.5 tsp.


    100–200 ml.

Nutritional value per 100 g:



  1. You don’t have to peel the young potatoes, but simply wash them and immediately place them in the bowl. The old one needs to be peeled. If necessary, the raw materials can be cut into 2–4 parts.
  2. Place the prepared raw materials in a bowl.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings, chop the greens and add to the potatoes.
  4. Salt the contents of the bowl and place it in the multicooker, add water. The liquid should reach the first division.
  5. Set the “Steam” mode and set the timer to 30 minutes.
  6. When the timer goes off, drain the water and serve the potatoes.

Features of the process if the multicooker does not have a “Cooking” mode

If your model does not have the “Cooking” mode, you can use other functionality of the equipment:

  • "Quenching";
  • "Steaming";
  • "Baking";
  • "Milk porridge";
  • "Soup".
The only caveat is that during the first cooking, 20 minutes after boiling, you need to open the lid and check the readiness of the potatoes with a knife. This is necessary to determine the required time interval for a specific model, since it may differ from one manufacturer to another. Otherwise, the technological process does not differ from the above recipes.

Important! When cooking boiled potatoes on the« Bakery» you need to add water (100–200 ml). The liquid should reach the first division at the bottom.

A few tips that will be useful when using a multicooker to boil potatoes:

  • if you add salt after boiling, the cooking time is reduced by 5–10 minutes;
  • You can improve the taste of potatoes by adding a special collection of spices “For Potatoes” or onions in combination with smoked meats (a small piece of chicken or smoked lard);
  • when closing the lid, a characteristic click should be heard, otherwise it will not fit tightly, and the cooking time will increase, and the taste of the final product will decrease;
  • when cooking potatoes for salads, it is better to put them in boiling water;
  • If you need to keep the potatoes in their jackets whole, then add 10 drops of lemon juice to the water before boiling.

You can cook potatoes in a slow cooker in a variety of modes, thereby obtaining independent second courses and side dishes that are unique in their taste. The main task of the housewife is to carefully prepare the raw materials, put them in a bowl and set the program, choosing the time.

Potatoes are a universal side dish for all occasions. Using a multicooker makes it even easier to make quickly and tasty. No need to think about what to cook from potatoes, just choose one of the proven recipes.

Take the required amount of this vegetable, peel or rub thoroughly with a brush if these are young tubers, and cut into several pieces. Place in the multicooker bowl and fill with water so that there is not enough water to cover all the potatoes. Salt the water, add seasonings or vegetable oil - olive or sunflower. Turn on the device to the “cooking” mode, and in half an hour your dish will be ready. If you want to steam food, the method of cooking potatoes in a slow cooker needs to be slightly modified. You will need to pour more water, but do not put the tubers in a bowl, but place them in a special form. Salt and spices are sprinkled on the potatoes themselves, not in the water. This side dish takes almost twice as long to cook than regular cooking.

Another way to cook potatoes in a slow cooker

An option for preparing a potato side dish or main course can be stewing. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots, add to potatoes and simmer vegetables with sour cream for about an hour.

If you want to make a more satisfying dish that will serve as dinner or lunch without any additions, add mushrooms and meat to the potatoes. The pieces of meat need to be pre-fried, and the dish will need to simmer for about two hours. If you use mushrooms, do not put bay leaves in the potatoes so that their flavors do not overpower each other.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker to make mashed potatoes

To make a tender and tasty puree, take a kilogram of potatoes, one hundred milliliters of cream, a little butter and spices. Wash the tubers, peel and cut into small cubes. Place in the multicooker bowl and fill with water so that the food is completely covered. Add salt and throw in the bay leaf. Close the lid of the device and turn on the “baking” mode. Cooking will take about fifty minutes. Place the finished potatoes in a deep bowl, add butter and mash, pour in hot milk and beat the mixture with a mixer. Lush and delicious puree is ready.

How to bake potatoes in a slow cooker

If you have already mastered the method of cooking potatoes in a slow cooker, and tasty mashed potatoes or simply boiled tubers have become your frequent side dish, you can try another dish.

Baking such potatoes is not at all difficult, it turns out very beautiful and aromatic. You will need six tubers, half a carrot, salt and spices, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, olive or sunflower, eighty milliliters of water, fresh herbs and tomato paste. Wash and peel the potatoes. If you have young vegetables, you can simply rub them thoroughly with a special brush while washing. Cut the tubers into circles. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add potatoes and carrots, grated on a fine grater. Fill the food with water and add spices and salt. Turn the device on to the “quenching” mode for half an hour. To make the dish golden and toasted, at the end of the mode, stir everything and turn on the same mode for ten minutes. You can serve these potatoes with tomato paste and herbs, with a salad of fresh vegetables, with meat or fish. In any combination, it will serve as an excellent and nutritious side dish.

No kitchen today is complete without a multicooker. They are widely used at home, in the country, in student dormitories and even in some cafes. This indispensable device replaces a bread maker, steamer, pressure cooker, yogurt maker and even a grill.

The operating principle of Redmond multicookers

According to customer reviews, this company produces some of the most popular multicookers. The ratio of price and number of functions performed is very attractive to buyers. Models from this company differ in the principle of heating the bowl: heating element or 3D heating. There are also fundamental differences in the functions performed, the dimensions of the device and the appearance. As they say, here everyone chooses “according to their pocket.”

Like in the Redmond multicooker?

The operating principle of this device is no different from the others. Therefore, to simply prepare a boiled vegetable, you need to wash and peel the root vegetables, then place them in a bowl and fill with water so that it covers the top of the potatoes by 1 centimeter. Next, add salt and spices to taste. Don't forget to wipe the outside of the bowl with a dry cloth or towel! Next, close the lid and select the “Stew”, “Soup” or “Porridge” function. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes.

Delicious potato dishes in a slow cooker

Potatoes are the oldest product that is eaten in all countries of the world and by all peoples. It is used to make cutlets, pancakes, potato pancakes, casseroles and zrazy. It is boiled, fried, baked, cooked in its uniform and added to almost all salads. All modern housewives know how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker, because it is fast, easy and convenient.


Potato gratin dauphinois is a dish with which you can surprise guests 20 minutes after their arrival. You will need:

  • 1500 grams of vegetables;
  • 500 ml heavy cream;
  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • spices and nutmeg.

Place potatoes, cut into slices 3 mm thick, on the bottom of the bowl, which is lined with chopped garlic. Pour cream, sour cream, salt and nutmeg into the bowl. Mix everything thoroughly along with the potatoes. Close the lid and turn on the "Bake" function. In 20 minutes, a delicious, aromatic and unusual dish will delight your guests.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker in their jackets? If you are planning a holiday and need jacket potatoes for a salad, then you should not waste your time cooking them on the stove. Wash the required amount of root vegetables, place them in a bowl, fill with water so that it covers the vegetables by 2-3 cm. Turn on the "Stew" or "Soup" function. After 30 minutes, check the potatoes are done.

Many housewives prefer to steam potatoes in a slow cooker. It is tasty and healthy, and most importantly, potatoes lose most of their starch, which is harmful to the body. Included with any multicooker is a special plastic mesh for the “Steamer” function. The washed and chopped potatoes should be placed on this grid. Pour water into the bottom of the bowl to the minimum mark. Many housewives add salt and spices to the water, this gives a light aroma to the potatoes. Place the mesh on the bowl and close the lid. Select the “Steamer” function and after 20 minutes enjoy your favorite dish.

Potato casserole recipe

You can cook a delicious potato casserole in a slow cooker. To do this, grate 1 kg of product on a coarse grater, add salt, pepper and add spices to taste. Add minced meat, preferably pork, it will add richness and fat to the potatoes. Some people lay out potatoes and minced meat in layers, but you can mix everything. Add finely chopped onion. Place in a bowl and turn on the “Bake” function. It is better to grease the pan with oil or put pieces of thin bacon on the bottom. After 45 minutes the dish is ready. At the very end, sprinkle grated cheese on top of the casserole to make it even tastier. You can decorate with greenery.

Some people are interested in how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker so that they soften. To do this, simply add less water and increase the cooking time. Young potatoes turn out great in a slow cooker. Once the root vegetables are cooked, drain the water and add a little oil to the bottom. Turn on the “Frying” function, be sure to use mustard beans, herbs and spices. The potatoes turn out golden and amazingly tasty.

Potatoes with meat recipe

Potatoes with meat in 1 hour 5 minutes. Chop the onion, carrots and garlic and fry it all in a multicooker bowl. After the vegetables have acquired a golden hue, you can add meat to them, cut into small cubes or strips. Fry everything together for about 15 minutes, and then add 500 grams of chopped potatoes and water. All this will be cooked using the “Stew” function for about 1 hour. Don't forget salt and spices to taste.

Every housewife knows how much to cook. Take your favorite vegetables (cauliflower or broccoli, zucchini, onions, garlic, turnips, pumpkin) and potatoes. Place all this in a bowl, fill it with water and set the “Stew” function. Add salt, pepper to taste, or maybe a tablespoon of tomato paste or ketchup. After 45 minutes the dish is ready.

Time: 30 min.

Servings: 4-5

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Recipe for boiled potatoes in a multicooker Redmond

Since potatoes were brought from South America in the Middle Ages, they have become the main dish of the poor population of many European countries.

Its cultivation and consumption made it possible to overcome famine in medieval Europe. Peter I brought potatoes to Russia from Holland.

But the Russians were in no hurry to grow a new vegetable. Frequent cases of poisoning by potato fruits, which are truly poisonous, like all green parts of the plant, turned people against the new vegetable.

The poor peasants were not immediately told that they only needed to eat tubers. Only at the end of the 19th century did potatoes become one of the staple foods in Russia.

The multicooker became known in Russia later than potatoes. But thanks to the convenience of preparing a wide variety of dishes in it, it is becoming more and more popular every year.

How to cook potatoes in a Redmond multicooker so that the dish is nutritious, healthy and tasty? Very simple. You need to buy good, high-quality potatoes and know the recipe for how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker.

If you are a gourmet and want to try the most expensive potato in the world, the La Bonnote variety, you will have to pay 500 euros to buy a kilogram of this vegetable.

But for cooking in a slow cooker, you will most likely use regular potatoes, which sell for an average of 20 rubles per kilogram.

In total, there are about 5 thousand potato varieties in the world. They are divided into 4 main groups: table, technical, universal and feed. Potatoes of table varieties have the best taste.

For cooking in a slow cooker, choose healthy tubers without visible damage or signs of spoilage. Green potatoes should not be used as food, because even when cooked, they contain a toxic substance - solanine.

Potato tubers turn green due to violations of storage rules when they lie in the light for a long time. It is better to throw away such tubers and not risk your health by preparing dishes from them.

Let's start cooking

There are several ways. You can boil them in their uniforms, cook them after cleaning them, steam them, cook them as a puree or simply slice them with herbs.

According to this recipe, potatoes are made into pieces with butter and delicious herbs. It is suitable as a side dish for any meat or fish.

You can serve these potatoes simply with canned vegetables, sauerkraut or fresh vegetable salad.


Cooking steps

Step 1

Table-grade potatoes must be washed and peeled. It does not darken for a long time, so there is no need to immerse the tubers in water after cleaning. After cleaning, the tubers need to be washed well again, and they can be placed in the multicooker bowl.

Step 2

Large tubers are cut into four or eight pieces before being sent for cooking. Small tubers can be cut in half. Place the potatoes in a multi-cooker bowl and fill them with clean cold water.

Step 3

Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Cooking” mode for half an hour. Ten minutes before the end of the process, salt the potatoes to taste.

Step 4

When the dish is ready, open the multicooker lid and drain the excess water. Add two tablespoons of butter, a clove of finely chopped garlic to the potatoes (you can add more garlic or even leave it out if you have stomach problems) and finely chopped fresh dill.

Gently mix the contents of the multicooker bowl, and close the lid of the multicooker for five minutes so that the boiled potatoes absorb the aroma of garlic and dill. Then served as a side dish to the main dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Potatoes are one of the most popular products on our table. Boiled potatoes are generally considered a favorite, because in terms of frequency of consumption they are second only to bread.

No holiday is complete without boiled potatoes. This is a universal product, without which we would have a very hard time. It contains a lot of useful substances, amino acids, polyphenols and vitamins. This product is rightfully considered a home first aid kit, but only a few of us think about how to properly cook potatoes so that they do not lose their properties.

How and how long to cook potatoes in a saucepan

To prepare boiled potatoes, take the required amount of potatoes, wash them well and peel them. Potatoes need to be peeled very thinly, because most of the nutrients are found under the skin. Peeled tubers must be immediately placed in a container with cold water, because when exposed to air, the potatoes acquire a dark shade.

After you have cut the potatoes into your favorite pieces, they are filled with water. Many people recommend that the water cover the pieces no more than one centimeter. Many nutritionists say that potatoes should be cooked for no more than 15-20 minutes. However, we should not forget that we all have different varieties of these products on our tables. There are softer ones that cook in 10 minutes, and there are also hard varieties of potatoes that require about half an hour to cook.

Cooking boiled potatoes in the microwave

If you don’t have time to cook potatoes in a pan for half an hour, this process can be shortened by using a microwave. To do this, you will need to wash the potatoes, peel them and put them in a plastic bag. Place the bag of potatoes in the microwave, set it to maximum power and leave the dish there for 6-8 minutes.

Don't panic about the bag being inflated with hot air - everything is as it should be. However, there is no need to pierce it with a knife, this will increase the cooking time. After the time is up, remove the potatoes from the bag, place them on a plate, and cut them. Put a little butter, and if you wish, you can decorate with herbs or vegetables.

Cook in a slow cooker

With the advent of such a device as a multicooker, many people forgot about saucepans. The slow cooker produces very tasty boiled potatoes, but to do this you need to know the secrets of cooking.

The potatoes are peeled, cut and placed in the multicooker bowl. The pieces are filled with water and salted. In order to add flavor to your dish, you need to add a few bay leaves and a couple of peppercorns. Many cooks put thinly sliced ​​pieces of green peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables into the bowl to make the taste of the potatoes more intense.

Fill the bowl with the necessary products, select the “cooking” mode on the multicooker and set the time to 30 minutes. After the potatoes are cooked, you can put them on a plate, pour sour cream on top or put a piece of butter. The dish can be decorated with herbs and seasonings.

Recipe for steamed potatoes with salmon

Many people steam potatoes with salmon. Other types of fish can be used, but salmon is the most popular among cooks. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 200 g salmon fillet;
  • 1 lemon;
  • Vegetable or butter;
  • Salt, pepper, seasoning for fish.


  1. Clean and cut the salmon fillet into neat slices.
  2. Peel and cut the potatoes into the required pieces.
  3. Fill the multicooker bowl with water and install the steam plate.
  4. Place the potatoes and salmon on the steam plate, sprinkle the food with the necessary seasonings, salt and pepper, turn the pieces over and sell this process again.
  5. Peel the lemon, cut into thin pieces and place on the fish.
  6. Close the lid and set the cooking mode to “steam” for 30-35 minutes.
  7. When the time is up, place the potatoes and salmon on a plate. Place a piece of butter and garnish with finely chopped herbs.